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Marketing The Core 7th Edition

Kerin Test Bank

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Chapter 05
Test Bank
1. According to the textbook, JCPenney buys paper for which of the following media?
A. in-store signage
B. special advertising inserts in magazines such as Cosmopolitan
C. newspaper inserts and direct mail pieces
D. annual and 10-K reports
E. point-of-purchase displays

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: B2B Buying Process

Feedback: JCPenney buys paper for use in its newspaper inserts and direct-mail pieces.

2. Purchasing paper for JCPMedia is one example of

A. organizational buying.
B. online buying.
C. on-time delivery.
D. derived demand.
E. cooperative selling.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-02 Describe the key characteristics of organizational buying that make it different from consumer buying.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: B2B Buying Process

Feedback: Purchasing paper for JCPMedia is one example of organizational buying.

3. When JCPMedia buys paper for JCPenney newspaper inserts, it considers suppliers' forest management and other sustainability practices.
JCPMedia buyers consider these as part of the process to
A. fulfill profit responsibilities.
B. formally evaluate paper supplier capabilities.
C. eliminate the need for online purchasing.
D. shorten the value chain.
E. fulfill the auditing role.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-02 Describe the key characteristics of organizational buying that make it different from consumer buying.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: B2B Buying Process

Feedback: In addition to paper appearance, quality, quantity, and price, JCPMedia paper buyers formally evaluate paper supplier capabilities, often
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McGraw-Hill Education.
by extended visits to supplier facilities in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Supplier capabilities include the capacity to deliver on-time selected
grades of paper from specialty items to magazine papers, the availability of specific types of paper to meet printing deadlines, and formal programs
focused on the life cycle of paper products. For example, a supplier's forestry management and sustainability practices are considered in the paper
buying process.

4. Kim Nagele, senior sourcing manager at JCPenney, purchases tons of publication paper annually at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. As
described and inferred in the text, Mr. Nagele performs all of the following roles in the JCPenney buying center except which?
A. user
B. gatekeeper
C. influencer
D. buyer
E. decider

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-02 Describe the key characteristics of organizational buying that make it different from consumer buying.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Buying Center

Feedback: As senior sourcing manager at JCPenney, Kim Nagele assumes (1) the influencer role, helping to define the specifications for the paper;
(2) the buyer role, having the formal authority and responsibility to select the supplier and negotiate contract terms; (3) the decider role, having the
formal power to select the supplier that receives the contract; and (4) the gatekeeper role, controlling the flow of information within the buying
center—purchasing, marketing production and support, and senior JCPenney marketing personnel. Kim Nagele would not assume the user role for
the paper.

5. JCPenney looks at several capabilities when selecting a paper supplier. These organizational buying criteria include on-time delivery, the
availability, quality and quantity of selected grades of paper, forestry management and sustainable practices, and price. This examination would be
done during the __________ stage of the organizational buying decision process.
A. procurement analysis
B. break-even analysis
C. purchase decision
D. information search
E. alternative evaluation

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-03 Explain how buying centers and buying situations influence organizational purchasing.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: B2B Buying Process

Feedback: These assessments are typical of the alternative evaluation stage of the decision process.

6. The marketing of goods and services to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use in the creation of goods and services that
they can produce and market to others is referred to as
A. integrated marketing.
B. institutional marketing.
C. business-to-business marketing.
D. reseller marketing.
E. organizational marketing.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Key term definition—business-to-business marketing.

7. Business-to-business marketing refers to

A. the marketing of goods to companies, governments, or ultimate consumers for use in the creation of goods and services.
B. the marketing of products to not-for-profit organizations at a reduced fee or nominal cost for use in the creation of goods and services that they can
produce and market to others.
C. the marketing of products and services to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use in the creation of products that they can
produce and market to others.
D. the marketing of services in the area of intellectual property such as legal, financial, or creative consulting.
E. the marketing of an idea to create interest or generate goodwill, not just for an individual brand but also for an entire industry or product class.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Key term definition—business-to-business marketing.

8. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, service companies, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies that buy goods and services for
their own use or for resale are referred to as
A. multinational buyers.
B. resellers.
C. organizational buyers.
D. ultimate consumers.
E. institutional buyers.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Key term definition—organizational buyers.

9. Organizational buyers are

A. wholesalers, retailers, and service companies that buy goods and services exclusively for resale.
B. any organization that buys products and services for their own use or for resale.
C. not-for-profit organizations that buy goods and services for their own use.
D. firms that typically buy physical goods and resell them again without any reprocessing.
E. all buyers in a nation including ultimate consumers.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Key term definition—organizational buyers.

10. Organizational buyers include manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, service companies, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies
A. purchase exclusively from one supplier.
B. are exempt from state and local taxes.
C. sell directly to ultimate consumers.
D. sell goods and services for their own use.
E. buy products and services for their own use or for resale.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Organizational buyers are those manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and government agencies that buy products and services for their
own use or for resale.

11. Which of the following organizational buyers purchases raw materials and parts to reprocess into the finished goods they sell?
A. retailers
B. wholesalers
C. agents
D. manufacturers
E. ultimate consumers

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Manufacturers buy raw materials and parts that they reprocess into the finished goods they sell.

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McGraw-Hill Education.
12. Which of these statements regarding organizational buyers is most accurate?
A. Wholesalers and retailers resell the goods they buy without reprocessing them.
B. Wholesalers and retailers alter the goods they sell to meet the specific needs of their customers prior to resale.
C. Manufacturers purchase processed goods and resell them to suppliers who in turn resell them to ultimate consumers.
D. Ultimate consumers can be considered organizational buyers when they purchase in large quantities.
E. Government agency purchases are more similar to ultimate consumer purchases than they are to wholesalers and retailers.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Manufacturers buy raw materials and parts that they reprocess into the finished goods they sell. Wholesalers and retailers resell finished
goods without reprocessing them.

13. All of the following are organizational buyers except which?

A. industrial firms
B. government units
C. ultimate consumers
D. resellers
E. wholesalers

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Organizational buyers consist of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and government agencies that buy products and services for their
own use or for resale.

14. Organizational buyers are divided into three markets, which are
A. industrial, wholesaler, and retailer.
B. industrial, retailer, and government.
C. retailer, manufacturer, and government.
D. industrial, government, and ultimate consumer.
E. industrial, reseller, and government.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Organizational buyers are divided into three markets: (1) industrial, (2) reseller, and (3) government.

15. Which of the following exemplifies an organizational buyer?

A. A local baker buys sugar at the grocery store to make cookies with his children at home.
B. A dentist buys a new LG Smart TV 55-inch 3D OLED HDTV for her den.
C. An architect hires a housecleaning service to clean his apartment.
D. The owner of a sushi restaurant hires a window-washing service to clean exterior windows.
E. The mayor rents a tuxedo to wear to his daughter's wedding.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 3 Hard
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Organizational buyers are those manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and government agencies that buy products and services for their
own use or for resale. Organizational buyers include all buyers in a nation except ultimate consumers. Only the owner of a restaurant is an
organizational buyer; all other alternatives involve purchases by ultimate consumers for their personal use.

16. An industrial firm

A. is one that is independently owned and takes title to the merchandise it sells.
B. buys physical goods and resells them again without any reprocessing.
C. deals exclusively with federal, state, and local governments.
D. in some way reprocesses a product or service it buys before selling it again to the next buyer.
Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
E. only produces a product, not a service.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Text term definition—industrial firms.

