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Volume: 12
Pages: 687-707
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1096
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8272415
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-20-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Readiness and Willingness to Perform Basic Life Support of Youth Residents in

Selected Areas in Quezon City: Basis for Webinar Program
Ponds Cristy F. Gulle*, Denise Faye Ching, Evelyn A. Constantino, Aron Miles B. Corral,
Joel John A. Dela Merced, Faith Joy V. Gan, Kylie Elisha M. Gatmaitan, Renville M. Ladera,
Michael Vincent D. Lim, Trinidad J. Salcedo, Sophia Anne C. Santos,
Sylcy Leerschen O. Ygay, Mary Ann E. Lopez
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Basic Life Support is a crucial skill to effectively minimize morbidity and mortality in the community.
Empowering the youth to have awareness and knowledge of Basic Life Support is important to have the
majority of the population be able to assist victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A quantitative approach and
a descriptive-comparative research design were used in this study to assess the readiness and willingness of the
youth population in Quezon City concerning the provision of Basic Life Support. The data was collected
through the use of a researcher-made, four-part structured questionnaire. The research locale is three (3) selected
barangays in Quezon City in which 385 youth individuals who are within the age cohort of 15 to 24, studying or
working, and residing in Quezon City are the respondents. Descriptive and analytic statistics were used to
analyze the data. T-tests and ANOVA tests were conducted at the level of significance α = 0.05 with a
confidence interval of 95%, wherein p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The respondents’ level of
knowledge for the components of Basic Life Support, which are divided into three sections: Recognition of
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (mean = 191.1), Provision of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (mean = 175.87), and
Utilization of Automated External Defibrillator (mean = 175.8) are all moderate. Moreover, there is a moderate
level of self-efficacy among the youth respondents in selected areas in Quezon City (mean = 2.74). In terms of
willingness, the respondents are most willing to administer Basic Life Support to their own family and peers and
are least willing to immunocompromised individuals. Age, educational attainment, and training are found to
have a significant impact on youth readiness to perform Basic Life Support, whereas gender, marital status, and
socioeconomic status have no significance. The results of this study are to be used as a basis for a webinar
program. Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of addressing youth BLS readiness and willingness
through education, training, and continued experience, resulting in improved ability to respond effectively in
emergency situations.

Keywords: automated external defibrillator (AED), basic life support (BLS), cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), emergency, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, readiness, willingness, youth
revealed that almost 80 percent of out-of-hospital
Introduction cardiac arrests happen in the presence of a witness,
With cardiovascular diseases as the leading cause of and alarmingly, only 10 percent of those cases
death in the Philippines for the past decades until received cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as most
now, sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrests as bystanders were clueless on what to do or were
the predominant mode of death among Filipinos with worried to do CPR incorrectly. In Quezon City, the
heart problems is expected. In 2021, out-of-hospital country’s most populous city, approximately 7,000
cardiac arrests comprised approximately 15 percent people died as a result of heart disease in 2019
to 20 percent of deaths worldwide (Castanha, 2021). (Statista, 2022). The ever-increasing number of out-of-
This data showed a worryingly high number of hospital cardiac arrest cases was what urged the
people that were dying from cardiac arrest before researchers to choose this topic of study. The
they could reach the hospital. According to Yan et. al researchers have faced familiar losses due to cardiac
(2020), Asian countries have a decreased rate of arrests, which led to untimely demise of family
survival in out-of- hospital cardiac arrest cases with members because of the lack of knowledge of Basic
only 22.1 percent compared with North America and Life Support. As student nurses, the researchers
Europe, revealing that Asia has lagged behind other believe that learning Basic Life Support skills can
continents in adopting bystander CPR. Ischemic effectively minimize mortality as it triples the chances
heart disorders were the leading cause of death of survival when done effectively and early enough
among Filipinos between January to June 2022, (Martin, 2022).
accounting for 18.6 percent of overall mortality in
the Philippines (Philippine Statistics Authority, It is part of a person’s daily life that a variety of
2022). The Philippine Heart Association (2022) unanticipated events, which may be life-threatening,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

can occur anywhere at any moment. A case study Responders. Families can also benefit from this
conducted by the Global Resuscitation Alliance study as this can give them confidence in
(2019) concluded that one of the reasons why the performing Basic Life Support on their loved ones.
Philippines faces a low survival rate of out-of- The findings not only provide the community
hospital cardiac arrests was due to the lack of information on the youth’s preferences in responding
community members’ knowledge to perform CPR. to sudden cardiac arrests, but also provide guidelines
Mekonnen & Muhye (2020) stated in their study that to the local government unit to plan approaches for
there is evidence showing that absence of community safety and awareness, such as Basic Life
training, inadequate knowledge, and lack of self- Support training for the youth. Moreover, this will also
esteem are some of the factors causing difficulties to allow educational institutions to anticipate the
bystanders to provide CPR. A study done by Mohd knowledge and capabilities of the students and work
Sharif et al. (2018) revealed that the youth receive on curricular strategies in learning experiences. With
very little education regarding first aid, and thus, collaborative efforts, the issues consequently can be
there is a pressing need to increase youth education in addressed. Future researchers can also use this study as
this matter for them to contribute to a safer a reference for research topics related to Youth
community. Readiness and Willingness to Perform Basic Life
To the researchers’ knowledge, there were no
published studies that assess the readiness and Research Questions
willingness of youth to perform Basic Life Support in
Quezon City. For this reason, it was necessary to The goal of this study was to assess the readiness and
conduct studies showing the importance of BLS willingness of youth in Quezon City to perform Basic
training in the chosen locale. Thus, the goal of this Life Support. It sought to answer the following
study was to assess the readiness and willingness to research questions:
perform Basic Life Support of the youth population
residing in Quezon City. Moreover, it was designed to 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents
assess and measure the youth’s readiness and in terms of:
willingness to act in times of emergency. This study 1.1. age;
also aimed to create an effect through promotion of 1.2. sex;
knowledge and self-efficacy in Basic Life Support, 1.3. marital status;
thus enhancing public rescue and efforts in the long 1.4. educational attainment;
run, not only in the community but also the country at 1.5. socioeconomic status; and
large. With the data that were gathered and presented, 1.6. BLS training experience?
residents of the said city will be able to create courses 2. What is the level of knowledge of the respondents
of action such as conducting a webinar program for the towards Basic Life Support in terms of:
youth to help diminish the casualties in such 2.1. Recognition of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA);
emergencies. 2.2. Provision of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR); and
The results of this study provide relevant and current 2.3. Utilization of Automated External Defibrillator
information that may be put to use by various roles in (AED)?
society. This study can be used as a source of 3. What is the level of self-efficacy of the respondents
teaching material for community health nursing to in performing Basic Life Support?
broaden the topic of Basic Life Support in the 4. Which of the following social categories are the
community. This study also benefits school nurses as respondents open and willing to perform Basic Life
this can have an impact on spreading responsibility Support on?
about Basic Life Support so that the constituents of 4.1. family and peers;
the school or university are better covered in the 4.2. strangers;
event of a medical emergency. The status of 4.3. male person;
Quezon City’s youth population on their readiness 4.4. female person;
and willingness to perform Basic Life Support can 4.5. pediatric individual;
serve as an influence for the youth, including the 4.6. adult individual;
medical and non-medical population, to improve 4.7. geriatric individual; and
knowledge and skills in Basic Life Support. This can 4.8. immunocompromised individual
also help society by effectively reducing mortality 5. Is there a significant difference between the
caused by out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, and can respondents’ demographic profiles in their readiness to
also be an important adjunct to Community First Aid perform Basic Life Support?

