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2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND

S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status

1 202311919 ABASI MAKUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202303857 ABDALLAH ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202307882 ABDI ABDI The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202304291 ABDILLAH MUHANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202310277 ABDON KANJE The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202307218 ABDULRAUFU MASHAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202306572 ABEL MADATI The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202309170 ABENEGO MALECELA The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202307855 ABRAHAM MNYONE The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202309077 ABUBAKAR MWINSHEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202309033 ABUBARI DAMLA The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202305590 ABUU KITAMBULIO The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202310117 ABUU MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202305042 ADAM CHILWAN The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202310903 ADELAIDA THEOBARD The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202305498 ADIL HADI The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202305971 ADOLF SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202304750 ADVENTINA KABULA The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202304731 AGATHA MBWILO The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202305726 AGATHA MKONGOMA The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202311668 AGNES MATHAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202310877 AGNESS MKANGAFU The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202309365 AGNESS MMWAA The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202306623 AGNESS MWENDESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202304483 AHLAM HEMED The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202310675 AHMED MADARIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202310115 AHMED SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202303556 AIMAN MCHOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202307268 AISHA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202309481 AKIDA HASHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202311352 AKSA KASAMALA The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202307948 ALEX MNG'ANYA The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202309699 ALEX MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202305497 ALFONCE NGELYAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202306435 ALFONCE SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202302299 ALFREDY MWAGALA The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202308469 ALICE RUKANDILA The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202304348 ALICE ULEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202312051 ALINDA RWEGASILA The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202304402 ALLEN LAUWO The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202304402 ALLEN LAUWO The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202310264 ALLY ALI The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202309536 ALLY IDDY The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202307743 ALLYA MANDARY The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202304800 ALON THOMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202312369 ALOYCE MAKIRE The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202304807 ALPHA MWAPELELA The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202309404 AMANI LWIWA The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202304806 AMANI MIKINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202307615 AMANI UPOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202308608 AMINA AMRANI The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202306032 AMINA LUGENDO The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202306056 AMINA SIGE The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202303764 AMINA YUSUPH The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202308674 AMINI SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202309790 AMIR AMIR The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202303492 AMRAN HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202303499 ANAMARIA QITIILIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202309234 ANASTAZIA MWAZEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202304478 ANASTAZIA RWEZAHULA The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202308555 ANETH MGINA The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202304985 ANETH NYONGERA The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202306842 ANGEL ESAU The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202311101 ANGEL KIPANGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202306696 ANGEL MPAMKA The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202309093 ANGEL MWAKYUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202311495 ANGELA MINJA The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202312048 ANITHA KIBASSA The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202306676 ANJELA MUNUO The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202308842 ANNA ASAJILE The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202307789 ANNA MACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202309650 ANNA MWANJALI The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202305948 ANNA SAWILE The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202306866 ANNETH NDAYANSE The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202305266 ANORD BASHIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202303418 ANSGAR YUDOS The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202306590 ANWARY RAMJI The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202310386 ARAFA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202304344 ARNOLD KIWANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202311962 ARON LUKANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202304151 ASHA BARUTI The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202310964 ASHA MAKOSAKUMBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202307350 ASHA MBINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202306087 ASHA MUNGIA The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202304935 ASHANTI MWAKAJE The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202312147 ASHRAF MUSSA The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202311891 ASHURA KITENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202307588 ASHURA MAJESHI The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202309445 ASTERIA ILANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202310050 ATHUMANI ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202307189 ATHUMANI HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202306409 ATUPENDA MWINAMI The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202309883 AVELADA MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202303321 AVELINA FABIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202310583 AVILLA ANORD The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202310798 AWADHI CHIHOPE The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202306194 AYUBU CHINGORE The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202312618 AYUBU MBILA The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202303987 AZIZA MAGONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202302527 BAHATI JAMES The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202303379 BARAKA BULENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202302375 BARAKA LUPEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202309637 BARAKA MALANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202304561 BARAKA SAMSON The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202305834 BARIKI LUGENDO The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202309493 BATULI NGADU The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202307272 BEATRICE LWEGANWA The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202310881 BEATRICE MGIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202312343 BEATRICE MWACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202305769 BEATUS GODFREY The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202307989 BECKHAM HOMOKE The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202310431 BELINDA NDABIMALA The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202305800 BENEDICTO GWAKABALE The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202304308 BENEDICTO MATHIAS The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202308978 BENEZETH ALOYCE The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202307794 BENJAMIN ANDULILE The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202309603 BENJAMIN BENJAMIN The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202306595 BENJAMIN MBEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202305017 BERTHA LISU The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202311117 BERTHA MKINDWA The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202305988 BIHIJA MWAME The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202304082 BONIPHACE BHOKE The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202304039 BONIPHACE MAGESA The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202311390 BRENDA ANDREA The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202306131 BRENDA MAKARANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202311608 BRIGITHA CHACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202306958 BROCKLINE MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202305011 BURUHANI LIPELA The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202305024 CALLEN ELISA The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202312241 CAREEN NDAYEZE The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202307187 CAROLINE MARKOS The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202307220 CAROLINE MWAMBENE The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202308791 CASTON KAYUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202309949 CASTUS NDIBALEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202303443 CATHELINE MHANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202303485 CATHERINE MDEGELA The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202304421 CATHERINE MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202306619 CATHERINE RUPILYA The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202307856 CATHERINE SAMKI The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202306640 CATHERINE SAMSON The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202309066 CHARLES MONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202308375 CHARLES MWITA The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202308910 CHITEGO MAKENE The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202311510 CHRISTIAN MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202312429 CHRISTIAN MWAMBUSYE The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202306528 CHRISTIANA FRANCIS The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202311463 CHRISTINA MAGOHE The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202310801 CHRISTINA PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202310211 CLARA MAINGU The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202307763 CLAUDIA MROSSO The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202311652 CLEMENCIA MARTINE The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202304157 COLIN KITALE The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202307805 COLLIN MASOY The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202311757 COMFORT MOSES The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202310741 COMFORT SHOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202308774 CONSTANCIA SINYINZA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202306633 DAFROZA PATRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202308095 DAUDI RAJABU The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202310772 DAVID CHANG'A The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202305479 DAVID JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202303260 DAVID MASHITA The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202309236 DAVID NGAIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202309702 DAVID SIMON The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202305048 DAVIS MALIMI The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202312635 DEBORA KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202307286 DEBORA KIRIA The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202309786 DEBORA MOTTO The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202312360 DEBORA MUNISHI The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202307441 DENIS MAHECHA The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202304360 DENIS NJAU The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202303221 DENIS SAMSON The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202311616 DENNIS MASHARE The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202306272 DERICK MGUNDULWA The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202304040 DERRICK GWASSA The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202311418 DEUS ZAKAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202306929 DEUSDERITH ALOYS The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202309073 DIANA LYIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202310420 DIANA MANGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202305535 DIANA MSAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202304819 DICKSON JOHNSON The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202306050 DICKSON MTUI The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202307462 DISMAS MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202307472 DOMINIC EDWARD The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202305557 DORCAS PALLANGYO The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202309905 DOREEN BAGWELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202305619 DOREEN IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202309253 DOREEN KAGYA The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202306567 DORICE KASHAIJA The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202307135 DORICE MOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202306195 DORICE MWASEBA The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202306529 DOTHO SAMBIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202310566 DOTO WILSON The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202308318 EBENEZER SHAGAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202306523 EDITHA MGUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202306844 EDWIN SELEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202304433 ELEVAN EMANUEL The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202309209 ELIA ASSENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202305268 ELIA MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202306234 ELIA NGOMANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202303918 ELIAS NAIKARA The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202306719 ELICK EZRA The applicant has multiple admissions

202 202305994 ELID RUNYOGOTE The applicant has multiple admissions

203 202307544 ELISHA KADAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

204 202305065 ELISHA LEKIMANA The applicant has multiple admissions

205 202306024 ELISHA PETRO The applicant has multiple admissions

206 202310320 ELIUS ANTHONY The applicant has multiple admissions

207 202310817 ELIZABETH CHACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

208 202308982 ELIZABETH JACKSON The applicant has multiple admissions

209 202302290 ELIZABETH MKUMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

210 202312226 ELIZABETH MNYONE The applicant has multiple admissions

211 202303884 ELIZABETH MWAKAGAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

212 202312007 ELIZABETH NGOWI The applicant has multiple admissions

213 202310986 ELIZABETH OLTING'ID The applicant has multiple admissions

214 202307417 ELPIDIUS RESPICIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

215 202306506 ELSE EZIRON The applicant has multiple admissions

216 202306462 EMANUEL LOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

217 202313298 EMERSON NTIYAMWA The applicant has multiple admissions

218 202305723 EMILIANA MANDARI The applicant has multiple admissions

219 202304873 EMMANUEL JACKSON The applicant has multiple admissions

220 202310263 EMMANUEL KAGARUKI The applicant has multiple admissions

221 202309048 EMMANUEL MAKALA The applicant has multiple admissions

222 202302578 EMMANUEL MAKANYAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

223 202304717 EMMANUEL STEPHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

224 202303619 EPHRAIM NOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

225 202304567 EPHRATH MISHAKO The applicant has multiple admissions

226 202304944 ERICK DANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

227 202309217 ERICK MASULULI The applicant has multiple admissions

228 202308028 ERICK SENDEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

229 202307342 ERNEST MTAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

230 202307352 ESTER LYANZILE The applicant has multiple admissions

231 202309923 ESTER MWANSASU The applicant has multiple admissions

232 202305959 EUNICE KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

233 202312143 EUNICE SICHULA The applicant has multiple admissions

234 202307168 EVA DAUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

235 202308413 EVA MSIMBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

236 202312340 EVARISTI UHAKO The applicant has multiple admissions

237 202308478 EVODIA GERAR The applicant has multiple admissions

238 202310017 EZEKIA MBUGANO The applicant has multiple admissions

239 202305501 EZEKIA MHUME The applicant has multiple admissions

240 202303700 EZEKIEL EZEKIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

241 202307260 EZEKIEL LUPOGO The applicant has multiple admissions

242 202309021 EZIBON NDINGWI The applicant has multiple admissions

243 202305672 FABIAN WEGESA The applicant has multiple admissions

244 202310345 FADHILI FADHILI The applicant has multiple admissions

245 202310672 FAHAD KHALFAN The applicant has multiple admissions

246 202310676 FAIDHA KINYELE The applicant has multiple admissions

247 202307788 FARIDA NASRI The applicant has multiple admissions

248 202305558 FAROUK MTIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

249 202308728 FATMA KITAPA The applicant has multiple admissions

250 202306073 FATUMA HASSANI The applicant has multiple admissions

251 202307976 FATUMA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

252 202309393 FATUMA MSANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

253 202308489 FATUMA SALEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

254 202306692 FAWZI KAMPENI The applicant has multiple admissions

255 202303825 FELICIAN GUDEGE The applicant has multiple admissions

256 202303687 FELISIANA KINUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

257 202304956 FEO NOAH The applicant has multiple admissions

258 202302451 FLORA JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

259 202311650 FLORA NYIRENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

260 202308072 FLORA TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

261 202304145 FLORIAN MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

262 202306297 FORGEN BUBONYE The applicant has multiple admissions

263 202303337 FORTUNATUS MBILINYI The applicant has multiple admissions

264 202311128 FOUSTINA DOKELA The applicant has multiple admissions

265 202303893 FRANCIS DOMINICK The applicant has multiple admissions

266 202308714 FRANCIS KABANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

267 202302351 FRANCIS TEMU The applicant has multiple admissions

268 202310176 FRANK KITOBE The applicant has multiple admissions

269 202312102 FRANK MBELE The applicant has multiple admissions

270 202303000 FRANK NGUNYI The applicant has multiple admissions

271 202311753 FRANK NTWALE The applicant has multiple admissions

272 202305179 FRAVIANA SAIMONI The applicant has multiple admissions

273 202306077 FROZIA MARWA The applicant has multiple admissions

274 202305741 GABRIEL MALEKO The applicant has multiple admissions

275 202311773 GAUDENCIA MSITU The applicant has multiple admissions

276 202310765 GEORGE GEORGE The applicant has multiple admissions

277 202303074 GEORGE MATHEW The applicant has multiple admissions

278 202304131 GERDA BUBERWA The applicant has multiple admissions

279 202309636 GETRUDA MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

280 202307110 GETRUDE TUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

281 202302520 GHAIBE MATUTU The applicant has multiple admissions

282 202303853 GLADNESS KITALI The applicant has multiple admissions

283 202310692 GLADNESS MAGABA The applicant has multiple admissions

284 202312023 GLORIA KIMATH The applicant has multiple admissions

285 202310388 GLORIA KIWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

286 202309589 GLORIA MUHANDIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

287 202305507 GLORY GIEDA The applicant has multiple admissions

288 202311140 GLORY MASSANO The applicant has multiple admissions

289 202308468 GLORY MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

290 202302187 GLORY NTINKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

291 202308498 GLORY SARUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

292 202306424 GODFREY MTIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

293 202309311 GODFREY OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

294 202310023 GODLOVE MAOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

295 202308594 GODWIN MGANA The applicant has multiple admissions

296 202311176 GOODLUCK NGARAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

297 202311635 GRACE MKUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

298 202311560 GREGORY BINOMKAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

299 202304630 GROLIA NG'ANDE The applicant has multiple admissions

300 202303015 HABIBU MASUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

301 202306316 HADIJA SIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

302 202304571 HAJI SIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

303 202310554 HALIMA MGENI The applicant has multiple admissions

304 202310029 HALIMA MYOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

305 202307005 HALIMA SHAABAN The applicant has multiple admissions

306 202304661 HALIMA WAZIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

307 202303667 HAMIM LUWONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

308 202309289 HAMUDI HASHIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

309 202310729 HAMZA KATANI The applicant has multiple admissions

310 202304451 HANSON LEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

311 202305357 HAPPY SIMTOWE The applicant has multiple admissions

312 202310005 HAPPYNESS CHEBELENJE The applicant has multiple admissions

313 202309317 HASSAN HAMZA The applicant has multiple admissions

314 202304848 HASSAN MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

315 202303163 HATIBU YUSUPH The applicant has multiple admissions

316 202304196 HAWA IDDI The applicant has multiple admissions

317 202305439 HAWA MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

318 202306499 HAZIIZA ANTARY The applicant has multiple admissions

319 202308742 HAZLA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

320 202310611 HEDAYA KIFOGONYO The applicant has multiple admissions

321 202308279 HELENA RWIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

322 202305928 HELINA MAJALIWA The applicant has multiple admissions

323 202303526 HERMAN SOTEL The applicant has multiple admissions

324 202303259 HERY JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

325 202308616 HEZRON PATRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

326 202309797 HILDA HAULE The applicant has multiple admissions

327 202303203 HUMPHREY ISABU The applicant has multiple admissions

328 202305328 HUMPHREY LUBILOH The applicant has multiple admissions

329 202310201 HURUMA KALONGE The applicant has multiple admissions

330 202304381 HUSNA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

331 202305615 HUSSEN GODA The applicant has multiple admissions

332 202303535 HYASINTA LAURENT The applicant has multiple admissions

333 202303043 IBRAHIM ANDREA The applicant has multiple admissions

334 202305549 IBRAHIM KOLELA The applicant has multiple admissions

335 202312352 IBRAHIM MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

336 202308523 IBRAHIM MWAIPOPO The applicant has multiple admissions

337 202312336 IBRAHIM SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

338 202303360 IBRAHIM VUAI The applicant has multiple admissions

339 202303346 IBRAHIMU CHATANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

340 202304465 IBRAHIMU HASSANI The applicant has multiple admissions

341 202304333 IBRAHIMU KUMBUKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

342 202306738 IBRAHIMU MNYINGIA The applicant has multiple admissions

343 202305464 IDDY IDDY The applicant has multiple admissions

344 202310305 IDRISA LIGOMBOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

345 202307048 INNOCENT NSABO The applicant has multiple admissions

346 202311924 INNOCENT SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

347 202306858 IRENE KAIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

348 202310705 IRENE KILAMLYA The applicant has multiple admissions

349 202306706 IRENE KISENGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

350 202303845 IRENE LEONARD The applicant has multiple admissions

351 202313189 IRENE LIMBU The applicant has multiple admissions

352 202309416 IRENE NGUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

353 202310899 IRENE NTINDA The applicant has multiple admissions

354 202305767 IRENE NTULO The applicant has multiple admissions

355 202305079 IRENE SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

356 202303280 ISAAC KIBENDELA The applicant has multiple admissions

357 202309031 ISAAC SHEMKAI The applicant has multiple admissions

358 202302235 ISAYA RAFIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

359 202311554 ISMAIL ISMAIL The applicant has multiple admissions

360 202308797 ISMAIL NYARY The applicant has multiple admissions

361 202303264 ISRAEL MBENYANGE The applicant has multiple admissions

362 202305237 IVAN GODFREY The applicant has multiple admissions

363 202303309 JACKLINE DIRISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

364 202307666 JACKLINE KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

365 202310283 JACKLINE MVELO The applicant has multiple admissions

366 202311908 JACKLINE PAUL The applicant has multiple admissions

367 202303797 JACKSON MWANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

368 202310951 JACKSON RYOBA The applicant has multiple admissions

369 202306921 JALIA HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

370 202303432 JAMES CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

371 202310325 JAMES KESSY The applicant has multiple admissions

372 202308226 JAMES MWAKILA The applicant has multiple admissions

373 202303756 JAMESKIDAISHO MLANG'A The applicant has multiple admissions

374 202308785 JAMESON MESWIN The applicant has multiple admissions

375 202308294 JAMILA HUMOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

376 202303949 JANE EDWARD The applicant has multiple admissions

377 202304297 JANE MAUFI The applicant has multiple admissions

378 202310206 JANETH KAGOMBORA The applicant has multiple admissions

379 202305809 JANETH KIWALE The applicant has multiple admissions

380 202307065 JANETH KWAYU The applicant has multiple admissions

381 202305997 JANETH MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

382 202304106 JEMA MTWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

383 202305405 JENIFA TAIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

384 202307984 JENIPHER MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

385 202312803 JESCA KIPUYO The applicant has multiple admissions

386 202307176 JESCA MARIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

387 202304524 JESCA MSENGI The applicant has multiple admissions

388 202305963 JIMMY NG'ANDE The applicant has multiple admissions

389 202307384 JOEL MGHASE The applicant has multiple admissions

390 202304625 JOEL MINJA The applicant has multiple admissions

391 202310763 JOHARY MSAMAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

392 202312738 JOHN JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

393 202309598 JOHN MJEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

394 202303921 JOHN PAUL The applicant has multiple admissions

395 202310619 JOHN PAUL The applicant has multiple admissions

396 202304230 JOHNSON TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

397 202302504 JONATHAN LAURENT The applicant has multiple admissions

398 202304432 JONATHAN LUSELO The applicant has multiple admissions

399 202304755 JOSEPH AUGUSTINO The applicant has multiple admissions

400 202304713 JOSEPH CHACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

401 202312370 JOSEPH CHIWANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

402 202309835 JOSEPH MDEE The applicant has multiple admissions

403 202304798 JOSEPH NSOZA The applicant has multiple admissions

404 202303196 JOSEPHINA THOMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

405 202310578 JOSHUA MBEMBATI The applicant has multiple admissions

406 202304247 JOSHUA WILIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

407 202307137 JOYCE MALUNDE The applicant has multiple admissions

408 202304996 JOYCE MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

409 202304671 JOYCE MWANGALABA The applicant has multiple admissions

410 202311018 JULIETH LASWAY The applicant has multiple admissions

411 202307257 JULIETH SALIBOKO The applicant has multiple admissions

412 202306772 JULIUS SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

413 202308047 JUMA JAFET The applicant has multiple admissions

414 202308954 JUMA KALELA The applicant has multiple admissions

415 202304536 JUMA MNYONE The applicant has multiple admissions

416 202303625 JUMA NGAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

417 202307891 JUNIOR AHMED The applicant has multiple admissions

418 202307834 JUSTIN MINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

419 202309978 JUSTINA MWANJABIKE The applicant has multiple admissions

420 202306444 JUVENARY MABEYO The applicant has multiple admissions

421 202308893 KABULA LUGWISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

422 202303942 KACHELE KACHELE The applicant has multiple admissions

423 202302509 KALANJE MPONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

424 202312039 KAREN KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

425 202305717 KARIM KIMPA The applicant has multiple admissions

426 202309571 KARIM KIYAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

427 202309378 KARIMU ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

428 202310197 KARIMU MKILYA The applicant has multiple admissions

429 202307898 KASILIDA THEONEST The applicant has multiple admissions

430 202307126 KAZUNGU NG'HUMBILA The applicant has multiple admissions

431 202304425 KELVIN KHALFAN The applicant has multiple admissions

432 202305525 KELVIN LUTABANA The applicant has multiple admissions

433 202304678 KELVIN LWOGA The applicant has multiple admissions

434 202304438 KELVIN MAPINDA The applicant has multiple admissions

435 202307340 KELVIN MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

436 202305593 KELVIN WAMBURA The applicant has multiple admissions

437 202306033 KEMMY SINYANGWE The applicant has multiple admissions

438 202310629 KHADIJA ABOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

439 202309649 KHADIJA MICKIDADI The applicant has multiple admissions

440 202311050 KHALIDI KAMZOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

441 202309532 KHANI CHIBWILE The applicant has multiple admissions

442 202310465 KHATIB KHATIB The applicant has multiple admissions

443 202303198 KINDOLY FREDRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

444 202309352 KISAIKA WAMBURA The applicant has multiple admissions

445 202305384 KITANDALA KITANDALA The applicant has multiple admissions

446 202308487 KULWA KIFUTUMO The applicant has multiple admissions

447 202311330 KURUTHUMU ABILLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

448 202307618 KURUTHUMU NUKU The applicant has multiple admissions

449 202304246 LABAN MGILIA The applicant has multiple admissions

450 202306389 LADISLAUS CHEWALE The applicant has multiple admissions

451 202311705 LADISLAUS MADALIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

452 202309669 LATIFA HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

453 202311357 LATIFA LIKUMBAI The applicant has multiple admissions

454 202305785 LATIFA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

455 202309730 LAUREEN LUNYUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

456 202304095 LAURYN GERALD The applicant has multiple admissions

457 202307709 LEA MWAMBIPILE The applicant has multiple admissions

458 202305964 LEATH RUNYOGOTE The applicant has multiple admissions

459 202305001 LEILA HAMBILE The applicant has multiple admissions

460 202304001 LEILA MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

461 202303600 LETICIA LAISER The applicant has multiple admissions

462 202307621 LEVINA ROMAN The applicant has multiple admissions

463 202312081 LILIAN KYANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

464 202307914 LILIAN MSUKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

465 202308865 LILIAN MWACHAEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

466 202308767 LILIANI RUTHA The applicant has multiple admissions

467 202307178 LOVENESS JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

468 202308783 LUCIA NAPAKE The applicant has multiple admissions

469 202310848 LUCY URIO The applicant has multiple admissions

470 202307188 LUQMAN LEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

471 202303215 LUSIA MNASONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

472 202309622 LUSINA OKAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

473 202303518 MACLINOUS KIWIA The applicant has multiple admissions

474 202308175 MAGDALENA MAWONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

475 202304177 MAGRETH KUMENYA The applicant has multiple admissions

476 202310428 MAGRETH MLELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

477 202303553 MAGRETH SICHONE The applicant has multiple admissions

478 202306554 MARCO MGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

479 202310188 MARGARETA ALOISI The applicant has multiple admissions

480 202312085 MARIA DENG'HEN The applicant has multiple admissions

481 202306893 MARIA KAPINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

482 202305921 MARIA MGONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

483 202306838 MARIAM BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

484 202305587 MARIAM MOHAMMED The applicant has multiple admissions

485 202307971 MARIAM NGUNDE The applicant has multiple admissions

486 202309343 MARIAM OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

487 202306869 MARIAM RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

488 202304337 MARIAMU IYAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

489 202305797 MARIAMU SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

490 202308110 MARK MWAKINYUKE The applicant has multiple admissions

491 202312354 MARTHA AUGUSTINO The applicant has multiple admissions

492 202306207 MARTHA MAYAI The applicant has multiple admissions

493 202306397 MARY KULULINDA The applicant has multiple admissions

494 202302651 MARY MADENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

495 202309016 MARY STEPHANO The applicant has multiple admissions

496 202310377 MARY VALYANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

497 202304794 MASOUD MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

498 202309057 MATRONA KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

499 202310260 MELANIA HYPORT The applicant has multiple admissions

500 202308769 MERICK KULWA The applicant has multiple admissions

501 202307206 MERUNI HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

502 202312050 MERYCIANA LUTELA The applicant has multiple admissions

503 202311999 MESHACK MWANYANJE The applicant has multiple admissions

504 202310489 METHOD MPANGILE The applicant has multiple admissions

505 202307077 MICHAEL BASSU The applicant has multiple admissions

506 202308564 MICHAEL GADAU The applicant has multiple admissions

507 202304620 MICHAEL MASAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

508 202302533 MICHAEL MRISHO The applicant has multiple admissions

509 202309733 MIRIAM NGOWI The applicant has multiple admissions

510 202309435 MKINA ERNEST The applicant has multiple admissions

511 202309608 MOHAMADY ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

512 202309921 MOHAMED MZIRAY The applicant has multiple admissions

513 202304392 MOHAMED SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

514 202310756 MOHAMMED MAJOWE The applicant has multiple admissions

515 202308447 MONICA MSOFE The applicant has multiple admissions

516 202310262 MORGAN JONAS The applicant has multiple admissions

517 202308932 MOSES LONANA The applicant has multiple admissions

518 202303737 MPOKIGWA MWAIPUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

519 202305844 MUKITARI MUWANYA The applicant has multiple admissions

520 202306226 MUSA MUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

521 202306641 MUSA OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

522 202311220 MUSA SENG'ENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

523 202310466 MUSSA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

524 202311557 MUSSA MWAPALATA The applicant has multiple admissions

525 202310307 MWAJUMA HEMED The applicant has multiple admissions

526 202305412 MWAJUMA SEFU The applicant has multiple admissions

527 202305401 MWANAIDI ALFA The applicant has multiple admissions

528 202306609 MWANAIDI MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

529 202310074 MWIPA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

530 202311155 MZUNGU MZUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

531 202304824 NANCY LYAMUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

532 202308411 NAOMI KALUPALE The applicant has multiple admissions

533 202306429 NAOMI ROBI The applicant has multiple admissions

534 202306278 NASMA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

535 202307386 NASMA MBOKELE The applicant has multiple admissions

536 202306416 NASMA RASHIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

537 202310735 NASMA SALIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

538 202312789 NASRA MUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

539 202307183 NASRA SALIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

540 202305893 NASRA TWAIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

541 202306660 NASSIR ALI The applicant has multiple admissions

542 202303661 NDAZI HARUNA The applicant has multiple admissions

543 202309335 NEEMA ADRIANO The applicant has multiple admissions

544 202312529 NEEMA KIJOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

545 202311942 NEEMA KINGAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

546 202311070 NEEMA MASHAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

547 202311037 NEEMA MFINANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

548 202309512 NEEMA MGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

549 202303961 NEEMA MOLELL The applicant has multiple admissions

550 202303986 NEEMA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

551 202305729 NEEMA SOLOMON The applicant has multiple admissions

552 202307234 NKURULA NOBO The applicant has multiple admissions

553 202305428 NOEL CHAULA The applicant has multiple admissions

554 202309497 NOELA BUNDALA The applicant has multiple admissions

555 202312736 NOELA CHISATA The applicant has multiple admissions

556 202309522 NOELA MERINYO The applicant has multiple admissions

557 202304043 NOELINA EMMANUEL The applicant has multiple admissions

558 202306355 NOSIM LEMOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

559 202309326 NUNDY ANDREA The applicant has multiple admissions

560 202311571 NURATH MAKONA The applicant has multiple admissions

561 202306323 NYAMHANGA CHACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

562 202305996 ODIRO IZIDORY The applicant has multiple admissions

563 202307513 OMARI MHANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

564 202308310 OMARI SALUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

565 202310934 ONESMO MEDAA The applicant has multiple admissions

566 202304156 PATRICK SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

567 202308632 PAULINA SINGANO The applicant has multiple admissions

568 202309013 PETER STEPHANO The applicant has multiple admissions

569 202304162 PRINCE JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

570 202310224 PRISCA HEBUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

571 202307525 PRISCUS MARO The applicant has multiple admissions

572 202306887 QUEEN MWALYEGO The applicant has multiple admissions

573 202312599 RABUNA KIBAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

574 202312320 RACHAEL MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

575 202307915 RACHEL MFUKO The applicant has multiple admissions

576 202303029 RACHEL SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

577 202306800 RAHABU NZENA The applicant has multiple admissions

578 202304929 RAHEL LUTEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

579 202308217 RAHEL RAPHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

580 202310174 RAHEL SAMWEL The applicant has multiple admissions

581 202307185 RAHIM SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

582 202306472 RAHIMU MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

583 202304326 RAHMA MOHAMMED The applicant has multiple admissions

584 202306980 RAHMA RUBBEYAH The applicant has multiple admissions

585 202311223 RAHMA SOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

586 202309358 RAHMA YASIR The applicant has multiple admissions

587 202303307 RAJABU SHENKOME The applicant has multiple admissions

588 202307052 RAMADHAN RAMADHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

589 202309908 RAMADHANI MARUGUJO The applicant has multiple admissions

590 202310003 RAMADHANI MKOLEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

591 202306986 RAMADHANI RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

592 202303582 RAMADHANI ULEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

593 202307094 RAYMOND LEMOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

594 202306391 RAYNESS MPILUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

595 202306023 RAZACK MANDARI The applicant has multiple admissions

596 202305481 RAZAKI MKUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

597 202305953 REBECA IGNUS The applicant has multiple admissions

598 202307755 REBECA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

599 202304801 REBECCA NZIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

600 202305041 REENER KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

601 202305298 REHEMA HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

602 202307159 REHEMA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

603 202304138 REHEMA MFURU The applicant has multiple admissions

604 202312606 REHEMA MILANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

605 202307109 REHEMA MZELENI The applicant has multiple admissions

606 202303652 REHEMA TENDEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

607 202310826 REUBEN REUBEN The applicant has multiple admissions

608 202307192 RITHA KAGENZI The applicant has multiple admissions

609 202309861 ROBERT MAHUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

610 202305472 RODGERS MLOKOZI The applicant has multiple admissions

611 202310318 RODRICK ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

612 202303956 ROSE ALOYCE The applicant has multiple admissions

613 202307222 ROSE CHACKY The applicant has multiple admissions

614 202308776 ROSE MAKUNDI The applicant has multiple admissions

615 202304036 ROSEMARY KATAPA The applicant has multiple admissions

616 202305804 ROZINA ALBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

617 202303269 RUMANYA FILBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

618 202304512 RUTH BONIPHACE The applicant has multiple admissions

619 202309895 RWEGASHA CHRISTIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

620 202312734 SABRI SADICK The applicant has multiple admissions

621 202305841 SADA KICHELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

622 202310945 SAHIM SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

623 202310615 SALHA AMIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

624 202304063 SALI ALI The applicant has multiple admissions

625 202312125 SALMA MAHIMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

626 202307681 SALMA SHASHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

627 202303816 SALUM BATTASHY The applicant has multiple admissions

628 202304953 SALUM MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

629 202310708 SALVATORY NGWATALI The applicant has multiple admissions

630 202308067 SALVINA KIMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

631 202302951 SAMSON JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

632 202309049 SAMSON KHIWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

633 202311709 SAMWEL AMOS The applicant has multiple admissions

634 202309528 SAMWEL NYONGOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

635 202310100 SARAFINA SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

636 202312487 SARAH ROHORE The applicant has multiple admissions

637 202307986 SAUMU MUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

638 202313092 SAUMU OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

639 202310523 SAUNA FANDE The applicant has multiple admissions

640 202309869 SEIFU SEIFU The applicant has multiple admissions

641 202309639 SELEMANI SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

642 202305995 SHABANI AUGUSTINO The applicant has multiple admissions

643 202309852 SHABANI NG'WAMGWE The applicant has multiple admissions

644 202311630 SHADRACK KAFIMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