17. A firm that reprocesses a product or service it buys before selling the product again to the next buyer is referred to as
A. an industrial firm.
B. a reseller firm.
C. a government agency.
D. a wholesaler.
E. a retailer.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: Text term definition—industrial firms.

18. Insurance companies, farms, auto repair, and fisheries are all examples of companies in the
A. consumer market.
B. cooperative market.
C. reseller market.
D. industrial market.
E. government market.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: There are about 7.5 million firms in the industrial, or business, market. Companies that primarily sell physical goods (manufacturers;
mining; construction; and farms, timber, and fisheries) represent 25 percent of all the industrial firms. The services market sells diverse services such
as legal advice, auto repair, and dry cleaning. Service companies—finance, insurance, and real estate businesses; transportation, communication, and
public utility firms; and not-for-profit organizations—represent 75 percent of all industrial firms.

19. Which of the following types of firms are in the industrial market?
A. retailing
B. construction
C. wholesaling
D. state governments
E. federal regulatory agencies

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 05-01 Distinguish among industrial, reseller, and government organizational markets.
Level of Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic: Organizational Markets

Feedback: There are about 7.5 million firms in the industrial, or business, market. These industrial firms in some way reprocess a product or service
they buy before selling it again to the next buyer. Companies that primarily sell physical goods (manufacturers; mining; construction; and farms,
timber, and fisheries) represent 25 percent of all the industrial firms.

20. Which of the following is a service business within the industrial market?
A. construction
B. mining
C. transportation
D. government
E. farming

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Another document from that is
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Allow me to say Ta-ta!”

Amid the uproarious laughter of everyone in the room, she had

bounded away to supper.
Except for one moment, when she was leaving the house for home,
and he had helped her on with her cloak, the pastor had not spoken again
directly to her that evening. He had managed then to whisper,
“God bless you, my darling! I shall pray for you, and live on the hope
I read in your eyes to-night.”
It was all this which had risen so strangely before her mind, as to-
night, on that hotel balcony, she had begun to ask herself how much she
really cared for Tom Hammond, and what answer she would have given
him had he proposed to her that afternoon.
“I told pastor,” she murmured, “that night, that I was not sure of
myself. I am no nearer being sure of myself now than I was then.”
The scene with Hammond rose up before her, and she added: “I am
less sure, I think, than ever!”
She gazed fixedly where the double line of lamps gleamed on the
near-distant bridge. For a moment she tried to compare the two lives—
that of an American Methodist pastor’s wife, with endless possibilities of
doing good, and that of the wife of a comparatively wealthy newspaper
“Should I like to marry a popular man?” she asked herself. “I read
somewhere once that popular men, like popular actors, make bad
husbands, that they cannot endure the tameness of an audience of one.”
She laughed low, and a little amusedly, as she added, “Oh, well, Tom
Hammond has not asked me to marry him. Perhaps he never will—and—
well, ‘sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.’ Pastor once preached
from that, I remember.”
The night had grown cooler. She shivered a little as she rose and
passed into the lighted room beyond.
Two hours later, as she laid her head upon the pillow, she murmured,
“I don’t see how I could marry the pastor! Why, I haven’t ‘got religion’
yet. I am not ‘converted,’ as these Britishers would say!”

T H paused before the house that bore the number at the head
of Mrs. Joyce’s letter. It was in a mean street, and his soul went out in
pity towards the unfortunate woman, who, with all her refinement, was
compelled to live amid such squalid surroundings.
“And heart-starved, too,” he mused, pityingly. “Heart-starved for the
want of love, of sympathy, of the sense of soul-union that makes life
with a married partner at all bearable.”
“Yus, sir; Mrs. Joss lives yere. Top floor, lef’ ’and side. Yer kin go
A child had opened the door in response to his knock. Following the
directions given, Tom Hammond climbed the dirty stairs. On the top
landing were two doors. The one on the right was fast shut; that on the
left was ajar a few inches. His approach did not seem to have been heard.
Mrs. Joyce, the only occupant of the room, was seated at a bare deal
table, sewing briskly.
He stretched out his hand to tap at the door, but some impulse checked
him for a moment. He had the opportunity to observe her closely, and he
did so.
She sat facing the window; the light shone full upon her. She was
dressed in a well-worn but well-fitting black gown. Round her throat—
how pure and white the skin was!—she wore a white turnover collar, like
a nurse, white cuffs at her wrists completing the nurse idea. Her hair—
she had loosened it earlier because of a slight headache—hung in
clustering waves on her neck, and was held back behind her ears with a
comb on either side. There was a rare softness and refinement in the pale
face that drooped over her sewing. Seen as Tom Hammond saw her then,
Mrs. Joyce was a really beautiful woman.
He gazed for a few moments at the picture, amazed at the rapidity of
her sewing movements.
“The tragedy of Tom Hood’s ‘Song of the Shirt,’” he muttered, as he
watched the gleam of the flying needle.
“Oh, men with sisters dear!
Oh, men with mothers and wives!
It is not linen you’re wearing out,
But human creatures’ lives!
Stitch, stitch, stitch,
In poverty, hunger, and dirt,
Sewing at once, with a double thread,
A shroud as well as a shirt.”

