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Volume: 12
Pages: 668-678
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1094
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8268842
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-20-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Assessment of Research Training Needs: Input for Research Development Plan

Miguel L. Palmares III*, Rhodora P. Panizal
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study utilized a descriptive research design to assess the research training needs of faculty
members at Passi City College. A sample of 45 faculty members was selected through convenience
sampling from a total population of 77. Data were collected using a 25-item Faculty Research
Capability-building Instrument, and analysis involved frequency count, percentage, mean, and
standard deviation calculations. The study identified the top ten research training needs, including
evaluating programs and activities, determining statistical tools, conducting lesson study and writing
research lessons, research advising and mentoring, developing and validating research instruments,
conducting research for beginners, using quantitative methods, conducting action research for
instructional improvement, evaluating extension service impact, and training on intellectual property
and patent review. Areas such as conducting mixed methods research, writing terminal reports for
extension services, paraphrasing cited texts, assessing community needs for extension services, and
conducting qualitative methods were also recognized but deemed slightly less urgent. A strong
positive correlation was observed between faculty preferences and the level of research training need.
These findings offer valuable insights for Passi City College to design targeted training programs and
support faculty in enhancing their research capabilities. However, limitations include the use of
convenience sampling and self-reported data. Future research is encouraged to validate these findings
in broader contexts.-The study was conducted at Passi City College from March 2022 to June 2022.

Keywords: assessment, research, training needs, development plan

Introduction College and its faculty members may yield unique

findings. Therefore, conducting a research training
Passi City College (PCC) is committed to providing needs assessment specific to PCC is essential to gain
quality education and fostering academic excellence insights into the areas where faculty members require
among its faculty members. As a higher education further development and tailor research training
institution, PCC recognizes the vital role of research in programs accordingly.
contributing to knowledge advancement, innovation,
and societal development (Sicat, 2019; Mumford et al., By conducting a comprehensive assessment of the
2017; Lapuz et al., 2016; LaMaster, 2015; Weidner, research training needs of the faculty members at Passi
2014). To ensure that the faculty members are City College, the institution can design and implement
equipped with the necessary research skills and targeted capacity-building initiatives that address the
competencies, it is crucial to assess their research specific needs and interests of its faculty members
training needs. (Sicat, 2019; Mumford et al., 2017; Lapuz et al., 2016;
LaMaster, 2015; Weidner, 2014). This approach will
Previous research studies conducted in various maximize the effectiveness and impact of research
academic settings have consistently highlighted the training programs, ultimately fostering a culture of
importance of research training in enhancing the research excellence within the college.
quality and impact of academic research (Sicat, 2019;
Mumford et al., 2017; Lapuz et al., 2016; LaMaster, Furthermore, addressing the research training needs of
2015; Weidner, 2014). These studies have found that faculty members at PCC will not only enhance the
faculty members often require training in key areas academic reputation of the institution but also
such as data analysis, research design, and writing for contribute to the advancement of knowledge within the
publication. Additionally, faculty members express a local community and beyond. By empowering faculty
strong interest in training on grant writing and ethics in members with the necessary research skills and
research (Sicat, 2019; Mumford et al., 2017; Lapuz et competencies, PCC can promote scholarly
al., 2016; LaMaster, 2015; Weidner, 2014). engagement, produce relevant and impactful research
outcomes, and contribute to the broader societal
Based on the findings of these studies, it is evident that development goals.
faculty members at various institutions share similar
research training needs and interests. However, it is Research Objectives
important to note that the specific context of Passi City
This study aimed at assessing the research training
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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

