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Test Bank for I Never Knew I Had A Choice Explorations in

Personal Growth 10th Edition Corey 1285067681

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1. The following is not a characteristic of an autonomous person:

a. ability to function only with constant approval and reassurance.
b. sensitivity to the needs of others.
c. mature independence and interdependence.
d. ability to effectively meet the demands of daily living.

ANS: A PG: 38

2. The term autonomy refers to

a. the need for privacy.
b. mature independence and interdependence.
c. being totally independent.
d. an unconscious psychological process of letting go of the need for approval from others.

ANS: B PG: 38

3. Freud developed a model for understanding early development based on . a.

psychosocial factors.
b. unconscious psychological processes.
c. individuation and differentiation.
d. maturation.
ANS: B PG: 39

4. A concept of Erikson’s theory of personality development is that

a. psychosexual and psychosocial growth occur separately.
b. human development occurs over the entire life span.
c. crises need not be resolved at each stage.
d. the id is the life force of human development.

ANS: B PG: 39

5. Erikson’s psychosocial theory stresses the

a. integration of the biological, psychological, and social aspects of development.
b. necessity of meeting one’s lower needs, in order to move towards self-actualization.
c. resolution of psychosexual conflicts.
d. integration of self-concept with the ideal self.

ANS: A PG: 39

6. The self-in-context perspective takes into account as being central to the course of
development throughout the life cycle. a. race
b. culture and ethnicity
c. gender
d. all of the above
ANS: D PG: 39
7. The feminist perspective on development is
a. strongly supportive of Erikson’s focus on the individual.
b. critical of Erikson’s focus on the individual.
c. critical of the Freudian psychoanalytic approach.
d. critical both of Erikson’s focus on the individual and the Freudian psychoanalytic approach.

ANS: D PG: 40

8. From the self-in-context view, is a time of finding one’s own voice and beginning to
developing a sense of autonomy. a. infancy
b. early childhood
c. middle childhood
d. pubescence

ANS: D PG: 42

9. According to Erikson, the core struggle during infancy is

a. self-reliance vs. doubt.
b. initiative vs. guilt.
c. trust vs. mistrust.
d. industry vs. guilt.

ANS: C PG: 42
10. Children who do not develop secure attachments in infancy
a. will not be able to develop a positive self-image in adulthood and will have dysfunctional
b. will be able to develop a positive self-image in adulthood and develop healthy relationships
c. may still develop a positive self-image and healthy relationships, especially if they have access
to social support and find a mentor during childhood
d. will have plenty of time to develop secure attachments before they are affected in any way

ANS: C PG: 45

11. From the self-in-context view, is a time for developing emotional competence, which
involves being able to delay gratification. a. infancy
b. early childhood
c. middle childhood
d. pubescence

ANS: B PG: 47

12. From the self-in-context view, is a period of searching for an identity, continuing to find
one’s voice, and balancing caring of self with caring about others. a. middle age
b. adolescence
c. middle childhood
d. pubescence
ANS: B PG: 42

13. Barbara wants to be the “perfect mother.” She tends to be overprotective, doing things for her 3-
yearold daughter that the child can very well do for herself. According to Erikson, although Barbara
thinks she is being an effective parent, her daughter is likely to develop a sense of a. shame and
doubt about her capabilities.
b. guilt over her inadequacies.
c. low self-esteem.
d. right and wrong.

ANS: A PG: 41

14. From the self-in-context view, is a time for increasing one’s understanding of one’s self in
terms of gender, race, culture, and abilities, as well as a time for developing empathy. a. pubescence
b. early adulthood
c. middle childhood
d. adolescence

ANS: C PG: 41

15. Parents who squelch any emerging individuality and who do too much for their children are
indirectly saying
a. “Let us do this for you, because you’re too clumsy, too slow, or too inept to do things for
b. “You are so special to us that we will do everything for you.”
c. “If you make mistakes, you will feel bad about yourself, so we will help you establish a healthy
dependency on us.”
d. “We will do for you what you can’t do for yourself, so you won’t have to feel failure.”

ANS: A PG: 47

16. According to Erikson, during the preschool years children will

a. initiate many of their own activities.
b. widen their circle of significant persons.
c. identify with their own gender.
d. increase their capacity to understand and use language.
e. all of these

ANS: E PG: 47

17. According to Erikson, the conflict that characterizes the preschool years is a. initiative vs. guilt.
b. autonomy vs. shame and doubt.
c. industry vs. inferiority.
d. trust vs. mistrust.

ANS: A PG: 47

18. Attachment theory is an extension of

a. cognitive behavioral theory
b. gestalt theory
c. psychoanalysis
d. existentialism

ANS: C PG: 43

19. Annie feels incompetent in many areas of her life. She is fearful of being seen as foolish, so she
seldom initiates any action. During her preschool years, many of her actions were ridiculed by family
members and she ultimately withdrew from taking an active stance. According to Erikson, Annie
failed to overcome the barriers associated with the following stage of development: a. trust vs.
b. autonomy vs. shame and doubt.
c. industry vs. inferiority
d. initiative vs. guilt

ANS: D PG: 47

20. According to Erikson, a child of preschool age who is unduly restricted or whose choices are
ridiculed tends to experience
a. an inability to know right from wrong.
b. a sense of guilt, that will ultimately lead to a withdrawal from taking an active stance. c. a
rebellious nature.
d. difficulty being empathic with playmates.

ANS: B PG: 47

21. From the self-in-context view, is the period that is characterized by major physical,
psychological, and sexual changes; it is also a time of expanded sense of self in relation to peers,
family, and community. a. middle childhood
b. late childhood
c. pubescence
d. adolescence

ANS: C PG: 42

22. Jared recently made the decision to enter nursing school. Upon informing his parents of his decision,
his father replied, “Why go into nursing? You should become a doctor.” This statement reflects a.
gender bias
b. good judgment
c. gender equality
d. the feminist perspective

ANS: A PG: 40

23. Feminist therapists view the early adolescent period as one of

a. expanding relationships with parents.
b. “getting rid” of parents.
c. keeping most relationships stable.
d. great rebellion against all parental values.
ANS: A PG: 62

24. If, during the first six years of our lives, we reached faulty conclusions based on our life experience,
we are likely to
a. challenge them as we realize that they are faulty.
b. change them during adolescence.
c. ignore them in order to function effectively.
d. still be operating on the basis of those conclusions.

ANS: D PG: 51

25. Which of the following parenting styles outlined by Diana Baumrind is associated with the most
positive behavioral traits in childhood development? a. authoritarian
b. authoritative
c. permissive
d. neglectful

