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1 Complete the short dialogues with the correct 3 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
present simple or present continuous form of the text.
verbs given.
My sister has been at university for six months and she
1 A: What are you doing this afternoon? Would you like loves it. She is going to be an architect one day but it’s a
to come swimming with me? long course. (1) To design/Designing/Is designing buildings
B: Sorry, I ……………………… (have) art club on takes many years of training. I’m thinking of
Wednesdays and then homework to do. Maybe later. (2) apply/applying/to apply to university when I’m older but
2 A: How’s it going? Do you like your new school? I’m not sure what I want (3) studying/to study/am studying
B: Yes, I am having (have) a great time. The classes
……………………… yet. History is one of my favourite subjects and I really enjoy
are really interesting and my social life is fantastic. (4) learning/to learn/have learned about the past but I’m also
3 A: You look annoyed. What’s wrong? good at art so maybe I’ll go to art school instead. My mum
B: I need my course book for my revision but Jack has says my sister was just like me at my age but in the end she
got it. Healways (always / borrow) my books
……………………… found it easy (5) to decide/decide/deciding. I hope I will too.
and he never gives them back.
4 A: Where have you been?
B: I went to see my teacher. I’ve been having problems Total / 15
with my homework but it’s OK – I ………………………
(understand) it now.
5 A: I feel tired but I can’t stop working. I have to hand this
assignment in tomorrow.
B: People always are making (make) that mistake.

You should have a break then you’ll finish it more



2 Complete the text with the correct present perfect

simple or continuous form of the verbs given.
has been studying
Alison (1) ……………………… (study) in the library all afternoon
but she needs to do some exercise so she’s going to the
has been (be) a member of the
sports centre. She (2) ………………………
basketball team since she started at her new school and she
does fitness training most afternoons. She
(3) hasn’t finished (not finish) her maths homework yet so

she’ll probably do some more reading before going out in the

evening. One of her friends is in the drama club and he’s in
a play this week. He (4)has been acting (act) since the

beginning of secondary school and he’s very good. This is

have already performed
the last night of the play and the students (5) ………………………
(already/perform) the play six times this week. Alison is sure
that this final performance will be the best.


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4 Complete the email with these words and phrases. 6 Complete the text with the correct form of do or
There are two extra options. make.

continuous assessment • extracurricular activities Tom has got an exam next week. He feels that he hasn’t
facilities • grade • lectures • term • tutor made
(1) ……………………… much progress since the last one but I
told him not to worry. He usually gets really good marks and
he’s (2) ……………………… very well with his coursework. He has
been spending a lot of time revising so I advised him to try
Hi Jan,
(3) ……………………… some sport or something to help him
How’s it going? Are you enjoying uni? made
relax. Kerry also (4) ……………………… some good suggestions
I really like my course now. It was difficult at first and I wasn’t
to help him with his revision so I think he’ll be OK. And we’re
sure how to organise my study time but I’ve got a really nice
going to help out by (5) ……………………… the dinner tonight.
(1) ……………………… and she’s helped me a lot. We have a lot
We’ll all watch a DVD together afterwards, which should
of coursework to do this (2) ……………………… . We have exams
continuous assessment take his mind off things.
at the end of the year but there is (3) ……………………… too, so I
have to work hard all the time to get good marks. I’m doing /5
extracurricular activities
lots of (4) ……………………… as well – playing hockey, singing in
Total / 15
the choir, working on the student paper – and then there are
all the social events. Sometimes it’s hard to get up for
lectures at nine o’clock!
(5) ………………………
Write soon and tell me how you’re getting on.


5 Complete the text with the correct form of the

words given.

My university is about two hundred miles from my home

residence (reside). I was a
town so I live in a hall of (1) ………………………
bit worried about living with so many students at first but it’s
great fun and I’ve made lots of new friends. I like being more
indepent (depend) too, but I’m not good at cooking
(2) ………………………
so it’s good to be able to get hot food when I need it. One
problem is the noise. I’ve got exams soon and sometimes
it’s really (3) ……………………… (annoy). And having lots of
people around can be a bit of a (4) ………………………
But we talked about how to prepare for the exams in my last
tutorial (tutor) so I think I’ll be OK. Everyone is
(5) ………………………
going through the same thing so we can all help each other.


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7 Read the article about technology in the classroom. Six sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence.

Technology in the classroom

Technology plays a large part in the lives of most students today. (1) ……………………… Handwritten essays are also becoming a
thing of the past. Many schools equip their classrooms with computers for use during lessons, and students are expected to
be computer literate at an early age. (2) ……………………… Therefore, school libraries are no longer as necessary as they once
were. The world of learning is changing quickly and dramatically. But how far can technology go in education? Will teachers
still be necessary in 10 or 20 years’ time? Or will online teaching be the norm? Now, there’s a thought!
In Denmark, the government is taking the use of computers in schools one step further. Computers are now being used in
the exam room itself. (3) ……………………… Using computers in exams is not completely new for Danish students. They have been
able to type up their exam essays on computers instead of writing them by hand for several years. However, now, under a
new scheme, students in exams are allowed complete access to the Internet. (4) ……………………… The only thing they cannot do is
communicate with anyone else online. So, no emailing or messaging while in the exam room.
Opponents of the idea point out that it is very difficult to ensure that all the computers are working at the same speed – or
even working at all, which can only add to the stress for exam students. Then there are security concerns, with some people
suggesting that using computers like this in exams opens the door to cheating. They say it is impossible to monitor the sites
the students visit or any contact they may make with friends outside the exam room or even other students in the same
exam. (5) ……………………… They point out that exams these days are no longer about remembering facts and figures. They are
about analysing things. Examination questions these days do not usually ask about when, who or what. They ask why and
how. It’s hard to cheat using the Internet on questions like this.
Surely, computers are such an important part of the learning process today that it is a natural step to use them in exams?
Many people believe that it is only right that students should be tested with the same tools that they use to learn. For those
worried about cheating, it’s important to remember that in exams the students are under a lot of pressure and have to do a
lot of things in a very short time. (6) ……………………… Perhaps computer use in exams will become standard procedure in a few
years’ time. What do you think? We’d love to hear your views. Post a comment on our website.

