Water Mist MSC - Circ. 1165 - tcm4-166351

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ReI. T4/4.01 MSC/Circ.1165
10 June 2005


1 The Maritime SaIety Committee, at its sixty-Iourth session (5 to 9 December 1994),
recognizing the urgent necessity oI providing guidelines Ior alternative arrangements Ior halon
Iire-extinguishing systems, approved Guidelines Ior the approval oI equivalent water-based
Iire-extinguishing systems as reIerred to in SOLAS 74 Ior machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms

2 The Committee, at its sixty-sixth session (28 May to 6 June 1996), having considered a
proposal by the Iortieth session oI the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection to revise the interim test
method Ior equivalent water-based Iire-extinguishing systems, contained in MSC/Circ.668, approved
a revised test method Ior equivalent water-based Iire-extinguishing systems Ior category A
machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms contained in MSC/Circ.668 (MSC/Circ.728).

3 The Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its Iorty-ninth session (24 to 28 January 2005),
reviewed the Guidelines Ior the approval oI equivalent water-based Iire-extinguishing systems as
reIerred to in SOLAS 74 Ior machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (annex to MSC/Circ.668, as
amended by MSC/Circ.728) and made amendments to the test method Ior equivalent water-based
Iire-extinguishing systems Ior machinery spaces oI category A and cargo pump-rooms, taking into
account the latest technological progress made in this area.

4 The Committee, at its eightieth session (11 to 20 May 2005), aIter having considered the
above proposal by the Iorty-ninth session oI the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, approved
Revised Guidelines Ior the approval oI equivalent water-based Iire-extinguishing systems Ior
machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms, as set out in the annex.

5 Member Governments are invited to apply the annexed Guidelines when approving
equivalent water-based Iire-extinguishing systems Ior machinery spaces and pump-rooms and bring
them to the attention oI ship designers, ship owners, equipment manuIacturers, test laboratories and
other parties concerned.

6 Test approvals already conducted in accordance with guidelines contained in MSC/Circ.668,
as amended by MSC/Circ.728, should remain valid until 5 years aIter the date oI this circular.





1 Water-based Iire-extinguishing systems Ior use in machinery spaces oI category A and cargo
pump-rooms equivalent to Iire-extinguishing systems required by SOLAS regulation II-2/10 and
chapter 5 oI the FSS Code should prove that they have the same reliability which has been identiIied
as signiIicant Ior the perIormance oI Iixed pressure water-spraying systems approved under the
requirements oI SOLAS regulation II-2/10 and chapter 5 oI the FSS Code. In addition, the system
should be shown by test to have the capability oI extinguishing a variety oI Iires that can occur in a
ship's engine-room.


2 $QWLIUHH]HV\VWHP is a wet pipe system containing an antiIreeze solution and connected to a
water supply. The antiIreeze solution is discharged, Iollowed by water, immediately upon operation
oI nozzles.

3 %LOJHDUHD is the space between the solid engine-room Iloor plates and the bottom oI the

4 'HOXJHV\VWHP is a system employing open nozzles attached to a piping system connected to a
water supply through a valve that is opened by the operation oI a detection system installed in the
same areas as the nozzles or opened manually. When this valve opens, water Ilows into the piping
system and discharges Irom all nozzles attached thereto.

5 'U\3LSHV\VWHP is a system employing nozzles attached to a piping system containing air or
nitrogen under pressure, the release oI which (as Irom the opening oI a nozzle) permits the water
pressure to open a valve known as a dry pipe valve. The water then Ilows into the piping system and
out oI the opened nozzle.

6 )LUHH[WLQFWLRQ is a reduction oI the heat release Irom the Iire and a total elimination oI all
Ilames and glowing parts by means oI direct and suIIicient application oI extinguishing media.

