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3): E125-E141 OPEN ACCESS


Polymorphisms, diet and nutrigenomics

MAGI EUREGIO, Bolzano, Italy; 2 MAGI’S LAB, Rovereto (TN), Italy; 3 Total Lipedema Care, Beverly Hills California
and Tucson Arizona, USA; 4 Department of Psychological, Health and Territorial Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
“G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti, Italy; 5 Department of Cardiology, University of Brescia and ASST “Spedali Civili” Hospital,
Brescia, Italy; 6 Department of Cardiology and CardioLab, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy; 7 Istituto di Medicina
Genomica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy; 8 UOC Genetica Medica, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
“A. Gemelli” IRCCS, Rome, Italy; 9 Section of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona,
Italy; 10 MAGISNAT, Peachtree Corners (GA), USA


Nutrigenomics • Nutrigenetics • Metabolomics • Precision nutrition • Physical activity


Every human being possesses an exclusive nutritional blueprint of specific genetic polymorphisms may therefore become a use-
inside their genes. Bioactive food components and nutrients ful tool to manage weight loss and to fully understand gene-nu-
affect the expression of such genes. Nutrigenomics is the sci- trient interactions. Indeed, several approaches are used to study
ence that analyzes gene-nutrient interactions (nutrigenetics), gene-nutrient interactions: epigenetics, the study of genome
which can lead to the development of personalized nutritional modification not related to changes in nucleotide sequence;
recommendations to maintain optimal health and prevent dis- transcriptomics, the study of tissue-specific and time-specific
ease. Genomic diversity among various ethnic groups might RNA transcripts; proteomics, the study of proteins involved in
affect nutrients bioavailability as well as their metabolism. biological processes; and metabolomics, the study of changes
Nutrigenomics combines different branches of science including of primary and secondary metabolites in body fluids and tis-
nutrition, bioinformatics, genomics, molecular biology, molec- sues. Hence, the use of nutrigenomics to improve and optimize
ular medicine, and epidemiology. Genes regulate intake and a healthy, balanced diet in clinical settings could be an effective
metabolism of different nutrients, while nutrients positively or approach for long-term lifestyle changes that might lead to con-
negatively influence the expression of a number of genes; testing sistent weight loss and improve quality of life.

Nutrigenomics particular populations or individuals to specific diets[3].

It further explains how dietary components might af-
Nutrigenomics is an emerging field where advanced fect gene expression at pre-transcriptional, post-tran-
genomics tools are used to analyze the effects of nutri- scriptional, and translational levels, resulting in gain or
ents on the genome and gene expression, and the effects loss of function of those particular proteins [3]. These,
of genetic variants on the intake of nutrients. The term gene-nutrient interactions depend on the capacity of par-
“Nutrigenomics” was created to describe the interaction ticular nutrients to bind with transcription factors, even-
between nutrients and genes. Therefore, nutrigenomics tually regulating RNA polymerase recruitment to gene
links genetics to nutrition, physiology, biochemistry, promoters and the ensuing transcript levels. For exam-
metabolomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, and bioin- ple, research on vitamin A, vitamin D and fatty acids
indicate that these vitamins directly trigger the activation
formatics [1].
of nuclear receptors and induce gene transcription [4].
Nutrigenomics relies on three fundamental tenets:
Furthermore, compounds like soy genistein and resver-
• Genomic diversity in ethnic groups, which can affect atrol from wine indirectly affect various molecular sig-
bioavailability of nutrients and their metabolism; naling pathways through nuclear factor kappa B, thereby
• Choice of food and its availability based on cultural, activating and regulating major molecules linked with
geographical, and socio-economic factors; disease [1, 5].
• Malnutrition, which affects gene expression and pos- Recently, nutrigenetic studies have identified genetic
es a serious threat to genome stability by causing mu- variants associated with susceptibility to various diseas-
tations in the DNA sequence or even chromosomal es secondary to interaction with dietary factors. Theses
instability, that result in abnormal gene dosage and scientific advancements will greatly contribute to the
adverse phenotypes [2]. treatment and prevention of chronic disease, as they
Therefore, nutrigenomics is the field of nutritional study could potentially predict an individual’s risk, explain the
that applies molecular techniques to exploring, analyz- etiology of the disease, and enable the personalization
ing, and understanding the physiological responses of of nutritional management [6]. This scientific approach E125

may have caveats, as certain genes might preferentially interactions in relation to disease risk and dietary re-
favor the intake of some nutrients and adversely affect sponse [6].
the consumptions of other beneficial nutrients [2, 7].