645 202305923 SHAHIN KHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

646 202304436 SHAINA MSANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

647 202305665 SHAKILA MTELULE The applicant has multiple admissions

648 202309609 SHAKILA MWANYAARI The applicant has multiple admissions

649 202308941 SHALOM MBUKE The applicant has multiple admissions

650 202310091 SHAMSA HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

651 202304923 SHARIFA MHAWI The applicant has multiple admissions

652 202305705 SHEDRACK MAKONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

653 202303728 SHEDRACK NGAGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

654 202304489 SIDAWI MASAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

655 202304739 SIFORI SIMKOKO The applicant has multiple admissions

656 202312083 SILVANUS KAWAMBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

657 202303972 SILVERIO KITINYA The applicant has multiple admissions

658 202303927 SLEIM BASHIR The applicant has multiple admissions

659 202303877 STELLA ALUTE The applicant has multiple admissions

660 202310880 STEPHEN KIANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

661 202312421 STEWARD MWAMAFUPA The applicant has multiple admissions

662 202305638 SUBIRA MWAKYAMBIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

663 202305683 SULEIMAN MSHOLLA The applicant has multiple admissions

664 202309271 SUNDAY MAGAGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

665 202308088 SUZAN KULWA The applicant has multiple admissions

666 202304380 SWABRA SALIM The applicant has multiple admissions

667 202309181 SWAHIBA ADINANI The applicant has multiple admissions

668 202312638 SWAUMU HUZAIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

669 202308438 SYLVIA SALU The applicant has multiple admissions

670 202310993 SYLVIA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

671 202307751 TAJI FUNDI The applicant has multiple admissions

672 202303833 TALIKI MPELEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

673 202303745 TAMIA MWASANGALA The applicant has multiple admissions

674 202305712 TAMSILA IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

675 202307829 TAUSI MATONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

676 202304551 TECLA YONA The applicant has multiple admissions

677 202306710 TEVIN KYANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

678 202308582 THABITI KULUSULE The applicant has multiple admissions

679 202309207 THEODORA MAHU The applicant has multiple admissions

680 202306565 THERESIA CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

681 202306478 THERESIA MGIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

682 202307186 THERESIA MWAKIBINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

683 202304347 THOMAS ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

684 202310597 TUMAINI NUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

685 202307635 TUTINDAGA MWALWIBA The applicant has multiple admissions

686 202310066 TWAHA SALEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

687 202304653 UMMULKHERI OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

688 202308896 VAILETH MAEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

689 202308039 VAILETH NKEMWA The applicant has multiple admissions

690 202309953 VALENTINA MBULE The applicant has multiple admissions

691 202306946 VALERIA CLEMENCE The applicant has multiple admissions

692 202311547 VANESA CHANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

693 202308394 VANESA PANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

694 202306088 VANESSA JOEL The applicant has multiple admissions

695 202309857 VENANCE MWAINYEKULE The applicant has multiple admissions

696 202304526 VEREDIANA KIBUNG'A The applicant has multiple admissions

697 202309374 VERONIKA MAHAVA The applicant has multiple admissions

698 202311923 VERONIKA MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

699 202311419 VERONIKA MOSES The applicant has multiple admissions

700 202305611 VERYNICE MBOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

701 202303649 VESTO MWASILE The applicant has multiple admissions

702 202308256 VICTOR KUNAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

703 202308062 VICTOR LAZARO The applicant has multiple admissions

704 202309929 VICTORIA MPANDUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

705 202311739 WAPI GAMBU The applicant has multiple admissions

706 202309334 WARDA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

707 202307057 WASTARA MVUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

708 202305208 WHITNEY MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

709 202304583 WILLIAM MYOWELA The applicant has multiple admissions

710 202307438 WINGOD MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

711 202302768 WINNIE KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

712 202304397 WISDOM MNKONDYA The applicant has multiple admissions

713 202312797 WITHNES SHIO The applicant has multiple admissions

714 202312434 WITNESS JOHANSEN The applicant has multiple admissions

715 202303156 WITNESS KULUSANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

716 202308946 WITNESS MAJIJA The applicant has multiple admissions

717 202308267 WITNESS SHAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

718 202305692 WIVINA KWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

719 202308491 YASINTA KATEMI The applicant has multiple admissions

720 202309971 YASINTA MKUDE The applicant has multiple admissions

721 202308886 YASINTER MSEMWA The applicant has multiple admissions

722 202304236 YOHANA CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

723 202305229 YOHANA MAKUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

724 202307839 YOSIA KISAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

725 202309525 YUNUS ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

726 202308678 YUSRA SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

727 202306985 YUSTA MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

728 202310083 YUSTO MJAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

729 202307416 YUSUPH MAJONDE The applicant has multiple admissions

730 202302445 YUSUPH MANUALI The applicant has multiple admissions

731 202307801 ZACHARIA MAKUBA The applicant has multiple admissions

732 202311243 ZAINABU IDDI The applicant has multiple admissions

733 202304585 ZAINABU JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

734 202310737 ZAKARIA MAUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

735 202304789 ZAWIA SELEMAN The applicant has multiple admissions

736 202312833 ZAYLAM ISSA The applicant has multiple admissions

737 202304735 ZEINUL-ABIDIN OMAR The applicant has multiple admissions

738 202310212 ZUBEDA JUMAA The applicant has multiple admissions

739 202305753 ZULEIKHA SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

740 202306436 ZULFA OMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

741 202307038 ZUMLATI ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

742 202302429 ABAS HATIBU The applicant has single admission

743 202310446 ABDUL LUKOLO The applicant has single admission

744 202304959 ABDUL MFAUME The applicant has single admission

745 202305623 ABDULKARIM MKWICHE The applicant has single admission

746 202303436 ABDULRAHMAN MKENGE The applicant has single admission

747 202303141 ABDULRAHMAN OSMAN The applicant has single admission

748 202307104 ABDULRAUF KAWAMBWA The applicant has single admission

749 202311473 ABELA DICKSON The applicant has single admission

750 202306988 ADAMU FUNDIKILA The applicant has single admission

751 202303052 ADAMU MAKAMBA The applicant has single admission

752 202312149 ADONIA GAMBA The applicant has single admission

753 202302752 AFIFA ALLY The applicant has single admission

754 202304166 AGNES MASANJE The applicant has single admission

755 202304456 AGNES NGUNDA The applicant has single admission

756 202311982 AHMAD MWEGOLE The applicant has single admission

757 202312052 AISHA HALFAN The applicant has single admission

758 202307675 AISHA NGULANGWA The applicant has single admission

759 202312090 AISHA SAID The applicant has single admission

760 202302877 ALBERT DONATI The applicant has single admission

761 202312400 ALFRED KAVISHE The applicant has single admission

762 202311640 ALICE MAYUNGA The applicant has single admission

763 202307010 ALICE RUTAKUBURWA The applicant has single admission

764 202308580 ALLEN WATSON The applicant has single admission

765 202311789 ALLY MASOUD The applicant has single admission

766 202311582 ALLY MTUTUMA The applicant has single admission

767 202304022 ALOYCE MAKAKA The applicant has single admission

768 202304017 ALPHA SINDO The applicant has single admission

769 202304358 ALPHATI IBRAHIMU The applicant has single admission

770 202307822 AMILE NGAOH The applicant has single admission

771 202312978 AMINA SHEHE The applicant has single admission

772 202312688 AMOS MSANGYA The applicant has single admission

773 202308097 AMOSI MWAKILEMBE The applicant has single admission

774 202306924 ANATORIA FIDELIS The applicant has single admission

775 202309850 ANETH ZAWADI The applicant has single admission

776 202307645 ANGERO KIYEYEU The applicant has single admission

777 202312964 ANISIA KASAIZI The applicant has single admission

778 202306771 ANITHA MBISE The applicant has single admission

779 202304271 ANNA CHEUPE The applicant has single admission

780 202303820 ANNA LUNYUNGU The applicant has single admission

781 202311468 ANNA MWAKINGILI The applicant has single admission

782 202309758 ANNA NANAGE The applicant has single admission

783 202307079 ANNA SARIA The applicant has single admission

784 202309579 ANNASTAZIA PETER The applicant has single admission

785 202311528 ANNETH MNDEME The applicant has single admission

786 202309070 ANTHONY MALEKO The applicant has single admission

787 202311667 ANTHONY MASSAWE The applicant has single admission

788 202306753 ANTHONY OLOMI The applicant has single admission

789 202311393 AROBOGAST KIMARIO The applicant has single admission

790 202311604 ASHIRAF KILAZA The applicant has single admission

791 202304454 ASHRAFA NYANZA The applicant has single admission

792 202307886 ATHUMANI ABDALA The applicant has single admission

793 202311151 ATHUMANI JUMA The applicant has single admission

794 202311520 AUGUSTINA MOSHI The applicant has single admission

795 202303145 AZHAD DHALLA The applicant has single admission

796 202311372 AZZA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission

797 202310297 BAHATH MANASE The applicant has single admission

798 202312260 BAHATI MLACHA The applicant has single admission

799 202309670 BAKAR MOHAMMED The applicant has single admission

800 202304255 BARAKA MWITA The applicant has single admission

801 202302180 BARAKA PONELA The applicant has single admission

802 202312058 BARNABAS BALUMBWA The applicant has single admission

803 202307455 BATWEL MWILAPWA The applicant has single admission

804 202312063 BEATRICE MASSAE The applicant has single admission

805 202311578 BEN NGENZI The applicant has single admission

806 202307100 BENSON MPALALILA The applicant has single admission

807 202311622 BERTHA MAKANDI The applicant has single admission

808 202306787 BEYONCE KWAWE The applicant has single admission

809 202310774 BLAMACK SEMGONJA The applicant has single admission

810 202306501 BLESSING MKOLONGO The applicant has single admission

811 202311959 BRAYAN MOLLEL The applicant has single admission

812 202305211 BRIAN AMANI The applicant has single admission

813 202308066 BRIAN MACHA The applicant has single admission

814 202312219 BRINKBACK KIMARIO The applicant has single admission

815 202307409 BROCKLIN MWAKAPALILA The applicant has single admission

816 202310057 BWILE MASATU The applicant has single admission

817 202302988 CALVEN MWAKAMPYA The applicant has single admission

818 202306215 CAREEN MALLYA The applicant has single admission

819 202306325 CAREEN NGATUNGA The applicant has single admission

820 202312589 CECILIA MZIRAY The applicant has single admission

821 202305780 CHAMWENE MWINYIMKUU The applicant has single admission

822 202306867 CHARO WILLIAM The applicant has single admission

823 202302791 CHRISOSTOM MAGANGA The applicant has single admission

824 202306687 CHRISTOPHER MROSSO The applicant has single admission

825 202309176 CULVETH MSACK The applicant has single admission

826 202313254 DANIEL KINABO The applicant has single admission

827 202308877 DANIEL MAKEBU The applicant has single admission

828 202307644 DEBORA MBEDULE The applicant has single admission

829 202302588 DENIS KUBE The applicant has single admission

830 202304098 DEVIDIKA KIWELE The applicant has single admission

831 202310278 DISELA PAUL The applicant has single admission

832 202308351 DOTTO MASALU The applicant has single admission

833 202310935 EDINA MPAPI The applicant has single admission

834 202307071 EDWARD KALINDE The applicant has single admission

835 202303748 EDWIN KISYERI The applicant has single admission

836 202302587 EGIDIUS GODWIN The applicant has single admission

837 202311911 ELICK LUZARI The applicant has single admission

838 202305466 ELIYUKO MOSE The applicant has single admission

839 202310290 ELIZABETH BAKUNDA The applicant has single admission

840 202305823 ELIZABETH BUSONONHE The applicant has single admission

841 202311244 ELIZABETH MADALE The applicant has single admission

842 202312180 ELIZABETH MKILANIA The applicant has single admission

843 202311505 ELIZABETH MSOMBWE The applicant has single admission

844 202307485 EMMANUEL EDWARD The applicant has single admission

845 202306191 EMMANUEL KAYOMBO The applicant has single admission

846 202311183 EMMANUEL RICHARD The applicant has single admission

847 202304310 EMMANUEL RUBOA The applicant has single admission

848 202312144 ERICK KIMAMBO The applicant has single admission

849 202312473 ERICK KUBENA The applicant has single admission

850 202312784 ERICK MWASYEBA The applicant has single admission

851 202306922 ERICKI MAHUVI The applicant has single admission

852 202305898 ESTA MAKWANI The applicant has single admission

853 202306354 ESTER SHAFTAELI The applicant has single admission

854 202308085 ESTHER KAGOMBORA The applicant has single admission

855 202312215 EVA KANOGOLEKE The applicant has single admission

856 202312445 EVANCE KIHEDU The applicant has single admission

857 202302263 EVELYNE MKANGAMA The applicant has single admission

858 202309597 EXPERENCIA JACKSON The applicant has single admission

859 202308612 FAITH AKIDA The applicant has single admission

860 202312666 FAJENSI KARONGO The applicant has single admission

861 202310294 FARAJI DEREVA The applicant has single admission

862 202303021 FATMA HIRSI The applicant has single admission

863 202306877 FATUMA CHANGA The applicant has single admission

864 202303483 FATUMA HASSANI The applicant has single admission

865 202311590 FATUMA MBWANA The applicant has single admission

866 202311403 FATUMA MOHAMED The applicant has single admission

867 202311494 FILBERT KATAGIRA The applicant has single admission

868 202311960 FLORA KAVISHE The applicant has single admission

869 202306906 FLORENCE MALISA The applicant has single admission

870 202306883 FRANCIS FRANCIS The applicant has single admission

871 202311951 FRANK FREDNAND The applicant has single admission

872 202306932 FRANK SHAYO The applicant has single admission

873 202306786 FRANK SHUMBI The applicant has single admission

874 202306870 FRED CHINGWILE The applicant has single admission

875 202309386 GABRIEL KANUTH The applicant has single admission

876 202305483 GEORGE KIBIKI The applicant has single admission

877 202311489 GERVAS JULIUS The applicant has single admission

878 202305005 GETRUDA SOBAGO The applicant has single admission

879 202312211 GIFT KITIO The applicant has single admission

880 202302597 GILBETH CHOMBA The applicant has single admission

881 202310747 GLADNESS MASWAYAGA The applicant has single admission

882 202304549 GLADNESS MUSHI The applicant has single admission

883 202311434 GLADNESS NYELA The applicant has single admission

884 202307328 GLORIA MAKENGE The applicant has single admission

885 202311109 GLORIA MAKUPA The applicant has single admission

886 202308321 GLORIA MSALILA The applicant has single admission

887 202305867 GLORIA NGUMBI The applicant has single admission

888 202312775 GLORY ANDREW The applicant has single admission

889 202308546 GLORY KAHWA The applicant has single admission

890 202304539 GLORY KIWELU The applicant has single admission

891 202304728 GLORY SHITOBELO The applicant has single admission

892 202312481 GODBERTHA MUNGELE The applicant has single admission

893 202309273 GODWIN URASSA The applicant has single admission

894 202312729 GOODLUCKY MWANDAMBO The applicant has single admission

895 202310379 GRACE KYARA The applicant has single admission

896 202309383 GRACE SAGANA The applicant has single admission

897 202310699 GRACE SINGOYI The applicant has single admission

898 202308509 GREENGIFT MADATTA The applicant has single admission

899 202305979 HADIJA KAWANGA The applicant has single admission

900 202309687 HAFSA JUMA The applicant has single admission

901 202310970 HAJRA MOHAMEDI The applicant has single admission

902 202307595 HALIMA SALIM The applicant has single admission

903 202306888 HAPPINES MATHIAS The applicant has single admission

904 202305490 HAPPINESS NYAHIRI The applicant has single admission

905 202311675 HAROUB RASHID The applicant has single admission

906 202311641 HASSAN HASSAN The applicant has single admission

907 202304173 HASSANI KAPILIPILI The applicant has single admission

908 202305406 HAWA AMRAN The applicant has single admission

909 202303462 HAWA MWICHANDE The applicant has single admission

910 202312299 HELENA KAPUFI The applicant has single admission

911 202312040 HENRICK NGONYANI The applicant has single admission

912 202306260 HEVENLIGHT JOHN The applicant has single admission

913 202311103 HEZRON KASSIM The applicant has single admission

914 202307752 HONGERA JABU The applicant has single admission

915 202305696 HOYCE MWABULWA The applicant has single admission

916 202303509 HURUMA PHARLES The applicant has single admission

917 202307703 HUSNA ALLY The applicant has single admission

918 202306662 HUSSEIN LWIMBO The applicant has single admission

919 202303013 IBRAHIM MSUYA The applicant has single admission

920 202312205 IDDY ALLY The applicant has single admission

921 202311296 IRENE KARERA The applicant has single admission

922 202310745 IRENE KYOBYA The applicant has single admission

923 202313145 IRENE MAWALA The applicant has single admission

924 202311065 IRENE MTEGA The applicant has single admission

925 202310287 IRENE YUDA The applicant has single admission

926 202310814 ISACK JISABA The applicant has single admission

927 202302243 ISACK KALUME The applicant has single admission

928 202307314 ISAYA ANDREA The applicant has single admission

929 202307827 JACKLINE ASSENGA The applicant has single admission

930 202312425 JACKLINE CHAO The applicant has single admission

931 202305192 JAFARI JUMA The applicant has single admission

932 202312271 JAMES KIJIKO The applicant has single admission

933 202306371 JAMES NTINDA The applicant has single admission

934 202307577 JAMES SANGAI The applicant has single admission

935 202304476 JAMILA HAMUD The applicant has single admission

936 202312508 JANETH KILIMBA The applicant has single admission

937 202311680 JANETH SHIRIMA The applicant has single admission

938 202310794 JAPHET MWAIHOBA The applicant has single admission

939 202311589 JAPHET NGWEMA The applicant has single admission

940 202312254 JENIFER MAKALA The applicant has single admission

941 202306154 JENIPHER AMONI The applicant has single admission

942 202310872 JEREMIA MREMI The applicant has single admission

943 202311605 JERMAINER RUTANIGARA The applicant has single admission

944 202309137 JESCA MAGWANJI The applicant has single admission

945 202312239 JESCA MPAKA The applicant has single admission

946 202311831 JESCA NCHIMBI The applicant has single admission

947 202307955 JIKAMWASITI MNACHO The applicant has single admission

948 202313077 JILLIAN CHILALA The applicant has single admission

949 202304796 JIMMY MBWILO The applicant has single admission

950 202310395 JOHN BONIPHACE The applicant has single admission

951 202302811 JOHN EMMANUEL The applicant has single admission

952 202312055 JOHN MASAWE The applicant has single admission

953 202307025 JOHN MRITA The applicant has single admission

954 202308780 JOHN NTAMBI The applicant has single admission

955 202309122 JOSEPH JOSEPH The applicant has single admission

956 202312169 JOSHUA MWAKABONGA The applicant has single admission

957 202311354 JOSSIAH OLAL The applicant has single admission

958 202312479 JOVIN JULIUS The applicant has single admission

959 202304700 JOVINI IHIMBIGU The applicant has single admission

960 202303752 JOYCE YONA The applicant has single admission

961 202312440 JULIANA JOSEPH The applicant has single admission

962 202311153 JULIUS MAKENA The applicant has single admission

963 202303941 JULLY ANTONY The applicant has single admission

964 202304272 JULY SAIDY The applicant has single admission

965 202310697 JUSTA PETER The applicant has single admission

966 202313232 KALISIO AMBALI The applicant has single admission

967 202310782 KALISTI KIMATI The applicant has single admission

968 202311913 KAMATA KILUNGA The applicant has single admission

969 202303883 KARIM ALI The applicant has single admission

970 202305845 KASSIM MWINYI The applicant has single admission

971 202308317 KASWIDA NG'ITU The applicant has single admission

972 202312327 KATARINA SHIRIMA The applicant has single admission

973 202310007 KAZIMILI LENDA The applicant has single admission

974 202305688 KAZUNGU KAZUNGU The applicant has single admission

975 202310543 KELVIN CHINGUILE The applicant has single admission

976 202306376 KELVIN KILEO The applicant has single admission

977 202312163 KELVIN MWANI The applicant has single admission

978 202304275 KEMILIUS MZOGO The applicant has single admission

979 202312310 KEVINI PWELE The applicant has single admission

980 202311720 KHATIBU KHATIBU The applicant has single admission

981 202304927 LATIFA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission

982 202312622 LATIFA ABDUL The applicant has single admission

983 202310296 LAVENDA TESHA The applicant has single admission

984 202312264 LEATH LUKALA The applicant has single admission

985 202308116 LEOKADIA MKANGAMO The applicant has single admission

986 202303477 LEONSI PHILIBART The applicant has single admission

987 202308914 LETICIA PETER The applicant has single admission

988 202305526 LEWIS AQUILIN The applicant has single admission

989 202304336 LIGHTNESS AUGUSTINO The applicant has single admission

990 202304622 LIGHTNESS PHILEMON The applicant has single admission

991 202302208 LILIAN ASSEY The applicant has single admission

992 202311755 LIMBU SHOTO The applicant has single admission

993 202307097 LISA MWANGONELA The applicant has single admission

994 202304305 LODRICK LEMA The applicant has single admission

995 202307407 LOVENESS BENEDICT The applicant has single admission

996 202309737 LUCY MUNISI The applicant has single admission

997 202312753 LUCY NGOGO The applicant has single admission

998 202311958 LUGEMBE MASALU The applicant has single admission

999 202312238 LUTENGANO MWAKIUSA The applicant has single admission

1000 202308360 LYDIA KWEKA The applicant has single admission

1001 202312185 MABELE MASHILINGI The applicant has single admission

1002 202310252 MACRINA SUTA The applicant has single admission

1003 202310024 MAGDALENA BUKUMBI The applicant has single admission

1004 202304447 MAGDALENA MOTIBA The applicant has single admission

1005 202311917 MAGRETH SIMON The applicant has single admission

1006 202310753 MALIKA MBWANA The applicant has single admission

1007 202302750 MANAL MOHAMED The applicant has single admission

1008 202312616 MARIA NGOSHA The applicant has single admission

1009 202311346 MARIAM MAKONO The applicant has single admission

1010 202312193 MARIAMU AHMED The applicant has single admission

1011 202304919 MARIAMU KILONGOLA The applicant has single admission

1012 202308611 MARY MAPUNDA The applicant has single admission

1013 202307263 MARYAM OTHMAN The applicant has single admission

1014 202303929 MBARAKA NGULUMA The applicant has single admission

1015 202309342 MERISIANA ZONGOLO The applicant has single admission

1016 202304077 MESHACK SWAI The applicant has single admission

1017 202310639 MICHAEL CHARLES The applicant has single admission

1018 202308569 MICHAEL KINYUNYU The applicant has single admission

1019 202306019 MOHAMED MSYANGI The applicant has single admission

1020 202308671 MOSHOLA KOPE The applicant has single admission

1021 202313078 MOUREEN GODSON The applicant has single admission

1022 202306488 MUHARAMI ALLI The applicant has single admission

1023 202312008 MUKSINI NGUNGA The applicant has single admission

1024 202305942 MUNIRA MOHAMMED The applicant has single admission

1025 202312480 MUSSA AMIRI The applicant has single admission

1026 202310227 MUSSA MABU The applicant has single admission

1027 202305827 MWAJUMA HARUNA The applicant has single admission

1028 202307225 MWANAMSA RASHIDI The applicant has single admission

1029 202311708 MWANNE TUNGU The applicant has single admission

1030 202304041 NADYA MBARAK The applicant has single admission

1031 202307151 NAIMA SAID The applicant has single admission

1032 202308315 NAJMA SHABANI The applicant has single admission

1033 202303496 NAKEMBETWA MKUMBO The applicant has single admission

1034 202311610 NANCY OTIENO The applicant has single admission

1035 202309133 NANG'ONJI NYAMKA The applicant has single admission

1036 202312696 NAOMI MYOMBO The applicant has single admission

1037 202305595 NASRA NDEKYO The applicant has single admission

1038 202304148 NAZIMIN MUSTAPHA The applicant has single admission

1039 202310191 NELSON MUTISO The applicant has single admission

1040 202309373 NGOLO DASHINA The applicant has single admission

1041 202304736 NGOPIRO NGAMBUS The applicant has single admission

1042 202311956 NIMFA SIMION The applicant has single admission

1043 202306596 NORAH MBALINGA The applicant has single admission

1044 202311566 NOREEN KAAYA The applicant has single admission

1045 202306423 NURU JUMA The applicant has single admission

1046 202305937 NYOTA AHMADI The applicant has single admission

1047 202305348 OBRIGHT MUGWE The applicant has single admission

1048 202308805 ODESTA KISWAGA The applicant has single admission

1049 202312452 OMARI NYANGE The applicant has single admission

1050 202310591 OTHMANI NZALALILAH The applicant has single admission

1051 202312702 PASCHAL SWAI The applicant has single admission

1052 202303243 PASCHALIA MAGWEIGA The applicant has single admission

1053 202312228 PASIKALI MAKOMBWE The applicant has single admission

1054 202312221 PATRICK MSAFIRI The applicant has single admission

1055 202306581 PETER MDOE The applicant has single admission

1056 202311612 PETER VALES The applicant has single admission

1057 202312786 PHILOMENA MAHANO The applicant has single admission

1058 202312441 PHILOPO MANJALE The applicant has single admission

1059 202302845 PILLY BOMBA The applicant has single admission

1060 202313220 PIUS NG'WITA The applicant has single admission

1061 202312966 PROJANUS DOMINICK The applicant has single admission

1062 202307687 RACHEL KOFIE The applicant has single admission

1063 202311676 RAFIA OMARI The applicant has single admission

1064 202312653 RAHELI MTAWAZI The applicant has single admission

1065 202303384 RAHIM KAPAYA The applicant has single admission

1066 202306303 RAHMA CHUMA The applicant has single admission

1067 202309432 RAHMA RAJABU The applicant has single admission

1068 202303446 RAIKI KALIKA The applicant has single admission

1069 202312615 RAJABU IDD The applicant has single admission

1070 202313036 RAJABU MDOE The applicant has single admission

1071 202310337 RAJABU SHAYO The applicant has single admission

1072 202310135 RAMLA SEBANGI The applicant has single admission

1073 202306138 RAPHAEL LIKWANGURO The applicant has single admission

1074 202304362 RAYA ZAHARANI The applicant has single admission

1075 202309011 REGINA URONU The applicant has single admission

1076 202303507 REHEMA JUMA The applicant has single admission

1077 202306370 REHEMA MGAYA The applicant has single admission

1078 202305349 REHEMA MGONJA The applicant has single admission

1079 202309126 REHEMA MPOTO The applicant has single admission

1080 202312746 REHEMA NGOWI The applicant has single admission

1081 202310460 REILA DONARD The applicant has single admission

1082 202311306 RENARD RENATUSI The applicant has single admission

1083 202305166 RICHARD OMARY The applicant has single admission

1084 202310427 RITHA KIRIA The applicant has single admission

1085 202311629 RITHERBLESS MIDAS The applicant has single admission

1086 202312302 ROBART MATEMANGA The applicant has single admission

1087 202311607 ROGERS SANGA The applicant has single admission

1088 202309262 ROSE KIWANGO The applicant has single admission

1089 202313191 ROSE SHAYO The applicant has single admission

1090 202311075 ROSEMARY NNALUBEGA The applicant has single admission

1091 202311236 ROSEMARY NZWALA The applicant has single admission

1092 202307721 ROZALIA PAUL The applicant has single admission

1093 202304423 RUMISHA KISANGA The applicant has single admission

1094 202312420 SABRINA MASENGA The applicant has single admission

1095 202305555 SADRUDIN REMTULA The applicant has single admission

1096 202308812 SAID MMBAGA The applicant has single admission

1097 202310600 SAID SAID The applicant has single admission

1098 202304108 SAID SAID The applicant has single admission

1099 202313215 SAIDI MNYASHANI The applicant has single admission

1100 202311619 SALAH ALLY The applicant has single admission

1101 202305510 SALEH ALLY The applicant has single admission

1102 202312701 SALHA ALLY The applicant has single admission

1103 202310477 SALMA MOHAMEDI The applicant has single admission

1104 202308597 SALMINI MTANGIAMOYO The applicant has single admission

1105 202307747 SAMI METHUSELA The applicant has single admission

1106 202302663 SAMSON LAIZER The applicant has single admission

1107 202312268 SAMUEL WALTER The applicant has single admission

1108 202312626 SAMWELI SILAYO The applicant has single admission

1109 202306475 SARA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission

1110 202311762 SARA LIHAKO The applicant has single admission

1111 202309523 SARAH AMOS The applicant has single admission

1112 202303805 SARAH LYIMO The applicant has single admission

1113 202306908 SARAH MAGAFU The applicant has single admission

1114 202307800 SARUNI LAIZER The applicant has single admission

1115 202312414 SAUMU ABUBAKARI The applicant has single admission

1116 202304566 SCOLA MYOWELA The applicant has single admission

1117 202302170 SEIF ALI The applicant has single admission

1118 202312255 SELEMANI BISHAKARA The applicant has single admission

1119 202311456 SERAFINI SHAYO The applicant has single admission

1120 202310637 SHABANI BILALI The applicant has single admission

1121 202308844 SHAFII MKUNGA The applicant has single admission

1122 202310038 SHAFII MWIKONI The applicant has single admission

1123 202312647 SHAHIDA MDOE The applicant has single admission

1124 202306333 SHAKILA MANYANGA The applicant has single admission

1125 202310517 SHAMILA CHAMSHAMA The applicant has single admission

1126 202302604 SHAMILA LUAMBANO The applicant has single admission

1127 202306117 SHAMSI SHOO The applicant has single admission

1128 202312438 SHARIFA IYAKA The applicant has single admission

1129 202311136 SHARIFA MTIPULA The applicant has single admission

1130 202309933 SHARIFA RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission

1131 202312416 SHARIFU MUSA The applicant has single admission

1132 202305673 SHAROON URASSA The applicant has single admission

1133 202302922 SIFA JUMA The applicant has single admission

1134 202306322 SILYA JETA The applicant has single admission

1135 202311649 SIMON MOLLEL The applicant has single admission

1136 202310108 SIMON SOSPETER The applicant has single admission

1137 202304053 SIXBERT LEWIS The applicant has single admission

1138 202304805 SIZYA MIKINDO The applicant has single admission

1139 202311367 SOFAI BITURO The applicant has single admission

1140 202312623 STEPHANO DAVID The applicant has single admission

1141 202308665 STEPHANO NYENZI The applicant has single admission

1142 202308237 STEPHANO WANGUBI The applicant has single admission

1143 202311396 STEVEN GERVAS The applicant has single admission

1144 202312013 STEVEN KIOGOLO The applicant has single admission

1145 202311097 STEVEN NAKEI The applicant has single admission

1146 202311336 SUDDI IDDI The applicant has single admission

1147 202311348 SUZANA MOSHA The applicant has single admission

1148 202305263 SWEDY MPWAWA The applicant has single admission

1149 202311602 TARICK JUMA The applicant has single admission

1150 202311164 THERESIA AMBROSI The applicant has single admission

1151 202303453 THERESIA MUSHI The applicant has single admission

1152 202312712 THOBIAS KAZUNGU The applicant has single admission

1153 202312209 THOMAS KIBOI The applicant has single admission

1154 202311516 THOMAS MTILLU The applicant has single admission

1155 202303172 THOMAS PAULO The applicant has single admission

1156 202312346 TUMAINI LUVANDA The applicant has single admission

1157 202305609 TWAIBA MRUMA The applicant has single admission

1158 202310356 VAILETH MALIMA The applicant has single admission

1159 202312695 VAILETH SILAYO The applicant has single admission

1160 202302459 VERONIKA SHAURI The applicant has single admission

1161 202308794 VICTOR MWASILE The applicant has single admission

1162 202312276 VICTORIA MAKWARU The applicant has single admission

1163 202311345 WILLIAM MALEVU The applicant has single admission

1164 202312364 WINFRIDA DAMAS The applicant has single admission

1165 202303406 WINFRIDA ROBERT The applicant has single admission

1166 202308504 WINFRIDA SANGAWE The applicant has single admission

1167 202312342 WINJUKA GODFREY The applicant has single admission

1168 202304793 WITNESS KITOSI The applicant has single admission

1169 202310099 YASINTA TESHA The applicant has single admission

1170 202307671 YASSIR MAHFOUDH The applicant has single admission

1171 202309249 YOHANA MPEPO The applicant has single admission

1172 202304211 YUSTINA PETER The applicant has single admission

1173 202307247 YUSUFU MWIPI The applicant has single admission

1174 202313122 YUSUPH NDEMBO The applicant has single admission

1175 202312273 YVONE ASHERY The applicant has single admission

1176 202311334 ZAHARA RUME The applicant has single admission

1177 202307506 ZAINAB MBAGI The applicant has single admission

1178 202309623 ZAKARIA ISMAIL The applicant has single admission

1179 202310909 ZAKIA EBA The applicant has single admission

1180 202311795 ZALIKA SHABANI The applicant has single admission

1181 202310978 ZUHRA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission

1182 202305274 ZUHURA KINGWANDE The applicant has single admission

1183 202307611 ZULPHA MWANGA The applicant has single admission


2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND
S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status
1 202306699 ABDILLAHI KALA The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202308795 ABDLIRAZAKI IDDI The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202308071 ABDUL ULEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202302544 ABDUL-RAHIM MAHMUD The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202307432 ABDUL-RAQIB RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202304168 ABDUL-WADUD DAUD The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202306094 ABDULAZIZI HAFIDHI The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202310144 ABDULKARIM SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202307259 ABELA JOSIA The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202303308 ABUBAKARI SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202307364 ABUBAKARI SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202308249 ABUBAKARY SANZE The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202307493 ADAM MNYANYI The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202309681 AGAPE MESHACK The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202303109 AGASON KYUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202304947 AGNES SALAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202308177 AGNESS KYANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202305391 AGNESS MHEMELI The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202310452 AGNESS RICHARD The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202306107 AHMED HARUN The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202309437 AIBORA MMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202308709 AIDANI NDAHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202305438 AISHA ABDALAH The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202308247 AISHA BASUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202306685 ALFRED ALFRED The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202303842 ALHAJI KIJAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202305836 ALUHIA NGOMA The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202311121 ALYA AYUBU The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202307693 AMINA BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202304540 AMINA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202306335 AMINA LIGWILE The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202310134 AMINA MADALIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202305234 AMINA MAGEUZA The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202303862 AMINA MOHAMEDY The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202305360 AMINA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202310776 AMINA SENG'ENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202308392 AMINA SWALEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202307096 AMIRI AMIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202305344 AMIRI KIPENDE The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202304412 AMON MTWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202302328 AMOS KAPILYANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202304616 AMOS MILANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202307531 AMOS MWAKYUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202308390 AMOSI NGONYANI The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202302967 ANASTAZIA LOSIA The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202305376 ANASTAZIA LUGALO The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202305954 ANDREA NYAGANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202306517 ANDREW ISAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202312735 ANDREW KILUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202312984 ANETH WILFRED The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202305386 ANGEL KIBASA The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202303922 ANGEL MACHELLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202307011 ANGEL PALLANGYO The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202308536 ANGEL RUGAKINGILA The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202311305 ANGELA KIWANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202307083 ANGELA MKENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202306802 ANGELA SHIKEE The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202308819 ANGELINA ONDIT The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202304311 ANJELA MAHENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202312405 ANNA GIBEBE The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202307857 ANNA LOHAY The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202309039 ANNA NNKO The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202306518 ANNASTASIA MASSAE The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202307238 ANTHONY ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202313228 ANTONY MOSHE The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202306971 ANTONY NCHIMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202309145 APSA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202307092 ARAFATI SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202312571 ARTHUR DOUGLAS The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202305347 ASHA IDDY The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202306593 ASHA IMAMU The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202303150 ASHANT KOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202303796 ASHRAPH ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202305030 ASIA MAHEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202304006 ASUMINI LILUNGULU The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202307375 ASWILE MWAIPAJA The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202306292 ATHUMAN KIKUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202311522 ATUPAKISYEGE ANDULEGE The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202308691 AUGUSTINO MANYAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202312231 AVITH ANTHONY The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202309885 AWADI HOUSENI The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202306453 AZARIA NICHOLAUS The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202306453 AZARIA NICHOLAUS The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202305938 AZIZI MKUDILE The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202308873 AZIZI MPUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202309900 BALKISS MSAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202304191 BALTAZARY KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202307969 BARAKA KYANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202305771 BARAKA MAVUMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202308696 BARAKA MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202304575 BARAKA NYIGU The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202307730 BARAKA WALWA The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202305308 BASHIR SHAIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202302801 BASILA MULOKI The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202303454 BASILISA MREMA The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202308560 BERISON BUHA The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202308777 BERKMANS MARKO The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202307032 BERNARD MSOFE The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202305851 BERTHA ERNEST The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202312577 BERTHA KAVISHE The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202311838 BETTY NKOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202304970 BINONI LEBO The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202310833 BISHARA HAMZA The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202306856 BONIPHACE HENERICO The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202312044 BRAYSON CHALAMILA The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202306519 BRENDA HAWAY The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202303721 BRENDA MTAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202310082 BRIDGITE KISIO The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202311734 BRIGITHA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202306377 BROWN MSIGALA The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202302534 BROWN SEMWAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202306108 CALVIN LUBALIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202311886 CALVIN SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202308089 CARREN MTAMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202310096 CASTO KAPOZA The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202303100 CATHERINE MARO The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202311273 CATHERINE MBAPILA The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202305904 CHARLES RIZIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202307156 CHRISTIAN MDEE The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202312235 CHRISTINA HENJEWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202309651 CHRISTINA MSAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202310628 CHRISTINA MWALA The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202309235 CHRISTOPHER LUGANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202306199 CLEOPA KADEGHE The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202307198 COLIN KYARUZI The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202310371 COLINE FABIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202303969 COSTANCIA NYELA The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202304069 COSTANTINO MASWANYIA The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202309763 CRISPIN KINYAIYA The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202304863 DANIEL FUMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202305896 DANIEL LUVANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202308419 DANIEL MAKANI The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202307749 DAVID ELIAS The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202310139 DAVID MALISA The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202309085 DAVIES FRANCIS The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202311212 DEBORA MAGANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202306178 DEBORA MWETA The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202307530 DEBORA TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202311226 DENIS ASSENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202309455 DENIS JOMALEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202309158 DENLYSON MWALUKO The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202311246 DENNIS NDUNGURU The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202308908 DEOGLAS SARAKIKYA The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202308848 DEOGRASIUS MLIGO The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202307634 DHULPHA MPUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202304125 DIANA CHIBANI The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202304184 DIANA LWILLA The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202304950 DIANA MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202304936 DIANA MTAFYA The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202304034 DICKSON HALLA The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202307253 DICKSON KOMBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202309440 DICKSON MNIKO The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202305580 DICKSON TARIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202305776 DIDASI CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202308157 DOKI MWAIHOBA The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202307270 DOMINICK KAZOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202307810 DONATHA SALVATORY The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202304965 DORCAS SWALO The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202309247 DORINE KAUKU The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202311836 DORIS MWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202309230 DOTTO GODFREY The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202308766 EDGAR SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202311737 EDWIGA RAPHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202310360 ELIA ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202312489 ELIA MBIGA The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202304458 ELIA MLEWA The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202310518 ELIA MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202306664 ELIESHI LAIZER The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202305941 ELIFADHI VICENT The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202306647 ELINAZI EMMANUEL The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202303244 ELINE URIO The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202309419 ELISANTE SHAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202307429 ELISHA NYONI The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202309227 ELIUD MBALWA The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202303628 ELIZABETH MCHODO The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202307627 ELIZABETH META The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202307894 ELIZABETH SAMWEL The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202307777 ELLY MWENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202311350 ELNESTA MWAKABEJELA The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202311038 ELSIA CHAO The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202303517 EMANUEL KASHINDE The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202309751 EMANUEL KESSY The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202312146 EMILIANA MARTIN The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202310979 EMIRISIANA NICODEMUS The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202306010 EMMANUEL AUGUST The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202308015 EMMANUEL ISSANGYA The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202303655 ENOCK JAGWASY The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202309499 ENOCK NG'HONOLI The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202309018 EPIFANIA KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202306139 ERIC CHANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202306505 ERICK MONYIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202303673 ESTER TWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202312036 ESTHER JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202307798 ESTON TONTINANT The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202307226 EUNICE PATRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202308960 EVELIDA JOAS The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202305582 EVINA EVATH The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202310113 EZIA MSILU The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202303403 FADHILA MKETO The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202310381 FAIDHA BADRU The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202309856 FAIDHA MUBA The applicant has multiple admissions

202 202303747 FAIZA SHARIFF The applicant has multiple admissions

203 202310542 FAKHARUDIN DUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

204 202310041 FARAJA KABELEGE The applicant has multiple admissions

205 202309830 FARAJA MWANZALILA The applicant has multiple admissions

206 202307557 FAT'HA MAWALANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

207 202304541 FATMA ABDALLAHAMAN The applicant has multiple admissions

208 202307117 FATUMA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

209 202312706 FATUMA HEMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

210 202305960 FATUMA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

211 202308204 FATUMA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

212 202305784 FATUMA MAGORA The applicant has multiple admissions

213 202311378 FATUMA SAUKO The applicant has multiple admissions

214 202310482 FAUDHIA CHIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

215 202306281 FAUDHIA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

216 202309224 FAUSTINA MWAKALOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

217 202304009 FEDRICK KAWIMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

218 202303213 FELISTER BAHEBE The applicant has multiple admissions

219 202311827 FELISTER SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

220 202307236 FERDINA MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

221 202309084 FESTO NDABILA The applicant has multiple admissions

222 202306630 FILIJUS LUASA The applicant has multiple admissions

223 202305445 FLORA LISAKAFU The applicant has multiple admissions

224 202312582 FLORA MWALUKOWA The applicant has multiple admissions

225 202310786 FLORA WILLIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

226 202304584 FORTUNATER KILINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

227 202305720 FRANCIS HOMVYE The applicant has multiple admissions

228 202306815 FRANCO MPILI The applicant has multiple admissions

229 202309120 FRANK BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

230 202306306 FRANK KILUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

231 202308936 FREDY JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

232 202311074 FREDY KIHAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

233 202306070 FRIDA NGOWI The applicant has multiple admissions

234 202309377 GASPA LIVINGSTONE The applicant has multiple admissions

235 202305513 GAYO MWANJOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

236 202310450 GEOFREY KANDEA The applicant has multiple admissions

237 202310508 GERORD MAPUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

238 202309409 GERSON MLELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

239 202311860 GHATI MWITA The applicant has multiple admissions

240 202302506 GHUBA SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

241 202303294 GIFT MLOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

242 202307175 GIFT SINGANO The applicant has multiple admissions

243 202304031 GLADNESS MWAMBEPO The applicant has multiple admissions

244 202311643 GLORY NGOWI The applicant has multiple admissions

245 202307107 GODFREY OLOO The applicant has multiple admissions

246 202306701 GODFREY SENGO The applicant has multiple admissions

247 202304179 GODFREY YANI The applicant has multiple admissions

248 202303388 GODILIZEN SILAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

249 202305436 GODIUS KILONZO The applicant has multiple admissions

250 202310020 GODLISTEN MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

251 202307108 GODLISTEN TAJAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

252 202311800 GODLUCK MWIZE The applicant has multiple admissions

253 202309183 GODSON SEREHA The applicant has multiple admissions

254 202312951 GODWIN MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

255 202308652 GODWIN SAMUWEL The applicant has multiple admissions

256 202308070 GOODLUCK LUAMBANO The applicant has multiple admissions

257 202307454 GOODLUCK MTEI The applicant has multiple admissions

258 202312699 GRACE BIRAGI The applicant has multiple admissions

259 202306068 GRACE LUCHEMO The applicant has multiple admissions

260 202304534 GRACE MBUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

261 202312693 GRACE NYELI The applicant has multiple admissions

262 202305752 GRACE TESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

263 202310449 GROLIA VENUSTI The applicant has multiple admissions

264 202308420 GUDILA MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

265 202304843 HABIBA KILAHAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

266 202306285 HABIBU MASANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

267 202303186 HADIA HILAL The applicant has multiple admissions

268 202310633 HADIJA KAYANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

269 202305241 HADIJA KITOGOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

270 202303421 HADIJA MUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

271 202306460 HADYA MASUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

272 202307223 HAFIDHI AWADHI The applicant has multiple admissions

273 202304270 HAFSA RASHIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

274 202311824 HAFSWA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

275 202312450 HAIDAR AHMED The applicant has multiple admissions

276 202305383 HALID CHAMANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

277 202310195 HAMAD TUMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

278 202307147 HAMADI JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

279 202305359 HAMIDA NASSOR The applicant has multiple admissions

280 202307421 HAMIS LWESYA The applicant has multiple admissions

281 202308278 HAMZA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

282 202306735 HANS GEORGE The applicant has multiple admissions

283 202307153 HAPINESS NJAU The applicant has multiple admissions

284 202305034 HAPPINESS MLENGULE The applicant has multiple admissions

285 202309519 HAPPINESS SITTA The applicant has multiple admissions

286 202306678 HAPPY MKWAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

287 202311701 HAPPY MTINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

288 202304865 HAPPYNES MPENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

289 202307009 HAPPYNESS MMANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

290 202310746 HARID WAZIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

291 202309410 HASSAN ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

292 202310111 HASSANI KIBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

293 202307376 HASSANI MBARUKU The applicant has multiple admissions

294 202308280 HASSANI NZOWA The applicant has multiple admissions

295 202310820 HAWA KUPAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

296 202312296 HEBEL CHONGOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

297 202309596 HELBETH MWINUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

298 202303414 HELLEN MHEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

299 202309952 HERIETH SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

300 202306945 HEVENLIGHT MINJA The applicant has multiple admissions

301 202311657 HIDAYA KOLOWA The applicant has multiple admissions

302 202312697 HILDEBRAND DAFF The applicant has multiple admissions

303 202302923 HONGO ROSELINE The applicant has multiple admissions

304 202305534 HURUMA MINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

305 202305484 HUSEIN TINDWA The applicant has multiple admissions

306 202312655 HUSNA MACHERA The applicant has multiple admissions

307 202308372 HUSNA OMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

308 202306865 HUSNA USANTU The applicant has multiple admissions

309 202302683 HUSSEIN CHAMBIA The applicant has multiple admissions

310 202307876 HUSSEIN RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

311 202306350 HYASINTA KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

312 202309477 IBRAHIM KIJUU The applicant has multiple admissions

313 202308340 IBRAHIM MBWILO The applicant has multiple admissions

314 202305973 IBRAHIM MUGETA The applicant has multiple admissions

315 202308355 IBRAHIMU IBRAHIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

316 202308923 IBRAHIMU MASOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

317 202305217 IBRAHIMU RAJABU The applicant has multiple admissions

318 202304626 IKRA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

319 202304122 ILHAMU VUAI The applicant has multiple admissions

320 202302856 IMAN FEROUZ The applicant has multiple admissions

321 202312773 IMELDA POPOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

322 202309872 INNOCENT KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

323 202303402 INNOCENT MWAGENI The applicant has multiple admissions

324 202307276 INNOCENT TEWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

325 202308852 IPYANA MTAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

326 202305714 IREEN NJOGOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

327 202307489 IRENE CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

328 202308311 IRENE EVARIST The applicant has multiple admissions

329 202304977 IRENE KAPAKE The applicant has multiple admissions

330 202308884 IRENE KASWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

331 202307729 IRENE KIWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

332 202303041 IRENE MATUNDUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

333 202308826 IRENE MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

334 202308790 IRENE MBWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

335 202303194 IRENE NKYA The applicant has multiple admissions

336 202311125 IRENE TETY The applicant has multiple admissions

337 202307306 ISAAC KIGOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

338 202306283 ISAYA ERNEST The applicant has multiple admissions

339 202303560 ISAYA MBUGHI The applicant has multiple admissions

340 202312091 ISAYA MWAKIKALE The applicant has multiple admissions

341 202311758 ISAYA NZAGALA The applicant has multiple admissions

342 202310576 ISHIMAEL SIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

343 202307738 ISIHAKA CHIVANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

344 202308017 ISMAIL JANERY The applicant has multiple admissions

345 202305721 ISMAIL KISAVULI The applicant has multiple admissions

346 202312170 ISMAIL WENDE The applicant has multiple admissions

347 202305840 ISSA HASHIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

348 202307753 JACKLINA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

349 202310028 JACKLINE BURA The applicant has multiple admissions

350 202303663 JACKLINE KAMGISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

351 202312142 JACKLINE MSULA The applicant has multiple admissions

352 202306211 JACKLINE SUMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

353 202305743 JACKLINE UDIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

354 202303201 JACKLINI NGULO The applicant has multiple admissions

355 202304647 JACKSON MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

356 202303445 JACKSON MURO The applicant has multiple admissions

357 202310888 JAMAL PANYIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

358 202303277 JAMES MAMSERY The applicant has multiple admissions

359 202306855 JAMES MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

360 202303872 JANE KWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

361 202307720 JANETH DAUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

362 202302864 JANETH MAKOKO The applicant has multiple admissions

363 202311620 JANETH MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

364 202311283 JANETH SADICK The applicant has multiple admissions

365 202304121 JASSON MAKUNZA The applicant has multiple admissions

366 202308729 JEMIMA LAIZER The applicant has multiple admissions

367 202311392 JENI MLOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

368 202310617 JENIPHA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

369 202308822 JENITHA KIDEBELI The applicant has multiple admissions

370 202308988 JENNIFER NCHAGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

371 202311787 JEREMIA KIMOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

372 202309947 JEROME MTULA The applicant has multiple admissions

373 202309364 JESKA UDIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

374 202308029 JESSICA JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

375 202306457 JIANDAYE KIFYASI The applicant has multiple admissions

376 202303583 JOFREY MALKO The applicant has multiple admissions

377 202310588 JOFREY MANJI The applicant has multiple admissions

378 202308148 JOHANITHA TWENDE The applicant has multiple admissions

379 202310112 JOHN MMBAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

380 202311405 JOHN MNGAZIJA The applicant has multiple admissions

381 202311888 JOHN RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

382 202311219 JONSON MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

383 202307569 JORAM KAHAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

384 202305987 JOSEPH EVARIST The applicant has multiple admissions

385 202308599 JOSEPH JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

386 202309919 JOSEPH KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

387 202305228 JOSEPH MCHULOMCHULO The applicant has multiple admissions

388 202306065 JOSEPH SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

389 202303994 JOSHUA KALOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

390 202306627 JOYCE AWITI The applicant has multiple admissions

391 202304070 JOYCE BUSWELU The applicant has multiple admissions

392 202306897 JOYCE CHACKY The applicant has multiple admissions

393 202307358 JOYCE JAMES The applicant has multiple admissions

394 202304473 JOYCE PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

395 202306249 JOYCE SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

396 202305532 JUDITH BUHEREZI The applicant has multiple admissions

397 202310828 JUDITH TRYPHONE The applicant has multiple admissions

398 202306449 JULIUS ANDREA The applicant has multiple admissions

399 202302147 JULIUS NDIMILA The applicant has multiple admissions

400 202311985 JUNIOR CHISSANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

401 202308814 KALISTA BOMOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

402 202310306 KALISTI LYARI The applicant has multiple admissions

403 202308870 KARIMU MWAJOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

404 202304839 KASSIM MBAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

405 202307141 KASSIMU YAHAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

406 202306052 KELVIN BARNABA The applicant has multiple admissions

407 202303144 KELVIN GUMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

408 202303144 KELVIN GUMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

409 202307899 KELVIN LYIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

410 202310343 KELVIN MSUMENO The applicant has multiple admissions

411 202303472 KELVIN TIBOROHA The applicant has multiple admissions

412 202312513 KENNEDY KAONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

413 202307464 KHAFIDH SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

414 202305600 KHALID KHAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

415 202307399 KHALIFA KHALIFA The applicant has multiple admissions

416 202305853 KHALIFA SEIF The applicant has multiple admissions

417 202305913 KHAMIS GUNDIA The applicant has multiple admissions

418 202310067 KHATIB KHATIB The applicant has multiple admissions

419 202309508 KUDRATI MUWALA The applicant has multiple admissions

420 202304741 KURUTHUMU ROGERS The applicant has multiple admissions

421 202307235 LATIFA HASSANI The applicant has multiple admissions

422 202305846 LATIFA LEMU The applicant has multiple admissions

423 202303778 LATIFA MNYOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

424 202304802 LATIFA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

425 202302507 LAURENT MALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

426 202306466 LEILA BADI The applicant has multiple admissions

427 202307349 LEODGARD KILEO The applicant has multiple admissions

428 202310382 LEVENDA MANYALA The applicant has multiple admissions

429 202306344 LILIAN JAPHARY The applicant has multiple admissions

430 202310726 LILIAN LENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

431 202303424 LILIAN URONU The applicant has multiple admissions

432 202305050 LINNAH LUPINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

433 202305424 LISA ITALANGE The applicant has multiple admissions

434 202311910 LISA MCHAINA The applicant has multiple admissions

435 202311885 LOLAUSHA MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

436 202312459 LOVENESS MACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

437 202309979 LUCY MKANILE The applicant has multiple admissions

438 202304413 LUCY MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

439 202310504 LUCY THEO The applicant has multiple admissions

440 202308402 LUKRESIA KAVISHE The applicant has multiple admissions

441 202312080 LUKUMANI LICHIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

442 202303973 LUQMAN SOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

443 202307029 LUQUMAN ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

444 202305246 LUTU NDALU The applicant has multiple admissions

445 202307182 LWAMBO LWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

446 202307509 MAGIGE MAGIGE The applicant has multiple admissions

447 202305397 MAGRETH KAYUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

448 202307869 MAGRETH MALITI The applicant has multiple admissions

449 202304437 MAGRETH MPONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

450 202309822 MAGUMBA MASAYU The applicant has multiple admissions

451 202312609 MAISHA ISA The applicant has multiple admissions

452 202303514 MAKENE HAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

453 202303907 MALIKI CHITUHUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

454 202306230 MANENO KUBINGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

455 202308786 MANJALE MKALA The applicant has multiple admissions

456 202305275 MARIA MDOMA The applicant has multiple admissions

457 202304371 MARIA MWAMPAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

458 202303530 MARIAM MWICHANDE The applicant has multiple admissions

459 202305669 MARIAM NYAMIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

460 202304130 MARIAMU MDOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

461 202303689 MARIETHA JACKSON The applicant has multiple admissions

462 202312214 MARTHA KAMWELA The applicant has multiple admissions

463 202312284 MARTHA MASAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

464 202310711 MARTHA MBWELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

465 202306205 MARTHA NICOLAS The applicant has multiple admissions

466 202307239 MARTIN GASHOKE The applicant has multiple admissions

467 202303940 MARTIN MASHISHANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

468 202309734 MARTINA LUHUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

469 202309832 MARY JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

470 202303391 MARY MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

471 202307267 MARYMADRIN MALLYA The applicant has multiple admissions

472 202310049 MASHAMBA MASHAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

473 202310129 MATHEW DICKSON The applicant has multiple admissions

474 202305704 MATHIAS MWAISWELO The applicant has multiple admissions

475 202308258 MATOLA NASIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

476 202312139 MATRIDA CLEMENT The applicant has multiple admissions

477 202303819 MAUREEN SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

478 202307448 MAURID NKONJI The applicant has multiple admissions

479 202303705 MAXMILLIAN ALEX The applicant has multiple admissions

480 202309678 MAYMATHA MWASENGO The applicant has multiple admissions

481 202309168 MCMARTIN KILASI The applicant has multiple admissions

482 202303502 MEIDA ILOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

483 202308526 MERCKIZEDECK SINKALA The applicant has multiple admissions

484 202307775 MERCY WILSON The applicant has multiple admissions

485 202308132 MERINA JOEL The applicant has multiple admissions

486 202305176 MESHACK KIULA The applicant has multiple admissions

487 202309975 MICHAEL MUNUO The applicant has multiple admissions

488 202303698 MINAA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

489 202307804 MIRIAM KIFWEWE The applicant has multiple admissions

490 202305820 MIRIAM NYIGU The applicant has multiple admissions

491 202306467 MOHAMED MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

492 202306157 MOHAMEDI MTENGULE The applicant has multiple admissions

493 202312107 MOHAMMED SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

494 202306851 MONICA MWAIPYANA The applicant has multiple admissions

495 202311710 MORRICE MORRICE The applicant has multiple admissions

496 202304428 MOSHI MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

497 202306112 MOSSES MAPELE The applicant has multiple admissions

498 202304854 MOUREEN SENGOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

499 202303182 MSHAMU ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

500 202305028 MUHSIN MUHARAMI The applicant has multiple admissions

501 202309569 MUJITABA MNEMWA The applicant has multiple admissions

502 202305563 MUSA MKONDELA The applicant has multiple admissions

503 202303510 MUSSA DAVID The applicant has multiple admissions

504 202304119 MUSTAFA NAMBIMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

505 202311347 MUZIHIL MKOPI The applicant has multiple admissions

506 202304188 MWAIJA HAKIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

507 202307762 MWAIJA SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

508 202303886 MWAJABU MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

509 202303688 MWAJABU MSANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

510 202310279 MWAJUMA ABDALA The applicant has multiple admissions

511 202306258 MWANSHAMBA MDIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

512 202305744 MWASITI SIGE The applicant has multiple admissions

513 202309595 MWINYI MWINYI The applicant has multiple admissions

514 202306810 MWITA MWITA The applicant has multiple admissions

515 202307993 NAILAT MBUTU The applicant has multiple admissions

516 202304969 NAIMA ALIFANI The applicant has multiple admissions

517 202304319 NASEKILE KASONYA The applicant has multiple admissions

518 202310062 NASERIA RWEHUMBIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

519 202304710 NASHUKURU ADAM The applicant has multiple admissions

520 202307728 NASMA BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

521 202304068 NASMA CHOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

522 202307514 NASRA KASSIM The applicant has multiple admissions

523 202308588 NASRA LIKOKOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

524 202310507 NATHANIELI HERIELI The applicant has multiple admissions

525 202302150 NAZAHED SHOGHOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

526 202307269 NDARIYO JITALONJA The applicant has multiple admissions

527 202306098 NDULIMA NZOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

528 202303633 NEEMA KALAMBAN The applicant has multiple admissions

529 202306190 NEEMA MANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

530 202309657 NEEMA MKINA The applicant has multiple admissions

531 202304912 NEEMA RABIAMIN The applicant has multiple admissions

532 202307843 NEHEMIA SKALI The applicant has multiple admissions

533 202309141 NELSON MTENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

534 202309510 NELSON MWANIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

535 202306709 NICE FOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

536 202307133 NICODEM MKOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

537 202304847 NKAMBA SITTA The applicant has multiple admissions

538 202305583 NOBERT WAMBURA The applicant has multiple admissions

539 202312764 NOTBRUGA KAWISHE The applicant has multiple admissions

540 202309072 NOVATUS MASINDE The applicant has multiple admissions

541 202310887 NSAJIGWA MBEMBELA The applicant has multiple admissions

542 202311488 NSALU MWAIGOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

543 202308935 OLION HILARY The applicant has multiple admissions

544 202308083 OLLEN KITIBA The applicant has multiple admissions

545 202312994 OMAR MOHAMMED The applicant has multiple admissions

546 202306170 OMARI KAMBONA The applicant has multiple admissions

547 202311807 OMARY KASANGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

548 202312168 OMARY NGWAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

549 202308701 OMBENI JOAS The applicant has multiple admissions

550 202308437 ORESTA MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

551 202305417 OSAMA IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

552 202309202 PASCHAL MADUHU The applicant has multiple admissions

553 202309022 PATRICIA MWINUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

554 202306667 PENDO HOLELA The applicant has multiple admissions

555 202309155 PETER JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

556 202312355 PETER PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

557 202307648 PHARAJA KULINZIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

558 202307028 PHILIPHO ENOS The applicant has multiple admissions

559 202305909 PHILIPO MADUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

560 202305345 PHILOMENA CHANDIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

561 202305790 PIUS KALINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

562 202306768 PLASIDI SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

563 202308540 PRISCA SHARUWA The applicant has multiple admissions

564 202309292 QUEEN KILAMLYA The applicant has multiple admissions

565 202303305 RACHEL MLELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

566 202310468 RADHIA MANENO The applicant has multiple admissions

567 202307169 RAHIMA BIGO The applicant has multiple admissions

568 202307152 RAHMA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

569 202310844 RAMADHAN KATANI The applicant has multiple admissions

570 202307463 RAMADHAN UGWATU The applicant has multiple admissions

571 202307927 RAMADHANI ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

572 202307583 RAMADHANI BOBO The applicant has multiple admissions

573 202308573 RAMADHANI MBULI The applicant has multiple admissions

574 202312684 RAMADHANI PEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

575 202309862 RAMADHANI THABITI The applicant has multiple admissions

576 202310893 RASHID CHONGOWE The applicant has multiple admissions

577 202306573 RAUHIYA SWEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

578 202307956 RAYA MBILINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

579 202312581 RAYMOND KWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

580 202306200 RAZAKI KAMBONA The applicant has multiple admissions

581 202306482 REBECCA URASSA The applicant has multiple admissions

582 202312380 REGULA MARK The applicant has multiple admissions

583 202302953 REHEMA DILUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

584 202306977 REHEMA NZOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

585 202307904 REHEMA SANGAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

586 202303102 REMMY REMMY The applicant has multiple admissions

587 202304810 RENISTA MWAPINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

588 202303119 RESTUTA GULAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

589 202309506 REVOCATUS MASHIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

590 202309248 RITHIK MODI The applicant has multiple admissions

591 202308408 RIZRON MAHENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

592 202306775 RODNEY NDYETABULA The applicant has multiple admissions

593 202303440 ROINA NGAO The applicant has multiple admissions

594 202308647 RONALD MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

595 202308647 RONALD MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

596 202309069 ROSE KAVISHE The applicant has multiple admissions

597 202305369 ROSE MALEKI The applicant has multiple admissions

598 202303779 ROSEMARY ERNEST The applicant has multiple admissions

599 202310850 RUKIA ABDUL The applicant has multiple admissions

600 202305786 RUTH NGOKO The applicant has multiple admissions

601 202304577 SABRINA HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

602 202311907 SABRINA KAWINA The applicant has multiple admissions

603 202309237 SABRINA LUJINA The applicant has multiple admissions

604 202307963 SABRINA SONGOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

605 202310575 SABURI MASHAURI The applicant has multiple admissions

606 202307917 SADA MAGANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

607 202305367 SAFAA ABU The applicant has multiple admissions

608 202304084 SAIDA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

609 202305599 SAKINA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

610 202304290 SALHA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

611 202303193 SALHA CHANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

612 202306743 SALMA MKOKOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

613 202305915 SALMA MTIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

614 202307566 SALOME ELISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

615 202304206 SALUM GASIA The applicant has multiple admissions

616 202306282 SALUM SAAD The applicant has multiple admissions

617 202310128 SALUMU MAUMBIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

618 202311237 SALUMU MKONGIA The applicant has multiple admissions

619 202309935 SAMIL SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

620 202307074 SAMWEL CHILUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

621 202304216 SAMWEL MWAMPEPO The applicant has multiple admissions

622 202311677 SAMWELY PALANJO The applicant has multiple admissions

623 202311873 SANDRA MUGASHA The applicant has multiple admissions

624 202303093 SARA TEETE The applicant has multiple admissions

625 202305313 SARAFINA MUSSA The applicant has multiple admissions

626 202308099 SARAFINA MWITA The applicant has multiple admissions

627 202309054 SARAFINA TEMU The applicant has multiple admissions

628 202307081 SARAH CHAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

629 202310754 SCHOLASTICA MTWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

