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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English

Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,
Sebelas Maret University

By :

Putri Mega Sari




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God helps those who help themselv

(Benjamin Franklin)
Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what
you get.
(Dale Carnegei)

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I would like to dedicate this final project to:

* My beloved Mom and Dad
* My beloved little sister
* My best friends
* All people giving me spirit and support

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First of all I wanted to say thanks to Allah SWT who has given me ideas

and luck in my life. Therefore, I could finish the final project report entitled “The

management system of “Bhumi Cahaya” Tour and Travel”

This final project report is written to fulfill the requirement in obtaining

the degree in English Diploma Program after I finished the job training in “Bhumi

Cahaya” Tour and Travel.

I would like to thank to all people who had helped me and given me

support to finish my final project. I could have not finished this final project

report without their help.

I hoped that this final project report would be useful to all readers. This

final project is still far from being perfect. Therefore, any suggestions and

comments are accepted.

Sukoharjo, July 2011

Putri Mega Sari

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Alhamdulilahirobbil’alamin, first I would say thanks to Allah SWT for

giving me ideas in writing my final project report and giving me everything in my

life. Thanks to my beloved parents for your support and your love. I would like to

say thanks to these following people:

1. Drs. Riyadi Santoso, M.Ed, Ph.D the Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine

Arts, Sebelas Maret University

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, the head of English Diploma Program and my

supervisor, for your guidance and support to help me finish the final


3. The head of “Bhumi Cahaya” Tour and Travel, Erlianto Nur Rahman Aji,

thank you for permitting me to do the job training in your company.

4. My lovely little sister, Sukma. Be the best,,

5. My beloved Adit, thanks for your support. Sometimes, you open my mind

and my heart so I can see the truth.

6. My family, thanks for everything.

7. My friend mbak luki, thanks for your help and your support.

8. Linda, Dewi, Kesya, Bintang, thanks for everything.

9. All my friends, Nurul, Ulfa, Stevany, Fitri, Rere, Dana, Andrey, Rizky,

Wahyu, Nesia, thanks for everything.

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10. My friends in English Diploma 2007, especially class B.

11. Thanks for all people who gave me support & spirit and helped me during

the writing of this final project report.

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CAHAYA TOUR AND TRAVEL. English Diploma Program, Faculty of
Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project report is written based on the job training completed in
Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel within a month. This final project report proposes
two objectives; namely to describe the management system in Bhumi Cahaya
Tour and Travel and to describe the way how Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel
create and maintain positive image towards the customers. From the job training
result and the observation, it can be concluded that management which is always
used by Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel encourages its improvement. The good
management of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel can also build and maintain the
good image known among the customers.
The management of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel is led by a leader, and
that leader is responsible for divisions, namely Finance Division, Operational
Division, Marketing Division and General Division. Furthermore, the efforts of
Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel to make and maintain its positive image among
the customers are such as giving good service towards every single customer and
always put the customers’ satisfaction as a priority

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TITLE …………………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL OF SUPERVISOR ……………………………………..... ii


MOTTO……………………………………………………………….... iv

DEDICATION ……………………………………………………...…. v

PREFACE …………………………………………………………....... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………….. vii

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………….... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………….... x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………… 1

A. Background ………….…..........…………………………...…... 1

B. Objectives …………….…………...……...………………..….. 2

C. Benefits …………….…………………………………..……… 3


A. The Definition of Tourism ……………………………..……… 4

B. The Definition of Tour and Travel…………………….......…… 4

C. Businesses and Activities of Travel Companies.....................…. 5

D. Service………….........……………………………………...….. 6

E. Management……………………………………………………. 7
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CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION………….........………………………… 8

A. The description of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel…………… 8

A.1. The History of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel…………. 8

A.2. Vision and Missions………….........……………...……… 9

A.3. Service product available at Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel

………….........……………………………………………..….. 9

A.4. Organization Structure ………….........………………..…. 11

B. The Job Training Activities …………….........…………..…..... 12

C. The Process of Management System in Bhumi Cahaya Tour and

Travel ………….........…………………………………….…… 13

C.1. Department in Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel …….…….. 14

