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Credits Inspiration and Thanks To The Original Knights of Baron:
Chad Archibald, Tristan Davis, Gianni Filippin, Raph
Based on the world created by Gadzinski, Jake Langedijk, Tom Zarzeczny, Kirk McCallum,
Thomas M Gofton Paul Carrero, Ryan Abram, Evann Gentry, Rob Duschenese,
Jesse Drenters, Chris O’Rourke, Brian Ancliffe, Matt
Drawing on further development by Jamieson, Michael Newell, Patrick Carter, Jacques Fortin,
Christopher L. Zweerman, Hande Barutçuoglu, Devin Wilson, Morgan Bessy, Jayson Cassavettes, Dave Cassaro, Renee
Adam Petkovic, Kyle Van Dyke, and Ben Robinson Golden, James Golden, Tim Wadleigh, Ben Wadleigh, Phill
Mullis, Sean Domroes, Michael Bonello, Jenn Talbot, Ashley
Design & Writing Ty-Robbins, Martin Uus, Mark Paralovous, Josh Crawford,
Game Design: Tommy Gofton, Devin Wilson, Ben McKay, Stasia Bowerbank, Gerrard Murphy, Tyler
Adam Petkovic, and Kyle Van Dyke White, Chris Masci, Adam Garcia, Jason Oosterveld, Paul
Additional Design Support: Aron Murch, Ben Robinson, Zoeller, Ed Mocherie, Fern Jasper-Fayer, Erin Kelleher, Paul
Ed Greenwood, Elisa Teague, Walsh, Aaron Slavinski, Justin Marshall, Laura Marshall, Jeff
Kate MacFarlane, Keith Baker, Samuel Skelhorn Mahood, Michael Edwards, Jack Lichfield and James Poirier.
Creative Writing: Jaym Gates, Devin Wilson
Editing: Adam Petkovic Special thanks to everyone who played and lived this world
in person at The Round Table in Guelph, Ontario, Canada as
Artwork well as the players, special guests and viewers on the Twitch
Interior Character Illustrations: channel Six Sides of Gaming! Special thanks to all our
Ryan Valle, Steven Bellshaw, Michael Gauss Kickstarter backers, players at Gen Con, Origins and other
Creature Illustrations: Zoe Amaral conventions over the years. Without all of your continued
Landscapes: Elizer Morcillos, Yarro Studios, Josh Derksen support this world would have been just a dream. Finally
Faction Icons: Chad Rowe thanks to team Lynnvander for the patience in allowing this
Items: Steven Bellshaw, Aron Murch project to become something in our catalog!
Cartography: Josh Derksen, Chris Feres
Graphic Design & Layout: Josh Derksen Additional gratitude to the wonderful friends at Navegante
Entertainment for their use of Greak: Memories of Azur and
their story to be a part of Imarian lore! We appreciate you in
every way! Thank you - (and go check their video games out
- trust us - you won’t be disappointed).

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product

Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and
are not Open Game Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well as all adjectives, names,
titles, and descriptive terms derived from proper nouns), artworks, charac-
ters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines, and trade dress.
(Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or
are exclusively derived from previous Open Game Content, or that are in the
public domain are not included in this declaration.

Greak ® Copyright © 2020 Navegante Entertainment. All rights reserved.

The Pillars of Power, The World of Imaria, and all events, characters, places,
maps, etc. are © Thomas M Gofton. All Rights Reserved. © Lynnvander
Studios 2023. 32 Essex St, Guelph, ON, Canada N1H 3K8.

2 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

This document is a Kickstarter Preview
The designs, mechanics, and/or statistics presented in this preview
It was in my youth that I first conceived the world of Imaria,
may require further development, playtesting, and/or quality
though I had no clue that it would grow to be the wonder control. The visual design shown in this preview is also not final.
it has become. Before I realized what gaming was, I could
only re-watch the 1981 film Excalibur so many times to sate
my craze for the Arthurian legend and my wild imagination
beyond that.
Oddly enough, the actor that played King Leondegrance
in Excalibur ended up being one of Star Trek’s greatest
What’s In This Preview?
captains: Picard. I had become a HUGE Stewart fan by This preview is only a small part of a much larger world of
coincidence, so becoming a Trekkie was fate’s promise. Imaria. The complete book goes deeper into the knowledge of
This was crucial to the introduction of my gaming life the setting, its themes, and its mechanics. This setting book
because it was at the local Star Trek fan club that I met preview covers the following:
the friend who introduced me to the game that changed • A detailed breakdown of Imaria’s Pillars of Power
me profoundly. As this friend and I sat across from each • The zayan-kuu, one of the new peoples
other at a local diner where we ate poutine (this is Canada, • The Psionicist, an all-new class
remember?), he asked me, “You ever played Dungeons & • The Desperado, a new Rogue subclass
Dragons?” Then he pulled a book out from his backpack, • The Tactician feat
and I couldn’t tell if it was puberty or prophecy, but I failed • Thalagrantus’ Chronal Audit, a new 3rd-level spell
my save. • The Tome of Hyperfixation, a new magic item
From that moment onward, and pretty much every day • Aethergarde Bastion, one of the important locations in
after that for the entire summer of grade 8 we played this Imaria
Dungeons & Dragons game until we were face first, asleep, • The meggmok, one of the new Imarian monsters
in piles of dice. The only stressor in life each night was
whether we gained a level or not. We were the quintessen- This is Imaria, a world primed and ready for you to
tial teenage nerds hanging out in mom’s basement and I explore and make your own. Our home is now yours to do
wouldn’t change those memories for anything. with as you please. The only important thing to remember
During school I was scribbling Krymarish on pages when is to have fun!
I should have been working on my grades. Something that
hindered my later academic life. I have no regrets though;
those choices literally set me on my path. Imaria took a
good 30+ years to build, so I can legitimately say I put much
more than half my life into it. And not just my own, but also
What Will Be In The
the lives of all my friends who I called my chosen family.
A motley crew who sat in my musty basement with me,
Finished Book?
creating Imaria. They are the spirit of my inspiration. They • 10 continents, each with cultures, civilizations, and
are my muse and I love them more than they will ever know. adventure locations
Nowadays I make a living off filmmaking, board game • Over 30 new playable peoples, which are themed after and
production and design, operating a few medieval themed linked to the world of Imaria
game cafes around my hometown as well as traveling to • Over 20 new subclasses, based on archetypes represented
conventions all over the world as a professional or a guest. in the setting
To cap it all off, I stream with an amazing crew on Twitch • New spells themed after the setting
and YouTube, RPGs mainly set within the Imaria realms! • New magic items and aioessence inventions developed in
Welcome to Imaria, where there are as many powers to this world
wield as there are battles to fight, where mana is mightier • New monsters
than the sword, and yet no magic is safe. • Many quest hooks to jumpstart your adventures in the
campaign setting
• New feats, factions, backgrounds, optional rules, a vehicle
builder, and much more

