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1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

Figurative Meaning in “Lang Leav” Poetry

Tengku Mutiara Azti*, Mayasari, Wan Anayati, Muhammad Kiki Wardana
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Fakultas Bahasa dan Komunikasi Universitas Harapan Medan

This study concerns with the descriptive analysis of Figurative Meaning In “Lang Leav” Poetry. The
problem of the study is (1) What are the types of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav poetry? (2)
What is the dominant type of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav poetry? (3) Why was the type most
dominantly used? The objective of the study is to find out the types of figurative meaning that is used
in Lang Leav Poetry and to know the dominant types of figurative meaning that is used in Lang Leav
Poetry and the reason why was the type most dominantly used. This study used a Keraf’s (2009)
theory. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method to classify and analyze the poetry.
The data sources are found to originate from Lang Leav poetry. The total number of the types of
figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry: personification is 2 (6%), hyperbole is 14 (45%), metaphor is
3 (10%), symbol is 3 (10%), simile is 4 (13%) and irony is 5 (16%). Hyperbole is the most dominant
types because it indicated activities that happen in Lang Leav poetry. Hyperbole as the dominant types
of figurative meaning in poetry because there are so many expressions are over expressed.

Keywords: Semantics, Figurative Meaning, Poetry

1. Introduction
As social creature, humans need to build a relationship with others to show their existence,
opinions, ideas and their feeling, giving information, etc. So, humans require language as a means of
communication. Communication is basic feature of social life and language is a major component of it.
Language is human needs; it is a system of signs (indices, icons, symbols) for encoding and decoding
information. Language can combine with art in order to find various kind of communication or to
entertain people with message contain in it. Language is an inseparable part of human life to express
thoughts, feeling, desires and intension both in spoken and written ways. Spoken is the process of
expressing ideas and feeling or giving information orally, song speech and conversation. Written is
done in writing activity, available in short story, article, novel, newspaper, poetry letter, magazine
poem, song lyrics and etc. The word meaning is commonly found in spoken or writing language.

Language is also along side with human activities. Means, whatever we do in our life, we use
language. Meaning of words or utterances depends on the meaning of the word or utterances
themselves and situational context. Related to those explanations above, linguistics which is regarded
as the study of language explains about aspects of language in its use. One of the interesting topics in
learning language is to deal with the language which is used or what the user intends to convey by
using the language.

The study of meaning scientifically is called semantics. In our practical language sometimes
people find sentences or phrases could have meaning. If people want to make the definition clear, it is,
therefore, necessary for them to redefine semantics into more specific definition, the one that limit
semantics into the study of more specific types of meaning only. Simply semantics is the study of
linguistics meaning. These more specific definitions have led people to an important basic assumption
that meaning is the part of speaker’s knowledge about their language. The speakers of a language have
different types of linguistic knowledge, including how to construct sentences and about the meaning of
individual words and sentences.

There are two kinds of language that studying in semantics, they are literal and non literal
(Saeed, 2004:15). The following discussion will be about non literal uses of language or traditionally
called figurative language. The meaning can be literal and figurative; this is the important thing for the
VERNACULAR, Vol.1, No.1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

writer to describe because the focus of the research is figurative meaning. Figurative language is used
in any form of communication, such as in daily conversation, articles in newspaper, advertisement,
novels, poems, song lyrics, etc. Literature is one of arts which has own language. In other words,
literature is writing which expresses and communicates though feeling and attitude toward life.

Figurative meaning is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different
from literal interpretation, when a writer uses literal language; he or she is simply stating the facts as
they are. Figurative meaning is meaning out of the real meaning or more imaginative that encourages
our imagination. The meaning of the words is influenced by the words which exist around it in
sentence. Figurative meaning will classify into personification, hyperbole, metaphor, symbol, simile
and irony. The writer would like to analyze figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.

Poetry is one part interest to study. Meaning poetry itself can be explain as quotation by Robert
Hill “etymology the word poetry derived from the Italian word “poesia” means to make or to construct.
Poetics means the make, and then we have the word poet, the writer. Poesies’ means the making and it
becomes poetry, the art of poet. Poem is a piece of writing in verse is regular metric line.