C.2. Services Given by Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel to

the Customers Using Plane Tickets …………..................... 16

D. The Way Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel Create and Maintain

Positive Image towards the Customers ………….………......... 17


A. Conclusion ………….........…………………………..……..……….……….........… 20

B. Suggestion ………….........………………………………………..………….........… 21


APPENDICES commit to user


Putri Mega Sari1

Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S., M.A.2


2011. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University.
This final project report is written based on the job training
completed in Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel within a month. This
final project report proposes two objectives; namely to describe the
management system in Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel and to
describe the way how Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel create and
maintain positive image towards the customers. From the job
training result and the observation, it can be concluded that
management which is always used by Bhumi Cahaya Tour and
Travel encourages its improvement. The good management of
Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel can also build and maintain the
good image known among the customers.
The management of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel is led by a
leader, and that leader is responsible for divisions, namely Finance
Division, Operational Division, Marketing Division and General
Division. Furthermore, the efforts of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and
Travel to make and maintain its positive image among the
customers are such as giving good service towards every single
customer and always put the customers’ satisfaction as a priority

Mahasiswa Jurusan D III Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9307069
Dosen Pembimbing



A. Background

Nowadays, tourism has become the needs of people. Tourism is a business

providing information, transportation, accommodations, and other services to

travelers. One of the tourism businesses is travel agency. The growth of tourism

business can be seen from the increasing number of new travel agencies in this

country. This phenomenon raises the competition among the travel agencies to fulfill

the increasing demand on the service over the years for customers.

To face the competition in getting many customers and to provide excellent

services, every travel agency should have a good management system. The good

management system is useful to increase their selling points as one of the competitive

business strategies. Besides, they also have strategies to gain a positive image from

customers. By having the positive image, the customers will trust the travel agency

even more and they will automatically recommend it to their relatives, friends and

colleagues. Therefore, it is very important for travel agencies to build such image.

To gain satisfaction services a travel agency needs to manage its business

properly in well planned system in order to get a whole trust from the customers

because this industry needs certain characteristics where the human factor is very

much involved and it affects the outcome of the service. By improving the abilities of

its employees, an agency will get a success.

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It is the reason why I chose Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel as the place for

having the job training. Its positive image seemed to be one of the factors that made

the travel agency able to survive to present. Moreover, the travel agency provided

excellent services, and maintained the customers’ trust.

The tourism agency which is located at Jl. Jendral Sudirman 9 Sukoharjo is

one of the biggest travel agencies in Sukoharjo and it always looked occupied by

many customers who have ticket reservation or holiday planning. Based on the scene,

I got an impression that working in tourism field, especially in a travel agency is

interesting and inspiring. Moreover, the travel agency has excellent management

system and enduring efforts to create and maintain its positive image towards

customers. For the reason, I would like to learn more from the travel agency by

conducting the job training there. Therefore, the title of the final project report is

“The Management System of Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel”, to fulfill the

requirement for diploma degree in English Diploma Program.

B. Objectives

1. To describe the management system in Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel.

2. To describe the way how Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel create and maintain

positive image towards the customers.

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C. Benefits

1. The Institution

The writer expected that the final project report will be useful as additional

information to develop the travel agency, especially Bhumi Cahaya Tour and


2. The Students of English Diploma Program

The writer expected that the final project report will be useful in the future as

a reference to write final project.

3. The Writer

The writer expected that final project report will get more information about

the management system Bhumi Cahaya Tour and Travel.

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A. The Definition of Tourism

There are many definitions of tourism which varies from one author to

another. Budi Santoso defines tourism as “basically an activity of people’s movement

from one place to another but not to stay in that place permanently and that those

people will come back to where they come from with a main purpose to look for

satisfactions” (Santoso, 1981: 11). This definition refers to the activity of moving

from one palace to the other place.

Quite similar to Budi Santoso, Oka A. Yoeti also defines tourism as “the

activity of travelling from one place to another which takes more than 24 hours with

the intention for fun” (Yoeti, 1982). As a response to the signifance of tourism to

Indonesia devise, UU RI No.9 Year 1990 defines tourism as “everything relates to

excursion including explorations of tourism objects and points of interest and also

related efforts in that field.” This definition is more broadly and covers not only to the

activity but also the object of the tourism.