Under the magnetic constraint of his fixed gaze the woman looked
towards the door. She recognized her visitor, and with a little glad cry
started to her feet. Tom Hammond pushed the door open and entered the
room. She sprang to meet him.
Now that he saw her, he realized the expression of her face had
changed. Heaven—all the heaven of God’s indwelling pardon, love,
peace, had come to dwell with her. All that she had said in her letter of
her new-found joy, was fully confirmed by her looks.
“How good of you to come to see me, Mr. Hammond!” she cried, as
she felt the clasp of his hand.
“How good of you to write me of your new-found happiness!” He
smiled back into her glad, eager eyes.
He took the chair she offered, and with a question or two sought to
lead her on to talk of the subject about which he had come to see her.
“The very title of the subject,” Hammond explained, “is perfectly
foreign to me.”
“It was all so, so foreign to me,” she returned. Then, as swift tears
flooded her eyes, she turned to him with a little rapturous cry, saying,—
“And it would all have been foreign to me for ever, but for you, Mr.
Hammond. I never, never can forget that but for you my soul would have
been in a suicide’s hell, where hope and mercy could never have reached
me. As long as I shall live I shall never forget the awful rush of soul-
accusation that swept over me, when my body touched the foul waters of
that muddy river that night. The chill and shock of the waters I did not
feel, but the chill of eternal condemnation for my madness and sin I did
“I saw all my life as in a flash. All the gracious warnings and
pleadings that ever, in my hearing, fell from my sainted father’s lips, as
he besought men and women to be reconciled to God, seemed to swoop
down upon me, condemning me for my unbelief and sin. Then—then
you came to my rescue—and——”
Her tears were dropping thick and fast now.
“And—my soul—had respite given in which to—to—seek God—
because—you saved my body.”
Overcome with her emotion, she turned her head to wipe away the
grateful tears. When next she faced him, her voice was low and tender,
her eyes glowed with a light that Tom Hammond had never seen in a
human face before.
“Now, if my Lord come,” she said softly, rapturously, “whether at
morning, at noontide, at midnight, or cock-crowing, I shall be ready to
meet Him in the air.
“I used to think that if ever I was converted, I should meet my dear
father and mother at the last day, at the great final end of all things.
“But now I know that if Jesus came for His people to-day, that I
should meet my dear ones to-day. For when ‘the Lord Himself shall
descend from heaven ... the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which
are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’”
Tom Hammond gazed at the speaker in wonder. The glory that filled
her face, the triumph and rapture that rang in her voice, were a strange
revelation to him.
“A starvation wage for making slop-shirts,” he mused, “yet more than
triumphing over every discomfort of poverty by the force of the divine
hope that dominates her! What is this hope?”
“Tell me of this wondrous thing, Mrs. Joyce,” he said, aloud, “that can
transmute your poverty and suffering to triumph and rapture, and your
comfortless garret to a heaven on earth.”
“Before I begin,” she replied, “tell me, Mr. Hammond, have ever you
seen this?”
From the window-shelf she reached a tiny envelope booklet.
“‘Long Odds’!” he said, reading the boldly-printed title of the book.
“No; I have never seen this. It sounds sporting, rather.”
“Take it, Mr. Hammond,” she went on; “if it does nothing else, it will
awaken your interest in this wonderful subject.”
He slipped the book into his breast-pocket. She opened her mouth to
speak again, when a sound from outside caught her ear. She started to her
feet; her face turned deadly pale. The next instant the door was flung
noisily open, and her husband entered the room.
The blear-eyed, drunken scoundrel glared at the two seated figures,
then laughed evilly as he cried,—
“Turned religious? Oho! oho! Like all the rest of your religious
people, make a mantle—a regular down-to-your-feet ulster—of your
religion to cover every blackness and filthiness of life.”
“Silence, you foul-mouthed blackguard!”
Tom Hammond’s lips were white with the indignation that filled him,
as he flung his command to the man.
“Silence yourself, Tom Hammond!” bellowed the drunken scoundrel.
“I know you,” he went on. “You’re a big bug now! Think no end of
yourself, and of your messing paper. Perhaps you’ll say you came to
invite me to join your staff, now that I’ve caught you here?”
His sneering tone changed to one of bitterest hate, as he turned to the
white, trembling woman.
“You’re a beauty, ain’t you? Profess to turn saint; then, when you
think I’m clear away, you receive visits from fine gentlemen!
Gentlemen? bah! they’re——”
“Silence, you drunken, foul-mouthed beast!” again interrupted Tom
There was something amazing in the command that rang in the
indignant tones of his voice.
“Unless,” he went on, “you want to find yourself in the grip of the
For a moment or two Joyce was utterly cowed! then the devil in him
reared its head again, and he hissed,
“You clear out of here, and remember this; if I have to keep sober for a
year to do it, I’ll ruin you, Tom Hammond, I will!”
He laughed with an almost demoniacal glee, as he went on:
“I can write a par yet, you know. I’ll dip my pen in the acid of hate—
hate, the hate of devils, my beauty—and then get Fletcher to put them
into his paper. He’s not in love with the ‘Courier,’ or with Tom
Hammond, the Editor.”
“You scurrilous wretch!” It was all that Hammond deigned to reply.
“Good day, Mrs. Joyce!” he bowed to the white-faced woman.
For her sake he did not offer to shake hands, but moved away down
the stairs.
He caught a hansom a few moments after leaving the mean street. He
had purposed, when he started out that morning, to hunt up his other
correspondent, the Jew, Abraham Cohen. But after the scene he had just
witnessed, he felt quite unwilling to interview a stranger.
“I wish,” he mused, as he sat back in the hansom, “I had not gone near
that poor soul. I am afraid my visit may make it awkward for her.”
His eyes darkened as he added: “And even for myself. It will be very
awkward if that drunken brute puts his threat into execution—and he
will, I believe. Innuendo is a glass stiletto, which, driven into the victim’s
character, into his heart and then snapped off from the hilt, leaves no clue
to the striker of the blow. And a demon like that Joyce, playing into the
hands of a cur like Fletcher, may slay a fellow by a printed innuendo,
and yet the pair may easily keep outside the reach of the law of libel.”
For the first time since the floating of the “Courier,” his spirits became
“Then, too,” he muttered, “there is this sudden breakdown of Marsden,
and, for the life of me, I don’t know where to look for a fellow, whom I
could secure at short notice, who is at all fit for the ‘Courier’s’ second.”
His face had grown moody. His eyes were full of an unwonted
“If only,” he went on, “Bastin had been in England, and were to be got
——” He sighed. There was perplexity in the sigh.
“Where on earth can Ralph be all these years?” he muttered.
He glanced out of the cab to ascertain his own whereabouts. In two
minutes more he would be at the office.