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

6. Is there a significant difference between the Population and Sampling

respondents’ level of self-efficacy in their willingness
to perform Basic Life Support? The study's respondents are youth residents from
Quezon City, which has been narrowed down to three
specific barangays. The researchers utilized Simple
Random Probability Sampling, which is a sampling
approach wherein each sample of the same size has an
This chapter outlines the quantitative and descriptive equal probability of being chosen (Russell, 2021).
research methodologies utilized to conduct this study. Using this strategy, the researchers were able to
It includes the discussion of the research design, statistically measure a subset of people drawn from a
research locale, population and sampling, research larger population in order to approximate a response
ethics, research instrument, data collection, and data and generalize from the entire group (Horton, 2022).
analysis. In contrast to other forms of sampling techniques,
simple random sampling is the least biased method
Research Design (Simkus, 2022). This technique was used to randomly
select the respondents based on the criteria of the
A quantitative approach and a descriptive-comparative researchers. The inclusion criteria set by the
research design were utilized in this study. According researchers include individuals who are: (1) included
to the USC Libraries (2022), quantitative research in the age cohort between 15 and 24 years; (2) residing
focuses on acquiring statistical, numerical, or other in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines; (3)
quantifiable data and applying it to create currently enrolled as a student or working; (4) able to
generalizations about a population or to describe a read and understand the English language; (5) willing
particular phenomenon. The researchers utilized a to participate; and (6) whose parents or guardian have
quantitative approach to determine the readiness and signed the parental and guardian consent if participant
willingness of youth residents from Quezon City to is below 18 years of age. The exclusion criteria set by
perform Basic Life Support. In a descriptive- the researchers include individuals who are: (1)
comparative research design, the researchers consider younger than 15 years of age and older than 24 years
two existing intact variables for comparison to of age; (2) non-residents of Quezon City, Metro,
Manila, Philippines; (3) not currently enrolled as a
describe the research sample as they naturally exist
student or working; (4) unable to read and understand
(Siedlecki, 2020). With this, the researchers accurately
the English language; (5) unwilling to participate; and
and systematically described and compared a
(6) whose parents or guardian refused to sign the
population, situation, or phenomenon based on the
parental and guardian consent if participant is below
respondents’ assessment and did not control or
18 years of age.
manipulate any of the variables (McCombes, 2019).
To determine the sample size needed, the researchers
Research Locale used Cochran’s Formula as a guide since the total
population of youth who met the inclusion criteria set
The research locale are three selected barangays in by the researchers was too large. Cochran's Formula is
Quezon City. These three Barangays are all covered by considered to be especially useful and appropriate in
Quezon City's 5th congressional district, bordering the studies with large or unknown populations (Statistics
northern enclave of Caloocan. Quezon City is a highly How To, 2021). It enabled the researchers to calculate
urbanized city which has 171.71 square kilometers of an ideal sample size for a desired level of precision. In
land area and hosts a diverse range of people of all this formula, the sample size (n ) is established. The
ages and socioeconomic backgrounds (Misachi, 2021). margin of error (e ) is 5% or 0.05. The estimated
According to the 2022 census, Quezon City is the most proportion (p ) of an attribute that is present in the
populous city in the Philippines, with a population of population is 50% or 0.5 as this indicates maximum
3.1 million people (World Population Review, 2022). variability. The q in the equation is 1 – p , which is
Aside from the reason that the researchers were 0.5. The z -value is extracted from the z -table, and the
currently situated in this city, Quezon City was chosen standard normal deviate corresponding to a 95%
by the researchers because it is also reported that confidence level gives us a z -value of 1.96. Therefore,
approximately 7,000 people died in Quezon City in a random sample of 385 youth individuals from any of
2019 as a result of heart disease (Statista, 2022). The the three barangays in the research locale who meet
researchers aim to describe the state of Basic Life the inclusion criteria set by the researchers
Support provision among youth in said city. The study
was conducted through face-to-face surveys and online
using Google Forms.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

is the sample size of this research study. result of distress from the research, they were to be
immediately referred to the nearest public clinic with
Research Ethics the appropriate health professional.

The researchers guarantee that this study was carried Confidentiality was maintained by safeguarding the
out in an ethical, appropriate, and professional manner. data the researchers collected from the respondents.
The research study followed ethical standards in order The participants' anonymity was guaranteed by the
to protect the dignity, rights, and wellbeing of the researchers. All collected data were stored in
research participants. By offering and guaranteeing the password-protected folders and were only accessed by
participants' rights to anonymity, secrecy, freedom of the researchers and their statistician, with the
choice, and informed consent, the researchers were participants' knowledge via informed consent. Any
able to preserve their rights. Ethical principles copies of the participants' data will be safely discarded
governed the standards of conduct and served as moral once they are no longer required.
guidelines for the researchers in the process of
research. The ethical concepts of autonomy, Justice is practiced by being equally fair in all aspects
beneficence, nonmaleficence, confidentiality, justice, of individual treatment. The researchers ensured that
and integrity were practiced and used in this research the participants were treated fairly, without bias or
favors to the researchers’ interests.