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 3

Pillars of Power All magic in Imaria originates from the twin

in Imaria mana stars the world orbits. The mana stars

radiate magical power known as cosmic mana, the naturally
Though mana is the driving force behind most of Imaria's occurring energy of the space between worlds, which perme-
supernatural elements, it is not the only form of mystical ates all of existence and allows for the creation of physical
energy found in the world. Indeed, it is but one of four pillars matter. Imaria is able to take in cosmic mana through its
of power allowing its people to overcome mundanity: Mana, atmosphere, where it is processed by every living thing in
the Veil, psionics, and aioessence. the world, converting it to what is known as convergence
mana. Convergence mana is filtered through the world and
allows for the existence of life.
Imaria, akin to a living organism, has a core composed of a
unique magical ore called renika. This renika core acts as the
world's heart, absorbing cosmic mana from the stars through
the earth and its various life cycles. It then transforms this
Mana cosmic mana into a more tangible form known as conver-
gence mana. Once converted, Imaria channels this conver-
gence mana through a network of vein-like leylines that
traverse the world through massive underground tunnels or
unseen through the open air. This nourishes and fuels all
living things, be they plant, animal, or sentient being.

Cosmic Mana
Cosmic mana serves as the power source for those who wield
arcane magic on Imaria, such as wizards. These spellcasters
The Veil have the ability to convert the ambient cosmic energies
(Ethereal Chronomancy) around them into a raw magical force, which they harness
to cast spells. Cosmic mana is versatile and allows for the
creation of inanimate materials, such as minerals, gasses,
and chemical compounds.

Convergence Mana
In contrast, casters of primal magic draw upon convergence
mana. This mana type is created by Imaria itself as it
processes cosmic mana. It is the life force that sustains all
living creatures on the planet. Primal spellcasters, like druids
Psionics and rangers, tap into this energy source to empower their
spells and manipulate the natural world.

Divine Magic
For those who seek to wield divine magic, it's a matter of
faith and conviction. These spellcasters, primarily clerics, use
their own souls as conduits to transform convergence mana
into divine spells. This ability is made possible through the
influence of the Veil on the energy of one’s soul, allowing
such strong mental and spiritual belief to manifest as magic.
(Anti-Magic) Clarion Mana
Clarion mana occupies a unique space between cosmic mana
and convergence mana and is exclusive to renika. Unlike
the other forms of mana, clarion mana can be harnessed by
spellcasters of all disciplines. This allows them to make use of
renika as components, foci, and mana storage.

4 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Renika is a remarkable substance that bears resemblance to
lapis-lazuli but with a distinct property – it absorbs cosmic
mana. As it absorbs this energy, a golden crust gradually
forms on its surface. This process purifies the cosmic mana,
transforming it into convergence mana. When renika is fully
encrusted in gold, it reaches a state of equilibrium where
it continually absorbs cosmic mana and emits convergence
mana. During this state, a rare form of mana exists within
the renika known as clarion mana.

Pure Renika
Pure renika is a highly prized commodity, safeguarded
zealously by the Heliacal Prime Theocracy. This substance
constitutes the very core of Imaria and plays a pivotal role in
shaping the planet, distributing mana through its leylines,
and facilitating the creation of convergence mana. It is the
source of life itself. It is understandable then, why turning
this substance into a powder and combining it with other
metals to form renik steel or forcing it to condense into
crystals to create flying ships, can be seen as somewhat

Renika Crystals
The tumultuous events known as the Maelstrom that formed
the sky continent of Alyssia led to the shattering of renika
on the Veil's surface, a temporal barrier that envelops Imaria.
These renika fragments, much like seeds, began to grow and
multiply, albeit in uncontrolled conditions. Exposed to open
sky however, and wildly growing haphazardly, the renika
coating the bottom of the Alyssian islands is equally as
much of a danger to the inhabitants of the islands as it is a
necessity to keep the lands aloft.
Ingenious scholars came up with the idea of therefore
mining the very substance that kept their islands aloft.
Doing so proved dangerous as the disruption of the mana
flows could result in chaotic magical surges, not to mention
the possibility of deteriorating the buoyancy of the floating
islands. The key was moderation. The renika needed to
be mined just enough so the mana disruption could be
contained, and the islands could be kept still.
The Lunalian Council set their best enchanters to study the
renika, and learned how to magically alter and condense the
pure renika into a crystal form, granting actual control over
its moderation of mana. Renika crystals, like pure renika,
retain the unique property of being lighter than air, the mana
flowing through them changing their density by an extreme
factor. Now however, the magical energy stored within could
be tapped and used as a fuel source or to power sunfire
cannons, actively consuming the energy and functioning
as an engine, then waiting for it to recharge, which now
happened much faster in this crystallized form.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 5

The Veil Temporal Tempests
Like a massive ethereal strainer wrapped Like any delicate balance, the Veil can be disrupted. When
around the world, the Veil functions as a mesh the Veil experiences turmoil, such as through despoiling
of sorts. Cosmic mana from the suns slowly seeps through of time, extraplanar corruption, or some other chaos, the
the Veil to Imaria, the captured by-products congealing disrupted energy unleashes itself upon Imaria in the form of
within its layers to form the Dreamrealms, a plane of fully a temporal tempest. These violent supernatural storms are
spiritual existence formed of the residual essence of the derivative of the Veil bleeding into the world. Wind whips
original component planes. It is timeless, an eternity where with whispers of bygone words, thunder booms with the
time does not alter. As such, the Veil keeps Imaria locked out pounding of psychic blasts, fog swirls with visages of the
of time, and its mesh acts as a web of epochs, each strand deceased, and visions of both the past and future become
correlating to various individual causes and effects in time. temporary reality.
While it is undeniably ethereal, the Veil still possesses
a physical existence within Imaria consisting of several Dreamrealms
essences all congealed together to create one chaotic swirl of The Dreamrealms consist of three realms, composed of the
chronomantic, soul, and psychic energy. It is not uncommon remnants of the Border Ethereal, Feywild, and Shadowfell.
for this physicality to exert itself upon the world during They are not separate as they were before the Veil, however.
tumultuous moments when time, minds, and emotions are Rather, they all exist within the Dreamrealms at once.
widely in flux.
For the denizens of Imaria, the Veil is more than just The Gray
a passive boundary. Some among them find themselves Known to the premordians as "Ephyr", the Gray functions
attuned to its mystical frequencies, sensing the Veil's subtle much the same way as the Border Ethereal did before
touch as it permeates their very beings. In these individuals, the Veil, though it is considered part of the Veil and
the boundaries between the corporeal and the ethereal blur, Dreamrealms. The Gray acts as a filter that overlaps with
offering glimpses where imagination and time intermingle. the Veil and the material world of Imaria. It's a place where
Others, however, embark on a journey of mastery, seeking spirits and ethereal entities can interact with reality.
to harness the Veil's potential and manipulate it to their will.
Regardless of their approach, those who manipulate the
Veil’s energy find themselves able to subtly yet profoundly
affect time, souls, and the minds of others.