A Tom Hammond’s cab drew up at the office, another hansom drew up

a yard ahead of his. The occupant alighted at the same instant as did
Hammond, and glanced in his direction. Both men leaped forward, their
hands were clasped in a grip that told of a very warm friendship. Like
simultaneous pistol shots there leaped from their separate lips,—
“Tom Hammond!”
“Ralph Bastin?”
The friends presently passed into the great building, arm linked in
arm, laughing and talking like holiday school-boys.
“Not three minutes ago, as I drove along in my cab, I was saying, ‘Oh!
if only I could lay my hand on Ralph!”
They were seated by this time in Tom Hammond’s room.
“Why? What did you want, Tom—anything special?” the bronzed,
travelled Bastin asked.
“Rather, Ralph! My second, poor Frank Marsden, has broken down
suddenly; it’s serious, may even prove fatal, the doctors say. Anyway, he
won’t be fit (if he recovers at all) for a year or more.”
He leaned eagerly towards his friend as he spoke, and asked,
“Are you open to lay hold of the post?”
“To-morrow, if you like!”
Hammond stretched his hand out. Bastin grasped it. Then they talked
over terms, duties, etc.
“But you, man?” said Hammond, when the last bit of shop had been
talked. “Where have you been? What have you been doing?”
“Busy for an hour, Tom?” Bastin asked, by way of reply.
“Come round to my diggings, then; not far—Bloomsbury. We can talk
as we go. I shall have time to give you a skeleton of my adventures, to be
filled in later. Then, when we get to my hang-out, I can tell you, when
you have seen her, the story of my chief adventure, for it concerns her.”
Hammond flashed a quick, wondering glance at his friend.
“Her!” he said; “are you married, then?”
“No,” laughed Bastin, “but I’ve adopted a child. But come on, man!”
The pair left the office. In the cab, talking very rapidly, Bastin gave
the skeleton sketch of his wanderings, but saying no word of the
promised great adventure.
Tom Hammond never forgot the first sight of his friend’s adopted
child. There was a low grate in the room, a blazing fire of leaping,
flaming coals in the grate. Curled up in a deep saddle-bag armchair was
the loveliest girl-child Hammond had ever seen.
She must have been half asleep, or in a deep reverie, but as the two
men advanced into the room she sprang from the chair, and, with eyes
gleaming with delight, bounded to meet Bastin. Wreathing her arms
about his neck, she crooned softly over him some tongue of her own.
She was loveliness incarnated. Her eyes, black as sloes, were big,
round, and wide in their staring wonder at Hammond’s appearance. Her
hair was a mass of short curls. She was dark of skin as some Spanish
Her costume lent extra charm to her appearance; for she wore a long,
Grecian-like robe of some light, diaphanous ivory-cream fabric,
engirdled at the waist with a belt composed of some sort of glistening
peacock-green shells, buckled with frosted silver. The simple but
exquisite garment had only short shoulder-sleeves, and was cut low
round the throat and neck, and finished there—as were the edges of the
shoulder-sleeves—with a two-inch wide band of sheeny silk of the same
colour as the shells of her belt. The opening at the neck of the robe was
fastened with a brooch of frosted silver of the same pattern, only smaller,
as the buckle of the belt.
From beneath the silk-bound hem of her robe there peeped bronze
slippers, encasing the daintiest little crimsoned-stockinged feet ever used
for pedalling this rough old earth’s crust.
Bastin introduced the child. She gave Tom her hand, and lifted her
wondrous eyes to his, answering his question as to her health in the
prettiest of broken English he had ever heard.
A moment or two later the three friends were seated—Tom and Bastin
in armchairs opposite each other, the child (Viola, Bastin had christened
her) on a low stool between Bastin’s knees.
“Shall we use the old lingo—French?” Bastin asked the question in
the Bohemian Parisian they had been wont to use together years before.
“As you please, Ralph,” Hammond replied.
“I have told you hurriedly something of where I have been,” Bastin
began. “But I have reserved my great story until I could tell it to you
here——” He glanced down at the child at his feet. “I heard,” he went
on, “when at La Caribe—as everyone hears who stays long in the place
—that each year, in spite of the laws of the whites, who are in power, a
child is sacrificed to the Carib deities, and I longed to know if it were
“During my first few week’s sojourn on the little island of Utilla, I was
able to render one of the old priests a service, which somehow became so
exaggerated in his eyes that there was almost literally nothing that he
would not do for me, and eventually he yielded to my entreaties to give
me a chance to see for myself the yearly sacrifice, which was due in a
month’s time.
“During that month of waiting I made many sketches of this
wonderful neighbourhood, and became acquainted with this little Carib
maiden, painting her in three or four different ways. The child became
intensely attached to me, and I to her, and we were always together in the
“As the time drew near for the sacrifice I noticed that the little one
grew very elated, and there was a new flash in her eyes, a kind of
rapturous pride. I asked her no question as to this change, putting it down
as girlish pride in being painted by the ‘white prince,’ as she insisted on
calling me.
“I need not trouble you, my dear fellow, with unnecessary details of
how and where the old priest led me on the eventful night, which was a
black as Erebus, but come to the point where the real interest begins.
“It was midnight when at last I had been smuggled into that
mysterious cave, which, if only a tithe of what is reported be half true,
has been damned by some of the awfullest deeds ever perpetrated. My
priest-guide had made me swear, before starting, that whatever I saw I
would make no sign, utter no sound, telling me that if I did, and we were
discovered, we should both be murdered there and then.
“We had hardly hidden ourselves before the whole centre of the cave
became illuminated with a mauve-coloured flame that burned up from a
flat brass brazier, and seemed like the coloured fires used in pantomime
effects on the English stage. By this wonderful light I saw a hundred and
fifty or more Carib men and women file silently into the cave, and take
up their positions in orderly rows all round the place. When they had all
mustered, a sharp note was struck upon the carimba, a curious one-
stringed instrument, and the circles of silent savages dropped into
squatting position on their heels. Then the weirdest of all weird music
began, the instruments being a drum, a flute, and the carimba.
“But my whole attention became absorbed by the grouping in the
centre of the room—the fire-dish had been shifted to one side, and I saw
a hideous statue, squatted on a rudely-constructed, massive table, the
carved hands gripping a bowl that rested on the stone knees of the image.
The head of the hideous god was encircled with a very curious band, that
looked, from where I stood, like bead and grass and feather work. The
face—cheeks and forehead—was scored with black, green and red paint,
the symbolic colours of that wondrous race that once filled all Central
“In the back part of the wide, saucer-like edge of the bowl which
rested on the knees of the statue, there burned a light-blue flame, and
whether it was from this fire, or from the larger one that burned in the
wide, shallow brazier on the floor, I cannot positively say, but a lovely
fragrance was diffused from one or the other.
“Before this strange altar stood three very old priests, while seven
women (sukias,) as grizzled as the men, stood at stated intervals about