630 202306702 SELEMAN HARIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

631 202304895 SELEMAN WILSON The applicant has multiple admissions

632 202304223 SENETHA LYIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

633 202304048 SESILIA MAKREU The applicant has multiple admissions

634 202308180 SETH MILANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

635 202303327 SEVERINE MALISA The applicant has multiple admissions

636 202308669 SHABANI NASIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

637 202307321 SHABANI SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

638 202309744 SHABIRU RASHIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

639 202309690 SHADIDA JADU The applicant has multiple admissions

640 202310703 SHAFII HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

641 202305795 SHAMILA SAMLI The applicant has multiple admissions

642 202306253 SHAMIRA NYAMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

643 202309704 SHAMSA MWAISAME The applicant has multiple admissions

644 202308803 SHAMTE KWANGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

645 202307195 SHANI ALFAN The applicant has multiple admissions

646 202304857 SHARIFA CHALAMILA The applicant has multiple admissions

647 202304830 SHEBINA MSIANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

648 202306524 SHEDRACK MKINI The applicant has multiple admissions

649 202306716 SHEKHA SEIF The applicant has multiple admissions

650 202311880 SHELITHA WAMI The applicant has multiple admissions

651 202311997 SHUKURU MKOPO The applicant has multiple admissions

652 202310569 SHUWEYA UMED The applicant has multiple admissions

653 202306367 SINA KISEBENGO The applicant has multiple admissions

654 202307863 SOMOE NAMULYA The applicant has multiple admissions

655 202305018 SOPHIA LIMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

656 202307985 SOPHIA MAKOBA The applicant has multiple admissions

657 202312379 SOPHIA MLONGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

658 202304284 STANLEY NGOMALE The applicant has multiple admissions

659 202310530 STEPHANO ASENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

660 202312704 STEVEN MAUNGO The applicant has multiple admissions

661 202312750 STEVEN TAIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

662 202305337 SUAD SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

663 202304904 SUZANA HERMAN The applicant has multiple admissions

664 202304411 SUZANE KIVUYO The applicant has multiple admissions

665 202303423 SWABRINA MSANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

666 202304012 SWAHIBA SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

667 202310254 TAJIELI YOHANA The applicant has multiple admissions

668 202310545 TELESPHORD LUWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

669 202304981 THABITI HOBE The applicant has multiple admissions

670 202311193 THERESIA MJEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

671 202307486 THERESIA MPUNDUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

672 202311309 TRAYNESS EGUGU The applicant has multiple admissions

673 202307653 TRINITY BANGEREZA The applicant has multiple admissions

674 202307967 TWAHA ADAMU The applicant has multiple admissions

675 202304286 TWALIB SULEIMAN The applicant has multiple admissions

676 202304060 VANESSA KASEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

677 202309094 VENERANDA KUNYARA The applicant has multiple admissions

678 202307049 VERMUNDA SINGINO The applicant has multiple admissions

679 202303685 VIANE DIONISI The applicant has multiple admissions

680 202307892 VICTOR AYO The applicant has multiple admissions

681 202307793 VICTORIA MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

682 202311362 WARDA MADABA The applicant has multiple admissions

683 202304400 WARREN BUKUMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

684 202309795 WARREN MGALULA The applicant has multiple admissions

685 202311695 WAZIRI MLUWATI The applicant has multiple admissions

686 202303458 WILLIAM HAULE The applicant has multiple admissions

687 202305271 WINIFRIDA CHOBWE The applicant has multiple admissions

688 202303342 WINLED TERRY The applicant has multiple admissions

689 202312463 WITNES SHEMBAGO The applicant has multiple admissions

690 202311899 WITNESS KIVUYO The applicant has multiple admissions

691 202309483 WITNESS MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

692 202307612 WITNESS WILLIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

693 202309544 YESE LUHWAGO The applicant has multiple admissions

694 202306886 YOEZA KAKOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

695 202307983 YOHANA FRANCIS The applicant has multiple admissions

696 202309740 YOKABETH GOGO The applicant has multiple admissions

697 202306688 YUSRA LIUTI The applicant has multiple admissions

698 202309078 YUSRA ZUBERI The applicant has multiple admissions

699 202311741 YUSTA PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

700 202308502 YUSUPH ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

701 202305930 YUSUPH YUSUPH The applicant has multiple admissions

702 202304510 YVETTE MASAUA The applicant has multiple admissions

703 202308719 ZAINABU CHILUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

704 202310564 ZAKAYO BUSSUNGE The applicant has multiple admissions

705 202304788 ZALINA PUGA The applicant has multiple admissions

706 202305903 ZANUFA KIHELO The applicant has multiple admissions

707 202305754 ZAULATH MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

708 202304730 ZAWADI HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

709 202312240 ZAYDU RASHIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

710 202307067 ZETI CHILONGANE The applicant has multiple admissions

711 202310809 ZUENA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

712 202307085 ZULFA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

713 202304488 ZULFA FADHILI The applicant has multiple admissions

714 202306804 ZUWENA LIONJA The applicant has multiple admissions

715 202313329 ABASI SHARIFU The applicant has single admission

716 202308949 ABDILAH MOHAMED The applicant has single admission
717 202313241 ABDU MKIWAIKA The applicant has single admission
718 202309957 ABDUL-RAHIM OMARY The applicant has single admission
719 202309563 AGATHA NGUNGA The applicant has single admission
720 202305813 AGGREY KAJORO The applicant has single admission
721 202311875 AHMEDI LIETA The applicant has single admission
722 202303513 AHMEDY MVUNGI The applicant has single admission
723 202312591 AJUWAE NAKUHWA The applicant has single admission
724 202309328 AKRAM SALUM The applicant has single admission
725 202309566 ALAMNYAKI KARIONGI The applicant has single admission
726 202309613 ALBERT NANGELA The applicant has single admission
727 202312363 ALEX MNELAMWANA The applicant has single admission
728 202311295 ALFA CHARLES The applicant has single admission
729 202310479 ALFRED LUGALO The applicant has single admission
730 202303670 ALLEN MUJUNI The applicant has single admission
731 202308997 ALLY ATHUMANI The applicant has single admission
732 202307469 ALLY ISSA The applicant has single admission
733 202307106 ALLY MAHAMUDU The applicant has single admission
734 202307943 ALLY MAHMOUD The applicant has single admission
735 202306458 ALMISHI ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
736 202307571 ALPHATH JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
737 202308537 AMANI SAMAGA The applicant has single admission
738 202312505 AMINA ADAM The applicant has single admission
739 202304562 AMLIKE NDELWA The applicant has single admission
740 202303990 AMONI AIDANI The applicant has single admission
741 202302389 ANDREW MASIKA The applicant has single admission
742 202310797 ANDREW MCHOMOKO The applicant has single admission
743 202307698 ANETH WOISO The applicant has single admission
744 202306320 ANGEL LYIMO The applicant has single admission
745 202309243 ANGELA NJOVU The applicant has single admission
746 202302795 ANGELINA KIHWELE The applicant has single admission
747 202308033 ANNA MBILLA The applicant has single admission
748 202312687 ANNA MGAO The applicant has single admission
749 202305502 ANNA MWAKANYAMALE The applicant has single admission

750 202312679 ANNA SIGALA The applicant has single admission

751 202311769 ANNETH DAUDI The applicant has single admission
752 202304790 ANOLD MUSHI The applicant has single admission
753 202304180 ANTHONY KESSY The applicant has single admission
754 202303120 ARNOLD KIBASA The applicant has single admission
755 202302596 ARQAM KAPUNGU The applicant has single admission
756 202309711 ASHA YUNUS The applicant has single admission
757 202308849 ASIA MSHANA The applicant has single admission
758 202311559 ASIA WANJA The applicant has single admission
759 202306762 ASTERIA LWAMBO The applicant has single admission
760 202303302 ATHUMAN MUSSA The applicant has single admission
761 202309778 ATHUMANI SHABANI The applicant has single admission
762 202309341 ATUGANILE MWAMBOLA The applicant has single admission

763 202310383 AWADH RWAMBO The applicant has single admission

764 202305524 AYUBU MSOKILE The applicant has single admission
765 202310072 AZARIA MWAMLIMA The applicant has single admission
766 202312382 AZIZA MMAGANE The applicant has single admission
767 202305063 BAHATI CHIDAWALI The applicant has single admission
768 202312262 BAHATI KADEWELE The applicant has single admission
769 202310956 BAHATI MANAMBA The applicant has single admission
770 202309799 BALBINA RASHID The applicant has single admission
771 202307774 BARTALOME KIMARO The applicant has single admission
772 202311504 BEATRICE CHARLES The applicant has single admission
773 202303257 BEATRICE CHARLES The applicant has single admission
774 202308299 BEATRICE LWANDA The applicant has single admission
775 202310958 BENEDICT KAMUGISHA The applicant has single admission
776 202311272 BENEDICTO MAGAWA The applicant has single admission
777 202306254 BETHANIA WISTON The applicant has single admission
778 202307066 BIHAWA LIBENANGA The applicant has single admission
779 202310712 BILL ALLAN The applicant has single admission
780 202305894 BIZURU LIMI The applicant has single admission
781 202309584 BLANDINA KIMARO The applicant has single admission
782 202303603 BLANDINA MASHALA The applicant has single admission
783 202303386 BORA NDEGI The applicant has single admission
784 202304269 BRENDA BENEDICTS The applicant has single admission
785 202311465 BRIAN OLOTU The applicant has single admission
786 202307291 BURUHANI LIYUU The applicant has single admission
787 202310649 CALVIN NYANGE The applicant has single admission
788 202304101 CALYN BILINJE The applicant has single admission
789 202307803 CATHERINE NGOWI The applicant has single admission
790 202310322 CHARLOTE KASAMBULA The applicant has single admission

791 202310732 CHAVIA CHILLO The applicant has single admission

792 202305742 CHRISPIN MKUSSA The applicant has single admission
793 202312315 CLAUD HATIBU The applicant has single admission
794 202311196 CLEMENCE THADEY The applicant has single admission
795 202310969 CLEOPA MBURA The applicant has single admission
796 202305880 COLLIN KWEKA The applicant has single admission
797 202308333 DAGMA MANG'ATI The applicant has single admission
798 202312112 DANIEL KIRUMBA The applicant has single admission
799 202312760 DAUDI MKENI The applicant has single admission
800 202307324 DAVID KOBOGO The applicant has single admission
801 202310529 DEOGRATIUS KIMBULU The applicant has single admission
802 202303061 DHULFA NGUVU The applicant has single admission
803 202310967 DIANA NGELLA The applicant has single admission
804 202311647 DIAZ WIKESSY The applicant has single admission
805 202306422 DICKSON SAMWEL The applicant has single admission
806 202306510 DOKIA KAZINGO The applicant has single admission
807 202306828 DOREEN NKYA The applicant has single admission
808 202306761 EDGAR MANDAI The applicant has single admission
809 202306621 EDINA GELEJA The applicant has single admission
810 202310911 EDINA MATHIAS The applicant has single admission
811 202311433 EDNA CHAMBEGA The applicant has single admission
812 202308724 EDSON HOMANI The applicant has single admission
813 202309555 EINOTH GABRIEL The applicant has single admission
814 202312266 ELIA COSTICA The applicant has single admission
815 202305465 ELIBARIKI KWEKA The applicant has single admission
816 202302904 ELIEZA SINA The applicant has single admission
817 202306871 ELIZABETH NKO The applicant has single admission
818 202307852 EMILIANA ALOYCE The applicant has single admission
819 202309198 EMMANUEL MAKENE The applicant has single admission
820 202310731 EMMANUEL MASAKUYA The applicant has single admission
821 202303238 EMMANUEL MBUNDA The applicant has single admission
822 202310527 ENOSENT KAGOLE The applicant has single admission
823 202303848 ERICK JEROME The applicant has single admission
824 202309954 ERICK MUSHI The applicant has single admission
825 202312464 ERICK TARIMO The applicant has single admission
826 202309467 ESTER KILIANI The applicant has single admission
827 202310166 ESTHER MASSAI The applicant has single admission
828 202305336 ESUPAT SANGALE The applicant has single admission
829 202304341 EVANCE MAYALA The applicant has single admission
830 202312339 EVANGIRISTA MBIRIGIGI The applicant has single admission
831 202310327 EVELINA MENGO The applicant has single admission
832 202306769 FABIANO KUMBURU The applicant has single admission
833 202310610 FAHAD KILIMA The applicant has single admission
834 202303359 FAHIMA BAKARI The applicant has single admission
835 202303611 FARAJI MKUKA The applicant has single admission
836 202306894 FARIDA KILONGOZI The applicant has single admission
837 202309042 FATUMA ALLY The applicant has single admission
838 202311356 FATUMA MOHAMED The applicant has single admission
839 202310353 FATUMA MOHAMEDI The applicant has single admission
840 202309346 FAUDHIA KIPINGU The applicant has single admission
841 202309807 FAUZI AMEIR The applicant has single admission
842 202311970 FIDERICK NYAGUI The applicant has single admission
843 202306792 FILBERT MSHANA The applicant has single admission
844 202304844 FORTUNATHA MAULID The applicant has single admission
845 202306976 FRANCIS BITOGWA The applicant has single admission
846 202305469 FRANK ILAILA The applicant has single admission
847 202308833 FRANK KABONA The applicant has single admission
848 202306212 FRANK SHEGA The applicant has single admission
849 202303508 FROLIAN SHITINDI The applicant has single admission
850 202307214 GAUDENCE BUNDALA The applicant has single admission
851 202304018 GEOFREY SHIRIMA The applicant has single admission
852 202307484 GERALD MUNISHI The applicant has single admission
853 202312624 GERVAS KESOWANI The applicant has single admission
854 202311548 GIFT PETER The applicant has single admission
855 202309300 GILBERTH LOWASACK The applicant has single admission
856 202306290 GLOLIA MTAMBO The applicant has single admission
857 202311397 GLORIA FREDRICK The applicant has single admission
858 202308229 GLORY KANIKI The applicant has single admission
859 202310963 GLORY ROMAN The applicant has single admission
860 202304003 GODFREY MASINDE The applicant has single admission
861 202312173 GRACE FASHION The applicant has single admission
862 202302724 GRACE MWINUKA The applicant has single admission
863 202307796 HABBY JUMA The applicant has single admission
864 202313199 HABIBU ALLY The applicant has single admission
865 202307538 HADIJA IBRAHIM The applicant has single admission
866 202312721 HADIJA TEGO The applicant has single admission
867 202308346 HALIMA RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission
868 202303459 HAMISI MWACHAGA The applicant has single admission
869 202307021 HANSBERT ERNEST The applicant has single admission
870 202308955 HAPPYNES CHUNGU The applicant has single admission
871 202311644 HAPPYNESS ELIAS The applicant has single admission
872 202313050 HASINA BARUTI The applicant has single admission
873 202313238 HELLEN KOMBE The applicant has single admission
874 202306923 HIDAYA OMARI The applicant has single admission
875 202306791 HIGHNESS MBILINYI The applicant has single admission
876 202307695 HUSNA BWIRE The applicant has single admission
877 202310486 HUSNA MAFTAH The applicant has single admission
878 202306419 HUSNA MATIMBWA The applicant has single admission
879 202304033 HUSNA MGANGA The applicant has single admission
880 202309338 HUSSEIN HAMZA The applicant has single admission
881 202306790 IBRAHIM NEWA The applicant has single admission
882 202308334 IBRAHIM YAHAYA The applicant has single admission
883 202303730 IDDI ALI The applicant has single admission
884 202306570 INNOCENT EZEKIA The applicant has single admission
885 202307572 INNOCENT MWANGOKA The applicant has single admission
886 202309743 IRENE KOMBA The applicant has single admission
887 202307797 IRENE MOGA The applicant has single admission
888 202310231 IRENE MTEGA The applicant has single admission
889 202309891 ISIAKA ZENI The applicant has single admission
890 202303170 ISMAIL MCHAWI The applicant has single admission
891 202308950 ISMAIL MSAKULA The applicant has single admission
892 202311752 JACKLINE KITUNGA The applicant has single admission
893 202311491 JACKLINE KIWANGO The applicant has single admission
894 202304572 JACKLINE MKIRINDI The applicant has single admission
895 202306755 JACKLINE OBETO The applicant has single admission
896 202303657 JACKSON SAWASAWA The applicant has single admission
897 202304453 JAMILA SABUNI The applicant has single admission
898 202312373 JANETH JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
899 202306403 JANETH PIUS The applicant has single admission
900 202305826 JAPHET MLENGE The applicant has single admission
901 202309172 JENIFA KALAWA The applicant has single admission
902 202304445 JENIFER NYEMBA The applicant has single admission
903 202308200 JOAKIMU JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
904 202310663 JOAN BISWALO The applicant has single admission
905 202307154 JOAN KAAYA The applicant has single admission
906 202307851 JOELY NZIKU The applicant has single admission
907 202309997 JOFREY NG'UMBI The applicant has single admission
908 202308551 JOHARI LYIMO The applicant has single admission
909 202307889 JOHN KANDEGE The applicant has single admission
910 202310720 JOHN NJAWA The applicant has single admission
911 202305244 JOLLY KAMBONA The applicant has single admission
912 202304181 JONAS MZIRAY The applicant has single admission
913 202308105 JOSEPH MWITA The applicant has single admission
914 202311445 JOSEPH OMARY The applicant has single admission
915 202305474 JOSEPH WATELE The applicant has single admission
916 202305362 JOSEPHAT KISUDA The applicant has single admission
917 202305443 JOSEPHAT MALELA The applicant has single admission
918 202311184 JOYCE MBISE The applicant has single admission
919 202308497 JOYCE MWASONGWE The applicant has single admission
920 202308034 JULIETH KITALI The applicant has single admission
921 202304388 JULIUS URIA The applicant has single admission
922 202312795 JUMA MLUYA The applicant has single admission
923 202307773 JUSTINE NYANCHINI The applicant has single admission
924 202303806 KARINO JAPHARY The applicant has single admission
925 202309849 KAUTHAR BAKAR The applicant has single admission
926 202311135 KAUTHAR OMAR The applicant has single admission
927 202311144 KELVIN BANDI The applicant has single admission
928 202309943 KELVIN MWALIHO The applicant has single admission
929 202309556 KENNEDY MWACHA The applicant has single admission
930 202311552 KIROCHI VICTOR The applicant has single admission
931 202305243 LAILA NGAKONDA The applicant has single admission
932 202312275 LATIFA MBWANA The applicant has single admission
933 202307780 LATIFA SAIDI The applicant has single admission
934 202311736 LAURENCIA MPANDA The applicant has single admission
935 202309625 LEAH YORAM The applicant has single admission
936 202305876 LETICIA KANIKI The applicant has single admission
937 202311883 LETISIA MLANGWA The applicant has single admission
938 202307308 LIGHTINESS EDISON The applicant has single admission
939 202307120 LIGHTNESS NELUSIGWE The applicant has single admission

940 202303232 LILLY CHILUMBA The applicant has single admission

941 202309698 LISA BULUGU The applicant has single admission
942 202307360 LISA MBONDE The applicant has single admission
943 202307381 LISA MBWANA The applicant has single admission
944 202307922 LISA MKOLOMI The applicant has single admission
945 202303997 LISSA KWAI The applicant has single admission
946 202312113 LUCIA KIMARIO The applicant has single admission
947 202309160 LUCY AUGUSTINO The applicant has single admission
948 202311264 LUCY MSIGWA The applicant has single admission
949 202307007 LUCY MUSSA The applicant has single admission
950 202311776 LUCY NINDI The applicant has single admission
951 202307251 LUPAKISYO BUKUKU The applicant has single admission
952 202303812 MABINDO STEPHANO The applicant has single admission
953 202312057 MABRUCK RWECHUNGURA The applicant has single admission

954 202305000 MAGDALENA LUWI The applicant has single admission

955 202308662 MAGRETH MPUYA The applicant has single admission
956 202307885 MAGRETH PANCRACIUS The applicant has single admission
957 202309100 MAKA KIPONZA The applicant has single admission
958 202307249 MARIA NELSON The applicant has single admission
959 202310556 MARIA PETER The applicant has single admission
960 202305400 MARIAM SAID The applicant has single admission
961 202305849 MARTHA MBUJA The applicant has single admission
962 202311210 MARTHA TAFUTA The applicant has single admission
963 202305694 MARY AGATHON The applicant has single admission
964 202304172 MARY KUSSAGA The applicant has single admission
965 202306960 MARY NGOLO The applicant has single admission
966 202309241 MAUA BUHANZA The applicant has single admission
967 202308834 MAULID MAULID The applicant has single admission
968 202312540 MECKSON KASENENE The applicant has single admission
969 202308361 MERCIORY NYAKUNGA The applicant has single admission
970 202306604 MERY PAULO The applicant has single admission
971 202305281 MICHAEL BUKUKU The applicant has single admission
972 202309267 MICHAEL MOSES The applicant has single admission
973 202311599 MOHAMED KANIKI The applicant has single admission
974 202304440 MOHAMED OMARI The applicant has single admission
975 202307711 MOHAMEDI KADRI The applicant has single admission
976 202307078 MOHAMMED FATAKI The applicant has single admission
977 202304655 MOHAMMED MOHAMMED The applicant has single admission

978 202304419 MOHAMMED RAJABU The applicant has single admission

979 202310840 MOHAMOUD KUZE The applicant has single admission
980 202312378 MONICA LIHAWA The applicant has single admission
981 202311299 MONICA MWANISONGOLE The applicant has single admission

982 202312218 MSABAHA RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission

983 202303632 MSELLEM KHAMIS The applicant has single admission
984 202312435 MUHARAMI KAMOTE The applicant has single admission
985 202307908 MUSA MIJAE The applicant has single admission
986 202308587 MUSTADHI MAWILA The applicant has single admission
987 202309443 MWAKA MIRAJI The applicant has single admission
988 202307488 MWANDANI ALLY The applicant has single admission
989 202310574 MWATANGA MKAMI The applicant has single admission
990 202306996 NAJMA JUMA The applicant has single admission
991 202309213 NAKIJWA MTENGA The applicant has single admission
992 202309192 NASIRI MNENWA The applicant has single admission
993 202309725 NASRA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
994 202310185 NASRA LESSI The applicant has single admission
995 202306063 NASSORO LUDETE The applicant has single admission
996 202313059 NATALIA MOSI The applicant has single admission
997 202309765 NEEMA JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
998 202307766 NEEMA MAGANGA The applicant has single admission
999 202306181 NG'WIZA EZEKIEL The applicant has single admission
1000 202303597 NICE UTYATYA The applicant has single admission
1001 202308661 NICHOLAUS ROMAN The applicant has single admission
1002 202306216 NICKSON MTAGULWA The applicant has single admission
1003 202309685 NIKOLAUS SELAYA The applicant has single admission
1004 202308952 NISELA SILIDION The applicant has single admission
1005 202311892 NISHAEL MUNUO The applicant has single admission
1006 202306850 NOBERTI MARO The applicant has single admission
1007 202303723 NORA MUSA The applicant has single admission
1008 202309153 NUHU IBRAHIM The applicant has single admission
1009 202311685 NYANDAI MAFURU The applicant has single admission
1010 202303962 OBED SIMKONDA The applicant has single admission
1011 202310499 OKULI SARO The applicant has single admission
1012 202311798 OMARI HATIBU The applicant has single admission
1013 202310118 OMARI MABUKA The applicant has single admission
1014 202303173 OMARY GULAMU The applicant has single admission
1015 202305577 OMARY OMARY The applicant has single admission
1016 202309703 OSAMA MUNEMBA The applicant has single admission
1017 202305015 OSCAR MZAVA The applicant has single admission
1018 202307748 PAMELA MSABA The applicant has single admission
1019 202311748 PASCAL CHILAMULA The applicant has single admission
1020 202312525 PAUL JUMANNE The applicant has single admission
1021 202311279 PETER MWAMALA The applicant has single admission
1022 202305632 PHILOMENA JOHN The applicant has single admission
1023 202309282 PLAKSEDA GERVAS The applicant has single admission
1024 202304973 PRAISE MPONEJA The applicant has single admission
1025 202307903 PRINCE MBANGA The applicant has single admission
1026 202306286 QUEEN MWAKY The applicant has single admission
1027 202311084 QUEEN SELELI The applicant has single admission
1028 202305936 RAHADI MKAMILA The applicant has single admission
1029 202303207 RAHMA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
1030 202311248 RAMADHAN BWIGIRI The applicant has single admission
1031 202307155 RAMADHAN CHIMANJI The applicant has single admission
1032 202309968 RAMADHANI MOHHAMMED The applicant has single admission

1033 202305372 RAPHIA MKINYANGE The applicant has single admission

1034 202305713 RASHIDI JUMA The applicant has single admission
1035 202310788 RASHIDI MADANDI The applicant has single admission
1036 202302939 REGINA SESALLAH The applicant has single admission
1037 202303282 REGNALD MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
1038 202305566 REHEMA MKEMBELA The applicant has single admission
1039 202303040 REHEMA MWAKILONGA The applicant has single admission
1040 202309815 REHEMA SUNGURA The applicant has single admission
1041 202311867 RINGO LAIZER The applicant has single admission
1042 202306244 RITHA JOHN The applicant has single admission
1043 202311319 ROBERT JOHN The applicant has single admission
1044 202308443 ROSE LYIMO The applicant has single admission
1045 202303725 RUKAYYAH MOHAMEDI The applicant has single admission
1046 202307875 SABRA MWARAMI The applicant has single admission
1047 202303554 SAID JUMA The applicant has single admission
1048 202309890 SAID KILUNGA The applicant has single admission
1049 202311832 SAID SHABANI The applicant has single admission
1050 202304399 SAIDA KASENGESELA The applicant has single admission
1051 202307241 SAIDI SAIDI The applicant has single admission
1052 202305863 SALHA MSHANA The applicant has single admission
1053 202308404 SALIMU ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
1054 202305614 SALIMU ALLY The applicant has single admission
1055 202303855 SALMA LUKANDA The applicant has single admission
1056 202303060 SALMA MANDUNDU The applicant has single admission
1057 202304085 SALMA MOHAMEDI The applicant has single admission
1058 202311462 SALMIN KASIARO The applicant has single admission
1059 202302419 SALOME KOBALI The applicant has single admission
1060 202307609 SAMWEL MASINGA The applicant has single admission
1061 202302974 SARAH KICHAO The applicant has single admission
1062 202309505 SAUNA MUSSA The applicant has single admission
1063 202312119 SCHOLASTICA BALTAZARI The applicant has single admission

1064 202309716 SELELI KAYUNGILO The applicant has single admission

1065 202306857 SELEMANI STENGWA The applicant has single admission
1066 202309714 SENSA KANTAMWA The applicant has single admission
1067 202311897 SHADRACK MAKUNDI The applicant has single admission
1068 202310457 SHAMSA SELEMANI The applicant has single admission
1069 202303481 SHANON KISANGA The applicant has single admission
1070 202308628 SHARON BALELA The applicant has single admission
1071 202304968 SHIDA NG'HWAYA The applicant has single admission
1072 202304137 SHUKRI AHMED The applicant has single admission
1073 202312101 SIAYAKO MBUYA The applicant has single admission
1074 202312178 SIFAELI BARIKI The applicant has single admission
1075 202309821 SILIVIA MWAKAFYOSA The applicant has single admission
1076 202312138 SOFIATH HUSEIN The applicant has single admission
1077 202312325 STANLEY SANGA The applicant has single admission
1078 202303672 SUADI ALLY The applicant has single admission
1079 202303735 SULU JILALA The applicant has single admission
1080 202310209 SUMAIYA KINOJI The applicant has single admission
1081 202313107 SUSAN MKUMBO The applicant has single admission
1082 202307606 SWIFA HASSAN The applicant has single admission
1083 202304204 TAHER KHAMBATI The applicant has single admission
1084 202312455 TATU LUGENGE The applicant has single admission
1085 202312393 TAUSI BIYUNDI The applicant has single admission
1086 202302886 TECLA LINJE The applicant has single admission
1087 202307451 THERESIA MAHENDE The applicant has single admission
1088 202308265 THERESIA RASSY The applicant has single admission
1089 202309780 THERESIA WILLIAM The applicant has single admission
1090 202302755 THOMAS BULEMO The applicant has single admission
1091 202312141 TUMAIN MWANGOMO The applicant has single admission
1092 202306411 TUMAINI MUSHI The applicant has single admission
1093 202308738 UPENDO HYERA The applicant has single admission
1094 202311253 VALERIAN MPONZI The applicant has single admission
1095 202306343 VANESSA MSUYA The applicant has single admission
1096 202306631 VEDASTUS BISEKO The applicant has single admission
1097 202312551 VENANCE LUKOA The applicant has single admission
1098 202311914 VERONICA NYUNGA The applicant has single admission
1099 202311122 VICENT TEMBA The applicant has single admission
1100 202305226 VICTOR MSAGU The applicant has single admission
1101 202311476 VICTORIA ANDREW The applicant has single admission
1102 202313382 VIVIAN CLEMENT The applicant has single admission
1103 202304535 VIVIAN KAHAMBWA The applicant has single admission
1104 202309882 WILLIAM CHALLO The applicant has single admission
1105 202311447 WILLIAM MASELE The applicant has single admission
1106 202312164 WILLIAM WILLIAM The applicant has single admission
1107 202303565 WINIFRIDA PETER The applicant has single admission
1108 202306681 YUSUFU HOSSENI The applicant has single admission
1109 202311439 YUSUPH ABDI The applicant has single admission
1110 202310490 YUSUPH SAMWEL The applicant has single admission
1111 202309688 ZABRON BUTALE The applicant has single admission
1112 202313334 ZACHARIA KIPOZO The applicant has single admission
1113 202309187 ZACHARIA LUBINZA The applicant has single admission
1114 202311642 ZAINABU NAMUNA The applicant has single admission
1115 202305518 ZAINABU NINDI The applicant has single admission
1116 202306577 ZENA NGATA The applicant has single admission
1117 202312550 ZITTA SALALA The applicant has single admission
1118 202310533 ZULFA CHIBWANA The applicant has single admission

