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Dr M B Nirmal

Life full of Motivation for Innovation & Innovation in Motivation How to make spontaneous declarations that will do wonders A tour of this this photo presentation will motivate you for LIFE Start Now

Declare to ACHIEVE

Nirmals family
Nirmals family was the richest in the Chengalpet District (the Present Kanceepuram & Tiruvellore Districts) The family had 500 acres of land in the present two districts including the close suburbs of Chennai Moghaper , Ramapuram, Virugambakkam , Valasaravakkkam & Porour. The had a bus service eet & huge diary farm. They were highly regarded for their philanthropy. They constructed 5 temples and donated each temple 5 acres of land . His grand father Late Mr Sivapatha Mudaliar was Chairman of Saidapet Municipality which was a suburb of Chennai & Chairman of Chengalpet District Board. His small grandfather Mr Kandaswami Mudaliar was the rst Chairman of Kunrathur Panchayat Union. Nirmals grand father donated land to poor and those who were in temple service like the musicians, priests & Flower grower of the temples. They promoted communal harmony . Every Sunday they will host lunch to poor Muslims of Pammal & Pallavaram. On Saturday evenings they had Samabandhi (all are equal) dinner with people of all communiTes , parTcularly people belonging to the suppressed community .

When the family found that they should mainly focus on agriculture , the closed the transport business .All the buses were donated to conductors , drivers and cleaners. Many of them became quite rich , some of them richer than the family which lost most of its ancestral properTes , in business. Nirmals father geWng down from the bus & Nirmals mother with his sister waiTng outside.

The family constructed ve temples in Kunrathur, near Chennai and donated each temple 10 acres of land. The donated 5 acres each to the temple musician (Nadhaswaram) Flower Growers for temple & the temple priests.

Nirmals family had huge property , hundreds of acres of land in 5 villages around Chennai , which were all lost in the family business. When Nirmal stepped out of college, there were no properDes but only Rs 15 lacs loan that the family owed to various creditors, which fell on Nirmals shoulder to repay

Life will not be challenging if one is born poor. But it will be hell on earth, if one born as rich all of a sudden becomeing poor.

When they sold their last house in T Nagar in the year 1971, his mother conveyed her wish of their moving to their own house & Nirmal should try to buy a house through bank loan in T Nagar. The bank where he worked gave a loan of Rs 45000/- through which he could not get even an outhouse . Fortunately Nirmal came to know that there was a house available in Giriappa Road , T Nagar for that money . The price was so low because it was in a slum area with mounds of lth , heaps of garbage , piles of cow dung & cesspool of sewage. As people did not dare to live there, it was kept under lock & key. Nirmal bought it . He found life becoming more challenging . People were answering call of nature on the side walks , pouring sewage on the road & li_ering everywhere.

Important Declaration 1

ExNoRa InternaTonal since 1988 is the largest Environmental Service OrganisaTon of India & one of the fastest growing in the world , started in the year 1988 in Chennai

You can consider ExNoRa as an ORGANISATION, a CONCEPT , a HABIT or a WORD . The Choice is yours ! ExNoRa : What the 3 colors Green , Blue & Red signify? The GREEN represents ENVIRONMENT, The BLUE represents PEACE & The RED represents SACRIFICE We need Clean & Green ENVIRONMENT & PEACE in our society & within ourselves & we can get both by only SACRIFICE see:

An member is called as who uses the prex


ExNoRan Exn.


Each nation has a vital potential. For example let us take India, where EXNORA was born. Exnora considers India as a rich country. No doubt India has an entry, ONE BILLION STOMACHS (to be fed thrice a day) on the LIABILITY SIDE of her BALANCE SHEET. But if one turns ones attention towards the ASSET SIDE of the same balance sheet, one will be amazed to see two entries, 1. ONE BILLION BRAINS & 2. ONE BILLION PAIRS OF HANDS. Yes India is a rich & resourceful country with POSITIVE TANGIBLE HUMAN NET WORTH, a vast reservoir & ocean of HUMAN RESOURCE. The people only need to be guided to THINK POSITIVELY & WORK CONSTRUCTIVELY.