Autonomy is the participant's freedom to choose Integrity, which is the principle that affirms honesty,
whether or not to participate in a study. Answering the transparency, veracity, and respect by only stating the
truth, was carried in the entire research process. The
questionnaire was completely voluntary, and everyone
researchers ensure that this research study was devoid
was free to exercise their right to refuse. Participants
of any forms of dishonesty.
were not coerced into giving consent and participating.
The researchers did not offer any incentives or rewards
Research Instrument
that could unduly influence the respondents to
rationally participate and thus free of any undue To assess the readiness and willingness of the
inducements. In case a participant found the respondents towards providing Basic Life Support, the
questionnaire too uncomfortable, they were free to instrument utilized in this research study was a
withdraw their participation anytime during the researcher-made, four-part structured questionnaire
process without any penalty or loss of benefits. The with contents that were primarily based on literature
researchers respected any decisions made by the and study findings. The questionnaire consisted of the
participants. following parts:
Beneficence means that the researchers' actions must Part I: The first part of the questionnaire investigated
always be in the best interest or for the benefit of the the demographic information of the respondents,
participants. Participants were treated in an ethical which included the age, sex, marital status, educational
manner by making efforts to secure their well-being attainment, socioeconomic status, and prior Basic Life
and protect them from exploitation. Support (BLS) training experience.
Part II: The second part of the questionnaire assessed
Non-maleficence means to do no harm. Participants of the level of knowledge of the respondents regarding
this study were not subjected to potential risks of Basic Life Support. This part was further divided into
harm, injury, privacy, or confidentiality during the three (3) sections: (A) Recognition of Signs of Sudden
survey. The researchers ensured that the research study Cardiac Arrest, (B) Provision of Cardiopulmonary
did not cause any form of medical, physical, Resuscitation, and (C) Utilization of an Automated
emotional, or psychological harm to the participants, External Defibrillator. The type of questions
either intentionally or through omission. Questions corresponds to the topic of each section. Each section
involving events of sudden cardiac arrests and included multiple-choice theoretical and hypothetical
provision of Basic Life Support were all purely questions, for which responders had to select just one
theoretical and hypothetical. If this, in any case, best answer. This part of the questionnaire contained
caused psychological distress, the researchers were 35 items: 10 questions for section A, 15 questions for
obliged to encourage the participants to decline or section B, and 10 questions for section C. For each
disregard the survey and inform them that they are free question, correct answers received one point, while
to do so without facing any penalties or consequences. incorrect answers received zero points.
If a respondent required psychological assistance as a Part III: The third part of the questionnaire evaluated

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the respondents’ current levels of self-efficacy submitted a letter of consent to the Program Head of
concerning the provision of Basic Life Support. the university's College of Nursing for approval of the
Perceived self-efficacy is an individual's own research survey. In February 06, 2023, the researchers
competence in carrying out a task. Based on this, the issued letters of permission to the barangay captains of
researchers defined self-efficacy as respondents' the three research locales in Quezon City to request
confidence in their ability to perform Basic Life permission to conduct the study, which were all
Support in an emergency. This part of the granted in the same month. However, one barangay
questionnaire consisted of 15 items, each of which did not allow the researchers to physically conduct the
used a 4-point Likert scale in each question (4 = survey; instead, the members of the barangay’s
Strongly agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Sangguniang Kabataan were the ones to disseminate
disagree). the informed consent and survey questionnaire due to
Part IV: The fourth part of the questionnaire explored the barangay’s COVID-19 restrictions.
the respondents’ openness and willingness to perform
Basic Life Support on different social categories. This In April 29, 2023, the data collection was done
part of the questionnaire consisted of 8 items, in which through dissemination of the survey questionnaires in
questions were inquiring about their level of which respondents were given sufficient time to
willingness to provide Basic Life Support if the out-of- accomplish truthfully. This study used both a face-to-
hospital cardiac arrest victim is (1) a family or peer, face and an online method of data gathering, with
(2) a stranger, (3) a male person, (4) a female person, online data collection as the priority method as this
(5) a pediatric individual, (6) an adult individual, (7) a grants safety, convenience, and timeliness to both the
geriatric individual, or (8) an immunocompromised researchers and the respondents. Prior to answering the
individual. A 4-point Likert scale was used in each questionnaire, the researchers provided a brief
question (4 = Willing, 3 = Somewhat willing, 2 = explanation of the purpose of the survey and asked for
Somewhat not willing, 1 = Not willing). the participants’ informed consent, confirming that the
information they provide will only be used for
The researchers have constructed their own research purposes. Given that the target respondents
questionnaire, which indicated the need to conduct a are youth, some necessary adjustments were made if
pilot study with a total of 10 participants to determine they fall under the underage (aged 15 to under 18)
the validity, which was computed with Cronbach alpha category. Thus, the researchers required an informed
with 0.7 level of significance to measure reliability. consent from the respondents’ parents or guardians
The said questionnaire was written in the English acquiring their permission to participate in the research
language. There was no need to translate the survey study, as well as from the underaged respondents
questions into the local language as the participant themselves. All participation in this research was
inclusion criteria indicates that respondents must be strictly voluntary. The participants had the option of
able to read and understand the English language. The choosing not to participate. Should the participants
researchers gathered data face-to-face with the use of a agree to participate, they are under no obligation to
survey instrument and electronically with the use of stay, and may withdraw their participation at any point
Google Forms. Before completing the survey, consent of the study without facing any repercussions. Since
forms were given to the respondents to verify that their individuals under the age of 18 are considered to be
participation was voluntary and that their personal among the vulnerable population, this was to ensure
information would remain confidential. The survey that they were not being exploited. The participants
questionnaire was validated by experts in the field of were allowed to contact the researchers to ask
study such as emergency or disaster nurses, accredited questions and obtain additional information about the
BLS trainers, and community responders, and a study, if there were any. Moreover, participants of this
grammarian. The sample size was computed by a study were not subjected to potential risks. Questions
statistician. involving events of sudden cardiac arrests and
provision of Basic Life Support were all purely
Data Collection theoretical and hypothetical. The questionnaire did not
ask for the participants' names, so their identities
Following the approval of the panel members and remained private and confidential. The survey took 15
validators, this research study was forwarded to the to 20 minutes, and participants were made aware that
university's Research Development and Innovation there are no penalties or repercussions for declining or
Center (RDIC) and Institutional Ethics Review disregarding the survey.
Committee (EIRC) for approval and issuance of an
ethical certificate. The researchers subsequently Throughout the process of this study, the researchers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

