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KHE 106

Skills Development and Techniques in Sports and Games

Course Team

Course Developer/Writer

Dr. Charles Gabriel Iortimah,

Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Benue State University,


Course Editor

Prof. Ebenezer Olatunde Morakinyo

Department of Human Kinetics,

University of Ibadan, Nigeria.




Module 1 Sports and games 4

Unit 1 Concept of sports and games 4

Unit 2 Individual sports and Games 9

Unit 3 Teams sports and Games 14

Unit 4 Track events 21

Unit 5 Field events 26

Module 2 Shot put 32

Unit 1 Nature of the event/skills 32

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment 43

Unit 3 Officiating officials and their duties 48

Unit 4 Rules and regulations 54

Module 3 Discus 58

Unit 1 Nature of the event/skills 58

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment 62

Unit 3 Officials and their duties 69

Unit 4 Rules and regulations 73

Module 4 Javelin 77

Unit 1 Nature of javelin/skills 77

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment 85

Unit 3 Officials and their duties 89

Unit 4 Rules and regulations 93

Module 5 Soccer 97

Unit 1 Nature of soccer/skills 97

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment 103

Unit 3 Officiating officials and their duties 110

Unit 4 Rules and regulations 115


Unit 1 Concept of sports and games

Unit 2 Individual sports

Unit 3 Teams sports

Unit 4 Track events

Unit 5 Field events

Module 1


This module discussed sports and games. It consists of 5 units that discuss the
concept of sports and games, individual sports, team sports, track events and field
events generally.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Concept of sports and games.

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


The fitness of Mankind is solely dependent on the physical activities they indulge
in, therefore, sports and Games are valuable tools that orchestrate and enhance
physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health. Sports and games are
believed to emanate from disparate cultures of people. It is pertinent to flag up here
that; sport and games are utilized for both competitive and recreational purposes.


By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

* Define Sports

* Define Games

* Differentiate competitive sport from recreational sports


3.1 Concept of Sports and Games.

Sports: refer to all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through
casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability
and skills while providing satisfaction to participants, and in some cases,
entertaining the viewers or fans.(Council of Europe.2012) .The authors maintained

that; many sports exist, from those between individual participants, through to those
with a lot of simultaneous contestants, either in teams or combating as single
contestants. In many sports for instance, racing a lot of participants many compete
simultaneously or consecutively, with one champion, where as in other competitions
a match is just between two opponents, each of the teams competing to defeat his
opponent. Some sports agree to “draw” or “tie”, in which there is neither a single
winner nor a loser; contrastingly others generate tie-breaking patterns that must
provide a winner and a loser at the end of the contest. A number of matches are
critically scheduled in a tournament producing an overall winner who may take
home a giant award. Often times a lot of sports leagues provide an annual
competition by painstakingly organizing games in a regular sports season, tag along
in some cases by playoffs.

Sports is also defined as athletic competition requiring physical prowess and skills
in other to legally compete for the purpose of winning an opponents, usually done
on a specified area with guiding rules and regulations. Sports activities can be
distinctively segmented into indoor, outdoor, individual, and team sports.

Examples of Sports

Examples of sports include;

1. Rugby

2. Soccer

3. Handball

4. Swimming

5. Boxing

6. Wresting

7. Archery

8. Table tennis

9. Cricket

10. Long jump etc

Games: Is a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the
participants in direct opposition to each other.

This is also referred to as activities such as mental and physical activities individuals
do for the purpose of amusement.

Examples of Games

Examples of Games include;

1. Ludo

2. Puzzles

3. Crossword

4. Chess

5. Draught

6. Scrabble etc


1. Which among the following is an example of a sporting activity?

(a) Scrabble (b) chess (c) puzzle (d) All of the above (e) none of the above

2. Define Games?

3. List three examples of sports?

You may include the following answers

1. (E)

2. This is also refers to activities mental and physical activities individuals does
for the purpose of amusement.

3. The three examples of Sports include; Rugby, Soccer, and Handball.


To reiterate, sports and Games are fundamental tools to improve the all round
development of an individual. In the same vein, they are used to provide satisfactions
not only to the players or coaches but they also helps in spurring spectators’
entertainment and enjoyments.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Sports are athletic activities requiring physical prowess and skills in other to
legally compete with the purpose of winning an opponent, usually done on a
specified area with guiding rules and regulations.

ii) While games refer to activities such as mental and physical activities
individuals do for the purpose of amusement, enjoyment and satisfaction.


1. What is sport?

2. What is Games?

3. What is the difference between sports and games?


Council of Europe. "The European sport charter". Retrieved 26 January 2020.
BPs5Y. Retrieved on 26th January, 2020. Retrieved on 26th January, 2020.
and-sport/151073. Retrieved on 26th January, 2020.
Sports . Retrieved on 26th January, 2020.
development.html . Retrieved on 26th January, 2020.
8 Retrieved on 26th January,
2020. Retrieved on 26th January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Individual Sports

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Not all sporting activities are carried out simultaneously with the aid of teammates,
thus, some sports are performed by an individual competing with another individual,
against set standard or time and this is what is referred to as individual sports, for
instance badminton, swimming, 100m 200m, surfing and so on.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

* Define individual sport?

* Give the examples of Individual sports

* State the differences between individual and team sports


3.1 Individual Sports

Individual in this context refers to as personal or exclusive, un-collective

endeavours. Whilst Sports refers to an athletic physical activity requiring physical
prowess and styles to compete with the fundamental desire to legally win.

When these two concepts are juxtaposed, individual sports is categorically referred
to as any sporting activity designed for one person to compete with another.

Individual sports are defined as sports where participants compete as individuals.

Individual Sports refers to as the exclusive sporting activities participated without

teammate(s) assistance. It is enticing to note here that, other Sporting activities are
designated to be done as both individual or team sport for instance; Badminton,
Wrestling, relay races and tennis. It is pertinence to accentuate here that, most
individual sport requires more mental skills than physical skills; the participant
needs autonomy, concentrated thinking, passion, and self- discipline.

Examples of Individual sports

The examples of individual sports include;

1. Shot put

2. Table tennis

3. Cycling

4. Swimming

5. Golf

6. Squash

7. Javelin

8. High jump

9. Boxing

10. Archery

11. Weightlifting etc

Benefits of individual sports

The benefits of individual sports include;

1. Individual sports encourage Self-discipline: individual sports teach the

participants to have self respects, which is geared toward preventing rough play.

2. It enhances Self- reliant: This entails that, success is solely dependent on the
participant’s capabilities and prowess.

3. It nullifies crowd phobia: Individual sports helps an athlete to curb his shyness
and make him or her to be comfortable in the spotlight as all eyes are targeted toward
you only during play.

4. It teaches self-motivation: Individual sports help to increase an individual’s

arousal to motivate him or her. This motivation comes within the individual
(intrinsic) to improve performance.

5. You have perfect coordination: There is no need to communicate with other

people, you decide and act in under-a-second times.

Disadvantages of individual sports

1. Winning or losing is totally up to you. No one is watching your back.

2. You lack the friendship bonds that develop inside a team.

3. You have to deal with the loss by yourself.

4. You can't really share the joy of winning. It is different to share with
teammates than with friends/loved ones not related to the sport.

5. You miss the feeling of contribution in the micro-society that a team is.

6. You miss the development of social skills that are required in a team.

Principles underlying training in individual sport

Below are the four principles underlying the practicing for an individual Sports:

1. Overload: This is the act of training harder above the average level in other to
coerce your body to enhance your skills.

2. Progression: This entails the act of learning from simple to complex i.e. from
low to gradually build up to overload.

3. Reversibility: This is done to rejuvenate, recreate and simulate forgotten

skills. It is carried out to re-learn the forgotten skills, due to lack of participation,
suspension, and injury.

4. Specificity: This entails the act of training the body system to get acquainted
to the specific type of sport.

5. It allows an Individual to compete at his pace: This signifies that Individual

sports provide an ample opportunity to its participants to compete with another
person that are at the same level.


1. Other Individual activities can be played as team sports TRUE/FALSE?

2. The following are the examples of individual sports EXCEPT

(a) Golf (b) Long jump (c) Badminton (d) Soccer

You can include the following answer


2. (D)


From the foregoing, individual sport refers to as the exclusive sporting activities
participated without teammate(s) assistance, Such as; Tennis, Hammer, boxing,
Golf, and swimming. Successes in Individual sports depend on the individual’s skills
and self-discipline. Therefore a player is single and can blame no one but he for any


You have learnt in this Unit that:-

i) Individual Sports refers to as the exclusive sporting activities participated

without teammate(s) assistance.

ii) The examples of individual sport include; Badminton, Long jump, golf,
swimming, and tennis.


1. What are Individual sports?

2. List 5 examples of Individual sports.

7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING Retrieved on 9th January, 2020.
BPs5Y. Retrieved on 6th January, 2020. Retrieved on 9th January, 2020. Retrieved on 6th

January, 2020.

development.html Retrieved on 15th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 6th January, 2020.
Retrieved on 6th January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Teams Sports

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


The desire to work with a helper, who will provide assistance to you to enhance
participation, serves as a threshold to team sports. Team sports are performed
collectively with mutual understanding between the team mates for the purpose of
winning. This unit defines team sports with adequate examples.


By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

* Define Team sports

* Give 4 examples of Team sports


3.1 Teams Sports

Team sports are the sporting activities where individuals are organised in a group to
simultaneously compete against another group to win. It is regard as sports that
require collective efforts of teammate(s) to play against another squad. Furthermore,
Individuals in a particular team shares a common goal: winning

Team Sports can also be defined as sporting activities where participants compete
as a team. Therefore, a team is bound to be successful if, the individual members are
cooperative, selfless, self-discipline and skilful. Each member of the team is
expected to submit their highest degree of serosity pointing to the fact that; a mistake
by any member can lead to the failure of a whole team. It is worthwhile to state here
that, other team sports can be re-organised and played as an individual sport, For
instance tennis, table tennis and badminton.

Team work is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to

complete a task in the most effective and efficient way (Montebello & Buzzotta
(1993, Eduardo, Cooke &Rosen 2008). Teamwork is view as giant framework of a
team, which is a group of independent contestants who works unanimously to toward
a particular goal (Gleen, 2008). The fundamental element of effective teamwork is
an adequate team size. The context is pertinent, team sizes differ depending upon
the objective. A sport team must consist of 2 or more members, in this regard most
teams range in size from 2 to 100. Sports teams generally have fixed sizes based
on the set rules and regulations of the sport, and Teamwork may alter in size
depending upon the phase and complexity of the objectives in size depending upon
the phase and complexity of the objective. Teams need to be able to leverage
resources to be productive (i.e. playing fields or meeting spaces, scheduled times for
planning, guidance from coaches or supervisors, support from the organization, etc.),
and clearly defined roles within the team in order for everyone to have a clear
purpose (Gersick, (1991), West (2012, Wood &West (2014), Hoegl & Hans (2001).

No context of groups where members are working to bring home a common goal is
devoid of Teamwork. These contexts are: an industrial organization (formal work
teams), athletics (sports teams), the school (classmates working on a project), and
the healthcare system (operating room teams). In each of these settings, the level of
teamwork and interdependence can vary from low (e.g. golf, track and field), to
intermediate (e.g. baseball, football), to high (e.g. basketball, soccer), depending on
the amount of communication, interaction, and collaboration present between team

Team sport

A team sport includes any sport which involves players working together towards a
shared goal. This is also an activity in which group of persons work in unity as one
body and competes with other opponents in sporting activities with the paramount
objective to win. The duties of Team members is to clearly highlight the team’s
objectives, generate valid decisions for the team, annihilate disagreement in the
team, provide financial assistance, and solve others problems that are targeted at
ascertaining the objectives of the team. This is explicitly present in sports such as;
handball, volleyball, football, rugby, tennis, water polo, and cricket etc. This usually
involves careful strategic planning, good preparation, and a mental and physical
toughness of each individual that is part of the team. In the same vein Team sports
is characterized by the collaborative efforts of the team members to succeed and
surmount their fellow counterparts. This constitutes enthusiasm, patience,
perseverance, hard work, tolerance and good leadership over that span of time.

Training to develop Teamwork

Teamwork and performance can be improved through well designed training that
caters for the objectives of either the individual members of the team, or the team as
a whole. Bruce Tuckman proposed a team developmental model that separated the
stages of a team's lifespan and the level of teamwork for each stage (Tuckman, 1965;
Neusch & Siebenaler, 1998) as follows:


The lowest level of teamwork exists in this stage. This stage is characterized by
approach/avoidance issues; as well as internal conflicts about being independent and
wanting to be a part of the team. This stage is described by approach/avoidance
issues, as well as internal conflicts about being independent vs. wanting to be a part
of the team. Team members usually tend to 'play it safe' and decrease their risk taking
in case something goes astray.

