Manapallil 4ed Basic Dental Materials

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Gypsum Products

Chapter Outline
Applications Theories of Setting Hardness and Abrasion
– Supplied As The Microstructure of Set Resistance
Classification Gypsum Flow
Type 1 or Impression Plaster Manipulation Reproduction of Detail
Type 2 or Dental Plaster, Model Setting Time Specialized Gypsum Products
Type 3 or Dental Stone, Model – Penetrometers – Dental Casting Investments
Type 4 or Dental Stone, Die, Properties – Divestment
High Strength, Low Expansion Setting Expansion – Synthetic Gypsum
Type 5 or Dental Stone, – Normal Setting Expansion – Orthodontic Stone
Die, High Strength, High (0.05 to 0.5%) – Resin Modified Stones
Expansion – Hygroscopic Setting – Mounting Plaster
Manufacture of Gypsum Expansion – Fast Setting Stone
Products Strength Care of Gypsum
Setting Reaction – Tensile Strength Infection Control

Products of gypsum are used extensively in dentistry. Gypsum was found in mines around the
city of Paris, so it is also called plaster of Paris. This is a misnomer as gypsum is found in most
countries. The mineral gypsum CaSO4. 2H2O is usually white to yellowish white in color and
is found as a compact mass. Gypsum is also an industrial byproduct. For centuries gypsum
has been used for construction purposes and making statues. Alabaster, a form of gypsum
which is white in color, was used for building in ancient times. Besides dentistry, gypsum is
also used in orthopedics for splinting fractured bones.

1. Impression plaster was used extensively in the past for impressions of the mouth and face.
2. Various types of plasters are used to make moulds, casts and dies over which dental
prostheses and restorations are made (Figs. 18.1A to E).
3. To attach casts to an articulator (Fig. 18.1D).
4. For bite registration (e.g., to record centric jaw relation).
5. Dental investments Plaster mixed with silica is known as dental investment. They are
used to form refractory moulds into which molten metal is cast.

Powders of various colors in small preweighed sachets, in medium-sized bags or containers
or in large bags, sacks or bins (bulk) (Figs. 18.2A to C).
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 311
ISO 6873:2013
Type 1—Dental plaster for impressions
Type 2—Dental plaster
Class 1 - for mounting
Class 2 - for models
Type 3—Dental stone for models
Type 4—Dental stone (high strength, low expansion) for dies
Type 5—Dental stone (high strength, high expansion) for dies


Impression plaster (Fig. 18.3A) was one of the earliest impression materials in dentistry.
Because of its rigidity (not elastic), it often had to be fractured to remove it from undercut
areas in the mouth. The fractured pieces were then reassembled outside and a cast poured.
Since the introduction of better materials, it is rarely used as an impression material. Currently,
it is more useful as a bite registration material. Impression plaster may be flavored to make
it more acceptable by the patient. It is colored to help the dentist and technician distinguish
between the cast material and the impression. Impression plaster, sometimes, contains potato

B C D e
Figures 18.1A tO e Gypsum products are widely used in dentistry. (A) Orthodontic models. (B) A cast with removable
die made from die stone. (C) A plaster mould used in denture construction. (D) Mounting plaster for mounting casts on an
articulator. (e) Dental restoration constructed on a stone working cast.

Figures 18.2A tO C Gypsum products are supplied in a variety of forms. as preweighed sachets, in medium sized containers
or in large bags or sacks (bulk packing). (A) Mounting plaster. (B) High strength stone (die stone) in 1 to 3 kg container. (C)
Dental stone (can range from 5 to 25 kg bulk pack).
312 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

starch to make it soluble. After the cast has hardened, the impression and cast are put in hot
water. The starch swells and the impression disintegrates, making it easy to separate the cast.
This type is often called ‘soluble plaster’.

1. For making impressions in complete denture and maxillofacial prosthetics (not used
currently for this purpose).
2. Bite registration material.