Can all of us do it?


What the father of the nation had taught us!
The colonial rulers had weapons, arms, machines and gun powder. .But what Gandhiji had was the people resource. The OCCUPIERS ammunitions were no match to the people power which Gandhiji could gather in such huge number. Exnora identified garbage and sewage as the worst common enemies of people and successfully could mobilize them to wage war against the danger within, truly following the foot-steps of Mahathmaji

Exnora has a very unique COMMUNITY HRD Programmes to fulfill its mission. This principle applies to any country. MOTIVATED PEOPLE DO MIRACLES. Undoubtedly MOTIVATION is the GREATEST PSYCHOLOGICAL TOOL and the BEST MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE which Exnora uses all the time in all the places with all the people.


The relaTves who visited Nirmal felt sad & asked him one quesTon Cant you move out of this place and move to a be_er place? Nirmal replied Rather going to a be_er place I will make Giriappa Road be_er

Today the house is invisible as it is wrapped by plants & trees

The same place, after he started

Home ExNoRa Concept in 1998

TODAY Giriappa Road South. Nirmals house is there

A sample of how one highly motivated with strong mind can achieve and nothing is impossible for him. This is Giriappa Road (South ) has a come long way , thanks to Nirmal & his Indomitable WILL

Giriappa Road North TODAY & its condiTon, where Nirmal does not live .
North Giriappa Road where Nirmal does not leave is encroached upon both sides. 80 feet broad road has become 25 feet narrow lane. The previous picture and this picture show, how one individual can make the difference

The EVOLUTION of a so called Public Toilet as Peoples Toilet: Picture no1 DeLiWaM

Public Toilet Evolution Picture no. 2

Public Toilet EvoluDon Picture no. 3

Public Toilet EvoluDon Picture no. 4

Children were using the road for open defecation in

Children developing the habit of use of Toilet Evolution Picture No 1

Children developing the habit of use of Toilet

Children were afraid to go inside the walls of the Public Toilet. Hence ExNoRa Created a Children Toilet minus walls around it. In short an open toilet on dais . Children happily answered their call of nature without any fear & people could walk without fear.

EvoluTon Picture No 1

But sDll some children were not using the open toilet ! ExNoRa changed the spelling of Toilet& that made the remaining children too to use the Toilet.
Can you guess the new spelling ?

The Toilet became TOYLET

It has toys which lure children to come to toilet play using the toys and of course answer their call of nature too.

The Problems to Environment

The Toilet Breakthrough A toilet like this became see the next picture

The same toilet became like this. The liquid waste is treated bacterially by ExNoRa as water for irrigaTon for HorTculture. The gas waste is trapped and supplied to the Community Canteen and the remaining solid waste minus gas is converted as an organic compost.

Nirmal went once to Sogandy village & he saw a 8 years old girl child daughter a po_er was studying under street light . He got a spark, Nirmals One Hut One Light scheme introduced for the rst Tme in our NaTon , in the Sogandi village in 1978 .

Spark 2 Declaration : 2

Declaration that he made it to himself I will ensure that this girl of potter of will study in an electric light in her HOME

Nirmal with his family, before his departure to Hong Kong

Director Health Service The Director of Public Health was there . But Health was not there . Nirmal got the spark & declared that I will change the ugly face of the campus as beautiful face ).

On return from Hong Kong ,Nirmal became Chief Manger ,in 1984 was posted to IOB Teynampet branch which was in the Campus of Director of Medical Service & Director of Public Health. What was not there Health. Mr. Nirmal and Minister conducted a massive Cleaning Campaign, which was indeed a forerunner to ExNoRa. Today the campus looks as a forest . Nirmal conducted a massive cleaning campaign with the local MLA most revered minister Late KAK . That created a wonderful awareness and was another forerunner Nirmal starTng ExNoRa . That was a great MoTvaTon saga , moTvaTng 2000 employees of Government Departments

Spark & Declaration 3 : I will make the dirtiest Director Health Service Campus Healthy

From that day after Nirmal & 4000 employees took broomstick & cleaned the Campus it became spotlessly clean

Spark & Declaration 4 I will make this barren campus of Forest Department is as a Forest

The campus had the Government Forest Department but without trees.