the altar. One of these hideous hags had a dove in her hand; another held
a young kid clasped between her strong brown feet; a third held the
sacrificial knife, a murderous-looking thing, made of volcano glass, short
in blade, and with a peculiar jagged kind of edge; another of these hags
grasped a snake by the neck—a blood-curdling-looking tamagas, a snake
as deadly as a rattle-snake.
“Opposite the centre-man of the three old priests stood a girl-child,
about ten years of age, and perfectly nude. During the first few moments
the vapourous kind of smoke that was wafted by a draught somewhere,
from the fire-pan on the floor of the cave, hid the child’s features, though
I could see how beautiful of form she was; then, as the smoke-wreath
presently climbed straight up, I was startled to see that the child was my
little friend.
“In my amaze I had almost given vent to some exclamation, but my
old priest-guide was watching me, and checked me.
“My little one’s beautiful head was wreathed with jasmine, and a
garland of purple madre-de-cacoa blossoms hung about her lovely
“Suddenly, like the barely-audible notes of the opening music of some
orchestral number, the voice of one of the priests began to chant; in turn
the two other priests took up the strain; then each of the seven hags in
their turn, and anon each in the first circle of squatting worshippers,
followed by each woman in the second row: and in this order the chant
proceeded, until, weird and low, every voice was engaged.
“Suddenly the combined voices ceased, and one woman’s voice alone
rose upon the stillness; and following the sound of the voice, I saw that it
was the mother of my little native child-friend. I had not noticed her
before—she had been squatting out of sight. Hers was not the chant of
the others, but a strange, mournful wail. It lasted about a minute and a-
half; then, rising to her feet, she gently thrust the child forward towards
the altar, then laid herself face down on the floor of the cave.
“The little one leaned against the edge of the altar, and taking up, with
a tiny pair of bright metal tongs, a little fire out of the back edge of the
bowl on the knees of the god, she lighted another fire on the front edge
of the bowl, her suddenly-illuminated face filled with a glowing pride.
“Then, at a signal from the head priest, the child lifted her two hands,
extended them across the altar, when they were each seized by the two
other priests, and the beautiful little body was drawn slowly, gently over,
until the smooth breast almost touched the sacrificial fire she had herself
“Then I saw the woman who had held the knife suddenly yield it up to
the head priest, and I made an unconscious movement to spring forward.
“My guide held me, and whispered his warning in my ear: yet, even
though I must be murdered myself, I felt I dared not see that sweet young
life taken.
“Like a man suffering with nightmare, who wants to move, but cannot,
I stood transfixed, fascinated, one instant longer. But in that flashing
instant the head priest had swept, with lightning speed, the edge of that
hideous knife twice across the little one’s breast, and she stood smiling
upwards like one hypnotized.
“The priest caught a few drops of the child’s blood, and shook them
into the bowl of the god; then I saw the little one fall into her mother’s
arms; there was a second sudden flashing of that hideous knife, a piteous,
screaming cry, and I gave vent to a yell—but not voice to it,—for the
watching guide at my side clapped one hand tightly over my mouth,
while with the other he held me from flying out into the ring of devils,
whispering in my ear as he held me back,
“‘It is the goat that is slain, not the child.’
“Another glance, and I saw that this was so; one flash of that obsidian
sacrificial blade across the throat of the kid had been enough, and now
the blood was being drained into the bowl of the god.
“I need not detail all the other hideous ceremonies; they lasted for
nearly two hours longer, ending with a mad frenzied dance, in which all
joined save the priests and the mother and child.
“Every dancer, man and woman, flung off every rag of clothing, and
whirled and leaped and gyrated in their perfect nudity, until, utterly
exhausted, one after another they sank upon the floor.
“Then slowly they gathered themselves up, reclothed themselves, and
left the cave. And now some large pine torches were lighted, and my
guide drew me further back, that the increased glare might not reveal our
presence, and I saw the curious ending to this weird night’s work. The
priests and their seven women sukias opened a pit in the floor of the cave
by shifting a great slab of stone, and lowered the idol into the pit. The
remains of the kid, the sacrificial knife, and the dove were dropped into
the bowl of blood that rested on the knees of the idol; then the sukia that
had held the tamagas snake during the whole of those hideous night
hours, dropped the writhing thing into the bowl, and the slab was
lowered quickly over the pit, every seam around the slab being carefully
filled, and the whole thing hidden by sprinkling loose dust and the ashes
from the fire over the spot.
“Then, as soon as the last of the performers had cleared the cave, I
followed my guide, and with a throbbing head, and full of a sense of
strange sickness, I went to the house where I was staying.
“I lay down upon my bed, but could not sleep; and as early as I dared I
went round to my little Martarae’s home—Martarae was her native
name. Her mother met me, said that the child would not come out in the
sun to-day, that I might see her for a moment if I pleased, but that she
was not very well.
“Sweet little soul! I found her lying on her little bed, with a proud
light in her eyes, and a very flushed face.
“A fortnight later the light flesh wounds were healed. She showed me
her breast, confided to me the story, and asked me if I did not think she
had much to be proud of.
“‘Will you keep a secret?’ I asked her. She gave me her promise, and I
told her how I had seen the whole thing, and all my fears for her.
“A week later she was orphaned. Her mother was stung by a deadly
scorpion, and died in an hour, and I made the child my care.
“She has travelled everywhere with me ever since, and you see how
fair and sweet she is, and how beautifully she speaks our English. She is
barely twelve, is naturally gifted, and is the very light of my life.”
“Would she let me see her breast, Ralph, do you think?” Hammond
Bastin smiled, and spoke a word to the child, and she, rising to her feet
and smiling back at him, unfastened the broach at her throat, and, laying
back her breast-covering, showed the gleaming, shiny scars. Then as she
re-covered her chest, she said softly:
“Ralph has taught me that those gods were evil; but though I shall ever
wear this cross in the flesh of my breast, I shall ever love the Christ who
died on the world’s great cross at Calvary.”
“It is a most marvellous story, Ralph,” he said tearing his eyes away
from the child’s clear, searching gaze.
“The more marvellous because absolutely true,” returned Bastin.
Then, addressing Viola, and relapsing, of course, into English for her
sake, he explained who Tom Hammond was, and that he (Ralph) was
going to be associated with him on the same great newspaper.
“Mr. Hammond and you, Viola, must be real good friends,” he added.
“Sure, daddy!” the girl said smilingly; “I like him much already——”
She lifted herself slightly until she rested on her knees, and stretching
one hand across the hearthrug to Tom Hammond, she laid the other in
her guardian’s, as she went on:
“Mr. Hammond is good! I know, I know, for his eyes shine true.”
A ripple of merry laughter escaped her, as she gazed back into her
guardian’s face, and added:
“But you, daddy, are always first.”