1. The setting time should be under accurate control. The dentist must have sufficient time
to mix, load the impression tray, carry the loaded tray to the patient’s mouth and place it
in position. However, once in position the plaster should harden promptly, so that there
is minimum discomfort to the patient. The setting time desirable is 3 to 5 minutes.
2. For better accuracy the setting expansion should be low. Both setting time and expansion
are controlled by modifiers (accelerators and retarders) added by the manufacturers.
3. The plaster should have enough strength to fracture cleanly without crumbling to facilitate
removal from undercuts.

Dental plaster + K2SO4 + Borax + Coloring and flavoring agents.


Synonyms Model plaster, laboratory plaster, mounting plaster (Fig. 18.3B).
The International Standards Organizations (ISO 6873:2013) has classified Type 2 plaster is
into 2 subtypes—Class I (for mounting) and Class 2 (for models).

1. For making study casts and models.
2. To make molds for curing dentures.
3. For mounting casts on articulator.


1. It should set rapidly but give adequate time for manipulation.
2. It should set to a very hard and strong mass.
3. It should flow into all parts of the impression and reproduce all the minute details.
4. It should neither contract nor expand while setting.
5. After setting, it should not warp or change shape.
6. It should not lose its strength when subjected to moulding and curing procedures.

Contains beta hemihydrate and modifiers.


Synonym Class I stone or Hydrocal (Fig. 18.3C).
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 313
For preparing master casts and to make molds.

Ingredient Action
Coloring matter 2 to 3%
Potassium Sulphate (K2SO) Accelerator
Borax Retarder

Some commercial dental stones contain a small amount of beta hemihydrate to provide a
mix of smoother consistency.
A stone with a setting time established by the addition of proper quantities of both accelerator
and retarder is called ‘balanced stone’. Typical accelerators are potassium sulfate and potassium
sodium tartrate (Rochelle Salts). Typical retarders are sodium citrate and sodium tetraborate
decahydrate (Borax).
 The compressive strength varies from 3000 to 5000 psi.
 The setting expansion of dental stone is 0.06% to 0.12%.
 Hardness: 82 RHN.


Synonyms Class II stone, die stone, densite, improved stone.

Die stone (Fig. 18.3D) is the strongest and hardest variety of gypsum product. It is used when
high strength and surface hardness is required. Uses include model bases, CAD/CAM dies and
dies for fabricating inlay, crown and bridge wax patterns.
A thick mix is prepared as per manufacturer’s instruction and vibrated into a rubber base
impression. The base for such a model is poured in dental stone or dental plaster. Die stone
should be left for twenty four hours to gain maximum hardness and the cast should be
separated one hour after pouring. The abrasion resistance of die stone is not high as other
die materials like epoxy resin.
Recent revision of the ISO (2013) have included additional requirements for Type 4 stone to
reflecting the introduction of new technologies like CAD/CAM (Table 18.1).


It is the most recent gypsum product (Fig. 18.3E) having a higher compressive strength than
Type 4 stone. Improved strength is attained by making it possible to lower the w/p ratio even
further. Setting expansion has been increased from a maximum of 0.10 to 0.30%. This is to
compensate for the shrinkage of base metal alloys, during solidification (see Casting Alloys).
Hard Rock, Jade Rock and Resinrock XL5 (by Whipmix) and Denflo-HX are examples of Type
5 stone.

To prepare dies with increased expansion.
314 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes


Figures 18.3A tO e The 5 types of gypsum products

in dentistry.


The process of heating gypsum for the manufacture of plaster is known as calcination. Mined
gypsum is ground and heated. When heated, gypsum (calcium sulphate dihydrate) loses part
of its water of crystallization and changes to calcium sulphate hemihydrate. On further heating,
the remaining water of crystallization is lost. First, hexagonal anhydrite (soluble anhydrite) is
formed. Later, orthorhombic anhydrite (insoluble anhydrite) is formed.