This stage is describes by participation power for authority, which tend to be the
basis of most disagreements and scepticisms about the team’s success. If teamwork
is low in this stage, it is very unlikely that the team will get past their conflicts. The
cordon-bleu of teamwork, unity and interaction is needed in this stage for the team’s


This third stage is characterized by team spirit, solidarity, interdependence, and

cohesiveness, whereas concurrently attempting to habituate to the team’s
environment. This stage highlights the most pertinent levels of teamwork that can
easily facilitate the aforementioned characteristics to take place.


This final stage of team improvement comprises of a conducive surrounding for the
team members to perform their duties in a mutually dependent and unified way. This
final stage of team development includes a comfortable environment in which team
members are effectively completing tasks in an interdependent and cohesive manner.
The fundamental features of this stage are; highest level of prosperity, comfort, inter-
reliant and thus includes the apogee level of teamwork.

Examples of team sports

1. Rugby

2. Cricket

3. Baseball

4. Hockey

5. Volley

6. Basketball

7. Lacrosse

8. Tennis

9. Soccer

10. Handball etc


1. The following are examples of Team Sport Except.

(a) Soccer (b) Basketball (c) Volleyball (d) All of the above (e) None of the above

2. Define Team sports?

3. Other Teams sports can be re-organized as Individual sport TRUE/FALSE

You may include the following answers

1. (e)

2. Team sports are the sporting activities where individuals are organised in a
group to simultaneously compete against another group to win.



To sum up, Team sports are carried out between opposing, where the players
generally contest directly or concurrently between them to accomplish a desired
goal. These games include; Soccer, volleyball, and basketball.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Team sports are the sporting activities where individuals are organised in a
group to simultaneously compete against another group to win.

ii) The examples Team sports are; Cricket, Rugby, Soccer, Handball, and


1. Define Team sports

2. List 7 examples of Teams sports


Artemis C; Prashanti B. & Duck J, (2003). Punctuated Equilibrium and Linear

Progression: Toward a New Understanding of Group Development. Academy
of Management Journal. 46 (1): 106–117. doi:10.2307/30040680.
JSTOR 30040680. Retrieved 3rd February 2020.

Gersick, C. (1991). Revolutionary Change Theories: A Multilevel Exploration of the

Punctuated Equilibrium Paradigm. Academy of Management Review. 16:
10–16. doi:10.5465/amr.1991.4278988. Retrieved February 2020.

Gleen P. (2008). Team Players and Teamwork: New Strategies for Developing
Successful Collaboration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 1–68. ISBN 978-0-
787-99811-0. Retrieved 3rd February 2020. Retrieve on 10th January, 2020.
development.html Retrieved on 15th January, 2020.

Montebello, A & Buzzotta, V. (1993). Work Teams That Work.

Retrieved February 3rd 2020.

Salas, Eduardo S, Cooke N. J, & Rosen M. A. (2008). On Teams, Teamwork, as

well as Team Performance: Discoveries and Developments. Human Factors:
The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 50 (3): 540–547.
doi:10.1518/001872008X288457. PMID 18689065. Retrieved 3rd February

West, M. (2012). Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational
Research. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-97498-8. Retrieved 3rd February

Woods, S. & West, M. (2014). The Psychology of Work and Organizations.

Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA. ISBN 9781408072455. Retrieved
February 2020.

Hoegl, M. & Hans G. G. (2001). "Teamwork Quality and the Success of Innovative
Projects: a Theoretical Concept and Empirical Evidence". Organization
Science. 12 (4): 435–449. doi:10.1287/orsc.12.4.435.10635. JSTOR 3085981.
Retrieved February 2020

Tuckman, B. (1965). Developmental Sequence in Small Group. Psychological

Bulletin. 63 (6): 384–399. doi:10.1037/h0022100. PMID 14314073.
Retrieved February 2020.

Neusch, D. & Siebenaler, A. (1998). The High Performance Enterprise Reinventing

the People Side of Your Business. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 135–177.
ISBN 978-0939246298. Retrieved February 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Track events

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Athletic events are done either on the tracks (lanes) or on the roads, thus they are
referred to as track event such as 100meters, relay races, hurdling and, marathon.
These events can be participated by either male or female. In the same path, they are
performed for both, competitive and recreational purposes. These events emanated

out of daily people’s cultures and it is believed to start under the canopy of athletic
in 776BC. Under this unit, track events are discussed with sufficient examples.


By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

* Define Track Events?

* Give the examples of Track event.

* Differentiate Track events from field events.


3.1 Track Events

Track Events: These are sports which includes athletic events established on the skill
of running and jumping. These include; hurdling, relay races, 100m, 200m, 800m
and Marathon. Track events are subdivided into sprint, middle distance races and
long distance races/marathon.

Types of Track Events

1. Sprints. These refer to events requiring explosive bursts of speed over a small or
short distance. These races are run on a track that measures 1.22m wide. A track
could be made up of 6 lanes or 8 lanes on a standard field (Olympic size). Up till
2020, Usain Bolt is an athlete with the highest speed record in 100m (9.58s) 200
(19.195s) and 4 by 100m (37.04s). Sprints events include;

a. 100m

b. 200m

c. 400m

d. 800m(has recently become a sprint event)

Diagram of a track


2. Middle distance Events: These events are longer than Sprints and are up to
3000m.Because of their high level of endurance and strength they are refers to as the
hardest track events. The participants of this run look leaner than the Sprinters, but
a bit more muscular than the long-distance athletes. Examples of Middle distance
run include;

a. 800m

b. 1500m

c. 1600m

d. 2000m

e. 3000m

3. Long distance Events: These races are typically aerobic in nature. Thus, it requires
the runner to process oxygen in low-intensity activity over a period of time. Athletes

of long distance runners have strong cardiovascular systems, enabling them to
endure through races ranging from, 15min to 2hrs. These include;

a. 10,000m

b. 20,000m

c. 30,000m

d. 42,195m (Marathon)

Safety/Etiquette of Track events

1. Do not cross the track without first checking for runners.

2. Athletes should go on adequate warn-up before the start of the event.

3. Runners should use the outside lanes of the track during Warm-up period.

4. The running track should be thoroughly checked to clear any harmful object.


1. Which of the following is an example of a middle distance event?

(a) 60m (b) 100m(c) 15,000m (d) 42,195m

2. Track events do not require running and jumping TRUE/FALSE.

You may include the following answers

1. (c)



Conclusively, track events are carried out to improve the participants’ speed,
endurance, strength, and as well as his health status.


You have learnt in this Unit that:-

i) Track Events: These are sport which includes athletic combat established on
the skill of running and jumping.

ii) The types of track events are; Sprints, Middle distance events, and Long
Distance events.


1. What are Track events?

2. List and explain the types of Track Events.

3. List three examples of Sprints.

4. Mention four examples of middle distance events.

5. List three examples of long distance races.


January, 2020.
events.hmtl Retrieved on 11th January, 2020.
Retrieved on 9th January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Field events

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Field events signify athletic events that are done on the field which requires running,
jumping and throwing of objects. These include; shot put Discus, hammer, Javelin,
long jump, pole vault and triple jump. Field events are Discussed here and classified
into jumping and throwing with appropriate examples.


By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

* Define Field Events.

* Give the Examples of Field events.

* State the Etiquettes regarding Field events.


3.1 Field Events

Field events refer to athletic events that are done in the field which requires running,
jumping and throwing of objects. This requires a player’s ability to run and jump or
to forcefully throw an object in other to cover a great distance.

Classifications of Field events

Field events are classified into two, these include;

Jumping events: These include;

1. High jump,

2. Triple jump.

3. Long jump

4. Pole vault.

2. Throwing events: This includes activities such as; Shot put, Discus, hammer,
and Javelin.


1. Athletes should go on adequate warn-up before the start of the event.

2. Do not walk through the, shot put, Discus and javelin when the game in going on
to avoid being hurt by any of the equipment.

3. The jumping pits should be properly checked to clear off debris.

4. Learn the proper technique before attempting any event.


1. Shot put is classified as a Jumping event TRUE/FALSE

2 which of the following is not an example of a throwing event

(a) Discus (b) Javelin (c) Shot put (d) All of the above

You may include the following answers

2. (d)


To reiterate, Field events refer to athletic events that are done in the field which
requires running, jumping and throwing of objects. This requires a player’s ability
to run and jump or to forcefully throw an object in other to covers a great distance.
Therefore these activities are classified into jumping or throwing field events.


You have learnt in this Unit that:-

i) Field events refer to athletic events that are done in the field which requires
running, jumping and throwing of objects.

ii) The two classes of Field events are; Jumping and throwing events


1. What are teams Sports?

2. Enumerate the two classes of Field events.


January, 2020.
events.hmtl Retrieved on 11th January, 2020.
Retrieved on 9th January, 2020.


Unit 1 Nature of the event/skills

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment

Unit 3 Officiating officials and their duties

Unit 4 Rules and regulations

Module 2


The module Discussed short put as a field event and an individual sport. It is
made up of 4 units. Viz: nature of the event, facilities and equipment, officials and
their duties, and rules and regulations guiding the events.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Nature of the Event

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


During the prehistoric time, human beings usually survived by hunting animals using
stones; this marks the brainwave toward the invention of shot put as a sporting

activity. It is a field event for both boys and girls, which are practically strength and
a throwing athletic event.


By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

* Write the Nature of shot put.

* Narrate the history of shot put.



Shot put is a track and field event in which the athlete will “put” (but more like of
throwing) a shot or a heavy metal ball, the farthest that he can without leaving the
circle that is 7 feet wide. To win this, the athlete should put the shot farther among
its competitors. Although you need strength to throw a shot put, technique and form
are much more important than muscle definition. Get in the proper stance by
stepping back with one foot and lowering your body so that your knees and hips are
bent. Be sure to hold the shot at the base of your fingers, rather than in your palm.
Throw the shot using your full body weight, and release it at a 45 degree angle. For
the approach, you can choose between two basic methods for throwing the shot put,
spin or glide. The more complex method is the spin or rotational technique, spinning
as you move forward to generate momentum for the throw.

The glide technique is more commonly used. With its linear movement through the
throwing circle, the glide technique is easier for beginners to learn. The following
guide offers the basic elements of the glide technique.

The weight of the ball can differ from 6 to 16 pounds (2.76 to 7.26kg), relying on
the level of age and gender of the contestant. The fundamental aim of the sport is to
propel or throw the object of play as far as possible.

This sport is an official Olympic event. Wearing of glove is not accepted, and a
participant is disqualified if found guilty. This is an outdoor event and cannot be
play indoor.

The shot put event was first seen in the middle Ages, when they would throw
cannonballs at their enemies.

Basic Shot Put Techniques and Skills

Goal One: Shot Put Grip and Placement

1. Holding the shot put

* The base of the fingers is used in holding the shot and not the palm.

* The fingers are gently apart with the thumb for guide.

* The hand is bending backward in a cocked position during the grip of

the shot.

2. Placement of the Neck

* The shot should be raise above the head.

* Gently bring down the shot until it is under the jaw.

* Gradually push the shot into thy neck.

* Your elbow should be lifted parallel to the ground.

* Your thumb should point directly to your clavicle.

* Make sure that your palm is facing the throwing area.

Goal Two: Shot put release or delivery

1. Shot put release or delivery

* Eyes should face forward.

* Push away the shot from your neck.

* The elbow should be constantly kept high. This is because lowering it

can make the shot to be thrown like a baseball and could cause injury.

* The push should be followed through with a flip of the wrist.

* The left side of the body will be stopped and locked to help form the

* For right shooters, the left side of the arm will be placed close to the side
of the body.

2. Trainings to teach release

* Wrist Flips – The following drills can be use for this release.

a) The thrower should face the throwing direction.

b) The thrower raised the shot above his head

c) The thrower will flip the shot out of his hand

* Double Arm Puts –Below are the training for this release.

a) The throw should face the throwing direction.

b) The both arms should support the shot in a chest pass position.

c) The thrower should ensure that the thumbs are down and the hands are
behind the shot.

d) Punch the shot with the two hands with the elbows maintaining high.

e) Turn over the wrist when the throw is made.

f) This throw can be as well carried out with the medicine ball.

* Arm Strike – Below are the drills for arm release.

a) Stand upright while facing the sector.

b) The shot should be slightly placed against the neck.

c) The thrower should look up and forcefully push out the shot toward
the sector.

d) The thrower needs turn the wrist after the throw.

