Cerbo - Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Reflection Paper

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On April 3, 2023, the BSN 2 of Polytechnic College of Davao del sur conducted a
webinar with a theme “Revolutionizing Healthcare with Nursing Informatics:
Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Technology into Nursing
Practice”. In the first part of the webinar, Mr. Renmir Jan Maala discussed the
Global trend in Nursing Informatics and Research. It tackled first the, Why
evidenced Based Practice?. In Traditional Practices much of nursing care is based
on centuries-old wisdom and experiences across generations by words of mouth
or classic textbooks and 72.5% of registered nurses consulted colleagues and
peers rather than using journals and books. Varies in practice, spiraling costs of
healthcare in the developed world, and patients are not being given treatments
based on the best available evidence. In the Nurse Practitioner and Research the
accountable to society for providing high-quality, ethical, acceptable services such
as clients, groups, families, communities, and stakeholders. Services must be
constantly evaluated and improved on the basis of new and refined research
knowledge. Nurse Practitioners need to use research findings to determine the
best way to deliver services to ensure that the greatest number of people receive
services. Nursing Informatics can help provide effective and safe healthcare. In
today’s dynamic health system, technology plays an important role in nursing
education and practice. Informatics tool such as technology and multimedia
integrated in nursing curriculum can promote patient safety and practice.
However, the integration of IT into existing health care system has been
challenging. This course is helping me to understand how health care workers and
their organizations can better utilize health informatics, with the goal of
improving patient outcomes and public health. I learned about existing laws and
regulations related to health informatics, coming to terms with issues like
confidentiality, privacy, and data security and about the applicability of
informatics tools and technologies to improve the evidence informed practice.
The criteria used for selecting studies primarily focused on nursing informatics
and the importance of expertise in the effective use of information technology in
all aspects of the nursing profession. In critical assessment of emerging
technologies, the key elements of nursing informatics implementation were
considered as healthcare promotion. Advanced systems, internet and network. In
view of the nature and the development of the information age, it is required to
receive necessary IT training for all categories of nurses. Due to the fast
development of technology , in order to effectively take advantages of
information technology, in order to effectively take advantage of information
technology in nursing outcome and quality of health care and to empower nurses;
educational arrangement is recommended to set short-term and long-term
specialized courses focusing on four target groups; studying, working, graduate,
senior undergraduate, and graduate doctoral. The result of this study is expected
to assist educational providers with the program development. This is really a big
help for us students when time comes to us to become a Registered Nurses.



So, Strategies for Delivering Hybrid Learning Modalities on Nursing Informatics

that’s been discussed by Prof. Paul Andre A. Lumiguid RN, MAN, PhD(C). On the
first part Sir Paul asked “ What is Nursing Education?”. Nursing Education is a
professional education which is consciously and systematically planned and
implemented through and discipline and aims for harmonious development of the
physical, intellectual social, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic powers or abilities
of the student in order to render professional nursing care to the people of all the
ages, in all the phases of health and illness, in a variety of settings, in the best or
highest possible manner and Nursing Informatics is different that HI, subspecialty
of health Informatics and Point-of-care data to improve care and patient
outcomes. Sir Paul said that Nursing Informatics are programs that offer basic ad
further education in nursing informatics are beginning to spring up around the
globe, but many more needed to provide easy access for motivated nurses.
According to American Nurse Association, 2008, 65 that “ Nursing Informatics a
specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information
science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom
nursing practice.” In Nursing Education In the Philippines in Aligning education
with the practice environment, nursing education has a significant impact on the
knowledge and competencies of nurses, all health care providers. Nurses with
Bachelor of Science in Nursing( BSN) degrees are enabled to meet various
patients’ needs; function as leaders; and advance science that benefits patients
and the capacity of health professionals to deliver safe, quality patient care.
Nursing Informatics is very important because it provides a nursing perspective,
the expanding role of nursing , improving care, increased burden of chronic
conditions and communicable diseases, increasing/aging population and the need
to keep pace with advancing technology. Nursing Informatics improve nursing
productivity by improving the nursing workflow and care process, eliminates
redundant documentation, increase the accuracy and completeness of nursing
documentation, improves communication among nurses and with other health
care providers and increase visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient
care. In technological challenges for nursing education, technology has significant
influence on our lives, on practice, education, management and research. In
nursing education, outcome-oriented education is currently being highlighted
rather than process-based learning, for instance through skill-based techniques;
evidence-based techniques in education; providing students a rich learning
journey unlike former models of formal lecturing; and incorporating evolved
learning technologies in many programs. In action strategy, the action will be
doing researchers to evaluate the current technology utilized in flexible learning
modalities and conducting virtual/ onsite training and developing a training
module workshop to hasten the skills of those users of this new nursing learning
system. Also Sir Paul let us watch some videos that all about the impact of
technology on the future of healthcare, also Sir Paul believed that “ Education is
the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” that’s according to
Nelson Mandela.