6 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

The Fantasy Worlds of Destiny
Known to the premordians as "Ima'jhinn, Realm of Over the ages as mortals have dreamed and shaped the
Phantasmi", the Fantasy functions similarly to the Feywild of Dreamrealms, entire realms constructed of their subcon-
old, including the memory loss and time warping. However, scious ideas have taken form. From the yarn forests of
the Fantasy is wholly different from the Feywild. Woolgather Weald to the delectable Sundae Stream, these
When mortals dream, their consciousness enters the realms function in a different reality from the rest of Imaria.
Fantasy and conjures psychic projections called "dreams" It is also sometimes possible for mortals to achieve
within the plane. While these projections are harmless to the lucid dreaming and shape their own demiplane within the
dreamers, they are very real to denizens within the Fantasy. Dreamrealms. This is usually quite difficult and requires
Creatures of the fey sometimes influence these dreams for intense practice and focus. It is incredibly uncommon but
good or ill. not unheard of, and almost exclusively found within the
The Fantasy is a surreal kaleidoscopic assortment of left- Dreamworld rather than the Nightmare. Alternatively, if one
over psychic energy formulating dreamscapes inhabited by were to physically transport themselves to the Dreamrealms,
fey creatures as well as beings conjured from mortal dreams. they could manifest their own conjurations and demiplane
Those who dare to actually traverse it in their physical through sheer force of will. Such acts are generally seen as
waking forms bear witness to a land in which the laws of folly by anyone other than the most experienced sages.
reality are warped by the subconscious thoughts of all those The most famous of these demiplanes is Kronos, the base
who slumber. of operations for the Temporal Mystics. Each of the slum-
bering elder dragons also have their own demiplanes where
The Nightmare they work their hidden plans.
Known to the premordians as "Nymberos, Realm of
Terrostri", the Nightmare is a grim shadow of the Fantasy. It Threats in the Veil
functions similarly to how the Shadowfell did before the Veil, Occasionally, beings will latch onto the consciousness of
including the Shadowfell despair. However, there is a signifi- a dreaming mortal and possess their body on the material
cant difference between the Nightmare and the Shadowfell. plane. Such occurrences are rare, but almost always devas-
Mortals filled with fear and torment may find their tating to anyone caught in the vicinity.
consciousness dragged into the Nightmare to experience Sometimes, where the Veil is thin, a crossing can manifest
their worst terrors given form. In regions where anguish which connects the Material Plane to the Veil. Such cross-
grips the populace, the collective psionic despair has been ings, dubbed “starryeyes” after the mage who discovered
known to call forth the Nightmare, encroaching upon the them, can be used by either side to enter into the other plane
unfortunate minds struggling to sleep. The Nightmare can and often cause the mortal realm around them to mirror the
also manifest wherever the Veil grows thin, either through Dreamrealms. These crossings are usually closed by agents
ethereal damage or mana dead zones. This is often accompa- of the Temporal Mystics, but often not before chaos is sewn
nied by temporal tempests. from the reality-warping energy and creatures passing back
Those who walk the Dreamrealms must take care not to and forth through them.
stray from the known paths. Unwary wanderers may find
themselves separated from their physical bodies, becoming Souls and the Afterlife
lost souls forever trapped within the twisted psionic hells- When a mortal perishes, the soul within their body exits into
capes of the Nightmare. the Veil to join with its energies. From here, their essence
The Nightmare is composed of dark shadows and uniden- can be contacted by those with the power to do so, but it is
tifiable silhouettes, only taking proper form when a mortal not so much an afterlife as it is a stream of remnant souls
consciousness is enveloped by its dark tendrils, whether and consciousness.
this be through sleep or physical visitation. The form the Unfulfilled souls, those with unfinished business, can
Nightmare takes is always derivative of the subconscious sometimes retain a semblance of their former selves within
fears or trauma of those within it, and often traps those the Nightmare. These tormented spirits seek a way back to the
experiencing it within the terrifying scene unless they can mortal realm, often causing havoc and terror along the way.
muster the positivity and willpower to escape.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 7

Psionics Beyond the Physical
Supernatural power that emanates from the While it is true that psychic influence is exceedingly
mind is known as psionics. Through intense uncommon, there is another sinister reason those who
concentration and discipline, one can influence psychic wield these powers remain hidden to the populace. They are
energy to exert their will upon the physical world. Doing hunted. Some psychic influencers have discovered how to
so consumes the natural energy of the psychic influencer, utilize the connection between their own soul and the Veil to
requiring a well-honed body as well as mind. The amount tap into the psychic energy contained within the Veil itself.
of energy necessary to perform a psionic feat is usually as By doing this, they have access to a much greater amount of
much as would be lost to do the task by mundane means. energy to fuel their psionics, but at the cost of deteriorating
Due to the extreme difficulty in manifesting the iron will the Veil. Despite many psychic influencers being unaware
needed to develop psionic power and the taxing of one's of this additional source of power or its side effects, those
own bodily energy this form of energy manipulation is that seek to protect the Veil generally regard all psionics
rare in Imaria. Even in areas where mana is scarce, such as a threat to everything they hold dear. As such, psychic
as Phaelan's Republic, psionics is something only heard influencers often band together in secret to keep themselves
about in whispers on the street. Imaria is no stranger to the protected from agents sent by the Temporal Mystics and
horrible effects of psychic influence, however. The continent other Veil defenders.
of Tensire suffered a malignant psionic plague for centuries The fears held by Veil protectors aren't exactly unfounded
due to a psychic blast of cataclysmic proportions, and the either. Entities which seek the downfall of the Veil have
latent psychic energy welled up within the Veil is a source of sought to cultivate those with psionic talent, either through
constant intrigue by those who wander within it. deception or like-mindedness. The Eternal Eclipse is partic-
Psionics often manifest as telekinetic influence, allowing ularly interested in fostering the power of disenfranchised
individuals to move objects from a distance, propel their psychic influencers in an effort to weaken the Veil for their
bodies beyond normal limits, and shape psychic energy into overlords.
various forms. Much can be achieved through psionic disci-
pline which onlookers may attribute as magic. Yet psionics is Psionics vs. Clairvoyance
wholly different from mana weaving. In fact, mana functions While many assume that mastery of psionics also allows for
as static towards psychic influence. It is incredibly difficult to telepathic reading of minds and foretelling the future like
focus on both weaving mana as well as influencing psychic some divination spells, these specific powers originate from
energy, as both require completely different styles of disci- the Veil instead. Those who utilize psychic power who are
pline. Thus it is uncommon for both to be in use at the same able to perform such supernatural feats without the use of
time, but not unheard of. spellcraft may not necessarily realize it, but their ability to do
so is derived from their connection to the Veil and the mental
essence within.

