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Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management, New Delhi

(Affiliated to GGSIP University)

Lesson Plan for Research Methodology Lab

Programme: BBA Semester: IV Paper Code: 208 Academic Year: 2020-2021

Date of commencement of classes: 23rd July’ 2007

Subject Objective:
 To understand the various aspects of research, identify the various tools available to a
 To help the students to become a business manager and can take practical decisions.
 To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Research Methodology.

Lecture Details of the Topics/Sub- Date of Delivery

No. topics to be covered

L-1 Introduction to

L-2 Defining Variables

& Data Coding

L-3 Entering Data into


L-4 Types of Data

L-5 Questionnaire

L-6 Reliability Test


Frequency tables:

Using frequency tables for

analyzing data

L-8 Graphical representation of

statistical data

histogram (simple vs.


L-9 Boxplot

L-10 Line charts

L-11 Scatterplot

L-12  Sample and Population,

concept of confidence

L-13 Testing normality assumption

`in SPSS

L-14 T– test (one sample,

independent – sample)

L-15 T– test ( paired sample)

L-16 Chi square Test

L-17 Chi square Test

L-18 Anova
L-19 Anova

L-20 Correlation analysis:


L-21 Correlation analysis:


L-22 Regression Analysis

L-23 Revision

Name & Signature of Faculty Programme Director Director


a) Concept of SPSS-

It is a statistical software, produced by SPSS Inc. and was acquired by IBM in 2009. The
initial name was statistical package for social sciences which was later on converted to
statistical product & services solutions.

It is a web based programme and considers data entry and analysis to create tables and

b) How to Start a SPSS Programme-

(i) When there is SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Click on application icon

 Double left click left mouse button
 SPSS will open

(ii) When there is no SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Go to start button
 Then go to all programmes
 Then select SPSS
 Double click left mouse button
c) The Structure of Data Editor Window-

SPSS’ main window is the data editor. This is the only window that's always open when we
run SPSS.

An SPSS data file always has two tabs in the left bottom corner:

 Data View is where we inspect our actual data and

 Variable View is where we see additional information about our data.

Data View -
Variable view-
Assignment 2: Types of data

 Data is a set of values of subjects with respect to qualitative or quantitative variables.

 Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. Data can be something simple
and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.
 When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make
it useful, it is called information.
 Information, necessary for research activities are achieved in different forms.
 The main forms of the information available are:

1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
3. Cross-sectional data
4. Categorical data
5. Time series data
6. Spatial data
7. Ordered data

Primary Data

 Primary data is an original and unique data, which is directly collected by the researcher
from a source according to his requirements.
 It is the data collected by the investigator himself or herself for a specific purpose.

Secondary Data
 Secondary data refers to the data which has already been collected for a certain purpose and
documented somewhere else.
 Data collected by someone else for some other purpose (but being utilized by the
investigator for another purpose) is secondary data.

Cross-Sectional Data

 Cross-sectional data is a type of data collected by observing many subjects (such as

individuals, firms, countries, or regions) at the same point of time, or without regard to
differences in time.
 It is the data for a single time point or single space point.

Categorical Data

 Categorical variables represent types of data which may be divided into groups. Examples
of categorical variables are race, sex, age group, and educational level.
 The data, which cannot be measured numerically, is called as the categorical data.
Categorical data is qualitative in nature.
 The categorical data is also known as attributes.

Time-Series Data

 Time series data occurs wherever the same measurements are recorded on a regular basis.
 Quantities that represent or trace the values taken by a variable over a period such as a
month, quarter, or year.
 The values of different phenomenon such as temperature, weight, population, etc. can be
recorded over a different period of time.
Spatial Data

 Also known as geospatial data or geographic information it is the data or information that
identifies the geographic location of features and boundaries on Earth, such as natural or
constructed features, oceans, and more.
 Spatial data is usually stored as coordinates and topology and is data that can be mapped.
 Spatial data is used in geographical information systems (GIS) and other geolocation or
positioning services.

Ordered Data

 Data according to ordered categories is called as ordered data.

 Ordered data is similar to a categorical variable except that there is a clear ordering of the
Assignment 3: Defining variables and data coding


When you plan to perform a complicated operation. In other words, you need to tell SPSS
what your variables represent. For example, you may have a list of boys and girls in a
classroom study with a “1” representing a boy in your data list and 2 representing a girl.
SPSS won’t know what a “1” or a “2” means until you tell it, through defining variables.