needs of the faculty members at Passi City College. It members who receive research training are more likely
assessed the level of need for research training of the to publish their research in peer-reviewed journals
various topics and the personal research interest of (AAC&U, 2015). The study also found that research
faculty. It also assessed the correlation between training can help faculty members develop their
teacher preference and the level of research training teaching skills, as they learn how to effectively
needs of the faculty. communicate their research findings to students.A
study by the University of California, Berkeley found
that research training can help to create a research
Literature Review culture in higher education institutions (Berkeley,
2017). The study found that when faculty members are
The Importance of Research Training in Higher engaged in research, they are more likely to encourage
their students to do the same. This can create a positive
Education Institutions
cycle of research activity that benefits the entire
Research is an essential part of higher education. It is
through research that faculty members make new
Overall, the research evidence suggests that research
discoveries, advance knowledge, and train the next
training is essential for faculty members to enhance
generation of researchers. However, research can be a
their research skills, productivity, and the overall
daunting task, especially for faculty members who
quality of academic research. Research training can
have not received formal research training.
also have a positive impact on faculty development
Research training can help faculty members develop and the institution's research culture.Research Training
the skills and knowledge they need to conduct high- Needs Assessment in Higher Education Research
quality research. This includes training in research training plays a vital role in the field of higher
design, data collection and analysis, and writing and education, enabling faculty members to contribute to
publishing research papers. Research training can also knowledge advancement, enhance their research skills,
help faculty members develop their research networks and foster a culture of inquiry within their institutions.
and collaborations, which can lead to more successful However, many faculty members lack formal research
research outcomes.In addition to enhancing research training, making it crucial to assess their research
skills, research training can also have a positive impact training needs. By examining existing studies, this
on faculty development. Faculty members who receive review aims to identify common research training
research training are more likely to publish their needs, highlight the challenges faced, and underscore
research in peer-reviewed journals, secure external the importance of tailored training programs to meet
funding for their research, and receive promotions. faculty members' needs.
Research training can also help faculty members
develop their teaching skills, as they learn how to Research training needs assessment studies have
effectively communicate their research findings to consistently identified several key areas where faculty
students. members require support. These areas include research
design and methodology, data analysis, writing and
Finally, research training can help to create a research publishing research papers, grant writing, and
culture in higher education institutions. When faculty mentorship and collaboration (NRC, 2009; AAC&U,
members are engaged in research, they are more likely 2015; UPLB, 2018). Faculty members often express a
to encourage their students to do the same. This can desire to enhance their skills in these domains to
create a positive cycle of research activity that benefits improve the quality and impact of their research
the entire institution.There is a growing body of output. Additionally, findings suggest that faculty
research that supports the importance of research members are more inclined to participate in research
training for faculty members. For example, a study by training if they perceive it as directly relevant to their
the National Research Council (NRC) found that research interests (NRC, 2009; UPLB, 2018).Studies
research training can help faculty members develop conducted within the Philippine higher education
the skills and knowledge they need to conduct high- context have revealed similar research training needs
quality research (NRC, 2009). The study also found among faculty members. Research design and
that research training can lead to increased research methodology, data analysis, writing and publishing
productivity and improved teaching skills. research papers, grant writing, and mentorship and
collaboration emerge as key areas requiring attention
Another study, by the Association of American (UPLB, 2018). However, it is important to
Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), found that faculty acknowledge that the specific training needs can vary

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

depending on the discipline, level of experience, and Mentoring programs offer valuable guidance and
institutional context of the faculty members. support to faculty members throughout their research
journey. Mentors, who are experienced researchers,
The literature also highlights several challenges and provide individualized assistance, advice, and
considerations in conducting research training needs feedback to mentees. Such programs facilitate the
assessment. These include limited funding for training transfer of knowledge, foster collaboration, and
programs, the need for specialized expertise to deliver enhance the research capabilities of faculty members.
effective training, lack of coordination among The National Research Council (2009) highlights the
institutions, and limited awareness among faculty significance of mentoring relationships in facilitating
members regarding available training opportunities. faculty members' professional growth and helping
Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensure the them navigate research challenges. By establishing
successful implementation of research training mentoring programs, institutions can foster a
programs and the engagement of faculty members in supportive environment that nurtures research talent
capacity-building initiatives.The findings from and promotes continuous learning.
research training needs assessment studies have
significant implications for higher education Collaborative research initiatives enable faculty
institutions, particularly in developing tailored members to engage in interdisciplinary and team-based
research training programs. Institutions should research projects. These initiatives promote knowledge
consider offering a range of training opportunities that sharing, foster research collaborations, and enhance
cater to the diverse needs of faculty members. By research productivity. Faculty members benefit from
addressing specific areas of need, such as research exposure to diverse perspectives, expertise, and
design, data analysis, and writing skills, institutions resources. Collaborative research also cultivates a
can enhance faculty members' research capabilities, culture of collaboration and innovation within
leading to increased research productivity and institutions. By participating in collaborative research
improved institutional performance. initiatives, faculty members develop a broader
understanding of research methodologies and gain
Effective Approaches to Research Training insights into emerging trends and interdisciplinary
Effective research training plays a critical role in
developing faculty members' research capabilities and In addition to workshops, seminars, mentoring
promoting a culture of inquiry within higher education programs, and collaborative research initiatives, other
institutions. This literature review examines various capacity-building interventions can enhance faculty
approaches and strategies for providing research research capabilities. These interventions may include
training to faculty members, including workshops, research grant writing workshops, research ethics
seminars, mentoring programs, collaborative research training, access to research resources and facilities,
initiatives, and other capacity-building interventions. and networking opportunities. Institutions that provide
By exploring the effectiveness of these approaches, comprehensive support in these areas contribute to the
this review aims to shed light on best practices that can professional development of faculty members and
enhance faculty research capabilities and contribute to create an enabling environment for high-quality
the advancement of knowledge. research.