By utilizing the mind to repel and attract
matter, psionics in Imaria operates much like
generating and controlling magnetic fields.

8 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 9
Aioessence were wiped out before their research could yield any results
The newest form of energy to appear on by the Iltherians and their perfected aioessence conductor,
Imaria, aioessence is often referred to renik steel.
colloquially as "anti-mana" as it is an energy that The innovations of aioessence technology has had a
can only be formed by breaking down and draining profound impact, particularly in the realm of New Iltheria,
mana. Once formed, aioessence can only be utilized where it has not only improved the lives of its citizens but
through the bonding of one's soul to its essence by a also forged formidable instruments of warfare. This has
lethally intense procedure straining both body and mind. given rise to two distinct views among aioessence
Once successfully bonded, an aioessence wielder uses their wielders: one that sees magic as merely fuel and
very soul to fuel their power. The discharge is then stripped another that aspires to balance the two conflicting
from the wielder and ejected to the Veil, adding to the Veil's powers in harmony.
structure. In this way, the utilization of aioessence relies
upon the Veil in order to functionally exist.
Unlike mana, aioessence cannot be woven into magic.
Instead, it can be channeled through a conductive substance
to provide raw power. This power can be used to disrupt
mana, reinforce the body of a bonded soul, and even
concentrated into energy blasts. These uses are seen widely
practiced among those that wield aioessence such as the
renik knights, but there is also an additional use of the
energy which is less commonly seen. With proper implemen-
tation and engineering, the raw power provided by aioes-
sence can function as energy for various mechanisms. This
power still requires a bonded soul to be utilized however,
meaning aioessence users must act as catalysts for any and
all aioessence-fueled technology.
The only known substance that can act as a conductor
for aioessence is an alloy crafted from chemically-treated
renika mixed with other metals. During the Hundred Year
Eclipse, a secret group of premordians attempted to create
something that could reverse the mana absorption trait of
renika to be used as a deadly weapon against the Lunar
Hordes. However, these experiments only yielded a toxic
metal they called "blightsteel". The poison radiating
from this creation was lethal to both premordians
and lunar invaders, and so was deemed too
dangerous to be used. The project was sealed
away and those who had performed the research
took their discoveries to the grave. Unbeknownst to
the premordians, without the interwoven ethereal energies
of the Veil to unite soul and aioessence, a substance capable
of conducting aioessence could not be perfected.
Centuries later, well after the Veil had been risen, the
elves of Crystalfellen had resumed this research. They
sought to understand all that renika had to offer, including
its more profane capabilities. Unfortunately for them, they

Electricity in Imaria
Aioessence functions similarly to electricity. While electrical energy
is possible in Imaria, mana acts as a resistor and prevents it from being
reliable, especially in mana-rich environments. Aioessence does not have
this problem, and in fact benefits from high concentrations of mana.

10 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Renik Steel The Temporal Mystics, studying renik in the aftermath of
A special alloy made from a mix of chemicals, metals, and the fall of the Empire, have claimed that careful use of the
ground renika crystals, renik steel has a unique property: alloy can actually help balance ecosystems in places over-
it can counteract magical effects. Normally, magic works abundant with magic, and say that doing so may actually
by absorbing mana and then releasing it back into the strengthen the Veil, which they claim is a priority to prevent
environment for future use. However, renik steel disrupts some future cataclysm. Alternatively, someone absent
this process, essentially burning all the captured magic into mindedly bringing renik into a location with delicate magical
aioessence energy. balance might inadvertently find themselves trapped there,
or create a magical dead-zone, whether by chance, or on
Finally, of course, the Iltherian Empire used renik steel
in its efforts to destroy magic, while their successors in
New Iltheria only use it to process magic into fuel for their
industrial lifestyle. The former empire’s uncouth use of this
alloy across Imarian history has tainted most study of it,
with many who use or research it outside of New Iltheria
often suspected to be old imperial sympathizers.

When a creature is exposed to renik, the convergence mana
coursing through them withers away along with their life
essence. Some hardy folk can resist this for a time, but
anyone who weaves magic is exceptionally vulnerable to the
withering degradation.

During the myriad of experiments performed by Iltherian
renik smiths, it was discovered that constructs and other
mechanical devices can be infused with a renik-bonded soul
to become animated and powered by aioessence through
the soul's manipulation. Such creations do require mana to
fuel the aioessence generation but offer incredible power
and unique capabilities in the form of technological marvels
called the Soulforged.
None of these Soulforged have been as widely feared as
the renik constructs. Massive hulks of renik steel animated
by an Iltherian soul and powered by renika furnaces.
These war machines plague the nightmares of magic
weavers across Imaria.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 11

Zayan-Kuu Tensire or Phaelan's Republic.
The zayan-kuu, or "descendants", are divided into blood- Zayan-kuu show all the variation of humans, from the
lines, each with its own history, strengths, and motivations. palest to the darkest skin, their hair long and silky or
They may have a range of powers or abilities, but every proudly rampant in thick curls. Because descendant blood-
member of that descendant bloodline shares certain domi- lines do not follow genetics, some vary wildly even within
nant traits and abilities. close generations.
Their name comes from an evolution of the term "Tzyaen's Your zayan-kuu character has the following traits:
Coup", which was used to describe the Elder Dragon Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are also consid-
Tzyaen's ritual that altered the lunar invaders' forms into ered a zayan-kuu for any prerequisite or effect that requires
that of these descendant bloodlines so many ages ago. you to be a zayan-kuu.
However, there are few these days who know the true Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
origins of the zayan-kuu, even among the humans. Stories Spirit of Mana. You know one cantrip of your choice
of their history vary in accuracy and color. Regardless of from the druid or sorcerer spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or
their true origins, however, the zayan-kuu are raised with an Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip (choose
understanding that they are champions the land has chosen when you select this people).
to lead their people. Some crack under this pressure and Descendant Bloodline. Each zayan-kuu comes from a
leave their homes, uninterested in the mantle of leadership, specific magical bloodline, one of which is presented in this
while others thrive in this pressure. Rather than relying preview: The Dewisk.
upon genetics, the descendant bloodlines are determined by
the land where a zayan-kuu is born. The original portals
conjured by the Lunar Hordes left an imprint upon the lands
they formed upon and the mana surging through the area.
These regional imprints determine which descendant blood-
line a newly born zayan-kuu becomes. This has led to a
more cooperative mindset between the various houses, as it
is not uncommon for a bloodline to find its heir in someone
else’s family.
Most of the zayan-kuu appear, at first glance, to be normal
humans. They are, however, manifestations of mana, and
their appearance and skills often reflect that. They are iden-
tified by a lack of irises in their eyes, and their sclera have
a very faint white glow. There are only so many zayan-kuu
souls, meaning there can only ever be a fixed amount of
zayan-kuu upon Imaria. Just as the lunar invaders’ souls
would return to the moons upon their death, so too would
the zayan-kuu souls. However, with the barrier of the
Veil in place, the zayan-kuu souls cannot return to the
moons. Thus, these wayward souls travel the strands
of destiny within the Veil to be reborn in the body of a
newborn human, granting their powers to that body.
Should a zayan-kuu be killed by a renik weapon,
however, their soul is severed permanently, actively
reducing the total of zayan-kuu that can exist in Imaria.
If a zayan-kuu gives birth while there are no available
souls, the child is born as a human. This also occurs if a
zayan-kuu gives birth in a region with no imprint, such as