ANS: B PG: 50
Another document from that is
random and unrelated content:
those that had uniforms put them on, especially the commandant of the
advanced guard. Picks and shovels were put up—Generals halted and
collected their staffs, and in they went in grand procession—evidently
endeavoring to create the impression that they had marched in this way
all the way—the few regular officers along laughing enough to kill
General [John A.] Quitman came out to meet General Patterson—but old
Zach [Taylor], who arrived with his regulars about an hour before we
did, stayed at home like a sensible man.[22] We made fools of ourselves
(not we either, for I was laughing like a wise man all the time) by riding
through the streets to General Quitman’s quarters where we had wine
and fruit. Then we rode down to the camp ground—a miserable stony
field—we in one corner of it, the “Continental Army” all over the rest of
it. We at last got settled. About dark started over to General Taylor’s
camp. Before I had gone 200 yards I met the very person I was going to
see—need not say how glad I was to meet him after a two months
This reminds me that when at Matamoros—a day or two before we
started on the march—we received the news of poor Norton’s death. I
had written a letter to him the day before which was in my portfolio
when I heard of his death. The noble fellow met his death on board the
Atlantic, which was lost in Long Island Sound near New London on the
27th November 1846. Captain Cullum and Lieutenant C. S. Stewart were
both on board, and both escaped. Norton exerted himself to the last to
save the helpless women and children around him—but in accordance
with the strange presentiment that had been hanging over him for some
time, he lost his own life. He was buried at West Point—which will seem
to me a different place without him.
One night when at Victoria I was returning from General Taylor’s camp
and was halted about 150 yards from our Company by a Volunteer
sentinel. As I had not the countersign I told him who I was. He said I
should not go by him. I told him “Confound you I wont stay out here all
night.” Said he “You had no business to go out of camp.” Said I “Stop
talking, you scoundrel, and call the Corporal of the Guard.”—“I ain’t got
no orders to call for the Corporal and wont do it—you may, though, if
you want.” “What’s the number of your post?” “Dont know.” “Where’s
the Guard tent?” “Dont know.”—As I was debating whether to make a
rush for it, or to seek some softer hearted specimen of patriotism, another
sentinel called out to me “Come this way, Sir!”—It appeared that the
first fellow’s post extended to one side of the road, and the last one’s met
it there.—“Come this way, Sir” said he, “Just pass around this bush and
go in.” “Hurrah for you” said I, “you’re a trump, and that other fellow is
a good for nothing blaguard.”
Left Victoria January 13th and arrived at Tampico on the 23rd.
Wednesday January 13th. From Victoria to Santa Rosa four leagues.
Road not very hilly, but had to be cut through thick brush; two very bad
wet arroyos [gulches] were bridged. Santa Rosa a miserable ranche—
could only get a half dozen eggs and a little pig in the whole concern—
good water in the stream.
[January] 14th. Started before daylight and before going 200 yards we
landed in a lake—the road, or path, passed directly through it, and during
the rest of the day it was necessary to cut the road through thick brush—
no cart had ever been there before. Bridged two wet arroyos and
encamped about sunset by a little stream. Just as enough water had been
procured the stream was turned off—probably by the Mexicans. We had
a stampede this day. Rode on about six miles with the guide. Country a
perfect wilderness—not a ranche between Santa Rosa and Fordleone.
[January] 15th. Started early, road cut through a mesquit[e] forest, many
gullies, two bad arroyos before reaching El Pastor. Here General
Twiggs[23] caught us, about 11 A. M., army encamped, but we went on. I
worked the road for about five miles, and started back at 4 [o’clock].
Smith and Guy de L....[24] rode on about ten miles. Road better but very
stony. “Couldn’t come the cactus” over Guy de L.... this day. He (G. de
L.) shot five partridges at a shot which made us a fine supper.
[January] 16th. Reveillé at 3—started at 4—arrived at end of preceding
day’s work just at daybreak. Road very stony in many places—swore
like a trooper all day—arrived at Arroyo Albaquila about 11 [A. M.].
Twiggs came up and helped us wonderfully by his swearing—got over in
good time—cussed our way over another mile and a half—then
encamped by the same stream—water very good.
[January] 17th. Started before daybreak—road quite good—prairie land
—arrived at Fordleone or Ferlón at about half after ten. Fine large stream
of excellent water—good ford—gravelly bottom—gentle banks. 11
[January] 18th. Reveillé at 3. Started long before daybreak—eyes almost
whipped out of my head in the dark by the branches. Crossed the Rio
Persas again at a quarter before seven—road rather stony in some places,
but generally good. Great many palmetto trees—beautiful level country,
covered with palmettos and cattle. “Struck” a bottle of aguardiente, or
sugar cane rum. Made a fine lunch out of cold chicken and rum toddy—
had another toddy when we arrived at our journey’s end. Water from a
stream, but bad.... Rode on about three miles and found the road pretty
[January] 19th. On comparing notes at reveillé found that the rum and
polonay had made us all sick.[25] Started at 5, road pretty good. Much
open land, fine pasture—great deal of cattle. Reached Alamitos at about
9 A. M.—fine hacienda [farm]—good water, in a stream. Had a bottle of
champagne for lunch—thanks to General Smith. From this place to
Tampico, the principal labor consisted in making a practicable wagon
road across the numerous arroyos—most of them dry at the time we
passed: the banks very steep. Altamira is a pretty little town, one march
from Tampico. The road between them passes through a very
magnificent forest of live oaks. We encamped three miles from Tampico
for about four days, and then moved into quarters in the town—the
quarters so well known as “The Bullhead Tavarn.”
Tampico is a delightful place[26]—we passed a very pleasant time there,
and left it with regret. We found the Artillery regiments encamped
around the city. Many of the officers came out to meet us near Altamira.
Champagne suppers were the order of the day (night I should say) for a
long time. From Victoria to Tampico we were detached with Guy
Henry’s company of the 3rd—and Gantt’s of the 7th—Henry messed
with us. When within about four days march of Tampico we saw in front
of us Mount Bernal, which is shaped like a splendid dome.
We left Tampico[27] at daylight on the 24th February [1847] on board a
little schooner called the Orator—a fast sailer, but with very inferior
accommodations. I really felt sorry to leave the old “Bullhead Tavarn”
where I had passed so many pleasant moments. The view of the fine city
of Tampico as we sailed down the river was beautiful. Its delightful
rides, its beautiful rivers, its lagoons and pleasant Café will ever be
present to my mind. Some of the happiest hours of my life were passed
in this same city—Santa Anna de Tamaulipas.
On arriving at Lobos[28] we found that we had arrived a day in advance
of the “Army of the Rhine,” which had started a day before us. Lobos is
a small island formed by a coral reef—about 18 or 20 miles from the
shore, forming under its lee a safe but not very pleasant anchorage. I
went on shore but found nothing remarkable. Some 60 vessels were there
when we started. At last the order was given to sail for Point Anton
Lizardo. We sailed next but one after the generals and arrived before any
of them except Twiggs. We ran on the reef under the lee of Salmadina
Island, were immediately taken off by the navy boats which put us on
shore where we were very kindly received by the Rocketeers. It was a
great relief to get rid of that confounded red and white flag—“send a
boat with an officer”—and the disagreeable duty of reporting to the
‘Generál en Géfe’ every morning. A French sailor of the Orator
undertook to pilot us and carried us on a reef of what he called
Sacrificios[29] but what turned out to be Anton Lizardo.
On the morning of the 9th of March we were removed from the Orator to
the steamer Edith, and after three or four hours spent in transferring the
troops to the vessels of war and steamers, we got under weigh and sailed
for Sacrificios. At half past one we were in full view of the town [Vera
Cruz] and castle, with which we soon were to be very intimately
Shortly after anchoring the preparations for landing commenced, and the
1st (Worth’s)[30] Brigade was formed in tow of the “Princeton” in two
long lines of surf boats—bayonets fixed and colors flying. At last all was
ready, but just before the order was given to cast off a shot whistled over
our heads. “Here it comes” thought everybody, “now we will catch it.”
When the order was given the boats cast off and forming in three parallel
lines pulled for the shore, not a word was said—everyone expected to
hear and feel their batteries open every instant. Still we pulled on and on
—until at last when the first boats struck the shore those behind, in the
fleet, raised that same cheer which has echoed on all our battlefields—
we took it up and such cheering I never expect to hear again—except on
the field of battle.
Without waiting for the boats to strike the men jumped in up to their
middles in the water and the battalions formed on their colors in an