110-130 °C 130-200 °C 200-1000 °C

CaSO4.2H2O CaSO4.½H2O CaSO4 CaSO4
(Calcium sulphate (Calcium sulphate (Hexagonal (Orthorhombic
dihydrate) hemihydrate) anhydrite) anhydrite)

Alpha and beta hemihydrate

Depending on the method of calcination, there are two forms of hemihydrates.
 Beta hemihydrate (plaster)
 Alpha hemihydrate (stone)
 Alpha modified hemihydrate (die stone)

Manufacture of dental plaster

Gypsum is ground and heated in an open kettle on kiln at a temperature of 110 to 130 °C. The
process is called dry-calcination. β type of crystals are formed.
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 315

BOX 18.1

Chemically both α and β types are the same. They differ mainly in crystal size and form. The β type is spongy and irregular.
Whereas, α crystals are more dense and prismatic. Some authors suggest that the use of α and β prefixes should be

Microscopically Fibrous aggregate of fine crystals with capillary pores. They are then ground
to breakup the needlelike crystals. This improves packing.
CaSO4.2H2O CaSO4.1/2H2O
110-130 °C (β hemihydrate)

Manufacture of dental stone

Gypsum is calcined under steam pressure in an autoclave at 120 to 130 °C at 17 lbs/sq. inch
for 5 to 7 hours. Thus, the product obtained is much stronger and harder than β hemihydrate.
120-130 °C
CaSO4.2H2O CaSO4.½H2O
17 lbs/sq. inch pressure (α hemihydrate)

Microscopically Cleavage fragments and crystals in the form of rods and prisms.

Manufacture of high strength (α modified) stone

The gypsum is calcined by boiling it in 30% calcium chloride solution. The chlorides are then
washed away or autoclaved in presence of sodium succinate 0.5%. These particles are the
densest of all three types. After controlled grinding, these powders have an even higher
apparent density and yield a stronger set.
Microscopically cuboidal in shape.

When plaster is mixed with water it takes up one and a half molecules of water, i.e., it regains
its water of crystallization and becomes calcium sulphate dihydrate.
(CaSO4)2 .H2O + 3H2O 2 CaSO4.2H2O + unreacted (CaSO4)2 . ½H2O + Heat
Hemihydrate + Water Dihydrate + Unreacted hemihydrate + Heat
The reaction is exothermic and is the same for all gypsum products. The amount of water
required to produce a workable mix varies between the products. As evident from the above
reaction not all of the hemihydrate converts to dihydrate. The amount of conversion is
dependent on the type of stone. The highest conversion rate is seen in plaster (90%). In Type
4 and 5 stone the dihydrate content is about 50%.

Three theories have been proposed.
1. Colloidal theory
2. Hydration theory
3. Dissolution - precipitation theory
316 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

The theory proposes that when mixed with water, plaster enters into a colloidal state through
a sol-gel mechanism. In the sol state, hemihydrate combines with water (hydrates) to form
dihydrate. As the water is consumed, the mass turns to a ‘solid gel’.

The hydration theory suggests that rehydrated plaster particles join together through
hydrogen bonding to the sulfate groups to form the set material.

Dissolution–precipitation theory (crystalline theory)

This theory is more widely accepted. According to the theory, the plaster dissolves and reacts
to form gypsum crystals which interlock to form the set solid. The setting reaction is explained
on the basis of difference in solubility of hemihydrate and dihydrate. Hemihydrate is four
times more soluble than dihydrate.
 When hemihydrate is mixed in water, it forms a fluid workable suspension.
 Hemihydrate dissolves until it forms a saturated solution.
 Some dihydrate is formed due to the reaction. Solubility of dihydrate is much less than
hemihydrate, the saturated hemihydrate is supersaturated with respect to the dihydrate.
All supersaturated solutions are unstable. So the dihydrate crystals precipitate out.
 As the dihydrate precipitates out, the solution is no longer saturated with hemihydrate and
so it continues to dissolve. The process continues until no further dihydrate precipitates
out of the solution.
Initially there is little reaction and thus little or no rise in temperature. This time is referred to
as induction period. As the reaction proceeds, gypsum is formed in the form of needle-like
clusters, called spherulites (Figs. 18.4A and B). Continued growth and intermeshing of crystals
of gypsum leads to thickening and hardening of the mass into a strong solid structure.