Workshops and seminars are commonly employed Effective approaches to research training are essential
approaches to research training. They provide for enhancing faculty research capabilities and
opportunities for faculty members to acquire new fostering a research culture within higher education
knowledge, skills, and research techniques. The institutions. This review highlights the importance of
American Association for the Advancement of Science workshops, seminars, mentoring programs,
(2017) emphasizes the importance of well-designed collaborative research initiatives, and other capacity-
and interactive workshops that incorporate hands-on building interventions in promoting faculty members'
activities and discussions. These types of training professional growth and research excellence. By
programs have been found to be effective in enhancing adopting these approaches, institutions can empower
faculty members' research skills and knowledge in faculty members to develop advanced research skills,
specific areas (AAC&U, 2015). By engaging in engage in impactful research projects, and contribute
workshops and seminars, faculty members can to the advancement of knowledge.
improve their research methodologies, data analysis
techniques, and publication strategies. Research Training Programs and Initiatives

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research training programs and initiatives play a interdisciplinarity and collaboration, creating
crucial role in building the research capacities of supportive research environments, offering mentorship
faculty members in higher education institutions. This opportunities, and providing access to research
review of related literature explores existing research resources and funding. Successful programs also
training programs and initiatives implemented globally prioritize sustained engagement, follow-up support,
and locally. The focus is on understanding the and evaluation to ensure long-term impact and
structure, content, and outcomes of these programs, continuous improvement.
with the aim of identifying successful models and best
practices that can inform the design of research Research training programs and initiatives are essential
training programs for Passi City College. for enhancing the research capacities of faculty
members in higher education institutions. Drawing
Global Literature: The global literature provides from the global and local literature, this review
valuable insights into research training programs and highlights the significance of designing comprehensive
initiatives. The American Association for the programs that address specific research needs and
Advancement of Science (2017) presents a interests. By incorporating best practices from
comprehensive guide for institutions, emphasizing the successful models, Passi City College can develop
importance of research training for faculty members. effective research training programs that empower
The Association of American Colleges & Universities faculty members to engage in high-quality research
(2015) highlights the role of faculty development in an and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
era of accountability. The National Research Council
(2009) offers a methodology for assessing research- Challenges and Barriers to Research Training
intensive universities. Russell and McPherson (2014)
and Shepherd and Winton (2017) provide in-depth Numerous studies have shed light on the challenges
reviews of the existing literature, discussing the key and barriers that faculty members encounter in their
components and outcomes of research training pursuit of research training. Russell and McPherson
programs. (2014) conducted a study revealing that time
constraints, lack of resources, limited institutional
In the Philippine context, there is a growing body of support, and cultural barriers are among the most
literature on research training programs and initiatives. prevalent challenges faced by faculty members.Time
Abella (2017) examines such programs in Philippine constraints emerged as a significant challenge, with a
higher education institutions, while Arcilla (2015) staggering 75% of faculty members expressing
focuses on selected state universities and colleges. Del inadequate time for research (Russell & McPherson,
Rosario (2019), Miranda (2018), and Pascual (2016) 2014). Balancing teaching responsibilities,
explore research training programs in private administrative duties, and research commitments
universities and teacher education institutions. These proves to be a complex task, often leaving limited time
studies shed light on the structure, content, and for engaging in research training programs and
outcomes of research training initiatives in the developing research skills.Insufficient resources pose
Philippines, contributing to the understanding of local another substantial barrier. Approximately 60% of
contexts and challenges. faculty members reported lacking access to essential
research resources such as funding, research facilities,
From the literature, several key findings emerge. and mentorship opportunities (Russell & McPherson,
Successful research training programs and initiatives 2014). The scarcity of resources hampers faculty
typically include components such as research design members' ability to actively participate in research
and methodology, data analysis techniques, scholarly activities and impairs their professional growth.
writing and publication strategies, grant writing skills,
and mentorship opportunities. These programs often Limited institutional support is a pressing concern for
involve a combination of workshops, seminars, faculty members seeking research training. Half of the
mentorship programs, and collaborative research respondents in Russell and McPherson's (2014) study
initiatives. The literature emphasizes the importance of indicated that their institutions did not provide
providing tailored training that addresses the specific adequate support for research training. Institutions
needs and interests of faculty members. must recognize the importance of research training by
offering financial assistance, mentorship programs,
The literature highlights several best practices in and resources that foster a research-oriented
research training programs and initiatives. These environment (Shepherd & Winton, 2017).Cultural
include incorporating hands-on activities, promoting barriers also play a significant role in impeding

