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Global service training

725C / 730C / 730C EJ articulated trucks 

Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems


CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, ACERT, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the POWER EDGE
trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar
and may not be used without permission. © 2013 Caterpillar Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1977 - 09/13 -2- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

MODULE DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................... 3
MODULE PRE-WORK............................................................................................................... 4
RECOMMENDED DELIVERY.................................................................................................... 5
PREPARATION CHECKLIST..................................................................................................... 6
LESSON PLAN........................................................................................................................... 8
LEARNING OUTCOMES........................................................................................................... 9
LABORATORY EXERCISES..................................................................................................... 10
POST-ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................... 16

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -3- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

MODULE OBJECTIVE This module is designed to introduce the C9.3 and C13 ACERT technology Tier 4
Final engine and support systems. Major component locations of the engine,
cooling system, intake air and exhaust system, and fuel system are discussed and
basic operational strategies are explained. Lab exercises and a written
Post-Assessment will be used for skills development and a knowledge check.
Participants will be expected to demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in each
major area of instruction.

This module includes approximately 50% theory (classroom) and 50% practical (lab

AUDIENCE Level II--Field service personnel, resident mechanics, Technical Communicators,

and shop technicians. All participants should have a working knowledge of basic
electrical, electronic, and hydraulic control systems on Cat machines.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -4- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

PREREQUISITE COURSES Successful completion of the following web-based training courses are
recommended before receiving the engine and emissions training contained in this
engine module.
-- Tier 4 Interim Regeneration Strategy - DPC Course # 33983
-- Tier 4 Interim Air Systems - DPC Course # 33980
-- Tier 4 Interim Aftertreatment - DPC Course # 33979
-- Tier 4 Interim Systems Overview - DPC Course # 33963
-- Tier 4 Interim Regeneration Operator Interface - DPC Course # 33984
-- Tier 4 Interim Knowledge Assessment - DPC Course # 41913
-- Tier 4 Final C7.1 to C18 Engine Systems Overview -
DPC Course # 40223
-- Tier 4 Final Operator Interface Warnings and Inducements -
DPC Course # 40917

Successful completion of the following instructor led training courses are also
recommended before receiving the engine and emissions training contained in this
engine module.
-- Electronics Troubleshooting ILT - # 26679 ILT

PREREQUISITE TESTS There are no prerequisite tests for this module.

SUGGESTED READING There is no suggested reading for this module.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -5- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

TIME Estimated Delivery Time

3 hrs


Minimum 4 participants; maximum 8 participants

______ 2-4 Tables; 2 participants/table

______ Projector

______ Whiteboard

______ Participant materials


Participant/Instructor ratio = 8:1 (suggested maximum)

______ 725C, 730C, and/or 730C EJ Articulated Truck

REFERENCES Service Manual Modules Form No.

Safety SENR7733
725C Operation and Maintenance Manual (HRC and LRC) SEBU8786
730C Operation and Maintenance Manual (HRC and LRC) SEBU8785
730C Ejector Operation and Maintenance Manual (HRC and LRC) SEBU9051
AT Monitoring System - Systems Operation UENR2353
725C Articulated Truck Specifications UENR2380
730C & 730C Ejector Articulated Truck Specifications UENR2345
C9.3 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Sys-Op/T&A UENR3432
C9.3 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Engine Specifications UENR3431
C9.3 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Troubleshooting UENR3433
C13 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Sys-Op/T&A UENR3351
C13 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Engine Specifications KENR9330
C13 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines - Troubleshooting UENR0955

Parts Book
725C Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (HRC) SEBP6404
730C Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (HRC) SEBP5991
730C Ejector Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (HRC) SEBP6816
725C Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (LRC) SEBP6403
730C Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (LRC) SEBP6817
730C Ejector Articulated Trucks Parts Manual (LRC) SEBP5994

Integrated Technical Training Package (ITTP) Modules

725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Introduction SERV1977
725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1977 - 09/13 -6- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

MODULE Prior to conducting the module, gather the following materials:

______ PDF: ITTP module “725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Introduction”

______ PDF: ITTP module “725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Tier 4 Final

Engine and Support Systems”

A printed copy of the following for the classroom training session and lab exercises
and access to SIS Web or SIS DVD:

______ Service Manual Module “Safety” (SENR7733)

______ Service Manual Module “Operation and Maintenance Manual” (SEBU8755)

CLASSROOM Prior to delivering the classroom module, perform the following steps:

______ Prepare a safety briefing containing the following information:

• emergency phone numbers

• first aid responders
• location of exits and fire extinguisher
• room alerts or hazards
• designated location for evacuation
• storm shelter
• hazardous material

______ Review the 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Introduction Text

Reference and the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual(s) (see
service manual references).