The set material consists of an entangled aggregate of gypsum crystals (Figs. 18.4A and B)
having lengths of 5 to 10 µm. Two distinct types microscopic porosity can be seen in the mass.
 Microporosity caused by residual unreacted water. These voids are spherical and occur
between clumps of gypsum crystals.

Figures 18.4A AnD B (A) SEM of set gypsum showing needle-like clusters (x1550). (B) A single
crystal is called a spherulite.
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 317

BOX 18.2 Excess water

The actual amount of water necessary to mix the calcium sulphate hemihydrate is greater than the amount required for
the chemical reaction (18.61 gm of water per 100 gm of hemihydrate). This is called excess water.
The excess water itself does not react with the hemihydrate crystals. It is eventually lost by evaporation once the gypsum
is set. The excess water serves only to aid in mixing the powder particles and is replaced by voids.

 Microporosity resulting from growth of gypsum crystals. These voids are associated with
setting expansion and are smaller than the first type. They appear as angular spaces
between individual crystals in the aggregate.

To secure maximum strength a low water/powder ratio should be used. The water should be
measured and the powder weighed.

water/powder ratio
The W/P ratio is a very important factor in deciding the physical and chemical properties of
the final product.
Example The higher the water-powder ratio, the longer is the setting time and weaker will
be the gypsum product. Therefore, water/powder ratio should be kept as low as possible but
at the same time sufficient to produce a workable mix.

water requirement of a product is affected by

1. Shape and compactness of crystals Thus, irregular, spongy plaster particles need more
water than the denser stone.
2. Small amounts of surface active materials like gum arabic plus lime markedly reduce
water requirement of all gypsum products.
3. Particle size distribution Grinding of the powder breaks up needle like crystals. This
improves packing characteristics and reduces the water needed.

Recommended w/p ratio

Impression plaster : 0.50 to 0.75
Dental plaster : 0.45 to 0.50
Dental stone : 0.28 to 0.30
Die stone, Type 4 : 0.22 to 0.24
Die stone, Type 5 : 0.18 to 0.22

Flexible rubber/plastic bowl, stiff bladed spatula.


 Water is taken first to prevent adherence of dry powder to the sides of the bowl. Water
and powder are dispensed according to the recommended W/P ratio. The powder is sifted
into water in the rubber bowl. Plaster/stone dispensers are also available (Fig. 18.5).
318 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

 It is allowed to settle for 30 seconds to minimize air entrapment.

 The mix is stirred vigorously. Periodically wipe the inside of the bowl with a spatula to
ensure wetting of the powder and breaking up of lumps. Continue till a smooth creamy
mix is obtained. Spatulation should be completed in 45 to 60 seconds.
 Vibrate the mix (using a mechanical vibrator (Fig. 18.6) or by repeated tapping against a
bench) and pour it into the impression, taking care not to entrap air (Fig. 18.7).
The mixing equipment must be meticulously clean. There should be no particles of set plaster
from a previous mix sticking to the bowl or spatula. These if present will act as additional
nuclei of crystallization and cause faster setting. No air must be trapped in the mixed mass.
It causes loss of surface detail and weakens the cast.

Mechanical mixing under vacuum gives stronger and denser casts. However, the equipment
is expensive.

The time elapsing from the beginning of mixing until the material hardens is called setting time.
Mixing time It is the time from the addition the powder to the water until mixing is complete.
A mixing time of 1 minute is usually sufficient.
Working time It is the time available to work with the mix for the intended purpose, i.e., one
that maintains an even consistency. At the end of the working period the material thickens

Figure 18.5 Stone/plaster dispenser. Figure 18.6 Stone/plaster vibrator.

