X Notes Chapter5 Green Skills

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CHAPTER 2: Self-Management Skills-II
CHAPTER 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-II
CHAPTER 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-II
CHAPTER 5: Green Skills

CHAPTER 5: Green Skills

The environment around us affects all aspects of our life; and all our day-to-day activities also
affect the environment. Those who live in cities get their food supply from surrounding villages
and in turn, are dependent on forests, grasslands, rivers, seashores, for resources, such as water,
fuel wood etc. We use natural resources for food. Everything around us forms our environment
and our lives depend on the natural world around us. Over the years, with economic development,
there has been an increase in environmental pollution.
For example, with the introduction of high input agriculture, we can grow more food by using
fertilisers, pesticides and hybrid crops. But it has led to soil and environmental degradation. We
need to plan the use of resources in a sustainable manner so that we and our future generations can
enjoy the good environment.

Sustainable Development:
What is Sustainable Development?
Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the present without
compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between economic
growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Importance of Sustainable Development

Economic development is using up resources of the world so quickly that our future generations,
the young people of the world, would have serious environmental problems, much worse than
those that we are facing at present. With increasing population and income, the consumption of
goods is increasing day by day. This has led to increase in production and utilisation of natural
resources, which are required for producing goods. Society must thus change its development
strategy to a new form where development will not destroy the environment. This form of
sustainable development can only be brought about if each individual practices a sustainable
For example, sustainable agriculture consists of environment friendly methods of farming that
allow the production of agricultural crops or livestock without damage to human or natural
systems. It also involves preventing the use of chemicals so as to avoid adverse effects to soil,
water and biodiversity.

Problems Related to Sustainable Development

Three major problems related to sustainable development are:
(a) Food: The amount of rich, fertile land needed to grow crops, such as wheat, rice, etc., is
becoming less as we are using up more and more land for other purposes. Soil nutrients are also
getting depleted and lots of chemicals are spoiling the soil due to use of chemical fertilisers.
(b) Water: We use fresh water from rivers and ponds for drinking and cleaning but dump garbage
into them. The rivers and ponds are getting polluted. This way after several years, we will have no
clean water for our use.
(c) Fuel: We are using a lot of wood from trees as fuels and for construction of homes and
furniture. As more and more trees are being cut, it is affecting the climate of the place. Extreme
weather conditions, such as floods, extreme cold or heat, are seen in many places, which affect the
people living there.

Sustainable development includes

• reducing excessive use of resources and enhancing resource conservation;
• recycling and reuse of waste materials;
• scientific management of renewable resources, especially bio-resources;
• planting more trees;
• green grassy patches and trees to be interspersed between concrete buildings;
• using more environment friendly material or biodegradable material and
• use of technologies, which are environmental friendly and based on efficient use of resources.

Our Role in Sustainable Development:

Increasing population and development has led to the increase in consumption of the natural
resources. The more the population, the more food, energy and water we need. When we grow
more crops, the soil’s nutrients are consumed and slowly the soil becomes unusable. Similarly, is
we continue to use fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, very soon we will run out of these
natural resources. We use so many resources from nature but what do we give back to nature?
Factories give out smoke that pollutes the air. Garbage collected from homes is dumped into
landfills. Untreated garbage can lead to disease and unhealthy environment. Sewage from the
cities is dumped into the seas and lakes making it unsafe for marine life. This shows that though
we are using the natural resources, we are doing nothing to return or give back to nature. Natural
resources are limited and with time they will get over and if we do not do anything about it, our
future generations will not be able to survive.

Sustainable Development Goals:

The United Nations has formed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched at the
United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015, forming the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development United Nations has formed 17. It has set targets that
the countries have to should work towards and achieve by 2030.

Here are 17 sustainable development goals to transform our world and also people can help
towards these Sustainable Development Goals.
1. No Poverty
2. Zero hunger
3. Good health and well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumers and Producers
13. Climate action
14. Protect Life Below Water
15. Protect Life on Land
16. Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the goals


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