Nutritional epigenetics
Epigenetics involves reversible and heritable processes
Nutrigenetics encompasses the genetic variation effects that regulate the expression of genes without associated
on nutritional responses and nutrient function [2, 6]. Al- changes in the coding sequence of DNA. In fact, epi-
though nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are closely re- genetic dysregulation may underlie the onset of various
lated, these terms are not interchangeable. Nutrigenetics chronic diseases and their progression [14]. Complex
explores the effect of hereditary genetic variants on interactions between nutrients and DNA methylation,
the uptake and metabolism of micronutrients, whereas noncoding RNAs, and covalent histone modifications
nutrigenomics studies the interconnection between ge- contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipid-
nome and diet with reference to nutritional effects on the emia, cardiovascular diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver
metabolic, proteomic, transcriptional, and translation- disease, and cancer. For example, diets rich in fats and
al changes along with dietary variation due to an indi- sugar are associated with abnormal methylation patterns
vidual’s genetic background [8]. Recently, nutrigenetic of neuropeptide genes that control food intake and could
research studies have enabled identification of genetic be involved in obesity development [15]. Similarly,
variants associated with disease susceptibility through low-protein diets could alter lipid and glucose levels by
interaction with specific dietary factors. For example, disrupting histone modifications within major regulato-
various genetic variants in genes involved in metabolic ry genes [16]. Moreover, deficiency of various micro-
pathways affect the intake and usage of different micro- nutrients – like vitamin A, group B vitamins, selenium,
nutrients [2, 7, 9]. Nutrigenetic studies may be used to potassium, and iron – are linked with hypermethylation
predict the risk of various chronic diseases, and, with of tumor suppressor genes that play a crucial role in can-
the help of personalized nutritional management, these cer [6, 16].
diseases could be prevented or better managed. Nutriepigenetics is the study of nutritional interventions
Gene-diet interactions are also involved in the response that alter epigenetic changes which significantly impact
to nutritional interventions when limiting the total ener- treatment and prevention of chronic diseases. For exam-
gy intake or altering the relative proportion of carbohy- ple, it has been demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory
drates, proteins and fats. Studies have been performed effects of the Mediterranean diet are linked to inhibitory
in different populations to further explore the effects hypermethylation of proinflammatory genes [17, 18].
of genetic polymorphisms located near or within genes Furthermore, polyunsaturated fatty acid administration
regulating food intake, lipoprotein and lipid metabolism, positively regulates expression of specific miRNAs that
glucose homeostasis, insulin signaling, circadian cycles, inhibit lipogenic and oncogenic genes [19]. Curcumin is
inflammatory responses and amino acid metabolism on also an important epigenetic regulator that exerts protec-
metabolic improvement, weight gain/loss, insulin re- tive effects against heart failure and liver injury through
sistance, and serum lipid levels. Most nutrigenetic tests the regulation of specific DNA methylation and histone
analyze the effect of multiple polymorphisms on eating modification patterns. These data suggest that introduc-
behavior changes. For instance, diets tailored to people ing specific dietary compounds to an individual’s diet,
with polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E gene should that modulate epigenetic patterns, could be an efficient
decrease the intake of saturated fats compared to the strategy for reducing the prevalence of obesity and asso-
standard dietary advice, because carriers of such poly- ciated comorbidities [6, 20].
morphisms are at increased risk of myocardial infarction
(MI) [6, 10].
It is worth noting that not only DNA sequence variants Nutritional transcriptomics
are important, but also copy number variants. Some
studies have reported the association between copy num- Transcriptomics is the process that evaluates the sequence
ber variants (CNVs) for small genome sections and the and abundance of all RNA transcripts at a specific time
risk of metabolic diseases, as illustrated in the following point. RNA levels are tissue-specific and time-specific.
three examples: 1) copy number variants of the leptin During the process of transcription, activated transcription
receptor gene are linked with metabolic traits and with factors move to the nucleus, where they bind to a specific
type 2 diabetes mellitus risk [11]; 2) lower copy number DNA sequence within the promoter region of a particu-
of the salivary amylase alpha 1A gene has been associ- lar gene and inhibit or facilitate that gene’s transcription.
ated with obesity predisposition, thereby linking obesity Transcription factors can also be stimulated by physiolog-
to carbohydrate metabolism [12]; 3) a pentanucleotide ical signals triggered by bioactive food components, nu-
(CTTTA) deletion/insertion in the 3′-untranslated re- trients or their metabolites, hormones, diseases, and phar-
gion of the leptin receptor gene has been associated with macological treatments. Therefore, transcription factors
type 2 diabetes mellitus risk [13]. Additional studies are act like sensors and thereby modulate transcription. Tran-
needed to further explore the many levels of gene-diet scriptomics can provide information on the mechanisms