Today DMS Campus is a Forest , thanks to Nirmals iniTaTve

Staff can give ideas for improving customer service , marketing , Human Relations, Public Relations , New Products etc and a wall was dedicated for that

There were piles of old books (periodicals) lying in the bank hall belonging to the staff circulating club. The staff said that they could not sell . Nirmal got an idea of Book Bank . He told the customers that they take a book , read it and bring it back when they come next time .No record was maintained. Mr Nirmal said If the customers bring back the book , I will be happy and if they dont bring back I will be very happy He thought that it is the best way to get rid off the books . But the customers made him very unhappy by bringing their old books and dumping it there in the BOOK BANK . Mr Nirmal got a message. If he has good scheme the whole world will be behind him

Bank entertains Customers . Nirmal had every wee k in IOB Teynampet Bank Entertains Customers Monthly Programme . Nirmal as Bank manager introduced to Actor Vivek to Chennai Public as a mimicry ArTste. Later Vivek in the book release funcTon said that it was Nirmal who gave me a dais rst . See the youtube

The famous daily, Dinakaran newspaper says The wonder that happened in Vysarapadi . The two vey big rowdies of Chennai who made Chennai fears jointly plant trees . ExNoRa arranged it

Saturday, February 24, 2001

Two gangsters turn a new leaf

Our Sta Reporter CHENNAI, FEB. 23. Two underworld gang leaders today decided to turn over a new leaf in the presence of senior police personnel and members of the public at Vyasarpadi. At a funcDon organised by Exnora InternaDonal (EI), the two dons - Vellai Ravi and Chera - whose names spelt terror in the city, promised to give up violence and do social work. Many persons had been killed and injured in the ght for supremacy between them. The DCP, Flower Bazaar, Mr. Shakeel Akhter, said the police welcomed rehabilitaDon programmes for those who had taken to a lawless way of life. While warning that the police would put down rowdyism with a rm hand, he hoped that this event would serve as an example for others to follow. Mr. A. K. Ulaganathan, Wildlife Warden, appreciated the move by the reformed gangsters to support tree-planDng programmes. Mr. M. B. Nirmal, founder chairman EI, inducted Ravi and Chera as ``Tree Guardians'' of Exnora Green Cross. He hoped that the duo would serve as examples for others to change. Both Ravi and Chera pledged before the people that they would not resort to any form of violence and promised to support social causes.

Mr. M. B. Nirmal, founder president of Exnora InternaDonal, suggests that criminals could be reformed and rehabilitated using ``empathy''. As a test case, he says that Chera, an alleged gangster had now given up his notorious acDviDes and was engaged in social work. Even recently, Chera led an environmental campaign at SAF games village. Another person, Natarajan of Padianallur, who was now ``reformed'', was recently elected as vice chairman of the local town panchayat. Mr.Nirmal feels that if criminals were given the right opportunity they could become the future assets of society. It is also learnt that the city police are chalking out some rehabilitaDon packages for reforming

Human Diamond Lathe. The society dropouts are like cut but unpolished diamonds . Human Diamond Lathe is an organizaTon founded by M B Nirmal having mind programmers who reprogramme oenders as Samaritans using Nirmals 7th Sense Techniques.

Venkatapuram slum, near Guindy Raj Bhawan became the best & a model thanks to the Youth ExNoRa that was started there . It looks like Singapore

Slums becoming clean, green & enviro- paradise due to Motivating them to participate & tapping the valuable Human Resource & converting it as Social Capital.