adhered to the Data Privacy Act 2012, which is the law readiness to perform Basic Life Support between
concerning the “protection of privacy of individuals; respondents’ educational attainment, socioeconomic
regulation of the collection, recording, organization, status, and BLS training experience. It was also used
storage, modification, retrieval, consultation, use, to determine significant differences in the willingness
consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction of to perform Basic Life Support between respondents’
personal data; and ensuring that the Philippines level of self-efficacy concerning Basic Life Support.
complies with international standards set for data The level of significance used was set at α = 0.05.
protection” (National Privacy Commission, 2022). The
duration to collect all the data needed took three
weeks. The respondents received a Certificate of Results and Discussion
Appreciation for their participation after taking the
survey. After gathering data from the respondents, the
data were counted, collected, and encoded in a This chapter shows the results of the survey conducted
Microsoft Excel file. The researchers secured the data in the study concerning the readiness and willingness
for confidentiality and were only accessible to the to perform Basic Life Support of youth residents in
researchers and the statistician. To protect their right to selected areas in Quezon City. A total of 385
data privacy, the obtained data were kept in password- respondents in the age cohort 15 to 24 years old
protected folders. These then were tallied, interpreted, completed the questionnaire. The results of the study
and analyzed by the researchers. Afterwards, the are presented below through tables and analysis which
collected data were deleted, shredded, destroyed, and were based on the identified research questions.
discarded once they were no longer required.
Table 1 displays the demographic profile of the
Data Analysis
respondents from selected areas in Quezon City. Out
After data collection, the researchers proceeded with
of 385 respondents, 300 (77.92%) were among the age
data organization and tabulation using Microsoft cohort 18 to 24 years old, and 85 (22.08%) were 15 to
Excel, a spreadsheet software program for data 17 years old. According to the United Nations’ (2023)
visualization and analysis. Descriptive statistics were definition, the youth are individuals included in the
utilized to describe the respondents’ demographic age cohort between 15 and 24 years, in which the ones
profile, level of knowledge, self-efficacy, and who are 18 years old and above are considered as
willingness to perform Basic Life Support on different adults, and those below 18 are of minor age.
social categories; and analytic statistics were used to According to Juariah & Purwaningsih (2022), these
analyze the significant differences among the variables age groups are characterized as the ones that are easily
based on the respondents’ answers. This means that motivated and quick learners. There are more adult
the qualitative variables were described in terms of respondents than minor respondents because it is
frequencies and percentages, whilst quantitative easier to acquire responses from adults as obtaining
variables were described in terms of means and responses from minor respondents required
standard deviations. A statistician carried out the parental/guardian consents and some parents/guardians
statistical analysis to verify the accuracy and reliability refused to do so.
of the study’s results using SSPS. Percentages and
frequencies were used to describe the respondents’ On the sex profile, a large number of respondents
demographic profiles and their openness and surveyed are females with 224 (58.18%) respondents,
willingness to perform Basic Life Support on different and males with 161 respondents (41.82%). The
social categories. The answers from the respondents’
respondents were mostly women as females are more
level of knowledge and self-efficacy concerning Basic
active with the use of social media than men, which
Life Support were measured using means and standard
corresponds with the prioritized manner of data
deviations. These were then classified based on the
collection which is answering through an online
mean of the scores from questions that utilized a 4-
point Likert-scale. Moreover, independent T-tests were questionnaire. A 2020 data showed that the global sex
used to determine the differences in the respondents’ ratio of women in the Philippines was 49.78 percent
readiness to perform Basic Life Support between those and that females are expected to account for almost
who are aged 15 to 17 and aged 18 to 24, between half of the total population as women, on average, live
those who are male and female, and between those longer than men (Ritchie & Roser, 2020).
who are single and married. One-way ANOVA was
used to determine significant differences in the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents On educational attainment, the majority of the
respondents surveyed have tertiary education with the
frequency of 245 (63.64%). Table also showed a
frequency of 130 (33.77%) for secondary education,
and 10 (2.60%) for postgraduate. According to an
article seen in CPR Select (2022), young people are an
avid audience to learning regardless of sex, civil status,
or level of educational attainment. The respondents are
predominantly between the ages of 18 and 24, and this
age group is typically enrolled in tertiary education.
Education at higher levels, such as secondary or
tertiary education, is becoming increasingly significant
in today’s world as the majority of the population are
college graduates or higher (Philippine Statistics
Authority, 2022).

On socioeconomic status, the majority of the

respondents receive a household income of below
P10,957, which has a frequency of 126 (32.73%). On
the other hand, the household income which has the
lowest frequency is P219,140 and above with only 6
(1.56%) of respondents. The socioeconomic status of
Filipino families are identified depending on their
monthly income. The Philippine Institute for
Development Studies (2022) stated that the low
economic class have a greater proportion of the
population in the Philippines because they have larger
families compared to the other social classes.
Considering that the majority of the respondents are
students, their socioeconomic status is likely to be low
due to them being unemployed. Those who receive
less household income have less access to BLS
training, especially in rural areas and developing
countries (Ssewante et al., 2022; Ismail et al., 2019).

Lastly, in terms of Basic Life Support training

experience, 187 out of 385 (48.57%) respondents
answered “No.” This indicates that there is a huge lack
of Basic Life Support training opportunities among the
youth in Quezon City. On the other hand, 60 (15.58%)
of the respondents answered that they have received
Basic Life Support education in a classroom setting,
and 38 (9.87%) received one through webinar and/or
seminar. It can also be noted that 76 (19.74%) of the
Regarding marital status, most of the respondents respondents received Basic Life Support training
surveyed are single with the frequency of 381 through multiple experiences including webinar and/or
(98.96%), and only 4 respondents (1.04%) are married. seminar, classroom setting, training without certificate
The majority of the respondents are single because the of completion, and/or professional training with
age cohort 15 to 24 are young and are usually students. certificate of completion. It was stated in a study by
This is supported by Ortiz-Ospina & Roser (2020), Ssewante et al. (2022) that the reason why there is a
stating that there has been a large decline in marriages lack of provision of Basic Life Support to the victims
among young people in many countries for two of sudden cardiac arrest is because of the general
reasons: one, a growing proportion of the youth are inadequacy of formal BLS training and refresher
refusing marriage; and two, the youth are increasingly courses. Kose et al. (2020) and Dobbie et al. (2018)
preferring to marry later in life. had studies that revealed that BLS training increases a

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

person’s willingness to administer Basic Life Support be taught among the youth as sudden cardiac arrests
when needed. can happen anytime and anywhere. This is to reduce
morbidity and mortality among victims of out-of-
Table 2. Levels of Knowledge hospital cardiac arrests.