2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND
S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status
1 202304829 ABDALLA NGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202308811 ABDALLAH JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202307552 ABDALLAH KALAGHE The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202303843 ABDULBASIT KHAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202304908 ABDULHAKIM FAREED The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202308843 ABDULKARIM SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202309546 ABDULSHAKURU ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202309586 ABEID CHUSI The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202304309 ABIA MAHENDEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202306764 ABIUD MCHOME The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202308362 ABOUBAKAR MSONZO The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202307924 ABRAHAMANI JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202309756 ABROSE MBESU The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202305020 ABUBAKAR JUMANNE The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202309500 ADAM MAFUTA The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202304861 ADELA MABENA The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202304563 ADELA SAPE The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202311506 ADELINEH CHAHALI The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202312280 ADVENTINA MACHIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202307351 AGAPE JEMSI The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202307841 AGNES KITINUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202307449 AGNES MSHAMU The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202309955 AGNES MWALUKALI The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202304133 AGNESS MASILU The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202310905 AGNESS NESTORY The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202309624 AHMAD ASIA The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202307954 AHMED NKINDE The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202304460 AISHA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202305640 AISHA KULIMUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202305762 AISHA MASHAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202303279 AISHA MOHHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202308808 AISHA SALALA The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202310557 ALEX LUKOSI The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202305451 ALFRED NDUMBARO The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202305249 ALICE CHENTESA The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202306298 ALICE MSAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202309255 ALLEN HAYUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202309713 ALLEN MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202306381 ALLY KIGONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202311002 ALLY SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202309220 ALMA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202306811 ALPHONCE JACKSON The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202311251 ALVES MSHANA The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202310706 ALYE MCHA The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202309836 AMAN KAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202309692 AMDANI HAMISI The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202310376 AMEDEUS SILAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202305693 AMINA HAJI The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202309110 AMINA HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202308332 AMINA MANJAMBALI The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202305032 AMUNI RASHIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202306265 ANASTAZIA MWALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202312667 ANATH MASOUD The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202308261 ANDREW MGHENI The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202306099 ANGEL GODWIN The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202303901 ANGEL MLWATI The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202304110 ANGEL MWAKYUSA The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202307700 ANGELISTA MODEST The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202307840 ANITA JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202309841 ANITHA AUDAX The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202309868 ANNA MCHOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202308453 ANOFREY MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202305499 ANTHONY KABELWA The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202305968 ANTHONY MALEO The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202303930 ANTIPAS KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202309494 ANTON MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202303709 ARON MANYANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202306675 ASIA SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202309324 ASIIMWE JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202307733 ASMAH MNTAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202303123 ASMAU ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202304229 AVITUS RESPIKIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202303841 AWADH ISSA The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202307726 AZIZA SULTAN The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202304963 BALBINA MUGYABUSO The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202303988 BARAKA ISMAIL The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202309785 BARAKA NYIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202311014 BATULI MREMA The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202311707 BEATRICE MLAPONE The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202304462 BEATRICE RUGAMBATI The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202308078 BENEDICTA LYIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202305299 BENJAMIN MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202305435 BERNAD MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202304518 BERTSAIDA MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202304354 BETHUEL BETHUEL The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202304665 BIBIANA MWENGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202310538 BISEKU ISANGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202309370 BISHARI SHEKILANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202306240 BLANDINA MTUKULA The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202305689 BLONGA KIDIFU The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202305120 BOMBEY OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202304207 BONIPHACE KIDAHA The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202307937 BONIPHACE MASE The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202306532 BONIPHACE TURUBALA The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202306214 BRAINA MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202311145 BRIAN NASSARY The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202311285 BRIGHTON AKIDA The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202309590 CALVIN MAHU The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202304081 CAREEN MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202304092 CARLOS MSINGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202307664 CARLOS SOLOZA The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202304624 CAROLINE MBATTAH The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202308801 CATHBERT LUANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202309659 CATHELINI TEWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202310709 CATHERINE KAVALLO The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202305617 CATHERINE LWESYA The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202307832 CATHERINE MRUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202311625 CHARLES KISAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202306727 CHARLES NTETE The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202302870 CHAUSIKU YAKWELI The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202311835 CHRISTABELA SULE The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202305026 CHRISTINA GOZIBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202312614 CHRISTINA MANASE The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202308127 CHRISTINA MMBAGAH The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202312167 CHRISTINA MWALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202307368 CLAYTON MKUNDI The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202305974 CLET KAAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202309660 DAINA SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202310586 DANIEL YUSUPH The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202305457 DARIA ATHANASI The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202308761 DAVID LAZARO The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202310116 DAVID MWANGILA The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202304464 DEBORA MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202311339 DENNIS NYAKILAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202310044 DEVOTHA DILUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202309777 DEVOTHA MABIMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202308136 DIANA KIBAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202309988 DIANA MZELELA The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202308650 DICKLEY MDAGACHULE The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202308457 DORCAS ELIAS The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202307332 DORCUS MWASHALA The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202311766 DORIS MBONDE The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202303400 DORIS MCHOME The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202305687 EDGAR FREDRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202307646 EDGER SCARION The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202312767 EDNA TARATIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202303765 ELIA LABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202307042 ELIA NGOGO The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202302989 ELIAKIM MROPE The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202311479 ELIATOSHA MNUO The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202308900 ELICE JONAS The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202310577 ELICIA LUCHAGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202305944 ELISANT ONISAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202310572 ELISHA MASSOI The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202309816 ELIZA ANTONY The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202310558 ELIZABETH JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202308134 ELIZABETH MKANGAGILE The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202309533 ELVICY MACHUI The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202306682 EMANOELA MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202310974 EMANUEL CHANAI The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202308545 EMILIANA KISAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202309562 EMILY BUNUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202304643 EMMA RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202308231 EPIFANIA URUBANI The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202308973 ERASTO PEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202311859 ERICK MASENGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202308768 ERICK TARIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202310071 ESTER KONE The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202309062 ESTHER AKILI The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202305647 ESTHER SIMCHIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202304940 EUNICE MAGANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202307125 EVALINE MOSES The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202306739 EVANCE KOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202310170 EVANCE MWAKISOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202308534 EVANS KIARIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202304723 EVIDENCE MWAMPAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202303148 EZRA SIMION The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202306679 FADGA MBELE The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202307171 FADGA NANJOPE The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202306347 FADHILA MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202311550 FAHMAT MACHANO The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202308541 FAIDHA MKINGIYE The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202304894 FAIDHA NGWADA The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202312963 FAITH MWENDI The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202310650 FAKSHARI AHAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202307426 FATUMA BILA The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202310999 FATUMA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202312500 FAUDHIA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202304627 FAUSTINE SAMWEL The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202308425 FAYZAH MSHAMU The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202312743 FEISAL PAZ The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202309582 FELISTA KAPESA The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202306060 FELISTER LASTON The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202312496 FELISTER MALIBICHE The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202307745 FLAVIANA SUBUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202308293 FLORA CHARLES The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202307787 FLORA MAKELE The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202306603 FLORA MDEE The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202311772 FLORA MWASENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202310274 FLORIAN REVERIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202309675 FRANCIS DOKTA The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202310791 FRANCIS MASHIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202309288 FRANK MBARUKU The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202304930 FURAHA MGHASE The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202307883 GABRIEL LYOGELO The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202304335 GASPER ELIFASI The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202311228 GEORGE MUNA The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202303422 GERAD SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202303208 GETRUDA CHISUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202312791 GETRUDA KATANI The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202306514 GETRUDA NYAMBALI The applicant has multiple admissions

202 202309149 GIDEON AUGUSTINO The applicant has multiple admissions

203 202310875 GISHON MWASEBEJE The applicant has multiple admissions

204 202306993 GLADNESS TAMIGWE The applicant has multiple admissions

205 202303909 GLORIA BRIGHT The applicant has multiple admissions

206 202302406 GLORIA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

207 202304547 GLORY MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

208 202310859 GODSON RWEKAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

209 202307474 GODWIN KONGOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

210 202309161 GODWIN MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

211 202310258 GOODLUCK MINGI The applicant has multiple admissions

212 202310627 GOODLUCK MWALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

213 202305304 GRACE MULUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

214 202303538 GRACE NOAH The applicant has multiple admissions

215 202310571 GRACE YAKOBO The applicant has multiple admissions

216 202307014 GROLIA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

217 202310669 HADIJA HIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

218 202303188 HAIKA LEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

219 202306294 HAJI MANZI The applicant has multiple admissions

220 202307258 HAJI RAJABU The applicant has multiple admissions

221 202306944 HAJRA MWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

222 202312461 HALFAN SALIM The applicant has multiple admissions

223 202310487 HAMIDA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

224 202312779 HAMIDAH KIFUJO The applicant has multiple admissions

225 202308993 HAMIS IDD The applicant has multiple admissions

226 202304118 HAMISI ALPHONCE The applicant has multiple admissions

227 202304448 HAMISI WAZIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

228 202307768 HAMZA IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

229 202310841 HAMZA NYEHWA The applicant has multiple admissions

230 202303200 HAPPY CHISUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

231 202310409 HAPPY ISOTE The applicant has multiple admissions

232 202303658 HAPPYNESS KIWELE The applicant has multiple admissions

233 202304139 HARUNI NG'ENI The applicant has multiple admissions

234 202312391 HAVILA NICODEMUS The applicant has multiple admissions

235 202312233 HELLEN STEPHEN The applicant has multiple admissions

236 202304195 HERIETH SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

237 202305196 HERIETH YABIS The applicant has multiple admissions

238 202312668 HILDA GEORGE The applicant has multiple admissions

239 202304025 HILLARY LASWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

240 202311442 HILMIYA MOHAMMED The applicant has multiple admissions

241 202308585 HOKI MLISHO The applicant has multiple admissions

242 202310226 HONORY MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

243 202306168 HOSEA MFAUME The applicant has multiple admissions

244 202311099 HUSNA HABIB The applicant has multiple admissions

245 202303212 HUSNA MASSANA The applicant has multiple admissions

246 202307173 HUSNA RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

247 202307614 HUSSEIN MAKULA The applicant has multiple admissions

248 202304682 IDDI BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

249 202305966 IMACULATHA NICOLAUS The applicant has multiple admissions

250 202303411 IMANI KANDONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

251 202304403 IMANI MLOWE The applicant has multiple admissions

252 202311369 INNOCENT MARO The applicant has multiple admissions

253 202307295 INNOCENT TARIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

254 202311407 IRENE MARGESON The applicant has multiple admissions

255 202309290 IRENE RHOBI The applicant has multiple admissions

256 202309843 ISABELLA LISHELA The applicant has multiple admissions

257 202306318 ISDORA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

258 202310630 IVETHA TUAH The applicant has multiple admissions

259 202308875 JACKLINE KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

260 202307819 JACKLINE MAPUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

261 202306964 JACKLINE MNDOA The applicant has multiple admissions

262 202303976 JACKLINE MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

263 202303904 JACKLINE NGURUWE The applicant has multiple admissions

264 202311467 JACKSON ILOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

265 202305270 JACKSON KASIANO The applicant has multiple admissions

266 202309448 JACKSON KIYUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

267 202312016 JACKSON SELESTINE The applicant has multiple admissions

268 202308300 JACQUELINE MKUNDI The applicant has multiple admissions

269 202307958 JAFARI MAGOMA The applicant has multiple admissions

270 202308494 JAMES KWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

271 202303217 JANETH DAVID The applicant has multiple admissions

272 202307437 JANETH MREMA The applicant has multiple admissions

273 202303209 JAPHET TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

274 202308752 JAZILA MAKWANGU The applicant has multiple admissions

275 202307672 JENIFA MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

276 202312204 JENIPHA MAHAVILE The applicant has multiple admissions

277 202307139 JENIPHA MWIJARUBI The applicant has multiple admissions

278 202309585 JENIPHER KALONGOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

279 202304391 JENIPHER KAPELLA The applicant has multiple admissions

280 202307565 JENIPHER MWAKYEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

281 202310681 JENIPHER NJOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

282 202306574 JENIVA ALOYCE The applicant has multiple admissions

283 202305737 JENNIFA KAKIZIBA The applicant has multiple admissions

284 202306312 JEREMIAH KIRENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

285 202304689 JESCA MWAIPELESA The applicant has multiple admissions

286 202306579 JESTINA DAFA The applicant has multiple admissions

287 202305565 JIMMY LWANGILI The applicant has multiple admissions

288 202311098 JIMSON JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

289 202310599 JOEPHAT SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

290 202304429 JOHN JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

291 202304517 JOHN KIRIMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

292 202308268 JOHN LUGANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

293 202306489 JOLLY SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

294 202306904 JORDAN CHRISANT The applicant has multiple admissions

295 202305554 JOSEPH FERNANDES The applicant has multiple admissions

296 202309064 JOSEPH KIRIBA The applicant has multiple admissions

297 202310412 JOSEPH MAGEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

298 202307686 JOSHUA MASEBO The applicant has multiple admissions

299 202304880 JOVIANA PAMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

300 202306172 JOVIN JOHNSON The applicant has multiple admissions

301 202309686 JOVIN TEMELA The applicant has multiple admissions

302 202308007 JOYCE ALFRED The applicant has multiple admissions

303 202306744 JOYCE MWILONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

304 202304477 JUDITH MANENO The applicant has multiple admissions

305 202311498 JULIUS IBRAHIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

306 202303608 JUMA MFINANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

307 202310878 JUMA MTUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

308 202310151 JUMA SALUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

309 202311497 JUMA YAHYA The applicant has multiple admissions

310 202308895 JUNIOR NIXON The applicant has multiple admissions

311 202305907 KAIMU MANGELECHU The applicant has multiple admissions

312 202309055 KANI ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

313 202308779 KAREN KAYINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

314 202302316 KAROS MFIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

315 202306782 KELVIN LIMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

316 202310070 KELVIN MASANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

317 202310984 KELVIN MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

318 202309438 KEMBAKI KEMBAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

319 202305440 KIDAWISH DARABU The applicant has multiple admissions

320 202305719 KIMU MISSANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

321 202309390 KNUDSEN MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

322 202308198 KUDRATI KURUBONA The applicant has multiple admissions

323 202303635 KULWA KALIMANZILA The applicant has multiple admissions

324 202306445 LAILATHI HUMUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

325 202306987 LAILATU IDDI The applicant has multiple admissions

326 202304546 LATIFA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

327 202307322 LEILA CHUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

328 202311353 LEILA MONELA The applicant has multiple admissions

329 202311929 LEONARD BARNABA The applicant has multiple admissions

330 202307087 LIGHTNESS ADILIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

331 202309630 LIGHTNESS MWASILE The applicant has multiple admissions

332 202307209 LILIAN MELAYEKI The applicant has multiple admissions

333 202306096 LILIAN SAITOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

334 202304538 LISA JEPHER The applicant has multiple admissions

335 202308566 LISA JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

336 202303835 LISA KUPA The applicant has multiple admissions

337 202308673 LISA RWEBANGILA The applicant has multiple admissions

338 202307838 LISAH MWASAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

339 202303934 LITA KIMATA The applicant has multiple admissions

340 202306243 LOVENESS MASILENGI The applicant has multiple admissions

341 202304364 LOYCE ELFAS The applicant has multiple admissions

342 202312482 LUCIA NDATURU The applicant has multiple admissions

343 202306455 LUCKY MANYANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

344 202305547 LUCY KESSY The applicant has multiple admissions

345 202304104 LUCY SUMUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

346 202310784 LUKUMAN ABDALA The applicant has multiple admissions

347 202303069 LULU MALELA The applicant has multiple admissions

348 202306714 LUPYANA MGEYEKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

349 202308264 LUQMAN MZINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

350 202303381 LUSAJO RAPHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

351 202309664 MACHUMU LUMBAGI The applicant has multiple admissions

352 202310730 MAJURA MBOGOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

353 202303228 MAMISA KAYOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

354 202308999 MANGAJA ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

355 202304747 MANSURI MPENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

356 202308746 MARIA ANYOSISYE The applicant has multiple admissions

357 202305560 MARIA KRETUS The applicant has multiple admissions

358 202304705 MARIAM AKIDA The applicant has multiple admissions

359 202305663 MARIAM MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

360 202304345 MARIAM SEGUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

361 202305978 MARIETHA MAHABUSI The applicant has multiple admissions

362 202305695 MARTHA MASUBI The applicant has multiple admissions

363 202304055 MARTHA MBOYE The applicant has multiple admissions

364 202308543 MARTIN MRUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

365 202303295 MARY MJEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

366 202305522 MARY NGELESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

367 202306013 MARY VALENTINE The applicant has multiple admissions

368 202307213 MARYAM KOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

369 202308079 MATANDIKO MSOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

370 202303258 MATILDA NJELEKELA The applicant has multiple admissions

371 202309614 MATRIDA HAJI The applicant has multiple admissions

372 202309995 MAUA MUHOBOSE The applicant has multiple admissions

373 202309379 MAUREEN NYAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

374 202305824 MELANIA MWITA The applicant has multiple admissions

375 202308614 MERCY MWONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

376 202304449 MERINA JUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

377 202306461 MESHACK KANUNG'HA The applicant has multiple admissions

378 202304218 MGANA LUSATO The applicant has multiple admissions

379 202310229 MICHAEL KOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

380 202308209 MICHAEL MSOLWA The applicant has multiple admissions

381 202311063 MICHAEL SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

382 202307554 MIRIAM MUWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

383 202306704 MIRIAM MWAKISISYA The applicant has multiple admissions

384 202309844 MISAMBANO JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

385 202309052 MONALISA NYAMAHANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

386 202307039 MONDESTA KIZENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

387 202308712 MONICA MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

388 202303312 MONICA NSIMBILA The applicant has multiple admissions

389 202305947 MONICA SINGANO The applicant has multiple admissions

390 202309232 MOON ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

391 202306798 MOSES TARASIS The applicant has multiple admissions

392 202308220 MOSSES MSOFFE The applicant has multiple admissions

393 202311446 MOZA ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

394 202306351 MUKHTARU ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

395 202311291 MUKSIN SADICK The applicant has multiple admissions

396 202303726 MUKSINI AHMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

397 202311926 MUNIRA NZOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

398 202303072 MUSSA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

399 202310638 MUSSA KILUA The applicant has multiple admissions

400 202304911 MUSSA KONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

401 202305756 MUUMINI MALIGA The applicant has multiple admissions

402 202304523 MWANAIDI SALMINI The applicant has multiple admissions

403 202309148 MWANAISHA MPITA The applicant has multiple admissions

404 202309400 MWANAMKASI MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

405 202310966 MWANTUMU OMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

406 202302439 MWITA KORYO The applicant has multiple admissions

407 202304497 NAABIL KIBELO The applicant has multiple admissions

408 202309538 NADYA MSEKENI The applicant has multiple admissions

409 202306951 NAIBU MKONGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

410 202306614 NAIMA KHAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

411 202305413 NAOMI SAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

412 202305276 NASMA NKYA The applicant has multiple admissions

413 202305277 NASRA HAMIDU The applicant has multiple admissions

414 202311805 NASRA MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

415 202308765 NASRA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

416 202304467 NASRA SALUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

417 202305875 NASRA WAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

418 202306991 NASRI MTANDI The applicant has multiple admissions

419 202305685 NASSORO LIWIKILA The applicant has multiple admissions

420 202303099 NEBATI CHIKOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

421 202303646 NEEMA NTULO The applicant has multiple admissions

422 202309870 NEEMA SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

423 202306672 NELSON MARANDU The applicant has multiple admissions

424 202310291 NELSON MINDE The applicant has multiple admissions

425 202310157 NENGAI LAANYU The applicant has multiple admissions

426 202304557 NGWILULUPI MWANGESILE The applicant has multiple admissions

427 202306824 NICAS KASHIHA The applicant has multiple admissions

428 202304469 NISILE MWALUKASA The applicant has multiple admissions

429 202307166 NIWAELI OMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

430 202311421 NOVATUS LIMAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

431 202305488 NURU MWAKALINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

432 202311624 OCTAVIAN MASASI The applicant has multiple admissions

433 202305722 OLIVA NDOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

434 202306105 OLIVIA KAMALA The applicant has multiple admissions

435 202305319 OMARI HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

436 202304266 OSCA BRAISON The applicant has multiple admissions

437 202307026 OSKA KESSY The applicant has multiple admissions

438 202305983 OSMUNDA NKONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

439 202312136 PATRICK MALIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

440 202310927 PATRICK MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

441 202309773 PAULO MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

442 202305365 PENDO HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

443 202311955 PERUS KOROGO The applicant has multiple admissions

444 202306270 PETER MUNISHI The applicant has multiple admissions

445 202303555 PETRO REVOCATUS The applicant has multiple admissions

446 202308787 PHIBE BERTOLD The applicant has multiple admissions

447 202306380 PHILIMON JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

448 202304164 PILI JOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

449 202303606 PILLY SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

450 202307816 PRAISE MATERU The applicant has multiple admissions

451 202305531 PRAKSEDA KABAGE The applicant has multiple admissions

452 202304765 PROCHES MBAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

453 202304582 PROSPA OLOMI The applicant has multiple admissions

454 202305596 PROSPER MWAKALINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

455 202304499 QWEEN MASAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

456 202311561 RADHIA SHAIBU The applicant has multiple admissions

457 202310026 RAHIMU MWINCHUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

458 202305902 RAHMA ABDUL-KARIM The applicant has multiple admissions

459 202305414 RAHMA RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

460 202304430 RAHMA SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

461 202309470 RAINES MBAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

462 202304632 RAJABU BAKARY The applicant has multiple admissions

463 202310910 RAMADHAN NDITIMYE The applicant has multiple admissions

464 202309518 RAMADHANI AHMAD The applicant has multiple admissions

465 202306949 RAPHAEL NYANG'OMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

466 202304032 RASHID NAMELE The applicant has multiple admissions

467 202309634 RASHIDI JAMUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

468 202306777 REBECA MWAKYEJA The applicant has multiple admissions

469 202310069 REBECCA LUSEKELO The applicant has multiple admissions

470 202310596 REGINA KASANYI The applicant has multiple admissions

471 202303948 REGINA MPANGACHUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

472 202304580 RENFRID MAPUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

473 202307783 REYMUNDA KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

474 202303642 RHODA MWAKASAPI The applicant has multiple admissions

475 202308917 RICHARD BWAKIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

476 202306390 RITHA KISHE The applicant has multiple admissions

477 202309453 RIUFINA PAULO The applicant has multiple admissions

478 202309904 RIZIKI SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

479 202308480 ROBERT MASHAURI The applicant has multiple admissions

480 202306305 ROBERT ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

481 202307847 RODA NSUTO The applicant has multiple admissions

482 202302336 ROMLO MGAHE The applicant has multiple admissions

483 202304366 ROSE KATUNZI The applicant has multiple admissions

484 202306849 ROSEMARY THOMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

485 202303368 RUBEN NIKUNDIWE The applicant has multiple admissions

486 202306000 RUTH NZOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

487 202303736 SABRA MALIK The applicant has multiple admissions

488 202309616 SADA SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

489 202309231 SADATI SWALEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

490 202309654 SAID SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

491 202309188 SAIDI SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

492 202307861 SAIDI ZAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

493 202307424 SALEHE JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

494 202310476 SALEHE KATUNDU The applicant has multiple admissions

495 202308295 SALEHE MIKUSO The applicant has multiple admissions

496 202310163 SALMA DAGAZA The applicant has multiple admissions

497 202303364 SALMA KASHINDYE The applicant has multiple admissions

498 202308412 SALUMU HAMADI The applicant has multiple admissions

499 202310138 SALUMU TEGULE The applicant has multiple admissions

500 202305869 SAMUEL NG''OMA The applicant has multiple admissions

501 202309606 SAMWEL KIPAPI The applicant has multiple admissions

502 202309926 SANGA MARISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

503 202310459 SARAH JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

504 202310652 SARAH JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

505 202312593 SCOLASTICA MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

506 202305181 SCOLASTICA TIMOTHY The applicant has multiple admissions

507 202305935 SELEMANI KIPINDURA The applicant has multiple admissions

508 202307031 SELINA LOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

509 202305448 SELME KASSIM The applicant has multiple admissions

510 202312278 SHADAFI JAZI The applicant has multiple admissions

511 202309752 SHAMSI ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

512 202310173 SHARON NKOBA The applicant has multiple admissions

513 202307858 SHARON SOGOI The applicant has multiple admissions

514 202311384 SHEILA KONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

515 202312348 SHEMSA HAMISI The applicant has multiple admissions

516 202309351 SHIDA KAHEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

517 202305815 SIGA MPOZIWA The applicant has multiple admissions

518 202308902 STELLA MWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

519 202305430 STEPHANO BRAI The applicant has multiple admissions

520 202303230 STEVEN MWAISAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

521 202306136 SUDI SUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

522 202310957 SUMAIYAH LALI The applicant has multiple admissions

523 202303810 SUZY MSHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

524 202306106 SWABRINA NJAU The applicant has multiple admissions

525 202304320 SWAUMU SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

526 202306317 TATU MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

527 202305352 TAUSI ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

528 202307119 TAUSI ALFRED The applicant has multiple admissions

529 202303971 THERESIA MINJA The applicant has multiple admissions

530 202305715 THOMAS THOMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

531 202305013 TUMAIN LUSHOKELEJA The applicant has multiple admissions

532 202304504 TUMAINI NDEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

533 202305588 UMMI MTIKO The applicant has multiple admissions

534 202303408 UMMUKULUTHUM KITAPPA The applicant has multiple admissions

535 202307180 VAILETH IZENGO The applicant has multiple admissions

536 202304776 VAILETH KABAHA The applicant has multiple admissions

537 202304815 VALENTINA KAZIMOTO The applicant has multiple admissions

538 202306931 VEDASTUS YAMO The applicant has multiple admissions

539 202308257 VENANT ALEX The applicant has multiple admissions

540 202304407 VENERANDA BWIRE The applicant has multiple admissions

541 202303142 VENUS MWANGAKALA The applicant has multiple admissions

542 202308042 VERENA SEVELIANUS The applicant has multiple admissions

543 202306981 VERONICA MADAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

544 202306012 VERONICA MAGORI The applicant has multiple admissions

545 202304751 VERYNICE TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

546 202306778 VIVIAN SOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

547 202312782 WARDA RAMADHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

548 202306580 WARREN MLANGAFU The applicant has multiple admissions

549 202306204 WAZIRI NGAKULA The applicant has multiple admissions

550 202303524 WILFRED KULLA The applicant has multiple admissions

551 202305010 WILLYBROAD SUNGURA The applicant has multiple admissions

552 202305852 WINFRIDA LUTEGO The applicant has multiple admissions

553 202308821 WINFRIDA MFUGALE The applicant has multiple admissions

554 202311983 WINFRIDA MUULAGE The applicant has multiple admissions

555 202310187 WINFRIDA OPI The applicant has multiple admissions

556 202307592 WITNESS LEVICE The applicant has multiple admissions

557 202310843 YASSIN OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

558 202305107 YOSEPHA ALOYCE The applicant has multiple admissions

559 202306878 YUSRA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

560 202307020 YUSRA NJONJORO The applicant has multiple admissions

561 202311791 YUSUPH NASSORO The applicant has multiple admissions

562 202307642 ZAINA KILUA The applicant has multiple admissions

563 202309046 ZAINABU ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

564 202306222 ZAKAYO SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

565 202305656 ZARIA KITETE The applicant has multiple admissions

566 202303996 ZERA NYAMUHANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

567 202305278 ZUHURA HAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

568 202308328 ZUHURA SHOMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

569 202307149 ZWAIBA NAMALECHE The applicant has multiple admissions

570 202309808 ABDULHAMID BAKAR The applicant has single admission

571 202309516 ABDULI RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission
572 202306896 ABRAHAM SHIJA The applicant has single admission
573 202308649 ABUBAKARI MUHIDINI The applicant has single admission
574 202310372 ABUBAKARY KHAMIS The applicant has single admission
575 202310876 ALFRED MFWANGAVO The applicant has single admission
576 202304102 ALLEN MLELWA The applicant has single admission
577 202310092 ALLI ALLI The applicant has single admission
578 202302114 ALLY ALLY The applicant has single admission
579 202312800 ALLY ISMAIL The applicant has single admission
580 202311483 ALOYCE AKUTY The applicant has single admission
581 202311338 ALPHONCE JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
582 202304343 ALYASA MWALIKO The applicant has single admission
583 202310350 AMASHA LAYYI The applicant has single admission
584 202304992 AMNE ALLY The applicant has single admission
585 202311469 AMOS DANIEL The applicant has single admission
586 202306770 AMOS RUBEREZA The applicant has single admission
587 202309463 AMRI NTINE The applicant has single admission
588 202305053 ANETH PALLANGYO The applicant has single admission
589 202305449 ANGEL CARTHBERTH The applicant has single admission
590 202311732 ANGELINA KINGAMKONO The applicant has single admission

591 202311459 ANNA MWAGIKE The applicant has single admission

592 202303469 ANNA ULOMI The applicant has single admission
593 202310475 ANTHON NGONYANI The applicant has single admission
594 202309396 ANZIGALI CHIGAL The applicant has single admission
595 202311869 ASHA MAMBUWE The applicant has single admission
596 202302591 ASHERA MORAND The applicant has single admission
597 202303401 ASHURA MIKONGO The applicant has single admission
598 202310953 ASIA RINGO The applicant has single admission
599 202309998 AVIANE PIUS The applicant has single admission
600 202302883 AVIENA NG'UMBI The applicant has single admission
601 202310659 AYOUB SEFU The applicant has single admission
602 202308642 BARAKA BANDAMO The applicant has single admission
603 202302628 BARAKA ROBERT The applicant has single admission
604 202308130 BEATRICE MUNISI The applicant has single admission
605 202310949 BEATRICE MWAKIPESILE The applicant has single admission

606 202307283 BERTHA CHASAKATA The applicant has single admission

607 202304570 BETTY NYANGE The applicant has single admission
608 202304633 BEVERLYFRIDA HAGU The applicant has single admission
609 202306470 BOAZI MWASAMBILI The applicant has single admission
610 202308853 BONIFACE REUBENI The applicant has single admission
611 202312207 BRENDA MOLLEL The applicant has single admission
612 202307435 BRITNEY KISANGA The applicant has single admission
613 202304851 CALVIN MRINDOKO The applicant has single admission
614 202306387 CAROLINA KALANGI The applicant has single admission
615 202305810 CASSIANI KUNAMBI The applicant has single admission
616 202303787 CATHERINE KENGA The applicant has single admission
617 202309913 CHANCELLOR NZOWA The applicant has single admission
618 202304814 CRAYMAN MOLLOBELE The applicant has single admission
619 202309285 DANIEL DANIEL The applicant has single admission
620 202309462 DANIEL DUGANGE The applicant has single admission
621 202307912 DANIEL LAISANGAI The applicant has single admission
622 202303428 DANIEL TARIMO The applicant has single admission
623 202303242 DAVID JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
624 202310901 DAVID SIMBAUFOO The applicant has single admission
625 202308806 DELFINA KILAWE The applicant has single admission
626 202311324 DENIS KYANDO The applicant has single admission
627 202309251 DERICK SAMWEL The applicant has single admission
628 202310126 DIANA MWAKASALA The applicant has single admission
629 202304548 DIONISIA MSOFE The applicant has single admission
630 202306388 DORCAS TARIMO The applicant has single admission
631 202307158 DOREEN SHAYO The applicant has single admission
632 202311081 DORICAS SHIRIMA The applicant has single admission
633 202310018 EDSON SANGA The applicant has single admission
634 202304804 EDWARD NGUVU The applicant has single admission
635 202310419 ELIYA KAFURUKI The applicant has single admission
636 202308529 ELIZABETH FWENI The applicant has single admission
637 202313185 ELIZABETH JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
638 202303931 ELIZABETH MWILIGWA The applicant has single admission
639 202305530 ELVINA BAGASHE The applicant has single admission
640 202306090 EMANUEL MAFUMIKO The applicant has single admission
641 202310012 EMANUEL MBAGA The applicant has single admission
642 202306053 EMILIANA MSOMBA The applicant has single admission
643 202305707 EMILIANA SUSA The applicant has single admission
644 202306758 ESDORI KITORI The applicant has single admission
645 202311513 ESTER GEMELLA The applicant has single admission
646 202309293 ESTHER BARIGARA The applicant has single admission
647 202307294 ESTHER KILUNGA The applicant has single admission
648 202309367 ESTHER MBEGA The applicant has single admission
649 202312676 EUGENIA NJAU The applicant has single admission
650 202306741 EUGINE NGIRA The applicant has single admission
651 202307567 EVAKLINA TARIMO The applicant has single admission
652 202309053 EVALINE MOLLEL The applicant has single admission
653 202309239 EVALYN MWAIBANJE The applicant has single admission
654 202312269 EVANCE KIMEMETA The applicant has single admission
655 202303947 EVARIST KACHIRA The applicant has single admission
656 202304396 EXAVERY BENDU The applicant has single admission
657 202303348 EZEKIA MBUKWA The applicant has single admission
658 202303322 EZEKIEL MGHAMBA The applicant has single admission
659 202305316 FAHADI ABDALAH The applicant has single admission
660 202311503 FAHIMA MOHAMED The applicant has single admission
661 202303546 FAITH EMANUEL The applicant has single admission
662 202304832 FEISAL SALUM The applicant has single admission
663 202307034 FELIX MORRIS The applicant has single admission
664 202308193 FESTO JOSHUA The applicant has single admission
665 202310288 FESTUS AMANYISYE The applicant has single admission
666 202309689 FRANCIS MKONYA The applicant has single admission
667 202303858 FREDRICK CHENGULA The applicant has single admission
668 202305506 GADI MBWAMBO The applicant has single admission
669 202309962 GEORGE SYLVESTER The applicant has single admission
670 202307650 GILBERTT KATABALO The applicant has single admission
671 202308214 GODSON ELIPENDO The applicant has single admission
672 202309173 GOODWILL MRAHA The applicant has single admission
673 202311784 GRACE NZALIA The applicant has single admission
674 202309178 GRACE RWEYEMAMU The applicant has single admission
675 202311944 GROLIA ROBERT The applicant has single admission
676 202309316 HADIJA MAHINYA The applicant has single admission
677 202306284 HALIMA OTHMAN The applicant has single admission
678 202304160 HAMIDA HUSSEIN The applicant has single admission
679 202310429 HAPPINESS NKULLUA The applicant has single admission
680 202310257 HAPPYNES CHOMBA The applicant has single admission
681 202307849 HAPPYNES MSAKI The applicant has single admission
682 202312742 HAWA MVUGALO The applicant has single admission
683 202308634 HAWA MWANGU The applicant has single admission
684 202311841 HELLEN MOSHA The applicant has single admission
685 202308550 HEMEDI MSUYA The applicant has single admission
686 202310316 HERMAN MAHIMBO The applicant has single admission
687 202304841 HUDHAIFA MTUTU The applicant has single admission
688 202312453 HUSNA ATHUMANI The applicant has single admission
689 202303880 HUSNA NG'WANYA The applicant has single admission
690 202304120 IBRAHIMU OGHA The applicant has single admission
691 202309027 IDDA BAGUMA The applicant has single admission
692 202309180 IDRISA KIGILAGILA The applicant has single admission
693 202313400 IMELDA LAURENT The applicant has single admission
694 202311988 INNOCENT MASASHUA The applicant has single admission
695 202308287 INNOCENT MLELWA The applicant has single admission
696 202312451 INOCENT MWAKISU The applicant has single admission
697 202305067 IRENE CHUWA The applicant has single admission
698 202309303 IRENE ELIAS The applicant has single admission
699 202311090 IRENE KALIBOTI The applicant has single admission
700 202311648 IRENE MASHAKA The applicant has single admission
701 202312329 IRENE MINJA The applicant has single admission
702 202311453 IRENE SEBA The applicant has single admission
703 202305901 JACKLINE ELIKANA The applicant has single admission
704 202313067 JACKLINE SANGA The applicant has single admission
705 202302606 JACKLINE SIAO The applicant has single admission
706 202307482 JACKSON FELIX The applicant has single admission
707 202312792 JACKSON MSALALI The applicant has single admission
708 202313224 JACQUILINE NJIRO The applicant has single admission
709 202306428 JAMES KOMBE The applicant has single admission
710 202309994 JAMES SIMONI The applicant has single admission
711 202310180 JANUARY HAULE The applicant has single admission
712 202309662 JASMINE NGEMERA The applicant has single admission
713 202305592 JEHOVANESS KIMARO The applicant has single admission
714 202307280 JENIPHA MTALO The applicant has single admission
715 202308259 JENIPHER KAYOMBO The applicant has single admission
716 202311738 JESTINA LEORNAD The applicant has single admission
717 202306115 JOHN MAKALA The applicant has single admission
718 202311614 JOHN NDUMBALO The applicant has single admission
719 202305608 JONAS NZOTA The applicant has single admission
720 202305487 JOSHUA SHAYO The applicant has single admission
721 202304480 JOYCE KYANDO The applicant has single admission
722 202305886 JUDITH BILAKAZE The applicant has single admission
723 202303830 JULIETH MTOKOMA The applicant has single admission
724 202305540 JULISON KISANGA The applicant has single admission
725 202312154 JULITHA MANG'ITA The applicant has single admission
726 202303183 JUMA MASONGORA The applicant has single admission
727 202310679 JUMANNE MNZAVA The applicant has single admission
728 202307900 JUSTIN MALEKELA The applicant has single admission
729 202311096 KAMARUDIN ILYAS The applicant has single admission
730 202311424 KASIM SADI The applicant has single admission
731 202303455 KELVIN MKINI The applicant has single admission
732 202312203 KELVIN NYAKENGO The applicant has single admission
733 202309599 KENEDY MUNISI The applicant has single admission
734 202303675 KHADIJA LIKAMBO The applicant has single admission
735 202310196 KHADIJA YUSUPH The applicant has single admission
736 202303561 KILAYA ALLY The applicant has single admission
737 202312944 KOMUGISHA MWOMBEKI The applicant has single admission