instant—our company was the right of the reserve under [Lieut.-]
Colonel Belton. Our company and the 3rd Artillery ascended the sand
hills and saw—nothing. We slept in the sand—wet to the middle. In the
middle of the night we were awakened by musketry—a skirmish
between some pickets. The next morning we were sent to unload and
reload the “red iron boat”—after which we resumed our position and
took our place in the line of investment. Before we commenced the
investment, the whole army was drawn up on the beach. We took up our
position on a line of sand hills about two miles from the town. The
Mexicans amused themselves by firing shot and shells at us—all of
which (with one exception) fell short.
The sun was most intensely hot, and there was not a particle of
vegetation on the sand hills which we occupied. Captain Swift found
himself unable to stand it, and at about half past twelve gave up the
command to G. W. Smith and went on board the “Massachusetts” that
same afternoon. He did not resume the command, but returned to the
United States. He died in New Orleans on the 24th of April.
About one we were ordered to open a road to Malibran (a ruined
monastery at the head of the lagoon). The Mohawks had been
skirmishing around there, but, as I was afterward informed by some of
their officers, that they fired more on each other than on the Mexicans.
After cutting the road to Malibran we continued it as far as the railroad—
a party of Volunteers doing the work and some 25 of our men acting as a
guard. When we arrived at the railroad, we found it and the chaparral
occupied by the Mexicans. Our men had a skirmish with them—charged
the chaparral and drove them out of it.
We returned to Malibran and bivouacked on the wet grass without fires
—hardly anything to eat—wet and cold. Got up in the morning and
resumed our work on the road—from the railroad to the “high bare sand
hill”—occupied by the Pennsylvanians the night before. The work was
very tedious, tiresome and difficult—the hill very high and steep—and
the work not at all facilitated by the shells and shot that continually fell
all around us. At last we cut our way to the summit—tired to death. A M
—— rifleman was killed this morning by a 24 pound shot—on top of the
hill. Lieutenant Colonel Dickenson and some few Volunteers were
wounded by escopette[31] balls.
I was sent up in the morning to find the best path for our road and just as
I got up to the top of the hill the bullets commenced whistling like hail
around me. Some Lancers[32] were firing at the Volunteers—who were
very much confused and did not behave well. Taylor’s Battery and the
rest of Twiggs’s Division moved over the hill towards their position on
the left of the line. Worth’s Division (or Brigade as it was then called)
occupied the right of the investment, the Mohawks under Patterson the
centre, and Twiggs the left. After resting our men at Malibran, we moved
back to our old position with the 3rd Artillery, where we bivouacked.
I had observed on the preceding day the position of the aqueduct
supplying the city with water. I told Lieutenant Beauregard[33] next
morning what I had seen. He reported it to Colonel [Joseph G.] Totten
[Chief of Engineers] and Smith and myself were ordered to cut off the
water, Foster remaining at home. We took a party, cut off the water,
Smith exploded a humbug of Gid Pillow’s and we started on a
reconnoitring expedition of our own. I stopped to kill a “slow deer” and
Smith went on. I then followed him with three men and overtook him a
little this side of the cemetery. We went on to within 900 yards of the city
and at least a mile and a half in advance of the line of investment—
ascertained the general formation of the ground and where to
reconnoitre. We returned after dark, Foster much troubled as to what had
become of us. It was upon reporting to Colonel Totten on this night
(12th) that he said that I and G. W. [Smith] were the only officers who
had as yet given him any information of value—that we had done more
than all the rest, etc., etc. All forgotten with the words as they left his
mouth—vide his official report of the siege. G. W. and myself will never
forget how we passed this blessed night—(new fashioned dance).
On the next day Foster was sent after our baggage and camp equipage. I
was ordered to move the company and pitch the tents on a spot on the
extreme right. Smith went out with Major [John L.] Smith to where we
had been the night before, but went no further toward the city than we
had been.
[March 14th]. The next day Foster was detailed to assist Major Smith
and Beauregard in measuring a base line etc. on the sand hills. G. W. and
myself went to the lime kiln in the morning, where we saw Captain [John
R.] Vinton, Van Vliet, Laing, Rodgers and Wilcox (Cadmus)—took a
good look at the town and its defences—and determined to go along the
ridge by the cemetery that night and to go nearer the city. While at the
lime kiln an order was received from General Worth informing Captain
Vinton that the enemy’s picquets would be driven in that day and that he
(Captain Vinton) must not attempt to support them—as there were strong
We returned to camp, got our dinner and started again—being a little
fearful that our picquets would be so far advanced as to interfere with
our operations. But we found them about 150 yards in advance of the
line of investment, stooping, whispering, and acting as if they expected
to be fired upon every moment—whilst we had been a mile and a half in
advance of their position with a dozen men. They were at first disposed
to dissuade us from going on—as being too dangerous etc. We went on
though, accompanied by Captain Walker of the 6th. The Captain left us
before we got to the cemetery. I took one man (Sergeant Starr) and went
down to reconnoitre it—in order to ascertain whether it was occupied by
the enemy, whilst G. W. [Smith] went on to examine a hill which
covered the valley from Santiago and the Castle to some extent. I went
down to the cemetery (finding a good road) went around it and got in it
—satisfying myself that it was not occupied. I rejoined G. W. and
together we went on very near the town. We returned late, being the only
officers of any corps who had gone as far as, much less beyond the
[March] 15th. The next day we were ordered to cut an infantry road as
far as the cemetery. We found that one had been cut before we got out by
Captain Johnson as far as the old grave yard. We cut one completely
concealed from view from there to the hollow immediately opposite the
cemetery. Captain Walker’s company was behind the cemetery. Whilst
there one of his sentinels reported the approach of some Lancers. They
stopped at a house about 30 yards from the other side of the cemetery—
and came no farther. On the strength of the approach of these 15 or 20
Lancers a report got back to camp that the advanced picquets had been
attacked by a strong force of Mexicans—so on our return we met nearly
the whole division marching out to drive them back—litters for the “to
be wounded” and all. It was a glorious stampede—well worthy of Bold
Billy Jenkins.
[March] 16th. The next day we went out [and] met Major Scott who
went with G. W. to [the] position afterward occupied by the six gun
battery—whilst I had a hole made through the cemetery wall and broke
into the chapel—hoping to be able to reach the dome, and ascertain from
that place the direction of the streets. I could not—we rather—get up to
the dome, so we left the cemetery, determining to push on toward the
town. G. W. found a very fine position for a battery about 450 yards from
Santiago and enfilading the principal street. We met Colonel Totten and
Captain [R. E.] Lee[34]—showed them the place—they were very much
pleased with it.
We came out with the Company (Captain Lee, Smith, Foster and myself)
that evening, arrived at the place after dark, and Captain Lee, Smith and
Foster went in to lay out a battery—leaving me, in command of the
Company, in the road. When on our return we were passing by the old
grave yard a sharp fire of musketry commenced—one of our pickets had
been fired upon.
The next day (17th) we cut a path to the position of this battery (in
perspective). As we returned they discovered us and opened a fire of 24
pound shot upon us which enfiladed our path beautifully. They fired too
high and hit no one. We reached at length a sheltered position where we
remained until the firing ceased—the balls striking one side of the hill—
we being snugly ensconced on the other.
On the next day (18th) the position of the batteries was definitely fixed.
In the afternoon I was ordered by Colonel Totten to arrange at the
Engineers’ Depot (on the beach) tools for a working party of 200 men—
and be ready to conduct it as soon as it was dark to the proper position.
The working party (3rd Artillery, Marines, and 5th Infantry—all under
Colonel Belton) did not arrive until long after dark—and it was quite late
when we arrived at the position for the batteries. I was placed in charge
of Mortar Battery No. 1—G. W. in charge of No. 2—a parallel was also
made across the little valley. Each of these batteries was for three
mortars. No. 1 was formed by cutting away the side of a hill, so that we
had merely to form the epaulments[35] and bring the terreplein[36] down
to the proper level—the hill sheltering us from the direct fire of the
Castle and Santiago. So also with No. 2—which was made in the gorge
where the road to the cemetery crossed the ridge on left of valley.
The tools for [the] working party were arranged on the beach in parallel
rows of tools for 20 men each and about four feet apart, so that they