related to a specific nutrient or diet. Transcriptomics also medicine, which consists of establishing guidelines for
helps the identification of genes, metabolites, or proteins nutritional requirements of particular subgroups of peo-
that alter pre-disease states and assists in distinguishing ple [6, 29, 30]. For example, lactose intolerance, phe-
and characterizing bioactive food components or nutri- nylketonuria, or celiac disease are managed via tailored
ent-regulated pathways [1, 21, 22]. nutritional instructions based upon the genetic back-
ground [29].
Numerous SNPs are linked with chronic diseases be-
Nutritional proteomics cause of their interaction with the intake of micro- and
macronutrients or by specific foods or diets. For in-
Proteomics identifies the complex array of proteins in- stance, polymorphisms of taste perception genes, in-
volved in biological processes, i.e. the proteome. Var- cluding the sweet taste receptor TAS1R2 (Taste 1 Recep-
ious pathological or physiological states can alter the tor Member 2) gene and CD36 gene, were reported to
proteome [21, 22]. be linked with dyslipidemia among research participants
Proteomics uses a variety of technologies designed to in Mexico with high consumption of carbohydrates and
analyze protein expression including electrophoresis, fats, respectively [31, 32]. Similarly, common variants
organelle proteome analysis, high throughput extract of homocysteine metabolism-regulating genes, such
pre-fractionation screening and mass spectrometry [3, as MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) and
21]. Proteomics serves as a biological tool to fully un- MTR (methionine synthase), have been associated with
derstand genome activation in response to specific nu- increased breast cancer risk in individuals with reduced
trients. For example, butyrate can change the expression intake of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate [33]. Inter-
of different proteins belonging to the ubiquitin protea- estingly, SNPs in the VDR (vitamin D receptor) gene af-
some system. This suggests that butyrate regulates ma- fect the availability of vitamin D and are known to be as-
jor proteins that control cell differentiation, cell cycle, sociated with osteoporosis predisposition in postmeno-
and apoptosis by proteolysis [1, 22, 23]. Proteomics can pausal females with reduced calcium intake [6, 34].
thereby identify pathways that are important in various In clinical practice, nutrigenetics is currently being used
disease states including those related to nutrition. to evaluate the genes involved in the transport and me-
tabolism of nutrients, toxins removal, and protection
against oxidative stress. Therefore, polymorphisms in
Nutritional metabolomics these genes are included in nutrigenetic tests to evalu-
ate their effects on eating habits. For instance, person-
Metabolomics is the branch of functional genomics that alized diets designed according to specific ACE (angio-
identifies primary and secondary metabolites in bodily tensin I converting enzyme) genotypes may recommend
fluids and can be used to understand alterations in me- higher sodium intake compared to the standard popula-
tabolites and the mechanisms to isolate and characterize tion-based dietary advice [6, 10, 35].
them. Metabolomics is a significant tool for investigat-
ing the effect of food on the health of individual. Identi-
fication of the food-derived biomarkers helps in under- Nutritional effects on gene expression
standing the variability among individual to metabolize profiles
the same foods during healthy as well as in diseased
states. Nutritional metabolomics identifies the metabolic Nutrition influences health outcomes by affecting ex-
changes caused by specific nutrients or diets [21, 24, 25]. pression of genes that regulate crucial metabolic path-
It also involves the study of metabolism under various ways. Western dietary patterns – rich in processed grain
genetic and environmental stresses [1, 21, 26, 27]. Food products, processed meats, sweets, and desserts – have
components and nutrients interact and alter metabolic a gene expression profile typical of cancer signaling and
pathways in different ways. Many cohort studies have inflammatory response. This is not the case in individu-
identified the intake biomarkers like red meat, fish, als that eat whole grain products, fruits, and vegetables.
walnuts and whole-grain bread. Under specific organ- Pathway analyses have shown that higher meat con-
ic stimulations the monoterpene called perilla alcohol, sumption is linked to genetic networks associated with
extracted from strawberries, could behave as an antican- colon cancer [36]. Moreover, higher saturated fatty acid
cer molecule [24]. Similarly, Wittenbecher et al. [28], consumption results in a gene expression profile that is
applied serum metabolomics to reveal the significant typical of glucose intolerance, liver lipid accumulation,
association of various red meat intake biomarkers with inflammation, and increased neuropeptide expression,
type-2 diabetes risk. leading to development of obesity. On the contrary, low-
er protein diets increase the expression of hepatic glu-
coneogenic genes, with subsequent glucose intolerance.
Precision nutrition Furthermore, diets lacking folate and choline are linked
with dysregulation of lipid metabolism genes, thus pre-
Nutrigenetics can be used to personalize diets by mod- disposing to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [37]. Sim-
ifying them according to individual genetic variation. ilarly, chromium deficiency induces downregulation of
Precision nutrition is an important part of precision insulin signaling genes, which may lead to type 2 dia-