* Bent Knee – Below are the trainings for arm release regarding the
importance of legs.

a) The Thrower must stand not backing the sector with slightly bent

b) The Thrower will place the shot slightly against the neck.

c) The thrower should look up and forcefully push out the shot toward
the sector.

d) In the course of pushing out the shot, the thrower should push it out
with legs extending the hips out.

Goal three: Power position

1. Standing in a power position

* The thrower will stand vertical to the sector.

* The feet position will be shoulder width apart or a little wider with
left foot slightly behind the right foot (toe heel relationship).

* The right foot will be placed vertically to the sector.

* Power Position: The thrower will transfer 80% percent of his/her

weight onto the right leg.

* The thrower will completely turn his/her torso opposite the sector.

* The thrower stands in an X position i.e. the feets slightly place


* The chest, knee and toe should be in line with one another.

* The athlete placed the shot against his/her neck.

* The left arm will be extended and out from the body with a right
angle relationship to the right elbow.

2. Release in a power position.

* Makes maximum use of the legs mostly the hips during delivery.

* The order of throw progression will be legs- hips- back- arm.

* Shift the weight from the right leg to the left leg in an upward

* When driving up with your legs your right heel (hips) needs to be
turned out.

* There will be a stretch reflex reaction between your upper body

and lower body.

* As your trunk comes around sweep the left arm around and then
bring it tight to your body.

* Stop the left side of your body to aid in speeding up the shot.

* Release the shot as stated above.

3. Practices used to teach execution of throw from the power position.

* Spin or turn over – Use these practices to tune the body and with much
focus on the importance of the legs.

a) The thrower stands facing the throwing direction with toes pointed

b) The thrower should place the shot against the neck.

c) The knees should be bent forward.

d) Turn your body to the right and down.

e) Extend legs and hips then throw as explained in the bent knee

1-2 Drill - Use this drill to teach the thrower to keep the shot back on
the hip.

a) The thrower gets into the power position with the shot placed
against his neck.

b) On the command of "one" he opens his left arm to the throwing

direction and turns his heel out. Check to see if the shot has stayed in
place at the back of the ring.

c) On the command of "two" the thrower completes the throw - sling

shot effect.

Goal four: Glide position

1. Body position when gliding

* The thrower should stand behind the ring facing away from the

* The thrower should place the shot against his or her neck.

* Put your body in an athletic position facing away from the sector.

* The thrower should widen his or her left arm.

* Move the left leg backward to the toe board.

* The body weight should be shifted more on the right leg.

2. Gliding into position.

* The thrower should set the left foot for balance.

* Draw up the left knee even with the right knee; and as such the
left leg should be kept upright.

* The left leg should not twist behind the right leg to ensure adequate

* Gently set your hip to start falling.

* Forcefully widen the left leg towards the toe board, remember
avoid lifting up your back

* Push and then pull your right leg underneath you, it will look like
the last part of your body leaving the circle is your right heel.

3. Practices use to teach glide

* Hip fall – Utilize these practices to teach hip fall action in the glide.

a) The thrower will start in an athletic position with his right hand
up against his neck and his left hand extended out in front.

b) The thrower will let the hips fall past his heels.

c) Once the hips go past the heels he will pull his legs back
underneath him.

* A Drill - Use for left leg drive.

a) Start in glide position.

b) Drive your left leg towards the toe board close to the ground.

c) Straighten your right leg where the only thing is touching is your

d) The thrower end with the legs in an upside down Y position.

* Step Under - Use this drill for teaching the glide.

a) The athlete will first do an A drill.

b) On command the athlete will pull the right leg underneath their
body turning the right foot at the same time.

* Step Backs - Use this for teaching the thrower to travel across the ring

a) The athlete begins in a glide position.

b) The thrower will take one step back with his/her right leg to the
middle of the ring.

c) The thrower will then take another step back with the left leg
towards the toe board.

d) Make sure the shoulders do not come around.

e) And he or she should be ready to execute the throw.


1. Shot put is categorized as a jumping sport TRUE/FALSE

2. What is shot put?

You may include the following answers


ii) Shot put is a track and field event in which the athlete will “put” (but more
like of throwing) a shot or a heavy metal ball, the farthest that he can without leaving
the circle that is 7 feet wide.


From the foregoing; shot put is an athletic throwing event that is requires putting of
the shot put to a distance to win the opponents.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Shot put is a track and field event in which the athlete will “put” (but more
like of throwing) a shot or a heavy metal ball, the farthest that he can without leaving
the circle that is 7 feet wide.

ii) The weight of the ball can vary from 6 to 16 pounds (2.76 to 7.26 kg),
depending on level age and gender of the participants.


1. List the skills involved in shot put.

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16th January, 2020 Retrieved on 16th

January, 2020



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Facilities and Equipment

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Shot put is a throwing event of Track and Field competitions. Shot put is very old.
Today it is about propelling a metal ball as far as possible. This sport is done with
the use of different Equipment..


By the end of this Unit, you should be able to:

* List the equipment of Shot put

* draw the diagram of a shot put sector.


3.1 Facilities and Equipment

Shot put Equipment:
This refers to movable materials that are used in a shot put sport. The equipment of
shot put are;
* Shot: Shot put is made of a solid iron, bronze, brass or any metal that is not softer
than brass, or a shell of such metal filled with lead or other material. The shot is
spherical, and must not have a rough surface. The shot is fabricated in such a way
that it differs in weight on the basis of sex and age of the athlete i.e. 7.3kg for men
and 4kg for women.

* Shoes: Made of leather; don t́ have cleats.

* Jersey: This is a cloth that shows the team and country you are participating for.
* Measuring tape: It is used to mean the distance of throw.

Facilities of shot put

Shot put facility includes;
* THE SHOT PUT SECTOR: The Shot put sector is 34.92 degrees and the sector
lines are normally 5cm in width.

Diagram of a shot put sector


* THE THROWING CIRCLE: The external layers of the circle should be made of
steel, iron, or other apt materials and the top of the circle should be flush with the
ground outside. It should have the inside diameter of 2,135m. The inside layer of the
circle should be fabricated with asphalt, concrete or any other suitable substance that
are not slippery. It should have a plane or flat surface which is 20mm below the outer
edge of the rim of the circle. The circle is separated in to two halves by a broad
painted line drawn through the centre and shifted not less than 0.75m outside the
circle on either side.

* THE STOP BOARD: The stop board looks like an arc and it is strongly fixed to
the in such a way that the interior edge abut or overlap the edge of interior edge of
the circle, usually made of wood or other apposite substances. The length of the stop
board is 1.22meter, with the height of 100mm and 144mm wide.


1. Which of the following is a shot put facility?

(a) Shot put sector (b) Shot (c) Jersey (d) Shoes

2. The shoes is a shot put equipment TRUE/FALSE

You may include the following answers

1. (a)



It is imperative to conclude that; Shot put equipment include; shoes, jersey,

measuring tape, the shot and has its facility as the throwing sector.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Shot put equipment includes; shoes, jersey, measuring tape, and the shot.


1. List 4 shot put equipment

2. Draw the diagram of a shot put sector.

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January, 2020.
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20Rules%202017%20-%20Throws%20Shot%20Put.pdf . Retrieved on 9th
January, 2020.

45 . Retrieved on 9th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 9th January, 2020. Retrieved on
9th January, 2020. events/shot-
put-equipment . Retrieved on 9th January, 2020. .
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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Officiating Officials and Their Duties

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Unlike other sports, officiating officials are vital in shot put for the executing and
piloting the affairs of the sports. These officials are charge with the role of
controlling all the activities from the start to the end of shot put competitions.


By the end of this Unit you should be able to:

* List the officials of shot put

* Explain the officials of shot put officials.


3.1 Officiating Officials and Their Duties

Shot put officiating officials: This is refers to as the personnel that direct, control,
ruled, oversees, supervise, administer, manage and monitor all the activities in shot
put to ensure all the rules and regulations of the event are adhered to.

Below are the Shot put officiating officials and their duties, these include;

A. Judge/1st Recorder

1. Move the gate on your side of cage (Flight Coordinator will move the other gate).

2. Observe and exactly record the start time Note exact start time i.e. 1st thrower
called “Up”.

3. Judge your side of the circle back to front. At the end of every throw, he or she
observes the circle judges for a fault signal (thumb up means there is no fault whilst
thumb down depicts a foul).

4. Always be categorically sure before you call a foul.

5. He or she also checks Markers (down sector lines) for sector foul signal. Make
this part of your call. Please, hold your signal until you are sure I have seen it.

6. You are the second reader of the tape and the 1st Recorder. I’ll read the tape then
you read it. If we agree, I’ll announce the distance. You’ll then record each throw
on the official sheet.

7. He or she should neatly record the best throws of the participant on the right side
of the sheet.

8. He or she compares the results with the 2nd Recorder at the end of each round.

9. Observe and Record the finishing time. (Results announced to athletes) on the
official sheet and sign the sheet.

10. Check and clean the circle prior to each round.

B. Judge/Timer/2nd Recorder:

1. Start the time clock (count-down) for warm-ups exactly 1 hour before the
competition is to begin. During the warm-up, help me check the athletes for proper
taping, gloves, and “lefties.”

2. The Timer uses the yellow flag.

3. The Timer should not sit behind the thrower in the ring.

4. He or she should ensure that either the clock or the flag is clearly visible to the
participants. Immediately the flight coordinator has called “Up” for the second time
He also raises the yellow flag and announces when 15sec remain and gently drops
the flag when the thrower’s time had exhausted.

5. At the end of each throw, he or she observes the circle judges for a fault signal
(thumb up means there is no fault whilst thumb down depicts a foul).

6. Always be categorically sure before you call a foul.

7. After the throw check that the athlete does not leave the circle until the implement
has landed in the field. If he/she has, give a foul signal.

8. He or she announced the score and neatly record it in the score sheet.

9. The timer compares his result with the first recorder at the end of each round.

10. Observe the state time (1st thrower called “Up”) and finish time.

C. Coordinator:
1. Move the gate on your side of the cage. (First Judge/Recorder moves the other
2. During competition, the coordinator ensures that he stands close to the throwers’
point of entry to the cage. When you give your calls, ensure that you face the
participants and can be heard by everyone.
3. No Participant is allowed to leave the competition arena unless accompanied by
an Escort, Retriever/Marshal. Participants may allow speaking to their coaches and
through the fence.
4. The coordinator ensures that no athlete is with an electronic gadget.
5. Check your flight sheet - make sure all are present, we have no extras, and he
ensures that the athlete’s number is clearly written.
6. He synchronizes and organizes the participants’ calisthenics and warm-ups For
instance, two free throws are given to each athlete.
7. Every limbering with implement is must be carried out within the competition
8. Only the throwers called, “Up and on Desk” may have an implement in hand,
definitely no warm-up
9. Make sure athletes apply substances (chalk/spray) to only their hands.
10. Call the athletes, “Up...On Deck...On Hold” as soon as the last athlete has
thrown. Remind each athlete they may enter the circle and stand OUTSIDE the ring.
11. He verifies the number of any athlete, when an athlete is called up.
12. Do not let athletes enter the circle before the second “Up” call. Make the second
“Up” call when the measurement is completed and all officials are ready, to indicate
the athlete is on the clock. You should give a visual signal (point to the ring) when
you issue the second “Up” call. Keep a good flow/rhythm to the competition.

13. He works as an implement inspector when an implement inspector is not
14. The implement cart should be placed close to you access for retrievers.

D. Implement Inspector :( if available)

1. All implements have no ownership during competition and will be reclaimed by
athletes at the venue upon completion of the competition. They must/may sign for
their implements.
2. He or she ensure that the implements are in a good condition and available to the
3. He or she plays the duty of authorizing only the thrower whom is called “Up” and
“On Deck” to pick up an implement during the competition.

Field Officials

A. Measurer/ Head sector Judge:

1. He or she returns the event implements before crew meeting.
2. He or she measures the distance of any throw.
3. He or she ensures that the field team is ready, and recognize all signals from the

B. Markers:
1. He or she marks the spot where the implement first touches the ground or lands.
And they are placed at equal distance between themselves outside the sector
boundary line.
2. He or she signalled to the ring when a sector foul is committed, i.e. if the
implement falls outside the white sector boundary line.
3. They keep their eyes on the circle to ensure fair throw and they are not involved
in measurement.
4. He or she also inspect and properly check if equipment are not faulty.
5. He or she must mark every throws, including the fouls to clear doubt in case of
6. Make necessary pivot maintenance.

C. Retriever

1. They space themselves with equal distance between the landing area and retrieve
and return the implement back to the official in the circle.
2. The retriever does not throw, push, and lob the implement back to the ring.


1. The following are officiating officials in shot put except one. (a). Recorders
(b). Reorders (c). Retrievers (d). Referees
2. Mention any two duties of the markers in shot put.