Figure 18.7 A vibrator improves the flow and reduces voids,

thereby improving strength and accuracy.
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 319
and is no longer workable. The freshly mixed mass is semifluid in consistency and quite free
flowing. A working time of 3 minutes is usually sufficient.
Initial setting time As the reaction proceeds, more hemihydrate crystals react to form dihydrate
crystals. The viscosity of the mass is increased and it can no longer be poured. The material
becomes rigid (but not hard). It can be carved but not moulded. This is known as initial setting time.
Final setting time The time at which the material can be separated from the impression
without distortion or fracture.

Measurement of setting time

Usually by some type of penetration tests. Occasionally, other tests are used.
1. Loss of gloss method As reaction proceeds the gloss disappears from the surface of
plaster mix (sometimes used to indicate initial set).
2. Exothermic reaction The temperature rise of the mass may also be used for measurement
of setting time as the setting reaction is exothermic.
3. Penetration tests By using penetrometers.

Types of penetrometers
 Vicat needle
 Gillmore needles
Vicat needle (Fig. 18.8) It weighs 300 gm and the needle diameter is 1 mm. The time
elapsing from the start of mixing till the needle does not penetrate to the bottom of the
plaster is the setting time. The setting time obtained with the Vicat needle is similar to the
initial Gillmore.
Gillmore needles Two types—small and large (Fig. 18.9). The small Gillmore needle has a
1/4 lb weight and a diameter of 1/12” (2.12 mm) while the large Gillmore has a 1 lb wt and
diameter of 1/24” (1.06 mm).
Initial Gillmore The time elapsing from the start of mixing until the time when the point
of the 1/4 lb Gillmore needle no longer penetrates the surface is the initial setting time

Figure 18.8 Vicat needle. Figure 18.9 Gillmore apparatus. Besides dentistry,
it is also used in general industry to determine initial
and final set times of Portland cement, masonry
cement, hydrated lime, mortars, etc.
320 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

Final Gillmore Similarly the time elapsing from the start of mixing until the point of the 1
lb Gillmore needle leaves only a barely visible mark on the surface of the set plaster is known
as the final setting time.

factors affecting setting time

1. Manufacturing process
2. Mixing and spatulation (time and rate)
3. Water/Powder ratio
4. Temperature
5. Modifiers
Manufacturing process
1. If calcination is incomplete and excess gypsum (dihydrate) is left in the final product, the
resulting plaster will set faster.
2. If soluble anhydrite is in excess, plaster will set faster.
3. If natural anhydrite is in excess, plaster will set slow.
4. Fineness Finer the hemihydrate particle size, the faster the set, because
– Hemihydrate dissolves faster, and
– The gypsum nuclei are more numerous and therefore, crystallization is faster.
Mixing and spatulation Within limits the longer and faster the plaster is mixed, the faster
it will set because nuclei of crystallization are broken and well-distributed within the mass.
Water/Powder ratio More the water used for mixing, the fewer the nuclei per unit volume.
Thus setting time will be prolonged.
Temperature On increasing from a room temperature of 20 °C to a body temperature of 37 °C,
the rate of the reaction increases slightly and the setting time is shortened. As the temperature
is raised above 37 °C the rate of reaction decreases and the setting time is lengthened. At
100 °C the solubilities of hemihydrate and dihydrate are equal, in which case no reaction can
occur and the gypsum will not set.
Modifiers (Accelerators and Retarders) Modifiers are chemicals added in order to alter some
of the properties and make it more acceptable to the dentist. If the chemical added decreases
the setting time it is called an accelerator, whereas if it increases the setting time it is called
a retarder.

Accelerators and retarders not only modify setting time, they also affect other properties like setting expansion and strength.

 Finely powdered gypsum (up to 1%) is added by manufacturers to accelerate setting time.
Acts by providing additional nuclei of crystallization. One source of gypsum is slurry water.
 In low concentrations, salts like sodium or potassium sulphate (2 to 3%) and sodium
chloride (up to 2%) are accelerators. They act by making the hemihydrate more soluble.