A However, supporters believe that we should trust the E There isn’t really a lot of time to cheat.
students. F Unsurprisingly, this is causing a fair amount of
B In some schools, the need to use reference books has controversy.
mainly been replaced by easy access to information online. G More and more students have their own computers at
C The rules say that they can go on any website they wish. home or even laptops, so that they can do online
D Students themselves are aware of the possible accusations research for projects and assignments.
of cheating.
8 Read the article again. Complete the summary with one word in each gap.
Technology is increasingly important in student life these Those who oppose the measure are worried about equal
days. Students use the Internet to (1) ……………………… access to the Internet and (5) ……………………… issues. They
projects and assignments, and handwritten work is believe it could encourage cheating because of the
becoming a thing of the past. Some people even question difficulties involved in monitoring students’ online activity.
the role of teachers and suggest that teaching (2) Supporters point to the change in the type of exams that
……………………… could become more common in future. students now do, with analysis replacing (6) ………………………
The Danish government has introduced a new scheme to challenge such arguments. Questions about how and why
which permits the use of computers in (3) ………………………; rather than facts and figures, make cheating less likely.
not just for writing, which has been permitted for a number
of years, but to access the Internet as well. The only
restriction is on (4) ……………………… online. Total / 12

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Use of English Listening
9 Complete the second sentence so it means the 10 Listen to five people talking about going to
same as the first, using the word given. Do not university. Match the speakers (1–5) with the
change the word given. Use between two and five statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.
Speaker 1 ………………………
1 I last spoke to Dan on Friday. Speaker 2 ………………………
SPOKEN Speaker 3 ………………………
Dan and I ……………………… Friday. Speaker 4 ………………………
2 My sister never asks when she borrows my things. Speaker 5 ………………………
My sister is ……………………… asking. A The speaker is happy with his/her decision for the
3 Have you succeeded in finishing your assignment? moment.
B The speaker is copying a family member.
C The speaker changed his/her attitude to studying.
Have ……………………… your assignment?
D The speaker is doing better than his/her friends.
4 Nobody arrived at the lecture before Sarah. E The speaker has the same hopes as his/her parents.
FIRST F The speaker is now doing what he/she always wanted.
Sarah ……………………… at the lecture.
5 My tutor started working here ten years ago.
11 Listen again and complete the sentences with
My tutor ……………………… ten years.
one word in each gap.
6 I would like to study history.
INTERESTED 1 In his final exams, Speaker 1 got good ……………………… .
I’m ……………………… history. 2 Some of Speaker 2’s friends were tired of ………………………
7 I did my homework last night so I can play football today. so they didn’t apply for university.
ALREADY 3 Speaker 3 thinks that going to university is worth all the
I ……………………… my homework so I can play football hard ……………………… .
today. 4 It was necessary for Speaker 4 to get a student
8 ‘It’s true. I did copy parts of my essay,’ said Tim. ……………………… to pay for university.
ADMITTED 5 Speaker 5 wants to repeat his cousin’s success with his
Tim ……………………… parts of his essay. ……………………… at university.

/8 /5

Total / 10

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12 Read the email from your friend, Mark, and write a reply. Remember to answer all his questions.

Hi Tom,
I hope you’re enjoying university life! You’ve been there three months now. As we arranged, I’m coming up to stay with
you next weekend. I just wanted to check a few things. I’m seeing your parents tomorrow, so is there anything you’d like
me to bring you from home? Also I’m not too sure where to meet you and when. Remember, I’m getting the 3.15 train
from Tashworth and it usually takes about two hours. Do I need to get a taxi when I get to Cambridge or is it quick to walk
to your place?
I’m really looking forward to seeing you. It seems ages since you left. Have you arranged anything for the weekend or
shall we just decide what we want to do when I come? Is there much to do in Cambridge? I’ve never been there.
All the best,

You should tell him: Use some of these phrases:

• what you want him to bring you from home. • Thanks for your last email.
• where and when you want to meet him. • It was great to hear from you.
• what you could do together in Cambridge. • Sorry I haven’t written for a long time.
• what your plans are for the weekend. • How are you? / How are things?
• What have you been doing?
• By the way ... / Anyway, ...
• Bye for now. / All the best.

Write 190–220 words.











/ 10

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13 You are going to talk about your studies and your plans for the future.

Make brief notes for each of these points:

• what school subjects you prefer.
• where and how you like to study.
• what you hope to do in the future and why.

Now work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer about the points in your notes.

Use some of these phrases:

• I prefer ... (to) ...
• I’d prefer (not) to ...
• I’d rather (not) ...
• I’d rather ... than ...

/ 10

Total / 80

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