1. A
2. The two duties of the marker are;

i) He or she also inspect and properly check if equipment are not faulty.

ii) They marks where the implement lands.


To sum up, officiating officials are worthwhile to the extent that Shot put
competitive event cannot be organised without them. Therefore, the effectiveness of
any Shot put competition is geared toward the efficacy of the officials.


You have learnt in this Unit that:-

1. Shot put officiating officials: This is refers to as the personnel that direct,
control, oversees, supervise, administer, manage and monitor all the activities in shot
put to ensure all the rules and regulations of the sport are adhered to.


1. Differentiate the roles of the judges and field officials.


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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Rules and Regulations

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Shot put is a sport played for the purpose of propelling a heavy shot as far as possible.
However, despite how far a throw is made it may not be counted if the thrower violet
the rules and regulations regarding this sport. This unit shall therefore outline the
rules and regulations that are accrued to this sport.


By the end of this unit, you shall be able to:

* List the rules and regulations of shot put

* List attitudes that are regarded as fouls in Shot Put.


3.1 Rules and Regulations

Rules of shot put: These refer to the guiding principles, and etiquettes that
participants, coaches and officials must follow to ensure a smooth and fair Shot put

IAAF (International Association of Athletic Association) and WMA (World Masters
Athletic) are the apogee international bodies that govern the rules of shot put. Below
are the rules governing the conduct of shot put competitions:

1. An athlete is only given one minute to execute a throw after he or she is called up.

2. Participants are not allowed to wear hand gloves to execute a throw, but for the
purpose of injury prevention they can tape their fingers.

3. The only allowed resting portion of the shot during throw action is to be placed
against the neck.

4. The thrower should uses only one hand to deliver the shot above the shoulder

5. The thrower is allowed to utilize the area that is inside the circle but never to use
the border or the outside area of the toe board. The thrower is not penalized for
extending his limbs outside the circle during throw execution.

6. The shot should be thrown within the official permitted sector of 34.92 degrees of
the throwing area.

7. After the throw the thrower should leave the circle from backside.

8. The athlete must only use one hand and it must not drop below the shoulder or it
could cause damage.

9. The thrower is not allowed to leave the circle before the shot lands on the ground.

10. The participant is disqualified if his foot crosses the toe board.

Fouls in Shot Put

The following actions are considered as fouls in shot put sport.

1. The thrower does not pause before executing the throw within the circle.

2. It is a foul when an athlete is unable to execute a through within 60 seconds.

3. It is a foul when the thrower holds the shot below the shoulder level.

4. It is considers as foul if a participant is unable to create a continuous contact of
the shot with the neck and it falls off.

5. It is a foul if the shot touches any of the listed below during throw;

a. Top or ends of the toe board

b. Upper side of the iron ring

c. At any exterior area of the circle.

7. It is a foul if the participant leaves the circle before the shot lands on the ground.

8. The athlete does not move from the rear half of the circle.


1. Competitive Shot put sport is played devoid of rules and regulations


2. It is a foul if the shot touches any of the listed below during throw;

(a) Top or end of the toe board (b) Upper side of the iron ring (c) At any area outside
the circle. (d) All of the above.

You may include the following answers


2. (d)


Conclusively, rules and regulations are vastly required while throwing Shot put to
ensure free and fair winning. Thus officiating officials, coaches as well as
participants must acclimatize themselves with these etiquettes in other to be
qualified to participate in Shot put competitions.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Rules of the shot put: These refer to guiding principles, and etiquettes that
participants, coaches and officials must adhere to, in other to ensure a smooth and
fair shot put competition.


1. State 5 rules of Shot put

2. Identify 4 Shot put fouls.

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20Rules%202017%20-%20Throws%20Shot%20Put.pdf . Retrieved on 20th
January, 2020.
TRACKFIELD.pdf. Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th

January, 2020.


Module 3 Discus

Unit 1 Nature of the event/skills

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment

Unit 3 Officials and their duties

Unit 4 Rules and regulations

Module 3


Under this module, the nature of discus event is discussed, the facilities and
equipment used are specified, and the officiating officials are vividly explained with
their duties as regards the maintenance of the rules and regulations governing the



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Nature of the Event/Skills

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Discus is categorized as an athletic field and throwing event, that requires the use of
a disk-shaped object called the discus. The fundamental objective to the participants
of this sport is to throw the discus for a distance.


By the end of this Unit, you should be able to:

* Write the nature of Discus

* Differentiate discus implement from shot put.


3.1 Nature of the Event/Skills

Discus throw is a sport in athletics (track and field) in which a disk-shaped object,
known as a discus, is thrown for distance. In modern competition the discus must be
thrown from circle 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) in diameter and fall within a 40° sector
marked on the ground from the centre of the circle.

Discus throw became pronounced during the period of Greek poet Homer, Who
stated it in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. Discus was among the five activities
introduced in pentathlon in the olden Olympic sports. In 1896 when Olympic sports
were revived at Athens marks the period that Discus was included in modern

Early modern athletes threw the discus from an inclined pedestal, using an
exaggerated style gotten from representations of discus. The outdated circle of 2.13
metres (7 foot) was change to this normal size in 1912.

The diameter and thickness of discus varied depending on the age and sex of the
athlete. In the same vein, the contemporary discus for men is 219mm or 8.6 inches
in diameter and 44mm or 1.75 inches thick at the centre. Its weight must never be
below 2 kg especially for men. Discus is constructed on wood or suitable substance,
with a smooth metal rim and small spherical brass plates.

A discus event was introduced when women’s track and field was included to the
Olympic programme in 1928. A barely smaller discus weighing 1 kg i.e. 2 pounds
or 3.2 ounces and 180 mm or 7.1 inches w is utilized in women’s events.

Notable discus throwers include American Al Oerter, who first broke the 200-foot
mark; American Mac Wilkins, who was first to break officially the 70-metre (230-
foot) mark; German Jürgen Schult, who broke the world’s record for discus throw
in 1986 with a 74.08-metre (243.04-foot) throw; German Lisel Westermann, the first
woman to break the 200-foot mark; and Russian Faina Melnik, who broke the 70-
metre mark in women’s competition.

Al Oerter is an American giant Discus participant who was the first man to throw
discus to more than 200 feet. He is known for his stupendous achievements by being
an uninterrupted four time Olympic gold medals winner in (1956, 1960, 1964, and
1968). During his life career he creates new world records four times (1962 to 1964).


1. Discus is a throwing event TRUE/FALSE

You may include this answer



From the foregoing; Discus throw is a sport in athletics precisely a field event played
with a flat circular object called the discus. Thus the cardinal objective of this event
is to throw the discus for distance without infringing on the rules.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Discus throw is a sport in athletics precisely a field event played with a flat circular
object called the discus. Thus the cardinal objective of this event is to throw the
discus for distance without infringing on the rules.


1. Write down the nature of Discus.

2. Draw the discus sector and label it.

es.htm. Retrieved on 18th January, 2020. Retrieved
on 18th January, 2020



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Facilities and Equipment

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Discus throw is a sport that required the use of a disk-shaped object, known as a
Discus. Discus is thrown for distance, and a thrower with the highest distance
without infringing the rules and regulation of the game is the winner.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

* List the Equipment of Discus

* Draw Discus sector.


3.1 Facilities and Equipment

Facilities refer to immovable materials, whilst Equipment entails the movable

gadgets that are used to perform sporting activities.

Discus throw game is not equipment-heavy. You just need a couple of things to play
the game. Further still, discuses are created with different materials and weight to
suit both amateurs and professionals. The equipment in the playing arena such as the
cage is used most importantly for safety.
Diagrams of Discus sector and discus


Below are Discus facilities and equipment;

The Discus

This is the crucial or main object in Discus throw. This can be made using wood,
rubber, metal and other suitable materials. This object varied in weight ranging from
1 kg to 2kg. The amateurs desire to utilize discuses with less weight for training. A
discus case is normally used to protect it from damage and to enhance.

Discus dimensions and weights

Below is the breakdown of the dimension and weight of discus used for both men
and women:

Gender Diameter Weight

Men 22cm 2kg
Women 18cm 1kg

Types of Discus

Different types of Discuses are produced depending on the ability, gender and age
group of the participant. Below are the typical types of discus:

Discus Style Look Purpose

Club Made of solid wood, use u all throwers.

It is an adjustable weigh discus, used by

learners for learning and training.

Top Fly Made of polycarbonate fibres, used by experts.

IAAF certified discus fabricated for workout

session. It is designed with a galvanized steel
edge of 80 percent of the entire weight and side
plates made from polycarbonate substance.

Ultimate Use by seasoned and expert throwers.

IAAF approved discus produced for every

Target thrower. It is designed with a galvanized steel
rim of 70 percent complete mass.

Made of highly durable solid rubber that gives

good grip. It is mostly used for training session.

Supporting Discus Equipments

Below are the supporting equipments used in Discus events, these are;

Measuring tape: this is use by the officials to measure the length of throw.

Marking flags: These are utilized to mark many throws done by a single participant.

Recording sheets: These are record books that used by trainers and officials for
recording the scores and other details of the participants.


1. The following are Discus supporting equipment except.

(a) Measuring tape (b) Marking flags (c) Shot put (d) Recording sheets.

You may include this answer

1. (c)


To sum up, Discus is played with the use of both standardize equipment and


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Discus equipment include; measuring tape, Marking flags, and Recording

sheets etc.


1. List 4 Discus equipment

2. Draw a labelled diagram of Discus sector.

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on 18th January, 2020 . Retrieved on 18th

January, 2020 . Retrieved on 18th January, 2020



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Officials and Their Duties

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Discus is a sport that requires the use of officials to pilot and control its affairs.
Therefore this unit shall identify and explain the duties of officials in Discus throw.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

* List 3 Discus officials and their duties

* Identify the duties of the chief judge


3.1 Officials and Their Duties

Discus Officials
Every Discus competition requires a lot of officials in other ensure a smooth conduct
of its activities. In every standard competition, at least six officiating officials are
needed i.e. three working in the field and three operating at the circle.

Chief Judge
•He or she assigns officials to different position.
•He or she ensures the safety of the competition arena and the equipment to be used.
• The chief judge makes sure that the facilities conform to the regulations of the
• He usually positioned his self outside the cage or net, precisely to the front in other
to clearly view any fault committed inside the circle.
•The chief judge normally uses a red and a white flag indicates foul and fair throw
•He or she also performs a momentous role by advising and explaining the reason
for the foul to the participants.
•If the throw is fair, after an indication by the sector Official, read off the
measurement of the throw.
•He or she cautions the thrower when the thrower is alerted by the timekeeper that
there is only 15 seconds left out of the 1 minute assigned per trial.

Official One
•He or she positioned outside the cage and to the rear of the circle.
•He or she uses a red flag to indicate any breach of the rules at the rear as the
participant turns.
•He or she pulls the measuring tape through the middle of the circle.

Official Two

•He or she records the scores and call up participants (Distances are recorded to the
nearest centimetre below the distance measured, if not a whole centimetre).
•Official two recapitulate the measurement called by the chief judge in other to
makes sure that it is recorded accurately.
•He or she normally alerts the thrower with a yellow flag to show a thrower that he
or she has 15 seconds left to execute the throw.

Officials Three and Four

•They operate in the field observing the sector lines.

•They accurately carry the discus back to the contestants.
• They help in determining where the discus exactly landed with the spike holding
the zero starting of the tape.
Note: Officials have to be 100% carefully to notice where the discus exactly, because
of the fact that some discus can land in different ways.
Official Five
•He or she operates in the field observing the sector lines.
•Assists in pointing out the exact spot where the discus landed.
•He or she uses both red and white flag for indicating a foul and fair throw

Discus Safety
Below are the safety rules regarding the conduct of discus throw, these are:
•To make sure all the participants sit or stand in the designated area or behind the
safety net or cage.
•In the act of returning the discus, it should be carried to the circle; contrastively it
must not be thrown, tossed, or rolled.
•The participants waiting for their turn are not allowed to joke with any spare discus.
•For safety purpose, the chief judge should be situated at the right hand side of the
Discus for a left hand player and the left hand side for a right hand player.
•The officials must stand outside the cages while the contestant is executing a throw.
•The circle should be covered by the cage or the net.
•The Officials behind the cage are not allowed to back the throwing direction
immediately a thrower entered the cage.


1. The discus must be carried back to the circle – NOT thrown or rolled

You may include the following answers



From the foregoing, it is stated that Discus has the minimum of six Officials is
required, three operating at the circle and three in the field. These officials are charge
with the responsibility of ensuring fair play during participation.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Every Discus competition requires a lot of officials in other ensure a smooth

conduct of its activities. In every standard competition, at least six officiating
officials are needed i.e. three working in the field and three operating at the circle.