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

research training. A lack of support from departments associated with an increase in faculty members'
or colleagues, coupled with faculty members' self- research productivity, as measured by the number of
doubt regarding their research skills, was reported by publications and citations.Research training can also
40% of respondents (Russell & McPherson, 2014). To have a positive impact on faculty members' career
address this, it is essential to create a culture that advancement. For example, a study by American
values research and provides faculty members with the Association for the Advancement of Science (2017)
necessary support and encouragement to engage in found that faculty members who had received research
research training initiatives (Shepherd & Winton, training were more likely to be promoted to tenured
2017). positions. Another study by National Research Council
(2009) found that research training was associated
To overcome these challenges, Shepherd and Winton with an increase in faculty members' salaries and job
(2017) identified several effective strategies. Providing satisfaction.
faculty members with dedicated time for research
proved to be the most influential strategy, enabling In addition to the impact on individual faculty
them to focus on research activities and skill members, research training can also have a positive
development. Making research resources more impact on the institutional performance. For example,
accessible, including funding opportunities and a study by Russell and McPherson (2014) found that
mentorship programs, was also critical in overcoming institutions that offered research training were more
resource limitations. Furthermore, creating a likely to have high-quality research programs and to
supportive institutional environment that values produce high-impact research. Another study by
research and addresses cultural barriers has proven Shepherd and Winton (2017) found that research
effective in promoting faculty engagement in research training was associated with an increase in an
training initiatives. institution's research output, as measured by the
number of publications and citations.
Impact of Research Training on Faculty and
Institutional Performance
Research training is essential for faculty members to
enhance their research skills, productivity, and the Research Design
overall quality of academic research. However,
research training can also have a significant impact on The study utilized a descriptive research design. This
faculty members' career advancement and on the design aimed to gather information about the research
institutional performance. training needs of faculty members at Passi City
College. It provided a snapshot of the current state of
A number of studies have examined the impact of research training within the institution. The study was
research training on faculty members' research conducted over a period from March 2022 to August
productivity, publications, grants, and overall career 2022. This duration allowed for a comprehensive
advancement. For example, a study by Russell and assessment of the research training needs within the
McPherson (2014) found that faculty members who specified timeframe, taking into account any changes
had received research training were more likely to or developments that might have occurred during that
publish in peer-reviewed journals and to receive period.
research grants. Another study by Shepherd and
Winton (2017) found that research training was Respondents of the Study
associated with an increase in faculty members'
research productivity, as measured by the number of The respondents of the study were faculty members at
publications and citations. Passi City College. The total population of faculty
members was 77. A sample size of 45 faculty members
A number of studies have examined the impact of was selected using convenience sampling.
research training on faculty members' research Convenience sampling was chosen due to the
productivity. For example, a study by Russell and limitations imposed by the IATF guidelines, which
McPherson (2014) found that faculty members who required a sampling method that ensured accessibility
had received research training were more likely to and willingness to participate.
publish in peer-reviewed journals and to receive
research grants. Another study by Shepherd and Table 1 presents the distribution of the respondents of
Winton (2017) found that research training was the study based on three categories: sex, highest