Under Ground Sewer system in Mangalipillai Tho_am (Giriappa Road), with the slum dwellers contribuTng their free labour . With 25% of actual cost , the pipes were laid

Nari Kurava Colony, Adyar Toilet with bio gas plant was started with the residents giving their free labour

Waste Paper recycling at Exnora Vocational Training Centre formation of micro-enterprises

Project supported by USAID

More than 9000 people

Across Tamil Nadu Trained

Mr V V Giri , President of India reTred from Presidentship , he came to Chennai & launched Clean Madras Campaign. He took Nirmal one of the members of the 5 member high level commi_ee. When his 100th Birthday was celebrated , Nirmal was iarecognised by Mr Giris family . The president of India Mr R Venkatraman & Mr C Subramaniam presented Nirmal Dr V V Giri Memorial Award for his outstanding contribuTon to Cleanliness of Madras

ExNoRa InternaTonal inaugurated by Hindu N Ram & A M Swaminathan IAS on 28th April 89 at LLA Buildings

The rst ever ExNoRa Branch, Civic ExNoRa being launched by Minister Veerapandi Arumugham & MLA Stalin on 26th June 89 at Adyar

M B Nirmals father was Editor of Pesum Padam . The leading Film monthly. In Nirmals house in Kunrathur were Ms Jayalalitha & her Mother Mrs Sandhya with Nirmals father & sister . Nirmals father one of those who were responsible for Ms Jayalalithas film career

Mrs Sandya, Honble CMs Mother with Nirmals mother in Nirmals house in Kunrathur

Nirmal is one of the most successful Self-improvement trainers in Malaysia

Nirmal was the only to get invitaTon from Tamuilnadu to meet Clinton when he visited as USA President of USA


EXNORA is now in INDIAs Solid waste management history. Exnora has got a place in the Solid Waste Management history of India. In the year 1989, it was Exnora which took with a manufacturer of fish tri cycle cart, converted the cart as trash collection cart. It is called as ExNoRa cart Now this cycle cart has become the national symbol of cleanliness in India with several lakhs of them from Kashmir to Kanyakumari silently transporting trash with Out noise and air pollution.

Exnora Senator Late Capt. Velu and Environmental AcTvist Amrita Patel went on a tour from Kashmir to Kanyakumari under THE EXNORA CLEAN INDIA P R O J E C T t o s e e t h e c o n d i T o n s parTcularly the role of local bodies in Solid Waste Management. They called their trip as Garbage Yatra. India was one and same from North to South. They found in no place the municipal solid waste was managed, it was only mismanaged. They led a case in the Supreme Court which ended Supreme Court passing judgment direcTng the local bodies to do the work of Solid Waste Management including Zero Waste Management. This was followed by Government of India bring an enactment making it a Law requiring local bodies to do.

Nirmal receives the Saavis Best writer Award from the CM. On the dais Pollachi Mahalingam & Saavi Editor Saavi


ExNora presents its award to the Mayor Stalin . Presented by Bharat Rathna CS with Malai Murasu Editor Ramachandra Adityan .


M B Nirmal with the CM in the FelicitaTon funcTon organised by ExNoRa . MBN recognizes the CM . Int he stage are the then ExNoRa President Subash , the then ExNoRa VP Kalyanamalali Mohan & ExNoRa T Nagar President Actor Manorama

M B Nirmal with the CM in the Felicitation function organised by ExNoRa to recognize him for providing water to Chennai through Telugu Ganga project

M B Nirmal with the CM in the Felicitation function organised by ExNoRa in her honour

As Rotary Club President Nirmal recognizes Manorama . In the photo are late Actor Jayashankar , Kamal . Producer Saravanan , Nirmal , Manorama & late producer GV

As Rotary Club President Nirmal presents Award t Mr Padmanabhan , the Chief Secretary of Tamilandu . With them ar the IIT Chairman Mr AL Mudaliar