betes mellitus. Selenium, vitamin A, and vitamin B12 tors, and respond to numerous dietary exposures. For ex-
deficiencies increase the susceptibility to cardiovascular ample, a number of genetic variants are associated with
diseases by upregulating lipogenic and proinflammatory an increased obesity risk, such as those found in the FTO
genes [6]. gene, UCP1 and UCP3 genes, the PPAR (peroxisome
Research studies have also reported favorable effects of proliferator-activated receptor) encoding genes, the me-
bioactive food components and nutrients on gene expres- lanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), and the leptin receptor
sion profiles; for example, people consuming the Med- (LEPR) gene [2, 46, 47], as detailed in Table I.
iterranean diet have lower postprandial expression of In coronary artery disease, variants in genes associated
genes encoding proteins involved in inflammation, ox- with lipid metabolism, such as LPL (lipoprotein lipase),
idative stress, atherogenesis, and endoplasmic reticulum CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein), LDLR (low
stress-related activation. Furthermore, a higher intake of density lipoprotein receptor), and APOE (apolipopro-
monounsaturated fatty acids through olive oil consump- tein E), affect the intake and catabolism of cholesterol
tion is linked with reduced expression of inflammatory and other lipids, resulting in atherosclerosis (Tab. I) [2,
and lipid storage genes. Consumption of higher polyun- 48, 49]. Further studies evaluated the role of the genetic
saturated fatty acid-containing diets positively regulates variants in the CYP1A2 (Cytochrome P450 1A2) gene,
the expression of neuropeptide genes that modulate en- which encodes the main caffeine-metabolizing enzyme,
ergy homeostasis [38, 39]. in cardiovascular disease. A higher consumption of caf-
Bioactive food components like theaflavin, epigallocat- feine might be linked with increased cardiovascular dis-
echin-3-gallate, genistein, curcumin and sulforaphane ease risk in subjects with genetic variants associated with
exhibit anticancer properties by upregulating tumor-sup- “slow” caffeine metabolism. On the other hand, people
pressor genes and downregulating proto-oncogenes. In that have genetic variants associated with fast caffeine
addition, resveratrol and curcumin have antiatherogen- metabolism are protected from the effects of moderate
ic effects by downregulating the expression of matrix caffeine consumption [2, 50].
metalloproteinases that cause the formation and progres- Genetic variations of the APOA2 (apolipoprotein A2)
sion of plaques. Finally, apple polyphenols prevent di- gene are associated with obesity via alterations in ener-
et-induced obesity by regulating genes involved in fatty gy intake. Chinese and Asian-Indian populations with a
acid oxidation, lipolysis, and adipogenesis [15, 40]. specific APOA2 variant are at a greater risk of develop-
ing obesity when consuming food rich insaturated fatty
acids, but with lower saturated fatty acids intake, such
Genetic polymorphism effect on dietary risk was not observed. Similar studies were performed
intake among Mediterranean populations of Southeastern
Spain. Moreover, polymorphisms of genes associated
Genome-wide association studies have evaluated ge- with iron, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 metab-
netic polymorphisms associated with various metabolic olism have been reported to affect the risk of deficiency
pathways [2]. Epidemiological and interventional stud- or reduced levels of these nutrients [51, 52].
ies have also explored the associations of genetic vari- Other genetic loci were analyzed for their associations
ants with dietary intake [41]. For example, clinically with the intake of macronutrients. Merino et al. [53]
significant associations have been reported between: 1) identified two genetic loci, DRAM1 (DNA damage reg-
the APOA2 (c.2265T>C) variant and intake of saturat- ulated autophagy modulator 1) and RARB (retinoic acid
ed fatty acids and body mass index, 2) MTHFR variants receptor beta), which exhibited a genome-wide signifi-
and homocysteine levels, and 3) CYP1A2 variants and cant association with macronutrient intake. Additionally,
caffeine-related hypertensive response [2, 42, 43]. they also confirmed the association of FGF21 (fibroblast
Inborn errors of metabolism are caused by mutations in growth factor 21) genetic variant (rs838133) with the in-
specific genes encoding key metabolic enzymes. These take of macronutrients [41, 53].
pathogenic variants lead to gene-diet interactions alter-
ing nutritional requirements and metabolism: classical
examples are lactose intolerance and phenylketonuria. Genetic polymorphisms associated
The T>C-13910 variant upstream of the lactase gene with body weight
(LCT) results in non-persistence or absence of the lac-
tase enzyme after infancy, therefore individuals with this Research studies have identified significant associations
variant do not digest lactose. On the other hand, phenyl- between genetic variants and body weight. Numerous
ketonuria is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by genetic loci have been linked to weight loss following
mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene, hypocaloric diets and physical activity. These genes en-
a major hepatic enzyme that is responsible for the con- code important enzymes regulating adipogenesis, lipid
version of phenylalanine to tyrosine [2, 44, 45]. metabolism, the circadian clock, carbohydrate metab-
Other genetic-food interactions are much more complex, olism, appetite control, energy intake and expenditure,
such as polygenic interactions underlying the multifac- cell differentiation, and thermogenesis [54, 55]. More-
torial etiology of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and over, genetic variants associated with taste- and tex-
cardiovascular disease. Such diseases derive from the ture-related, and olfactory genes could affect individual
interaction among several genes and environmental fac- preferences and sensitivity towards certain foods, influ-