B. The Definition of Tour and Travel

Hamalik (1978:26) quotes from Hornby Cs, in The Advance Learner’s

Dictionary of Current English, defines “tour” as a journey in which a short stay is

made at number of place from which he stayed.

commit to userWhile in the travel industry, the word


“tour” may refer to either a package vacation or a trip escorted by a guide (Foster,

1995:174). It can be concluded that tour is a package vacation which the traveler make

a short stay in the destination.

There are some definitions about travel. The website

defines travel as “an act of traversing through a geographic region or moving from one

place to another. This can be temporarily, as is often the case, and can be for a short

period of time” ( It means that travel is

basically a movement from one place to another in a short time, in a geographical

way. So if the movement occurs in the context of job or profession, it cannot be

categorized as travel.

In addition, Wikipedia defines travel as:

“The movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations for any
purpose and any duration, with or without any means of transport. Travel also
includes relatively short stays between successive movements. Movements between
locations requiring only a few minutes are not considered as travel”

From this definition it is obvious that time is an important point in travel that it

is movement to another location with any purpose which is more than 24 hours.

C. Businesses and Activities of Travel Companies

In Travel companies, there are many activities. Based on Minister of Tourism,

Post and Telecommunication decision letter number 10/PW.102/MPPT-93, the

stipulation of businesses and activities of travel companies are divided into three parts.

First, the bureau of excursion trip which is a company that conducts excursion

packages and travel agents, of which activities are: arranging and selling tourism
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package abroad publicly or by requests, conducting and selling tourism services or

cruises, arranging and selling national excursion packages publicly or by requests,

conducting tour guiding and tour conducting, providing car rental facilities for the

tourists, selling tickets for transportation vehicles and others, preparing travel

documents according to the regulations. The second is Excursion Trip Agency which

is a company conducting transportation ticket sales activity and other stuffs and orders

for excursion facilities with its related activities like providing tickets for

transportation facilities, preparing travel documents based on the government rules.

While the third is Branch of excursion trip bureau which is the unity of businesses

from excursion trip bureaus located in the same place or others which provide services

related to the activities of excursion trip bureau.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that among those stipulations

there are different activities and the writer focused more on excursion trip agency of

which the activities are selling transportation tickets and conducting excursion

facilities orders and also preparing travel documents.

D. Service

Service is defined as “any activities or advantages which are offered by one

party toward other parties which are basically intangible and it does not result in

ownership.” (Kotler and Armstrong, 1998:276). From the definition it can be

concluded that services are invisible things offered by certain parties or people.

According to Ruslan in his book Porter, the term “service of excellence” is

defined as “a service which is given by a company in the effort to give the customer’s

satisfaction and to develop the customers’ trust, while the customer will get the
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satisfaction given by the company” (Ruslan: 60). From the statement, the best service

is very important to build and maintain good image and also trust and satisfaction of

the customers towards certain travel agencies.

It can be concluded service is invisible things which has purposes to give

customer’s satisfaction and increase customer’s trust.

E. Management

The management of a company is very important because a good management

can produce a good product or service. A company will be able to avoid some

troubles by having a good management. A precise and good planning will result in a

good management as well. Management is “the section assigned to plan, manage and

operate the business”, “The power of brand or image is the charisma, and the

emotional strength owned by a company and it is the opinion or feeling of the people

towards the company or its products” (www.thinkrooms/2008/03/03/management).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that management and image

is closely related because if the management is good then the image among the people

will also be good. With good management a company will survive any obstacles, and

it even will develop into a bigger and better company.

In this final project report the writer focused on the management of the

company which in this case is a travel agency and the way the company maintain

good image towards the consumers. It will explain a lot or explore about how the

company from the beginning until today, to be able to survive and develop well. The

writer also mentioned about the good service towards the consumers which certainly

becomes one of the keys to the company’s management which survives until today.
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A. Conclusion

From the discussion in chapter three, the writer concluded that

1. The management which is always used by BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

encourages its improvement. The good management of BhumiCahaya Tour and

Travel can also build and maintain the good image known among the customers.