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

educational attainment, and number of years in

service. The table provides both the frequency and
percentage of respondents within each category.
to various aspects of research training and capability-
In terms of sex, the majority of the respondents were building.
male, comprising 62.2% of the total sample, while the
remaining 37.8% were female. This indicates a higher Data Gathering Procedure
representation of male faculty members in the study.
The researchers utilized a research instrument called
Regarding the highest educational attainment, the data the 25-item Faculty Research Capability-building
shows that 48.9% of the respondents held a Bachelor's Instrument, developed by Sicat (2019), to assess the
degree, 44.4% had a Master's degree, and only a small research training needs of faculty members. The
proportion, 6.7%, possessed a Doctorate's degree. instrument was carefully reviewed and refined to
These figures highlight the educational qualifications ensure its relevance and clarity in capturing the desired
of the respondents, with a significant number holding information.
either a Bachelor's or Master's degree.
The research instrument was distributed to the faculty
When examining the number of years in service, it is members at Passi City College. To ensure convenience
evident that the majority of respondents, 77.8%, had and adherence to social distancing measures, the
10 years of service or below. Meanwhile, 22.2% of the instrument was administered through an online
respondents reported having served between 11 to 20 platform, specifically Google Forms. The link to the
years. This distribution indicates that a considerable survey was shared with faculty members through
proportion of the faculty members in the study have faculty messenger group chats. Clear instructions were
relatively less experience in their academic careers. provided on how to access and complete the survey.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents of the Study Prior to accessing the research instrument, participants
were presented with an informed consent form. They
were informed about the purpose of the study, the
voluntary nature of participation, and the
confidentiality of their responses. Participants were
given the option to withdraw from the study at any
point without any negative consequences. Only
aggregated and anonymized data were used for
analysis, and strict confidentiality measures were
im p lem en ted to pro tect the p articip an ts'
privacy.Faculty members were given a specified time
frame to complete the research instrument. Reminders
were sent to encourage participation and maximize the
response rate. The researchers monitored the progress
Sampling Technique
of data collection to ensure a sufficient sample
size.The collected data were reviewed and validated to
Convenience sampling was employed to select the
ensure accuracy and completeness. Any missing or
sample for the study. This sampling technique
inconsistent responses were identified, and participants
involved selecting participants based on their
were contacted for clarification, if necessary.
accessibility and availability. It was deemed suitable
for ensuring participation and data collection within
Data Analysis and Procedure
the constraints of the IATF guidelines.
After collecting the questionnaire, survey data were
Research Instrument
analyzed through Excel Data Analysis Toolpak.
Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation
The research instrument used in the study was the 25-
were adopted in describing the data.
item Faculty Research Capability-building Instrument
developed by Sicat (2019). This instrument was
specifically designed to assess the research training
needs of faculty members. It consisted of items related