______ Review the 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Tier 4 Final Engine

and Support Systems Text Reference to become familiar with the topic.

______ Duplicate enough 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Tier 4 Final

Engine and Support Systems Text Reference for each participant in the
training session or provide an electronic copy.

______ Duplicate enough 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks - Tier 4 Final

Engine and Support Systems Participant Materials for each participant in
the training session.

______ Check for applicable Service Magazine articles, Service Letters, and
Technical Information Bulletins related to the topic.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -7- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LABS Prior to conducting the lab exercise(s), perform the following steps:

______ Prepare a safety briefing of the lab(s) to be conducted.

______ Select the articulated truck to be used in the lab exercise(s).

______ Make resource/instructional tags for lab exercise(s) as needed.

______ Review the lab exercise(s) to ensure participants can demonstrate their
ability to accomplish the objectives.

Gather the following tools and material:

______ Basic hand tools to remove guards and/or panels to access all engine
components for the location and identification lab exercise.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -8- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

• Provide each participant with a Participant Introduction, Module Objective, and Learning Outcomes
copy of the module objectives
and learning outcomes. Instructor and participant introductions, if not already done

Safety briefing, objectives, class agenda, and hand out participant materials,
if not already done

Time Estimate: 15 min

• Visual Presentation Visual Presentation:

• Distribute Lab 1 Worksheets Classroom visual presentation of machine Introduction (as required) and
Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems; participants take notes on
component location and functionality using the Lab 1 Worksheets.

Time Estimate: 1 hour

• Conduct Lab 1 Lab 1: 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support
Systems Component Identification and Function

Give safety briefing and describe objective of lab.

Use Lab 1 Worksheets: 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4

Final Engine and Support Systems Component
Identification and Function

 articipants locate and explain functionality of engine and support

systems components on class machine.

Review completed Lab 1 Worksheets with the class - answer any


Time Estimate: 45 min

• Distribute Post-Assessment Post-Assessment: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine

and Support Systems Post-Assessment

• Administer Post-Assessment Administer Post-Assessment - Time Estimate: 30 min

Review correct answers with the class - Time Estimate: 30 min

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -9- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

You will meet the following learning outcomes during the presentations, laboratory
exercises, and post-assessment in this Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems
module of the 725C, 730C, and 730C EJ Articulated Truck course:

• Visual Presentation 1. Given the classroom presentation and the Lab 1 Worksheet(s), participants will
take notes on the identification, location, and the basic function of major
components and service points of the C9.3 and/or the C13 ACERT™ technology
engine and support systems.

• Lab 1 1. Given the Lab 1 Worksheet(s) and a 725C, 730C, and/or a 730C EJ Articulated
Truck, participants will locate, identify, and confirm the basic functionality of the
major components of the C9.3 and/or the C13 ACERT technology engine and
support systems.

• Post-Assessment 1. Given the classroom presentation, all reference materials and class notes,
participants will answer questions regarding the flow of fuel through the engine
and aftertreatment fuel delivery systems during a Post-Assessment with at least
80% accuracy.

2. Given the classroom presentation, all reference materials and class notes,
participants will answer questions regarding the flow of air through the engine air
intake, exhaust, and NOX reduction systems during a Post-Assessment with at
least 80% accuracy.

3. Given the classroom presentation, all reference materials and class notes,
participants will answer questions regarding the flow of coolant through the
engine cooling system during a Post-Assessment with at least 80% accuracy

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -10- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following section provides directions to set up, facilitate, and assist during the
lab exercise(s).

Some lab exercises are the written type with worksheets, while other labs are the
traditional “on the iron” labs. Answers are provided in this document for the worksheet

The participant lab sheet(s), along with accompanying materials, are located in the
Student Material PDF (included in the module PDF).

At the beginning of each lab, review the lab description.

NOTE: Discuss safety procedures with the participants for each shop lab (i.e.
safety glasses, clothing). Safely Home. Everyone. Every Day.™

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -11- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LAB 1: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Truck TIER


This is a shop exercise. Ensure participants understand the recognized safety

zones in, on, and around the machine.