In the third part of the webinar Mr. Christian John Asegurado, RN, MAN PhD
discussed what is Nursing Empowerment and Leadership Through Building Quality
Nursing Informatics in Clinical Practice are. Leadership is a leader is the one who
inspires and motivates action; having a can-do personality and strong leadership
skills is the key to leading the charge. There are some examples of Common traits
successful leaders have and this include self-aware and puts importance on
personal development, they none their communication skills, able to make tough
decisions, they are ethical and civic-minded and they have goals, and are patient
and tenacious when it comes reaching said goals. In essential informatics
competencies for nurse leaders are the mastery of basic computer competencies
nurses need basic computer skills to assist patients focus on the concepts of
information and communication technology the using computers and managing
files, using word processing and spreadsheet applications, making presentations
and web browsing and basic communication. Nursing Informatics as nurses, we
collect information about our clients, use this data to develop nursing care plans,
implement the plan, and communicate our findings with other health care
providers. Advances in information technology allow nurses and nursing students
to access vital information with the click of a button. Services such as telehealth
provide a means for client education, as well as medical and health care services
such as health monitoring or clinical diagnosis. Social media is also being used in
health care to provide a means for clients to share experiences with one another
or learning about their medical conditions. Nursing leaders are required to merge
their own ideal expectations of being a strong leader with the challenge of a
practice environment in a constant state of technological evolution. The role of
the nursing leader encompasses clinical and managerial responsibilities that may
vary depending on clinical setting or placement in the organizational hierarchy. In
looking at nursing leadership literature through the context of informatics, it is
apparent that leaders are pivotal to technology integration in every arena of
nursing practice. Nurse leaders are also positioned to provide a holistic
perspective when organizations move to develop integrated models of care that
leverage technology, such as telehealth, to transform patient care delivery.
Nursing leaders with informatics expertise can leverage data to identify patterns
and correlations in the delivery of nursing care, potentially identifying areas to
target for quality improvement. There is a gap, however, between the informatics
skills required of nursing leaders and and the availability of formal training and
education to develop informatics competencies. Nursing documentation in the
patient record has become more complex as nursing practice has expanded to
encompass care to critically ill and specialty patients, and as technologic advances
have become standards of care in practice.



The impact of nursing informatics in 6th industrial revolution in nursing education

that’s been discussed by Mr. Morsid K. Tulao, RN, MAN, CHA, PhD. According to
Mr. Morsid Tulao that nursing informatics are nursing science plus computer
science is equal to nursing informatics. Examples of Nursing Informatics are data
to make patient care decisions, technology to collect and store data and analyzing
data to update nursing practices, education and protocols. Nursing Informatics
impacts are generation, management, processing of data and knowledge that
supports Nursing Science. In 6th Industrial Revolution it is a futuristic idea, human-
robot working, and big data, where satellite, internet and industrial artificial
intelligence enabled robots would assist. Again, the impact of nursing informatics
promotes the generation, develop management and processing of relevant data
in order to use the information and develop knowledge that supports nursing in
all practice domains. The increasing use of technology in nursing practice requires
nursing student to be competent in nursing informatics with an attitude of
acceptance of technology in the healthcare environment. In today’s dynamic
health system, technology plays an important role in education and nursing work.
So it seems necessary to study role of nurses and highlight the need for
appropriate information technology educational programs to integrate with the
ever-increasing pace of technology. A review accompanied by an extensive
literature search in databases and a library search focused on the keywords were
used. The criteria used for selecting studies primarily focused on nursing
informatics and the importance of expertise in the effective use of information
technology in all aspects of the nursing profession. In a critical assessment of
emerging technologies, the key elements of nursing informatics implementation
were considered as healthcare promotion, advanced systems, internet and
network. In view of the nature and the development of the information age, it is
required to receive necessary IT training for all categories for nurses. Due to the
fast development of technology, in order to effectively take advantage of
informatics technology in nursing outcome and quality of health care and to
empower nurses; educational arrangement is recommended to set short-term
and long-term specialized courses focusing on four target groups: studying,
working, graduate, senior undergraduate, and graduate doctoral. The result of
this study is expected to assist educational providers with program development.
Today, computers in nursing are used to manage patient care information,
monitor quality, and evaluate outcomes. Nursing informatics is a phrase that
evolved which referred to the field of applied computer science concerned with
the processing of information such as nursing information. The computer was
seen as a tool that could be used in many environments. Computers and networks
are also being used for communicating data and messages via the internet
accessing resources, and interacting with patients on the web. Nurses are
increasingly using system for planning, budgeting, and policy-making for patient
care services. Computers are also used to document and process real-time plans
of care, support nursing research, test new systems, design new knowledge
databases, develop data warehouses, and advance the role of nursing in the
healthcare industry and nursing science. Moreover, computers are Enhancing
nursing education nd distance learning with new media modalities

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