738 202308080 KULWA KOMBA The applicant has single admission

739 202309791 KURUTHUMU ISSA The applicant has single admission
740 202308919 LAILATH KIMBWANGALI The applicant has single admission
741 202304313 LEONARD KAPOMA The applicant has single admission
742 202303763 LEONORA CHARLES The applicant has single admission
743 202310493 LIGHTNESS MATANGA The applicant has single admission
744 202307461 LIGHTNESS MOSHI The applicant has single admission
745 202306545 LILIANI DIDASI The applicant has single admission
746 202307098 LINDA PAUL The applicant has single admission
747 202305329 LINDA TRESPHORY The applicant has single admission
748 202310783 LUCAS MAGANGA The applicant has single admission
749 202312030 LUCY KASUVA The applicant has single admission
750 202309208 LYDIA GANZA The applicant has single admission
751 202310515 LYIDIA MANDI The applicant has single admission
752 202303594 MAGRETH BENEDICT The applicant has single admission
753 202308516 MARIA BIBILE The applicant has single admission
754 202308338 MARIA SAMBAGI The applicant has single admission
755 202309450 MARIAM RAMADHAN The applicant has single admission
756 202311166 MARIAM TUNDU The applicant has single admission
757 202305881 MARIAMU MWENKALLEY The applicant has single admission

758 202310932 MARTHA KIMARO The applicant has single admission

759 202310266 MARYCIANA PHARES The applicant has single admission
760 202307317 MARYROSE MOLLEL The applicant has single admission
761 202303396 MASOUD MASOUD The applicant has single admission
762 202309059 MATHIAS MASESA The applicant has single admission
763 202309002 MBWANA HAMIDU The applicant has single admission
764 202308572 MDOE JOHN The applicant has single admission
765 202311387 MEPOROO KIRAVE The applicant has single admission
766 202305927 MESHACK RASHID The applicant has single admission
767 202312174 MILEMBE SIMON The applicant has single admission
768 202306936 MINZA SUNHWA The applicant has single admission
769 202311147 MIRIAM NGONDO The applicant has single admission
770 202304668 MMBOU JUMA The applicant has single admission
771 202306280 MOHAMED MANENO The applicant has single admission
772 202304357 MOHAMMAD ABDURAHMANI The applicant has single admission

773 202309439 MONICA JULIUS The applicant has single admission

774 202311133 MORIS JOSHUWA The applicant has single admission
775 202312950 MOSES MSUNGU The applicant has single admission
776 202310141 MOZA KAMBANGWA The applicant has single admission
777 202310631 MUSTAPHA RUKEMO The applicant has single admission
778 202311901 MWALIMU MGONZA The applicant has single admission
779 202303980 MWANAIDI OMARY The applicant has single admission
780 202312198 MWASI KIBUSI The applicant has single admission
781 202304772 NAGMA MAGODA The applicant has single admission
782 202312827 NAIMA YUSUPH The applicant has single admission
783 202309074 NAJMA KIGODI The applicant has single admission
784 202311332 NANAH LUOGA The applicant has single admission
785 202305456 NANCY LULANDALA The applicant has single admission
786 202303272 NASRA MAKWETA The applicant has single admission
787 202308653 NEEMA CHAKUPEWA The applicant has single admission
788 202310955 NEEMA KAAYA The applicant has single admission
789 202308281 NEEMA PATRICK The applicant has single admission
790 202309473 NEEMAANNE MAMUYA The applicant has single admission
791 202311426 NOREEN HAULE The applicant has single admission
792 202307498 NURU MWASHITETE The applicant has single admission
793 202304967 OMARI JUMA The applicant has single admission
794 202310463 PAUL SOMBA The applicant has single admission
795 202308470 PAULO SHUMBUSHO The applicant has single admission
796 202304401 PENINA MATATA The applicant has single admission
797 202306193 PRISCA MELITA The applicant has single admission
798 202307228 PRISCA MWAMTEGELE The applicant has single admission
799 202308474 QUEEN LAIZER The applicant has single admission
800 202304544 RAHELI KAAYA The applicant has single admission
801 202312552 RAHELLY LUKUMAY The applicant has single admission
802 202305970 RAHIU RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission
803 202304775 RAHMA SALEHE The applicant has single admission
804 202306608 RAMADHANI MKENDA The applicant has single admission
805 202308716 RAMADHANI MSUYA The applicant has single admission
806 202312619 RAPHAEL MWAKULIMA The applicant has single admission
807 202310534 RASHID MDAKI The applicant has single admission
808 202306632 RAZIA NGULAJI The applicant has single admission
809 202311678 REHEMA CHIKIRA The applicant has single admission
810 202312645 RICHARD KIMEI The applicant has single admission
811 202309246 RIZIKI MLEKANG'OMBE The applicant has single admission
812 202305796 ROBERT KAFULAMI The applicant has single admission
813 202308025 ROSE KOMBE The applicant has single admission
814 202310948 ROSEMARY NGONYANI The applicant has single admission
815 202304273 ROSWITA MAPUNDA The applicant has single admission
816 202309851 RUKIA MINTANGO The applicant has single admission
817 202303923 SABRI NAWANDA The applicant has single admission
818 202305607 SABRINA DALLU The applicant has single admission
819 202305350 SABRINA SAIDI The applicant has single admission
820 202307708 SABUNI SABUNI The applicant has single admission
821 202304558 SAIDI LIGOME The applicant has single admission
822 202311412 SALEHE MROPE The applicant has single admission
823 202304937 SALHA HUWELY The applicant has single admission
824 202313103 SALOME MWITA The applicant has single admission
825 202311138 SAMWEL KASINDE The applicant has single admission
826 202311851 SAMWELY NJALLY The applicant has single admission
827 202304484 SARAFINA ZELOTE The applicant has single admission
828 202306263 SARAH OPANDE The applicant has single admission
829 202309671 SAUDA KINDAMBA The applicant has single admission
830 202309029 SCHOLASTICA KANOGE The applicant has single admission
831 202309646 SEBASTIAN MWAKALASI The applicant has single admission

832 202310387 SELEMAN SAID The applicant has single admission

833 202308862 SELEMANI SELEMAN The applicant has single admission
834 202304675 SHADRA MATHIAS The applicant has single admission
835 202310767 SHADRACK MUGETA The applicant has single admission
836 202306837 SHADRACK ZACHARIA The applicant has single admission
837 202312662 SHADYA HUSSEIN The applicant has single admission
838 202307043 SHAFII MAZINDA The applicant has single admission
839 202309831 SHAMSUDINI LIKONDA The applicant has single admission
840 202302817 SHEMSA ALLY The applicant has single admission
841 202308414 STELLA THADEO The applicant has single admission
842 202310317 STOIBA MGALA The applicant has single admission
843 202305882 SUBIRA MUSA The applicant has single admission
844 202303168 SWEETBERTHER MAGAL The applicant has single admission

845 202303304 SYLIVIA TINUGA The applicant has single admission

846 202304293 TARIQ CHAGONJA The applicant has single admission
847 202310525 THABIT KOMINI The applicant has single admission
848 202310164 TOM NKOMOLA The applicant has single admission
849 202311874 TUMAINI NYAMAJEJE The applicant has single admission
850 202311823 VAILETH SWAI The applicant has single admission
851 202312732 VALENTINA MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
852 202305578 VERONICA KIBANDA The applicant has single admission
853 202305650 VERONICA MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
854 202309761 VIOLETH JOHN The applicant has single admission
855 202304210 WARDA NGWALA The applicant has single admission
856 202307549 WESLEY JUSTINE The applicant has single admission
857 202304642 WILLIAM KANGE The applicant has single admission
858 202302354 WILSON MAGAGA The applicant has single admission
859 202304482 WINFRIDA PATRICK The applicant has single admission
860 202305746 WINNIFRIDA LIWEWE The applicant has single admission
861 202311727 YA-MALIKI ALLY The applicant has single admission
862 202307112 YOHANA BENEDICTO The applicant has single admission
863 202302702 YOHANE MDUDA The applicant has single admission
864 202308985 ZACHARIA MWITA The applicant has single admission
865 202312980 ZAINAB IDD The applicant has single admission
866 202304061 ZAINABU SHAMDAS The applicant has single admission
867 202312277 ZAITUNI MLIGO The applicant has single admission
868 202310025 ZAKARIA IDOWA The applicant has single admission
869 202304369 ZAKATI MTOI The applicant has single admission
870 202306439 ZANIFA UNGANDO The applicant has single admission
871 202305931 ZANURA HASSANI The applicant has single admission
872 202311591 ZENA SALUM The applicant has single admission
873 202306471 ZUBERI MANGOSONGO The applicant has single admission
874 202308656 ZUHURA LUSANG'ANI The applicant has single admission

2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND
S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status
1 202309010 ABDILLAH HALID The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202312517 ABDULRAHMAN MUSTAFA The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202304925 ABUBAKARY TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202303464 ABUHSAEED RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202304980 ADELFINA WENSESLAUS The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202311781 ADRIANA MDIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202309607 AGAPE KUZILWA The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202304867 AGNES ANDREA The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202306600 ALBERT ANDREW The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202312558 ALEX MWAKIBOLWA The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202306760 ALLY SWALEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202305945 ALPHONCE WILIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202310671 AMINA MASKINI The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202310237 ANIFA KIMWAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202308625 ANNAN MTELEKEZO The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202308625 ANNAN MTELEKEZO The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202307478 ANTHONY KANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202309034 ANTONY DOGAN The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202310094 APIA LAKTAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202305544 ASHREY MWALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202306331 ASIA KAGETE The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202308291 ASNURU HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202307132 BILAL ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202307127 BLESSING NYELLA The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202304651 BRAYAN JOSEMU The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202303136 BRIAN HAFIDH The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202310454 CALVIN MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202303219 CATHERINE KIMICHA The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202306420 CATHERINE MAHANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202305778 CATHERINE WILLA The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202309504 CHARITY LUGWISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202308441 CHEDIEL MOGHA The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202306045 CLEMENCE KISUSANGE The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202311847 CONSTANTINE MMASI The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202305045 DAMAS HINJU The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202303008 DANIEL BUHIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202308827 DATIVA MCHUNGUZI The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202311636 DAUDI JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202309722 DENIS ELIJA The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202310860 DENNIS MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202307030 DERICK TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202307471 DONBOSCO HAULE The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202304712 DORICE KAOMBWE The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202307562 DORICE LONGINO The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202306721 ELIAS YAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202310156 ELIZABETH CHALUMWA The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202305992 ELIZABETH SHIGELA The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202303602 EMMANUEL CHACHA The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202308928 EMMANUEL FLANO The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202305353 ERENEST SAMSON The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202310040 ESTHER MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202303993 EUGEN BOMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202307373 EUNICE LEMA The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202306901 EUNICE NAKAJUMO The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202304812 EVELINA JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202308524 FADIGA MWAKABONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202308578 FAIDHA RWECHUNGURA The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202307591 FARHAT MATAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202310230 FATUMA MBARUKU The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202306153 FLORA ALEX The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202310861 FOIBE JONAS The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202308238 FRANK BATAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202303387 FRANK MGALILWA The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202311597 FRED MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202309834 FRED MWAKIBWAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202309750 FREDRICK REUBEN The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202306382 GEORGE DAATA The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202308434 GODWIN MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202304687 HABIBA FONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202305318 HADIJA MSANGI The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202310971 HADIJA RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202311716 HAFSA ULEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202312389 HAPPYNESS MAILA The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202308418 HARUNI SOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202307475 HASANATH WILLIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202306448 HAWA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202307897 HELEN NKYA The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202310121 HEPSONI HONGOLI The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202304047 HERMAN SHONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202307594 HILAL MZUZURI The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202304165 HONEST HEKIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202312720 HUSSEIN KITUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202308427 INUS MWIZARUBI The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202310524 IRENE KISAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202305293 IRENE MACHIA The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202306329 IRENE TESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202304988 IRINE MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202312190 ISAAC KIBONA The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202307274 IVONA KAJARA The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202304676 JANETH NGOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202311729 JANUARY KAMBAULAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202307934 JASMIN KIMUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202303487 JASTIN MOSES The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202307266 JENIFER KITUNDU The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202306058 JEROME MSHANA The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202309092 JOHN NDIMANGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202310444 JOSEPH MNKONDYA The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202310207 JOYNESS OSCAR The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202305740 JUMA KINGU The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202306021 JUMA MHEA The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202307040 JUMANNE MVUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202311286 JUNIAN NCHANILA The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202310423 JUNIOR MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202307167 KALIKWENDWA SYLIVESTER The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202307761 KELVIN MSECHU The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202306180 KUDRA KASHIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202310842 LAURENT TESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202311688 LAZARO MAKALA The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202305279 LEODIGARD MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202304201 LEVIS JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202303939 LIGHTNESS MMAMBALE The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202311954 LORDRICK MBASHA The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202307082 LUCAS MARWA The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202302141 LUTUBIJA LUTUBIJA The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202312285 MAGRETH MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202305283 MANASE NG'ONDYA The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202307543 MARIA ALSENIOUS The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202311314 MARIAM AUSTIN The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202304714 MARIAM KANIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202309880 MARKO MGALILWA The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202307068 MARTIN MWAKAGILE The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202303181 MASOUD SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202310461 MAXIMILIAN KASONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202311170 MEEKNESS MNDEME The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202304792 MERINA CHUWA The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202308374 MICHAEL LAIZER The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202304338 MICHAEL MALEKELA The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202304660 MIRAJI WASHINGTON The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202308183 MONICA LUOGA The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202311171 MOUREEN KUNAMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202309447 NAIMA MIRAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202310823 NASMA MPELI The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202307769 NEEMA AYO The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202311398 NEEMA DAUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202307073 NEEMA KAJUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202303762 NOELA NATHANIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202312351 NURU IDDI The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202307519 NYABWILE MUNIGINA The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202308002 OLIVA MWAKALIBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202305606 PASCHAL ZEPHRINE The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202305297 PASIANUS THEOPHIL The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202309391 PAULINA KIBUYU The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202303479 PELESY KIVINGE The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202304339 PETRO LAURENT The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202310125 PRIJET MROSSO The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202305231 RABIA MSATI The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202310155 RAHEL KONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202308815 RAHEL NATHANIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202308915 RAHIM MACHAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202305494 RAHMA MBAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202305295 RAHMA RIDHIWANI The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202310178 RAJABU ALMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202312519 RAMADHANI MIKINGI The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202302129 RAPHAEL IKOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202306997 RAPHAEL REVELIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202304096 REGINA KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202305314 ROSEMARY WAHEKE The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202308615 SADA MWINYI The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202310702 SADO MASHAURI The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202303495 SAID SADICK The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202311177 SAIDI BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202308966 SAIMON DANIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202307204 SALAMA ADAMU The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202306441 SALIM ALI The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202309330 SALMA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202312955 SALUMU SALUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202307597 SAMIRI MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202306511 SEBASTIAN NGUCHELE The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202307124 SELEMAN AHMAD The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202306808 SELEMAN JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202305240 SELEMANI MSUMI The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202310991 SEPHANIA MASIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202311765 SHABAN SHABAN The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202311036 SHAQIL KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202305967 SHEKHA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202308050 SILLAS MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202309040 SIMON NJUYUWI The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202308298 STELA KIKALAO The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202310200 STEPHEN ALPHONCE The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202305363 SWEETBERT NYAMONI The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202306319 TABITA SHONI The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202307330 TAKIA KABURU The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202311664 TAMAL MWAKATOBE The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202311592 UTUKUFU KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202309767 VERONICA TAIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202305957 VICKNESS MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202305536 VICTORIA MGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202302699 WARDA JAMAL The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202306899 WEGHUA KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202311460 WEMA KAKESHA The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202304143 WILBARD MIROBO The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202308057 WILLIAM SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202312511 WILLIAM SHARIFU The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202304171 WILLIAM UKANI The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202304021 WINNICLARA TARIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202305395 WINSTON CHAULA The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202308384 ZAHARA TOWAINDA The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202309591 ZAINABU SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202306597 ZITHA MWAITULO The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202309106 ZULEHA MAVURA The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202304414 ABDULRAHMAN CHAUREMBO The applicant has single admission

202 202309503 ABDULRAZACK MARINGO The applicant has single admission

203 202309478 ADDELA LYIMO The applicant has single admission

204 202306135 AGATHA ANDEMBWISYE The applicant has single admission

205 202306398 AGNES NDWIKE The applicant has single admission

206 202307024 AGNES OPANDE The applicant has single admission
207 202310047 AGNESS MGENDI The applicant has single admission
208 202306892 ALICE OLOTU The applicant has single admission
209 202306156 ALINANUSWE FUMBO The applicant has single admission
210 202303176 ALPHONCE ALPHONCE The applicant has single admission
211 202312338 AMBROCE JOACHIM The applicant has single admission
212 202309369 AMINA JUMA The applicant has single admission
213 202307782 AMINA MBWANA The applicant has single admission
214 202310607 AMINATH BIGIRWA The applicant has single admission
215 202306847 ANNASTAZIA MPEMBA The applicant has single admission
216 202305985 ANORD BUBELWA The applicant has single admission
217 202306553 ASHURA ALMASI The applicant has single admission
218 202303334 ATHUR KUBOKO The applicant has single admission
219 202308682 BAKARI OMARY The applicant has single admission
220 202312288 BARAKA JOCTANI The applicant has single admission
221 202312700 BARAKA MDOKA The applicant has single admission
222 202306734 BEATHA LYAMUYA The applicant has single admission
223 202304115 BEATRICE MAHEMELO The applicant has single admission
224 202312673 BENNY TARIMO The applicant has single admission
225 202306634 BERTHA BERNARD The applicant has single admission
226 202306560 BLENDER NGETELWA The applicant has single admission
227 202306607 BRENDA LYIMO The applicant has single admission
228 202302861 BWATINESA MBWAMBO The applicant has single admission
229 202312761 CATHERINE MKINGA The applicant has single admission
230 202308285 CELIN MREMI The applicant has single admission
231 202305965 CHAUSIKU MASABA The applicant has single admission
232 202311076 CHRISTINA KAMWELA The applicant has single admission
233 202308947 CHRISTINA MOGELA The applicant has single admission
234 202312465 DACTON JOHN The applicant has single admission
235 202303504 DAMAS BALIYANKA The applicant has single admission
236 202308113 DANIEL MNDII The applicant has single admission
237 202307854 DAVID MAYAYA The applicant has single admission
238 202310519 DERICK KIGAHE The applicant has single admission
239 202308213 DERICK MACHANGE The applicant has single admission
240 202311290 DICKSON FACKSON The applicant has single admission
241 202312490 DICKSON LEBWANGA The applicant has single admission
242 202312330 EDWIN NYABOYA The applicant has single admission
243 202302292 ELIPHAZ NTABINDI The applicant has single admission
244 202310768 ELIUS BAZALE The applicant has single admission
245 202312224 ELIZABETH NDEGE The applicant has single admission
246 202308562 EMANUEL MATELA The applicant has single admission
247 202304431 EMMA MSUYA The applicant has single admission
248 202308117 ERICK MWANG'AMBA The applicant has single admission
249 202307959 ESTER KANDONGA The applicant has single admission
250 202307812 ESTER MASARO The applicant has single admission
251 202310310 EVA MWINULA The applicant has single admission
252 202304182 FESTO AUGUSTINO The applicant has single admission
253 202310514 FIDECIANA MNIKO The applicant has single admission
254 202312643 FRANCIS AMATUS The applicant has single admission
255 202312249 FREDRICK MWAKANYAMALE The applicant has single admission

256 202302891 GEORGE MHINA The applicant has single admission

257 202308906 GEOVAN GEORGE The applicant has single admission
258 202307273 GETRUDA MWAKYOMA The applicant has single admission
259 202311431 GIFT NYANGE The applicant has single admission
260 202304089 GLORIA MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
261 202313226 GLORY NGADANGO The applicant has single admission
262 202312375 GODFREY CHAULA The applicant has single admission
263 202302174 GODLISTEN KALEBI The applicant has single admission
264 202306826 HADIJA STAMBULI The applicant has single admission
265 202308164 HAFIDH MBONDE The applicant has single admission
266 202308365 HAMIS GUTELUKA The applicant has single admission
267 202310688 HANCE NGOMUO The applicant has single admission
268 202311746 HAPPINESS MAKUNGU The applicant has single admission
269 202303489 HAPPINESS MASIKA The applicant has single admission
270 202311606 HAPPYNESS MLAGALA The applicant has single admission
271 202312437 HAWA ALLY The applicant has single admission
272 202308270 HIPOLITY MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
273 202311865 HOLO NDALAH'WA The applicant has single admission
274 202310802 HUMPHREY FULUGENS The applicant has single admission
275 202308350 INNOCENT SHIRIMA The applicant has single admission
276 202303124 IRENEUS TILIA The applicant has single admission
277 202303293 ISSA IDDY The applicant has single admission
278 202311759 ISSA MZEE The applicant has single admission
279 202312620 JAFARY NASIB The applicant has single admission
280 202305874 JAMES KWAY The applicant has single admission
281 202313004 JANETH MAKOMBO The applicant has single admission
282 202307275 JANETH NKWARE The applicant has single admission
283 202306541 JENIFER KANZULE The applicant has single admission
284 202311793 JEREMIAH ATUNUS The applicant has single admission
285 202309874 JERRYSON KIBASA The applicant has single admission
286 202302437 JESCA KAFULINKANA The applicant has single admission
287 202310199 JESSA MANENTO The applicant has single admission
288 202310154 JOACKIMU KISANO The applicant has single admission
289 202311399 JOHAKIM JONATHAN The applicant has single admission
290 202306637 JOSEPH BORA The applicant has single admission
291 202311645 JOSEPH MAGESA The applicant has single admission
292 202303283 JOSEPHINE KAMUGISHA The applicant has single admission

293 202308972 JULIUS MTUNGUJA The applicant has single admission

294 202306362 JUMA LUAMBANO The applicant has single admission
295 202312633 KAITAN VICTORY The applicant has single admission
296 202311845 KARIMU ISSA The applicant has single admission
297 202308918 KHADIJA GUNGUTI The applicant has single admission
298 202309488 KHATWIBU MKUBILA The applicant has single admission
299 202311174 KURUTHUMU MKALI The applicant has single admission
300 202304932 LATIFA KAHOLA The applicant has single admission
301 202312061 LATIFFA BENJAMIN The applicant has single admission
302 202306421 LEAH KAPANGE The applicant has single admission
303 202312245 LEO MWAMWAJA The applicant has single admission
304 202312726 LILIAN MBUNGANI The applicant has single admission
305 202309564 LOMAYANI MPUNGU The applicant has single admission
306 202311207 MAINDA SAIDI The applicant has single admission
307 202311007 MARIAM HASSAN The applicant has single admission
308 202306182 MARRY MANG'ELA The applicant has single admission
309 202311658 MARTHA SIMBILA The applicant has single admission
310 202312074 MARTHA STEPHEN The applicant has single admission
311 202313051 MATHIAS KIGUMBE The applicant has single admission
312 202308655 MAULA KUSILA The applicant has single admission
313 202308006 MAXMILIAN MREMA The applicant has single admission
314 202308840 MIKIDADI ALLY The applicant has single admission
315 202305637 MOHAMED SAIDI The applicant has single admission
316 202312035 MOHAMEDI ISSA The applicant has single admission
317 202303792 MONIKA ERNEST The applicant has single admission
318 202303035 MOSSES CHARLES The applicant has single admission
319 202307378 MUHARAMI MUHARAMI The applicant has single admission
320 202302970 MUJUNGU WAJAMA The applicant has single admission
321 202306830 MULK MOHAMED The applicant has single admission
322 202303354 MUSSA JOHN The applicant has single admission
323 202310544 MWANAASHA SHISHIRA The applicant has single admission
324 202304219 MWAZANI RASHID The applicant has single admission
325 202311846 NADHWIRA MASUDI The applicant has single admission
326 202311000 NAZIRU KEMPANJU The applicant has single admission
327 202306963 NEELAM MKWAZU The applicant has single admission
328 202306410 NEEMA KALUMBULWA The applicant has single admission
329 202306751 NEEMA KIULA The applicant has single admission
330 202309144 NEEMA MSOMBA The applicant has single admission
331 202304072 NEEMA MWITA The applicant has single admission
332 202311370 NESHA LOSILI The applicant has single admission
333 202310853 NURU MWEHE The applicant has single admission
334 202306415 NYABUKI SOSPETER The applicant has single admission
335 202307696 PASCAL RASHID The applicant has single admission
336 202313381 PATRICK TEMBA The applicant has single admission
337 202305798 PERA HASSANI The applicant has single admission
338 202310526 PETER MATHEMBO The applicant has single admission
339 202304519 PHILEMON NGOWI The applicant has single admission
340 202304417 PUDENSIANA NDOZELO The applicant has single admission
341 202309436 RACHEL MACKLAS The applicant has single admission
342 202306542 RAHMA SEIPH The applicant has single admission
343 202309557 RAMADHAN MAYALA The applicant has single admission
344 202305310 RAMLA ZUBERI The applicant has single admission
345 202305235 RAMS MUSHI The applicant has single admission
346 202311595 REALIANCE SHIWARYA The applicant has single admission
347 202311702 REHEMA MAGEMBE The applicant has single admission
348 202309412 ROLLINGSTONE NGOWI The applicant has single admission
349 202309337 ROSE NATHANIEL The applicant has single admission
350 202310019 ROSE SHEMAHONGE The applicant has single admission
351 202304659 RUTH MARITHANGA The applicant has single admission
352 202308330 SALMA ISSA The applicant has single admission
353 202309310 SALMA MICHAEL The applicant has single admission
354 202304352 SALUM LEMA The applicant has single admission
355 202312664 SALUMU SALUMU The applicant has single admission
356 202302538 SAMSONI MANGWANGI The applicant has single admission
357 202312282 SARAFINA KINYAKA The applicant has single admission
358 202310402 SARAH DUWANI The applicant has single admission
359 202306480 SHADYA MASHAKA The applicant has single admission
360 202310218 SHASHI SAID The applicant has single admission
361 202309458 TARIKI MANTURE The applicant has single admission
362 202311601 THERESIA KIWALI The applicant has single admission
363 202304261 VENANCE BAKILANE The applicant has single admission
364 202311374 VICTOR MUNISI The applicant has single admission
365 202312356 VICTORIA CHISALUNI The applicant has single admission
366 202303958 VICTORIA MAGARE The applicant has single admission
367 202306307 VICTORIA MAKUNENGE The applicant has single admission
368 202304252 VICTORIA MWANGOMO The applicant has single admission
369 202305633 WEMA MBOYA The applicant has single admission
370 202306176 WHYCLIF MDANGA The applicant has single admission
371 202305008 WINIFRIDA SEBASTIAN The applicant has single admission
372 202309721 YOHANA KAHEZA The applicant has single admission
373 202311146 YUSUPH SIKUNJEMA The applicant has single admission
374 202307436 ZAHORO BAKARI The applicant has single admission
375 202309498 ZAKIA HUMBA The applicant has single admission
376 202302996 ZUBEDA OMARY The applicant has single admission