1. List three duties of the chief judge

2. State three discus safeties.

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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Rules and Regulations

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


No sport is played devoid of rules and regulations, and as such Discus is not an
exception. This unit shall discuss the rules and regulations in Discus throw.


By the end of this unit you should be able to:

* List 4 rules regarding cage.

* List 3 rules regarding Discus.


3.1 Rules and Regulations

In this text we shall look at the rules of Discus concerning the discus (the object of
play), the cage and the throw.

Rules concerning the discus

Below are rules concerning the discus include the following;

 The discus is constructed with any material for instance wood nevertheless it
must have a round or circular edge with a metallic rim.
 The inner construction may be made hollow or solid.
 The cross section of the rim should done in spherical form, thus it should have
6mm radius.
 The discus should be made in such a way that all its sides are identical and the
edges must not be sharp or abnormal.
 The discus must be smooth.

Rules concerning the cage

Below are some of the momentous rules concerning the cage, these are;

 The cage should be constructed in such a manner that it can be able to stop a
disc of about 2kg coming at the velocity of 25m/sec.
 There should be zero fear of ricocheting discus from the cage.
 The cage should be fabricated in a “U” shape i.e. at least one entrance is made.
 The height of the netting point at the lowest pint should be 4m.
 The net should be constructed with a synthetic and natural fibre material. In
the same vein high tensile strength steel wire can as well be utilized.

Rules concerning throw

Below are some pertinent rules concerning throw, these are;

 During a competition, the thrower is only authorized to throw the discus when
he or she stands inside a circle which has a diameter of 2.5m.

 In the act of throw, the participants are not allowed to touch the top of the rim
except the inner part of the rim.
 In the course of throw, the thrower is prohibited from touching the area outside
the circle.
 It is regarded as a foul throw if the thrower moves outside be circle before the
disc lands on the ground.
 During Olympic matches, every Participant has 8 trials of throws.
 A throw is considered unacceptable if the disc lands outside the boundary
landing of the disc zone.


1. During a competition, the thrower is only authorized to throw the discus when he
or she stands inside a circle which has a diameter of 2.5m. TRUE/FALSE

2. The inner construction of the discus should made both solid and -------

(a) White (b) Liquid (c) Discus (d) Hollow.

You may include the following answers;


2. (d)


Conclusively, discus is thrown with the aim of getting a higher distance to win your
opponent. Nevertheless, winning depends on how throwers adhere to the rules and
regulation of the event.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) The thrower is only authorized to throw the discus when he or she stands
inside a circle which has a diameter of 2.5m

ii) The construction and the strength of the cage should be such that it can arrest
a disc of around 2Kg coming at a speed of 25m/sec.
iii) The discus is constructed with any material for instance wood, nevertheless it
must have a round or circular edge with a metallic rim.


1. List 3 cage rules.

2. List at least 3 throws rules

Book_EN_Final-Draft_Formatted.pdf. Retrieved on 17th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 18th January, 2020 . Retrieved on 18th

January, 2020
Retrieved on 17th January, 2020. Retrieved
on 18th January, 2020.


Unit 1 Nature of javelin/skills

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment

Unit 3 Officials and their duties

Unit 4 Rules and regulations

Module 4 Javelin


The module discusses the nature of javelin and its skills, facilities and equipment
involved, the officiating officials and their duties, and the rules and regulations
governing javelin event.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Nature of Javelin/Skills

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Javelin is athletic throwing events that requires the use of a dagger or spear like
object which it thrown to gain distance. This event is played by both male and
female. This unit shall further discuss the nature of Javelin.


By the end of this unit, you should be able to:-

* Write the nature of Javelin

* Identify at least 3 techniques in javelin throw.


3.1 Nature of Javelin/Skills

The javelin throw is an individual event in field athletics categorized under throwing
events. It is played with an object called the javelin which is a spear-like shape with
the length of about 2.5m (8ft 2inches).The javelin throw increase more energy by
running within a designated area before executing the throw. Consequently, the
fundamental objective of this sport is to throw the javelin for a distance. The
participant uses any of the grips: American, Finish or V grip or fork grip to run up,
throws and huddles up. The facility used in javelin throw is a well marked throwing
sector; and the equipment is the javelin and the spike shoes. This is a sport for both
male and female. Nonetheless it can be carried out for recreational or competitive

Javelin Throwing Techniques

Javelin is an event that is performed on the field as an individual event and

measurements are taken to determine the winner.

It requires a lot of practice to become an expert in throwing javelin, it is vital to get

acclimatize to javelin throwing techniques in other to pre-empt injury. During
practice, the learner ought to clearly stretch out his or her arm and shoulders carefully
while holding the javelin.

Below are the coaching guides for throwing a javelin.


Grip refers to the manner in which the thrower holds a javelin before executing a
throw. There are three grip techniques in javelin throw. It is pertinent to flag up that
all the three grip techniques are good, but it depends on the thrower to use the one
he or she desires. The javelin should be held in such a way that it lies parallel to the
shoulder, and the palm should be positioned upward. Below are the three types of

 American Grip: This is the most common grip among javelin throwers. The
athlete needs to have proper flexibility with this throw to prevent an injury
(primarily in the elbow or shoulder). There is also a slightly higher risk for
injuries to the hand/ fingers if not done correctly. This is probably the
strongest grip and can deliver a high amount of rotation upon release. The
American Grip is performed by the javelin with the cord in between the thumb
and index finger.

Good American grip

Poor American grip: Notice the thumb is not quite on the top lip of the cord.

 Finnish Grip: This type of grip is performed by shifting the index finger under
the shaft for support, and simultaneously holding the cord in between the middle
finger and the thumb. The javelin is held the same way as the American; however,
the middle finger rests closer to the top of the cord and the index finger wraps
higher along the shaft.

This has become a favourite grip as it promotes a fast release and reduces the
risk of “dropping the tail”

 "V" Grip or fork grip: This is a great grip for beginners as it promotes the
correct “over-the-top” release of the javelin. Release from this grip is fairly
easy; however, the rotation the athlete will get is rather low. The “V” grip is
performed by holding the shaft in the middle of extended index and middle

“V” grip.


This is a javelin technique that requires a thrower to run within a predetermined area
to increase momentum before executing the throw. The thrower starts the rum-up by
gripping the javelin and raising it over the head with the elbow matching the height
of the neckline. The javelin should be pointed toward the target with the pointed
mouth a bit facing down. When a thrower takes a first pace, he or she should ensures
that his or her hips are upright or at right angles with the throwing direction.
Research has shown that amateurs normally take less than ten strides on the run way
before executing a throw, while experts javelin players takes anywhere from thirteen
to eighteen strides before throwing. When taking the last strides, the throwers is
expected to turn his or her planting foot opposite to the throwing hand and should
point it toward the target. The thrower’s legs should cross over as he or she pulls the
javelin back to execute the throw. However the thrower should keep his or her
throwing hand at the shoulder level and the arm should be maintained straight.

Throw or Release

This refers to a javelin throw technique in which the thrower legally executes,
delivers or releases the javelin for distance. The athlete should ensure that his or her
elbow is raising high when he or she coil back and deliver the javelin. Thus the
throwing hand should be raised as high as possible. The javelin should be release in
front of the fixed foot. In other to gain more distance, the thrower should ensure to
categorically follow through after the javelin has been released.

Huddle Up

The thrower has to keep in mind that; success is gain in everything throw constant
practice. Thus this should spurs him or her to find it worthwhile to devote his or her
time to practice grip, run-up and throw, which will makes the thrower to became
good thrower and perform at his peak. The thrower should understand that the key
to good practice is technique. He should ensure to utilize flawless techniques when
executing a javelin throw in other to make the javelin projects farther and as well to
pre-empt injury.


1. Which of these is not a grip style in javelin throw?

(a) Teeth grip (b) American grip (c) Finnish grip (d) ‘V’ grip

2. Javelin is not a throwing event TRUE/FALSE

You may include the following answers

1. (a)



To close the curtain, the javelin throw is an individual event in field athletics
categorized under throwing events. It is played with an object called the javelin
which is a spear-like shape with the length of about 2.5m (8ft 2inches)., is thrown.
The javelin thrower gains momentum by running within a predetermined area. The
participant uses any of the grips: American, Finish or V grip or fork grip to run up,
throws and huddles up.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) The javelin throw is an individual event in field athletics categorized under

throwing events. It is played with an object called the javelin which is a spear-like
shape with the length of about 2.5m (8ft 2inches).

ii) There are three grips which include; American, Finnish grip or fork grip.


1. List and explain three grips techniques in Javelin

2. List three Javelin skills

athletes/ . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. Retrieved on
20th January, 2020.
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on 20th January, 2020.
potential. Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. .
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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Facilities and Equipment

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Javelin is an individual throw event that requires the use of different equipment and
facilities for effective participation. Therefore, this unit shall discuss about the
facilities and equipment in javelin.



3.1 Facilities and Equipment

The Javelin

This is the major equipment in Javelin throw. IAAF is a supreme body that sets and
certifies the standard of size, shape, minimum weight, and centre of gravity of the
javelin implement. In international contest, the javelin varies depending on the age
and gender of the participants. Thus, men use a javelin which has the length between
2.6m and 2.7m and must not weigh less than 800 grams, and the women use a javelin
weighing not less than 600 grams and with the length ranging from 2.2m and 2.3m.
The javelins is constructed with a grip, nearly 150 mm wide, and build of cord and
positioned at the javelin’s centre of gravity (0.9m -1.6m for men and 0.8m - 0.92m
for women).

The javelin

Javelin shoes: This is the Javelin equipment. It has to be strong and supple in the
sole, subject to the strain of spinning, with robust, semi-circular edges for fast
turning and greater spin speed. Although lightweight, they have to bear the weight
of extra-large sized athletes, hence the strings are often supported by extra strapping
(velcro or similar).

Javelin shoes

Measuring tape: This is the Javelin equipment which is used to measure the
distance in which a javelin has covered after been thrown.

Record sheets: This is Javelin equipment that is used by the officials to write down
the details of the participants and theirs scores.

Javelin sector: This is categorized as a facility in javelin throw. It is made up of the

run way of 36.5m, the throwing line or arc and a sector of 29o.

Diagram of a javelin (object of play) and a javelin sector



1. In international competition, men throw a javelin between --- and --- metres in
length and (at least) 800 grams in weight.

(a) 2.2 and 2.3 meters (b) 2.6 and 2.7 meters (c) 2.0 and 2.1 meters (d) None of the

2. In international competition, women throw a javelin between 2.2 and 2.3 meters
in length and (at least) ----- grams in weight.

(a) 600 (b) 500 (c) 450 (d) None of the above

You may include the following answers

1. (b)

2. (a)


In conclusion, Javelin is made up of equipment such as; Javelin, shoes, measuring

tape, recording sheet, and facilities such as; javelin sector.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) In international competition, men throw a javelin between 2.6 and 2.7 meters
in length and (at least) 800 grams in weight.

ii) In international competition, women throw a javelin between 2.2 and 2.3
meters in length and (at least) 600 grams in weight.


1. List 3 javelin equipments

2. Draw a well labelled diagram of javelin sector.

20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. Retrieved on
20th January, 2020. .
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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Officials and Their Duties

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


This unit is written to present the officiating officials in control of the Javelin event
to the reader. Hence they guide the smooth conduct of the event either in training or


By the end of this uni, you will be able to:

* List three officials in Javelin

* Explain the duties of each official in Javelin


3.1 Officials and Their Duties

Javelin Officials
Javelin competitions require a lot of officials in other ensure a smooth conduct of its
activities. In every standard competition, at least six officiating officials are needed
i.e. three working in the field and three operating near the runway.
Chief Judge
•The chief judge performs an important role by assigning duties and positions to the
various officials
•The chief judge observes and invigilates the competition arena and equipment to
ensure that they are in proper condition to prevent injury.
•It is the paramount duty of the chief judge to ensure that the facility meet the
standard of the competition rules.
•He or she observes the fouls committed along the runway and in the front of the
•He or she supervise the thrower to ensure the javelin is held and thrown accordingly
with the rules and makes sure that the thrower does not leave the runway before the
javelin lands on the ground.
•He or she uses a red and a white flag to show a foul and a fair throw respectively.
•The chief judge explains the reason of the foul to the athlete.
•In case the throw is fair, after an indication by the sector Official, he will read off
the measurement of the throw.
• He or she cautions the thrower when the thrower has been alerted by the timekeeper
that there is only 15 seconds left out of the 1 minute assigned per trial.
Official One
•He or she positioned nearly 1 meter from the side of the runway at the sector and
foot foul line.
•Official One aids the Chief Judge by checking for foot fouls.
•He or she pulls the tape through the middle of the circle which the arc is part.
Officials Two and Three
•They work in the field to view the centre line and helps in deciding the exact spot
where a javelin landed.
•stand one each side of the sector lines with the one nearest to the mark made by the
implement to be the person who marks the landing point regardless of who holds the
•They properly carry back a javelin to the competitors inside the runway.