Many people make a great poetry; one of the poets is Lang Leav. Lang Leav is an international
bestselling author and social media sensation. She is the winner of a Qantas spirit of youth award and
converted Churchill fellowship. Her books continue to top bestseller charts in bookstore worldwide
and lullabies, was the 2014 winner of the good readers choice award for poetry. Lang Leav is a very
talented artist who has written many books. The author of “Love and Misadventure” book is an
extraordinary woman which is why she has a huge fan following. Lang Leav personal life is very
interesting. The romance fiction poet Lang Leav writer beautiful poems and is the reason behind her
fame. That is the reason why the writer intends to conduct a study on analyzing of Lang Leav poetry.

1.1 The Problem of the Study

From the background of the study, the writer would like to analyze the problem of the study:
1. What are the types of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav poetry?
2. What is the dominant type of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav poetry?
3. Why was the type most dominantly used?

1.2 The Objective of the Study

Based on the problems stated above, the writer has objective of the study. The objectives of the
study are:
1. To find out the types of figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.
2. To find the most dominant type of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav poetry.
3. To explain the occurrence of the most dominant type of figurative meaning used in Lang Leav

1.3 The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the figurative meaning applied in Lang Leav poetry. Having considered
that there are many ways for people of expressing ideas figuratively such as by using personification,
hyperbole, metaphor, symbol, simile and irony.

1.4 The significance of the Study

After this study is complete, the writer hopes this study was expected to be useful for:
1. This thesis will help the students to find out which figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.
2. The students and those who would like to know more about figurative meaning in Lang Leav
poetry. By knowing the pattern, the students would to develop poetry as good as possible in
3. The students who are interested in figurative meaning especially in poetry.
4. People who are studying about figurative meaning and course about non literal meaning so
they know figurative meaning can be found in poetry too.
VERNACULAR, Vol.1, No.1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

5. Other research who will find it easy to analyze the material in written or spoken.

2. Research Design
The design of this research is descriptive research by using qualitative approaching, since this
research is intended to describe the figurative meaning on the Lang Leav poetry. This research can also
be done in the library and content analysis is suggested to be done. Bogdan and Biklen (1982) states
a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data researcher is the key
b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures
rather than number.
c. Qualitative research is concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.
d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.
e. “Meaning” is of essential to the qualitative approach.

As the she uses descriptive research, the rational of choosing this design is starting that descriptive
studies are designed to obtain information concerning with the current status of phenomena. This study
attempts to identify, classify and describe figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry. It will be obtained
from the result of the research.

2.1 Data Collection

The data of this research were collected from original website Lang Leav poetry. The main
data of this study were collected by using documentary technique. Documentary technique means that
data was found from reading, studying and analyzing the references related to the study. In this case,
the writer used documentation as the way to collect the data.
The technique of taking the data was as follows:
a. The writer selected Lang Leav poetry.
b. The writer read all the each distich of Lang Leav poetry.
c. The writer selected the figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.

2.2 Data Analysis Procedure

The writer has used library research to analyze the data. This method related to literature to be
reference and important to solve the problem theoretically by using books, papers, website, etc. that
has relationship with the topic of the study. This study is focus on the figurative meaning in Lang Leav

The techniques of analyzing data are presented as follows:

a. Reading and learning all sentences from text of Lang Leav poetry.
b. Identifying the figurative meaning.
c. Analyzing and classifying the sentences which had figurative meaning or in terms of their
structural aspect.
d. Counting the percentage of figurative meaning found in Lang Leav poetry by using the

N= x 100%


N : the result of percentages.

X : the total of occurrence of each sense of figurative meaning.

VERNACULAR, Vol.1, No.1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

Y : the total of occurrence of all the figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.

Finding out the most dominant of figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry.