Tab. I. Genetic polymorphisms, their related genes, and involved dietary factors if known, and putative disease risks.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
TAS1R2 Hypertriglyceridemia Carbohydrate responsiveness
Colon cancer
cSHMT L474F Folate degradation
Neural tube defects

rs1801133 Breast cancer

Increased folic acid intake
Macronutrient intake
MTHFR Cardiovascular diseases
High levels of homocysteine
C677T Diabetes
Folate metabolism
A1298C Neural tube defects
MTHFD1 R653Q Neural tube defects Higher folate intakes
MTR Breast cancer Lower folate concentration
Neural tube defects in
MTRR A66G Lower folate concentration
VDR T>C Affects vitamin D levels
Prostate cancer
APOA1 Metabolic syndrome -
Cardiovascular diseases Higher total energy, fat, and
APOA2 rs5082
Obesity protein intake
rs964184 Higher risk of early heart
Greater reduction in TC and
Lipid metabolism
rs662799 disturbances
Macronutrient intake
Less weight gain on high
fat diets
APOB rs512535 Metabolic syndrome Low fat
APOC3 rs5128
Metabolic syndrome Cholesterol metabolism
C 3175G
rs429358 Lipid metabolism
APOE Macronutrient intake
rs7412 disturbances
PNPLA3 rs739409 NAFLD -
TMsp1C Oxidative metabolism of
CYP1A1 Breast and prostate cancer
Ile462Val estrogens
Reduced ability to metabolize
CYP1A2 A>C Heart diseases
CYP1B1 C194G Congenital glaucoma
Increased consumption
CYP2R1 Lower vitamin D levels of food rich in vitamin D
Increased sun exposure
Congenital adrenal
CYP17A T34C Increased estrogen level
FTO rs9939609 Macronutrient intake
FTO rs8050136 Obesity -
Greater weight loss
FTO rs1558902 Obesity Less reductions in insulin and
MC4R rs17782313 T2DM Increased BMI
MC4R rs12970134 Metabolic syndrome Macronutrient intake
T2DM Smaller weight loss and HOMA-
TCF7L2 rs7903146
Metabolic syndrome IR
LCT rs4988235 Obesity -
rs1800206 Lipid metabolism
Macronutrient intake
PPARA disturbances
rs6008259 Low n–6 fatty Acid


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
PPARG rs1801282 Macronutrient intake
Insulin Sensitivity
TXN rs2301241 Abdominal obesity -
Greater weight loss
GIPR rs2287019 Cardiovascular diseases Greater decreases in glucose,
insulin and HOMA-IR
Greater decreases in insulin
DHCR7 rs12785878 Vitamin D insufficiency
rs2070895 Higher decreases in TC and
Lipid metabolism
rs1800588l disturbances
Lower increase in HDL-c
Less weight loss
PPM1K rs1440581 Maple syrup urine disease Lower decreases in insulin and
Non-familial congenital
TFAP2B rs987237 heart disease Higher weight regains
Char syndrome
Autism spectrum disorder Greater decreases in insulin,
IRS1 rs2943641
Hepatocellular carcinoma HOMA-IR, weight loss
Higher obesity and insulin
PCSK1 rs6232 -
sensitivity risk
Metabolic disorders Higher decreases in insulin and
PCSK7 rs236918
Liver diseases HOMA-IR
Type 2 Diabetes
MTNR1B rs10830963 Impairment of early insulin Lower weight loss in women
G4845T Chronic inflammatory
Periodontitis Increased IL-1 plasma
C-889T Coronary artery disease concentrations
A few autoimmune
diseases and cancers
C 3954T Chronic inflammatory
Periodontitis Increased IL-1 plasma
A -511G Coronary artery disease concentrations
A few autoimmune
diseases and cancers
Chronic inflammatory
Periodontitis Increased IL-1 plasma
IL-1RN C 2018T
Coronary artery disease concentrations
A few autoimmune
diseases and cancers
rs2069827 Low-grade chronic
Visceral fat deposition Lower weight gains
G -174C Insulin resistance Tissue healing
Risk for cardiovascular
Low-grade chronic
IL6R A>C Tissue healing
SH2B1 rs7498665 Higher fat intake
Type 2 diabetes
Higher sugar consumption
SLC2A2 rs5400 Diabetes
Insulin sensitivity
Higher risk of thrombosis
F2 rs1799963 -
and cerebral stroke
F5 rs6025 Higher risk of thrombosis
rs602662 Increased consumption of
FUT2 Lower vitamin B12 levels
Gly258Ser food rich in vitamin B12