2. The management of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel is lead by a leader and the

leader is responsible for the work of four divisions, which are:

Finance Division

This division consists of accounting and cashier sections.

Operational Division

This division consists of ticketing and tour sections.

Marketing Division

This division is functioned to do marketing activities.

General Division

This division consists of armada provider and messenger.

3. The efforts of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel to make and maintain its

positive image among the customers are such as giving good service towards every

single customer and always put the customers’ satisfaction as a priority.

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B. Suggestion

1. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

It is suggested that BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel to do the promotion and

marketing more intensely via brochures and pamphlets.

2. English Diploma Program

It is suggested that English Department provides more references and books

about travel agent which gives more knowledge and information about travel

agent itself.

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A. The Description of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

A.1. The History of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

BhumiCahaya was built in early 1980’s when Mr. RachmadSukarwinata

started a bus agent business route of Sukoharjo-Jakarta named Cahaya Agency. In

the mid 1990’s the business was expanded to selling ship tickets, in which at that

time Cahaya Agency was still a sub agent (worked together with main travel agent as

the medium to PT. PELNI). There was an agreement about the dividing of

commission which has become their mutual deal. After going for several years, Mr.

RachmadSukarwinata gave away the chairman position of the company to his son,

ErliantoNurRahmanAji, to handle the management of the ship ticket sales and also to

his daughter, Mustikawati, to handle the bus agency management.

In 2002, Erlianto together with his brother established PT. Swalabhumi which

handles many fields like commerce, industry, finance consulting, contractor,

transportation, etc. In transportation field, it resulted in anakperusahaan (company

branch) namely BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel which is named after the name

combination between SwalaBhumi and Cahaya Agency, located in Jl.

JenderalSudirman 09, Sukoharjo, Central Java.

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Under the name of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel, Erlianto started the

business development of which previously only selling tickets, accelerated to selling

plane tickets, travel, and also providing tourism armada including rental car by

cooperating with airlines, autobus companies. In order to broaden the marker,

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel started to do cooperation with agencies around Solo,

Wonogiri, Klaten, Karanganyar and Sragen areas to help the sales. Until today, the

cooperation is still going well and BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel is going to

maintain the cooperation with other agencies in the form of sub-agencies.

A.2. Vision and Missions

Sukoharjo is a culture city inside Surakarta scopes so the culture of Javanese

or keraton has become customs for the society and background for Sukoharjo’s

tourism potential, for example the gamelan wironhandicraft, italic, etc. Sukoharjo’s

human resources are dominated by farmers and wanderers who go to Jakarta or other

regions in Indonesia. Given that phenomenon, BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel tried

to develop the tourism potential of Sukoharjo and bridge the wanderer both for go

and return. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel used a professional mission in the service

by putting hospitality and other Javanese-like attitudes as a priority.

A.3. Service products available at BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

1. Ticketing

The ticketing division of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel provides plane ticket sales.

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel always tries to give the best recommendation for the
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costumers when there are promos from certain airlines. Moreover, BhumiCahaya

Tour and Travel also provides ship tickets.

2. Travel

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel provides travel services for the consumers who want

to be transported from airports or harbors of which has a quite long distance from

where they live.

3. Car Rental

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel provides to be rented to the customers.

4. Tourism Packages

The tourism packages of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel provide services for every

tourist destination in Indonesia. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel will give special

prices and other facilities.

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A.4. Organization Structure

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

The Head of the


Finance Operational Marketing General

Division Division Division Division

Accounting Cashier Ticketing Tour Armada Messenger

The head of the company is occupied by ErliantoNurRahmanAji, who is

responsible for the company’s operational matters. He is assisted by:

a. Administration Division : Accounting


b. Operational Division : Ticketing


c. Marketing Division : Marketing

d. General Division : Armada Providers


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B. The Job Training Activities

During the job training in BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel, the writer saw

many customers coming there to make reservations on plane or ship tickets. The

writer saw and experienced how the employees handle questions from the customers,

and the writer also helped the employees making the reservations. Every time there

were customers coming, the employees always welcomed and greeted them with

smile, so did the writer. At that moment I felt the emotional bond which is created

was tight and family-like. The questions frequently asked by the customers were

about the plane departures, for example from Solo, Jogja or Surabaya to the

destination areas. The writer also helped the employees handling such questions by

looking at the plane departure schedules on-line. Afterwards, the customers asked

about the price of the tickets, and the employees would offer the best price to the

customers since sometimes there are promotional prices from the airlines, and

sometimes the prices fluctuate.