3. Discussion
On the data 2 in the title 1 “I heard music in your laughter, I saw poetry in your words”, this
verse is identified as a personification figurative meaning because the phrases heard in your laughter
and poetry in your words which included into the type personification that explain the attribute of a
personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract
quality in human from.
On the data 32 in the title 5 identified as a personification figurative meaning the words how the
world has given you poetry, described that she thinks the world as a poet who gives her poetry.
On the data 4 in the title 1 “As though a shadow had fallen across its sun drenched landscape,
heavy with premonition, dark with revelation” this verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative
meaning because the words used in this verse are too excessive, it used to emphasizes, to express
strong feelings an create strong impressions.
On the data 7 in the title 2 “You grew drunk on her perfume”, this verse is identified as a
hyperbole figurative meaning because perfume basically cannot caused drunk and the statement grew
drunk on her perfume is over.
On the data 9 in the title 2 identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the words ever
longed, on nights, go on and on expressed a deep longing with the woman.
On the data 12 in the title 2 identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the words
swear each night to let her go, then love her more by dawn, expressed that he has the rated feeling with
the woman.
On the data 14 in the title 3 identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the words say
out loud described that she controlled emotions.
On the data 15 in the title 3 “I want to throw your name from the edge of a cliff and lose it in the
great abyss”, this verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because name is belong to
proper noun which is normally cannot be something that can be thrown the way or dumped, so this
verse too excessive so it included as hyperbole.
On the data 16 in the title 3 “To feel it swelling up like a tide in my mouth all over again”, this
verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because swelling is something that happens to
the ocean or beach, so they use of words swelling up like a tide in my mouth is an exaggeration. It is
unlikely swelling up like a tide is in mouth, so it included as hyperbole.
On the data 18 in the title 3 “Like a deluge of rain across the weathered landscape of my soul”,
this verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because in the word Like a deluge of rain the
weathered landscape of my soul used as intensifier. To makes the point that the speaker found the rain
is extremely heavy with caused something happened to the soul, so it included as hyperbole.
On the data 22 in the title 4 “The pain of seeing through to something you can ever quite touch”,
this verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because this verse used to create strong
feelings, in real life you cannot feel pain just because you seeing something can ever quite touch, so it
included as hyperbole.
On the data 27 in the title 5 “I know have seen things you wish you hadn’t”, this verse is
identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the statement I know have seen things you wish
you hadn’t describe someone who cannot have what he wants, but the point is why the person can
know it happened, it’s something over so it included as hyperbole.
On the data 28 in the title 5 “You have done things you wish you could take back”, this verse is
identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because from the statement you have done things you
wish you could take back, we know that everything we have done will not be able to take it back, so it
included as hyperbole.
On the data 29 in the title 5 “And your wonder why you were thrown into the thick of it all”, this
verse is identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the statement and your wonder why you
VERNACULAR, Vol.1, No.1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