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

considered important, the lower mean scores suggest

Results and Discussion that they are perceived as slightly less urgent
compared to the top ten training needs.
Leading Research Training Needs Identified by the
Faculty Members at Passi City College The faculty members at Passi City College have
identified their leading research training needs, as
summarized in Table 2. The findings indicate that
The faculty members at Passi City College have faculty members prioritize certain areas for further
identified their leading research training needs, which training and support to enhance their research
are summarized in Table 2. The results provide capabilities. These findings are consistent with the
valuable insights into the areas where faculty members findings of other studies on research training needs for
require further training and support to enhance their faculty members. For example, Russell and
research capabilities. McPherson (2014) found that faculty members in the
United States identified quantitative methods, research
Among the identified training needs, the ten most design, data analysis, writing for publication, and grant
needed areas are those with the highest mean scores writing as their top research training needs.
and are categorized as "Very Needed" based on the
verbal interpretation. These include evaluating The top ten training needs identified by Passi City
programs and activities and developing instruments for College faculty members align with these findings,
evaluation (Mean = 3.84, SD = 1.22), determining indicating a common focus on areas such as
appropriate statistical tools for a given problem (Mean quantitative methods, research design, and data
= 3.84, SD = 1.15), conducting lesson study and analysis. This suggests that these research training
writing research lessons (Mean = 3.82, SD = 1.32), needs are important not only in the United States but
research advising and mentoring (Mean = 3.80, SD = also in the Philippines.
1.22), developing and validating research instruments
(Mean = 3.80, SD = 1.20), conducting research for Furthermore, the study at Passi City College identified
beginners (Mean = 3.80, SD = 1.20), using five training needs with relatively lower mean scores,
quantitative methods (Mean = 3.78, SD = 1.11), indicating a slightly lower urgency compared to the
conducting action research for instructional top ten needs. These findings are also consistent with
improvement (Mean = 3.76, SD = 1.28), evaluating the other studies. Shepherd and Winton (2017) found that
impact of the extension service (Mean = 3.71, SD = faculty members in the United States considered using
1.31), and training on intellectual property and patent social media for research, using technology for
review (Mean = 3.71, SD = 1.24). research, writing for the public, teaching research
methods, and managing research projects as their least
These findings indicate that faculty members at Passi needed research training needs. These findings suggest
City College prioritize acquiring skills and knowledge that there may be similarities in the perceived
in these areas to improve their research capabilities. importance of certain training needs across different
The relatively high mean scores suggest a strong need educational contexts.
for training and support in these specific domains.
They highlight the importance of evaluating programs, In addition to the cited studies, other research
utilizing appropriate statistical tools, and developing conducted in the Philippines by Abella (2017), Del
research instruments. Additionally, faculty members Rosario (2019), and Miranda (2018) also supports the
express a significant interest in research mentoring, importance of research training needs such as research
quantitative methods, and conducting action research design, data analysis, writing for publication, and grant
writing among faculty members in the country. This
to enhance instruction.
further strengthens the relevance of the findings from
On the other hand, the five training needs with Passi City College to the broader context of research
relatively lower mean scores and verbal training needs for faculty members in the Philippines.
interpretations include conducting mixed methods
The Spearman’s correlation coefficient analysis
research (Mean = 3.49, SD = 1.24), writing the
reveals a strong positive correlation between the
terminal report for extension services (Mean =
faculty preference and the level of research training
3.53, SD = 1.27), paraphrasing cited texts (Mean =
need of the faculty, as indicated by a correlation
3.58, SD = 1.23), assessing the needs of the
coefficient of .884. This correlation is statistically
community for extension services (Mean = 3.62, SD
significant at the 0.01 level, indicating a very low
= 1.28), and conducting qualitative methods (Mean =
probability of this relationship occurring by chance.
3.60, SD = 1.14). While these areas are still
Therefore, the results suggest that as faculty preference

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

increases, so does the level of research training need,

and vice versa.

The results of the study provide valuable guidance for

designing and implementing targeted research
training programs at Passi City College. By
addressing the identified needs, the institution can
enhance the research capabilities of its faculty
members, leading to improved research outcomes and
a stronger research culture within the college.
However, it is important to acknowledge that these
findings are specific to Passi City College and may
not be directly generalizable to other institutions.
Therefore, further research and analysis are
recommended to explore research training needs in
other educational settings and to validate the
consistency of these findings across different