might take up the least possible space. Each man was provided with a
shovel and either a pick, axe, or hatchets (about 140 picks and mattocks).
The party was conducted in one rank, by the right flank. The men were
well covered by daylight.
[March] 19th. Mason, Foster, and I think [I. I.] Stevens, relieved Captain
Lee, Beauregard, Smith and myself at 3 A. M. During the day they
continued the excavation of the two batteries and the short parallel across
the valley. The enemy kept up a hot fire during the forenoon but injured
no one. During the evening of this day Smith laid out and commenced
the parallel leading from No. 1 to the position afterward occupied by the
24 pounder battery. The work was difficult on account of the denseness
of the chaparral and the small number of workmen. The parapet was
made shot proof (or sufficiently so to answer the purpose of covering the
morning relief) by daybreak. The enemy fired grape etc. for a short time,
but not sufficiently well aimed or long enough kept up to impede the
progress of the work. The battery known as the Naval Battery was
commenced on this same night. The enemy were kept in entire ignorance
of the construction of this battery until the very night before it opened,
and then they only discovered that something was being done there—
they did not know what. The Mexican Chief Engineer told Colonel
Totten of this fact after the capitulation.
[March] 20th. The construction of the parallel and of the mortar batteries
Nos. 1 and 2 was carried on during this day. By 3 P. M., when Mason
and myself went out there—the parallel was finished—the excavation of
the two batteries completed—the sandbag traverses in No. 2 finished—
those in No. 1 very nearly so. We were to lay out and excavate the
positions for the two magazines of each battery, to commence Mortar
Battery No. 3 (for four mortars), lay the platforms and place the
magazine frames—which were to be brought out at night fall. By the
direction of Mason, I had the positions of the magazines prepared and
laid out before dark. Colonel Totten came out and directed me to lay out
No. 3. I also laid out the boyau[37] leading from 1 to 2. Mason took
charge of the magazines 1 and 2 and directed me to take charge of No. 3.
I employed four sets of men on the battery at the same time—one set
throwing the earth from the rear of the parallel upon the berm[38]—a
second on the berm disposing of this earth thrown on the berm—a third
set working at the rear of the battery, excavating toward the front, these
threw the earth so as to form slight epaulments, and in rear. A fourth set
were employed in making the excavations for the magazines. A very
violent Norther arose which obliged me to employ the first and second
sets in front of the battery—they excavating a ditch.
At daylight the parapet was shot proof and the battery required about one
hour’s digging to finish it. Owing to some mistake the platforms and
magazine frames did not arrive until very late and but little progress was
made as far as they were concerned. Had they arrived in time all three
batteries could have opened on the afternoon of the 21st. The
construction of the battery on the left of the railroad [was] still
progressing. They fired rockets etc. at us during the early part of the
[March] 21st. During this day not very much was done—some progress
was made with the six gun battery—magazines, platforms, etc.
[March] 22nd. Not being aware of a change in the detail I went out at 3
A. M. Found the magazines of No. 2 finished, the small magazines of
No. 1 the same. Took charge of large magazine of No. 1—whilst Mason
was engaged with those of No. 3. About 8 [o’clock] was informed of
change of detail, went to camp and was requested by Colonel Totten to
go out to the trenches “extra” and give all the assistance in my power,
since the General wished to send in a summons to the town at 2 P. M.
and open upon them if they refused to surrender. I went out and was
chiefly occupied during the day in covering the magazine of No. 1 with
earth. This was done under fire of Santiago and adjacent bastion, which
batteries having a clear view of my working party made some pretty
shots at us—striking the earth on the magazine once in a while, but
injuring no one. At 2 P. M. we were ready to open with three mortars in
No. 1—three in No. 2—one in No. 3.—seven in all.
The flag was carried in by Captain Johnston, the enemy ceased firing
when they saw it. Colonel Bankhead[39] informed the Commandants of
Batteries 1 and 3 that the discharge of a mortar from No. 2 would be the
signal to open from all the mortars. The flag had hardly commenced its
return from the town when a few spiteful shots from Santiago at my
party on the magazine told us plainly enough what the reply had been.
Probably half an hour elapsed before a report from No. 2 gave us the first
official intimation that General Morales[40] had bid defiance to us, and
invited us to do our worst.
The command “Fire!” had scarcely been given when a perfect storm of
iron burst upon us—every gun and mortar in Vera Cruz and San Juan,
that could be brought to bear, hurled its contents around us—the air
swarmed with them—and it seemed a miracle that not one of the
hundreds they fired fell into the crowded mass that filled the trenches.
The recruits looked rather blue in the gills when the splinters of shells
fell around them, but the veterans cracked their jokes and talked about
Palo Alto and Monterey. When it was nearly dark I went to the left with
Mason and passed on toward the town where we could observe our shells
—the effect was superb. The enemy’s fire began to slacken toward night,
until at last it ceased altogether—ours, though, kept steadily on, never
ceasing—never tiring.
Immediately after dark I took a working party and repaired all the
damage done to the parapets by the enemy’s fire, besides increasing the
thickness of the earth on the magazines of No. 1. Captain Vinton was
killed a short time before dark near Battery No. 3 by a spent shell—two
men were wounded by fragments of shells near No. 1. Shortly after dark,
three more mortars were put in Battery No. 3—making 10 mortars in all.
Captain [John] Saunders was employed upon the 6 gun battery (24
pounders). He revetted[41] it with one thickness of sand bags, all of
which fell down next morning. I brought out from the Engineer Depot
the platforms for this battery during the night—the magazine frame was
brought out next day. The battery on the left of the railroad [was] still
progressing, under the charge of Captain [R. E.] Lee, [Lieut. Z. B.]
Tower and [G. W.] Smith—who relieved each other.
[March] 23rd. Firing continued from our mortars steadily—fire of enemy
by no means so warm as when we opened on the day before. Our mortar
platforms were much injured by the firing already. The 24 pounder
battery had to be re-revetted entirely—terreplein levelled. During this
day and night the magazine was excavated, and the frame put up. Two
traverses made—the positions of platforms and embrasures determined.
Two platforms laid and the guns run in—the embrasures for them being
partly cut. One other gun was run to the rear of the battery.
[March] 24th. On duty with Captain Saunders again—could get no
directions so I had the two partly cut embrasures marked with sand bags
and dirt, and set a party at work to cover the magazine with earth as soon
as it was finished. During this day the traverses[42] were finished, the
platforms laid, the magazine entirely finished, and a large number of
sand bags filled for the revetments of the embrasures. The “Naval
Battery” opened today, their fire was fine music for us, but they did not
keep it up very long. The crash of the eight-inch shells as they broke
their way through the houses and burst in them was very pretty. The
“Greasers” had had it all in their own way—but we were gradually
opening on them now. Remained out all night to take charge of two
embrasures. The Alabama Volunteers, who formed the working party,
did not come until it was rather late—we set them at work to cut down
and level the top of parapet—thickening it opposite the third and fourth
guns. Then laid out the embrasures and put seven men in each. Foster
had charge of two, Coppée of two, and I of two. Mine were the only ones
finished at daylight—the Volunteers gave out and could hardly be
induced to work at all.
[March] 25th. Mason and Stevens relieved Beauregard and Foster—but I
remained. I had the raw hides put on—and with a large party of
Volunteers opened the other embrasures. This was done in broad
daylight, in full view of the town—yet they had not fired more than three
or four shots when I finished and took in the men. The battery then
opened. We then gave it to Mexicans about as hotly as they wished. We
had ten mortars—three 68s, three 32s, four 24s, and two eight-inch
howitzers playing upon them as fast as they could load and fire. Captain
Anderson, 3rd Artillery, fired on this morning thirty shells in thirty
minutes from his battery of three mortars (No. 1).
As I went to our camp I stopped at Colonel Totten’s tent to inform him of
the state of affairs—he directed me to step in and report to General Scott.
I found him writing a despatch. He seemed to be very much delighted
and showed me the last words he had written which were “indefatigable
Engineers.” Then we were needed and remembered—the instant the
pressing necessity passed away we were forgotten. The echo of the last
hostile gun at Vera Cruz had not died away before it was forgotten by the
Commander in Chief that such a thing existed as an Engineer Company.
Facsimile reproduction of a pencil sketch by McClellan.
C C , P .