Retarders generally act by forming a layer on the hemihydrate to reduce its solubility. It also
inhibits the growth of gypsum crystals.
 Borax (1–2%) is the most effective retarder. During setting, it forms a coating of calcium
borate around the hemihydrate. Thus, the water cannot come in contact with the
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 321
 In higher concentrations, sodium chloride (3.4% to 20%) and sodium sulphate act
as retarders. In higher concentrations, the salt precipitates and poisons the nuclei of
 Acetates, borates, citrates, tartrates and salts like ferric sulphate, chromic sulphate,
aluminium sulphate, etc., are retarders, which act by nuclei poisoning by reducing the rate
of solution of hemihydrate or by inhibiting growth of dihydrate crystals. Some additives
react with hemihydrate, e.g., soluble tartrates and citrates precipitate calcium tartrate
and citrate, respectively.
 Colloids such as gelatin, glue, agar, coagulated blood, etc. are effective retarders,
presumably acting by nuclei poisoning. Contact with the gypsum during setting results
in a soft, easily abraded surface.
To avoid The impression should be thoroughly rinsed in cold water to remove blood
and saliva before pouring.

The important properties of gypsum products are
 Setting expansion
 Strength
 Hardness and abrasion resistance
 Reproduction of detail

Setting expansion is measured using an extensometer. Setting expansion is of two types
1. Normal setting expansion
2. Hygroscopic setting expansion

normal setting expansion (0.05 to 0.5%)

All gypsum products show a linear expansion during setting, due to the outward thrust of
the growing crystals during setting. Crystals growing from the nuclei not only intermesh but
also intercept each other during growth.
Importance of setting expansion In dentistry, setting expansion may be both desirable
and undesirable depending on the use. It is undesirable in impression plaster, dental
plaster and stone as it will result in an inaccurate cast or change in the occlusal relation if
used for mounting. ISO requirements for setting expansion for the various types is given
in Table 18.1.

TABLE 18.1 Properties of various gypsum products

* % Setting Expansion at * Comp str. (1 hr) (MPa) Hardness (Dry) (RHN) * (µm) Detail
2 hrs. Reproduction
Type 1 0.15 max 4 min 8 max 75 ± 8
Type 2 (Class 1) 0.05 9 75 ± 8
Type 2 (Class 2) 0.06 min, 0.30 max 9 75 ± 8
Type 3 0.20 max 20 82 50 ± 8
Type 4 0.15 max (At 24 hr max 0.18) 35 92 50 ± 8
Type 5 0.16 min 0.30 max 35 50 ± 8
*Minimum requirement ISO 6873:2013
322 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

Increased setting expansion is desired in case of investment materials as it helps to compensate

the shrinkage of the metal during casting.

Control of setting expansion

1. Mechanical mixing reduces setting expansion when compared to hand mixed stone.
2. Increase in W/P ratio reduces the setting expansion.
3. Modifiers generally reduce the setting expansion.
4. Potassium sulphate 4% solution reduces setting expansion from 0.5 to 0.06 %.
5. Sodium chloride and borax also decrease setting expansion.
For accuracy in dental procedures, the setting expansion has to be minimized. The
manufacturers achieve this by addition of K2SO4. This, however, reduces the setting time. To
counteract this, retarders like borax are also added (borax also reduces setting expansion).


When a gypsum product is placed under water before the initial set stage, a greater expansion
is seen. This is due to hygroscopic expansion. When expansion begins, externally available
water is drawn into pores forming in the setting mass and this maintains a continuous aqueous
phase in which crystal growth takes place freely. Under dry conditions this additional water is
not available and as expansion occurs, the aqueous phase in the mix is reduced to a film over
the growing crystals. It is greater in magnitude than normal setting expansion.
Importance Used to expand some gypsum bonded investments.