F a wonder, Tom Hammond could not sleep. Usually, when the last
thing had been done, and he was assured that everything was in perfect
train for the morning’s issue, he ate a small basin of boiled milk and
bread, which he invariably took by way of a “night-cap,” then went to
bed, and slept like a tired ploughman. But to-night slumber would have
none of him.
“It must be the various excitements of the day,” he muttered. “That
story of Ralph’s Caribbean child was enough to keep a fellow’s brain
working for a week. Then there was meeting Ralph so unexpectedly, just,
too, when I so lusted for his presence and help. Then there was that
Joyce item——”
His mind trailed off to the scene of the morning, every item of it
starting up in a new and vivid light. Suddenly he recalled the booklet
Mrs. Joyce had given him.
“I can’t sleep,” he murmured; “I’ll find that thing and read it.”
His fingers sought the electric switch. The next moment the room was
full of light. He got out of bed, passed quickly through to his dressing-
room, found the coat that he had worn that morning, and secured the
He went back again to bed, and, lying on his elbow, opened the dainty
little printed thing and began to read thus:
“You don’t say so! Where on earth has she gone?”
“I can’t say, sir, but it’s plain enough she is missing. Hasn’t been seen
since last night when she went up to her room.”
I was put out, I own; my man on waking me had informed me that the
cook was missing; she had gone to bed without anything being noticed
amiss, and was now nowhere to be found. She was always an odd
woman, but a capital cook. What had become of her? The very last sort
of person to disappear in this way—a respectable elderly Scotchwoman
—really quite a treasure in the country; and the more I thought of it
while I dressed, the more puzzled I became. I hardly liked to send for the
police; and then again it was awkward, very—people coming to dinner
that day. It was really too bad.
But I had scarcely finished dressing when in rushed my man again. I
do so dislike people being excited, and he was more than excited.
“Please, sir, Mr. Vend has come round to see you; his coachman has
gone—went off in the night, and hasn’t left a trace behind, and they say
the gardener’s boy is with him.”
“Well,” said I, “it is extraordinary; tell Mr. Vend I’m coming; stay, I’ll
go at once.”
It was really past belief—the three of them! After an hour’s talk with
Vend, no explanation offered itself, so we decided to go to town as usual.
We walked down to the station, and saw at once something was
wrong. Old Weeks, the stationmaster, was quite upset: his pointsman was
missing, and the one porter had to take up his duty. However, the train
coming up, we had no time to question him, but jumped in. There were
three other people in the compartment, and really I thought I was going
off my head when I heard what they were discussing. Vend, too, didn’t
seem to know if he was on his head or his heels. It was this that startled
us so: “What can have become of them all?”
I heard no more. I really believe I swooned, but at the next station—a
large one—we saw consternation on every face. I pinched myself to see
if I was dreaming. I tried to persuade myself I was. Vend looked ghastly.
A passenger got in; he did not look quite so dazed as some did, but
savage and cross. For a time none spoke; at last someone said aloud—I
don’t think he expected an answer—
“What on earth’s become of them?” and the cross looking man, who
got in last, growled out,
“That’s the worst of it; they are not on earth, they are gone. My boy
always said it would be so; from the very first moment I heard it, I knew
what had happened; often he has warned me. I still have his voice
ringing in my ears.
“‘I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed: the one
shall be taken, and the other shall be left.’ (Luke xvii. 34.)
“I know only too well ‘that night’ was last night. I’ve often prayed for
it without thinking, and so I daresay have you: ‘Thy kingdom come.’ It
makes me so savage I don’t know what to do.”
Now, I was an atheist, and did not believe the Bible. For the last thirty
years (I am past fifty) I had stuck to my opinions, and when I heard men
talk religious trash I invariably objected.
But this seemed altogether different. I tell you, for a thousand pounds I
couldn’t have said a word. I just hoped it would all turn out a dream, but
the further we went, the more certain it became that we were all awake,
and that by some unaccountable visitation of Providence a number of
people had suddenly disappeared in the night.
The whole of society was unhinged; everybody had to do somebody’s
else’s work. For instance, at the terminus, a porter had been put into
Smith’s stall, as the usual man was missing. Cabs were not scarce, but
some of those who drove them seemed unlicensed and new to their work.
The shutters in some of the shops were up, and on getting to my bank I
heard the keys had only just been found.
Everyone was silent, and afraid lest some great misfortune was
coming. I noticed we all seemed to mistrust one another, and yet as each
fresh clerk, turned up late, entered the counting-room, a low whisper
went round. The chief cashier, as I expected, did not come. The
newspapers no one cared to look at; there seemed a tacit opinion that
they could tell us nothing.
Business was at a standstill. I saw that very soon. I hoped as the day
wore on that it would revive, but it did not. The clerks went off without
asking my permission, and I was left alone. I felt I hated them. I did not
know what to do. I could not well leave, else they might say the bank
had stopped payment, and yet I felt I could not stay there. Business
seemed to have lost its interest, and money its value. I put up the shutters
myself, and at once noticed what a change had come over the City while
I had been at the bank. Then all were trying to fill the void places; now it
seemed as if the attempt had failed.
In the City some of the streets had that dismal Sunday appearance,
while a few houses had been broken into; but in the main thoroughfares
there was a dense mass of people, hurrying, it struck me, they knew not
where. Some seemed dazed, others almost mad with terror. At the
stations confusion reigned, and I heard there had been some terrible
accidents. I went into my club, but the waiters had gone off without
leave, and one had to help oneself.
As evening came on, I saw the lurid reflection of several fires, but,
horrible to say, no one seemed to mind, and I felt myself that if the whole
of London were burnt, and I with it, I should not care. For the first time
in my life I no longer feared Death: I rather looked on him as a friend.
As the gas was not lit, and darkness came down upon us, one heard
cries and groans. I tried to light the gas, but it was not turned on. I
remembered there was a taper in the writing-room. I went and lit it, but
of course it did not last long. I groped my way into the dining-room, and
helped myself to some wine, but I could not find much, and what I took
seemed to have no effect; and when I heard voices, they fell on me as if I
were in a dream. They were talking of the Bible, though, and it now
seemed the one book worth thinking of, yet in our vast club library I
doubt if I should have found a single copy.
One said: “What haunts me are the words ‘Watch therefore.’ You can’t
watch now.”
I thought of my dinner party. Little had I imagined a week ago, when I
issued the invitations, how I should be passing the hour.
Suddenly I remembered the secretary had been a religious fanatic, and
I made my way slowly to his room, knocking over a table, in my
passage, with glasses on it. It fell with a crash which sounded through
the house, but no one noticed it. By the aid of a match I saw candles on
his writing table and lit them. Yes! as I thought, there was his Bible. It
was open as if he had been reading it when called away, and another
book I had never seen before lay alongside of it—a sort of index.
The Bible was open at Proverbs, and these verses, being marked,
caught my eye:
“Because I have called and ye refused, I have stretched out My hand
and no man regarded; I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock
when your fear cometh.”
I had never thought before of God laughing—of God mocking. I had
fancied man alone did that. Man’s laughing had ended now—I saw that
pretty plain.
I had a hazy recollection of a verse that spoke of men wanting the
rocks to fall on them; so looked it up in the index. Yes, there was the
word “Rock,” and some of the passages were marked with a pencil. One
was Deut. xxxii. 15: “He forsook God which made him, and lightly
esteemed the Rock of our Salvation.”
Perhaps he marked that passage after he had had a talk with me. How
well I remember the earnestness with which he pressed salvation upon
me that day—explaining the simplicity of trusting Christ and His blood
for pardon—and assuring me that if I only yielded myself to the Lord I
should understand the peace and joy he talked about. But it was no use. I
remember I only chaffed him, and said mockingly that his God was a
myth, and time would prove it, and he answered,
“Never. ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not
pass away.’ He may come to-night.”
I laughed and said, “What odds will you take? I lay you long ones.”
Another passage marked was 1 Samuel ii. 2, “Neither is there any rock
like our God,” and lower still “Man who built his house upon a rock.”
I had no need to look that out. I knew what it referred to, and then my
eye caught Matt. xxvii. 51, “The earth did quake, and the rocks rent.”
That was when Christ died to save sinners, died to save me—and yet I
had striven against Him all my life. I could not bear to read more. I shut
the book and got up. There were some texts hanging over the fireplace:
“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out.”—Acts iii. 19.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin.”—1 John
i. 7.
“Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”—2
Cor. vi. 2.
As I turned to leave the room these caught my eye, and I said, “Well, I
have been a fool.”
Tom Hammond looked up from the little booklet,—a look of
bewilderment was in his eyes, a sense of blankness, almost of
stupefaction, in his mind. Like one who, half stunned, passes through
some strange and wondrous experience, and slowly recalls every item of
that experience as fuller consciousness returns, he went, mentally, slowly
over the story of the little book.
“The verisimilitude of the whole story is little less than startling,” he
murmured. His eyes dropped upon the book again, and he read the last
line aloud: “Well, I have been a fool.”
Slowly, meditatively, he added: “And I, with every other otherwise
sane man who has been careless as to whether such things are to be, am
as big a fool as the man in that book!”
He laid the dainty little messenger down on the table by his bedside.
His handling of the book was almost reverential. Reaching to the electric
lever, he switched off the light. He wanted to think, and he could think
best in the dark.
“Of course, I know historically,” he mused, “all the events of the
Christ’s life, His death, His resurrection, and—and——Well, there, I
think, my knowledge ends. In a vague way I have always known that the
Bible said something of a great final denouement to all the World Drama
—an award time of some kind, a millennium of perfect—perfect—well
perfect everything that is peaceful and——Oh, I don’t know much about
it, after all. I am very much in a fog, I see, for Mrs. Joyce and that
booklet both speak of a return of Christ into the air, whither certain dead
and certain living are to be caught up to be with Him and to begin an
eternity of bliss.”
For a moment or two he tried to disentangle his many thoughts; then,
with a weary little sigh, he gave up the task, murmuring: “I certainly am
not ready for any such event. If there is to be a hideous leaving behind of
the unready, then I should be left to all that unknown hideousness.”
A myriad thoughts crowded upon his brain. He gave up, at length, the
perplexing attempt to think out the problem, telling himself that with the
coming of the new day he would begin a definite search for the real facts
of this great mystery—the second coming of Christ.
By an exercise of his will he finally settled himself to sleep.