Official Four
•He or she makes use of the red flag to indicate a wrong throw and a white flag to
indicate fair throw.
•He or she also decides the exact point where the javelin firstly landed.
•He or she move from the side without taking their sight away from the landing point
and indicate the point of the landing closest to the runway with a spike holding the
zero end of the tape.
Official Five

•He or she documents the results and call up contestants (Distances are documented
to the closest centimetre below the distance measured if not a whole centimetre).
•He or she may re-perform the measurement called by the Chief Judge to ascertain
its veracity.
•He or she raises a yellow flag to indicate 15 seconds remaining for a participant
completes his or her throw.

Safety precautions in Javelin

•A javelin competition should be organized only if the skilled officials are available.
•Proper supervision of the equipment and the competition arena should be ensured
for safety purpose.
• The Officials, coaches, participants and fans should be ready to conform to the
rules and regulations of the sport.
•A participant should be only allowed to carry the javelin only when he or she is
called up to execute a throw.
•Only the athlete currently called up to participate should have access to the runway
and the sector areas.
•The sector judge and the spotter facing the thrower should position his or her self
in such a way they cannot be injured by the javelin.
•Do not throw a javelin in the course returning it to the runway or the called up
•The Officials must ensure a meticulous control over all the throwing including
casual throwing during warm-up and between competition throws.
•Athletes must not involve themselves in rough plays with the spear-like object


1. Javelin is made up of the minimum of------ Officials

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) all of the above

2. Javelin is a not a throwing event TRUE/FALSE

You may include these answers

1. (b)



To sum up, the cardinal purpose of utilizing Officials in javelin competitions is to
ensure safety and fair play, in this regard at least six officiating officials are needed
i.e. three working in the field and three operating near the runway. .


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Javelin competitions require a lot of officials in other ensure a smooth conduct

of its activities. In every standard competition, at least six officiating officials are
needed i.e. three working in the field and three operating near the runway.


1. State 4 duties of a chief judge in Javelin

2. List six Javelin Officiating Officials.

7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on
20th January, 2020. . Retrieved
on 20th January, 2020. .
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athletes/ . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Rules and Regulations

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


To emerge a winner in Javelin throw event, you ought to get habituated with the
rules and regulations of the sport else you will earn a penalty even after your greatest
throw. This unit shall discuss the rules and regulations in Javelin throw.

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

* List 7 rules of javelin throw.


3.1 Rules and Regulations

The javelin must be held at its grip and thrown overhand using one arm, over the
athlete's shoulder or upper arm. The athlete may begin his or her run as far back as
he or she reasonably chooses.
Javelin throwers are provided with a runway 4m wide and at least 30m in length,
ending in a curved arc, the scratch line, from which their throw will be measured.
The javelin is thrown towards a "sector" covering an angle of 28.96 degrees
extending outwards from the arc at the end of the runway.
A throw is legal only if the tip of the javelin lands within the sector, and the tip strike
the ground before any other part of the javelin.
The javelin need only to make a mark on the ground and not stick in or 'break turf'.
To be called a “mark” the front end must strike the ground before the back end.
In any case of doubt, the benefit goes to the athlete and the throw is measured.

The distance of the throw is measured from the point where the mark was made to
the inner side for the scratch line (the runway side of the line), rounded down to the
nearest centimetre.
Place the zero end of the tape at the mark made by the javelin closest to the scratch
line. Pull the tape back through the 'sweet-spot' (8m from scratch line) and read off
the measurement from the inside edge of the scratch line.

Rules regarding Javelin competitions

•An athlete much complete his or her throw within 60 seconds meant for a trial.
•The throw is done from the pulling action of just the arm.
•In the course of making a throw, a participant is not allowed to step on the scratch
line or the lines which marks the runway.
• The thrower must leave the runway only after his throw has landed and must ensure
that he or she exits the sector behind the scratch line.
•The javelin must legally rest within the lines which demarcate the legal sector of
(28.96o) of the throwing area.
•In the course of displaying a throw, the thrower is not authorized to make contact
with the scratch line and the line bordering the runway even with his or her shoes.
•During throwing motion, an athlete must only hold the javelin at the cord and it
should be always rise above the shoulder level.
•For a throw to be fair, the tip of a javelin must be the first to legally strike on the
•After a javelin is release, the participant is not allowed to turn his back towards the
throwing area until the javelin hit the ground.
•There are 8 number of throws allowed for an athlete during a competition.
•Once the competition is in progress, participants are being prohibited from utilizing
the perimeter for their trainings.
• An athlete in the runway is allowed to starts his or her run as far back as he or she
•Athletes are vehemently prohibited from using any throw enhancement device,
Such as hand gloves and as such tapping of the fingers is guaranteed only when the
athlete has wound on it.
•A throw may be regarded as a foul; if any of the following occurred in the course
of throw;
* When a thrower goes out of the marking line while throwing.
* When the tip of the javelin lands outside the edges of the landing sector.
•The time is maximized to 1 minute if there is 2-3 numbers of contestants. Lest only
1competitor is left, time may be added to 2 minutes.

1. In competitive Javelin events, rules are not taken into consideration

2. It is a fault when a thrower does not begin the throwing movement within ------of
having his or her name called

(a) Sixty seconds (b) ten seconds (c) twenty-four hours (d) none of the above

You may include the following answers


2. (a)


In view, Javelin rules and regulations are use to determine the winner of the
championship. Consequently, a winner of a javelin competition is not only
determined by how far the thrower throws, but how he or she also participates with
strict adherence to the ethics of the sport.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) A winner of a javelin competition is not only determined by how far the

thrower throws, but how he or she also participates with strict adherence to the ethics
of the sport.


1. State six rules in javelin throw.

7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020.
rack_and_Field/JavelinOfficial(1).pdf . Retrieved on 20th January, 2020.

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Retrieved on 20th January, 2020.


Unit 1 Nature of soccer/skills

Unit 2 Facilities and Equipment

Unit 3 Officiating officials and their duties

Unit 4 Rules and regulations

Module 5 Soccer


Soccer is a game that is played all over the world and enjoyed by all ages. This
module discusses the nature of the game of soccer and its skills, facilities and
equipment, the officiating officials and rules and regulations guiding the game.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Nature of Soccer/Skills

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Soccer is played according to a set of rules, known as the Game Rules. The game is
played using a single round ball. Two teams of eleven players compete to get the
ball into the goal of the other team, thus achieving a goal. The team that has scored
the most goals at the end of the game is the winner, and if they score the same number
of goals it is considered a draw. Football, also known as, “soccer”, in some places
around the world, is a great sport with lots of activity. It is a great way to stay in
shape and to keep you occupied and moving. The game is played using a single

round ball (the football) and two teams of eleven players each compete to get the
ball into the other team's goal post, thereby scoring a goal.

Soccer became one of the most cherished sports worldwide because of it publicity
and the enthusiasm it create to the spectators. In the same vein, soccer is recently
used for commercial purpose, entertainment, and means of survival. This unit shall
discuss the nature of soccer.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

* Write the nature of soccer

* Explain the popular terminologies in soccer.


3.1 Nature of Soccer/Skills

Association football, commonly refers to as football or soccer, is a team sport played

with a spherical ball between two teams of eleven players each in the field. The
fundamental objective of the sport is to legally score your opponent as many goals
as you can by moving the ball beyond the goal line of your opponent, and to prevent
your opponent from getting control of the ball. This sport is played on a rectangular
field which is divided into two equal halves with a goal post as each end.

This sport is conducted with strict adherence to a set of rules refers to as Laws of the
Game. The major implement of play is the ball. It is pertinent to note here that; soccer
is both a recreational and competitive sport played either indoor or outdoor by both
sexes. It is a contact sport that requires speed, flexibility, agility, balance, strength,
coordination and the ability to work together with a your team mates. The both teams
strive to get the ball into their opponent goal post. A goal is scored when the ball
legally and completely crosses the goal line between the posts and under the cross
bar and it has been approved by the Referee. As a result, the team with the highest
number of goals at the end of the match wins. It is considered as a draw or a tie if
the two teams score no goal or have score equal goals at the end of the match, but if
the format of the competition required that a winner must be produced, alternatively
extra time or penalty shootout is utilized. Nevertheless, each football team is led by
a captain who represents and as well makes complaints on behalf of his team mates
during the game.
Just as the name implies, football is played with the use of the foot, head, and the
chest. Therefore it is a foul to touch the ball with the hands except the goalkeeper
and when a player is performing a Throw In.

The supreme body that regulate the activities of soccer is the Federation of
International Football Association (FIFA). This body is saddle with the
responsibility of revising the laws of the sport and also organizing World Cups for
both males and females in the interval of every four years. The FIFA World Cup
started since 1930 till date but not including 1942 and 1946 tournaments, which were
not played as the result of the Second World War, nearly 190-200 national teams
contest in qualifying tournaments within the area of continental confederations for a
place in the last or final tournament. The final tournament, which took place in the
interval of every four years comprises of 32 national teams combating over a four
week period. This is regarded as the most marketed sport with the highest number
of followers which are more than that of the Olympic Games.

Furthermore, the major club competition in soccer is the UEFA champions League.
The five leading European leagues are Premier League (played in England), La Liga
(played in Spain), Bundesliga (played in Germany), Serie A (played in Italy), and
Ligue 1 (Played in France).

Soccer Terminologies
Below are the most used terminologies in football, these include;

Advantage score: This term refers to the process where there is no necessity of
stoping the play when a foul is detected by the central referee because the team that
does not commit the foul is still in position of the ball at the scoring point.
Aggregate score: This refers to the scores gotten when the both teams played each
other twice. I.e. (home and away)
Attacker: This refers to a striker or a player who is close to his or her opponent goal
Ball in and out of play: Ball In refers to the process where the ball is inside the field
or on the sideline or goal line, thus the game continues as long as the ball is in play
within the certified time. While, Ball Out of play refers to a period when the ball is
played outside the goal line or side line, similarly ball out of play is re-started with
a throw in (when the ball is out through the sidelines) and goal kick or corner kick
(when the ball is out through the goal line).
Bicycle kick: This is a style in soccer where a player kicks the ball over his or her
head with his two feet off the ground concurrently with a somersault.

Booter: This soccer term refers to the act of kicking the ball. Similarly to boot
signifies to kick the ball very long, high and with great force.
Clear: This term is found in a situation where the chance to score arises. The
defending team ought to immediately clear, finish, kick, or boot the ball away from
the goal post or play the ball out of play.
Captain: This is a player saddled with the responsibility of controlling and
representing his team for a toss prior to the match. It is worthy to flag up that, a team
has one captain at a time.
Chip: This refers to a high and a long shot hit in such a way that the ball moves over
the goalkeeper’s head straight into the goal post.
Dead Ball: This refers to when the players are stopped by the referee and the ball is
stationary or motionless. This normally occurs when there is a chance for goal kick,
free kick, corner kick, and penalty kick.
Extra Time: This is refers to as an additional time which given when there is a tie or
a draw and it is played for 30 minutes i.e.15 minutes for each half in other to produce
a winner.
Foul: This is the act of going against the rules and regulation of soccer and it is
castigated by a free kick or penalty and a particular player(s) who commit the foul
may be warned or disqualified from the match.
Free Kick: This is an uninterrupted stationary kick that is awarded to a team,
whenever their opposing team commit a foul.
Goalkeeper: This is the only player that is authorized to legally touch the ball with
his or her hands. The goalkeeper’s paramount duty is to prevent the ball from
entering goal post. The g goalkeeper is all known as the Goalie.
Hand Ball: This is a foul in soccer that results when a player apart from the
goalkeeper touches the ball with the hand.
Heading: This is a soccer skill that refers to the act of playing the ball with the head.
Heading is performed for the purpose of passing, clearing, and scoring a goal.
Mark: This is when the game is in the man to man situation, the defender is said to
mark the attacker. Therefore the closer the defender is to the attacker, the stronger
the marking and the farther the defender is to the attacker, the weaker the marking.
Man of the match: This is a term that refers to the best player of the match.
Own goal: Own goal is a situation by which a player accidentally score a goal against
his or her team, it is also known as self-goal.
Pass: This is a soccer skill by which a player accurately kicks the ball to his team
Penalty: This is a kick that is carried out from the penalty spot (11 meters away from
the goal line and perpendicularly placed from the goal) by a player against only one
defender on the goal line, which is the goalkeeper.