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
Lower Vitamin
Increased consumption of
ALPL rs4654748 B6 blood
food rich in vitamin B6
rs121964962 Colorectal Cancer
Vitamin deficiency High RBC folate
rs1801181 Dementia Removal of homocysteine
Heart disease
FOXO3 Longer lifespan -
Higher basal energy
SIRT1 rs2236319 -
PEMT rs12325817 Low choline Increased choline intake
PLIN1 rs894160 Obesity Macronutrients intake
Lipid metabolism
GCKR rs1260326 Macronutrients intake
Lipid metabolism
LIPG rs4939833 Macronutrients intake
rs328 Lipid metabolism
LPL Macronutrients intake
C1595G disturbances
Lipid metabolism
CELSR2 rs12740374 Macronutrients intake
eNOS G>T Oxidative Stress -
Lipid metabolism
NOS3 rs1799983 Macronutrients intake
rs1800777 Lipid metabolism
CETP Reduced HDL-C concentrations
G 279A disturbances
CLOCK Coronary heart disease -
Type 2 diabetes Insulin resistance
CRY1 rs2287161
Metabolic syndrome Low carbohydrate intake
T1R1 Dental caries -
rs35874116 Obesity
T1R2 High sensitivity to sweet taste
rs9701796 Dental caries
T1R3 rs35744813 Dental caries Reduced promoter activity
rs846664 Association with the aging
T2R16 Alcohol dependence
rs978739 process
Metabolic diseases Bitter taste of PTC or PROP
TAS2R38 rs1726866
Coronary heart disease perception
rs239345 Risk of hypertension
rs11064153 Cardiovascular disease
rs3785368 Risk of hypertension
SCNN1G rs4401050 Risk of hypertension -
rs4790522 Cardiovascular risk disease
rs8065080 Risk of hypertension


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
rs1761667 Metabolic syndrome Ethnic-specific effects
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Lipid metabolism
rs1984112 Type 2 diabetes -
Cardiovascular disease risk
rs1527483 Obesity -
rs2151916 Obesity High triglycerides levels
rs7755 Type 2 diabetes mellitus
rs1049673 Type 2 diabetes mellitus -
Premature coronary heart
rs3840546 -
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
rs3211938 Metabolic syndrome -
rs10499859 Metabolic syndrome -
rs3211867 Obesity -
rs3211883 Metabolic syndrome -
rs3173798 -
Metabolic syndrome
rs3211892 -
Metabolic syndrome
rs1358337 Metabolic syndrome -
rs1054516 Metabolic syndrome High levels of triglyceride
rs1049654 Metabolic syndrome -
rs3211909 Metabolic syndrome -
rs3211849 Metabolic syndrome High levels of triglyceride
rs13246513 -
Metabolic syndrome
rs3211842 -
Metabolic syndrome
GNAT3 Metabolic syndrome -
OR7D4 -
Dental caries
OR11H7P rs1953558 Cardiovascular disease -
OR6A2 rs72921001 -
Obesity Low n-6 PUFA
LEPR rs3790433
Metabolic syndrome High n-3 PUFA
POMC rs713586 Early-onset type 2 -
rs6265 Obesity
BDNF Psychological eating Carbohydrate and fat intakes
KCNB1 rs6063399 Obesity Lower BMI
KCNC2 rs7311660 Obesity Lower BMI


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
rs1421312 Anemia
Damage of immune
function, work
TMPRSS6 performance, and Iron deficiency
damage of adolescent’s
psychological behavior
and mental development
rs2272382 Higher consumption of mono-
TUB Obesity and disaccharides
Higher glycemic load
CAPN10 SNP-44 Type 2 diabetes mellitus Total cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Acute myocardial
ACE Insertion/Deletion (I/D) Salt sensitivity
Arg16Gly Asthma
ADRB2 Chronic obstructive Carbohydrate responsiveness
pulmonary disease
Coronary heart disease
ADRB3 Trp64Arg Weight gain -
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
r s854552 Cardiovascular disease Detoxification/Oxidative stress
r s854571 Atherosclerosis Lipid levels
Calcium intestinal absorption
Cdx-2 G3731A Vitamin D deficiency Increasing bone mineral
CYP24A1 Vitamin D deficiency -
Vitamin C deficiency
GSTM1 Insertion/Deletion Low vitamin C intake
Coronary artery disease
Atopic asthma
GSTP1 A313G Ascorbic acid deficiency Low vitamin C intake
Iron-storage disease
HFE C282Y Iron metabolism
Iron overload
ADH1B 369Arg Alcohol dependence Systemic ethanol clearance
ADH1C 349Ile -
E487K Acetaldehyde accumulation
ALDH2 Alcohol metabolism
rs671 Alcohol metabolism
FADS1 Abnormal lipid profile PUFA metabolism
T>C Hypertension Salt sensitivity
AGT Cardiorespiratory Increased blood flow and
disorders respiration
MCM6 C 13910T Lactose intolerance -
HLA DQ2/DQ8 Celiac disease Gluten intolerance
Hypercarotenemia Vitamin A
BCO1 Ala379Val Vitamin A deficiency Higher levels of provitamin A
Chronic lung disease carotenoids
Serum ascorbic acid
GSTT1 Insertion / Deletion Free radical production
Ala16Val Reduced oxidation of
MnSOD Breast cancer
C-28T catecholamines
Whole body glucose
TNF-A G -308A Insulin resistance
homeostasis alteration


