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CMT - Copan Milk Test

for the detection of

Antibiotics & Sulphonamides

in milk and milk products

CMT - Copan Milk Test
Copan Milk Test (CMT)
Description and principle of the test
CMT is available as a single test which can be used for analyzing
milk samples on a small scale at the farm level and in outlying
or satellite testing labs and as a multiple test microplate for
large scale analysis at central receiving stations, milk processing
plants or quality control laboratories. CMT can be used for the
detection of antimicrobial residues in milk from cows, goats and
sheep including raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk powder.

The test is supplied in individual tubes and multi-well microplates

filled with an agar medium. The agar is pre-seeded with spores
Illustration of the principle:
of Bacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis and incorporates (1) Add the milk samples
a fermentable sugar: glucose and a pH indicator: Bromocresol
Purple. The test is ready to use with no necessity to activate
the product by adding a nutrient tablet. The operator simply
pipets 100µl of milk sample directly onto the surface of the agar
and then incubates the test at 64°C in a water bath, incubator
or heater block for a prescribed length of time. The milk quickly
diffuses throughout the agar medium. If there are no antimicrobial
substances in the milk sample or the concentration is lower then
the limits of detection the Bacillus spores germinate, grow (2) Milk samples diffuse through the agar
and metabolize the sugar. The acid produced from the
fermentation of glucose changes the color of the indicator
Bromocresol Purple in the medium to a yellow color. Alternatively,
if antimicrobial substances are present in the milk sample then
germination and growth of the Bacillus spores is inhibited.
This means there is no fermentation of glucose, no acid production
and therefore the Bromocresol Purple indicator in the medium
remains a purple color.
(3) Incubate the tests

Negative Positive
(no antibiotics present) (antibiotics present)
Spores germinate Spores inhibited from
and bacteria grow > germination and growth >
fermentation of glucose > no fermentation of glucose >
acid present > yellow color no acid > purple color
Unique Features & Advantages

No nutrient tablet or
product activation needed.
Copan Milk Test is supplied ready to use and
does not require any activation or the addition
of nutrient tablets before adding the milk

No Drop Count Pipets speeds the testing process

For users performing the SINGLE test in vials, Copan provides unique
No Drop Count Pipets. Through their unique patented design these
pipets accurately deliver 100µl of sample. Simply squeeze the bulb,
dip the pipet tip in the milk sample and
release the bulb. The pipet draws up at
least 100µl and any excess volume is
siphoned into and trapped inside two
overflow tanks in the pipet. When you
squeeze the bulb a second time exactly
100µl of milk is dispensed. This simple
device allows tests to be set up
accurately and quickly every time
without the necessity of using a
volumetric micro pipet or by dispensing
milk samples by carefully counting

Temperature indicator ensures product integrity

Every box of CMT has a REATEC 40.6°C temperature
indicator strip applied to the underneath of the lid.
This strip has an indicator window which changes color
when exposed to high temperatures. The indicator
window should remain a WHITE color if the product
has been shipped and stored correctly. If the product
has been exposed to 40.6°C or higher the indicator
window will turn a BLACK color. If the product has
been exposed to temperatures near 40.6°C for a
prolonged length of time it may appear slightly GREY
in color. The product should not be used if the indicator
window is BLACK. The REATEC indicator offers a secure
visual check on the integrity of the product which in
turn ensures reliable quality test results.

Convenient foam floating racks

Copan provides foam floating racks
for individual test vials for labs who use
water baths for incubation of the tests.

Easy-break apart
CMT- MICROPLATE assays are
provided in easy to separate strips
allowing a minimum of 16 tests to
be run at any one time.
CMT - Test Formats
Description and format
Copan CMT is a microbial inhibition assay which has a high degree of
sensitivity enabling the detection of a wide range of antimicrobial agents
including Beta Lactams, Tetracyclines, Macrolides, Aminoglycosides,
Sulphonamides, Trimethoprim and other antibiotics.


Test kits designed for performing
individual antimicrobial assays.
SINGLE Test kits contain 25 or 100 vials
of medium and No Drop Count Pipets for
the accurate sample and delivery of 100µl
of milk. Each reaction vial is separate and
can be used for one single test.

Test kits designed for performing
multiple antimicrobial assays.
MICROPLATE kits contain 4 microplates
each containing 96 wells filled with medium
providing a total of 384 tests. Each 96 well
microplate can be separate into 6 strips of 16
tests allowing as little as 16 tests to be run
at any one time. Adhesive covers are provided
in the kit to cover and re-seal the microplate
strips after addition of milk samples.
How to Use - CMT
Using scissors carefully cut out the required The MICROPLATE has 96 test wells divided into
number of single test vials. Pierce or remove 6 strips of 16. As few as 16 tests can be
the foil covering each test vial to allow entry performed at ay one time. The operator can
of the sample pipet. separate a strip of 16 wells from the
MICROPLATE by simply breaking away a strip.
Hold the MICROPLATE so the bottom of the
Using the special No Drop Count Pipet included wells is facing upwards and the foil cover is
in the kit add 100µl of milk sample into each down. Bend the plate along a line between a
test vial. Ensure that a new clean pipet is used row of 16 wells to break and release the strip,
for each sample. Refer to the pack insert for then carefully use scissors to cut the aluminum
specific instructions on how to use the foil covering to fully separate the strip from the
No Drop Count Pipets. rest of the MICROPLATE.