On behalf of ExNoRa, Nirmal recognises Vairamuthu . Ith him are famous lm directors Bharathraja , Maniratnam & K Blachander & Balu of Balu Jewellers


Mr. Stalin said I was just a poliDcian . I got the inspiraDon to do social service & Civic Service from Nirmal

Outstanding CiTzen of Chennai Award to Nirmal for contribuTon to Chennai Cleanliness , by Honble CM & then Mayor M K Stalin by CorporaTon of Chennai on the Golden Jubilee celebraTons of Indian Independence

Award to Nirmal for contribuTon to Humanity by TMC poliTcal party by the great statesman , GK Moopanar on the Golden Jubilee Independence Day CelebraTon of India

Rotarys For the sake of Honour Award presenetd by IOB Chairman Mr Subramaniam & Rotary Governor Gangadharan

Doctorate to Nirmal by Satyabhama university by Dr Madhavan Nair , Chairman of Indian Space Research ORGANISATION

Nirmal being greeted on his birth in his house day by Mr M K Stalin

Nirmal with the PM

Nirmal is already part of Tamilnadu 10th standard Text Book & ExNoRa is part 4 of university curriculum

South Australian Premier is presented with ExNoRa Green Premier Award by ExNoRa Founder Award

Nirmal addresses the august audience in South Australian Award presentaDon funcDon at Hotel Taj

ExNoRa recognizing Dr Rashid Aleem Chairman , Sharjah Port & member of Sharjah Sheik family via Prince of Arcot , M B Nirmal & Mrs Soluchana Ramaseshan President ExNoRa InternaTonal

In the last Assembly General ElecTons ExNoRa aligned with the Chief ElecTon Commissioner Mr Praveen Kumar IAS campaigned for Clean & Free ElecTon . In the picture are Mr Praveen Kumar IAS , CEC & Amudha IAS , EC & Oce bearers of Youth ExNoRa InternaTonal releasing an elecTon campaign DVD produced by ExNoRa. Last ElecTon was the toughest ever elecTon conducted so far due to a le_er sent by 5th Pillar , the 2nd largest anT-corrupTon movement India , Founded by Exn M B Nirmal to the Chief ElecTon Commissioner, Shahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi, in which the organisaTon wrote , in Tamilnadu the Voters dont decide the candidate , but Money Power & Muscle Power decide. This was acknowledged publicly

Mr Praveen Kumar IAS & Mrs Amudha IAS releasing the DVD produced by ExNoRa for the conduct of Clean & Fair ElecDons whiled Abdul Ghani , President , Youth ExNoRa InternaDonal watches

Exn M B Nirmal & Mr Naresh Guptha the former ElecTon Commissioner together conducted several meeTngs for Clean & Fair ElecTons . The Campaign saw 1300 meeTngs of ExNoRa through out Tamilnadu in just one month period

US Consul General Mt T Simkin & his family in ExNoRas adopted slum cleaning programme

En MB Nirmal & to his lei are Dr Robert Mugabe the President of Zimbabwe &the Governor of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

MeeDng with the President of Zimbabawe

The meeDng with the Governor for discussion and drawing the blue print went one whole day The President meeDng should have been for 45 minutes. But went on 130 minutes at the instance of the President . ExNora projects have been iniDated Glory to all ExNoRans & the team mates Thanks

Nirmals ideas accepted by Govt.

What Nirmal said / advised the Government accepted . Here are some

Nirmal founded 5th Pillar the largest anT corrupTon movement of India, on 1/09 /97 in Trichy through CS . Seen on the dais is the then Collector of Trichy Rajaraman IAS

The Chennai Chapter was formed with Vilal IAS , the then CVC

Youth ExNoRa President, Exn Abdul Ghani with Rahul Gandhi

Exn M B Nirmal & Exn Abdul Ghani with Delhi CM Mrs Shiela Dikshit

Green Kalam Project launch by Mr APJ Abdul Kalam . With him are Actor Vivek & ExNoRa leaders