12 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Dewisk Curse of the Dewisk. When you regain hit points via
The Dewisk originate from Dravaynia, although their magic, such as the cure wounds spell or drinking a potion of
ancestral home lies in ruins within the Glasslands. Viewed healing, the number of hit points you regain is reduced by 1
as fatalistic and gloomy, they are nonetheless resiliently (minimum 1). Whenever you roll Hit Dice to regain hit
determined. Their descendant bloodline has been cursed by points, reduce the result of each Hit Die by 1 (minimum 1).
the cataclysm which caused the Glasslands, leaving them in As you grow more experienced, your body begins to become
a state of constant decay. more skeletal in nature. At 9th level, you additionally sense
As they age, the Dewisk slowly become pale-skinned and as Undead to spells and other effects that detect the Undead
gaunt, their flesh wasting away until they're nothing but a creature type, though you are still a Humanoid.
literal walking, talking skeleton. Towards the end of their Touch of Death. You can cast the inflict wounds spell with
life, they travel to the Catacombs of Transcendence, nested this trait. Once you cast the spell with this trait, you can’t do
deep within the Glasslands, and take their place among so again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast the
their ancestors as a skeletal statue. During this final act, spell using any spell slots you have of 1st level or higher.
the consciousness of the Dewisk is transcended into a new Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting
spiritual form within the Dreamworld, and the soul passes ability for this spell when you cast it with this trait (choose
on into the Veil. when you select this people).
Despite this curse, most Dewisk have embraced their
existence between life and death, creating a sect of the Dyad
religion out of balancing the light and dark.
While the curse upon their lineage causes the Dewisk to
resist healing magic, they are capable of absorbing the power
of undeath into themselves. Additionally, they no longer have
need for food, drink, breathing, or sleep. This allows them to
be incredibly efficient, and they are oftentimes bored when
traveling among others who require regular sleep. Some of the
more fanatical members of the descendant bloodline make use
of this excess time to practice their final pose for when they
join their ancestors at the end of their life.
The Dewisk are unusual in that many of them leave their
family to serve as guardians and knight errants in the rest
of Imaria, renouncing their birthright. Collectively, these
members of the descendant bloodline have adopted the
surname of Dewisken to represent taking them-
selves out of the line of succession.
Size. You are Medium.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in
that darkness only as shades of gray.
Deathly Lineage. Due to your deathly existence,
you gain the following benefits:
• You don’t need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.
• During a long rest, you must remain mostly
motionless, performing only light activity such
as reading, talking, or standing watch. You are
still conscious during this time.
• You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
• When you take necrotic damage, you can use a
reaction to take no damage and instead regain a
number of hit points equal to half the necrotic
damage dealt (rounded down). Once you use this
trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 13

In the realm of Imaria, where the weaving of mana reigns new threats emerge, their abilities become invaluable in
supreme, there exists a clandestine group of individuals confronting the remnants of the oppressive regime. However,
known as the psionicists. These enigmatic few have the world remains largely oblivious to the presence of
forsaken the external distractions of the world, choosing psionicists, for they shroud themselves in shadows, silently
instead to embark on an introspective journey to unlock maneuvering through the intricacies of society. The weight of
the immense power dwelling within their own minds. With their abilities and the responsibility they bear compel them
unwavering dedication, they delve deep into the recesses to keep their true potential veiled. It is within the solitude of
of their psyches, unraveling the mysteries of the self before their meditations and the unity of their clandestine brother-
venturing forth to confront the challenges that await them. hoods that they find solace and protection from those who
Psionicists are a rarity, hidden away from prying eyes, and seek to exploit or extinguish their extraordinary gifts.
they cloak the nature of their abilities in secrecy. Like silent
observers, they watch the ebb and flow of the world, care-
fully honing their inner strength, and mastering the potential
that lies dormant within them. It is through their psychic
prowess that they manifest their extraordinary capabilities,
defying the limitations of the physical realm and wielding an
unparalleled control over the world around them.
These masters of the mind possess an innate ability
to seize command over the fabric of reality itself. With
focused concentration and an iron will, they manipulate
psychic energy to bend the elements, propel themselves
beyond mortal limits, and shape the very essence of exis-
tence. Telekinetic forces become their playthings as they
effortlessly move objects with a mere thought, while
their bodies transcend the boundaries of mundane
capability, evoking awe and disbelief in those
fortunate enough to witness their power.
The path of a psionicist diverges from
traditional magical practices as they are the
conduits of pure psychic energy, untouched
by the currents of mana that flow through the
world. It is this stark contrast that sets them apart,
their abilities often mistaken for magic by those who
lack insight into the depths of their mastery.
In the chaotic aftermath of the Iltherian Empire's
fall, however, psionicists may play a crucial
role in shaping the world's future. As
the balance of power shifts and

14 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Creating a Psionicist
The path of the psionicist unfolds as a journey of self-dis-
Class Features
covery and self-mastery, where the mind becomes a potent As a psionicist, you gain the following class features.
instrument capable of reshaping reality itself. When creating
a psionicist, reflect upon the circumstances that propelled Hit Points
you towards embracing the psionic arts. What drew you Hit Dice: 1d8 per psionicist level
to this mysterious practice? Was it an innate calling, an Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
encounter with a psionic mentor, or an unexplained manifes- Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
tation of power that set you on this extraordinary journey? modifier per psionicist level after 1st
Were you self-taught, honing your abilities through count-
less hours of solitary meditation and experimentation? Or Proficiencies
did you have the privilege of a mentor—a seasoned psioni- Armor: Light armor
cist—who guided you through the labyrinthine realm of the Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords, scimitars,
mind? If you did have a teacher, explore the dynamics of hand crossbows, nets
your relationship. Is it one of utmost respect, a bond forged Tools: None
through shared understanding, or perhaps tinged with Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
conflict and unspoken secrets? Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Deception,
As you emerge from the shadows, consider also why you Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and
returned to the world from your secluded hideaway. Did you Sleight of Hand
leave loved ones or cherished aspirations behind when you
embarked on your arduous studies? Is your journey driven Equipment
by a thirst for vengeance, a desire to protect others from You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
the malevolent forces that threaten to exploit the power you equipment provided to you by your background:
wield, or a profound yearning to uncover the truth behind • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 20 darts
the enigma of psionics? Whatever your motivations may be, • leather armor, and any simple weapon
they shape the trajectory of your path and add depth to your • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack
character's story.