Period (Time): Soccer time is divided into two halves; i.e. first and second half with
45 minute each.
Pitch: The soccer field or area of play is what is regarded as the pitch; this is
rectangular in shape, and it is divided into two equal halves with a goal each. The
ground of the pitch may be made of grass, sand, or synthetic.
Referee: This is the official that controls the match; thus his or her decision is
regarded as the final decision. The referee is vested with the authority to begin and
end the match, he or she also cautions any player who is found guilty of a foul. There
are two assistant referees and Video assistant referee that, helps the central referee
in decision making. The referee also performs the toss prior to the match and as such
inspects the ball to verify that it is of standard before the start of the match.
Red Card: This is card used by the referee when the player commits a terrible foul
to suspend or ask a player to leave a match for the remaining period and may possibly
miss the next match.
Toss: This is an action that is carried out using a coin by the referee in presence of
the two teams’ captains to determine the team that will first start the match.
Scissor Kick: This is to kick the ball forward while the player leans sideways and
the ball is played in the direction which he or she is playing. Thus, this kick is done
when the player are categorically off the ground.
Score Line: This is a board that shows the results or scores of the two teams. It also
helps to determine the home and away team. For instance, if the Score line indicates
“NIG 3 vs. BRA 2” it therefore depicts that the first team which is “NIG” is the home
team with 3 goals while “BRA” is the away team with 2 goals.
Tackle: This is a soccer skill that refers to the act of displacing your opponent with
a shoulder or the act of legally taking the ball away from your opponent. Thus, a
clean tackling describe the act of accurately taking the ball from an opponent without
infringing the rules of the sport.
Yellow Card: This is a caution card used by the referee to warn a player that he or
she has performed an unpleasant foul in the match. Any player who has two yellow
cards in one match is automatically given a red card to leave the match for the
remaining duration and possibly misses the next match.


1. Soccer is a team sport played with a spherical ball between two teams of ------
players each side.

(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 12

You may include this answer

1. (b)


To sum up, soccer is a team sports that is used for commercial purpose,
entertainment, and as means of survival. It is played with an object called football
ball on a rectangular pitch with the aim of scoring a goal, thus a team with the highest
number of goals wins a match.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Soccer is a team sport that is played with the use of a spherical ball between
2 teams of eleven players each in the field at the beginning of the match.

ii) The team that score the highest number of goal is declared as the winner of
the match.


1. List 6 popular terms used in soccer

2. Write down the nature of Soccer.

7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING . Retrieved on 10th January, 2020.
1933273/CFL_Referee_Signals.pdf . Retrieved on 10th January, 2020. Retrieved on 10th January,


facility-review-and-development-report.pdf?sfvrsn=2 . Retrieved on 10th
January, 2020.
Napgv3e39DMlduD3EsdPYgnkz3Ckw6rtixoCUtIQAvD_BwE . Retrieved
on 10th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 10th

January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Facilities and Equipment

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


In the soccer sport, certain aids are used to enhance effective participation and
prevent unnecessary injuries these aids are called soccer equipments. This unit shall
present soccer equipment and facilities.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

* List 3 players’ equipment in soccer

* Identify 4 officials’ equipment in soccer

* List Soccer facilities.


3.1 Facilities and Equipment

Soccer equipments may be sub-divided into; those that are mostly used by players
(players’ equipments), and those that are mostly used by the officiating officials
(officials’ equipments). Below are the details.

Players’ Equipment

Soccer as a contact sport requires a lot of speed, agility, strength, coordination, and
running around with the ball Football involves a lot of running around the field with
the ball. The players do not require a lot of sporting gear to play the sport. The sport
gears utilized by the players to play the sport include; cleat shoes, socks, shin guard
or protector, jerseys, and hands glove.
Cleats or turfs: These are soccer shoes specifically crafted with spikes on the bottom
that helps in easy traction of the grass. It is a vital gear for all the players. As the
result of individual differences the shoes are produce in different sizes.


Socks: The soccer socks a made very long in such a way that they can be able to
cover the shin-protectors.

The socks

Shin- protector: These are also refers to as shin-guard and are use for both legs to
protect the shin.

The Shin-protectors

Soccer Ball: This is the major soccer equipment and the whole sport revolves around
it. A soccer ball is constructed with a vulcanized rubber with plastic bladders and
covered by plastic covers. The circumference of the ball is 68-70cm (27-28 inches).

The soccer ball

Soccer Officials’ equipments

Below are the equipment utilized by the officials, these include:

1. Whistle

This is a referee’s equipment that is used to alert the players to start and stop a play.
It is also blown to notify the beginning of the match, the half time, the end of the
match and to delay the play when a foul is committed or in a case of a serious injury.

2. Time piece

This is any device that is used by the referee to monitor the time of the match such
as a wrist watch and stopwatch.

3. Ear piece or Radio set

During the match precisely in top matches, refereed and his assistants interact with
themselves by using a small radio set, a transmitter; it is a compact radio that is hang
to the referee’s waist.

4. Cards and Notebook

There are two types of cards in soccer which are yellow card or red card. Both yellow
cards and red cards are used by the referee to sanction players depending on the
magnitude of the offence. The incidents are also documented in their notebook.

5. Pressure gauge

It is soccer equipment that is used to test if the ball in play is inflated. This pressure
gauge has a built-in needle that fits directly into the valve of the ball.

6. Assistant referee’s flag

These are flags that are used by the assistant referees to alert the central referee for
an offside or a foul when the referee did not noticed it.

Other officials’ equipment include; the marking foam, boot, jersey, pen, and

Soccer Facilities

Below are soccer facilities, they include;

1. Soccer pitch

This is rectangular in shape, and it is divided into two equal halves with a goal each.
The ground of the pitch may be made of grass, sand, or synthetic. It has the minimum
of 90m and maximum 120m in length, with the minimum of 45m and 90m in width.

Diagram of a football pitch


2. Goal post:

The goal post is placed at the end of each half of the pitch, it is covered behind by a
net that prevent the ball from going far when a goal is score. It is 2.44m high and
7.32m Wide.

A diagram of a goal post



1. Which of the following is not soccer equipment?

(a) Javelin (b) shin guard(c) socks (d) soccer ball

2. Which of the following is a facility in soccer?

(a) Soccer ball (b) The pitch (c) Socks (d) Whistle

You may include the following answer

1. (a)

2. (b)


To reiterate, Standard soccer is a team sport in which the players require sporting
gears to participate in the sport, these include; Cleat shoes, shin-Guard, socks, and
hand gloves are some of the equipment use by players where as the equipments use
by the officials are; the whistle, earpiece, timepiece and cards.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) Soccer equipment includes; Cleat shoes, socks, shin protector, head gear, and
hand gloves etc.

ii) Soccer Facilities are; the Goal post, football pitch, Flood light etc.


1. Draw a well labelled diagram of a soccer pitch

2. List 7 Soccer equipment.

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January, 2020.
Retrieved on 10th January, 2020. . Retrieved
on 10th January, 2020. . Retrieved on
10th January, 2020.


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Officiating Officials and Their Duties

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Officiating Officials and Their Duties

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Soccer officials enforce the rules of the game and, as such, are usually the people
who draw the most ire from coaches, players and fans. Without these rule keepers
monitoring the progress of a soccer game, the game might not progress with a set
structure. This unit shall present the duties of soccer officials.


By the end of this unit, you will be able to:-

* List 4 officials in soccer

* Explain the duties of each official in soccer.


3.1 Officiating officials and their duties

Soccer requires maximum use of officials to enhance fair play. Officials keep the
game rolling along by monitoring the conduct of the game. They penalise when a
rule is broken, record all rule infractions and make sure the players do not
unnecessarily hurt each other.

Officials are usually referred to by the general term of referees, but actually, there is
only one referee on the field during a game. Other soccer officials include; two
assistant referee, fourth referees, two additional referees, reserve assistant referee,
video assistant referee (VAR) and at least one assistant VAR (AVAR) are used for
standard matches. The other soccer officials all work unanimously to assist the
referee but the referee is in position to make last and zenith decision.

The officials in Soccer are divided into “on field” and “video” match officials.
Therefore, “on field” officials include; the referee, assistant referees, fourth official,
additional assistant referees and reserve assistant referee while the examples of
“video match” officials are the VAR and AVAR which helps the referee in
agreement with certified protocol as stipulated by the IFAB.

The competition rules must out rightly affirm who will deputize a match official who
may not be able to start or continues to control the match.

Soccer Officials and their duties

The Referee

The referee is the on-field official that is in charge of the match. He saddled with the
responsibility to start, stop and delay a play when a foul is committed and can
sanction the players, coaches and even fans for a misconduct with the use of cards.
The referee is also an official that performs the toss to prior to the start of the match.
In most standard competitions, the referee is assisted by two assistant referees
(linesmen), and Video Assistant Referee.

Powers and duties of the referee

The referee issues both a yellow and a red card to respectively sanction for a foul or
to ask a player to exit the pitch for the remaining duration. These coloured cards
where invented by Ken Aston, an ex-chairperson of the FIFA Refereeing committee.

Powers of the referee

 He or she can stops, suspends, or terminate the match at their judgement

for any breach of the laws of the game.
 He or she can also suspends, stop, and terminate the match if there is
any interference by an external force.
 He or she has the power to stop the match during a serious injury.
 He or she has the power of allowing play to proceed until the ball is out
of play even when a slightly injured player is on the ground.
 He or she has the power to give an advantage play.
 The referee has the power to caution misconducts and disqualify or
suspend a player.
 He has the authority to advices and disciplines any official who
hesitates to properly perform their duties.

Duties of the referee

 Implementing the laws of the game.

 He carries out the duty of monitoring the match in collaboration with
the assistants.
 He or she is saddled with the role of making sure that balls to be used
attain the standard of Law 2.
 He or she checks the players’ equipment to ensure that they are in a
proper condition as postulated by Law 4.
 The referee also works as the timekeeper and keeps records of the

 It is also the duty of the referee to ensure that, a player who is bleeding
leaves the pitch and he or she is properly treated before the player is
allowed to return to the field.
 punishing the more serious offence when a player commits more than
one offence at the same time;
 One of the important duties of the referee is to give an unbiased advice
to his assistants, and the players.
 The referee makes sure that; no unconstitutional person goes into the
pitch when the match is going on.
 It is the duty of the referee to restart the match after it has been stopped.
 He or she also write a match report

Referees’ signals


Assistant Referees

According to Wikipedia; in soccer, assistant referee (AR) which was known as

umpire before 1891 and from 1891-1996 was also known as linesman or lineswoman

from 1891- 1996. In the current Laws the term "assistant referee" clearly signifies
the two officials who move along the touchlines to help the referee in making
valuable decisions. The two assistant referees positioned themselves on opposite
sidelines and each controls different half of the field.

Duties of the Assistant Referees

 They patrol the sideline to detect a player in an offside position.

 They assist the referee in awarding throw-in, corner kick and goal kick.
 They indicate with the use of a flag when a ball is out of play and announce
which team may return the ball to play.
 They notify the referee when a team request for a substitution.
 Assistant referees monitor the goalkeepers during penalty kick to check if the
leave the line before the ball has been kicked.
 They show players the right placement of the ball during corner kick.
 They tell the referee when a foul is committed and he or she does not notice.
 They may also enter the pitch to monitor the 9.15m (10 yards) distance.

Assistant referees’ signals


The Fourth Official

The Fourth Official is also called the reserve referee, replacement of simply RR. He
or she usually supports the referee in many aspects and may be called to take the
place of another match official. In 1966, Ken Aston established the use of reserve
referee, but it was approved by International Football Association Board (IFAB) to
be functional in 1991.

The fourth official is position between the two teams’ technical areas; nevertheless
the fourth referee’s positioning is not stated in the Laws of the Game.

Duties of the Fourth referee

 The fourth referee is responsible for observing and monitoring substitution

 He or she supervises the player’s /substitute’s equipment.
 The fourth referee also monitors the re-entry of a player following the
agreement from the referee.
 He or she regulates the exchange of balls.
 It is the duty of the fourth referee to show the minimum amount of time to be
added by the referee at the end of each half as well as the extra time to be
 He or she informs the referee of any misconduct and unlawful behaviour
committed by any player or technical official on the bench.

Additional Assistant referee

The additional assistant referees are provided in soccer to assist the referee in areas
that the referee cannot have a clear view regardless of his or her activeness. They are
positioned behind the goal line and in the course of play; he or she interacts with the
referee using wireless communication system.

Duties of the Additional Assistant Referee

 They assist the referee in observing the ball to verify if it partially or

completely crosses the goal line in other to determine if a goal is scored or
 One of their duties is to judge and choose a team that is to be awarded a corner
kick or goal kick.
 During penalty kicks, they observe if the goalkeeper move away the goal line
before the ball is played and to also check if the ball crosses the line.
 They observe the penalty area and also monitor “Ghost goals”.