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel also tried to give explanation to the

customers. If they ask some questions, the employees will gladly answer the

questions and explain the answers, and they will definitely give the best to the


While having the job training at BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel, the writer

met many characters of the customers. The writer felt like finding a new world which

is the work of world. The writer maintained a good relationship with both the

employees and the employer. The writer also learned about many things from the
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employees there on how to handle the customers’ questions properly. There was

probably less knowledge acquired by the writer, but the job training activities were

meaningful and it added more experiences.

C. The Process of Management System in BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

Tourism as one of the genuine regional income means that every region

obtains its sole income from the tourism field. It also triggers the emergence of

tourism industries, one of them is being the travel agent. Through the increasing

number of travel agencies, they also experience rising competitions. One way to

survive and to keep the travel development is by having a good management.

Management is a significant matter in a travel agency, particularly for

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel. It is the management that determines the growth of a

travel agency. By having a good management a company will be able to survive and

develop better. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel applies a management which builds

and encourages the creation of service providing that is able to meet the satisfaction

and the loyalty of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel’s consumers. Today’s success of

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel was started with a good management which is also

given to its whole employees. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel always puts the

customers’ satisfaction as a priority in order to build their trust. Besides, an effective

and efficient management will give maximum profits to BhumiCahaya Tour and

Travel itself.

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel also took a well-prepared planning and

designing. It had been calculated to user
a long time ago since inevitably 14

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel will undergo obstacles, for example the appearing

competition due to the emergence of other travel agencies. Here the role of the

customers is very essential because the success of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

today depends so much on the customers who are always loyal to this travel agency.

Therefore BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel always prioritizes its customers who have

put so much trusts and loyalties. Besides, the employees also have an important role

because it is them who always serve the customers with good manners and

friendliness. For that reason, the customers will gain a good impression about

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel. The positive image of BhumiCahaya Tour and

Travel will be created by building such emotional bond with the customers.

Aside from that, BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel also provides a comfortable

office rooms. The comfort is gained through the cleanliness, tidiness, quietness,

fairness and freshness of the rooms. It is also done for the sake of the customers so

that they feel comfortable being in that rooms. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel is

always open to any constructive suggestions. By learning and accepting suggestions

continuously from the customers, it is expected that BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

will try to give the best and be able to compete with other travel agencies.

C.1. Departments in BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

In BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel there are several departments of which

have their own activities as follow:

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a. Marketing Department

This department has duties in conducting marketing and arrangement activities on

the tourism products, coordinating and making marketing activity report timely. The

function of marketing department is to collect data and information on about certain

products needed by the customers, to find various suggestions and complaints for

research and development.

b. Accounting Department

This division is assigned to manage administration, employment, general matters and

the company finance, to take responsibilities of the activities of the division and then

report them to the head of the company, to arrange the annual budget of income and

fund of the company and manage the in and out flow of the company finance, to

make and check the finance report at the bank, to make journals, daily record books,

assistance books and bukukas.

c. Ticketing Department

This department has duties to sell and take care of transportation services needed in

travel services, to set up travel documents like the tickets for land, water and air

transportation. This department is responsible for those activities to be reported to the

department head.

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d. General Division

This division is responsible for providing transportation armada. The armada used to

be provided is the travel services for the customers who use those services for going

to the airports or harbors where the planes or ships belong.

e. Tour Department

The duties of this department is to sell and function tourism products, to do tourism

administrations properly and precisely, to serve and solve all complaints and claims

of the customers properly and also be responsible the whole activities inside the

department to the head of the company.