Table 2.1. Levels of Knowledge in terms of

Recognition of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Table 2 summarizes the levels of knowledge of the

respondents for the components of Basic Life Support,
which are divided into three sections: Recognition of
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), Provision of
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Utilization
of Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Based on
the results, all sections have a moderate level of
knowledge. The respondents’ knowledge on the
provision of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
and utilization of an Automated External Defibrillator
(AED) shows moderate knowledge, but have a lower
score than the first component, with mean scores of
175.87 and 175.8, respectively. This aligns with a prior
study by Ahmad et al. (2018) who concluded in their
research that youth comprehension and familiarity
with Basic Life Support is inadequate and needs
improvement. While there are areas for growth, having
moderate knowledge regarding the components of
Basic Life Support is still inadequate to be able to
successfully minimize mortality in the community
caused by out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. As stated by Table 2.1. establishes the respondents as having
Alfakey & Alkarani (2021) in their study, those who moderate knowledge when it comes to recognizing a
have knowledge about Basic Life Support are better in sudden cardiac arrest, having an overall mean score of
handling health emergencies than those who do not 191.1. It was found in a study by Vu et al. (2022) that
have knowledge. the inability to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest is
one of the primary causes why bystanders are unable
It can be noted that the component Recognition of to provide Basic Life Support to a victim of out-of-
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) obtained the highest hospital cardiac arrest. It can be seen that the lowest
mean score at 191.1. This means that the respondents correct response was obtained for Question 9 with only
found this component of Basic Life Support as the 127 respondents, resulting in an interpretation of low
easiest one to learn compared with the performance of knowledge; and that the next lowest correct response
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the was obtained for Question 10, with only 132
utilization of an Automated External Defibrillator respondents. Both of these questions inquired about
(AED). According to Subki et al. (2018), the earliest sudden cardiac arrests among children. Most identify
detection of a sudden cardiac arrest as early as possible sudden cardiac arrests with old age; therefore, most are
ought to be the first aim of Basic Life Support unaware that sudden cardiac arrests also occur in
education to have the provision of cardiopulmonary children, which is likely why the respondents scored
resuscitation (CPR) and utilization of an automated poorly on the said items. This indicates that there is a
external defibrillator (AED) be done. Recognizing the need for further education surrounding sudden cardiac
signs of a sudden cardiac arrest must be maintained to arrest among children or infants. According to the
Cancer Therapy Advisor (2019), the signs that

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Research Article

characterize a pediatric cardiac arrest are suspended Red Cross (2021), 5 cm to 6 cm is the adequate depth
breathing and lack of response to verbal or physical of compression needed on an adult victim as any
stimuli. Congenital heart abnormalities are the leading deeper may damage internal organs, and any shallower
cause of sudden cardiac arrest in children (Simon's may not be enough to pump blood effectively
Heart, 2022). throughout the body.

The next lowest correct response was obtained for Table 2.2. Levels of Knowledge in terms of Provision
Questions 7 and 6, with only 139 and 151 respondents, of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
respectively. Both of these questions inquired about
the observable indicators that a person had a sudden
cardiac arrest. The general population typically
believes that sudden cardiac arrest only occurs when a
person collapses because that is its most obvious
presentation. Since the absence of pulse and breathing
is less obvious than a body collapsing, it is not
surprising that the respondents are less aware of it.
Aside from loss of consciousness, victims who
experience a sudden cardiac arrest also display
observable indicators such as the absence of pulse and
breathing (Mayo Clinic, 2021).

On the other hand, Question 3 was the item which

obtained the highest correct responses with 324
respondents, resulting in an interpretation of high
knowledge. This demonstrates that most of the
respondents have a general idea on men being the ones
who are most prone to experiencing a sudden cardiac
arrest. According to Yow et al. (2022), heart disease
tends to develop earlier in men than in women, making
men especially at risk for sudden cardiac arrests.

As seen in Table 2.2., the respondents have an overall

moderate knowledge about the provision of
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), having an
overall mean score of 175.87. The lowest correct
responses were obtained for Question 7 with only 27
respondents and Question 9 with only 54 respondents,
both resulting in an interpretation of low knowledge.
These questions inquired about the proper hand
position and the correct depth when performing chest
compressions on an adult victim. The general
population understands that cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) is the act of pumping a victim's
chest but typically ends their learning with this
because they believe that that action is sufficient when,
in reality, knowing the technicalities such as proper
hand positioning and correct depth when performing
chest compressions is also important. The American
Safety & Health Institute (2020) stated that,
positioning the heel of one hand in the middle of the
chest on the breastbone and placing the heel of the
second hand directly on top of the first, with arms
straight, is the correct hand position to do chest
compressions in adults as this places the pressure on
the heart to keep blood circulating. According to the

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Research Article

responder performs Basic Life Support.

Table 2.3. Levels of Knowledge in terms of Utilization

of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The next lowest correct responses were obtained for

Question 13 with only 100 respondents and Question
15 with only 128 respondents, both resulting in an
interpretation of low knowledge. This implies that
there are only a few people who are knowledgeable
about the correct action to take when a rib breaks
during chest compressions, and how CPR helps a
person during cardiac arrest. The fear of hurting the
victim or causing further injuries to the victim is likely
to be the reason why the respondents were not aware
that continuing chest compressions despite the rib
breaking is critical to the victim's survival. According
to an article from First Support CPR & First Aid
Training (2021), it is crucial to continue compressions
at the same rate and depth to ensure that blood is
flowing to the vital organs, and ceasing resuscitation
efforts could result in death. The respondents may also
have reduced cardiopulmonary resuscitation’s (CPR)
purpose to waking the victims up from consciousness.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021)
explained that cardiopulmonary resuscitation mimics
how the heart pumps, thus helps keep oxygen-rich
blood flow throughout the body.
Table 2.3. shows that the respondents have an overall
On the other hand, it can be noted that the highest moderate knowledge in terms of utilization of an
correct response was obtained for Question 2 with 279 Automated External Defibrillator (AED), having a
respondents, resulting in an interpretation of high mean score of 175.8. This denotes that there is a need
knowledge. For this item, a scenario was given to better educate the youth in its use, as the utilization
wherein the respondents found themselves as a of an automated external defibrillator (AED) until
passerby in an occurrence of an out-of-hospital cardiac emergency medical services (EMS) arrive is one of the
arrest involving an adult male. This reveals that most components of Basic Life Support (Ssewante et al.,
of the respondents are knowledgeable regarding what 2022). Pranata et al. (2020) did a study and discovered
other bystanders should do while a responder assesses that only a few respondents had seen AEDs be used in
the victim as this is common knowledge. According to public and that most believed that they could not use
Barrell, A. (2020), if an individual is not responding, one. The lowest correct responses were obtained for
the first thing to do is to call EMS or ask a bystander Question 8 with only 77 respondents and Question 9
to call one before performing CPR. Due to the with only 79 respondents, both resulting in an
bystander effect, people will assume that someone else interpretation of low knowledge. These questions
will do it. But when one specifically points at someone inquired about the conditions under which an AED
to do it, it ensures that the EMS is called while a