The superiority of our fire was now very apparent. I went out again at 3
P. M.—met Mason carrying a large goblet he had found in a deserted
ranch. Found Captain Lee engaged in the construction of a new mortar
battery for four mortars, immediately to the left of No. 1—in the parallel.
There was a complete cessation of firing—a flag having passed in
relation to the consuls, I think. The platforms of this battery were laid,
but not spiked down. A traverse was made in boyau between Nos. 1 and
2, just in front of the entrance of the large magazine of No. 1, it being
intended to run a boyau from behind this traverse to the left of the new
battery. I laid out a boyau connecting Stevens’s communications with the
short “parallel” of No. 2, then Captain Lee explained his wishes in
relation to the new battery and left me in charge of it. I thickened the
parapet from a ditch in front—inclined the superior slope upward, left
the berm, made the traverses, had the platforms spiked, etc. The mortars
were brought up and placed in the battery that night. Captain Saunders
sent me to repair the embrasures of the 24 pounder battery—doing
nothing himself. He then sent me to excavate the boyau I had laid out.
About 11.30 the discharge of a few rockets by our rocketeers caused a
stampede amongst the Mexicans—they fired escopettes and muskets
from all parts of their walls. Our mortars reopened about 1.30 with the
greatest vigor—sometimes there were six shells in the air at the same
time. A violent Norther commenced about 1 o’clock making the trenches
very disagreeable. About three quarters of an hour, or an hour after we
reopened we heard a bugle sound in town. At first we thought it a
bravado—then reveillé, then a parley—so we stopped firing to await the
result. Nothing more was heard, so in about half an hour we reopened
with great warmth. At length another chi-wang-a-wang was heard which
turned out to be a parley. During the day the terms of surrender of the
town of Vera Cruz[44] and castle of San Juan de Ulua were agreed upon,
and on 29th of March, 1847 the garrison marched out with drums
beating, colors flying and laid down their arms on the plain between the
lagoon and the city ... muskets were stacked and a number of escopettes
... pieces of artillery were found in the town and ... in the castle.
After the surrender of Vera Cruz we moved our encampment—first to
the beach, then to a position on the plain between our batteries and the
city. Foster was detached on duty with the other Engineers to survey the
town and castle. Smith and myself were to superintend the landing of the
pontoon and engineers trains, and to collect them at the Engineer Depot.
Between the Quartermasters and Naval Officers this was hardly done
when we left. I dismantled the batteries, magazines etc.—then amused
myself until we left, with the chills and fever.
J[immie] S[tuart] being too sick to go on with his regiment came over to
our camp and stayed with us. Instead of being sent on in our proper
position, at the head of Twiggs’s Division, we were kept back and finally
allowed to start on the same day that Worth started[45]—we received no
orders to move, merely a permission. Our teams (6) were the worst I ever
saw—they had just been lassooed as they swam ashore, and neither they
nor their teamsters had ever seen a wagon before. We left Vera Cruz on
the 13th [April]. By dint of applying some of the knowledge I had
acquired under Guy Henry’s parental care, I succeeded in getting four
teams to Ve[r]gara (Twiggs’s headquarters during the siege). As Smith
and Foster did not come up I rode back to see what was the matter and
found that they had arrived at a point opposite the middle of the city,
broken down two sets of teams, got one teamster’s arm and hand badly
kicked—and the devil to pay in general. At last they got on, and by
leaving half the loads by the roadside we managed by hard swearing to
get to within one-half mile of El Rio Medio by dark.
The road so far was horrible, being hilly and very sandy. Our mules were
so weak and miserable that the men actually had to push the wagons
along, and it was easy to see that our march was to be very severe upon
all concerned. General Worth and his staff passed us as we were busily
engaged in “cussing” a team up a hill—we then learned for the first time
that Santa Anna was at Cerro Gordo with a large force. When we
encamped this night everybody was tired to death, and the only event
worthy of recollection was the thrashing that a certain lazy nigger
“Isaac” received from his frisky “bos.”
On the [14th] we made an early start and after “persuading” the mules up
the hill beyond Rio Medio we got along without very much trouble until
we arrived at Santa Fé. Here the wagons were unloaded and leaving me
with about ten men Smith and Foster went back after the loads left at
Ve[r]gara. Jimmie [Stuart] and I struck up an acquaintance with the
Alcalde—a very nice sort of a man. I found a couple of cavalry barracks
etc. We amused ourselves chatting with the Alcalde all day—who tried
hard to stampede us with guerilla tales etc. Captain Hughes came up late
in the afternoon, Smith arrived after dark, having left the wagons with
the ordnance people about half a mile behind. While G. W. [Smith] was
at supper, Jimmie, who had been amusing himself by playing monte with
the Rancheros, came back and amused us by an account of a muy poquito
muchachito [a very little boy] about four years old playing monte and
smoking paros [puros, or cigars].
Foster came up at last, and we all turned in. Santa Fé is a poor little affair
—no water, but rather a fine view of a large extent of rolling country.
On the 15th I started back after the wagons before daybreak “unwashed
and uncombed.” After a vast amount of swearing at “Seven Bottles,” of
whom more anon, I got all the wagons up to Santa Fé—set the men to
work at loading the wagons—got my breakfast, and at last we started.
Country at first a rolling prairie—finally more broken and woody. We
passed some of the most magnificent forests I ever saw—trees covered
with most beautiful flowers—the fields also—the villages were
completely deserted. About the middle of the day we stopped at a stream
to rest.—While taking our lunch under the bridge an old stupid Dutch
teamster brought down his mules to water and finally proceeded to water
himself. He drank seven (!) claret bottles full of water and at length
finding that process too slow he took to his bucket! We went on and
overtook the ordnance fellows at ....... Had a good supper and a fine
sleep, although they did try to stampede us about Lancers etc.—but they
could not do it.
Started early on the 16th [April]—country remarkably broken—even
mountainous. We passed several very long hills, at which it was
necessary to treble our poor little teams. Met Simon Buckner[46] with a
beef party. Arrived at Puerto Nacional just before Worth’s Division left it
(about 2 P. M.). Saw all the fellows and made our preparations to start at
twelve at night. Took a fine bath in the clear mountain stream, and then
dinner. After dinner we went to see Santana’s Hacienda—found a little
boy in it who was frightened to death at the Barbarians. A réal [a small
coin, about 12½ cents] soon quieted him.
The bridge has a curved axis—it is a beautiful piece of architecture. It
would be impossible to cross it were the heights around properly
defended and the bridge itself occupied. The bridge and heights might all
be turned by enterprising light infantry, for the stream is fordable. From
the nature of the ground it would be impossible for artillery or cavalry to
turn it without great trouble and labor.
Reveillé at 11.30—started at quarter past twelve—of course no
undressing. S[tuart] “thought as he was already dressed there could be no
hurry.” Night pitch dark. About an hour before daybreak found in the
road a saddle (American) and a pool of blood—some poor devil of a
straggler from Worth’s Division probably murdered. After ascending the
hill just beyond this spot, G. W. [Smith], J. S[tuart] and myself laid down
in the road to sleep—that half hour’s sleep just before going into battle
was the sweetest I ever enjoyed. Passed in the course of the morning a
great many stragglers from Worth’s Division—they had lagged behind in
the night march. About two miles from Plan del Rio we were sitting in a
ranche waiting for the wagons, when a wagonmaster came galloping by
saying that the Lancers had cut off the train. The escort of dragoons was
about 800 yards nearer Plan del Rio than we. We galloped back—the
escort not far behind and found that our wagons were safe, but that the
Lancers had cut off a few of the stragglers whom we had passed.
Suddenly a turn of the road displayed Plan del Rio[47] at our feet—the
little valley filled with troops, horses, artillery, wagons, etc. We arrived
at about 10.30 A. M.—found the Engineers and took a lunch with them.
G. W. S[mith] and myself then rode out to Twiggs’s position with
Captain Lee—we arrived just in time to see the ball open [i. e., the battle
of Cerro Gordo]. Saw old Twiggs, who wondered “Where the devil did
you two boys come from?” and started back to bring up the company. On
the way back a round shot came about as near my head as would be
regarded agreeable in civil life and then missed enfilading the 2nd
Infantry about a foot and a half. When we got back to El Plan, I was
ordered to join [Lieut. Z. B.] Tower with ten men—to go with Gid Pillow
and the Mohawks.[48] Did my best that afternoon to find out where we
were to go in the morning but none of them would tell me anything about
it. G. W. left me ten of the best men in the company, and took Foster and
the rest with him to report to General Twiggs. It seemed to be a mutual
thought that the chances all were that we would not meet again! The idea
of being killed by or among a parcel of Volunteers was anything but
Got up before daybreak—woke up the men—had the mare fed and
saddled—drank some coffee—distributed tools to my party and was
ready for battle long before our dear Mohawks had their breakfasts. Also
gave some tools to the Volunteers. My men had hatchets, axes and
billhooks—the Volunteers [had] axes, sap-forks and billhooks. At length
all was ready and much to my surprise we marched straight up the road
toward Jalapa. So little did I know of our point of attack—I only knew
that we were to attack either their right or front, and that we would as
surely be whipped—for it was a Volunteer Brigade. I led off with my
detachment, and after passing the greater part of Worth’s Division—
which was formed in column of platoons in the road—we turned off to
the left, nearly opposite the point where Twiggs turned to the right.
Tower directed me to place my men on the path inclining most to the left.
I did so and rested my men, whilst waiting for the Volunteers who were a
long distance behind. At length General Pillow came up, and seeing my
men, directed that they should be placed on the path inclining to the
Lieutenant Tower made some remark about changing the route, and also
that we would be more apt to be seen when crossing some ravine if we
went to the right. I remember distinctly that the impression made upon
me by the conversation was that General Pillow had against the opinion
of Lieutenant Tower changed the route to be followed in order to attain
the point of attack. I had no idea of the importance of the change and that
it could lead to a different point of attack. I afterward found that the
different paths led to very different parts of the enemy’s position, the one
we actually followed bringing us in a very exposed manner against the
front of the works, whilst if we had taken the one advised by Lieutenant
Tower we should have turned the right of their works and have been but
little exposed to their fire.
The fault of the erroneous selection was General Pillow’s, except that
Lieutenant Tower should, as the senior Engineer with the column, have
taken a firm stand and have forced General Pillow to have pursued the
proper path. It was certainly a fine opportunity for him to show what
stuff he was made of—but unfortunately he did not take advantage of it
at all.
We at length moved off by the flank. My detachment [was] at the head,