C.2. Services Given by BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel to the Customers Using

Plane Tickets

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel always gives the services quickly and

precisely to the customers. It can be seen from the following:

1. To know the schedules of flight travel

An airline usually has an organized operation and it always arranges the plans

of its flight travel. To know the schedules and plans of an airline, it can be done in

several ways, like from books or brochures published for that matter, and via online.

Therefore BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel was able to quickly give the flight

schedules in the reservation of the airplane tickets.

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2. Ticket Reservation Service

In the activities of a travel agent, the organization of the booking or

reservation is quite complicated, because everything needs to be done as careful as

possible to be able to fulfill what requested. In order to be able to do reservations,

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel provides a specific file made for that. If there are

customers who want to make reservations, then the data will be stored in the file

including the personal data like name, address contact numbers, the destinations,

kind of transportation, class, and kind of ticket-whether it is a one-way or round trip,

and the certain date of the departure. Besides the employees of BhumiCahaya Tour

and Travel make contacts with the ticketing officials at the airlines that publish the

ticket so that the confirmation can be done. It is done because the seats are not

always available; therefore a holding ticket always needs a confirmation.

D. The Way BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel Create and Maintain Positive

Image towards the Customers

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel is one of the travel agencies that runs its

business based on transportation service. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel tries to give

the best service to the customers and always tries to maintain the good image in front

of the customers. It is also one of the management keys of BhumiCahaya Tour and

Travel so that it can survive and flourish like today. The first way is hospitality. In

this case BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel gives friendliness, since Solo is famous for

its friendliness. It is done by giving smiles and warm greetings to the customers so

that they will feel like they are in a familiar environment and not alienated. Moreover
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the customers will feel respected and appreciated by the staffs of BhumiCahaya Tour

and Travel. Every time the customers come the staff will give them warm greeting,

for example “good morning, good afternoon, good evening” and then the staff will

ask the name of the customers, and then he will call the customers by her name.

Afterwards, the staffs will ask if there is anything they can help with, then the staffs

will prioritize giving the information needed. Here the staffs always explain about

the needed information patiently, and if there is any of them who cannot provide

adequate information then that staff has to ask the other staff. If doing that still

cannot make the customers understand and obtain the information needed then the

staff have to try to explain it until the customers understand. When the customers are

already satisfied with the explanation and have no more business in BhumiCahaya

Tour and Travel then the staffs at that moment immediately say thank you to the

customers. For example, “Thank you, Mr. …. We hope you would like to meet us

again,” or “Have a nice flight for you,” if the customers make a plane ticket


The second way is comfort. The comfort of the customers is very essential in

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel which is located in Jl. JendralSudirman 9 always tries

to provide the customers with comfort. The office rooms are made to be comfortable

as possible, and there are friendly staffs, cozy office interiors, comfortable waiting

seats, clean atmosphere and is completed with air conditioner which make the office

feels fresh and cool. Toilets are also provided for the customers who might need it.

The third way is cleanliness. The cleanliness of BhumiCahaya Tour and

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Travel office can be seen from both inside and outside the office. By keeping the 19

cleanliness it is expected that more comforts felt by the customers will follow.

Therefore the customers can feel much more comfortable being in BhumiCahaya

Tour and Travel office.

Those efforts are given to the customers of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel so

that they get the best service. BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel really wants the

customers to stay loyal so that any efforts are taken. From all of those efforts, the

writer also saw for real that the customers who choose to use the other services

provided by BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel. It can also be seen by the writer from

the fact that every evening until night time there were many customers waiting for

the arrival of travel armadas that will take them to the airports or harbors where they

will be on the airplanes or ships for going to their destination. It is the duty of

BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel to make sure the customers are served in that way.

Then the customers will only have to wait for their transportation of choice to depart.

This is also the effort of BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel to keep the customers’

loyalties and good image alive.

Aside from those services, BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel also improves the

quality of the service step by step, and also promotes BhumiCahaya Tour and Travel

by issuing brochures or leaflets, via certain institutions. The step was taken to attract

more interests of the customers in using the service of BhumiCahaya Tour and


commit to user

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