Data Coding-

Data coding is the process of driving codes from the observed data. In qualitative research the
data is either obtained from observations, interviews or from questionnaires. The purpose of
data coding is to bring out the essence and meaning of the data that respondents have
provided. The data coder extract preliminary codes from the observed data, the preliminary
codes are further filtered and refined to obtain more accurate precise and concise codes.
Later, in the evaluation of data the researcher assigns values, percentages or other numerical
quantities to these codes to draw inferences. It should be kept in mind that the purpose of data
coding is not to just to eliminate excessive data but to summarize it meaningfully. The data
coder should ascertain that none of the important points of the data have been lost in data
Assignment 4: DATA ENTRY IN SPSS

Data Entry in SPSS is the most important task involved in any analysis. Data may exist in
any form; it may be written on a piece of paper or it may be typed in a computer in raw data

Before doing data entry in SPSS, one should start SPSS. It is very easy to start SPSS from
the start menu by just clicking on the “SPSS” icon. As soon as SPSS opens, a window will
appear, which is called the “data viewer window.” In SPSS, data viewer column value is
known as the record measure or the variable and row to identify the case (or subject). If the
data size is small, then the data entry in SPSS can be done manually in the data viewer

Whenever a data size is large, then the data entry in SPSS is not possible manually. There are
a number of options to do data entry in SPSS. Most of the data is available in Excel, CSV
(comma separated value), and text. It is also available in other software formats like SAS,
STATA etc.
Assignment 5: Data entry illustration

a) Variable view

b) Data View


1) Open Spss.
2) Go to “Analyze tab” and click on it.
3) From the drop down list click on “Descriptive Statistics”.
4) Click on the “Frequencies”.
5) A “Frequencies Chart” box will appear.
6) In the box, consider the “Age of Respondents” as variable and dragitd to the right side
in the blank coloumn.
7) In the box itself on the extreme right, Click on the “statistics” and select “mean”,
“median” and “mode”.
8) Below the “statistics” a “chart” option will be there, click on it and select “pie chart”
from it.
9) Then click on “continue” and then “ok”.

10) An output file will pop up with the desirable pie chart according to the data.
By double clicking on the pie chart, a table will pop up with the help of which we can edit
the pie chart details like color, data, size, etc.
Assignment 7: Charts And Graphs

SPSS for Windows :-

SPSS for windows provide excessive editing and enhancement options that are extensive.

In this direction chart builder option was introduced in SPSS 14.0.


 Bar Graph-
Displace the distribution of subjects or cases in certain categoriessuch as a, b, c, d,
and e grades.

 Line Graph-
It indicates trends in the data that may relate to analysis of GDP, inflation , Past
demand figures, Production analysis, etc.

 Pie Chart-
It represents no. of subjects with different suspects of data.

 Box Plot-
It shows distribution of data.


In case we want to analyse the graphs with the help of chart builder, then the following steps
are involved-

(i) When there is SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Click on application icon

 Double left click left mouse button
 SPSS will open

(ii) When there is no SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Go to start button
 Then go to all programmes
 Then select SPSS
 Double click left mouse button
 Click on graphs, in the drop down we will get chart builder option.
 Click on chart builder option wherein the list of charts with the list of variables would
be reflected.
 In chart options click on bar chart. In bar chart we have 8 options, we can click on any
of these.
 For example, we have choosen cluster bar option then we need to drag the concerned
bar to the chart preview option.

 After specify the X axis & Y axis and the legend variable which will exhibit the
complete analysis for bar graph, in the similar manner graphs/charts are created in line
, histogram and pie polar.
a) Histogram
b) Bar Graph -

c) Pie Polar -
Assignment 8 : Box Plot

When there is SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Click on application icon

 Double left click left mouse button
 SPSS will open

(ii) When there is no SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Go to start button
 Then go to all programmes
 Then select SPSS
 Double click left mouse button
 Click on graphs, in the drop down we will get chart builder option.
 Click on chart builder option wherein the list of charts with the list of variables would
be reflected.
 In chart options click on Box Plot option
 After specify the X axis & Y axis and the legend variable which will exhibit the
complete analysis for box plot.
Assignment 9 : Line Charts

When there is SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Click on application icon