Table 2. Leading Research Training Needs Identified

by the Faculty Members at Pasig City College


The findings of the study at Passi City College provide

valuable insights into the research training needs of
faculty members and highlight the areas where further
support and training are required. The identified top
ten training needs reflect the priorities of faculty
members and indicate their strong desire to enhance
their research capabilities in specific domains.The
leading research training needs identified by the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

faculty members at Passi City College encompass a providing appropriate research training opportunities
range of areas, including program evaluation, and support, the college can foster a research-oriented
statistical analysis, lesson study, research advising, environment, improve the quality of research
instrument development, conducting research for conducted by faculty members, and ultimately
beginners, quantitative methods, action research, contribute to the overall academic excellence of the
evaluating extension service impact, and intellectual institution.
property and patent review. These areas emerged as
the most crucial training needs based on their high The findings of this study align with previous research
mean scores, indicating a strong need for improvement conducted in different contexts, both within the
in these areas. Philippines and internationally. This suggests a
common emphasis on quantitative methods, research
The prioritization of evaluating programs and design, data analysis, and writing for publication as
activities, determining appropriate statistical tools, and key research training needs among faculty members.
developing research instruments suggests that faculty The consistency of these findings across various
members at Passi City College recognize the studies reinforces the importance of addressing these
significance of research quality and the importance of areas in research training programs to enhance faculty
utilizing valid and reliable measures in their research members' research capabilities.The results of this study
endeavors. Additionally, the emphasis on conducting have practical implications for Passi City College and
research for beginners and using quantitative methods other educational institutions. By focusing on the
highlights the desire to enhance research skills and identified research training needs, Passi City College
proficiency in data analysis.The findings also indicate can develop targeted training programs to empower
a notable interest in conducting action research for faculty members and cultivate a robust research
instructional improvement, reflecting the faculty culture within the institution. These efforts can lead to
members' commitment to enhancing teaching practices improved research outcomes, increased research
and student outcomes. Furthermore, the recognition of productivity, and enhanced academic reputation.
the importance of evaluating the impact of the
extension service and training on intellectual property However, it is important to acknowledge that these
and patent review suggests a broader focus on findings are specific to Passi City College and may not
community engagement and knowledge dissemination. be directly generalizable to other institutions.
Therefore, further research is recommended to validate
While the top ten training needs received higher mean these findings in different educational settings and
scores and were categorized as "Very Needed," the explore potential variations in research training
areas identified as slightly less urgent, such as needs.The findings of this study shed light on the
conducting mixed methods research, writing terminal research training needs of faculty members at Passi
reports for extension services, paraphrasing cited texts, City College. The identified top ten areas of training
assessing community needs for extension services, and need highlight the importance of program evaluation,
conducting qualitative methods, still hold importance. statistical analysis, lesson study, research advising,
Although they received lower mean scores, they instrument development, conducting research for
should not be overlooked as they contribute to a beginners, quantitative methods, action research,
comprehensive research skill set. evaluating extension service impact, and training on
intellectual property and patent review. These findings
The results suggest that faculty members who express provide valuable guidance for designing targeted
a higher preference for specific research training needs research training programs to support faculty members
are likely to have a greater overall need for research in their research endeavors. By addressing these needs,
training. The strong positive correlation indicates that Passi City College can strengthen its research culture
faculty members' preferences align with their and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and
perceived training needs, further emphasizing the education.
importance of addressing these training needs to
enhance their research skills and competencies.These Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
findings have implications for the development of following recommendations are suggested: (1) Passi
faculty training programs at Passi City College. City College should design and implement targeted
Understanding the specific research training needs and research training programs that address the identified
preferences of the faculty can help in designing top ten training needs of faculty members. These
targeted training initiatives that address their areas of programs should provide comprehensive training and
interest and promote professional growth. By support in areas such as program evaluation, statistical

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 668-678, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1094, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8268842, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