The Psionicist Mind Warrior

Level Proficiency Features Principles Influence 1st-level Psionicist feature
Bonus Known Range
1st +2 Mind Warrior, Psionics, Ethos 2 20 ft. You make use of your psionic prowess to direct your
2nd +2 Ethos Feature 4 20 ft. attacks. When you attack with a weapon, you can use your
3rd +2 Mindfulness 5 20 ft. Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the
attack and damage rolls.
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 20 ft.
Pet Rock. You can use an action to telekinetically throw a
5th +3 Ethos Feature 8 30 ft.
rock or other small object weighing no more than half your
6th +3 Extra Attack 9 30 ft.
proficiency bonus (rounded down) in pounds that you carry
7th +3 Strenuous Recovery 10 30 ft. on your person. You make a ranged weapon attack with a
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 11 30 ft. range of 60 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your
9th +4 Expanded Consciousness 12 40 ft. Intelligence modifier to its attack and damage rolls. On a
10th +4 - 13 40 ft. hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 2d4 for
11th +4 Ethos Feature 15 40 ft. every pound the object weighs (minimum 2d4 bludgeoning
16 40 ft. damage). The object then telekinetically returns to you, if able.
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Determination 17 50 ft.
14th +5 Burnout 18 50 ft.
15th +5 - 19 50 ft.
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 20 50 ft.
17th +6 Ethos Feature 21 50 ft.
18th +6 Resolute Focus 22 60 ft.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 23 60 ft.
20th +6 Reality Reset 24 60 ft.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 15

Psionics Some of your principles require your target to make a
1st-level Psionicist feature saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw
DC is calculated as follows:
As a manipulator of psionics, you can master and use
psionic principles. As a bonus action on your turn, you can Principle save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
begin focusing on a known principle until your focus ends. your Intelligence modifier
You may focus on a maximum number of principles equal to
your proficiency bonus. You can’t focus on the same prin- At 6th level, the damage you deal with your features and
ciple more than once at any one time, unless the principle's principles ignores resistance and immunity to nonmagical
description states otherwise. damage.
Beginning focus on a principle requires a bonus action and
it lasts for 1 minute. If you lose focus on a principle for any Focus. You must maintain focus to manifest the effects of
reason, you can’t focus on it again until after the end of your your principles. You can end focus on a specific principle at
next turn. any time (no action required), unless it is a taxing principle,
Principle Tiers. A principle has a tier, which represents its which requires an action. If a feature or effect would prevent
complexity to the psionicist. Principles are between 1st and you from concentrating on a spell, you also can’t focus on a
4th tier, and you gain access to different principles based on principle.
your Ethos choice at 2nd level. Normal activity, such as moving and attacking, doesn’t
Taxing Principles. Some principles are considered taxing interfere with focus. The following factors can break focus:
on the mind. You can only focus on one taxing principle at a • Casting a spell or using a feature that requires concen-
time. Additionally, a taxing principle continuously requires a tration. As mana acts as static to psionic focus, you lose
bonus action to maintain your focus on each of your turns. If focus on all principles if you cast a spell or use a feature
you choose to use your bonus action for anything other than that requires concentration.
to maintain your focus, you lose focus on the taxing prin- • Taking damage. Whenever you take damage equal to
ciple. If you lose focus on a taxing principle for any reason, or greater than five times your proficiency bonus, or any
you can’t focus on it again for 1 minute. psychic damage, while you are focusing on a principle,
Influence Range. Some principles have a dynamic range you must make a Constitution check to maintain your
that changes as you gain certain psionicist levels. This is focus. The DC equals 10 + the number of principles you
shown in the Influence Range column of the Psionicist table. are focusing on. On a failed check, you lose focus on the
Using mental energy to maintain focus is arduous on the highest tier principle you are focusing on. Any ties are
mind. Your mental capacity for doing so is represented by a dealt with at random. If you take damage from multiple
number of cognition points. You have a number of cognition sources, such as an arrow and a dragon’s breath, you
points equal to your psionicist level + your Intelligence make a separate Constitution check for each source of
modifier (minimum of +1). damage.
You can spend these points to fuel various principles, • Being incapacitated or killed. You lose focus on all
which each cost 1 cognition point to begin to focus on. You principles if you are incapacitated or if you die.
start with the two principles shown below, which are counted • Being charmed or frightened. If you are charmed or
towards your total number of principles known. When you frightened at the start of your turn, you must make a
gain certain psionicist levels, you gain additional principles Constitution check to maintain your focus. The DC equals
of your choice, as shown in the Principles Known column of 10 + the number of rounds you have been charmed
the Psionicist table. or frightened. On a failed check, you lose focus on the
When you spend a cognition point, it is unavailable until highest tier principle you are focusing on. Any ties are
you finish a long rest, at the end of which your mind is dealt with at random.
refreshed and you regain all spent cognition points.

16 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Minor Telekinesis
While focusing on this principle, you gain an additional
object interaction on your turn that you can use to manipu- These ethos define the various ways a psionicist learns to
late an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or control the power of their psionics. This can take many
retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents forms depending on how the psionicist chooses to hone their
out of a vial. The object you are interacting with must be mental acuity and psychic potential.
within your influence range at all times, and can’t weigh
more than a number of pounds equal to your proficiency
bonus. As normal, you can't use this object interaction to
activate or use a magic item. Mindcrafters harness their psionic abilities to manipulate
matter itself. While other psionicists focus on honing their
Telekinetic Push mental powers for various purposes, the mindcrafter delves
While focusing on this principle, you can use an action to into the realm of creation, wielding their psychic energy to
create one of the following effects at a point you can see shape and control physical substances. With their remark-
within your influence range: able control over matter, they are capable of constructing
• One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must intricate puppets known as amalgamations, and their teleki-
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be telekinetically netic prowess allows them to manipulate objects in unique
pushed 5 feet away from you. A creature can willingly fail and fascinating ways.
this save. At the core of the mindcrafter's abilities lies their mastery
• One object that you choose that isn't being worn or over amalgamations. These are puppet-like constructs
carried, and that weighs no more than a number of formed from a combination of raw materials and imbued
pounds equal to your proficiency bonus, is telekinetically with psionic energy. Through their sheer force of will,
pushed 5 feet away from you. the mindcrafter can manipulate these amalgamations,
At 9th level, the creature or object is pushed up to 10 commanding them to move, interact, and perform tasks
feet away from you, and at 17th level, the creature or as extensions of themselves. The exact appearance and
object is pushed up to 15 feet away from you. capabilities of these constructs may vary from mindcrafter
to mindcrafter, reflecting their individual creativity and
Ethos In addition to their prowess in creating and controlling
2nd-level Psionicist feature amalgamations, mindcrafters possess a unique affinity for
manipulating objects using their telekinetic abilities. They
You choose a psionic ethos: mindcrafter, vectormancer, or can exert their psychic energy to move, levitate, and reshape
void templar, each of which is detailed at the end of the class items in creative and unexpected ways. With a mere thought,
description. A psionic ethos is a rigid set of mental exercises they can telekinetically manipulate the objects they carry
that allows a psionicist to manifest psionic power. Each ethos or interact with, allowing for a wide range of practical and
specializes in a specific approach to psionics. Your choice strategic applications.
grants you unique features at 2nd level and again at 5th,
11th, and 17th level. Mindcrafter Proficiencies
2nd-level Mindcrafter feature