The strength increases rapidly as the material hardens after the initial setting. Minimum
strength requirements (ISO) for various gypsum products are presented in Table 18.1.

factors affecting strength

The free water content (excess water) The greater the amount of free water in the set stone,
the less the strength.
Wet strength It is the strength when excess free water (more than is necessary for reaction) is
present in the set gypsum. The wet strength (1 hour compressive strength) for model plaster,
dental stone, and die stone are 12.5, 31 and 45 MPa respectively.
Dry strength It is the strength of gypsum when
the excess free water is lost due to evaporation.
It is two or more times greater than the wet
Excess water may be removed from gypsum
cast by low-temperature drying. But there is no
strength increase until the last 2% of free water
(Fig. 18.10) is removed. This strength increases
on drying is reversible, thus soaking a dry cast in
water reduces its strength to the original level.
Many products have strength values in excess
of the ISO requirements. One Type 4 product
claims a wet strength (1 hr) of 67 MPa and a dry
strength of 121.6 MPa.
Temperature Gypsum is stable only below Figure 18.10 Effect of drying on the strength
about 40 °C. Drying at higher temperatures must of dental stone.
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 323
be carefully controlled. Loss of water of crystallization occurs rapidly at 100 °C or higher and
causes shrinkage and a reduction in strength.

Other factors affecting strength

 W/P ratio The more the water, the greater the porosity and less the strength.
 Spatulation Within limits, strength increases with increased spatulation.
 Addition of accelerators and retarders Lowers strength.

Gypsum is a brittle material, thus weaker in tension than in compression.
The one hour tensile strength of model plaster is approximately 2.3 MPa. When dry, the tensile
strength doubles. The tensile strength of dental stone is twice than that of plaster.
Significance Teeth on a cast may fracture while separating from the impression. Since in
practice fracture of gypsum typically occurs in tension, tensile strength is a better guide to
fracture resistance.
Time at which cast can be used The cast cannot be used as soon as it reaches its final setting
(as defined by the Vicat and Gillmore tests). This is because the cast has not reached its full
strength. Technically the cast can be used when it has attained at least 80% of its one hour
strength. Current products are ready for use in 30 minutes.


Dies and casts are often used to construct restorations and prostheses. A good surface
hardness and abrasion resistance is therefore essential. Hardness of some gypsum products
are presented in Table 18.1.
Hardness is related to the compressive strength. The higher the compressive strength of the
hardening mass, the higher the surface hardness. After the final setting occurs, the surface
hardness remains practically constant until most of the excess water is dried, after which it
The surface hardness increases at a faster rate than the compressive strength since the surface
of the hardened mass reaches a dry state earlier than the inner portion of the mass. Commercial
hardening solutions are available to increase the surface hardness of stone. However, surface
hardness and abrasion resistance are not always related, for example, epoxy resin is more
abrasion resistant than die stone, even though die stone is harder of the two.

The flow of freshly mixed gypsum depends on the amount of water used (W/P ratio). The
greater the amount of water used, the greater would be the flow. However, a correctly
proportioned mix has sufficient flow. Vibrating the mix greatly improves the flow. The flow
reduces as it approaches its initial set.

Gypsum products reproduce detail accurately (Table 18.1).
 Impression plaster has to accurately record oral tissues.
 Cast material has to duplicate all the detail recorded by the impression.
324 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

Factors which affect detail reproduction include compatibility with the impression material,
trapped air bubbles in the mix and surface contaminants like saliva. Use of a mechanical
vibrator and proper technique considerably improve detail reproduction.


Some gypsum products are manufactured for specific uses in dentistry. Each type is
developed with specific physical properties suitable for the particular purpose.


To prepare refractory molds for casting dental
Adding a refractory material like silica or
quartz or cristobalite to dental plaster
or stone permits it to withstand high
temperatures. These are called dental casting
investments (Fig. 18.11) (detailed in Chapter
on investments). Figure 18.11 Gypsum bonded investment
(Courtesy: MCODS, Manipal).

To make refractory dies.
It is a combination of die stone and gypsum-bonded investment mixed with colloidal silica. A
die is made and the wax pattern constructed on it. Then the entire assembly (die and pattern)
is invested in the divestment (normally the wax pattern is removed from the die and invested
The setting expansion of the material is 0.9% and thermal expansion is 0.6% when heated
to 677 °C. The advantage of divestment is that the wax pattern does not have to be removed
from the die, thus distortion of the pattern can be avoided.