and during the movement—at all events before the firing against us
commenced—we heard the musketry of the attack of Twiggs’s Division
upon the Telegraph Hill.[49]
After moving about two-thirds of a mile from the main road we reached
a certain crest bordering upon a ravine, whence a strong picket of
Mexicans was observed. Tower advised General Pillow to incline his
Brigade well to the right in order to cross the ravine lower down and out
of view. The General directed Colonel [Francis M.] Wynkoop[50] to
countermarch—file twice to the right and move upon a certain dead tree
as his point of direction (Colonel Campbell’s [1st] Tennessee Regiment
to support him). He was then to form his men for the attack and charge
upon hearing a concerted signal from the rest of the Brigade. Colonel
[William T.] Haskell[51] at once commenced forming his Regiment in a
column of platoon, the flank of the column toward the work. His men
having straggled a great deal this arrangement was attended with some
difficulty—the men being literally shoved into their places one by one.
Hardly two platoons were formed when General Pillow shouted out at
the top of his voice—“Why the H—l dont Colonel Wynkoop file to the
right?” I may here observe that we had heard very distinctly the
commands of the Mexican officers in their works. This yell of the
General’s was at once followed by the blast of a Mexican bugle and
within three minutes after that their fire opened upon us. The General
may have shouted this before a single platoon of Haskell’s was formed—
but the interval must have been very short, because Wynkoop’s
Regiment had not reached its destination and had not formed there when
the firing commenced.
When the Mexican fire opened Haskell’s Regiment became at once
“confusion worse confounded.” Some of the men rushed toward the
works, many broke to the rear, very many immediately took cover
behind the rocks, etc. I at once asked General Pillow for orders to
proceed “somewhere” with my detachment—for I had as yet received no
orders or directions from anyone and was utterly ignorant of the ground.
While talking with the General—who was squatting down with his back
to the work—he was wounded in the arm, upon which his aide,
Lieutenant Rains, appeared from somewhere in the vicinity and they
together went off to the rear, on the run. I then went in amongst the
Tennesseeans and found at once that it was useless to attempt doing
anything there, as that Regiment (Haskell’s) was utterly broken and
dispersed and the Pennsylvania Regiment, which was to support them,
had kept so well in reserve that they could not be found. I then went over
to the other side of the ravine—the firing had by this time nearly if not
altogether ceased.
Upon arriving there I found Campbell’s Regiment in pretty good order
and in good spirits, the Pennsylvania Regiment (Wynkoop’s) in most
horrible confusion. Campbell was moving on toward the work, and I at
once advised General Pillow to halt him until some order could be
restored to the other Regiments. He took my advice and directed me to
give the order to Campbell, which I did. I thought that it was by no
means certain that Campbell alone could carry the works and that if he
were checked or repulsed all was lost, for there was not a company
formed to support him. Besides, although his Regiment was moving on
well, they were not then under fire, nor had they been under any fire, to
speak of, that day—so I doubted the steadiness of their movements when
their advance should have brought them in sight and under the fire of, the
Colonel Haskell came up without his cap about this time and a very
warm conversation ensued between him and General Pillow—the
General accusing him of misconduct and deserting his troops, the
Colonel repelling his assertions and stating that his Regiment was cut to
pieces. I at once, without saying a word to either the General or the
Colonel, called to my party and directed them to beat the bushes for “2nd
Tennesseeans” and to bring all they could find to where we were. They
soon returned with quite a number.
In the course of conversation I told General Pillow that I did not think
that he could carry the works without some Regulars. He assented and
directed me to go at once in search of General Scott and ask him, from
him (Pillow) for a detachment of Regulars—whatever number he could
spare, saying that he would make no movement until my return. I
immediately ran down to the road where I expected to find General Scott
and Worth’s Division and there found that the General had gone on. I
jumped on my mare and galloped around by Twiggs’s road and at length
found the General about half way up the ridge over which Worth’s
Division passed to reach the Jalapa road—the rear of Worth’s Division
was then crossing. I told the General my message and he directed me to
say to General Pillow that he had no Regulars to spare, that the last of
Worth’s Division was then passing over, that Santa Anna had fallen back
with all his army, except about 5000 men, toward Jalapa, that he
expected to fight another battle with Santa Anna at once, and that he
thought it probable that the 5000 men cut off would surrender—finally
that General Pillow might attack again, or not, just as he pleased. He
evidently was not much surprised and not much “put out” that Pillow
was thrashed, and attached no importance to his future movements.
With this reply I returned, and could not for a long time, find any of the
valiant Brigade. I at length found Wynkoop’s Regiment. He told me that
white flags were flying on the work and that one or two had come down
toward his position—but that as he did not know what they meant, could
not raise a white handkerchief in the crowd, and had no one who could
speak Spanish, he had held no communication with them. I told him
what they meant and said that when I had seen General Pillow I would
return and go to meet them. As I left he asked me if I could not give him
an order to charge—I said “No”—then said he—“Tell General Pillow
that if I dont get an order to charge in half an hour, I’ll be d—d if I dont
charge anyhow”—this after I had told him that the white flag meant a
I at length found General Pillow some distance in rear and reported.
Castor came up a moment or two afterward and told General Pillow that
he had been sent to inform him that the Mexicans had surrendered—on
which I took my men down the road and directing them to come on and
rejoin the company as soon as possible—I galloped on to overtake it.
During my conversation with General Scott he mentioned that he had
seen the charge of Twiggs’s Division and spoke of it as the most
beautiful sight that he had ever witnessed. He said everything in praise of
his “rascally Regulars.”
With reference to the operations of Twiggs’s Division.—During the
afternoon of the 17th [April] the hill opposite to and commanded by the
Telegraph Hill was carried by Harney’s ([Persifer F.] Smith’s) Brigade
and the enemy pursued partly up the Telegraph Hill by the Rifles and 1st
Artillery. They were, however, recalled to the hill first mentioned, which
was occupied in force.
During the night one twenty-four pounder, one twelve pounder and a
twenty-four pound howitzer were with great difficulty hauled up and put
in position behind a slight epaulment. There were also a couple of the
Mountain Howitzers and some Rocketeers. Shields’s[52] Brigade of
Volunteers were somewhere in the vicinity to support and were
employed to man the drag ropes used to haul up the pieces. It may be
well to mention that they were more than once “stampeded” while
engaged in this by the mere discharge of a piece—no ball coming near
them. Another detachment of New York Volunteers was engaged during
the afternoon and night of the 17th in hauling an eight-inch howitzer
along the crest on the other side of the “Rio” in order to take an enfilade
or reverse fire upon the Mexican works. Taylor’s Battery was with
Twiggs, Dunean came around with Worth—Steptoe was with Twiggs.
The cavalry and rest of the artillery were in the Jalapa road ready to
advance in pursuit.
Harney was directed to storm the hill, Reilly to cut off the retreat of the
Mexicans by the Jalapa road—Worth to support. The affair of the 18th
was opened, on our side, by the fire of our artillery. The 24 pounder was
badly served and did little or no real damage. At length Harney charged
over the valley with the 1st Artillery, 3rd and 7th Infantry, the Rifles
being thrown out to cover his left. He carried the hill in gallant style.
Reilly allowed himself to deviate from his proper path and instead of
pushing straight on for the Jalapa road, he amused himself by
skirmishing to his right and left—so that he did not accomplish the
purpose for which he was sent, that is, he did not cut off Santa Anna’s
In the meantime Shields was sent around still further to our right, to turn
the Mexican left. He finally came out in front of certain batteries,
charged them but was repulsed completely and himself badly wounded.
About this time Harney carried the Telegraph Hill and that commanding
these last batteries, one or two discharges from its summit with the
captured pieces at once cleared them. Upon that the Volunteers right
gallantly charged and carried them at the point of the bayonet, there not
being a soul in the battery at this time.
Twiggs—at least a part of his Division—moved on at once in pursuit.
The Cavalry soon followed, but the Mexicans had gained a long start and
made the best use of their legs—so that not very many were killed or
taken in the pursuit. Twiggs and the Cavalry also the Volunteers halted at
Encero. Worth remained at Plan del Rio and Cerro Gordo. I myself
overtook my company at Encero where we bivouacked that night—and
felt right proud that we had won that day a glorious victory.
On the morning of the 19th we marched from Encero to Jalapa, about
twelve miles, at the head of Twiggs’s Division. We entered Jalapa about
11.30 A. M., our company being the first American infantry to set foot in
that city. It rained quite violently during the greater part of the march,
which prevented me from enjoying fully the beauty of the scenery,
especially as I had to foot it. It was really delightful, upon entering
Jalapa, to see gentlemen and ladies, at least persons dressed and
appearing as such. The white faces of the ladies struck us as being
exceedingly beautiful—they formed so pleasing a contrast to the black
and brown complexions of the Indians and negroes who had for so long
been the only human beings to greet our sight. The Jalapiños appeared
perfectly indifferent about us, manifesting neither pleasure nor sorrow at
our approach. Our march from Encero and entrance into Jalapa was
entirely undisturbed—not a shot being fired or soldiers seen. Of course
not the slightest excess was committed by any of the Regulars. We at
first marched to the Cuartel [Barracks] where we remained some few
hours, until at last we were ordered to a posada [sleeping place] on the
I was very much pleased with the appearance of Jalapa and its
inhabitants. The women were generally pretty, the gentlemen well
dressed. They carried to a great extent the custom of filling the balconies
with flowers, which gave a very pleasant appearance to the streets. Soon
after we had established ourselves at the posada we were astonished by a
great commotion in the streets, which was ascertained to be caused by
the arrival of the Cerro Gordo prisoners, who had all been released on
parole, and of course fought us again upon the first opportunity. They
were marching back to Puebla and Mexico, organized in regiments, etc.
—merely being deprived of their arms. The disgust in the Division at this
release was most intense, we felt poorly repaid for our exertions by the
release of these scoundrels, who, we felt sure, would to a man break their
parole. They passed the night in the streets around the Plaza and in the
morning robbed all the poor market women in the vicinity.[53]
We had no beds that night—our baggage not being up—were lucky
enough to get some frijoles and chocolate for supper—breakfast ditto.
Worth’s Division came up about one o’clock on the 20th and we were
ordered on at the head of it,—to leave Jalapa at 3.30 of the same day.

