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The term 'Report' involves describing an event or information to someone who was

not present.
A business report is a comprehensive document that serves as an informative
resource containing crucial data, such as facts, analyses, research findings, and
statistics pertaining to a business. Its primary objective is to make this information
easily accessible to individuals within an organization.
It is a factual, orderly, and unbiased form of communication created to serve a
specific business purpose. Business reports are valuable for: Planning, evaluating
or reviewing progress, facilitating decision-making and taking necessary actions.
They reveal key issues, identify gaps, provide reasons for these gaps, and suggest
potential outcomes. Therefore, while writing a report, the focus is on three
essential components: Clarity, Organization and Content
Creating business reports involves thorough investigation, followed by the
presentation of findings to relevant parties. It serves as a means of upward
communication, allowing information to flow from lower levels to upper levels
within an organization.
Business reports have two main purposes:
1. Facilitate Decision-Making: Business reports are instrumental in aiding the
decision-making process concerning the future of the business. They provide
valuable insights and data-driven recommendations.
2. Maintain Effective Communication: Business reports ensure efficient
communication between those responsible for creating the reports and the
individuals they report to, promoting transparency and accountability.
A well-structured business report is characterized by conciseness, professionalism,
and the presentation of relevant data that can be acted upon. The goal is to reflect
on past achievements and milestones depending on the time period and utilize the
data to formulate new strategies or refine existing ones to achieve business
Principles of Drafting Report
1. Purpose: Reports must have clear objectives for which they are written.
2. Organization: Reports should be logically structured and sequenced.
3. Clarity: Use straightforward, jargon-free language for easy comprehension.
4. Brevity: Concise reports are easier to prepare, analyze, and present.
5. Scheduling: Assign tasks and delegate authority to ensure efficient report
6. Cost: Consider cost-effectiveness when creating reports.
Characteristics of a Good Report
1. Accuracy: Business reports must be accurate, containing only true, exact, and
genuine facts.
2. Relevance: Reports should include pertinent information directly related to the
report's subject.
3. Precision: Reports should maintain unity, coherence, and brevity while
presenting information concisely.
4. Objectivity: Recommendations in the report should logically derive from
research findings and remain unbiased.
5. Clarity: The report should be clear, logically organized, and divided into short
paragraphs with suitable headings.
6. Reader-Oriented: Reports should consider the type of readers, whether
knowledgeable professionals or individuals with limited knowledge.
7. Simplicity and Unambiguity: Reports should use simple and clear language to
avoid confusion.
Types of business reports:
Analytical reports: These reports help businesses analyze their operations and
make informed decisions. For example, a quarterly operations analysis report
would include information on sales revenue, net profit or loss, and activities taken
by the executive team.
Informational reports: These reports provide non-specific facts about a business.
For example, an informational report on an organization's employees might include
information on the number of employees, departments, and roles.
Research reports: These reports provide detailed information on a specific topic.
For example, a research report on a new product launch might include information
on the market, target audience, and potential sales.
Explanatory Report: Explanatory reports aim to clarify specific situations or
projects to a wide audience. They include research results, methodology, and facts,
ensuring easy comprehension.
Progress Report: Progress reports update stakeholders on current status and
progress toward goals, providing checkpoints in the journey.
Business reporting holds significant importance for various reasons:
Recognizing Opportunities to Grow: Regularly analyzing past achievements helps
identify strengths and opportunities for growth. It enables businesses to make
informed decisions and implement strategies for improvement.
Detecting Issues and Prompt Resolution: Reports are crucial for crisis
management, providing a comprehensive overview of the situation. They help in
problem identification and swift resolution, contributing to effective decision-
Evaluating Potential Partners: Business reports may be shared with potential
partners to assess their financial health and suitability for collaboration,
minimizing financial and reputational risks.
Maintaining a Paper Trail: Written reports prevent the loss of critical information
in large organizations and serve as a reliable reference for the future.
Transparency for Stakeholders: Business reports enhance transparency between a
company and its stakeholders, fostering better communication and trust.
Setting New Goals: Reports assist in evaluating existing goals and key
performance indicators to determine their relevance. New objectives may emerge
during the reporting process.
To create an effective business report, follow these steps:
1. Do Your Research: Gather necessary information and resources to support your
2. Create an Outline: Plan the report's structure and content logically.
3. Determine Formatting Guidelines: Adhere to any formatting rules or guidelines,
whether from your organization or established standards.
4. Think of an Engaging Title: Craft a clear and engaging title for your report.
5. Write the Introduction: Introduce the report's purpose, background, and
6. Divide the Body of the Report into Sections: Organize the main content into
logical sections with headings
7. Choose Illustrations: Include relevant charts, graphs, tables, and images to
enhance readability
8. Conclude Effectively: Summarize the main points and findings in a concise
9. Gather Additional Documentation: Collect any supplementary documents or
resources to include in the report.
10. Add a Summary: Write a brief summary at the beginning of the report to
provide an overview.
11. Proofread Your Work: Carefully review the report for errors in spelling,
grammar, and content accuracy.
Business Report: Student Performance Analysis
Mawick Investments
Report Date: Wednesday, 27th September, 2023
Prepared by: Atukwatse Mercy
Position: Student
Contact Information: …………………………………………………
Table of Contents:
1. Executive Summary
- A brief overview of the key findings and recommendations.
2. Introduction
- Background information on the purpose and scope of the report.
3. Methodology
- Explanation of the data collection methods, sources, and analysis tools used.
4. Student Performance Overview
- An overview of the student body, including enrollment numbers, demographics,
and key performance metrics.
5. Academic Performance Analysis
- Detailed analysis of academic performance,
6. Attendance and Punctuality
- Analysis of attendance records and punctuality of students.
- Identification of trends and areas for improvement.
7. Challenges and Opportunities
- Identification of key challenges facing students' academic success.
- Opportunities for improvement and growth.
8. Recommendations
- Specific recommendations for improving student performance and overall
educational outcomes.
- Strategies for addressing identified challenges.
9. Conclusion
- A summary of the report's key findings and the importance of addressing student
10. Appendices
- Any supplementary information, charts, graphs, or additional data used in the
List of Figures:

- Figure 1: Student Enrollment Trends (Year-over-Year)

- Figure 2: GPA Distribution by Grade Level
- Figure 3: Student Attendance Rates
Executive Summary
This business report presents a comprehensive analysis of student performance at [Your
Institution Name]. The report highlights key findings related to academic performance,
attendance, extracurricular activities, and teacher feedback. It also offers actionable
recommendations to enhance student success.
The introduction provides background information about the purpose of the report, the
institution's mission, and the scope of the analysis.
The purpose of the report is to bring to light the performance of the students at the School of
Sciences whose mission is to foster a dynamic learning community that empowers students to
achieve their full potential and become responsible, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.
The scope of the analysis covers Academic Achievement, Classroom Performance, Assessment
of Learning Styles to mention but a few.
This section outlines the data collection methods, sources, and tools used to conduct the analysis.
Student Performance Overview
An overview of the student body, including enrollment statistics, demographic information, and
a summary of key performance metrics.
Academic Performance Analysis
A detailed analysis of academic performance, including GPA trends, comparisons to previous
years, and identification of high-performing and at-risk students.
Extracurricular Activities and Achievements
Discussion of student participation in extracurricular activities and notable achievements within
and beyond the institution.
Attendance and Punctuality
Analysis of student attendance records and punctuality, with a focus on identifying trends and
areas for improvement.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Evaluation of the effectiveness of parent-teacher conferences in supporting student performance,
along with recommendations for enhancing parent engagement.
Teacher Feedback
Compilation of feedback from educators regarding student performance, including common
challenges and successes reported by teachers.
Challenges and Opportunities
Identification of key challenges that students face in their academic journey and opportunities for
improvement and growth.
Specific recommendations for improving student performance, addressing challenges, and
enhancing overall educational outcomes.
A summary of the report's key findings and the importance of implementing the provided

Supplementary information, charts, graphs, or additional data used in the analysis.


For further inquiries or to discuss the findings and recommendations presented in this report,
please contact [Your Contact Information].

[Your Company/Institution Name]

[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

[Insert any other contact information or notes as needed]

[Page Number]

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