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Research Article

should not be used. According to a training workbook conduct a procedure and is one of the factors used to
provided by the Department of Health (2018), an AED assess the impact of BLS training on real-world
should not be used on a person who is in contact with outcomes. It is also important to note that self-efficacy
water. An AED should not also be used in a moving is not the quality of the actual performance, but rather
vehicle as movement may affect the analysis. It is also the individual’s self-perceived capabilities. Self-
important that the chest is completely dry and free of efficacy is also positively correlated with willingness
hair before placing the AED pads. Flammables such as as those with a level of self-efficacy that is higher are
gasoline and alcohol should not be around when using shown to have more willingness to learn Basic Life
an AED (Rowan-Salisbury School System, 2021). Support compared to those with a level of self-efficacy
that is low (Pei et al., 2019; Yoon et al., 2019).
The next lowest correct responses were obtained for
Question 6 with only 155 respondents and Question 5
Table 3. Levels of Self-efficacy
with only 161 respondents. These questions inquired
about the correct order in which an AED should be
utilized and the proper placement of AED pads on an
infant victim. The utilization of automated external
defibrillators (AED) in Basic Life Support is
uncommon among the general public, being the most
likely reason why these questions earned the lowest
scores as most people do not have access to an AED
and therefore have less opportunities to learn it.
According to Alvich (2021), a responder should turn
on the AED as soon as they have checked the victim
and the surroundings. Then, properly place the pads on
the patient so that the equipment can analyze the
patient’s heart rhythm and clear the victim.
Afterwards, a shock should be delivered as indicated
and proceed to giving CPR again. Moreover, the
proper placement of AED pads on infant victims
should be one pad in the center of the victim’s chest
and the other in the center of their upper back (AED
Leader, 2021).

On the other hand, Question 1 had the highest number

of correct responses with 235 respondents. This
implies that the majority of the respondents are aware
or have a general idea of what automated external
defibrillators (AED) are used for. An AED is a battery-
powered device that examines the heart's rhythm,
warns the provider if a shock is needed, and delivers
an electrical impulse to the heart to bring back its
regular rhythm (National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute, 2022).

Table 3 displays the list of statements that are related

with one’s self-efficacy concerning the provision of
Basic Life Support, with a total mean score of 2.74
which shows an overall moderate level of self-efficacy
among the youth respondents in selected areas in
Quezon City. The null hypothesis is consequently
rejected. In comparison, Chun et al. (2021) reported in
their study that their youth respondents from Metro
Manila classified themselves as somewhat confident in
performing CPR. According to Pei et al. (2019), self-
efficacy is an individual's belief in one's competence to

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Research Article

Table 4. Willingness to perform Basic Life Support on

different social categories

Table 4 demonstrates the youth respondents’

willingness to perform Basic Life Support on various
It can be seen that statements 12 (I know how to social categories. Being open to a behavioral
correctly place the pads and use the automated opportunity while at the same time having behavior be
external defibrillator without interrupting influenced by social situations are what constitutes an
individual’s willingness. According to Becker et al.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.), 13 (I can accurately
(2019), the general population’s impression of out-of-
perform Basic Life Support in a calm, focused, and
hospital cardiac arrest victims influences the
quick manner in an emergency situation concerning willingness of the youth to perform Basic Life
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.), 10 (I am able to Support. For instance, concerns regarding familiarity,
perform chest compressions with right body gender, age, and fear of acquiring infection and
positioning and correct compression rate and depth.), causing further injury to the victim can all have a
and 9 (I can demonstrate the focused assessment negative impact on the willingness of the youth to
following the Airway, Breathing, and Circulation or carry out Basic Life Support.
ABC principle.) are the ones with the lowest mean
The social category that obtained the highest
scores with 2.39, 2.56, and 2.57, respectively. This percentage of willingness to administer Basic Life
indicates that there is a lack of self-confidence among Support on is family and peers, with 50.65% willing
the youth of Quezon City when it comes to correctly and 36.62% somewhat willing. This has a similar
placing AED pads; accurately performing Basic Life finding with the study conducted by Park & Jun (2018)
Support in a calm, focused, and quick manner; in which most of their respondents showed willingness
performing chest compressions with right body to provide CPR on their family member with cardiac
positioning and correct compression rate and depth, disease. This finding is also supported by Dainty et al.
and; demonstrating assessment following the ABC (2022) in which it was stated that the probability of a
principle. On the other hand, statement 11 (I bystander providing CPR on a family member was
understand that when the Emergency Medical Services 85% compared to a stranger. Other studies (Birkun &
arrive, I will let them handle the situation and report Kosova, 2018; Jarrah et al., 2018) also found the same
the procedures I have provided.) obtained the highest result in which the vast majority of their respondents
mean score with 3.23. One can note that this statement expressed willingness to provide CPR if the victim is a
is considered to be the easiest and an information that friend or a family member. On the other hand, 35.84%
is general public knowledge. of the respondents answered that they are willing to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 687-707, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1096, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8272415, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

provide Basic Life Support to strangers, and 42.34% 2020; Yi Ern et al., 2020; Grunau et al., 2020) stating
answered that they are somewhat willing to do so. This that the fear of personal health safety concerning the
figure is similar to the findings of a study conducted risk of the risk of infection transmission is the primary
by Mao et al. (2021), which discovered that just 34.1% explanation for the decrease in willingness to conduct
of their respondents shared willingness to perform CPR since the COVID-19 outbreak began.
CPR to strangers.
Table 5. Difference between demographic profiles in
The social category that obtained the next highest the readiness
percentage of willingness to administer Basic Life
Support on is women with 43.38% willing and 36.62%
somewhat willing. In comparison, 37.66% of the
respondents answered that they are willing to provide
Basic Life Support to men, and 41.56% answered that
they are somewhat willing to do so. This finding
contradicts the conclusion made by Dainty et al.
(2022) about how male victims of sudden cardiac
arrests have an increased likelihood of receiving Basic
Life Support in public locations compared with female