City of Mexico,[54] opposite Alameda, November 3rd, 1847. G. W.

thinks that a captain will be sent out to command the Company, and that
he (G. W.) will be relieved by the 1st March, 1848. Mc. thinks that no
captain will come and that the unfortunate “duet” wont get out under a
year, or longer. Quien Sabe?
April 15th, Post Office—Captain hasn’t “arrivo”—duet still here—year
most half out and a’in’t off yet!!![55]
September 22nd, 1849—West Point, N. Y. Mc. thinks that he’s booked
for an infernally monotonous life for the remainder of his natural
existence and wishes he were back again in No. 2 Calle San Francisco.
August 25th, 1852—Solitary and alone on the “Columbus”—for New
December 25th, 1852—Solitary and alone at Indianola [Texas]!
Heavens! What a Christmas!
Altamira, 50.

Anton Lizardo, Point, 52, 53.

Bankhead, Col., 66.

Beauregard, Lieut. P. G. T., 57, 63, 70.

Belton, Lieut.-Col., 54, 62.

Brazos de Santiago (Texas), 7, 8-9.

Brooks, N. C., quoted, 51 (note).

Buckner, Simon B., 77 (and note).

Camargo, 10-11, 13.

Campbell, Col., 82, 84-85.

Cerro Gordo, battle of, 79-90.

Chiltipine, 30-34.

Crawford, Dr. Samuel, 1.

Encero, 90, 91.

Encinal, 37.

Fordleone, 47, 48.

Foster, Lieut. J. G., 57, 58, 61, 63, 69, 70, 74, 75, 80.

Furber, George C., quoted, 27 (note).

Grant, U. S., quoted, 44 (note), 71 (note).

Guijano, 27.

Harney, 88-90.

Haskell, Col. William T., 83-84, 85.

Henry, Capt. Guy, 48, 50, 74.

Iturbide, Agustin de, 40.

Jalapa, 90-92.

Lee, Capt. R. E., 61, 63, 68, 71, 72, 79.

Lobos, Isle of, 51.

McCall, George A., 21, 33, 41.

McClellan, George B., birth and education, 1;

commissioned, 2;
promotion, 4;
leaves for Mexico, 7;
at Camargo and Matamoros, 10-14, 23-24;
march to Victoria, 24-43;
at Victoria, 43-46;
march to Tampico, 46-50;
at Lobos, 51;
at Vera Cruz, 53-73;
march to Cerro Gordo, 74-79;
battle of Cerro Gordo, 80-90;
march to Jalapa, 90-93;
at Mexico City, 92-93.

McMaster, J. B., quoted, 52 (note), 74 (note).

Malibran, 55, 56.

Marquesoto, 40.

Mason, Lieut. J. L., 63, 64, 65-66, 67, 70.

Matamoros, 10, 11, 12, 23.

Meade, George G., 5, quoted, 18 (note), 22 (note), 48 (note).

Moquete, 23, 27.

Murphy, 34, 39.

Padilla, 42.

Patterson, Gen. Robert, 14, 15, 16, 20-21, 22 (note), 23-24, 26, 27, 30,
31-32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 56.

Pillow, Gen. Gideon J., 15, 23, 25, 26, 35, 37, 52 (note), 79, 81-87.

Plan del Rio, 78-79.

Puerto Nacional, 77.

Quitman, Gen. John A., 44, 52 (note).

Rancho Padillo, 23.

Reilly, 89.

San Fernando, 33-34.

Santa Fé, 75-76.

Santander, 37.

Santa Rosa, 46.

Santa Teresa, 27-28, 29.

Saunders, Capt. John, 68, 69, 72.

Scott, Gen. Winfield, 52 (note), 70, 71 (note), 86, 87.