SAFETY Participants will adhere to all applicable safety regulations.

EXERCISE Participants will form teams of two persons and will identify the location and explain
the basic functionality of the major components, service points, and troubleshooting
points of the Tier 4 Final engine and support systems components using the
Lab 1 Worksheets.

NOTE: Do not start the engine during this lab exercise.

Procedure: Explain the lab exercise. Inform participants they may refer to their
printed materials and notes while completing the exercise. Participants will use the
Lab 1 Worksheets to document completion of the task.

At the end of the lab exercise, the instructor should gather the participants to
discuss the results of the exercise and answer any questions from the participants.

MATERIALS NEEDED ______ 725C, 730C, and/or a 730C EJ Articulated Truck with Tier 4 Final engine.

______ Lab 1 Worksheets: 725C/730C,/730C EJ Articulated Truck Tier 4 Final

Engine and Support Systems Component Identification
and Function

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -12- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LAB 1: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks TIER 4 FINAL ENGINE AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS Component
Identification and Function

Directions: Use this checklist to take notes during the classroom presentation regarding component function and location.
During the lab exercise, use these sheets as a checklist when locating and identifying components.

_______ Engine oil filter and S•O•S port

Function: [Filters engine oil to remove contaminants - the S•O•S port allows engine oil samples to be taken]

Location: [Left front of engine compartment, beneath the hood]

_______ Primary fuel filter and water separator

Function: [10-micron filter that removes large contaminants from the fuel - sediment bowl removes and
provides a container to hold water that may be present in the fuel]

Location: [Left side of engine compartment, beneath the hood]

_______ Electric fuel priming pump and switch

Function: [Provides low pressure fuel flow to prime the fuel system when the switch is moved to ON or the
key-start switch is moved to the START position]

Location: [Priming pump is installed in the primary fuel filter base - front left of the engine compartment,
beneath the hood : switch is located on the fuel filter bracket, above the primary fuel filter base.]

_______ Secondary and tertiary fuel filters

Function: [Two 4-micron filters that remove fine contaminants from the fuel]

Location: [Left side of engine compartment, beneath the hood]

_______ Fuel diverter solenoid valve

Function: [ENERGIZED by the Engine ECM at key ON to prime the fuel system - DE-ENERGIZED all other

Location: [Installed in the primary fuel filter base - front left of the engine compartment, beneath the hood ]

_______ Engine oil level gauge (dipstick)

Function: [Mechanical metal level gauge that allows visual confirmation of the engine oil level in the oil pan]

Location: [Left side of engine compartment, beneath the hood]

_______ Open Crankcase Ventilation (OCV) filter (if equipped)

Function: [Small filter that removes most oil and other contaminants from the vapors emitted through the
engine crankcase breather tube]

Location: [Left side of engine compartment, beneath the hood]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -13- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LAB 1: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks TIER 4 FINAL ENGINE AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS Component
Identification and Function (CONT’D.)

_______ Engine air filter access cover

Function: [Allows access to the engine air filter for service or replacement]

Location: [Left rear of engine compartment, beneath the hood] 

_______ Engine oil fill cap

Function: [Allows engine oil to be added or replaced to the engine oil system]

Location: [On top of the engine valve cover, accessible from either side of the engine compartment]

_______ Engine coolant S•O•S port

Function: [Allows coolant samples to be taken from the cooling system]

Location: [Installed on top of the coolant tube from the thermostat housing - accessible from the right side of
the engine compartment] 

_______ Water temperature regulator (thermostat) housing

Function: [Contains the thermostat(s) that regulate the flow of coolant to the radiator when the engine is hot]

Location: [Top, right corner of the engine(s), accessible from the right side of the engine compartment]

_______ TDC service (timing calibration) probe port

Function: [Allows the timing calibration probe to be threaded into the block to perform a timing calibration]

Location: [Bottom, left side of the engine, forward of the starter] 

_______ Engine oil drain valve

Function: [Allows engine oil to be drained from the oil pan]

Location: [Bottom, rear of the oil pan, on the right side of the engine - accessible through a panel beneath the
engine compartment right side]

_______ Engine ECM

Function: [Monitors and controls all electronic components mounted to the engine]

Location: [Left rear of the engine, above the starter]

_______ Alternator

Function: [Provides electrical energy to power all machine electronics and maintain machine battery charge]

Location: [Left front of the engine, at the top]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1977 - 09/13 -14- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LAB 1: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks TIER 4 FINAL ENGINE AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS Component
Identification and Function (CONT’D.)