The Hindu
Actor Vivek, who blends social messages with his trademark comedy, has embarked on a greening' campaign. The All India Padma Shri Vivek Fans Welfare AssociaTon has joined hands with Exnora InternaTonal with the intent of planTng 10 lakh saplings across the State. It is a dream of former president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that 100 crore saplings should be planted all over the country. We have planned to plant 10 lakh saplings in the State by this year-end, Vivek said at the inauguraTon of the project here on Sunday. Dr. Kalam suggested that I highlight the importance of trees in my comedy tracks. I will keep highlighTng environment-related issues in my upcoming movies as well. Students need to be made aware that trees determine the quantum of rainfall and environmental quality. It is not possible to imagine life without trees, Vivek added, emphasising the role of students in preserving Nature and spread the message of aorestaTon. Vivek distributed saplings to people from dierent walks of life during the inaugural ceremony, organised jointly by the All India Padma Shri Vivek Fans Welfare AssociaTon, Youth Exnora and Tiruchi District Exnora. Describing Vivek as a socially conscious actor, poet Nandalala commended him for uTlising his popularity for a noble cause. M.Chidambaram, general secretary, Exnora InternaTonal; C. Balasubramaniam, president, Tiruchi District Exnora; J. Jeyachandran, general secretary, Tamil Nadu Youth Exnora; T. Senthil Kumar, secretary, Tiruchi District Youth Exnora, G. Jeevanandam, district president, All India Padma Shri Vivek Fans Welfare AssociaTon and actor Cell. Murugan took part.

Youth ExNoRa representaTves which has more than 100000 members

Nirmals LIFE is lmed by corporates

The Common Enemies

For people of one RELIGION , people of people of another RELIGION are not ENEMIES. Men of CASTE cannot be opponent of men another CASTE. CiDzens of one LANGUAGE should not be not the foe of CiDzens of another Language. For one race ,other race is not adversary .

There are hundreds of common enemies FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL waiDng to wipe out the humankind from this planet. Humans should join together and ght the Common Enemies.

We the Chris+ans, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains & Muslims release these pigeons symbolizing peace and harmony. We request you to stand up for total freedom from the deadly evil of Communalism. Humanity faces several problems global and local, from the dras+c consequences of climate change, natural calami+es and environmental pollu+on to poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, water and food scarcity, price rise, dreaded diseases and many other deadly threats. Adding to this woe are the unnecessary ghts that we carry on between ourselves in the name of caste, colour, religion, region, language and race. We cannot remain divided anymore! Let us not ght amongst ourselves, lest we lose our focus, our peace and our lives. Let us together create a caring and sharing community. We have joined hands and vow to work for our collec+ve mission and common cause and ght against the COMMON ENEMIES of the human kind.

Mr. M B Nirmal , Founder of ExNoRa & Ma is flagging off a procession of Hindus , Muslims , Christians , Buddhists, Jains & Sikhs on 22nd January 1999 in Chennai Tamilnadu , India , a prelude to forming Ma (motherliness for communal Harmony )

Ma - A Background
As the number of religions increased, there arose a competition which gradually took on the ugly forms of communal riots, which lies dormant but ever ready to burst out at the slightest provocation. Everyday we see around us Clashes and violence of intolerable kinds. These sometimes, dont last even a day but the impact and suffering of the victims remain as painful reminders. We see the need to infuse the message among the masses that the Spirit of Humanity Strengthens Religion. We have several far more lethal natural and man-made dangers to fight. There is no room for human animosity, rather there is a burning need for collective action. Motherliness is meant to nurture goodwill and compassion and protect, not destroy and harm, which seems like an apt solutions to many of the ills of our society.

Ma The Ideology
The ideology of motherliness underlying Ma is a universal ideology to all religion, caste or sects. It believes that if a community could culDvate and nurture a balanced mind, free of like or dislike, never heeding to rumors and considers the fellow sect people with motherliness then, that would help transform the world. Ma encompasses the simple humane laws of compassion, goodwill and protecDon as opposed to hatred and harm. Ma follows this belief in thought and acDon. Ma would be the tool to destroy the enemies of society through the expression of motherliness. It would direct all of humanity to collecDvely ght common natural and global enemies than each other.