“W you come into my workroom, Mr. Hammond? It is a kind of

sanctum to me as well as a workroom, and I always feel that I can talk
freer there than anywhere else.”
It was the Jew, Abraham Cohen, who said these words. His visitor was
Tom Hammond. It was the morning after that Tom Hammond had been
troubled about “Long Odds” and its mysterious subject.
Jew and Gentile had had a few moments’ general talk in the sitting-
room downstairs, but Cohen wanted to see his visitor alone—to be where
nothing should interrupt their conversation.
Tom Hammond’s first vision of Cohen’s workroom amazed him. As
we have seen before, the apartment was a large one, and, besides being a
workroom, partook of the character of a study, den, sanctum—anything
of that order that best pleases the reader.
But it was the finished work which chiefly arrested the attention of
Tom Hammond, and in wondering tones he cried: “It is all so exquisitely
wrought and fashioned! But what can it be for?”
Cohen searched his visitor’s face with his deep grave eyes.
“Will you give me your word, Mr. Hammond,” he asked, “that you
will hold in strictest confidence the fact that this work is here in this
place, if I tell you what it is for?”
“I do give you my word of honour, Mr. Cohen.” As he spoke, Tom
Hammond held forth his hand. The Jew grasped the hand, there was an
exchange of grips; then, as their clasp parted, the Jew said:
“I do not wish to bind you to any secrecy as to the fact that such work
as this is being performed in England, but only that you should preserve
the secret of the whereabouts of the work and workers.” With a sudden
glow of pride—it flashed in his eyes, it rang in his tones—he cried, “This
work is for the New Temple!”
“The New Temple? I don’t think I quite understand you, Mr. Cohen.
Where is this temple being built?” There was amaze in Tom Hammond’s
“It is not yet begun,” replied the Jew. “That is, the actual rearing has
not yet begun, though the preparations are well forward. The New
Temple is to be at Jerusalem, Mr. Hammond.”
The ring of pride deepened in his voice as he went on: “There can be
no other site for the Temple of Jehovah save Zion, the city of our God,
beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth—the centre of the
world, Mr. Hammond.”
As he talked, Tom Hammond, watching him intently, saw how the
soul of the man and the hope of the true Israelite shone out of his eyes.
Crossing the room to where a chart of the world (on Mercator’s
Projection) hung on the wall, the Jew took an inch-marked straight-edge,
and laying one end of it on Barrow Point, Alaska, he marked the spot on
the straight-edge where it touched Jerusalem. From Jerusalem to
Wrangel Land, Siberia, farthest east, he showed by his straight-edge that
practically he got the same measurement as when from the west. From
Jerusalem to North Cape, Scandinavia, and from Jerusalem to the Cape
of Good Hope, he showed again was each practically the same distance.
“Always, always, is Zion the centre of the inhabited earth!” he cried in
quiet, excited tones. Moving quickly back to Hammond’s side, he said:
“Did you ever think of this, sir, that, practically speaking, all the nations
west of Jerusalem (those of Europe) write from west to east—that is,
towards the city of our God; whilst all the Asiatic races (those east of
Zion) write from east to west—just the opposite,—but always towards
Zion? No, no, sir; there can be no other place on earth for the New
Temple of Jehovah save Jerusalem. Read Ezekiel, from the fortieth
chapter, sir, and you will see how glorious a Temple Jehovah is to have
soon. ‘Show the house to the people of Israel,’ God said in vision to His
prophet, ‘and let them build it after the sum, the pattern which I show
you.’ And that, sir, is what we are doing.”
“Who are the we who are doing this?” Tom Hammond’s face was as
full of wonder as his voice. “Who,” he continued, “makes the plans,
gives the orders, finds the funds?”
“Wealthy, patriotic men of our people, sir. We as a race are learning
that soon the Messiah will come, and we are proving our belief by
preparing for the House of our God. Italian Jews all over Italy are
carving the richest marbles; wrought iron, wondrous works in metal,
gold and silver ornaments, cornices, chapiters, bells for the high priest’s
robes, and a myriad other things are being prepared; so that the moment
the last restriction on our land—the land of our fathers, the land which
Jehovah gave unto our forefather Abraham, saying, ‘Your seed shall
possess it’—is removed, we shall begin to ship the several prepared parts
of the Temple to Palestine, as the Gentiles term our land.”
A curious little smile flittered over his face as he added,
“The very march of modern times in the East, Mr. Hammond, is all
helping to make the consummation of our work more easy. The new
railways laid from the coast to Jerusalem are surely part of the
providence of our God. When Messiah comes, sir, we shall be waiting
ready for Him, I trust.”
“But do you not know,” Tom Hammond interrupted, “that according to
every record of history as well as the New Testament, all Christendom
has believed, for all the ages since, that the Messiah came nearly two
thousand years ago?”
“The Nazarene?”
There was as much or more of pity than scorn in the voice of the Jew
as he uttered the word.
“How could He be the Messiah, sir?” he went on. “Could any good
thing come out of Nazareth? Besides, our Messiah is to redeem Israel, to
deliver them from the hand of the oppressor, and to gather again into one
nation all our scattered race. No, no! a thousand times No! The Nazarene
could not be our Messiah!”
Turning quickly to Hammond, he asked, “Are you a Christian, sir?”
For a moment Tom Hammond was startled by the suddenness, the
definiteness, of the question. He found no immediate word of reply.
“You are a Gentile, of course, Mr. Hammond,” the Jew went on; “but
are you a Christian? For it is a curious fact that I find very few Gentiles
whom I have met, even professed Christians, and fewer still who ever
pretend to live up to their profession.”
Tom Hammond recovered himself sufficiently to say:
“Yes, I am a Gentile, of course, and I suppose I am—er——”
It struck him, as he floundered in the second half of his reply, as being
very extraordinary that he should find it difficult to state why he
supposed he was a Christian. While he hesitated the Jew went on:
“Why should you say you suppose, sir? Is there nothing distinctive
enough about the possession of Christianity to give assurance of it to its
possessor? I do not suppose I am a Jew, sir (by religion I mean, and not
merely by race.) No, sir, I do not suppose, for I know it. There is all the
difference in the world, it seems to me, sir, between the mere theology
and the religion of the faith we profess. The religion is life, it seems to
me, sir; theology is only the science of that life.”
Both men were so utterly absorbed in their talk that they did not hear a
touch on the handle of the door. It was only as it opened that they turned
round. Zillah stood framed in the doorway. Cohen, who saw her every
day, realized that she had never looked so radiantly beautiful before. She
had almost burst into the room, but paused as she saw that a stranger was
“Excuse me,” she began; “I had no idea you had a friend with you,
She would have retreated, but he stopped her with an eager—
“Come in, Zillah.”
She advanced, gazing in curious inquiry at Hammond.
“This is Mr. Tom Hammond, editor of the ‘Courier,’ Zillah,” Cohen
explained to the young girl. To Hammond he added, “My wife’s sister,
Zillah Robart.”
The introduced pair shook hands. The young Jew went on to explain
to Zillah how the great editor came to be visiting him.
Tom Hammond’s eyes were fixed upon the vision of loveliness that
the Jewess made. She was going to assist at the wedding of a girl-friend,
and had come to show herself to her brother-in-law before starting.
Lovely at the most ordinary times, she looked perfectly radiant in her
well-chosen wedding finery.
Tom Hammond had seen female loveliness in many lands—East,
North, West, South. He had gazed upon women who seemed too lovely
for earth—women whose flesh was alabaster, whose glance would woo
emperors; women whose skins glowed with the olive of southern lands,
the glance of whose black, lustrous eyes intoxicated the beholder in the
first instant: Inez of Spain, Mousmee of Japan, Katrina of Russia,
Carlotta of Naples, Rosie of Paris, Maggie of the Scottish Highlands,
Patty of Wales, Kate of Ireland, and a score of other typical beauties. But
this Jewish maiden, this Zillah of Finsbury—she was beyond all his
thought or knowledge of feminine loveliness.
While Cohen talked on for a moment or two, and Zillah’s eyes were
fixed upon her brother-in-law, Tom Hammond’s gaze was riveted upon
the lovely girl.
Every feature of her beautiful face became photographed on his brain.
Had he been a clever artist, he could have gone to his studio and have
flung with burning, brilliant haste her face upon his canvas.
He thought of Zenobia as he looked upon her brow. He wondered if
ever two such wide, black, lustrous eyes had ever shone in the face of a
woman before, or whether a female soul had ever before been mirrored
in such eyes.
Her mouth was not the large, wide feature so often seen in women of
her race, but of exquisite lines, with ripe, full lips, as brilliant in colour as
the most glowing coral. Her eyes were fringed with the blackest, finest,
silkiest lashes. Her hair was raven in hue and wondrous in its wealth.
He realized, in that first moment of full gazing upon her, how faded
every other female face must ever seem beside her glorious beauty. With
a strange freak of mental conjuring, Madge Finisterre and that
interrupted tete-a-tete rose up before him, and a sudden sense of relief
swept over him that George Carlyon had returned at the moment that he
“It is all so strange, so wonderful to me, what I have seen and heard
here,” he jerked out as Cohen finished his explanation.
Hammond spoke to the beautiful girl, whose great lustrous eyes had
suddenly come back to his face.
For a moment or two longer he voiced his admiration of the separate
pieces of finished work, and spoke of his own growing interest in the
Jewish race.
The great black eyes that gazed upwards into his, grew liquid with the
evident emotion that filled the soul of the beautiful girl. With the frank,
hearty, simple gesture of the perfectly unconventional woman, she held
forth her hand to Hammond as she said:
“It is so good of you, sir, to speak thus of my brother-in-law’s work
and of our race. There are few who speak kindly of us. Even though, as a
nation, you English give our poor persecuted people sanctuary, yet there
are few who care for us or speak kindly of us, and fewer still who speak
kindly to us.”
Tom Hammond held the pretty, plump little hand that she offered him
clasped warmly in his, almost forgetting himself as he gazed down into
her expressive face and listened to her rich musical voice. There was an
ardency in his gaze that was unknown, unrealized, by himself.
The olive of the girl’s cheeks warmed under the power of his gaze. He
saw the warm colour rise, and remembered himself, shifted his eyes, and
released her hand.
“I must not stay another moment, Abraham,” she cried, turning to the
Jew. “Adah would be vexed if I were late.”
She turned back to Hammond, but before she could speak he was
“Good-bye, Miss Robart; I hope we may meet again. What your
brother has already told me only incites me to come again and see him,
for there are many things I want to know.”
He shook hands with the girl again. His eyes met hers, and again he
saw the olive cheeks suddenly warm.
Ten minutes later he was driving back to his office, his mind in a
strange whirl, the beautiful face of Zillah Robart filling all his vision.
He pulled himself up at last, and laughed low and amusedly as he
“And I am the man whose pulses had never been quickened by the
sight or the touch of a woman until I met her——”
The memory of Madge Finisterre flashed into his mind. He smiled to
himself as he mused:
“Even when I seemed most smitten by Madge, by her piquant
Americanism, I told myself I was not sure that love had anything to do
with my feelings. Now I know it had not.”
His eyes filled suddenly with a kind of staring wonder as he cried out,
in a low, startled undertone:
“Am I inferring to myself that this sudden admiration for Zillah
Robart has any element of love in it?”
He smiled at his own unuttered answer. The cab pulled up at the door
of the office at that moment. He came back sharply to everyday things.