Mindfulness You gain proficiency with smith’s tools and tinker’s tools. If
3rd-level Psionicist feature you already have one or both of these proficiencies, you can
choose other types of artisan’s tools instead.
You have learned to regain some of your mental capacity You also gain proficiency in the Investigation and
through introspection. Once per day when you finish a short Perception skills, as well as with improvised weapons.
rest, you can regain a number of cognition points equal to
your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Amalgamation
2nd-level Mindcrafter feature

As a bonus action, you can target a group of objects not

being worn or carried that fill a cube with a number of
feet up to your proficiency bonus within your influence
range, and use them to create an amalgamation (minimum

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 17

2-foot-cube). An amalgamation counts as a Construct Discorporate
creature as well as a Medium object, and has an AC based While focusing on this principle, your amalgamation can
off of the material that primarily makes up its construction, move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
as referenced in the Amalgamation Material table below. An squeezing and can move up, down, and across vertical
amalgamation can’t be primarily made out of mithral surfaces without using extra movement. It can’t end its
or adamantine. If it is forced to make an ability check or a movement on a vertical surface.
saving throw, treat all its ability scores as equal to your own.
Instead of having hit points, when the amalgamation takes Get Over There
damage, you must make a Constitution check to maintain While focusing on this principle, when you take the Attack
your focus on it as if it was a principle. The DC equals 4 + action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks to
the number of times any amalgamation you create has taken psionically animate and lash rope or chains toward a crea-
damage before your next short or long rest. On a failed ture. The rope or chain and target must both be within your
check, the amalgamation breaks apart, and you can’t create a influence range. Make a melee weapon attack against the
new one until after the end of your next turn. target, treating the rope or chain as an improvised weapon.
The amalgamation shares your walking speed and actions, If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d4 + your Intelligence
splitting them up between both you and it. For example, if modifier bludgeoning damage. If you have created an amal-
your walking speed was 30 feet, you could choose to move gamation and the creature is Large or smaller, you push the
10 feet and your amalgamation to move the remaining 20 creature up to 10 feet towards your amalgamation.
feet. If you are a spellcaster, an amalgamation can't cast This principle’s damage increases by 1d4 when your
a spell for you from its position. If you are able to make psioni-cist level reaches 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4),
multiple attacks with the Attack action, you can choose to and 17th level (4d4). Additionally, when your psionicist
have the amalgamation make melee weapon attacks with level reaches 11th level, you push the creature up to 15 feet
a reach of 5 feet in place of one or all of your attacks. The towards your amalgamation.
amalgamation uses your Intelligence modifier and proficiency
bonus for its attack rolls, and deals 1d8 + your Intelligence Insidious Insertion
modifier force damage on a hit. You psionically animate caltrops to fling towards a creature.
The caltrops and target must both be within your influence
Amalgamation Material range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Substance AC or take 1d4 piercing damage and have the caltrops embed
Cloth, paper, rope 11 into its body. For every 10 feet the creature travels while the
Crystal, glass, ice 13 caltrops are embedded, it takes 1d4 piercing damage. The
Wood, bone 15
creature can avoid this damage by spending 2 feet of
movement for every 1 foot it moves.
Stone 17
When you lose focus on this principle, the caltrops harm-
Iron, steel 19
lessly fall to the ground.

Mental Mend
Adept Principles of You target an object you can see within your influence range.
Mindcrafting Any breaks or tears in the object are telekinetically held
2nd-level Mindcrafter feature together for as long as you are focusing on this principle. As
long as a break or tear is no larger than a number of feet in
You have unlocked the secrets of mindcrafting, gaining any dimension equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum
access to the set of 1st-tier principles offered by your ethos. 1 foot), you hold it together with psionics, leaving no trace
When you gain additional principles, you can choose from of the former damage. When you lose focus on this principle,
the following options. the exact same breaks or tears in the object return.
This principle can physically hold together a broken magic
Centered Defense item or Construct creature, but can’t restore magic or hit
Taxing points to such an object or creature.

While focusing on this principle, your amalgamation can

gain the benefit of the Dodge action at the end of each of
your turns, so long as it didn’t make more than one attack
on your last turn.

18 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Potent Slam Vectormancer
Taxing Vectormancers are the unparalleled masters of telekinetic
manipulation, dominating reality by psionically manifesting
While focusing on this principle, once on each of your turns vectors. With their minds as the conduit, they exert control
when your amalgamation hits a creature, you can force that over the very fabric of existence, defying physical limitations
creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, to reshape the world around them. Through their rigorous
the creature is pushed 5 feet away from your amalgamation training and unwavering focus, they have honed their minds
and knocked prone. to become conduits of pure psychic energy.
When you reach 9th level in this class, the creature is With but a thought, Vectormancers can move objects of
pushed up to 10 feet away from your amalgamation, and immense size and weight, their mastery over telekinesis
when you reach 17th level in this class, the creature is defying the laws of physics. They bend and twist vectors,
pushed up to 15 feet away from your amalgamation. directing forces with precision to accomplish remarkable
feats. Whether it be lifting entire structures effortlessly or
Telekinetic Trickery redirecting projectiles mid-flight, their abilities are a marvel
While focusing on this principle, when you make a Dexterity to behold.
(Sleight of Hand) check, you can choose to use your In battle, Vectormancers use their telekinetic prowess to
Intelligence modifier instead. Additionally, when you use immobilize opponents, suspending them mid-air, or manip-
an object from the Adventuring Gear section that requires a ulating their movements to render them helpless. They can
saving throw, such as caltrops, ball bearings, or putting out create powerful barriers, shield allies, and even alter the
alchemist’s fire, you can choose to use your Principle save DC trajectory of enemy attacks, turning the tides of combat in
in place of the save DC listed in the object. their favor. Their precise control over vectors allows them to
disarm foes, snatch weapons from a distance, and disrupt
Trapping Slam magical energies with ease.
Vector Proficiencies
While focusing on this principle, once on each of your turns 2nd-level Vectormancer feature
when your amalgamation hits a Large or smaller creature,
you can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. You gain proficiency with the Athletics and Acrobatics skills.
A Large creature has advantage on this saving throw. On a If you already have one or both of these proficiencies, you
failed save, the target is restrained by discharged parts of can choose other skills instead.
the amalgamation until you lose focus on this principle. On You also gain proficiency with shields.
a successful save, the discharged parts are destroyed, and
you must make a Constitution check to maintain your focus Adept Principles of Vectors
on the amalgamation as if it just took damage. A creature 2nd-level Vectormancer feature
restrained by the discharged parts or one that can touch the
creature can use its action to make a Strength check against You have unlocked the secrets of vectors, gaining access to
your principle save DC. On a successful check, the target is the set of principles offered by your ethos. When you learn
freed. additional principles, you choose from the following options.