_______ Fuel pump(s)

Function: [Draws fuel from the fuel tank and provides fuel flow through the engine fuel system]

Location: [Installed to the rear of the timing gear housing, on the left side of the engine (both engines)] 

_______ Fuel pressure regulator

Function: [Maintains fuel pressure to the MEUI injector on the C13 engine - maintains the fuel cooling loop
pressure in the cylinder head on the C9.3 engine]

Location: [Installed in the small manifold at the left rear corner of the engine, above the Engine ECM]

_______ Starter

Function: [Engages with and turns the engine flywheel to start the engine when the key switch is turned to the
START position]

Location: [Installed to the front of the flywheel housing at the left rear of the engine(s)] 

_______ Radiator

Function: [Provides for cooling the engine coolant when the engine is warm and the thermostats open]

Location: [Installed at the rear of the tractor, inside the cooling compartment, forward of the hydraulic fan]

_______ TDC service probe connector

Function: [Connects the TDC service probe to the engine electrical system when using Cat ET to perform the
engine timing calibration routine]

Location: [Tied to the upper wiring harness above the Engine ECM ] 

_______ ATAAC

Function: [Cooler core that cools the intake air being forced through it by the turbocharger compressor]

Location: [Large cooler core at the front, center of the engine compartment]

_______ Fuel cooler

Function: [Cools the fuel returning from the fuel pressure regulator prior to flowing to the fuel tank]

Location: [Small bottom cooler core forward of the ATAAC at the front center of the engine compartment]

_______ Radiator fill tube, cap, and sight glass

Function: [Allows checking of the coolant level and addition of engine coolant into the cooling system]

Location: [On top of the cooling compartment, at the left rear of the tractor]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -15- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

LAB 1: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks TIER 4 FINAL ENGINE AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS Component
Identification and Function (CONT’D.)

_______ Coolant drain valve

Function: [Allows all coolant to be drained from the engine cooling system]

Location: [Located beneath and inside the left tractor frame rail, forward of the front axle] 

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -16- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following Post-Assessment is a paper test designed to measure the
participant’s ability to identify the major components of and determine the general
knowledge of the Tier 4 Final engine fuel systems, air systems, and cooling
systems in the 725C, 730C, and 730C EJ Articulated Trucks. The answers are
provided on the following pages. The actual participant Post-Assessments are
provided in the Participant Materials section.

This module Post-Assessment may also be used as a pretest, if desired.

Evidence of achieving the learning outcomes, at a knowledge level, is attained by a

written assessment. The written assessment is open book; consultation with others
is not permitted. A mastery score of 80% is required.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -17- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems

Post-Assessment: 7 25C/730C/730C EJ Articulated

Trucks TIER 4 FINAL Engine and
Support Systems
INSTRUCTOR NOTE Classroom Post-Assessment

Participants may refer to their course materials and class notes when taking the

Participants may not consult with others during the Post-Assessment.


Give participants a copy of the “725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final

Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment”

Explain the Post-Assessment.

MATERIALS NEEDED ______ 725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support
Systems Post-Assessment

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -18- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems



(11) (10)

(8) (12)

(14) (7) (3)
(15) P (2)




725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment

Trace the flow of fuel through C9.3 ACERT technology engine fuel delivery system.

Directions - Part 1: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the Emissions
Fuel Circuit beginning with the fuel tank.
1. [12] 2. [3] 3. [10] 4. [11]

Directions - Part 2: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the Engine Fuel
Circuit, beginning with the fuel tank and ending at the high pressure fuel pump.
1. [12] 2. [10] 3. [3] 4. [16] 5. [7] 6. [14] 7. [6]

Directions - Part 3: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the High Pressure
Fuel Circuit, beginning with the high pressure fuel pump and ending with the fuel tank. [NOTE: Answers for questions #3 and
#4 can be exchanged, as they occur at the same time]
1. [6] 2. [2] 3. [8] 4. [5] 5. [4] 6. [1] 7. [12]

Directions - Part 4: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the Low
Pressure Fuel Circuit, beginning with the high pressure fuel pump and ending with the fuel tank.
1. [6] 2. [8] 3. [13] 4. [4] 5. [1] 6. [12]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -19- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems



(2) (6)

(10) (3)

(11) (9) (5) (8)





7725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment (Cont’d)

Trace the flow of fuel through C13 ACERT technology engine fuel delivery system.