Semmes, R., quoted, 79 (note), 82 (note).

Shields, Gen. James, 52 (note), 88, 89, 90.

Smith, Lieut. Gustavus W., 2, 4, 7, 11, 20-21, 23, 25, 26, 31, 36, 38, 55,
57, 58, 59, 60-62, 63, 68, 74, 75, 78, 80, 93.

Smith, Major John L., 58.

“Songo,” 27-28, 30, 37, 42.

Stevens, Lieut. I. I., 63, 70, 72.

Stuart, “Jimmie,” 14, 73-74, 75-76, 78.

Swift, Capt. A. J., 2, 7, 11, 16, 55.

Tamaulipas, 51.

Tampico, 50-51.

Taylor, Gen. Zachary, 22 (note), 44.

Totten, Col. Joseph G., 2, 57-58, 61-62, 64, 66, 70.

Tower, Lieut. Z. B., 67, 78-81.

Twiggs, Gen. David E., 47, 48, 52, 56, 74, 79, 80, 82, 87-90.

Vera Cruz, siege of, 53-73.

Vergera, 74, 75.

Victoria, 43-46.

Vinton, Capt. John R., 58, 68.

Volunteers, 16, 18, 28-29, 36, 38-39, 43, 80.

Walker, Sears Cook, 1.

Waterhouse, Major, 36.

Williams, Seth, 15-16, 32.

Worth, Gen. William J., 52 (note), 53, 56, 58, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 86, 89,
90, 92.

Wynkoop, Col. Francis M., 82, 84, 86-87.

[1] In a letter to his brother “Tom” dated West Point, September 22, 1846,
McClellan wrote: “We start with about 75 men—the best Company (so Gen’l.
Scott and Col. Totten both say) in the service. All Americans—all young—all
intelligent—all anxious, very eager for the campaign—and above all, well
drilled. If the Lord and Santa Anna will only condescend to give us a chance
—I’ll be most confoundedly mistaken if we don’t thrash them ‘some’.”
(McClellan Papers, Vol. I.)
[2] Gustavus W. Smith was one of McClellan’s most intimate friends and was
known by him by the nickname of “Legs.” He was born in Scott Co.,
Kentucky, on January 1, 1822. He died in New York on June 23, 1896. Smith
graduated from West Point in 1842. He entered the Confederate Army in 1861
and distinguished himself in the Peninsular Campaign fighting against his old
friend at the battles of Seven Pines and Fair Oaks.
[3] A town of some three thousand inhabitants, situated on the river San Juan
about three miles above its junction with the Rio Grande. It is about one
hundred miles by land from Matamoros. (See Life and Letters of General
George Gordon Meade, Vol. I, pages 109 and 119.)
[4] A letter from McClellan to his mother, dated “Camp off Camargo, Mex.,”
November 14, 1846, tells her that when he arrived at Matamoros he was taken
sick almost immediately. He remained sick for two weeks while there and
“whilst on the steamboat thence to Camargo” ... “When we got here I went
into hospital quarters whence I emerged yesterday, so that I have had almost a
month’s sickness, but now am perfectly well.” He adds, “I would not have
missed coming here for the world, now that I am well and recovering my
strength, I commence to enjoy the novelty of the affair, and shall have enough
to tell you when I return, to fill a dozen books.” (McClellan Papers, Vol. I.)
[5] Later on McClellan wrote in the diary on a page otherwise blank:
“On the 18th June, 1851, at five in the afternoon died Jimmie Stuart, my best
and oldest friend. He was mortally wounded the day before by an arrow,
whilst gallantly leading a charge against a party of hostile Indians. He is
buried at Camp Stuart—about twenty-five miles south of Rogue’s River
[Oregon?], near the main road, and not far from the base of the Cishion (?)
Mountains. His grave is between two oaks, on the left side of the road, going
south, with J. S. cut in the bark of the largest of the oaks.”
[6] Robert Patterson, born at Cappagh, County Tyrone, Ireland, on January
12, 1792, died at Philadelphia, Pa., on August 7, 1881. Came to America
early in life and became a prominent merchant and Democratic politician in
Philadelphia. Served both in the War of 1812 and in the Mexican War and in
1861 was mustered into the service as a major-general. He commanded the
troops in the Shenandoah Valley and was outwitted by General Joseph E.
Johnston who slipped away in time to join Beauregard and rout the Union
forces under McDowell at the first battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861.
Patterson was retired from the army the same month.
[7] Tampico was captured November 14, 1846.
[8] Gideon J. Pillow was born in Williamson Co., Tennessee, on June 8, 1806.
He died in Lee Co., Arkansas, on October 6, 1878. Pillow was a prominent
Tennessee politician and was active in securing the presidential nomination
for his intimate friend James K. Polk. In 1846 he was commissioned a
brigadier general by Polk and went to the front in command of the Tennessee
volunteers. In 1861 he became a brigadier general in the Confederate Army
and is famous for having deserted his forces at Fort Donelson on February 15,
1862, leaving them to be surrendered to Grant the next day by his
subordinate, General Simon B. Buckner. Also see Autobiography of Lieut.-
Gen. Scott, Vol. II, pages 416-417.
[9] Later a brigadier general in the Union Army. He was adjutant general on
McClellan’s staff and closely connected with him while in command of the
Army of the Potomac.
[10] The city was captured on September 24, 1846, after three days fighting.
[11] “The people are very polite to the regulars ... but they hate the volunteers
as they do old scratch himself.... You never hear of a Mexican being murdered
by a regular or a regular by a Mexican. The volunteers carry on in a most
shameful and disgraceful manner; they think nothing of robbing and killing
the Mexicans.” Letter to mother, dated “Camp off Camargo, Mex.,”
November 14, 1846. (McClellan Papers, Vol. I.)
“I believe with fifteen thousand regulars, we could go to the City of Mexico,
but with thirty thousand volunteers the whole nature and policy of the war
will be changed. Already are the injurious influences of their presence
perceptible, and you will hear any Mexican in the street descanting on the
good conduct of the ‘tropas de ligna,’ as they call us, and the dread of the
‘volontarios.’ And with reason, they (the volunteers) have killed five or six
innocent people walking in the streets, for no other object than their own
amusement; to-be-sure, they are always drunk, and are in a measure
irresponsible for their conduct. They rob and steal the cattle and corn of the
poor farmers, and in fact act more like a body of hostile Indians than of
civilized whites. Their own officers have no command or control over them,
and the General has given up in despair any hope of keeping them in order.
The consequence is they are exciting a feeling among the people which will
induce them to rise en masse to obstruct our progress, and if, when we reach
the mountains, we have to fight the people as well as the soldiers, the game
will be up with us. I have some hope, however, that when we leave this place,
which has become a mass of grog-shops and gambling-houses, and march to
meet the enemy, the absence of liquor, and the fear of the enemy, may induce
a little order among them and bring them to a better state of discipline.” Letter
of George G. Meade, dated Matamoros, July 9, 1846. (Life and Letters of
General George Gordon Meade, Vol. I, pages 109-110.) Meade wrote further,
from Camargo, August 13, 1846: “Already have they in almost every
volunteer regiment reported one-third their number sick, and in many cases
one-half the whole regiment, and I fear the mortality will be terrible among
them, for their utter ignorance of the proper mode of taking care of
themselves. The large number of sick is a dead weight upon us, taking away
so many men as hospital attendants, requiring quarters, etc., and if taken sick
on the march, requiring transportation in wagons or on litters.” (Same, page
121.) Also from Monterey, December 2, 1846: “The volunteers have been
creating disturbances, which have at last aroused the old General [Taylor] so
much that he has ordered one regiment, the First Kentucky foot, to march to
the rear, as they have disgraced themselves and their State.... The volunteers
cannot take any care of themselves; the hospitals are crowded with them, they
die like sheep; they waste their provisions, requiring twice as much to supply
them as regulars do. They plunder the poor inhabitants of everything they can
lay their hands on, and shoot them when they remonstrate, and if one of their

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