2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND
S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status
1 202305415 ABDALLAH KAONEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202302899 ABDULHAKIM ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202305006 ABDUSALAMI SIRAJI The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202307060 ADELINA CHUVAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202303669 AGUSTINO MAHOO The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202304094 AISHA DANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202307607 AISHA KOMEJA The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202312337 ALBART OTTO The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202308011 ALISIA TEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202309693 ALLEN MAFIE The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202309764 ALLY MAHANYU The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202307558 ALLY NGAOGA The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202309354 ALLY RAJABU The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202304508 ALODIA ALISTIDES The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202304178 AMINA NASORO The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202307231 AMINA SHONDE The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202305706 AMRI SHUKIYA The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202308091 ANGEL MSANGAWALE The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202309347 ANGEL TWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202306132 ANGELA LYIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202305379 ANGELINA BIDIGA The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202310553 ANGELINA KANAMBILI The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202308160 ANGELINA KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202310331 ANITHA JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202304126 ANNA STEPHANO The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202307179 ANTHONY VENANCE The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202309925 ANUARY ISMAIL The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202308016 APOLINARY BONIPHACE The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202306252 ARISTIDES REVOCATUS The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202308556 ARODIA PAULO The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202312046 ASHA OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202307012 ASHIRAF MWENGELE The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202304097 BARNABAS NZWENGE The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202312242 BASILISA KIMARO The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202307164 BEATA KOPE The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202307582 BERNADETA GEORGE The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202305739 BERTHA SHINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202306076 BETHA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202302124 BINNY MWAKYOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202306497 BONIFACE NAFTAL The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202306916 BRAISON MARANDU The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202304515 BRENDA GENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202307041 BUJIKU NTINIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202308049 CALVIN SOKA The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202311454 CAMILLAH KITIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202308020 CARLOS LIFUNGULO The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202307293 CAROLINE IPINI The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202304144 CATHERINE DEOGRATIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202305035 CATHERINE JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202303192 CATHERINE KHASSIM The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202309360 CATHERINE MDOPE The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202305749 CELINA KWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202309460 CHANEL MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202304649 CHARLES JULIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202303125 CHERILYN D'MELLO The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202308207 CLAUD PHILIPO The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202303437 CLINTON MDIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202307050 COSTANSIA ZAHORO The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202313206 DANIEL GIHOSWA The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202308158 DANIEL KITUNGULU The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202305568 DAUDI MAHENDEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202309540 DEBORA MAKULE The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202307232 DEOSDITA TITI The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202303399 DERICK MAKERE The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202308528 DIANA KUSILUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202307311 DOREEN BUSHANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202307479 DOREEN MALEKELA The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202303551 DOREEN MLULA The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202309712 EDDA NDINDE The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202308271 EDGA MWAKAPEMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202311142 EDGER HAULE The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202307494 EDSON KASENENE The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202305635 ELIFRIDA BURA The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202305761 ELIGIVA JOHANSEN The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202305914 ELIZABERTH MWIJARUBI The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202305850 ELIZABETH SEBASTIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202308567 ELIZABETH SIMEO The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202302378 EMANUEL MDOE The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202311187 EMI NJEJE The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202307262 ENOCK KILANGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202311450 ERICK MBAWALA The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202308600 ERNEST HONGOA The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202306587 ESTER NZIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202309667 ESTHER PAUL The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202304532 ESTHER SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202309542 EVA CHARAHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202311215 EVANCE ASSEY The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202310593 FAISALY NAHONYO The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202312121 FARAJA BIHEMO The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202308009 FARAJI MALEKELA The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202303938 FASIRUNI RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202310868 FLORA WILLIAM The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202306169 FLORIDA RUGAKINGILA The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202312019 FRANCES NTAHEGHA The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202306648 FRANK MWAKASENDILE The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202307244 GABRIEL MWAKIPESILE The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202304724 GABRIEL URASSA The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202308793 GACHARA TOGLAI The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202306839 GASPER MMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202303393 GEITAN SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202307952 GERMINA STANSLAUS The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202305550 GETRUDA GINGIO The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202304254 GILBERT LUCAS The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202306620 GLORIA TARETO The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202309793 GLORY KAMNDE The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202306537 GLORY MATERU The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202305634 GODLOVE KANYAWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202303827 GOODLUCK KIVIKE The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202309258 HAITHAM SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202302276 HAPPINESS NGOWI The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202305480 HARUNA KOPA The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202309413 HARUNI SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202311069 HASHIMU MPENDU The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202312758 HASIM DIKUPATILE The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202307481 HASSAN YUDA The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202307072 HEAVENLIGHT BEDA The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202307518 HERIELI OSANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202307446 HILLARY HILLARY The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202309065 HITAJI LUGAJO The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202311967 HUDHAIF DHAMIR The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202308800 HUSSEIN KISATU The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202307770 IBRAHIM CHENGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202311882 IDRISA KAYELA The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202310114 IL-HAM RAMADHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202304441 IMRANI KADARI The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202307480 INOCENT DAMIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202306275 IRENE KILAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202307327 IRENE MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202303135 IRENE SHAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202311266 IRENE SIKAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202309796 ISACK SYLVESTER The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202304520 ISAYA MGALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202302718 ISLAM ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202309674 ISMAIL RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202310272 JACKLINE KWEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202310039 JACKLINE MREMI The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202303668 JACKLINE MROSO The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202309071 JACKSON TIKOINI The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202304221 JAPHET JUAKALI The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202306048 JAQUELINE TWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202304693 JASMIN KONDO The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202307980 JEMIMA NGAILO The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202311674 JEMMA MBUTA The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202309783 JENIFA LIVIGHA The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202306525 JENIPHER PASCHAL The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202307942 JEREMIA NINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202307142 JIBRIL ISUJA The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202307006 JILALA NSUNGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202308828 JOHN MLAPONI The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202303336 JOSEPH LUMATO The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202305508 JOSEPH MSANI The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202308505 JOSEPH SEMPANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202312274 JOSEPHAT MWANKUJU The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202310464 JOSEPHINE CHUWA The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202304281 JOVITHA KAMALA The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202307056 JOYCE KAMANA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202303405 JOYCE MNANDEGE The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202311568 JUDITH AKWILINI The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202306571 JULIANA MLULA The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202309079 JULIANA MUSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202304038 KAINE MLEJU The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202308549 KAREEN MALLYA The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202312799 KASIGWA MASALU The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202305009 KASSIM KASSIM The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202304150 KELIS SAMWEL The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202309200 KELVIN CHIWANGU The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202308448 KELVIN MITO The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202310846 KESHEN TWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202308619 KHALID KIJOGOO The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202305238 LEAH PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202304690 LENIA JEREMIAH The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202308921 LILIAN TIBAITIRWA The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202304774 LINA ESEKO The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202312539 LUCY MKAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202309214 LUSEKELO MTOJA The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202309735 MAGEMBE SAGASYA The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202305548 MAGRETH NKWELA The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202306749 MAHAMOUD MSUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202306763 MARIA ANSELMI The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202307602 MARIA MARKO The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202306576 MARIAM MKUMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202310159 MARIAM SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202304834 MARK KIBINDI The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202312807 MARY MBOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202310417 MARY MGEJI The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202304910 MASAKA LUTUBIGA The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202307099 MATHIAS MHYAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202311386 MBONEA MBWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202303910 MECK ILOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202303357 MICHAEL MBALAI The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202308882 MICHAEL NHALIWE The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202308879 MICHAEL SIMONI The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202309549 MKUNDE MHINA The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202307296 MOSES EDSON The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202310130 MOSESI SHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202308782 MUSSA MUMBILI The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202309593 MUSTAPHA MUSTAPHA The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202303623 MWANAHAMISI MWINCHUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202304948 MWANAHAWA SHEMHINA The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202308891 NADYA PAZZI The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202303952 NANCY TEMU The applicant has multiple admissions

202 202305470 NASMA MKUYU The applicant has multiple admissions

203 202304316 NASRY LUKINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

204 202312675 NASTA MWAKISAMBWE The applicant has multiple admissions

205 202312243 NEEMA LUKINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

206 202306357 NEEMA MAHIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

207 202304363 NEEMA OMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

208 202311628 NELSON CHAMBEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

209 202304706 NEMENCIA SANKA The applicant has multiple admissions

210 202308189 NICE HOTTI The applicant has multiple admissions

211 202306332 NICELIGAN MBISE The applicant has multiple admissions

212 202306239 NICKSON MUHABI The applicant has multiple admissions

213 202304688 NIMFA WOISO The applicant has multiple admissions

214 202304163 NOAH KAMBEY The applicant has multiple admissions

215 202306273 NORAH MKUMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

216 202309859 NURU MWAMBAPA The applicant has multiple admissions

217 202305842 NUSURA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

218 202307111 ODETHA STEVEN The applicant has multiple admissions

219 202310497 OMAR HEMED The applicant has multiple admissions

220 202307044 OMARI KILO The applicant has multiple admissions

221 202309706 OMARY MUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

222 202304764 OMBEN SAMANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

223 202304080 OSCAR MKALI The applicant has multiple admissions

224 202312059 PASCHAL KILYAMIZI The applicant has multiple admissions

225 202303912 PATRICIA NYAKI The applicant has multiple admissions

226 202311375 PAULINE ENOS The applicant has multiple admissions

227 202310273 PAULO MAGOTH The applicant has multiple admissions

228 202312809 PHILIPO PAUL The applicant has multiple admissions

229 202307673 PILI JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

230 202304527 PIMA SAMSON The applicant has multiple admissions

231 202311904 PRINCESS MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

232 202309089 RACHEL GAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

233 202310122 RAFIA URASSA The applicant has multiple admissions

234 202303808 RAHIM KIPONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

235 202305855 RAHIM MASASI The applicant has multiple admissions

236 202310777 RAHMA HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

237 202303372 RAMADHANI MTOPELA The applicant has multiple admissions

238 202305897 REDEMPTOR RWEZAULA The applicant has multiple admissions

239 202308446 REHEMA KALISA The applicant has multiple admissions

240 202305409 REHEMA MWANGU The applicant has multiple admissions

241 202311567 REHEMA SHABANI The applicant has multiple admissions

242 202305618 REUBEN MKALI The applicant has multiple admissions

243 202306521 RIZIKI SAID The applicant has multiple admissions

244 202309082 ROBIN NJAU The applicant has multiple admissions

245 202305418 RODNEY KISALA The applicant has multiple admissions

246 202308512 ROSEBELL MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

247 202305952 ROZALIA KAYEGA The applicant has multiple admissions

248 202304268 RUTH JOSEPHAT The applicant has multiple admissions

249 202309281 SADA AZIZI The applicant has multiple admissions

250 202306512 SADIKI ISSACK The applicant has multiple admissions

251 202304257 SAFAA MKUBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

252 202305463 SAID SIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

253 202304175 SALAPHINA MWANG'ONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

254 202312109 SALEHE KISYERI The applicant has multiple admissions

255 202304256 SALIM SALIM The applicant has multiple admissions

256 202306915 SALMA MASIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

257 202308342 SALMA SAIDY The applicant has multiple admissions

258 202305872 SAMSON NIKODEM The applicant has multiple admissions

259 202306626 SAMWEL MASANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

260 202310896 SAMWEL SEIPH The applicant has multiple admissions

261 202303915 SARA ARON The applicant has multiple admissions

262 202306171 SARAFINA MWAJOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

263 202304090 SARAH SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

264 202308054 SELEMAN MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

265 202304046 SHABAN BUKUSI The applicant has multiple admissions

266 202303377 SHABAN MVUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

267 202306374 SHADRACK MSOGOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

268 202306601 SHADRACK MWAMBALASWA The applicant has multiple admissions

269 202310528 SHADYA MSINGILI The applicant has multiple admissions

270 202306271 SHARIFA MNG'ONG'O The applicant has multiple admissions

271 202304142 SHARON RUSHANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

272 202309824 SHAUN MSINGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

273 202311436 SHEDRACK KOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

274 202308008 STELA ODIEMO The applicant has multiple admissions

275 202308802 STELLA LWOGA The applicant has multiple admissions

276 202308262 STEPHANO MAYUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

277 202304468 STEVEN MTIKITA The applicant has multiple admissions

278 202303500 SUZANA MSIGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

279 202309572 SWALHIYA HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

280 202310220 TAHIYA ABDI The applicant has multiple admissions

281 202308032 TATU RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

282 202305458 TAYZIN SHABAN The applicant has multiple admissions

283 202303674 THERESIA OTOMAL The applicant has multiple admissions

284 202312006 THOMAS ISMAIL The applicant has multiple admissions

285 202312808 THOMASI CHANG'A The applicant has multiple admissions

286 202307207 TUMAIN HUSSEIN The applicant has multiple admissions

287 202307284 TUMAINI LUBUGO The applicant has multiple admissions

288 202311095 UMMIL-KHEIR FETEH The applicant has multiple admissions

289 202306799 VICENT SAMBARA The applicant has multiple admissions

290 202303548 VICTORIA NGONYANI The applicant has multiple admissions

291 202304486 WARDA RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

292 202304020 WENDO MKUNJILE The applicant has multiple admissions

293 202309309 WITNESS SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

294 202304253 WITNESS TWEVE The applicant has multiple admissions

295 202308290 YAHAYA TUPA The applicant has multiple admissions

296 202304933 YASINI IDRISA The applicant has multiple admissions

297 202305269 YOHANA SICHONE The applicant has multiple admissions

298 202304109 YUNUS ISSA The applicant has multiple admissions

299 202311422 YUSUPH MILEKA The applicant has multiple admissions

300 202308179 ZAINA AMIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

301 202308595 ZAWADI MWAKO The applicant has multiple admissions

302 202305569 ABDY MSHANA The applicant has single admission

303 202307088 ABUBAKAR MSANGI The applicant has single admission
304 202309917 AGATHA MICHAEL The applicant has single admission
305 202312790 AGNESS MASHAGA The applicant has single admission
306 202312399 ALMAS ABEID The applicant has single admission
307 202311106 ANGANILE ELIAH The applicant has single admission
308 202313058 ANNA SANGA The applicant has single admission
309 202307487 ANORD SARIA The applicant has single admission
310 202311523 ASHURA MAKUYA The applicant has single admission
311 202310928 ATHUMANI ATHUMANI The applicant has single admission
312 202311227 AZIZA JUMA The applicant has single admission
313 202311521 BARAKA ALLY The applicant has single admission
314 202309992 BEATRICE MAFITA The applicant has single admission
315 202303488 BLANDINA GODWIN The applicant has single admission
316 202306952 BRIGHTON MAEDA The applicant has single admission
317 202309430 CASTORY MGAYA The applicant has single admission
318 202310391 CHARITY MWORIA The applicant has single admission
319 202309612 CHRISANT MUMBA The applicant has single admission
320 202303478 CLIFF NKANDA The applicant has single admission
321 202308506 DICKSON HYERA The applicant has single admission
322 202311651 EBENEZERI MINJA The applicant has single admission
323 202310249 ELIADI MCHOME The applicant has single admission
324 202307443 ELIZABERT MSUYA The applicant has single admission
325 202305433 EMANUEL THOMAS The applicant has single admission
326 202309475 EMMANUEL MCHAKI The applicant has single admission
327 202310851 ERNESTER MBOYA The applicant has single admission
328 202312208 EUNICE LYAKURWA The applicant has single admission
329 202306081 FADHIL MFANGAVO The applicant has single admission
330 202310647 FATUMA SAAD The applicant has single admission
331 202311100 FELISTER MANYAMA The applicant has single admission
332 202305986 FRANK MAGAYANE The applicant has single admission
333 202303562 FRANK MAGEGELE The applicant has single admission
334 202312605 FRANK MTOBA The applicant has single admission
335 202305500 FROLA MBEGANI The applicant has single admission
336 202307835 FURAHA CHAULA The applicant has single admission
337 202308052 GILBERT NJAU The applicant has single admission
338 202303585 GLORIA MBOYA The applicant has single admission
339 202305972 GLORY MBAGANILE The applicant has single admission
340 202312272 GRACE KADUDU The applicant has single admission
341 202303682 GREYSON MNYINGA The applicant has single admission
342 202305261 GROLIA MALIMA The applicant has single admission
343 202311786 HAPPINESS ANDAMBIKE The applicant has single admission

344 202305958 HAPPYNESS ENDRICK The applicant has single admission

345 202304042 HERNESTINA RUGEMALIRA The applicant has single admission

346 202310520 HIDAYA YUSUFU The applicant has single admission

347 202309348 HUSEIN GEREKU The applicant has single admission
348 202312201 IMANI KONGA The applicant has single admission
349 202308172 IRENE NDITI The applicant has single admission
350 202309349 ISIHAKA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
351 202312270 ISRAELI IBRAHIMU The applicant has single admission
352 202311573 ISSA ISSA The applicant has single admission
353 202306970 JACKLINE MASASAU The applicant has single admission
354 202303318 JASMIN NJUGUMAWE The applicant has single admission
355 202306173 JESCA KAYOLA The applicant has single admission
356 202306843 JOAN PHILBETH The applicant has single admission
357 202312677 JOHARIYYA MSUYA The applicant has single admission
358 202308167 JOHNMARY MUTEMBEI The applicant has single admission
359 202310834 JOJINA KOMBANI The applicant has single admission
360 202308282 JUMA AESHI The applicant has single admission
361 202313064 KELVIN MWASEBA The applicant has single admission
362 202303894 KEMILEMBE MSINGA The applicant has single admission
363 202307691 KHADIJA MWAMPEPO The applicant has single admission
364 202306754 KHALIFA MATHIAS The applicant has single admission
365 202303754 LATIFA ADINAN The applicant has single admission
366 202312297 LILIAN ZAKARIA The applicant has single admission
367 202304991 LUCY MUHUME The applicant has single admission
368 202308090 MARIA MFUNDO The applicant has single admission
369 202312319 MARIAM ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
370 202307453 MARIAM DAUDI The applicant has single admission
371 202310830 MARIAMU SELEMANI The applicant has single admission
372 202303390 MATHEW SIMPANGA The applicant has single admission
373 202311540 MAYASA MAULID The applicant has single admission
374 202309580 MICHAEL MGONDE The applicant has single admission
375 202304395 MOHAMED KHAMIS The applicant has single admission
376 202310080 MUNIRA HASSAN The applicant has single admission
377 202308905 MUSSA HAMAD The applicant has single admission
378 202308407 MUSSA SASA The applicant has single admission
379 202304379 MWANAHAWA CHITANDA The applicant has single admission

380 202310658 NAIMA BWIRE The applicant has single admission

381 202306918 NAOMI MNUNUANJIA The applicant has single admission
382 202304315 NASMA NGONYANI The applicant has single admission
383 202307405 NEEMA MNUNUANJIA The applicant has single admission
384 202311301 NEEMA MSUYA The applicant has single admission
385 202312724 NORMAN NGILANGWA The applicant has single admission
386 202309987 NTIRUNGIKA NTIBAGWE The applicant has single admission
387 202312347 PRAISE NHUGUTI The applicant has single admission
388 202312358 PRECIOUS NEWTON The applicant has single admission
389 202312709 PROSPER PROSPER The applicant has single admission
390 202308703 RAHMA HASANI The applicant has single admission
391 202305837 RAMADHANI MKUNGA The applicant has single admission
392 202305833 RAMADHANI RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission

393 202309294 REHEMA MZUNGU The applicant has single admission

394 202307925 RIZIKI LAIZER The applicant has single admission
395 202310931 ROBERT KIWOPE The applicant has single admission
396 202311788 ROIYA CHRISTOPHER The applicant has single admission
397 202311690 ROSEMARY WITIKE The applicant has single admission
398 202311687 SADA ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
399 202310723 SALOME DEUS The applicant has single admission
400 202310259 SAMRA MHANDO The applicant has single admission
401 202312744 SAMWEL CHACHA The applicant has single admission
402 202307146 SARAH SHAYO The applicant has single admission
403 202305862 SEFU SEFU The applicant has single admission
404 202307304 SELEMANI SELEMANI The applicant has single admission
405 202302843 SEPHANIA ANYOSISYE The applicant has single admission
406 202309768 SHABANI NGALLA The applicant has single admission
407 202304123 SHABANI SHABAN The applicant has single admission
408 202305495 SILVESTER LUSINGO The applicant has single admission
409 202304209 SOPHIA MWANDAMO The applicant has single admission
410 202304664 SOSPETER MALEGESI The applicant has single admission
411 202310666 STANCE MASAWE The applicant has single admission
412 202308672 SYLVESTER MASANZU The applicant has single admission
413 202308586 TAKIA HUSENI The applicant has single admission
414 202303572 TARCISIUS SEKO The applicant has single admission
415 202312660 TATU MATIMBWA The applicant has single admission
416 202305602 TECKLA LUSINGU The applicant has single admission
417 202306943 THOMAS KUSAGA The applicant has single admission
418 202306394 THOMAS NICHOLAUS The applicant has single admission
419 202313063 TOBA SHABAN The applicant has single admission
420 202307045 TOTO MKAMA The applicant has single admission
421 202307712 VAILETH MWAYA The applicant has single admission
422 202306151 VERONICA BENEDICTOR The applicant has single admission

423 202305783 VESTINA MODEST The applicant has single admission

424 202312495 ZAINAB HAMISI The applicant has single admission
425 202308019 ZAITUN MAKOY The applicant has single admission
426 202306584 ZUHURA SULEIMAN The applicant has single admission
427 202310177 ZULFA SHABANI The applicant has single admission

2023/2024 - FIRST ROUND

S/N Admission No Fullname TCU Status

1 202307765 ABDALLAH ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

2 202309738 ABDALLAH MAGIRALI The applicant has multiple admissions

3 202312685 ABDINASRI IDDY The applicant has multiple admissions

4 202306689 ABDUBAKAR MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

5 202308510 ABDULAZIZ KANIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

6 202308679 ABDULRAZACK MESO The applicant has multiple admissions

7 202307254 ABDURAHIM AMRI The applicant has multiple admissions

8 202304353 ABEDI KIVAVA The applicant has multiple admissions

9 202305831 ABELI PANGANI The applicant has multiple admissions

10 202311366 AGATHA YOHANA The applicant has multiple admissions

11 202307910 AIDA FREDRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

12 202308798 AISHA MATAMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

13 202302268 AKIMU SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

14 202306982 AKRIA KIKOTI The applicant has multiple admissions

15 202305388 ALBERT MWANILWA The applicant has multiple admissions

16 202305402 ALEXANDER MSECHU The applicant has multiple admissions

17 202304359 ALFREDA NOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

18 202310011 ALLEN KIBANGALI The applicant has multiple admissions

19 202307105 ALLEN PALLANGYO The applicant has multiple admissions

20 202307909 ALLY MWAYE The applicant has multiple admissions

21 202303908 AMINA MABALA The applicant has multiple admissions

22 202311857 AMINA MOHAMED The applicant has multiple admissions

23 202304957 AMIRI MSAFIRI The applicant has multiple admissions

24 202307211 AMRAN JUMANNE The applicant has multiple admissions

25 202303365 ANASTAZIA MANJONDA The applicant has multiple admissions

26 202306432 ANDREW KISUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

27 202309113 ANGEL RESPIKIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

28 202305398 ANIFA MASANGULA The applicant has multiple admissions

29 202307848 ANNA MAREGESI The applicant has multiple admissions

30 202306859 ANNA MDACHI The applicant has multiple admissions

31 202312512 ANNASTASIA MAYOWA The applicant has multiple admissions

32 202310725 ANUARY MWANYA The applicant has multiple admissions

33 202305801 ANWAR SEIF The applicant has multiple admissions

34 202310202 ARON DANIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

35 202305267 ARSON MKEVELA The applicant has multiple admissions

36 202306399 ASHA HAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

37 202310414 ASHA SALIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

38 202305537 ASHURA KILAGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

39 202303206 ASHURA SWALEH The applicant has multiple admissions

40 202305340 ASIFIWE SEGESELA The applicant has multiple admissions

41 202310838 ASMA KINGWERA The applicant has multiple admissions

42 202305245 ASUMIN MWISHEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

43 202303781 ASUMINI MWAPI The applicant has multiple admissions

44 202313101 AVILA PASTORY The applicant has multiple admissions

45 202308732 AXARODA RUTAZIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

46 202310098 AYUBU KESSY The applicant has multiple admissions

47 202304679 AYUBU NDABAGENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

48 202305459 AZIZA ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

49 202306756 AZIZA MDALAVUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

50 202302530 BAHATI SHARIFU The applicant has multiple admissions

51 202310022 BARAKA HAMISI The applicant has multiple admissions

52 202306713 BASHIRU NGWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

53 202304938 BASIL MHAMILAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

54 202311525 BATAZARY MAHAY The applicant has multiple admissions

55 202307877 BEATRICE AYO The applicant has multiple admissions

56 202309287 BEATRICE LYALI The applicant has multiple admissions

57 202311381 BEATRICE MUNA The applicant has multiple admissions

58 202303470 BELINDA KABUJE The applicant has multiple admissions

59 202307670 BENEDICT SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

60 202303158 BENJAMIN ROY The applicant has multiple admissions

61 202312649 BENSON MMBANDO The applicant has multiple admissions

62 202308731 BILL-GATES ALMASI The applicant has multiple admissions

63 202310620 CAREEN MAKANDI The applicant has multiple admissions

64 202303051 CATHELINE NCHIMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

65 202307692 CATHERINE MFAUME The applicant has multiple admissions

66 202310983 CHAGIYE JONATHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

67 202306485 CHARLES MTAUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

68 202310181 CHEDIEL CHEDIEL The applicant has multiple admissions

69 202307093 CHELSEA KEMILEMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

70 202310399 CHELSEA MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

71 202309787 CHRISTIAN MWANDUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

72 202307370 CHRISTINA BALEGELEJE The applicant has multiple admissions

73 202310046 CHRISTINA MALIFEDHA The applicant has multiple admissions

74 202306082 CLEMENTINA MBEYANJE The applicant has multiple admissions

75 202304390 CONSOLATA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

76 202303222 COSTANTINE SHIRIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

77 202306296 CRISTINA MBINDA The applicant has multiple admissions

78 202307532 CRYTON CHECHE The applicant has multiple admissions

79 202305878 DALIA MTOLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

80 202309643 DANIEL MPAMBALYOTO The applicant has multiple admissions

81 202306425 DANSTAN DENICE The applicant has multiple admissions

82 202309695 DARIUS BATANYITA The applicant has multiple admissions

83 202311060 DAVID YESAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

84 202305288 DEMITRIDA KANOLO The applicant has multiple admissions

85 202304322 DENIS MBALWA The applicant has multiple admissions

86 202304408 DEVOTHA KANIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

87 202307926 DIANA CHAULA The applicant has multiple admissions

88 202305282 DIANA MATERU The applicant has multiple admissions

89 202305956 DIANA MWAMBAPA The applicant has multiple admissions

90 202307422 DIANA PETRO The applicant has multiple admissions

91 202306184 DORA CHUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

92 202310101 DORA MALAMLA The applicant has multiple admissions

93 202306225 DORCAS AKYOO The applicant has multiple admissions

94 202306110 DOREEN LUMATO The applicant has multiple admissions

95 202307458 DORICE CHOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

96 202310740 DORIN MIRWATU The applicant has multiple admissions

97 202303037 DOROTH KOMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

98 202311761 EBERI LAISER The applicant has multiple admissions

99 202306566 EDDA MWAMAKULA The applicant has multiple admissions

100 202310698 EDITHA NYAMWERU The applicant has multiple admissions

101 202303636 EDITHA SHULULU The applicant has multiple admissions

102 202307652 ELFRIDA APOLINARY The applicant has multiple admissions

103 202308763 ELIA KUNAMBI The applicant has multiple admissions

104 202302177 ELIASI BUNDALA The applicant has multiple admissions

105 202311518 ELIZABETH ACKLEY The applicant has multiple admissions

106 202311507 ELIZABETH CHALAMILA The applicant has multiple admissions

107 202308693 ELIZABETH DENIS The applicant has multiple admissions

108 202307935 ELIZABETH JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

109 202306563 ELIZABETH MALIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

110 202305260 ELIZABETH MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

111 202310646 ELIZABETH RIZIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

112 202312015 ELIZABETH RWABUHUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

113 202310836 ELIZABETH SONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

114 202310771 EMANOEL SWAI The applicant has multiple admissions

115 202305206 EMANUEL SUNGI The applicant has multiple admissions

116 202312002 EMMANUEL BULAYI The applicant has multiple admissions

117 202307221 EMSON KISHA The applicant has multiple admissions

118 202303576 ENOCK MIGEZI The applicant has multiple admissions

119 202305728 ERASTO ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

120 202304385 ERNEST DAMIANI The applicant has multiple admissions

121 202308323 ESTER MOKIWA The applicant has multiple admissions

122 202308422 ESTHER KANYONDWI The applicant has multiple admissions

123 202308035 ESTHER KIFENG'ALA The applicant has multiple admissions

124 202309464 ESTHER MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

125 202304086 ESTHER PIUS The applicant has multiple admissions

126 202308726 EVA ROZALIA The applicant has multiple admissions

127 202309680 EVA SENDEU The applicant has multiple admissions

128 202311157 EVALINE SHAMIM The applicant has multiple admissions

129 202307918 EZEKIEL NASSARI The applicant has multiple admissions

130 202307420 EZRA CHANYA The applicant has multiple admissions

131 202310348 FADHILA NTIKAHELA The applicant has multiple admissions

132 202305453 FADHILI SEKIOGWE The applicant has multiple admissions

133 202302711 FARAJA PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

134 202304050 FARAJA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

135 202305354 FARAJI NASORO The applicant has multiple admissions

136 202310770 FARES FARES The applicant has multiple admissions

137 202307202 FARIDI SAKORO The applicant has multiple admissions

138 202309063 FARIS ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

139 202307070 FATUMA IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

140 202311249 FATUMA KOLOA The applicant has multiple admissions

141 202307662 FATUMA MATHIAS The applicant has multiple admissions

142 202307660 FAUSTINI SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

143 202307503 FEDHA MADUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

144 202306767 FEDNAND MANGOSONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

145 202303351 FELISTA OKUNGU The applicant has multiple admissions

146 202303466 FELISTER PATRICK The applicant has multiple admissions

147 202311160 FELIX FABIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

148 202309605 FESTO LIGULUKA The applicant has multiple admissions

149 202310344 FINIAS PETRO The applicant has multiple admissions

150 202306235 FLORASIA OROTA The applicant has multiple admissions

151 202304434 FLORENCE LIKONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

152 202307707 FRANCIS JOACKIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

153 202309520 FRANCIS ROBERT The applicant has multiple admissions

154 202307717 FRANK KAMZOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

155 202310373 FRANK MISINZO The applicant has multiple admissions

156 202311335 FRANSISCA PONERA The applicant has multiple admissions

157 202310045 GASPER YELEJE The applicant has multiple admissions

158 202304037 GASTO GAUDIOZA The applicant has multiple admissions

159 202309492 GEORGIA KIIMBISA The applicant has multiple admissions

160 202309036 GIFT CHAULA The applicant has multiple admissions

161 202310120 GIFT MKALAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

162 202309266 GIFT MWENZEGULE The applicant has multiple admissions

163 202307888 GLADNESS SIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

164 202310394 GLORIA KABAITA The applicant has multiple admissions

165 202311541 GLORIA MHEHE The applicant has multiple admissions

166 202308974 GLORIA THOBIAS The applicant has multiple admissions

167 202309210 GLORY MTEI The applicant has multiple admissions

168 202311852 GLORY MUHENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

169 202312397 GLORY TAIRO The applicant has multiple admissions

170 202304435 GODFREY MIDEGEMO The applicant has multiple admissions

171 202307962 GODFREY MNYAMPALA The applicant has multiple admissions

172 202306686 GODFREY RUKOA The applicant has multiple admissions

173 202303160 GODLIVEN MALLYA The applicant has multiple admissions

174 202305429 GODREST MBWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

175 202311089 GODWIN MAPUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

176 202307036 GORDON SEATON The applicant has multiple admissions

177 202310437 GRACE CHALAMILA The applicant has multiple admissions

178 202307896 HADIJA ATHUMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

179 202312410 HADIJA MDOE The applicant has multiple admissions

180 202310561 HALELUYA KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

181 202306004 HALELUYA MGONJA The applicant has multiple admissions

182 202305425 HALIMA MBONDE The applicant has multiple admissions

183 202307784 HALISA KHATIB The applicant has multiple admissions

184 202308770 HAMADI MAJID The applicant has multiple admissions

185 202307271 HAMIS MUNISI The applicant has multiple admissions

186 202310625 HAMISI KASPAR The applicant has multiple admissions

187 202311150 HANCE KIVENULE The applicant has multiple admissions

188 202309274 HAPPINESS KONDWA The applicant has multiple admissions

189 202310061 HAPPY HAULE The applicant has multiple admissions

190 202308699 HAROON MWANG'AMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