It is possible to make alpha and beta hemihydrate from the byproducts during the manufacture
of phosphoric acid.
The synthetic product is usually more expensive than that made from natural gypsum, but
when the product is properly made, its properties are equal to or exceed the latter. However,
manufacture is difficult and a few have succeeded (e.g., Japan and Germany).

For orthodontic study models, many orthodontists prefer to used white stone or plaster
(Fig. 18.12). These products have a longer working time for pouring of multiple models.
To produce a glossy surface, finished models may be treated with ‘model glow’ model soap.


A new resin fortified die stone (e.g., ResinRock, Whipmix corporation) is available. It is a blend
of synthetic resin and alpha gypsum. These stones are less brittle, have improved surface
Gypsum Products CHAPTER 18 325
smoothness and increased resistance to abrasion. When mixed, it forms a creamy, thixotropic
mix which flows more easily under vibration. Their compressive strength can be as high as
79 MPa.

Plaster used for attaching the cast to the articulator (Fig. 18.1D) is known as mounting
plaster (Fig. 18.13). Regular plaster (type II, class 1) has higher setting expansion and should
be avoided for mounting. However, plasters with lower setting expansion (described by ISO
6873:2013 as Type II, Class 1) specialized for this purpose are available commercially. Important
properties for these products include a low setting expansion (0 to 0.05 %) which is important
for the accuracy of the mounting, low strength (12 MPa) which allows easy separation from
the cast and fast setting time (3 minutes).


These are exceptionally fast setting stones (2 minutes) with an early high compressive strength
(1 hour - 41 MPa) which allows separation of the cast from the impression in 5 minutes. An
example includes Snap stone (Whipmix).

If the gypsum cast has to be soaked in water it must be placed in a water bath in which plaster
debris is allowed to remain constantly on the bottom of the container to provide a saturated
solution of calcium sulfate at all times. This is known as ‘slurry water’. If the cast is washed
in ordinary water, surface layer may dissolve, hence slurry water is used to preserve surface
details. Such a procedure also causes a negligible expansion. All gypsum casts must be handled
carefully as any departure from the expected accuracy may result in a poorly fitting appliance.


1. As plaster is hygroscopic, it should be kept in air-tight containers. When the relative
humidity is more than 70%, plaster starts taking up moisture initiating a setting reaction.
This produces small crystals of gypsum which act as nuclei of crystallization. Thus in the
early stages, moisture contaminated plaster sets faster. In later stages, as the hygroscopic
action continues, the entire hemihydrate mass is covered by more crystals of gypsum. The
water penetrates the mass with difficulty, thereby delaying setting. Thus heavily moisture

Figure 18.12 Orthodontic stone (Kalabhai) and model. Figure 18.13 Mounting plaster.
326 PART 5 Dental Laboratory—Materials and Processes

contaminated stone or plaster sets slower. The humidity factor is a major consideration
in parts of India with high atmospheric humidity.
2. It should be kept clean with no dirt or other foreign bodies.

There has been an increased interest over possible cross-contamination to dental office
personnel through dental impressions. If an impression has not been disinfected, it is wise
to disinfect the stone cast.

Gypsum products may be disinfected by

1. Immersing cast in a disinfection solution.
2. Addition of disinfectant into the stone.
3. Overnight gas sterilization while treating patients known to have an infection (impractical
for routine use).


Though chemically identical, their differences are detailed in Table 18.2.

TABLE 18.2 Comparison of plaster and stone

Plaster Stone
Manufacture Dry calcination Wet calcination
Particle size/shape Larger, irregular porous Smaller, regular and dense
W/P ratio Requires more water Requires less water
Porosity Porous More dense
Properties Lower strength and hardness Greater strength and hardness
Application Used when strength is not of primary Used when greater strength and hardness is
importance (e.g., diagnostic casts) required (e.g., dies, master casts)

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