 Double left click left mouse button
 SPSS will open

(ii) When there is no SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Go to start button
 Then go to all programmes
 Then select SPSS
 Double click left mouse button
 Click on graphs, in the drop down we will get chart builder option.
 Click on chart builder option wherein the list of charts with the list of variables would
be reflected.
 In chart options click on Line chart option.
 After specify the X axis & Y axis and the legend variable which will exhibit the
complete analysis for Line chart.
Assignment 10 : Scatterplot


When there is SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Click on application icon

 Double left click left mouse button
 SPSS will open

(ii) When there is no SPSS shortcut on desktop-

 Go to start button
 Then go to all programmes
 Then select SPSS
 Double click left mouse button
 Click on graphs, in the drop down we will get chart builder option.
 Click on chart builder option wherein the list of charts with the list of variables would
be reflected.
 In chart options click on Scatter plot option.
 After specify the X axis & Y axis and the legend variable which will exhibit the
complete analysis for Scatter plot.


1.) Open chrome and search gmail.

2.) Login into your gmail id.

3.) Click on the option that is to the right of the settings option.

4.) A drop down list will appear, in that click on drive.

5.) Click on compose option/ new option and in the drop down list click on the
“Google Form” option.

6.) An empty form fill appear, edit the heading of the form as your preference.

7.) Start creating different questions from the options available as per your preference.

8.) After creating questions, click on the “send” option on the top right side.

9.) Several options of sharing the form created will appear like share by mail and link.
Assignment 12 : Filling of google form and obtaining responses by
creating Questionnaire -

Here is a Questionnaire that I have created on the topic “Nike” using google forms.
Assignment 13: Importing of data file in Excel from Google form
and in SPSS from excel.

Importing data in Excel

Step 1: Click on file tab then on download option. Click on Microsoft excel option.

Step 2: Then the file will be imported in excel.

Importing data in SPSS:

Step 1: Click on file tab. Then click on open and select data.
Step 2: Specify the file name and type and its location. Then click open.

Step 3: Specify the worksheet from which you want your data from excel in SPSS.
Step 4: The data is imported.
Assignment14: Normal Distribution & Test For Normality

Test for Normality –

Test for normality is done through-

 Go to Analyse Tab
 Go to Descriptive Statistics
 Then click on Explore Option
 Consider the independent variable/ dependent or independent variable as the case
maybe, then click on Plots.
 Click on Histogram and choose normality plot with test option, thereafter click on
 Thereafter we have to consider the values of Skewness and Kurtosis for that matter
we consider absolute measure and standard error by dividing the absolute value with
the standard error we get the value of Z statistic whose formula is as follows-

Z = Absolute measure of skewness / standard error

 If we calculate the value of Z statistic which can be obtained by dividing skewness

statistics which is 0.65 divinded by standard error which is 0.427.
 The calculated value lies between -1.96 and +1.96.

The following credentials are considered “Skewness” and “Kurtosis”.

In this case Z value should lie between -1.96 till +1.96

ShaperoWilk Test should be conducted therein P value should be (sig.) value in spss should
be greater than 0.05 thereafter histogram normal QQ plot are considered .

The last step is considered the outlook of box plot.



Assignment 15: How to apply One-Sample T Test. Also create
Histogram for height of the respondents and Bar graph for
weight of the respondents.

Histogram for height of the respondents


Step 1: Go to Analyze, click on Compare Means and select One-Sample T Test.

Step 2: Set Height as Test Variable and Test Value as 65.

Step 3: The desired test results are generated.

Here, the p-value is 0.318 and alpha-value is 0.05, i.e., p-value > alpha-value.
Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted

Step 4: Go to graphs, then click on legacy dialogs. Select histogram.

Step 5: Specify height as variable

Step 6: Output is generated.

Step 7: Now click on chart builder from graphs tab.

Step 8: Select bar and specify weight on x axis. Click on ok.

Step 9: Output is generated.

Bar graph for weight of the respondents.


Step 1. Go to graphs and then select chart builder option.

Step 2. Choose respondent’s weight on X axis

Step 3. Select the bar chart from the given bar charts.

Step 4. After selecting the bar and specify height on x axis. Click on ok.

Step 5: Output is generated.

Assignment 16: How to apply One-Sample T Test.

Step 1: Go to Analyze, click on Compare Means and select One-Sample T Test.