191 202312661 HASSANI HAMISI The applicant has multiple admissions

192 202309621 HAWA ATIKI The applicant has multiple admissions

193 202310255 HEDWIGA WOISSO The applicant has multiple admissions

194 202305121 HENRIC MAHIMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

195 202306179 HILDA JUMA The applicant has multiple admissions

196 202309932 HUSNA HAMISI The applicant has multiple admissions

197 202305648 HUSSEIN KIYOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

198 202305664 HYTHAM IBRAHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

199 202308461 IBRAHIM OMAR The applicant has multiple admissions

200 202303512 IDDI KARIGO The applicant has multiple admissions

201 202309336 IDEFONCE ENOKO The applicant has multiple admissions

202 202306246 INGRIDER MYUMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

203 202305101 INOSENSIA MALIMA The applicant has multiple admissions

204 202313263 IRENE JERICO The applicant has multiple admissions

205 202307140 IRENE MGAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

206 202308304 IRENE MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

207 202304554 IRENE NDAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

208 202305561 ISMAIL MIYOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

209 202307495 IVETHA LEONARD The applicant has multiple admissions

210 202307658 JACKLINE MAPUNDA The applicant has multiple admissions

211 202306392 JACKLINE NSILLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

212 202304998 JACKLINE PASCHAL The applicant has multiple admissions

213 202312105 JACKLINE THOMAS The applicant has multiple admissions

214 202307160 JACKSON MASAGA The applicant has multiple admissions

215 202309286 JAIVEN MPAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

216 202307419 JALIA SIBANDEKEYE The applicant has multiple admissions

217 202311725 JAMES KAAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

218 202302629 JAMES MRAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

219 202304426 JANETH KIMARIO The applicant has multiple admissions

220 202308107 JANETH MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

221 202311030 JANETH MUMBURI The applicant has multiple admissions

222 202306101 JASMINI GUFU The applicant has multiple admissions

223 202311287 JASMINI NURUEL The applicant has multiple admissions

224 202309058 JASMINI NZENGI The applicant has multiple admissions

225 202308313 JAZIRA NTEMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

226 202308036 JENIPHER LYSON The applicant has multiple admissions

227 202311114 JEREMIA KAYAGAMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

228 202310000 JEROME MWALONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

229 202306091 JESCA DAUDI The applicant has multiple admissions

230 202306426 JESCA NNKO The applicant has multiple admissions

231 202307759 JESCA TARIMO The applicant has multiple admissions

232 202304262 JESKA MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

233 202304262 JESKA MBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

234 202306477 JOANITHA CHAMWELA The applicant has multiple admissions

235 202310090 JOEL LIGOLA The applicant has multiple admissions

236 202305527 JOHN MOSES The applicant has multiple admissions

237 202312562 JOHNSON MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

238 202307208 JOSEPH JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

239 202306646 JOSEPHINE MWASANJE The applicant has multiple admissions

240 202304825 JOVAN SANGANA The applicant has multiple admissions

241 202308606 JOYCE KASOMI The applicant has multiple admissions

242 202311292 JOYCE MAKUBI The applicant has multiple admissions

243 202311046 JOYCE MASANJA The applicant has multiple admissions

244 202310682 JOYCE MBUNI The applicant has multiple admissions

245 202306643 JOYCE MBWILE The applicant has multiple admissions

246 202310540 JOZBERT YAGILO The applicant has multiple admissions

247 202310303 JUDITH JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

248 202310654 JULIANA KITUNYA The applicant has multiple admissions

249 202310478 JULIETHA RAYMOND The applicant has multiple admissions

250 202312294 JULIUS MROSSO The applicant has multiple admissions

251 202304555 JUMA HASHIM The applicant has multiple admissions

252 202303791 JUMA KAPANGALA The applicant has multiple admissions

253 202307374 JUMBE JUMBE The applicant has multiple admissions

254 202306074 JUSTINE MWANGOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

255 202309297 KAHAMBA MKAMATE The applicant has multiple admissions

256 202308733 KANDIDA CHIWALANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

257 202305493 KANUTH JOHN The applicant has multiple admissions

258 202305492 KARIMU HOSEA The applicant has multiple admissions

259 202310208 KARIMU KURUNGE The applicant has multiple admissions

260 202308221 KELVIN BATHROMEO The applicant has multiple admissions

261 202306718 KELVIN DAGHAO The applicant has multiple admissions

262 202310839 KENETH LUSAYA The applicant has multiple admissions

263 202309663 KERBINA MSELEWA The applicant has multiple admissions

264 202303547 KHALID HARUNA The applicant has multiple admissions

265 202310142 KHATIB SEIF The applicant has multiple admissions

266 202303325 KUREISH BYOLWEYA The applicant has multiple admissions

267 202305338 KURUTHUMU MBUYU The applicant has multiple admissions

268 202305373 LATIFA GEORGE The applicant has multiple admissions

269 202306334 LATIFA LWENJE The applicant has multiple admissions

270 202305504 LAUREEN MSACKY The applicant has multiple admissions

271 202310256 LETICIA MAKUNDI The applicant has multiple admissions

272 202312745 LILIAN KAKOLANYA The applicant has multiple admissions

273 202311816 LILIAN MOLLEL The applicant has multiple admissions

274 202309424 LINDA MATINGO The applicant has multiple admissions

275 202306502 LUCIA SWEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

276 202310063 LULU RAJAB The applicant has multiple admissions

277 202308838 LUQMAN ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

278 202308211 MAGRETH ISRAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

279 202310513 MAGRETH MICHAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

280 202306516 MAGRETH SHELUKINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

281 202304065 MAGRETH VICTOR The applicant has multiple admissions

282 202311721 MAHIJA NKOMANGO The applicant has multiple admissions

283 202308087 MAISHA LIPOSA The applicant has multiple admissions

284 202308493 MAKSHUFA MUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

285 202310592 MALIKI KIBWANA The applicant has multiple admissions

286 202310862 MANSOUR MPAKO The applicant has multiple admissions

287 202308639 MARCUS MWINGIRA The applicant has multiple admissions

288 202308337 MARIA ILOMO The applicant has multiple admissions

289 202312381 MARIAM NGOTA The applicant has multiple admissions

290 202303612 MARIAM RASHID The applicant has multiple admissions

291 202307279 MARIAM STEPHANO The applicant has multiple admissions

292 202312613 MARIAMU LUGE The applicant has multiple admissions

293 202312390 MARTHA FABIAN The applicant has multiple admissions

294 202307398 MARTHA PETER The applicant has multiple admissions

295 202310605 MARTINA LUAMBANO The applicant has multiple admissions

296 202311542 MARY MAGANYALA The applicant has multiple admissions

297 202309476 MARY MKINDI The applicant has multiple admissions

298 202306046 MARY SHAYO The applicant has multiple admissions

299 202309903 MASHIMBA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

300 202307278 MASUDI SALUMU The applicant has multiple admissions

301 202303595 MATRIDA MWASWALE The applicant has multiple admissions

302 202308872 MAULIDI UKWAME The applicant has multiple admissions

303 202305794 MBONI KANG'ONG'O The applicant has multiple admissions

304 202311042 MILTON URIO The applicant has multiple admissions

305 202310008 MINZA MCHUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

306 202307570 MOHAMEDI TAMIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

307 202309909 MPAPI RAJABU The applicant has multiple admissions

308 202311981 MSUNJU MWANSASU The applicant has multiple admissions

309 202311499 MUHIDINI MWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

310 202311217 MUKSINI MCHEKENJE The applicant has multiple admissions

311 202303624 MUNTAS SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

312 202307704 MUSA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

313 202303341 MUSA MADAHA The applicant has multiple admissions

314 202302462 MWAJUMA MWERYA The applicant has multiple admissions

315 202308216 MWANAHAMIS SHAMIKA The applicant has multiple admissions

316 202312312 MWANAHAMISI MSUMULE The applicant has multiple admissions

317 202311067 MWANAIMA HAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

318 202307445 NAHLA HAROUB The applicant has multiple admissions

319 202311093 NANCY ANDREW The applicant has multiple admissions

320 202310321 NANCY STEVEN The applicant has multiple admissions

321 202304565 NAOMI MASANGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

322 202308001 NASHFAT KIBARI The applicant has multiple admissions

323 202304193 NASRA SELEMANI The applicant has multiple admissions

324 202311866 NATALIA KAPONGA The applicant has multiple admissions

325 202309004 NCHAMBI KADAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

326 202306989 NEEMA MAFOLE The applicant has multiple admissions

327 202305703 NEEMA MBOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

328 202303724 NEEMA MNANKA The applicant has multiple admissions

329 202304134 NEEMA SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

330 202307786 NEEMA SILWIMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

331 202310790 NEHEMIA HANSULI The applicant has multiple admissions

332 202306232 NELI SANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

333 202309332 NGAONIKE MWAMBUGHI The applicant has multiple admissions

334 202310438 NICK KAPILIMKA The applicant has multiple admissions

335 202306433 NICKBERT MWANYAMBASA The applicant has multiple admissions

336 202309833 NOELA LAZARO The applicant has multiple admissions

337 202302969 NOURU AMOUR The applicant has multiple admissions

338 202309587 NURU ABDALLAH The applicant has multiple admissions

339 202305221 ODES GODFREY The applicant has multiple admissions

340 202305610 OMARI MTAPILA The applicant has multiple admissions

341 202311229 OMARI SALIMU The applicant has multiple admissions

342 202311326 OMARY MSINDO The applicant has multiple admissions

343 202307842 OSTINA MGINA The applicant has multiple admissions

344 202308933 OTHMAN HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

345 202306705 OZENIEL SHEIZA The applicant has multiple admissions

346 202307240 PATRICK MASSAWE The applicant has multiple admissions

347 202307526 PEMA MILLINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

348 202304450 PIENSIA JOSEPHAT The applicant has multiple admissions

349 202308809 RACHEL IGNAS The applicant has multiple admissions

350 202308484 RACHEL JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

351 202304951 RACHEL SHONZA The applicant has multiple admissions

352 202306185 RAHEL MAHONA The applicant has multiple admissions

353 202305991 RAHIM RAMADHAN The applicant has multiple admissions

354 202306042 RAHMA BAKARI The applicant has multiple admissions

355 202306731 RAJABU KAJO The applicant has multiple admissions

356 202306174 RAMADHAN MBWAMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

357 202308319 RAMADHANI MWANAHEWA The applicant has multiple admissions

358 202308169 RAMADHANI RAMADHANI The applicant has multiple admissions

359 202308992 RAMADHANI SEKIMBUTE The applicant has multiple admissions

360 202305835 RAPHAEL MOMOYA The applicant has multiple admissions

361 202303378 RAZIA SHOKI The applicant has multiple admissions

362 202308953 REBECA GEAY The applicant has multiple admissions

363 202308349 REDSON MUMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

364 202310398 REGINA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

365 202303834 REGINA NAGARI The applicant has multiple admissions

366 202308500 RESTITUTA KWAYI The applicant has multiple admissions

367 202308894 REUBEN MADARAKA The applicant has multiple admissions

368 202307095 REVOCATUS GHULIKU The applicant has multiple admissions

369 202309828 RICHARD KWAYI The applicant has multiple admissions

370 202304637 RICHARD MSHANA The applicant has multiple admissions

371 202308133 ROBERT MALALO The applicant has multiple admissions

372 202312740 ROISIA ERNEST The applicant has multiple admissions

373 202306064 ROSE LYAMBIKO The applicant has multiple admissions

374 202310093 ROSEMARY MBUYA The applicant has multiple admissions

375 202311864 RUKIA AMRI The applicant has multiple admissions

376 202312554 SABRA SALUM The applicant has multiple admissions

377 202310077 SADAMU MATHEY The applicant has multiple admissions

378 202308717 SADIKI MIRIJI The applicant has multiple admissions

379 202307205 SAFIA KHAMIS The applicant has multiple admissions

380 202306369 SAFIA SALIM The applicant has multiple admissions

381 202308584 SAID HUMUD The applicant has multiple admissions

382 202309355 SAIDI MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

383 202307414 SAIMON COSTANTINE The applicant has multiple admissions

384 202304533 SAIMON SAKU The applicant has multiple admissions

385 202312361 SALMA ALLY The applicant has multiple admissions

386 202307970 SALOME SIRIVESTA The applicant has multiple admissions

387 202305879 SALUM TANDE The applicant has multiple admissions

388 202308499 SALVATORY MHENZI The applicant has multiple admissions

389 202309480 SALVIUS SYLIVESTER The applicant has multiple admissions

390 202308979 SAMSON MBOJE The applicant has multiple admissions

391 202306414 SARA MMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

392 202302973 SARA SHITAEL The applicant has multiple admissions

393 202303871 SARAH KAYOMBO The applicant has multiple admissions

394 202308621 SCHOLASTICA TITO The applicant has multiple admissions

395 202307884 SCOLASTICA MAGOHA The applicant has multiple admissions

396 202312725 SEIF MGANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

397 202306905 SELA OMARY The applicant has multiple admissions

398 202307779 SELEMANI KIMBUNGA The applicant has multiple admissions

399 202302149 SELINA MUYENJWA The applicant has multiple admissions

400 202304324 SHABANI MOSHI The applicant has multiple admissions

401 202312305 SHADRACKI MKWAMA The applicant has multiple admissions

402 202306125 SHARIFA SAIDI The applicant has multiple admissions

403 202309577 SHAZMA KARINGA The applicant has multiple admissions

404 202306822 SHIJA MWIGULU The applicant has multiple admissions

405 202310424 SHOMA MUSOBI The applicant has multiple admissions

406 202305543 SILVESTA LUANDA The applicant has multiple admissions

407 202306015 SIONA LEMBULELE The applicant has multiple admissions

408 202305564 SOPHIA MSUKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

409 202306990 STELLA NTEPA The applicant has multiple admissions

410 202306693 STEPHANO MGEYEKWA The applicant has multiple admissions

411 202303593 STEPHANO MWASAMBILI The applicant has multiple admissions

412 202308513 STEVEN MWIGALAWA The applicant has multiple admissions

413 202306863 SUNDAY DANNY The applicant has multiple admissions

414 202311269 SUSAN MARWA The applicant has multiple admissions

415 202306969 SWABI KIYAO The applicant has multiple admissions

416 202303613 TAUS HASSAN The applicant has multiple admissions

417 202309223 TERESIA AMOS The applicant has multiple admissions

418 202304045 THADEA UISSO The applicant has multiple admissions

419 202311182 THADEI MOSHA The applicant has multiple admissions

420 202306349 TUAMINI MSHIGENI The applicant has multiple admissions

421 202305327 TUNAE MWAKWENDA The applicant has multiple admissions

422 202309918 UPENDO MEVAASHI The applicant has multiple admissions

423 202305802 VANESSA MKISI The applicant has multiple admissions

424 202310641 VENANCE SANGU The applicant has multiple admissions

425 202302372 VERONICA MWARABU The applicant has multiple admissions

426 202306591 VICTOR KABISA The applicant has multiple admissions

427 202310304 VICTORIA LUGONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

428 202308303 VIVIAN ASSENGA The applicant has multiple admissions

429 202312290 WADHIFA MNIPULA The applicant has multiple admissions

430 202309140 WARDA IDDY The applicant has multiple admissions

431 202312366 WENDE MKONGWA The applicant has multiple admissions

432 202303106 WILSON SHOO The applicant has multiple admissions

433 202304093 WINFRIDA LUHUWA The applicant has multiple admissions

434 202307470 WITNESS MWANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

435 202304901 YASINTA NGONYANI The applicant has multiple admissions

436 202310124 YOCKSHILE MWALWIBA The applicant has multiple admissions

437 202308212 YOHANA JOSEPH The applicant has multiple admissions

438 202303959 YUSRA JONGO The applicant has multiple admissions

439 202311216 YUSTINA LUVANGA The applicant has multiple admissions

440 202311634 YUSTO KINYASHI The applicant has multiple admissions

441 202311825 YUSUPH KAWAMBWA The applicant has multiple admissions

442 202306116 YUSUPH SHEBILA The applicant has multiple admissions

443 202311341 YVONE MAHALI The applicant has multiple admissions

444 202306266 ZABRON JEREMIAH The applicant has multiple admissions

445 202305043 ZAITUNI HAIFAI The applicant has multiple admissions

446 202302472 ZAWADI KOMBA The applicant has multiple admissions

447 202311617 ZEFRINE SUMARI The applicant has multiple admissions

448 202307035 ZUHURA MOHAMEDI The applicant has multiple admissions

449 202307004 ABDALAH ABDALA The applicant has single admission

450 202304883 ABDUL-MALIK MASOUD The applicant has single admission
451 202310390 ABDULRAHMAN MADENCHA The applicant has single admission

452 202313006 ADAM VAIDYA The applicant has single admission

453 202306642 ADELA NTENJERA The applicant has single admission
454 202309204 ADELAIDA WENCESLAUS The applicant has single admission

455 202307123 ADVELLA MGIMBA The applicant has single admission

456 202301943 AISHA INGABU The applicant has single admission
457 202309115 ALEX CHATANDA The applicant has single admission
458 202310089 ALFEO MWISONGO The applicant has single admission
459 202303873 ALLY KINDAMBA The applicant has single admission
460 202308605 ALPHONCE MKHANDY The applicant has single admission
461 202313123 ALWINA MABAGA The applicant has single admission
462 202307521 AMANI KASENGE The applicant has single admission
463 202304030 AMINA NGINDE The applicant has single admission
464 202309928 ANGELA SUMARI The applicant has single admission
465 202304879 ANJELUS GAUDENCE The applicant has single admission
466 202305854 ANNA WILLIAM The applicant has single admission
467 202308570 ASHA MAKOYA The applicant has single admission
468 202312996 ATHUMANI JONGO The applicant has single admission
469 202302748 AYOUB MDENYA The applicant has single admission
470 202304087 AZIARA MDOE The applicant has single admission
471 202311895 BARAKA MASIANO The applicant has single admission
472 202307742 BASHIRI AKARO The applicant has single admission
473 202302367 BELINA ZAKAYO The applicant has single admission
474 202311104 BENADETHA TEGETE The applicant has single admission
475 202308026 BENONI LAWI The applicant has single admission
476 202308307 BRIAN BUDAMILIJA The applicant has single admission
477 202311670 CALVIN KIWALE The applicant has single admission
478 202311034 CANDY MAYANI The applicant has single admission
479 202305645 CECILIA YOVIN The applicant has single admission
480 202311281 CHARLES MWAMPAMBA The applicant has single admission

481 202302766 CLARA DENIS The applicant has single admission

482 202303049 CLARA MASSAWE The applicant has single admission
483 202304543 COLLIN RIMISHO The applicant has single admission
484 202306885 COMFORT KIULA The applicant has single admission
485 202309779 CONEE MWENISONGOLE The applicant has single admission

486 202309708 DALILA MRIDO The applicant has single admission

487 202306192 DARDAA RASHID The applicant has single admission
488 202310221 DAVID DAVID The applicant has single admission
489 202307512 DAVID KALINGA The applicant has single admission
490 202309184 DEBORA SILWIMBA The applicant has single admission
491 202306079 DEVOTHA BUHATWA The applicant has single admission
492 202310975 DIANA MASAMI The applicant has single admission
493 202305265 DIGNA MUSHI The applicant has single admission
494 202305054 DOGLAS MASSAE The applicant has single admission
495 202310313 DORCAS JOELY The applicant has single admission
496 202304383 DOREEN BARUSHI The applicant has single admission
497 202308622 DORICE SAMWELI The applicant has single admission
498 202306599 EDSON MUGABO The applicant has single admission
499 202310721 EDWARD HINDAY The applicant has single admission
500 202304367 EINOTH NGUSHWAY The applicant has single admission
501 202306437 ELIA MKISSI The applicant has single admission
502 202307951 ELIDA MTALEMWA The applicant has single admission
503 202307603 ELIZABETH MSELE The applicant has single admission
504 202313167 ELTON KETA The applicant has single admission
505 202307430 EMILIANA MWALUKASA The applicant has single admission
506 202307406 ENOCK RWEZAULA The applicant has single admission
507 202305491 ERICK MAWOLE The applicant has single admission
508 202313213 ERICK PEREUS The applicant has single admission
509 202304905 EUNICE EMMANUEL The applicant has single admission
510 202306880 EUSTELLA ULANGA The applicant has single admission
511 202306547 FADHILI NACHELE The applicant has single admission
512 202308187 FANUNA MKWIZU The applicant has single admission
513 202306561 FATINA MUSHI The applicant has single admission
514 202307771 FATUMA BARAKA The applicant has single admission
515 202304886 FATUMA MOBASA The applicant has single admission
516 202309276 FAUDHIA FUNDI The applicant has single admission
517 202304939 FAUSTINE BARA The applicant has single admission
518 202305529 FESTO ANDREW The applicant has single admission
519 202308430 FIDEA NDUNGURU The applicant has single admission
520 202311821 FLORENCE NINDE The applicant has single admission
521 202312161 FRANCIS NINDIMA The applicant has single admission
522 202305857 FRANCISCA MARIRI The applicant has single admission
523 202305296 FRANK PETER The applicant has single admission
524 202309008 FREDY MKAKALA The applicant has single admission
525 202304907 FURAHA MALLYA The applicant has single admission
526 202303828 GILBERT MKOKA The applicant has single admission
527 202306468 GLORIA SOSPETER The applicant has single admission
528 202310282 GLORY MONGI The applicant has single admission
529 202307622 GOODLUCK KASARA The applicant has single admission
530 202308192 GOODLUCK KATARAIYA The applicant has single admission
531 202312111 GRACE LEMA The applicant has single admission
532 202302829 GRACE MWAGILO The applicant has single admission
533 202312585 GRADINES NDULU The applicant has single admission
534 202308878 HABIBA MCHIKA The applicant has single admission
535 202305832 HABIBA NTUNDAH The applicant has single admission
536 202310339 HAPPINES GIBSON The applicant has single admission
537 202305686 HAPPYNESS NGUNDA The applicant has single admission
538 202309279 HARIDI NANYUNYA The applicant has single admission
539 202307508 HASSAN KITENGWIKE The applicant has single admission
540 202302247 HATIBU MINTANGA The applicant has single admission
541 202303870 HAWA ABUBAKAR The applicant has single admission
542 202310727 HAWA KASIKE The applicant has single admission
543 202305818 HELLEN NDUNGURU The applicant has single admission
544 202308145 HERIETH LAWRENCE The applicant has single admission
545 202306304 HILDA HUKA The applicant has single admission
546 202307560 HILDA MAGANIGANI The applicant has single admission
547 202309496 HOPE CHAO The applicant has single admission
548 202304979 HUSSEIN ALLY The applicant has single admission
549 202311320 IBRAHIM ATHUMAN The applicant has single admission
550 202312658 IMAMU KATUNZI The applicant has single admission
551 202307684 IRENE AMON The applicant has single admission
552 202306146 IRENE BAKAR The applicant has single admission
553 202311262 ISSA MAJALLA The applicant has single admission
554 202308698 JACKIE JOHN The applicant has single admission
555 202312565 JACKLINE FRANK The applicant has single admission
556 202305396 JACOB MWANILWA The applicant has single admission
557 202302370 JAMAL ABDALLAH The applicant has single admission
558 202309045 JAMILA ZEGEGE The applicant has single admission
559 202304463 JASMINI RAJABU The applicant has single admission
560 202312124 JEREMIA MOLLEL The applicant has single admission
561 202306036 JESCA MROSO The applicant has single admission
562 202304267 JESCA MWAJOMBE The applicant has single admission
563 202306442 JESCA NYAKI The applicant has single admission
564 202305567 JESSE MKWIZU The applicant has single admission
565 202304026 JOAN ASSEY The applicant has single admission
566 202311916 JOHA KILANGAI The applicant has single admission
567 202304244 JORDAN SALANJE The applicant has single admission
568 202309280 JOYCE KOMBA The applicant has single admission
569 202302772 JULIUS ALPHONCE The applicant has single admission
570 202307121 KELVIN MINZI The applicant has single admission
571 202310127 KELVIN NAMATE The applicant has single admission
572 202313139 KESIA MOLLA The applicant has single admission
573 202310923 KIZA KANGETA The applicant has single admission
574 202311669 KOKUHABWA BYARUGABA The applicant has single admission

575 202311515 LAMECK CHARLES The applicant has single admission

576 202309009 LATIFA MWALONGO The applicant has single admission
577 202302686 LAURENT MZEE The applicant has single admission
578 202310710 LEAH FABIANI The applicant has single admission
579 202311703 LEILAH OLOTU The applicant has single admission
580 202307632 LENIGLADI LWILA The applicant has single admission
581 202308930 LILIAN RAPHAEL The applicant has single admission
582 202307383 LILIAN SANGA The applicant has single admission
583 202309394 LISA KIGOSI The applicant has single admission
584 202303474 LOVENESS MHAGAMA The applicant has single admission
585 202305404 LOVENESS MUSHI The applicant has single admission
586 202309299 MACHELLA MGEMA The applicant has single admission
587 202306486 MAHMOUD SHAMBE The applicant has single admission
588 202312326 MANGUA KITURA The applicant has single admission
589 202306311 MARIAM MCHUCHURI The applicant has single admission
590 202306464 MARIAM NYONI The applicant has single admission
591 202310309 MARIAMU GILIWA The applicant has single admission
592 202307659 MARIAMU PAULO The applicant has single admission
593 202309156 MARIAMU SHABANI The applicant has single admission
594 202306162 MARTH SINYAGWA The applicant has single admission
595 202310959 MARTIN ANJERO The applicant has single admission
596 202309726 MARYSIANA TUMBELI The applicant has single admission
597 202311329 MATHIAS ZONGWE The applicant has single admission
598 202312888 MATIKO NACKSO The applicant has single admission
599 202304934 MAUREEN NYAKI The applicant has single admission
600 202304915 MESHACK MWAKIBETE The applicant has single admission
601 202307941 METHODIA MAGUBIRA The applicant has single admission
602 202309809 METHUSELA MAJIGE The applicant has single admission
603 202305733 MICHAEL NGOWI The applicant has single admission
604 202311694 MOHAMED MKALI The applicant has single admission
605 202311108 MOHAMEDI NGOSHA The applicant has single admission
606 202303707 MONTANA KAKULWA The applicant has single admission
607 202307307 MOUREEN LAIZER The applicant has single admission
608 202309225 MUZNE MOHAMMED The applicant has single admission
609 202304490 MWAJUMA ISSA The applicant has single admission
610 202302169 NADHIFA ALLY The applicant has single admission
611 202309839 NAFUE RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission
612 202303957 NAIMA OMARY The applicant has single admission
613 202305905 NIKUNDIAEL HOSSEA The applicant has single admission
614 202307598 NUSURA MBWANA The applicant has single admission
615 202306746 OBED KAYULA The applicant has single admission
616 202311972 OLIVIA SALVATORY The applicant has single admission
617 202310064 OMARY ABDUL The applicant has single admission
618 202304629 OMARY KILATU The applicant has single admission
619 202311558 PASKAZIA ELIKANA The applicant has single admission
620 202306780 PATRICK KAHEMELA The applicant has single admission
621 202305038 PATRICK KIPENDA The applicant has single admission
622 202313270 PATRICK MASWAGA The applicant has single admission
623 202308481 PATRICK MWANAKUISHA The applicant has single admission

624 202304329 PAUL SHECHAMBO The applicant has single admission

625 202307809 PAULO MBOTA The applicant has single admission
626 202303637 PETER MTUKA The applicant has single admission
627 202305204 PHINNAH MAJENGO The applicant has single admission
628 202307256 PILI HAMISI The applicant has single admission
629 202311992 PREVAIL LUSOHOKA The applicant has single admission
630 202312384 PRINCE MAGESA The applicant has single admission
631 202313197 PRISCUS MOSHI The applicant has single admission
632 202307465 QUEEN GERVAZI The applicant has single admission
633 202309361 RAHABU KAYANGE The applicant has single admission
634 202308532 RAHEL MKWIGA The applicant has single admission
635 202304296 RAHIMU MAULIDI The applicant has single admission
636 202308065 RAHMA HAMADI The applicant has single admission
637 202311692 RASHIDI NAMTEJE The applicant has single admission
638 202304738 RAZACK RASHIDI The applicant has single admission
639 202312018 REHEMA MSHANA The applicant has single admission
640 202309993 RODRICK NAMAHALA The applicant has single admission
641 202306183 RUKIA MWAIHOJO The applicant has single admission
642 202313196 RUKIA OMARI The applicant has single admission
643 202304493 SABINA FUNGO The applicant has single admission
644 202311794 SADA KISENGA The applicant has single admission
645 202310055 SADIKI MTAITA The applicant has single admission
646 202303711 SADOCK PAULO The applicant has single admission
647 202303696 SAIDI JAMES The applicant has single admission
648 202310189 SAIDI SAIDI The applicant has single admission
649 202306890 SAILAT ATHUMAN The applicant has single admission
650 202309090 SALATH MRISHID The applicant has single admission
651 202307367 SALMA EZEKIEL The applicant has single admission
652 202310004 SALMA SHAM The applicant has single admission
653 202312603 SALMINI NANDONDE The applicant has single admission
654 202304496 SALOME PHILIPO The applicant has single admission
655 202310107 SALOME SARAMBA The applicant has single admission
656 202303353 SALUMU HAMSINI The applicant has single admission
657 202313099 SAMIRA RAMADHANI The applicant has single admission
658 202302196 SANDE WANNAH The applicant has single admission
659 202308387 SARAFINA MALEKELA The applicant has single admission
660 202308195 SARAH BIGAX The applicant has single admission
661 202313151 SARAH BUSHIZE The applicant has single admission
662 202311543 SAVERA RWEYEMAHO The applicant has single admission
663 202309211 SHABANI IDDI The applicant has single admission
664 202305918 SHARIFA KITENGA The applicant has single admission
665 202304078 SIKUJUA MWERONDO The applicant has single admission
666 202313163 SITTY SEWE The applicant has single admission
667 202309635 SIYUTI MAKANJILA The applicant has single admission
668 202313333 SOPHIA NKWABI The applicant has single admission
669 202309132 SOZIE ONAI The applicant has single admission
670 202309661 SULEIMAN AHMED The applicant has single admission
671 202304553 TAMALI SOJO The applicant has single admission
672 202306957 TAUHIDA SENGERU The applicant has single admission
673 202306684 TECLA JACKSON The applicant has single admission
674 202310795 TERESIA COSMAS The applicant has single admission
675 202309015 TERRY CHOROBI The applicant has single admission
676 202311545 THAMRAT MBAROUK The applicant has single admission
677 202306310 TIMOTHEO SIMONI The applicant has single admission
678 202308986 TUMAIN NYONDO The applicant has single admission
679 202313218 TWAHA ATHUMAN The applicant has single admission
680 202313310 URSILLAH HOZA The applicant has single admission
681 202309380 VALENTINA TEMU The applicant has single admission
682 202312237 VASCO SYABO The applicant has single admission
683 202305860 VICKY MOLLEL The applicant has single admission
684 202306041 VICTORIA JOSEPH The applicant has single admission
685 202310941 VINCENT CACHEPA The applicant has single admission
686 202311717 VUMILIA LUTONJA The applicant has single admission
687 202308104 WARDA MSALABA The applicant has single admission
688 202313068 WILIAM BALTAZARI The applicant has single admission
689 202311361 WINSLET MWACHA The applicant has single admission
690 202307965 WITNESS YOHANA The applicant has single admission
691 202308664 YASSIN AMIRI The applicant has single admission
692 202303137 YAZIDU MFAUME The applicant has single admission
693 202303265 YUSUPH ABONGA The applicant has single admission
694 202311779 YUSUPH CHANDE The applicant has single admission
695 202305290 ZAITUNI MKAHALYUSI The applicant has single admission
696 202308638 ZAWADI SAGUTI The applicant has single admission
697 202310961 ZEPHANIA BANKIMBAGA The applicant has single admission

698 202310292 ZERA MUSSA The applicant has single admission

699 202312060 ZUBEDA PETER The applicant has single admission
700 202306900 ZUBEDA SIMBA The applicant has single admission
701 202312477 ZULEHA KIUMBO The applicant has single admission
702 202312563 ZUWENA SELEMANI The applicant has single admission

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