Furthermore, the table also reveals a precision of

percentages among social categories concerning age
groups in terms of willingness to provide Basic Life
Support. For adult individuals, 39.48% of the
respondents answered that they are willing, and
41.30% answered that they are somewhat willing. For
pediatric individuals, 37.40% of the respondents In Table 5, the differences between the respondents’
answered that they are willing, and 36.62% answered demographic profiles in their readiness to perform
that they are somewhat willing. For geriatric Basic Life Support are shown. A P-value of 0.05 or
individuals, 35.84% of the respondents answered that less indicates that the result is significant, whereas a P-
they are willing, and 37.92% answered that they are value greater than 0.05 indicates that the result is not
somewhat willing. This highlights the respondents' significant. Using the T-test, the age profile has a T-
willingness to save lives through provision of Basic test value of -2.414 with a P-value of 0.016, indicating
Life Support regardless of age. In addition, adult that there is a significant difference between the age of
victims being more likely to receive Basic Life the respondents in their readiness to perform Basic
Support from bystanders than those of pediatric and Life Support, leading to a decision to reject the null
geriatric age groups is also true in some studies (Yi hypothesis. Older respondents are mostly in higher
Ern et al., 2020; Karuthan et al., 2019). While this is levels of education and have a more mature outlook on
the case, it can also be observed that pediatric and life such as having the flexibility to change and adapt
and a willingness to learn from experiences, which
geriatric social categories are among the ones that have
adds to their readiness and makes them more likely to
the highest percentage of not willing, with 8.57% and
give aid than those who are younger. However, this
7.27%, respectively. These findings are related to
result is in contrast to the studies of Alfakey &
those of Becker et al. (2019), in which it was found
Alkarani (2021) and Hasegawa & Hanaki (2023) in
that causing further injury, fragility, and lack of
which it was found that there is no relationship
knowledge and skills were the top concerns regarding
between the provision of Basic Life Support and the
performing Basic Life Support on geriatric and
age of the participants.
pediatric victims.
In terms of the sex, a T-test value of 0.906 with a P-
Lastly, immunocompromised individuals is the social
value of 0.366 shows that there is no significant
category with the lowest percentage of willing
difference between the respondents’ sex in their
responses, with 30.91%, and the highest percentage of
readiness to perform Basic Life Support, leading to a
not willing responses, with 8.57%. This is consistent
decision to accept the null hypothesis. In today’s age,
with the findings of several studies (Philippine Heart
Association, 2022; Dainty et al., 2022; Zaayman,

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both men and women are now inclined to give aid in In terms of socioeconomic status, the ANOVA test
emergencies which results from an improvement in the showed an F-value of 0.482 with a P-value of 0.822
gender disparities surrounding the provision of reveals no significant difference between the
education among young men and women. This respondents’ socioeconomic status in their readiness to
discovery is similar with the findings of a study carry out Basic life Support, which leads to a decision
conducted by Khashaba et al. (2021) in which no of accepting the null hypothesis. This is because most
significant difference between sex and readiness of the respondents are students who are supported by
involving Basic Life Support was found. However, their parents and do not have a source of income yet to
this is in contradiction with prior research studies by have their socioeconomic status affect their readiness.
Wingen et al. (2022) and Mao et al. (2021) in which it While it was revealed in a study (Uny et al., 2022) that
was found that young males are less likely to perform BLS training courses being expensive was the most
CPR, whereas women are more willing to provide significant barrier to learning CPR, other studies
assistance in an event of a health emergency. On the (Dobbie et al., 2018; Fratta et al., 2018) also
other hand, it is found in a study by Krammel et al. discovered that many are willing to receive training in
(2018) that the male population has a higher likelihood CPR, despite their level of education and income, as
to initiate Basic Life Support compared to the female the likelihood of performing CPR was unaffected by
population. household income.

Regarding marital status, a T-test value of 1.454 with a Lastly, the respondents’ BLS training experience has
P-value of 0.147 shows that there is no significant an F-value of 5.968 with a P-value of 0.000 using the
difference between the respondents’ marital status in ANOVA test, which indicates that there is a significant
showing readiness to perform Basic Life Support, difference in readiness to conduct Basic Life Support
leading to a decision to accept the null hypothesis. between the participants who have previous BLS
Since the respondents are of young age, this reflected training and have no prior BLS training, leading to a
on the results. The respondents of this study are youth decision to reject the null hypothesis. Prior BLS
and most of them are students which means marriage training experience affects an individual’s readiness to
is not a priority, and does not affect their readiness to provide Basic Life Support compared to those who do
perform Basic Life Support. This is in contrast with not have prior BLS training experience since they
the findings of the study by Huang et al. (2019) in already have an idea on the right actions to take. The
which it was found that married people are more likely results held true with studies by Sturny et al. (2021),
to know how to perform CPR correctly than those who and Schmoker (2021) in which it was found that young
are single as they are more willing to learn BLS to be people who had previously been trained in BLS
able to save their loved ones in case of cardiac arrest improved and scored consistently higher in readiness
situation. in performing Basic Life Support. Similarly, in their
study, Alfakey and Alkarani (2021) found that students
Using the ANOVA Test, the educational level has an with previous BLS training reported a greater sense of
F-value of 5.849 with a P-value of 0.003, meaning that capability in administering Basic Life Support than
there is a significant difference between the students with no prior experience. This indicates that
respondents’ educational attainment in their readiness experience gained through training is one of the factors
to perform Basic Life Support, leading to a decision to that can affect an individual’s readiness to perform
reject the null hypothesis. Respondents with higher Basic Life Support (Juariah & Purwaningsih, 2022).
levels of educational attainment are more
knowledgeable and ready than those who only Table 6. Difference between the levels of self-efficacy
completed with lower levels since they are more likely in the willingness
to be provided with BLS education or have
participated in BLS training programs as Basic Life
Support is included in the curriculum of some courses
in tertiary level. Jarrah et al. (2018), Huang et al.
(2019), and Yan et al. (2020) discovered that
participants with tertiary levels of education are more
likely to have knowledge about CPR because they are Table 6 displays the difference between the
more likely to have previously participated in CPR respondents’ level of self-efficacy in their willingness
training courses than those with lower levels, leading to perform Basic Life Support. Using the ANOVA
to a higher level of readiness and willingness to
perform Basic Life Support.