Members: Those who receive the Ma ideology, its mission and the organizaDon are Ma members. They could start Ma in their street, residenDal area or at their organizaDon. Any one can join. The young, old, children, men, women, youth, any community or language or caste can join the Ma OrganizaDon. Membership Fee: In a Ma organizaDon of a street or an area, no fees is required to enroll as a member. If any funds are needed for administraDon, the governing members can collect a minimal amount as registraDon fee. The members of that parDcular branch of Ma OrganizaDon should manage the funds. Member Guidelines:
Members would choose a cause, an area of service or acDvity that would unite the community members together. Four factors are needed in fulllment of a task. Authority DelegaDon of job Guidance MoDvaDon. Any task with these factors will be accomplished successfully with no doubt.

Ma- The Organization

Ma- Activities
Good deeds need advertisement
It is commonly known of religion clashes even a meager one nds its enormous form through the passage of word of mouth and makes a vast damage of all kinds to the society. At the same Dme there are lot many people who work silently for the welfare of other religion. Their acDons were not adverDsed. Instances, which depict humanity, should be thrown to the awareness of common public though media to create a conict free society. Members of Ma will create awareness and teach people to examine the facts before geqng into acDon. Simple rumors through word of mouth could create great harm. They will also propagate the virtues of tolerance, paDence with perseverance. The members of Ma will take this ideology to school and college students. For the mind of the young are like wet cement on which lasDng impressions can be made. Members will seek to leave the impressions of love, compassion and peace in the young minds.

Ma- Pledge
I the member of Ma will adhere to motherliness through out my lifetime whole-heartedly. I hereby vow to toil towards the attainment of unity among various caste, creed, community and language. I will work my best to implement the action plans one by one. I will integrate all people to create a peaceful and sociable new world

All the members of Ma should take this Pledge.

Ma, Maism & Maist

PracTse Ma Adopt Maism Become a Maist

A postman asked Nirmal admission for his son in Don Bosco which Nirmal got. The postman came axer one week gloom wri_en on his face. The cause was a son wanted a pair of shoes which would cost the postman dear , which he did not have. He said that he is wearing rubber slippers. That a gave spark to Nirmal to evolve a concept , books & organisaTon , Principled Simplicity see

ExNoRa World of Principled Simplicity

Principled Simplicity is of three main categories Material Simplicity
1. Spending Simplicity 2. Possession Simplicity 3. Transport Simplicity 4. Dress Simplicity

Behavioural Simplicity

Habit Simplicity

System Simplicity

1. Sleep a Simplicity 1. Speaking Simplicity. 2. Food 2. Treatment Simplicity Simplicity 3. Walking Simplicity 3. Thinking Simplicity 4. Body Language 4. Time Simplicity Simplicity

1. Procedure Simplicity



Nirmal wrilen on various kinds of simplicity and pracDses them .


Nirmal founded Thie (Fire ) to protect women from mens Alcoholism

All the vintage car owners came wit their family in the attire related to the year the model of the car

Nirmal is the Founder of Vintage & Classic car AssociaTon

Nirmal believes in one caste & one religion . His wife a Doctor, retired Doctor of Madras Medical College. Daughter Anita & husband Timothy Son Manoj & his wife Madhu who are now citizens of USA

TVS Industry Group Chairman, Mr Rathnam is installing M Nirmal as Rotary President

CHENNAI: Exnora InternaDonals founder Nirmal inspired me to take up social work, said Deputy Chief Minister MK Stalin speaking at the release of the book Nirmal-Oru thani mara thoppu by Rani Mainthan. The book, a biography of MB Nirmal, was released by Stalin and comedy star Vivek received the rst copy.

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