Using a volumetric micro pipetor add 100µl

Incubate the test vials in special heated of milk sample into each test well. It is important
incubation block or in a water bath heated to to remember to use a new clean pipet tip for
64°C +/- 1°C. For incubation in a water bath each sample. Take care to avoid splashes,
Copan supply unique foam floating racks to overspill and cross contamination between
hold the test vials. It is recommended that when adjacent wells. Seal the well of the
incubating in a water bath that the test vials MICROPLATE strip using the adhesive
are properly covered to avoid problems of water film provided in the kit.
condensation. Incubate the tests for 3 hrs.
Incubate the MICROPLATE or strips of the plate
in a heated incubation block or water bath at
A color chart is provided as a guide for 64°C +/- 1°C. It is essential that when incubating
interpretation of positive and negative color in a water bath that the MICROPLATE strips
reactions. Read the color and score the result must be covered with adhesive film to avoid
of each test by examining the bottom and sides problems of water condensation. Incubate
of the vials. the tests for 3 hrs.

A color chart is provided as a guide for

interpretation of positive and negative color
reactions. Read the color and score the
result of each test by examining the bottom



Positive result = Antibiotics are present

Negative result = No Antibiotics present
CMT - Copan Milk Test
Levels of detection for several Antimicrobial Agents
antimicrobial substances are showed Antimicrobial Agents Copan Test detection limits (µg/l) MRL(1) - (µg/l)
in this table. The reported data
are derived from the most recent Beta-lactams
evaluation studies performed by Penicillin G-Na salt 1-2 4
independent laboratories. This list Ampicillin <2 4
serves as a reference only and it is Amoxicillin 2-4 4
under constant update. Cloxacillin 10-15 30
Dicloxacillin 10-15 30
Oxacillin 5-10 30
Cat # Description Naficillin 5-10 30
934C CMT Ceftiofur(2) 50-100 100(3)
SINGLE Test (25 tests) Cefquinom(7) 30-100 20
933C CMT Cefapirin 2.5-5 10
SINGLE Test (100 tests) Cefoperazon 25-50
Cefalexin > 45 100
935C CMT Cefazolin 5-10 50
MICROPLATE (384 tests) Tetracyclines
Chlortetracycline(2) 250-500 100(4)
K19 Foam Floating Racks Oxytetracycline(2) 250-500 100(4)
for use with SINGLE Test Tetracycline(2) 250-500 100(4)
in water bath Doxycycline(2) 150 100(4)
Sulfathiazol 50-100 100(6)
Sulfamethazine(5) 100-200 100(6)
Sulfadioxine 100-200 100(6)
Sulfadimethoxin 50-100 100(6)
Sulfadiazin 50-100 100(6)
Sulfamethoxazole < 50 100(6)
Sulfamonometossina < 50 100(6)
DH-Streptomycin < 1000 200
1001C Heated Incubator Block
for SINGLE Test 230V AC Streptomycin < 1000 200
Neomycin 500-2000 500
1002C Heated Incubator Block Gentamicin 100-500 100
for MICROPLATE Test Spectinomycin > 300 200
230V AC Macrolides
Erythromycin > 200 40
Spiramycin > 2000 200
Storage conditions and shelf life Tylosin 50-100 50
Store product at 5 to 16°C. Tylmicosin 75-100 50
A temperature indicator strip is Other antibiotics
attached to the underside of the
Dapson 2-4 0(7)
box lid which provides a visual
Trimethoprim 100-150 50
indication if the product has been
Tiamfenicol > 100 50
stored and shipped correctly.
If the indicator turns from white Chloramphenicol 5000-7500 0(7)
to black do not use the kit.
Shelf life of CMT kits are 12 1. Regulation 2377/90 ff EEC 2. Mother compound 3. Mother compound and metabolites
months from date of manufacture. 4. Mother compound and 4–epimer 5. Sulfadimidine 6. Sum of all substances of this group 7. Not allowed

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Copan Italia S.p.a. Copan Diagnostics Inc.

Via F. Perotti, 10 2175 Sampson Ave. Suite 124 Corona, CA 92879 USA
Brescia, 25125, Italy Toll Free: (800)216-4016 US & Canada
TEL: +39 030 268 7211 • FAX: +39 030 268 7250 Tel: (909) 549-8793 • Fax: (909) 549-8850
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