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Ma’am Jhen

: Let them come forward.We are gathered together to welcome to our Girl Scout Sisterhood the
following new membersof our troop. If we would show these girls the true path of Scouting, we must
remind ourselves thathonor is sacred and that it is upon this that our promise is built as Girl Scouts. Let
us prepare ourselvesto receive these girls.(Big Candle) This candle which I now light represents the spirit
of scouting which we hope will guideyou all throughout your life.The three candles which we are about
to light represents the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise.

Ma’am Angie:

This candle shines as a symbol that Girl Scouts are true to God and to theircountry.


May this light of the second candle shines as a symbol that a scout’s desire is to

be of service.

Ma’am Linette:

Lastly, may this light of the second candle shine as a symbol that a scout’s

desire is to be of service.

Ma’am Jhen:

And now selected Girl Scouts will light the 10 candles representing the GirlScouts Law.

Girl Scouts:The Girl Scout Law

1.A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted

2.A Girl Scout is loyal
3.A Girl Scout is helpful.
4.A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout.
5.A Girl Scout is courteous.
6.A Girl Scout respects living things.
7.A Girl Scouts is disciplined.
8.A Girl Scout is self-reliant.
9.A Girl Scout is thrifty.
10.A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
Ma’am Angie:

Each candle flame shed the brilliance of the 10 points of the Scout Law. Maytheir glow to light your way
that at no turn of the path will you stumble.
Ma’am Jhen

: We are requesting Ma’am Babyliza Nacpil, our investing officer to come forward for the

presentation of the candidates per investiture.

Ma’am Jhen

: Patrol Leaders please present your candidates for investiture.

Patrol Leaders:

I bring forward the candidates of Patrol .(Call the names of the members and step 1 forward.)

Investing Officer:

As we have prepared ourselves to receive you, so you must prepare yourself to become one ofus.
Remember that to make a Girl Scout Promise links you with many others and you will walk notalone. As
you conduct yourselves so will the other girl scouts be judged by you. Your honor means thatyou can be
trusted in all things.Knowing this, do you promise on your honor to do your duty to God and your
country, to helpother people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout Laws?


Yes Madam we do.

Investing Officer:

Please recite the Girl Scout Law in unison

Girl Scouts to be lead by Ashley:GIRL SCOUT PROMISE

On my honor I will do my dutyTo God and my country,To help other people at all timesAnd to live by the
Girl Scout Laws.

Investing Officer

: IO pins the GS pin to each girl and welcomes the girl by executing the GS

Sign and the left handshake simultaneously while saying: “WELCOME TO THESISTERHOOD OF GIRL

Ma’am Jhen

: Thank you so much Ma’am Babyliz

a. With this pin I welcome you into our troopof SMEAG Global School Incorporated and through this
troop into the Girl Scout of the Philippines.May you always be proud of your troop and may your troop
be always proud to have you as members.At this juncture, we are requesting the parents and sponsors
to put go beside the Girl Scouts. GirlScouts, Left face!. In a count of three parents and sponsors you may
do the honor of putting on theirscarves. In 1, 2, 3, go. (After) Girls, Left face!

Ma’am Jhen

: You have now taken the first step along the Girl Scout trail, A trail which neverreally ends. There are
many interesting adventures awaiting you. If your trefoil and your honor kept asshining as brightly as
the flame of these candles, they will guide you over all even, proud and be an everglowing beacon to
you through the many years ahead.

Exit: Community Song ( Girl Scout Hymn)

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