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Test, in order to reject the null hypothesis, the p-value arrests in the community, one should be fully equipped
must be less than 0.05. An F-value of 38.84 with a P- with knowledge and skills. As an example, the youth
value of 0.000 means that there is a significant are aware of the first few steps of Basic Life Support
difference between the respondents’ level of self- but are unaware of the specifics such as proper
efficacy in their readiness to perform Basic Life positioning and correct depth of chest compressions,
Support. This indicates that respondents with a high which are critical information that could either save or
self-efficacy are more willing or more likely to further endanger the victim's life. Additionally,
perform Basic Life Support in real life situations than improving the youth’s self-confidence in performing
those with low self-efficacy as they are more confident Basic Life Support in such training should also be a
in their abilities. In this study, self-efficacy is the focus as education increases confidence, especially in
perceived ability or the confidence of the respondents emergency situations where people may be hesitant or
to perform an action or procedure. Self-efficacy has a anxious. While some may express a willingness to
strong influence on willingness to provide Basic Life learn or perform Basic Life Support, this does not
Support in the occurrence of out-of-hospital cardiac necessarily imply that individuals are trained or
arrest (Wati et al., 2021). Self-efficacy was discovered sufficiently equipped to perform CPR in real-life
as the strongest predictor of whether a person will situations. While willingness to learn and intention to
administer first aid (Pei et al., 2019). These findings perform BLS are both positive indicators, proper
are supported by Huy et al. (2022), who found that training and education are required to translate
young people whose level of self-efficacy is high are willingness into effective action. Besides adding BLS
more inclined to give aid as compared to those with a training to the school curriculum, BLS training should
low level of self-efficacy, who are more hesitant to do also require different approaches and principles that
so. In addition, Yoon et al. (2019) concluded in their will empower students’ individual perception of their
study that self-efficacy considerably affects one’s skill. In terms of social categories, most of the youth
performance in Basic Life Support as it is positively are willing to administer Basic Life Support to their
correlated with willingness. own family and peers. Most of them have a fear of
contracting diseases as they are least willing to
administer Basic Life Support to immunocompromised
individuals. Regarding the demographic profile of the
youth, the researchers conclude that age, educational
To educate the youth on Basic Life Support is said to attainment, and BLS training experience have a
be a good way to reach different parts of the significant difference in their readiness and that sex,
community as they are almost always present in marital status, and socioeconomic status have no
different settings such as homes, schools, churches, significant difference in their readiness to perform
outdoor parks, or malls. For this reason, educating the Basic Life Support.
youth with Basic Life Support is a way to widen the
reach of a community’s area so that victims of out-of- The implementation of this study can benefit families,
hospital cardiac arrests will be given immediate aid. communities, educational institutions, local
This study aimed to measure the youth's readiness and governments, and society as a whole as this can
willingness to perform Basic Life Support. As a final significantly reduce morbidity and mortality in the
observation, youth in selected Quezon City barangays community. Educational institutions can incorporate
have a moderate level of knowledge-readiness and Basic Life Support training into their school
self-efficacy-willingness, highlighting the importance curriculum or offer extracurricular programs that teach
of providing the youth with comprehensive BLS students essential life-saving skills; communities can
education and training to further bridge the gap organize webinars, seminars, workshops, or awareness
between their readiness and willingness to perform campaigns to educate the public, including the youth,
Basic Life Support. The youth's knowledge of sudden regarding the significance of Basic Life Support and
cardiac arrests, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), provide opportunities for hands-on practice; and local
and automated external defibrillators (AED) may be governments can play an important role by enacting
moderate, but is lacking in important aspects that policies that mandate or elicit BLS training. Society
might considerably alter the results of Basic Life will benefit as well, by equipping the youth with the
Support performance. While there are areas for necessary knowledge and skills for Basic Life Support,
growth, having moderate knowledge regarding the the morbidity and mortality rate for out-of-hospital
components of Basic Life Support is still inadequate. cardiac arrest will be reduced.
This is because in order to effectively prevent
mortality among victims of out-of-hospital cardiac Based on the study findings and conclusions, the

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Research Article

following recommendations are suggested. (1) The Acknowledgement

youth should be provided with comprehensive training
programs about Basic Life Support (BLS) since We, the researchers, would like to show our
moderate knowledge alone regarding Basic Life appreciation and utmost gratitude to the people who
Support is still insufficient in reducing the mortality gave their time to contribute to this research.
among the victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.
(2) Families, particularly those with a family member To Almighty God for providing us the wisdom,
who is at a higher risk of experiencing sudden cardiac strength, safety, and perseverance to seek new
arrest, should enroll in Basic Life Support training information for the advancement of the society and
because they are the ones who spend the most time healthcare community.
together, especially at home. (3) Educational
institutions should incorporate the Basic Life Support To our nursing research professor and adviser, Mrs.
(BLS) course into the basic to tertiary education Mary Anne Lopez, MAN, RN, LPT, for her
curriculum to strengthen the knowledge, skills, supervision and dedication to providing guidance to
readiness, and willingness of the youth. Basic Life make this study possible and successful.
Support should be required as a core skill for all
students, chiefly those in allied health sciences To the OLFU College of Nursing institution and
courses, to provide them with the knowledge of Program Head, Mrs. Jacquelyn Joyce Nicolas, MAN,
dealing with medical emergencies. Knowledge of RN, for supporting and believing in us, the student
Basic Life Support must always be honed and be nurses, in completing this endeavor as a step in
practiced through continuous exposure through fulfilling our academic journey.
training and application. For this reason, regular
To our panelists, Dr. Joel John Dela A. Merced, Mr.
training and refresher courses are recommended. (4)
Renville M. Ladera, MAN, RN, Ms. Evelyn A.
The community should take advantage of the youth's
Constantino, MAN, RN, Mrs. Trinidad J. Salcedo,
interest and willingness to learn by implementing
MAN, RN, and Mr. Michael Vincent D. Lim, MAN,
webinar programs using this study’s findings as
RN, for their valuable assessment and evaluation of
guidelines as the youth should be encouraged to
our work to significantly enhance our study.
actively participate in Basic Life Support education to
gain knowledge and skills. (5) Community health To our validators, Dr. Elenita C. Manrique-Arreglo,
nurses can use this study to advocate for more Basic MD, MHA, RN, Mr. Almar Raeaza Nuñez, RN, EMT,
Life Support training, particularly among youth, who MAN(ue), and Ms. Rochelle P. Dueñas, RN, ICN,
are eager to learn but lack access and opportunities to ACLS Provider, and to Ms. Christian Joy Esmilla,
do so. (6) Community health workers should host LPT, our grammarian, for their knowledge and
webinar and/or seminar programs to promote expertise in guiding nursing research students like us
awareness about the significance of Basic Life Support in our pursuit to contribute to society through
and to improve the skill set required to conduct it. (7) newfound information. To our statistician, Mr. John
The local government should implement more Basic Mark Alcaria, whose knowledge of statistics was
Life Support (BLS) training programs since there is a critical to the analysis and interpretation of the data
huge lack of Basic Life Support training opportunities gathered.
among the youth in Quezon City. In addition, BLS
training should become affordable and accessible to To the highly dedicated barangay officials of the
the youth, especially in deprived communities. After Office of the Barangay Chairpersons of Barangay
training, trainees should be issued with a certificate or Fairview, Greater Lagro, and Novaliches, Quezon
card to authenticate that they are a certified BLS City, who allowed and provided us assistance in
provider. The local government should also include the conducting this study physically in their locality.
development of the participants' self-efficacy in BLS
training programs to improve their willingness to To our youth respondents who willingly participated
conduct Basic Life Support in an event of a sudden and the parents of the minor participants who
cardiac arrest. (8) Future researchers may use the consented to take part in this study, for making it
results of this study as a reference for future related possible for the researchers to accomplish the research.
research studies. It is recommended to conduct data
collection through face-to-face surveys to gather even To our college batchmates, friends, and family, who
more reliable data. They may expand their scope to helped us in disseminating our research to reach
produce more accurate results since this study only qualified respondents, for their encouragement, moral,
includes three selected barangays in Quezon City. and financial support that made it easier for us to move

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