were thrown into the thick of it all describe that the person as if not responsible with the problems
faced, so it included as hyperbole.
On the data 31 in the title 5 identified as a hyperbole figurative meaning because the words
sitting there alone and hurting described that she lamenting her destiny.
On the data 19 in the title 3 “A rushing river that carries me back to love, brings me back to life”,
this verse is identified as a metaphor figurative meaning because the river here used as the vehicle
which borrows the writer back to love and back to life. Then this is included in the metaphor.
On the data 20 in the title 4 “I sometimes think about the fragility of glass of broken shards
tearing against soft skin”, this verse is identified as a metaphor figurative meaning because the
statement I sometimes think about the fragility of glass of broken shards tearing against soft skin
describe the power of glass which can hurt the skin, it means that the stronger one always have a
power, so it included as a metaphor.
On the data 24 in the title 4 “I have watched helplessly as day after day, your new girl friend
becomes your wife and then later, the mother of your children”, this verse is identified as a metaphor
figurative meaning because in that verse the still wished.
On the data 6 in the title 2 “Have you ever loved a rose, and watched her slowly bloom, and her
petals would unfold”, this verse is identified as a symbol figurative meaning because for instance, rose
is a symbol of a lady. In this verse, describes this line symbolically refers to her life cycle.
On the data 8 in the title 2 “Have you ever seen her dance, her leaves all wet with dew, and
quivered with a new romance the wind, he loved her too”, this verse is identified as a symbol
figurative meaning because in the above line wet with dew is a symbol of sweat. Wind is a symbol of a
On the data 11 in the title 2 “Have you ever loved a rose, and bled against her thorns”, this verse
is identified as a symbol figurative meaning because rose is a symbol of a lady. Thorns is a symbol of
something that makes the pain. Moreover, the line above symbolizes of the love that hurt.
On the data 10 in the title 2 “For now, her face is a blur, like memory kept too long”, this verse is
identified as a simile figurative meaning because the line above describes that he is starting to forget
her. We see a comparison being drawn between the phrases using like.
On the data 13 in the title 3 “I want to wrap my mouth around yours, like a word that sits on the
tip of my tongue”, this verse is identified as a simile figurative meaning because a simile here draws
resemblance with the help of the word like.
On the data 16 in the title 3 identified as a simile figurative meaning because the words swelling
up likened to the words a tide in my mouth.
On the data 17 in the title 3 “I want you to spill from my lips like a rupture of joy”, this verse is
identified as a simile figurative meaning because a simile here draws resemblance with the help of the
word like. The spill from my lips they compared with a rupture of joy, happiness.
On the data 21 in the title 4 “When it truth, it is the transparency that kills you”, this verse is
identified as an irony figurative meaning because the above line is an illustration of situational and
dramatic irony. Ironically, there is transparency everywhere but only truth that kills.
On the data 23 in the title 4 “For years I have kept you in secret, behind a glass screen”, this
verse is identified as an irony figurative meaning because the line above is kind of dramatic irony, a
character is oblivious of the situation but the other is not.
On the data 25 in the title 4 “Then realizing the irony in thinking you were the one under glass
when in fact it has been me”, this verse is identified as an irony figurative meaning because the
character describes that she has just found out that she is whom trapped under the glass. It is a dramatic
On the data 26 in the title 4 “A pinned butterfly static and unmoving, watching your other life
unfolds”, this verse is identified as an irony figurative meaning because she realized that she can do
On the data 30 in the title 5 “Why you had to suffer the way you did”, this verse is identified as a
irony figurative meaning because we know she has been living a bitter life. It is a verbal irony because
the reader knows that she is suffers.
VERNACULAR, Vol.1, No.1, Tahun 2021, 10-16

4. Conclusions and Suggestions

4.1 Conclusions
After analyzing figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry which was represented by the five
poetry of Lang Leav, the research can be concluded as follows:
1. The five poetries by Lang Leav were related with types of figurative meaning. The total
number of the types of figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry: personification is 2 (6%),
hyperbole is 14 (45%), metaphor is 3 (10%), symbol is 3 (10%), simile is 4 (13%) and irony
is 5 (16%).
2. Hyperbole is the most dominant types because it indicated activities that happen in Lang Leav
poetry. Furthermore, Lang Leav poetry told about much kinds of figurative meaning that can
be done to make people knows about Lang Leav poetry. Hyperbole as the dominant types of
figurative meaning in poetry has already predicted at the first time the writer analyzed the
poetry. This is because of there are so many hyperbole sentences that showed in this poetry.
All of those verses similar categorized with hyperbole.

4.2 Suggestions
After the writer identified and analyzed figurative meaning in Lang Leav poetry, the writer
suggested as follow:
a. For English department students
1. Students are able to study about figurative meaning, because analyzing a poetry based on
types of figurative meaning can improve the students’ ability in understanding of figurative
2. Students can be understood about the definition and explanation about each types of
figurative meaning.
3. Students can identity figurative language easier by doing the writer's instruction.
4. Students should understand how to analyze figurative meaning in part of poetry in such kind
of research either in spoken or written, such as: speech, song, magazine, newspaper, novel,
poetry, etc.

b. For teacher
1. Teacher can be got additional knowledge about figurative meaning and learning source for
their students.
2. Teacher can be got additional information of figurative meaning from the Lang Leav poetry.
3. Help the student increasing the knowledge about figurative meaning.

c. For future researchers

1. Hoped that the future researchers can include all aspects of figure of speech.
2. To the other researchers to find the other fields of language or other aspect which can be a
way in conducting a new research of figures of speech and make research in other songs.
3. It is advised for other researchers who are concerned to this study to conduct in depth-
research to get better knowledge in this theory and application.


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