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
rs1205 Mental health disorder
Depressive disorder
CRP Higher levels of CRP
G>A Low-grade chronic
Post-menopausal breast
SULT1A1 G638A Estrogen load reduction
NQ01 C609T Cancer Protect from oxidative stress
FACTOR V G1691A Deep venous thrombosis -
MMP1 1G/2G Accelerated skin aging -
Mature connective tissue
COL1A1 Sp1 G>T Accelerated skin aging structure, essential for tensile
Increase in content of type V
Achilles tendinopathy
Anterior cruciate ligament
COL5A1 BstUI C>T Decrease in fibril diameter and
biomechanical properties of
Tennis elbow
Premature aging
GPX1 C>T Protect against oxidative stress
Prostate cancer
GPX4 rs713041 Colorectal cancer Lymphocyte GPx activities
CAT C -262T Premature aging Protect against oxidative stress
Cellular damage
EPHX1 rs1051740 Process toxins and pollutants
Accelerated aging
Increased blood flow and
BDKRB2 C>T Anxiety disorders
Essential hypertension
Neovascular eye disease
Increased blood flow and
VEGF C>G Age-related macular
rs7832552 Non-goitrous congenital
TRHR Increased lean body mass
rs16892496 hypothyroidism
ACTN3 R577X Alpha-actinin 3 deficiency -
Fat absorption and
FABP2 Ala54Thr Metabolic disorders
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic obstructive
ADIPOQ G -11391A -
pulmonary disease
Metabolic disease
rs4532 Regulate neuronal growth and
DRD1 Addictive behavior
G-94A Mediate some behavioral
rs1800497 Compulsive and risk-
seeking behaviors
Increased risk for co-
morbid substance use Carbohydrate responsiveness
Taq1A/2A disorders (alcoholism & Reduced carbohydrate intake
Binge eating behavior
Addictive disorder
Cognitive, emotional, and
DRD3 Ser9Gly Addictive behavior
endocrine functions
DRD4 C521T Opioid dependence -
Novelty seeking
Obesity and bodyweight-
ADBR3 Trp64Arg Exercise responsiveness
related disorders
Skeletal muscle-related
GDF-8 K153R -
SEP15 rs5859 Lung cancer -
Inflammation Selenium availability and
SEPP1 rs7579
Cancer metabolism


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
BCMO1 Vitamin A deficiency Low vitamin A levels
Breast and prostate
SOD2 rs4880 -
ACSL1 rs9997745 Metabolic Syndrome -
Colorectal cancer
DNMT3B rs2424913 High folate
ADAM17 rs10495563 Obesity Low n-6 fatty acids
FAF1 rs3827730 Alcohol dependence -
CSK rs1378942 Hypertension -
Intergenic rs2168784 Alcohol dependence -
Abnormal eating
NADSYN1 rs75038630 -
Mushroom intolerance
OCTN1 C 1672T -
Crohn’s disease
NBPF3 rs4654748 Vitamin B6 deficiency Low vitamin B6 levels
Low iron levels
TF rs3811647 Increased iron concentrations
SLC23A1 rs33972313 Vitamin C deficiency Low levels of vitamin C
BCDIN3D rs7138803 Diabetes -
Renal fibrosis
CB1-R rs1049353 -
Metabolic disorders
GNPDA2 rs10938397 Obesity risk -
Metabolic disorders Increased carbohydrate intake
FGF21 rs838133
Diabetes Decreased fat intake
KCTD15 rs29941 Diabetes Higher carbohydrate intake
NEGR1 rs2815752 Diabetes Higher carbohydrate intake
TMEM18 rs6548238 Obesity -
MAP2K5 rs2241423 Diabetes -
QPCTL rs2287019 Diabetes -
TNNI3K rs1514175 Diabetes -
Bipolar disorder Response to antidepressant
GSK3B rs11925868
Brain disorders pharmacotherapy
Glucocorticoid receptor
FKBP5 rs1360780 Post-traumatic stress
Post-traumatic stress Regulation of mood, anxiety
OXTR rs53576
disorder and social biology
Regulation of dopamine levels
AKT1 rs2494732 Psychosis
in the prefrontal cortex
rs10994336 Sodium channel activity
ANK3 Bipolar disorder
rs1938526 Increased excitatory signaling
Mood instability
Altered brainstem volume
CACNA1C rs1006737 Depressive and bipolar
Increased excitatory signaling
CHRNA3 Asp398Asn Cigarettes smoking Neurotransmission
Pleasure response from
CHRNA5 rs16969968 Neurotransmission
OPRM1 Asn40Asp Addictive behavior -
CNR1 rs2023239 Addictive behavior Normal reward signaling
FAAH C 385A Addictive behavior Difficulty with withdrawal
GABRA2 rs279858 Improved GABA production
Alcohol addiction