Directions - Part 1: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the Emissions
Fuel Circuit beginning with the fuel tank.
1. [3] 2. [5] 3. [6] 4. [1]

Directions - Part 2: Write the numbers in the blanks below to show the sequential order of fuel flow through the Engine Fuel
Circuit, beginning with the fuel tank and ending at the fuel tank. Include the fuel tank number at the beginning and at the end.
1. [3] 2. [6] 3. [5] 4. [7] 5. [9] 6. [11] 7. [10]

8. [8] 9. [13] 10. [3]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -20- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems








(15) (16)

(10) (13)



725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment (Cont’d)

Identify the components in the 725C, 730C, and 730C EJ Articulated Trucks engine air, exhaust, and NOx reduction systems.

Assessment Directions: Fill in the blanks next to the numbers with the correct term.

1. [Air-To-Air AfterCooler (ATAAC)] 2. [ARD combustion air] 3. [Intake air filter]

4. [CEM exhaust inlet] 5. [Inlet (mixing) Manifold] 6. [Turbocharger]

7. [NRS cooler] 8. [Balance valve actuator] 9. [NRS valve]

10. [Engine] 11. [Balance valve solenoid] 12. [NRS cooler outlet]

13. [NRS venturi] 14. [Clean Emissions Module (CEM)] 15. [Exhaust from cylinders 1, 2, 3]

16. [Exhaust from cylinders 4, 5, 6] 17. [Clean exhaust]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

SERV1977 - 09/13 -21- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems



Cooling Compartment
Tube DPF
Shunt ARD
Tank DEF
Heater S•O•S

≥ 92°C Hottest
Vent Regulator
Lines PETU
87°C Coolant NRS Cooler
Temperature Internal
Air Bypass
Demand Passage
Fan Flow
C9.3 Engine
≤ 81°C Coldest
Manifold Transmission
Oil Cooler

Radiator Drain Jacket

Valve Water Pump


725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment (Cont’d)
Trace the flow of coolant through 725C Articulated Truck cooling system.
Directions - Part 1: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
CEM Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [DEF injector] 3. [ARD]

4. [Jacket water pump]

Directions - Part 2: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
C9.3 Engine Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump, with a cold engine.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [Transmission Oil Cooler] 3. [Coolant Manifold]

4. [NRS cooler] 5. [Coolant Manifold] 6. [C9.3 engine]

7. [Water temperature regulator] 8. [Internal bypass passage] 9. [Jacket water pump]

Directions - Part 3: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
C9.3 Engine Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump, and a warm engine.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [Transmission Oil Cooler] 3. [Coolant Manifold]

4. [NRS cooler] 5. [Coolant Manifold] 6. [C9.3 engine]

7. [Water temperature regulator] 8. [Radiator] 9. [Jacket water pump]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV1977 - 09/13 -22- Module 3 - Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems



Cooling Compartment CEM

Tube Vent DPF ARD
Shunt Lines
Tank DEF
Heater S•O•S

≥ 92°C Hottest

87°C Coolant NRS Cooler External
Temperature Bypass
Demand Air Tube
Fan Flow
C13 Engine
≤ 81°C Coldest
Oil Cooler

Oil Cooler
Radiator Drain Jacket
Valve Water Pump


725C/730C/730C EJ Articulated Trucks Tier 4 Final Engine and Support Systems Post-Assessment (Cont’d)
Trace the flow of coolant through 730C/730C EJ Articulated Truck cooling system.
Directions - Part 1: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
CEM Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [DEF injector] 3. [ARD]

4. [Jacket water pump]

Directions - Part 2: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
C13 Engine Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump, with a cold engine.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [Engine Oil Cooler] 3. [NRS cooler]

4. [C13 engine] 5. [Water temperature regulators] 6. [External bypass tube]

7. [Jacket water pump] [NOTE: #3 and #4 can be interchanged, here and below, as they occur at the same time.]

Directions - Part 3: W
 rite the component names in the blanks below to show the sequential order of coolant flow through the
C13 Engine Cooling Circuit, beginning and ending with the jacket water pump, and a warm engine.

1. [Jacket water pump] 2. [Engine Oil Cooler] 3. [NRS cooler]

4. [C13 engine] 5. [Water temperature regulators] 6. [Radiator]

7. [Transmission oil cooler] 8. [Jacket water pump]

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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