Alhydrogel Tds

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Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2%

Aluminum hydroxide gel

Catalog code: vac-alu-50; vac-alu-250

Distributed by InvivoGen for research use only

Version 22G26-NJ


Contents Preparation of antigen-Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% mixture
Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% is provided in two pack sizes: Antigens are preferentially diluted in saline or phosphate buffers.
• 50 ml (5 x 10 ml): vac-alu-50      • 250 ml: vac-alu-250 The amount of protein or conjugated peptide used for the primary
It is provided as a ready-to‑use, aluminum hydroxide wet gel immunization can be adjusted depending upon availability and
(colloidal) suspension. Alhydrogel® adjuvant is sterilized by heating immunogenicity of the antigen. For example, mice can be injected
and aseptically filled. subcutaneously (s.c.) with 1 to 10 μg of endotoxin-free ovalbumin
(cat. code: vac-pova). The adsorption capacity for a model protein
Storage and stability such as diphtheroid toxoid, human growth hormone or ovalbumin in
• Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% is shipped at room temperature and Alhydrogel® adjuvant varies from 1 to 3 mg (mg/mg Al)3.
should be stored at room temperature. The expiry date is specified 1. Before use, shake well the capped bottle of Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2%.
on the product label. DO NOT FREEZE. Note: Do not expose to frost as 2. Add Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% to the antigen solution; the final
product will be destroyed if ice crystals form in the gel. volume ratio of Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% to antigen should be 1:1
Quality control (100 μl Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% for 100 μl of antigen) to 1:9 (100 μl
• vac-alu-250 is tested for pyrogenicity and sterility by Croda. Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% for 900 μl of antigen).
• vac-alu-50 is aseptically refilled and repacked by InvivoGen from 3. Mix well by pipetting up and down for at least 5 minutes to allow
Croda’s original material Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% to effectively adsorb the antigen.

The volume of injection depends on the site of administration. For

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES example, 100 µl can be injected s.c. in mice.
CAS Number: 21645-51-2 Note: To avoid anaphylaxis, do not use adjuvants for intravenous injection.
Formulation: Al(OH)3, Aluminum hydroxide gel
Appearance: White gelatinous precipitate Recommended maximum volumes for injection of antigen/
Aluminium content: 9.0 – 11.0 mg/ml adjuvant mixtures per site of injection for laboratory animals.
pH: ~6.5
Species Max. volume Injection Site
DESCRIPTION Mice, hamsters 100 µl subcutaneous (s.c.)
Alhydrogel® adjuvant is an aluminum hydroxide (referred to as alum) Mice, hamsters 50 µl intramuscular (i.m.)
wet gel suspension. Alum improves attraction and uptake of antigen Guinea pigs 200 µl s.c. or i.m.
by antigen presenting cells (APCs)1. Recently, it has been suggested Rats 200 µl s.c. or i.m.
that the antigens adsorbed on the aluminum salts are presented in
Rabbits 250 µl s.c. or i.m.
a particulate form, more efficiently internalized by APCs. Moreover,
alum activates the NLRP3 inflammasome complex implicated in the
induction of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β and
IL-182. Alum increases Th2 antibodies but does not promote significant
Th1 cellular response1,. Alhydrogel® particles have a net positive
electrical charge at pH 5-7 and thus are well suited for adsorption
ELISA Titers

of negatively charged antigens (e.g. antigens with isoelectric points

below the pH of formulation)3. Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% is made by
Croda, a leader in the global vaccine adjuvants market with a long
history of producing high quality products. It was elected as the
International Standard Preparation for aluminium hydroxide gels4, 5.
It is present in multiple commercial vaccine formulations2, 6. Typical
results obtained with Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% are shown in figure 1.
OVA alone Ova + Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2%
1. Coffman R. et al., 2010. Vaccine adjuvants: Putting innate immunity to work. Figure 1. Anti-Ova mIgG levels at 15, 30 and 45 days after the initial immunization in
Immunity 33(4):492. 2. Marrack P. et al., 2009. Towards an understanding of adjuvant
action of aluminium. Nat Rev Immunol. 9(4): 287. 3. Huang M. & Wang W., 2014. different groups. Mice were immunized s.c at 0, 2 and 3 weeks with 1 µg of EndoFit™
Factors affecting alum-protein interactions. Int J Pharm. 466(1-2):139. 4. Stewart-Tull Ovalbumin alone or 1 µg of EndoFit™ Ovalbumin/Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2% (1:1, v/v)
D., 1989. Recommendations for the assessment of adjuvants (immunopotentiators). in a final volume of 100 µl. Serum anti-OVA mIgG was monitored by ELISA (coated
In: Immunological adjuvants and vaccines (Gregoriadis, G., Allison, A. & Poste, G., eds.), with ovalbumin at 10 µg/ml in PBS).
Plenum, New York, pp.. 213. 5. Stewart-Tull D., 1991. The assessment and use of
adjuvants. In: Vaccines. (Gregoriadis, G., Allison, A., & Poste, G., eds.), Plenum, New
York, pp.85. 6. Lindblad E. & Schønberg N., 2010. Aluminum adjuvants: preparation, Alhydrogel® is a trademark of Croda. It is supplied by InvivoGen for
application, dosage, and formulation with antigen. Methods Mol Biol. 626:41.. research and preclinical use only.
InvivoGen USA (Toll‑Free): 888-457-5873
InvivoGen USA (International): +1 (858) 457-5873
InvivoGen Europe: +33 (0) 5-62-71-69-39
InvivoGen Asia: +852 3622-3480
E-mail: [email protected]

Product Description Catalog Code

Alum and emulsions

AddaS03™ AS03-squalene-based adjuvant vac-as03-10
AddaVax™ Squalene-Oil-in-water vac-adx-10
Adju-Phos® adjuvant Aluminium phosphate gel vac-phos-250
CFA Complete Freund’s adjuvant vac-cfa-10
IFA Incomplete Freund’s adjuvant vac-ifa-10
Quil-A® adjuvant Saponin adjuvant vac-quil
PRR ligands
2’3’-cGAMP VacciGrade™ STING agonist vac-nacga23
c-di-AMP VacciGrade™ STING agonist vac-nacda
CL429 VacciGrade™ TLR2 & NOD2 agonist vac-c429
Flagellin FliC VacciGrade™ TLR5 agonist vac-fla
Imiquimod VacciGrade™ TLR7 agonist vac-imq
MPLA-SM VacciGrade™ (MPLA from S.minnesota) TLR4 agonist vac-mpla
ODN 1826 VacciGrade™ Murine TLR9 agonist vac-1826-1
Pam3CSK4 VacciGrade™ TLR2 agonist vac-pms
Poly(I:C) VacciGrade™ TLR3 agonist vac-pic
R848 VacciGrade™ TLR7/8 agonist vac-r848
TDB VacciGrade™ Mincle agonist vac-tdb
OVA antigens
EndoFit™ Ovalbumin For in vivo use; endotoxin level <1EU/mg vac-pova
Ovalbumin For detection; Western, ELISA vac-stova
Ova 257-264 For detection; ELISPOT vac-sin
Ova 323-339 For detection; ELISPOT vac-isq

For a complete list of vaccine adjuvants provided by InvivoGen, please visit

InvivoGen USA (Toll‑Free): 888-457-5873
InvivoGen USA (International): +1 (858) 457-5873
InvivoGen Europe: +33 (0) 5-62-71-69-39
InvivoGen Asia: +852 3622-3480
E-mail: [email protected]

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