Tab. I. Continues.
Gene Polymorphism Putative disease risks Effect
Depressive disorder Reduced serotonin signaling at
1A HTR1A C -1019G
Bipolar disorder post-synaptic sites
SLC6A4 rs1042173 -

encing the person’s susceptibility to nutrition-induced creased sedentary periods, like watching TV, enhance
obesity [3]. The major genetic variants influencing met- genetic predisposition to increased adiposity [65]. In the
abolic pathways involved in the increased risk of obesity US, the Diabetes Prevention Program involving 869 in-
and obesity-related disorders are located in the follow- dividuals reported a strong association of FTO genetic
ing genes: ADIPOQ, FTO, LEPR, LEP, MC4R, INSIG2, variants with one-year lifestyle intervention processes
PPARG, PCSK1, ADBR3, ADBR2, PPARγ, APOA1, related to physical activity, weight loss, and diet with
GHRL, APOA5, FABP2, LIPC, MTNR1B, TCF7L2, reference to the subcutaneous fat area. They found an
CETP, GIPR, NPY, IRS1, and PCSK1 (Tab. I) [2, 56, 57]. association of the minor allele of an FTO variant with
Candidate genes involved in the regulation of food in- more subcutaneous fat mass within the control group as
take, lipid metabolism, or release of intestinal hormones compared to the lifestyle intervention group. Similar-
have been investigated. For example, the FABP2 (fat- ly, another recent study indicated that physical activity,
ty-acid-binding protein 2) gene, expressed in the epi- along with a vegetarian diet, could reduce elevated body
thelial cells of the small intestine, is involved in fat ab- mass index due to the minor allele of a variant in the
sorption. Genetic variants in this locus may cause higher FTO gene (rs3751812). Other physical activity-related
fat absorption and obesity [58]. Similarly, the PPARG genes are influenced by dietary intake and are involved
(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma) in muscle strength and structure [66-68].
gene is expressed in the fat cells and plays a major role Additional studies have described the protective effect of
in adipocyte differentiation. In their study, Deeb et al. physical activity on obesity-linked genetic variants in the
[59] demonstrated an association of the PPARG gene form of a combined genetic risk score. In their study, Li et
with insulin sensitivity and body mass index. So far, al-
al. [69] have shown that the genetic susceptibility to obe-
most 500 genetic loci have been identified in association
sity in individuals with higher genetic risk scores could be
with obesity traits, like waist-to-hip ratio or body mass
reduced by high physical activity levels [29, 69].
index [60].
The FTO genetic locus that is associated with fat mass
and obesity is considered to have the strongest effect up-
on body weight. The TMEM18 (transmembrane protein
18) gene is also known to regulate appetite, body weight,
Every human being possesses an exclusive nutritional
and obesity development. Similarly, decreased expres-
blueprint inside his/her genes. Bioactive food compo-
sion of the MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor) gene results
nents and nutrients affect the expression of such genes.
in a monogenic form of obesity [41, 47, 61, 62].
Nutrigenomics is the branch of science that analyzes
gene-nutrient interactions, allowing the development
Genetic polymorphism interaction with of personalized nutrition approaches to maintain good
physical activity health and prevent disease. Nutrigenomics combines
different branches of science like nutrition, bioinformat-
Research studies have revealed the significance of diet ics, genomics, molecular biology, molecular medicine,
in combination with physical activity for maintaining a and epidemiology. Studies have revealed a myriad of in-
healthy body weight. Genetic polymorphisms associat- terconnections at various levels amongst nutrients and
ed with obesity might influence physical activity levels; genes. More specifically, genes regulate the intake and
conversely, physically active lifestyles might reduce metabolism of different nutrients, while nutrients posi-
obesity risk. For example, sixteen interventional and tively or negatively influence the expression of different
cross-sectional research studies performed on children genes at the epigenetic, transcriptional, and translational
and adults of European, East African, and African origin level. Nutrigenetic testing may soon become a funda-
reported a significantly strong association of FTO intron mental technique to plan individualized weight loss and
1 with physical activity [61, 62]. Additionally, a recent to better understand gene-nutrient interactions.
meta-analysis involving 111,421 individuals of Europe-
an descent established a significant association between
physical activity and genetic risk score for twelve obesi- Acknowledgements
ty-linked polymorphisms [63, 64].
Similarly, another meta-analysis involving 19,268 chil- This research was funded by the Provincia Autono-
dren and 218,166 adults found higher leisure-time phys- ma di Bolzano in the framework of LP 15/2020 (dgp
ical activity reduces FTO variants effects, whereas in- 3174/2021).


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Correspondence: Gabriele Bonetti, MAGI’S LAB, Rovereto (TN), 38068, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Kiani AK, Bonetti G, Donato K, Kaftalli J, Herbst KL, Stuppia L, Fioretti F, Nodari S, Perrone M, Chiurazzi
P, Bellinato F, Gisondi P, Bertelli M. Polymorphisms, diet and nutrigenomics. J Prev Med Hyg 2022;63(suppl.3):E125-E141.

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