Step 2:SetAvg_life_tyres as Test variable and Test Value as 40000. Click on OK.

Step 3: The desired test results are generated.

Here, the p-value is 0.795 and alpha-value is 0.05, i.e., p-value > alpha-value.
Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, it can be said that the average life of the tyres is 40,000 kms.
Assignment 17: How to apply Independent-Sample T Test
Step 1: Go to Analyse, click on Compare Means and select Independent Sample T-Test.

Step 2: Set willingness of potential customers to spend as Test variable and set Cities for
comparison as grouping variable

Step 3: Define groups, enter 1 in group 1 and enter 2 in group 2

Step 4: Set confidence interval percentage as 95%

Step 5: The desired table is created.

Here, the p-value is 0.000 and alpha-value is 0.05, i.e., alpha-value > p-value.
Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Therefore, it can be said that the intention to purchase of the customers is not normally
distributed with equal variances between the cities of Raipur and Dehradun.
Assignment 18: How to apply Paired-Sample T Test.

Step 1: Enter the variables in the variable view.

Step 2: Enter the data of the employees in the data view.

Step 3: Click on analyze option. Then click on compare means and go to paired samples t-test.
Step 4: Locate the column names in the variable section.

Step 5: Click on options and write the confidence value. Then click on continue.
Step 6: Click on ok. The output window will appear.
Assignment 19: How to apply one-way ANOVA test.

Step 1: Go to analyze, compare means and then click on one-way anova.

Step 2: Select prices as the dependent variable and cities as factors.

Step 3: Click on post hoc and select Tukey and Dunnett’s T3. Then write the significant
Step 4: Then click on options and select descriptive, homogeneity of variance test and means

Step 5: The output is shown below.

Step 6: In the anova table p value i.e., .000 is less than alpha (0.05), therefore the null
hypothesis will be rejected which means that there is a significant difference in the prices of
the product.
Assignment 20: How to apply one-way ANOVA test.

Step 1:Go to analyze, compare means, and then click on one-way anova.
Step 2: Select scores as the dependent variable and sale zones as factors.

Step 3: Select Tukey and Dunnett’s T3 from Post Hoc tab.

Step 4: Go to options tab and select descriptive, homogeneity of variance test and means plot.

Step 5: Click on ok and output is shown below.

The p value in anova table is greater than alpha, therefore we accept the null hypothesis
which means that there is no difference in the scores of sale zones.

Also, the p value is greater than alpha in test of homogeneity of variances table. Therefore,
the variances are homogeneous in nature.
Assignment 21: How to apply Chi Square Test:

Step1: Add the data in the SPSS and then go to descriptive statistics and click on crosstabs.
Step 2: Then assign brand to columns and age group in rows.

Step 3: Go to statistics and check on chi-square and click on continue.

Step 4: Click on cell display and check observed and expected counts.

Step 5: Click on ok and the output is shown below.

Step 6: In the chi square test table, the total Pearson chi-square value (p value) i.e., 1.000 is
greater than alpha (0.05). Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis.

Hence, brand preference is independent of age group.

Assignment 22:How to apply Chi-Square Test.

Step 1: Enter the variable in the variable view.

Step 2: Add the data in the SPSS and then go to descriptive statistics and click on crosstabs.
Step 3: Then assign income group to columns and consumer opinionto rows.

Step 4: Click on statistics and check chi square and click on continue.
Step 5: Then click on cell display and check observed and expected counts.

Step 6: Output is shown below.

Step 7: In the chi square test table, the total Pearson chi-square value (p value) i.e., 1.000 is
greater than alpha (0.05). Therefore, we accept the null hypothesis.

Hence, consumer opinion is independent of income group.

Assignment 23:How to apply correlation.

Step 1: Go to analyze and click on correlate. Then click on bivariate.

Step 2: Specify variables and check Pearson correlation coefficients

Step 3: Click on options and select means and standard deviation. Click on continue and then
on ok.

Step 4: The output is shown below.

Step 5: Then click on spearman correlation confinement.

Step 6: Output is shown below.

Assignment 24:How to apply regression.

Step 1: Click on regression and then on linear.

Step 2: Specify the dependent and independent variables.

Step 3: Go to statistics and check estimate, model fit and descriptive.

Step 4: Click on plots and specify dependent and independent. Also check histogram and
Step 5: Output is shown below with R square as regression value.

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