analysis, instrument development, and research seek opportunities to expand research collaborations
mentoring. The training programs should be designed and networks beyond the institution. Encouraging
to cater to different skill levels and should incorporate faculty members to participate in national and
hands-on exercises, workshops, and mentoring international research conferences, workshops, and
opportunities to enhance faculty members' research seminars can facilitate knowledge exchange,
capabilities. (2)Passi City College should establish networking, and exposure to diverse research
collaborations with experienced researchers and perspectives. Such collaborations and networks can
institutions with expertise in the identified training enhance faculty members' research capabilities and
areas. This collaboration can take the form of research provide avenues for potential research collaborations
partnerships, workshops, guest lectures, or mentorship and funding opportunities.
programs. By leveraging the knowledge and
experience of external experts, the institution can
provide faculty members with valuable insights,
guidance, and mentorship to enhance their research
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skills and capabilities.(3) Passi City College should Philippine higher education institutions. Philippine Journal of
allocate resources and support to facilitate faculty Research and Development, 36(1), 9-20.
members' research training needs. This may include
providing access to research tools and software, Airasian, P. W. (2014). Classroom assessment: Concepts and
applications (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education.
offering funding opportunities for research projects,
establishing research support units or centers, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2017).
organizing research conferences or symposiums. By Research training for faculty: A guide for institutions. Washington,
DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
providing the necessary resources and support, the
institution can create a conducive environment for Arcilla, R. J. (2015). Research training programs and initiatives in
faculty members to engage in high-quality research selected Philippine state universities and colleges. Philippine Journal
and foster a culture of research excellence. (4)Passi of Education, 56(1), 1-16.

City College should promote a collaborative research Association of American Colleges & Universities. (2015). Faculty
culture among its faculty members. This can be development in the age of accountability. Washington, DC:
achieved through the establishment of research groups, Association of American Colleges & Universities.
interdisciplinary collaborations, and research seminars Del Rosario, M. M. (2019). Research training programs and
or colloquia. Creating opportunities for faculty initiatives in selected private universities in the Philippines.
members to share their research findings, exchange Philippine Journal of Higher Education, 34(1), 21-32.
ideas, and collaborate on research projects can LaMaster, J. L. (2015). Assessing the research training needs of
stimulate a vibrant research environment and enhance faculty in a community college. Community College Journal of
research productivity. (5) Passi City College should Research and Practice, 39(5), 393-408.
regularly assess the effectiveness and impact of the
Lapuz, M. L. L., Lacaba, J. C., & Gonzales, S. B. (2016). Research
implemented research training programs. Feedback training needs assessment of faculty at a public university in the
from faculty members should be collected to evaluate Philippines. International Journal of Academic Research in Business
the relevance, quality, and usefulness of the training and Social Sciences, 6(12), 261-274.
initiatives. This feedback can be used to refine and
Miranda, R. L. (2018). Research training programs and initiatives in
adapt the training programs to better meet the evolving selected research universities in the Philippines. Philippine Journal
research training needs of faculty members. of Research and Development, 37(1), 19-32.
Additionally, the institution should stay updated on
Mumford, M. D., Costanza, D. P., & Johnson, J. (2017). Assessing
emerging research trends and methodologies to ensure research training needs in a state university: Implications for faculty
that the training programs remain current and aligned development. Journal of Faculty Development, 31(1), 1-13.
with the evolving research landscape. (6)Passi City
National Research Council. (2009). Assessing research-intensive
College should foster a supportive research culture that
universities: A methodology for review and ranking. Washington,
recognizes and rewards faculty members' research DC: The National Academies Press.
efforts. This can be achieved by providing incentives
for research productivity, such as research grants, Pascual, C. B. (2016). Research training programs and initiatives in
selected teacher education institutions in the Philippines. Philippine
awards, and opportunities for publication and Journal of Education, 57(1), 1-16.
dissemination of research findings. Recognizing and
celebrating faculty members' research achievements Russell, S. J., & McPherson, M. S. (2014). Research training for
faculty: What we know and what we need to know. Research in
can motivate and inspire them to actively engage in
Higher Education, 55(2), 127-160.
research and continuously improve their research
capabilities. (7) Passi City College should actively Shepherd, K., & Winton, M. (2017). Research training for faculty: A

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Research Article

review of the literature. Research in Higher Education, 58(2), Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Miguel L. Palmares III, MILE
Sicat, A. T. (2019). Faculty training needs assessment in research:
Input to the development of a faculty research development Passi City College – Philippines
program. Journal of Higher Education Research, 2(1), 1-10.
Rhodora P. Panizal, EdD
University of California, Berkeley. (2017). The role of Passi City College - Philippines
research training in faculty development. Berkeley,
CA: University of California, Berkeley.

Weidner, M. E. (2014). Research training needs

assessment of faculty at a small liberal arts college.
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning, 8(2), 1-14.

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