7 3UHDFWLRQ V\VWHP is a system employing automatic nozzles attached to a piping system
containing air that mayor may not be under pressure, with a supplemental detection system installed
in the same area as the nozzles. Actuation oI the detection system opens a valve that permits water
to Ilow into the piping system and to be discharged Irom any nozzles that may be open.

8 :DWHUEDVHG H[WLQJXLVKLQJ PHGLXP is Iresh water or seawater with or without additives
mixed to enhance Iire-extinguishing capability.

9 :HWSLSHV\VWHP is a system employing nozzles attached to a piping system containing water
and connected to a water supply so that water discharges immediately Irom the nozzles upon system
Page 2

Principal requirements for the system

10 The system should be capable oI manual release.

11 The system should be capable oI Iire extinction, and tested to the satisIaction oI the
Administration in accordance with appendix B to these Guidelines.

12 The system should be available Ior immediate use and capable oI continuously supplying
water Ior at least 30 min in order to prevent re-ignition or Iire spread within that period oI time.
Systems which operate at a reduced discharge rate aIter the initial extinguishing period should have a
second Iull Iire-extinguishing capability available within a 5-minute period oI initial activation.

13 The system and its components should be suitably designed to withstand ambient temperature
changes, vibration, humidity, shock, impact, clogging and corrosion normally encountered in
machinery spaces or cargo pump-rooms in ships. Components within the protected spaces should be
designed to withstand the elevated temperatures which could occur during a Iire.

14 The system and its components should be designed and installed in accordance with
international standards acceptable to the Organization
and manuIactured and tested to the
satisIaction oI the Administration in accordance with appropriate elements oI appendices A and B to
these guidelines.

15 The nozzle location, type oI nozzle and nozzle characteristics should be within the limits
tested to provide Iire extinction as reIerred to in paragraph 10.

16 The electrical components oI the pressure source Ior the system should have a minimum
rating oI IP 54. The system should be supplied by both main and emergency sources oI power and
should be provided with an automatic change-over switch. The emergency power supply should be
provided Irom outside the protected machinery space.

17 The system should be provided with a redundant means oI pumping. The capacity oI the
redundant means should be suIIicient to compensate Ior the loss oI any single supply pump. The
system should be Iitted with a permanent sea inlet and be capable oI continuous operation using

18 The piping system should be sized in accordance with an hydraulic calculation technique.

19 Systems capable oI supplying water at the Iull discharge rate Ior 30 min may be grouped into
separate sections within a protected space. The sectioning oI the system within such spaces should
be approved by the Administration in each case.

Pending the development oI international standards acceptable to the Organization, national standards as prescribed
by the Administration should be applied.

Where the Hazen-Williams Method is used, the Iollowing values oI the Iriction Iactor "C" Ior diIIerent pipe types
which may be considered should apply:

Pipe type C
Black or galvanized mild steel 100
Copper and copper alloys 150
Stainless steel 150

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20 In all cases the capacity and design oI the system should be based on the complete protection
oI the space demanding the greatest volume oI water.

21 The system operation controls should be available at easily accessible positions outside the
spaces to be protected and should not be liable to be cut oII by a Iire in the protected spaces.

22 Pressure source components oI the system should be located outside the protected spaces.

23 A means Ior testing the operation oI the system Ior assuring the required pressure and Ilow
should be provided.

24 Activation oI any water distribution valve should give a visual and audible alarm in the
protected space and at a continuously manned central control station. An alarm in the central control
station should indicate the speciIic valve activated.

25 Operating instructions Ior the system should be displayed at each operating position. The
operating instructions should be in the oIIicial language oI the Ilag State. II the language is neither
English nor French, a translation into one oI these languages should be included.

26 Spare parts and operating and maintenance instructions Ior the system should be provided, as
recommended by the manuIacturer.

27 Additives should not be used Ior the protection oI normally occupied spaces unless they have
been approved Ior Iire protection service by an independent authority. The approval should consider
possible adverse health eIIects to exposed personnel, including inhalation toxicity.

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