M F awoke early on the morning after that discussion

with herself anent Hammond’s possible proposal.
With startling suddenness, as she lay still a moment, a vision of the
pastor of Balhang came up before her mind. Then a strange thing
happened to her, for a yearning sense of home-sickness suddenly filled
She tried to laugh at herself for her “childishness,” as she called it, and
sprang from her bed to prepare for her bath. Standing for one instant by
the bedside, she murmured:
“But, after all, it is time I was paddling across again. Who ever heard
of anyone from our side staying here through the winter? I must think
this all out seriously. Anyway, I’ll get my bath, and dress, and go for a
stroll before breakfast. They say that one ought to see suburban London
pouring over the bridges into London city in the early morning. I’ll go
this morning.”
Half-an-hour later she was dressed ready for her expedition. As she
passed the office on her way out, they were sorting the morning mail.
She waited for her letters. There was only one, but it was from home.
Racing back to her room, she tore it open with an eagerness born,
unconsciously to herself, of the nostalgia that had seized upon her three-
quarters of an hour before.
There were two large, closely-written sheets in the letter—one from
her father and one from her mother. Each told their own news.
She read her father’s first; every item interested her, though as she
read she seemed to feel that there was all through it an underlying strain
of longing for her return.
“Dear old poppa!” she murmured as she neared the finish of the
Suddenly her eyes took in the two lines of postscript jammed close
into the bottom edge of the first sheet. Her heart seemed to stand still as
she read:—
“Pastor is considered sick. Doctor can’t make his case out.”
“Pastor sick!” She gasped the words aloud; then, turning swiftly to her
mother’s letter, she cried: “Momma will tell more than this!”
Her eyes raced over the written lines. Her mother said a little more
than her father had done about the sickness of their friend and pastor; not
much, though, in actual words, but to the disturbed heart of the young
girl there seemed to her much deeper meaning.
An excited trembling came upon her for a few moments. The next
instant she had put a strong curb upon herself, and, folding the letters,
and replacing them in the envelope, she cried out quietly, but sharply:
“The boat from Southampton sails at two to-day. I’ll catch that!”
The next instant she was divesting herself of her hat and jacket, and
began to set about her packing.
Now and again she talked to herself thus: “Sick, is he? Poor old
pastor! I guess I know what’s the matter with him, and I’ll put him right
in five minutes.”
She smiled as she went on: “I guess, too, I’ve found out what’s the
matter with me—I want to be a pastor’s wife!”
The next instant her voice was carolling out:

“For I tell them they need not come wooing of me,

For my heart, my heart, is over the sea.”

Her fingers were busy, her mind all the time kept mentally arranging a
host of things.
“I wonder,” she murmured presently, “how Uncle Archibald and
George will take my sudden departure? Well, I’m glad George is out of
town. He’s been showing signs of spoons lately with me, so it’s best,
perhaps, that I should get off without seeing him.”

By eleven that forenoon she had left Waterloo. Her uncle had seen her
off from the station. He wanted to accompany her to Southampton, but
she would not hear of it.
“I want to be very quiet all the way down,” she said, “and write some
important letters. Make my excuses to everybody, and explain that I only
had an hour or two to do everything.”
At the last moment her uncle slipped an envelope into her hand,
saying, “You are not to open it until you have been travelling a quarter of
an hour.”
Then came the good-byes, and—off.
She had been travelling nearly a quarter of an hour when she opened
the envelope. There was a brief, hearty, loving note inside, in her uncle’s
hand-writing, expressing the joy her visit had given him, and his sense of
loneliness at her going, and saying:

“Please, dear Madge, accept the enclosure in second

envelope, as a souvenir of your visit, from your
“N .”

She opened the smaller envelope. To her breathless amazement, she

found a Bank of England note for £1,000. When she recovered herself a
little, a smile filled her eyes as she murmured:
“Fancy an American Methodist pastor’s wife with a thousand pounds
of her own! My!”
The train was rushing on; she remembered that she had a special letter
to write. She opened her bag and took out writing materials. The carriage
rocked tremendously, but she managed to pen her letter. Before she
finally enclosed the letter in an envelope, she took from her purse a two-
inch cutting from the columns of some newspaper or magazine. This she
placed in the letter.

Tom Hammond had just settled himself down to work when a letter,
bearing the Southampton post-mark, was delivered to him. Opening it,
and reading “My dear Mr. Hammond,” he turned next to the signature.
“Madge Finisterre?” he cried softly, surprisedly, under his breath.
Wonderingly he turned back to the first page, and read:

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