Reserve Assistant Referee

The paramount roles of a reserve assistant referee it to serve as a substitute for the
Fourth referee.

Video Assistant Referee (VAR)

This is a video match official that helps the referee to officiate the match using replay
video records or footage. The video are replayed by the referee to enable him to
vividly watch incidents of great attention so as to make the best decision.

Duties of the VAR

 VAR is responsible for checking if a goal is score or not (no goal).

 The VAR assists a referee to award a penalty kick or not.
 One of the duties of the VAR is to aid the referee through repeated footage in
case of mistaken identity. For example, it corrects the referee if he or she
penalizes of sanctions the wrong player of the offending team.
 The VAR tells the referee if a foul or misconduct is worthy of a direct red card
or not.

The Assistant Video Assistant Referee (AVAR)

The fundamental duty of the AVAR is to assists VAR in making pertinent decisions.

Duties of the AVAR

 The AVAR is saddled with the role of watching the television whilst the VAR
is busy with a “review”.
 He or she Observes and documents VAR-related events and any technology
 When the VAR is busy performing a check or review, the AVAR assist the
VAR by communicating to the referee to either stop the play or delay the
 The AVAR is responsible for observing the lost time when ever the match is
 He or she may inform VAR’s related judgements to the appropriate parties.


1. No official is used to control the match in modernize soccer competitions,

2. One of the following is an official in soccer.

(a) Refer (b) Reference (c) Ref (d) Referee (e) All of the above

You may include the following answers


2. (d)


In conclusion, Soccer is a game played with solidified rules and regulations, and as
such officials play an important role by ensuring that the rules and regulations are
strictly taken into consideration, these officials include; The referee, umpire, head
linesman, side judge, back judge, field judge, and line judge.


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) The officials in Soccer are divided into “on field” and “video” match officials.
Therefore, “on field” officials include; the referee, assistant referees, fourth official,
additional assistant referees and reserve assistant referee while the examples of
“video match” officials are the VAR and AVAR.


1. Write down the duties of the referee

2. List 4 soccer officials you know.


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January, 2020. Retrieved on
25th January, 2020. . Retrieved on 25th

January, 2020. Retrieved
on 25th January, 2020. Retrieved on 25th

January, 2020.
pdf. Retrieved on 25th January, 2020.
pdf . Retrieved on 25th January, 2020.



1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main content

3.1 Rules and Regulations

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


There is no sporting activity that is devoid of rules and regulations, and as such
soccer is not an exception. This unit is penned down to presents the rules and
regulations of soccer.


By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

* List the 17 laws of soccer

* Explain the Law 17 of the game


3.1 Rules and Regulations

The 17 Rules of soccer from the Laws of the Game

The certified rules that are use in Soccer competitions are refer to as “Laws of the
Game”. The Federation of International Football Association is a supreme
international body that is responsible for the annual revision of the “Laws of the
Game”. Consequently the rules are adapted or modified for the children by the Youth
Organisation. The things that are modified include the size of the field, and the size
of the balls etc.

Presently the 17 primary terms in Soccer that helps in establishing the Laws of the
Game are; Field of play, the Ball, Numbers of players, Player’s equipment, Referee,
Assistant referee, Duration of the match, Start and Restart of Play, Ball in and out of
play, Scoring, Offside, Foul and Misconducts, Free Kick, Penalty Kicks, Throw In,
Goal kick and Corner Kick.

1. The Field of Play

This refers to a well constructed ground where soccer sport is played. It is also called
the pitch. The Laws of the Game helps to determine the size, marking, goal position
as well as the surface of the Field of play.

The Field is rectangular in shape and it is of made up of either an artificial (synthetic)

or natural grass. It is bounded by two longer lines and two shorter lines respectively
indicating the side lines and the goal lines. It is divided into two equal halves with a
goal post at the end of each half. The mid-point of the pitch is indicated by a line is
drawn through the centre of the pitch with a circle which has the radius of 9.15m
marked around it in the middle.

The formal size of the pitch ranges from 50-100 yards in width and 100-130 yards
in length. In spite of this, the size of the field of play can be modified for disabled
players, players below 16 and above 35 years and for women.

Approximate dimensions for Youth recreational teams might be as follows:

Age(% Adult size) Field Size (yards)

U-14 (100%) 60 by 100

U-12 (80%) 50 by 80

U-10 (70%) 40 by 60

U-8 (50%) 25 by 50

U-6 (25%) 15 by 30

2. The Ball

The ball is the major equipment that the whole game of soccer revolves around. The
ball is circular in shape. Prior t the match, ball should has the minimum weight of
410g and the maximum weight of 450g and the ball should have a minimum
circumference of 68cm and the maximum of 70cm.It is made of leather and other
relevant materials.

As the result of individual differences regarding the age of the players, Soccer balls
are produce in disparate sizes such as size 3, 4, and 5. It is relevant that the formal
or FIFA certified size and weight are to be stamped on each ball for clear
identification. For instance, size 3 is for U-6 and U-8, size 4 is for U-10 and U-12
and size 5 is for U-13 and above.

3. Number of Players

The game of Soccer is officially played between two teams with eleven players each
on the pitch and also not less than 7 players including the goalie. However most
youth leagues are conducted with less than eleven participants until the players
reaches 12 to 14 years. This rule also gives room for substitution of players; For
example, in standard matches three substitutions were permitted, but recently
because of COVID-19, 5 substitutes are allowed in formal matches with 5, 7, or 9
bench players. In spite of this, a substitution cannot be done without notifying to the

4. Players’ Equipments

This law states that the basic players’ equipment for include; the shin protector,
jersey, the socks, captain band, footwear or cleats and the hand gloves. It also
established the fact that the two teams to play a match must not use a similar coloured
jersey. Better still, Goalkeepers are allowed to wear a jersey that will distinguish
them from the other players. This rule allows the Jerseys to usually carry a club’s
name, logo or badge, and the player’s name and number.

5. The Referee

This is a soccer official that is in-charge of the match, and as such he or she regulates
and implement the rules and regulations of the Sport. He or she is assisted by the
Assistant referees, yet the referee judgements are supreme and final. The referee
ensures that the Laws of the Game are strictly respected. This law also postulates
that, the referee must not be bias in his declarations. In official matches, the referee
must be certified according to FIFA rules and must be presents with the required

6. Assistant Referee

The Assistant referees are charge with the duty of helping, supporting and assisting
the referee to control and enforce Soccer rules in the match. The two assistant
referees positioned themselves on opposite sidelines and each controls different half
of the field. They are responsible for informing the referee when an offside, handball,
out ball etc. occurs outside the referee’s view, yet the referee’s view is final.

A short Picture of an assistant referee behind the touch line

7. Duration of the match

This law states that, Adult official matches must take place for 90minutes i.e.
45minutes per each half with 15 minutes for a half time rest. Conversely, Youth
leagues approve the duration ranging anywhere from of 20minutes halves up to
45minutes considering their age level.

In the case of a tournament where the format of the sport required that a winner of
the match must be produce if a draw occurs after the normal duration, extra time of
30 minutes i.e. 15minutes for each half without a break is added. In a situation where
this system did not produce a winner or break the tie, it is followed by a penalty
shootout to distinguish the loser from the winner.

8. The Start and Stop of Play

The Start of Play in soccer is done by a kick off at the centre spot, and all the players
must stand in their own half of the pitch and at least 10 yards away from the ball
(except the starting team). Prior to the start of the match, the team to begin the kick
off is decided by a toss. However, when a goal is scored, the team who did not score
the goal is entitled to start the play.

The Stop of play may result when the ball moves out of the touch line or goal line
or when there is a foul. More also, in a situation where the ball goes out of the touch
line, it is restarted using a throw in action against the team of a player that lastly
touches the ball before it was out. On the other hand, when the ball is out through
the goal line, it is restarted by either a corner kick (when a player lastly touches the
ball out of his or her own goal line) or by a goal kick nearest to where the ball leaves
the goal line (when a player lastly touches the ball out of his or her opponent’s goal

In a situation when a foul such as hand ball, kicking, pushing or holding an opponent,
the play may be stopped and restarted by a free kick that is either direct kick (it is
kick where a player can scores a goal without passing the ball to his or her team mate
e.g. penalty kick) or indirect kick (it is a kick that Cannot be taken straight to the
goal without passing to a team mate, and if the kicker scores straight from it, the goal
won’t stand).

The game can also be restarted by a drop ball. This take place when the referee
decides the start the ball after it was stopped as a result a foul or the ball becoming
faulty, by dropping the ball from the shoulder level in front of the players of the
different teams to struggle for the ball after it has hits the ground.

9. Ball In and Out of Play

Ball In refers to the process where the ball is inside the field or on the sideline or
goal line, thus the game continues as long as the ball is in play within the certified
time. While; Ball Out of play refers to a period when the ball is played outside the
goal line or side line either on the ground or air, Similarly; ball out of play is re-
started with a throw in (when the ball is out through the sidelines) and goal kick or
corner kick depending on who touches it last.

10. Scoring
A goal is scored when the ball legally (without any breach of the rule by the scoring
team) and completely crosses the goal lines between the posts and under a cross bar
and it has been approved by the Referee. As a result, the team with the highest
number of goals at the end of the match wins.

11. The Offside

This soccer rule states that a player who stands in an opponent half to receive a ball
must have a minimum of one defender (except the goalkeeper) between him or her
and the goal line. This rule is most puzzling rule to a lot of spectator.

A diagram showing the last red circle as a player in an offside position

12. Fouls and Misconduct

Misconduct refers to the situation where a player intentionally pushes, kicks, hit,
and hold his opponent , where as a Foul is an incident that results as an unintentional
pushing, or hitting of your opponent when contesting to gain the possession of the
ball. It is phenomenally imperative to state here that, a foul is done only when the
ball is in play, whilst misconducts can occur even when the ball is out of play. Both
fouls and misconduct is punishable by either a card or a Free kick.

13. Free Kicks

Free kicks are classified into direct and indirect kicks. Direct kick (it is kick where
a player can scores a goal without passing the ball to his or her team mate e.g. penalty
kick) or indirect kick (it is a kick that Cannot be taken straight to the goal without
passing to a team mate, and if the kicker scores straight from it, the goal won’t stand).
Free Kicks are awarded as the result fouls or misconduct to the team that does not
commit the foul.

14. Penalty Kick

This is a direct kick that is carried out from the penalty spot (11 meters away from
the goal line and perpendicularly placed from the goal) by a player against only one
defender on the goal line, which is the goalkeeper. A penalty kick is awarded as a
result of either a handball or a serious foul inside ones18 yard box. However, penalty
shootout is utilized to determine a winner after the extra time. The goalkeeper during
penalty kick most not move away from the goal line before the player legally the
kicked ball.

15. The Throw In

A throw in is only occurs in soccer when a ball categorically crosses the touchline
or side line. Thus a throw in is awarded against the team (a player) that touches the
ball before it crosses the sideline. Throw In is the only action in soccer that allows
the players apart from the goalkeepers to use their hand. A correct throw is executed
when the both feet are on the ground and the two hands are on the ball and a Throw
In must come behind the thrower’s head of the. Therefore the inability to perform a
correct throw results to a punishment or a second chance in other soccer

A player in a correct Throw In position

16. The Goal Kick

A goal kick is normally given to the defending team, when the attacking or opponent
team kicks the ball across the other team’s goal line. The goal kick is restarted in the
goal box by either the goalkeeper or any other player of the team. The goal kick
acts as a direct free kick, so if a player would kick the ball so hard that it would reach
the opposing team's goal and score, the goal would count.

17. The Corner Kick

This is a kick that is awarded against a team when their player plays the ball across
his or her goal line. A corner kick is played from the corner arc, normally to the
nearest corner arc which the ball went out of the goal line. Nevertheless, a goal can
be score directly from a corner kick without a player touching it.

The correct placement of the ball for corner kicks.


1. Rules and regulations are not relevant in contemporary soccer sport


2. The laws of soccer are annually revised by?

(a) FINA (b) FIFE (c) FIFAA (d) FIFA

You may include the following answers


2. (d)


To reiterate, Soccer laws are vital for controlling unsportsmanlike conducts before
and during participation. In the same path these official soccer rules are called the
"Laws of the Game" and are revised annually and published by the supreme body
called Federation of International Football Association (FIFA).


You have learnt in this unit that:-

i) The official soccer rules are called the "Laws of the Game".

ii) The laws of the game are revised annually and published by FIFA, which is
the world soccer governing body.

iii) There are 17 laws of soccer as stipulated by FIFA.


1. List all the 17 Laws of soccer

2. Explain the 5th law of soccer.


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