Bend Light
While focusing on this principle, you can create vectors to
reflect light as a momentary distraction. As a reaction, you
can choose a creature you can see within your influence
range that needs to make a Constitution saving throw to
maintain its concentration, and give it disadvantage on that

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 19

Feedback Pulse Void Templar
Taxing As guardians of the mind and the blade, the Void Templars
are not mere warriors but also seekers of knowledge.
While focusing on this principle, you can elicit a pulse of Their secluded sanctuaries serve as centers of learning and
feedback to your enemies’ motion. When a creature within contemplation, where ancient tomes and psionic artifacts
your influence range willingly moves at least 5 feet, you are carefully studied and preserved. Within these hidden
can force it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed enclaves, they unravel the mysteries of psionics and seek to
save, it takes 1d6 force damage. unlock the full potential of their bodies and minds.
This principle’s damage increases by 1d6 when your Trained from a young age in clandestine organizations
psionicist level reaches 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and hidden away in the most remote corners of Imaria, the Void
17th level (4d6). Templars undergo rigorous mental and physical discipline.
They learn to tap into the vast reservoirs of psionic energy
Gravity Field within themselves, forging a connection between their minds
While focusing on this principle, you generate psionic pres- and their weapons. Through intense concentration and medi-
sure all around you. At the start of each of your turns, each tation, they can manifest their thoughts into telekinetic force,
creature of your choice that you can see within your influ- manipulating their weapons with sheer mental willpower.
ence range must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop This ability not only grants them unmatched precision and
one object it is holding. On a successful save, the creature is speed in combat but also allows them to wield heavier and
immune to this principle until the end of your next turn. more protective armor than their brethren.
Void Templars are a formidable force on the battlefield,
Guide or Avoid their telekinetic prowess elevating their martial skills to a
While focusing on this principle, you can subtly manipulate level rarely seen in the world. They can deflect incoming
weapon attacks. As a reaction, you can add or subtract your attacks, redirect the trajectory of their strikes mid-swing,
proficiency bonus from a weapon attack you can see within and bolster their defenses with invisible barriers of psionic
your influence range. You make this decision after the attack energy. Their duels are a mesmerizing dance of mind and
is rolled, but before the outcome is determined. steel, as they anticipate and counter their opponents' moves
with uncanny accuracy. When the Void Templars unleash
Kinetic Resonance their full potential, they become a whirlwind of telekinetic
While focusing on this principle, your attacks deliver a power, striking with supernatural force.
telekinetic impact. Once on your turn when you hit a target
with a weapon attack, it must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be pushed horizontally the number of feet listed in Void Armaments
your Telekinetic Push principle in a direction of your choice. 2nd-level Void Templar feature
Objects automatically fail this saving throw.
You acquire the training necessary to effectively arm
Lift or Fall yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor,
While focusing on this principle, you can subtly manipulate shields, and martial weapons.
a creature's movement. As a reaction, you can choose a crea-
ture you can see beginning to walk, jump, or climb within Adept Principles of the Void
your influence range, and add or subtract the number of feet 2nd-level Void Templar feature
listed in your Telekinetic Push principle from its movement.
You have unlocked the secrets of the void, gaining access
Psychic Wind to the set of 1st-tier principles offered by your ethos. When
While focusing on this principle, psionic wind torrents you gain additional principles, you can choose from the
around you. You have half cover against ranged weapon following options.
Battle Fog
Reverse Polarity While focusing on this principle, you gain +1 bonus to AC.
While focusing on this principle, you fall at a rate of 60 feet
per round. If you land while still focusing on this principle, Flurry of Objects
you take no falling damage and can land on your feet. While focusing on this principle, an area of chaotic
telekinetic force manifests around you with a radius that is
equal to the number of feet listed in your Telekinetic Push

20 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

principle. If there is at least 10 pounds of loose objects in the Reduce Impact
area, they wildly fly about within it, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning When you begin focusing on this principle, select one type of
damage to any creature that enters the area for the first damage from force or thunder. When you take damage of the
time on a turn or starts its turn there. Alternatively, you can chosen type, you reduce that damage by a number equal to
provide 10 pounds worth of objects you are carrying when your proficiency bonus while focusing on this principle. You
you begin focusing on this principle. can use this principle twice, selecting a different damage type
This principle’s damage increases by 1d4 when your each time. For the purpose of maintaining your focus, each
psionicist level reaches 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and use of this principle counts as its own principle.
17th level (4d4). In addition, you can designate creatures
within the area who are unaffected by this principle when Soul Shield
your psionicist level reaches 11th level. When you begin focusing on this principle, and at the start
of each of your turns while focusing on this principle, you
Hit the Mark gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your profi-
Taxing ciency bonus. You lose any remaining temporary hit points
when you lose focus on this principle.
While focusing on this principle, you gain advantage on the
first weapon attack you make on each of your turns. Telekinetic Attraction
Kinetic Strike
While focusing on this principle, once on each of your turns When you begin focusing on this principle, and each turn
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you gain a when you use a bonus action to maintain focus on it, you
bonus equal to your proficiency bonus to one of the attack’s can target one creature you can see within your influence
damage rolls. range. On the start of that creature’s turn, it must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the only direction
Limit Break the creature can move is towards you, and it has disadvan-
When you begin focusing on this principle, select one type tage on attack rolls against any creature other than you. On
of damage from bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You gain a successful save, it treats any movement that isn’t towards
resistance to the selected damage type while focusing on this you as difficult terrain. If an affected creature leaves your
principle. You can use this principle three times, selecting a influence range, the effect on the creature ends.
different damage type each time. For the purpose of main-
taining your focus, each use of this principle counts as its
own principle.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 21

Desperado Rogue Fail Forward
3rd-level Desperado feature
While many rogues are highly-skilled specialists who rely on
their expertise to accomplish their tasks, some find them- Lady Luck smiles upon you, allowing even your failures to
selves achieving victory through sheer luck. They may not be result in sequences of events that lead to circumstances of
the most skilled, but their fortune swings the balance in their coincidental benefit. When you miss a weapon attack roll,
favor often enough for them to accomplish the impossible. you can choose to roll on the Fail Forward table, gaining the
This luck, however, can twist their perception, leading them benefit referenced below.
to believe they are more skilled than they actually are. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses after
finishing a short or long rest.

Fail Forward
d8 Benefit
1 You gain advantage on the next weapon attack you make before
the end of your next turn.
2 The target or your missed attack can’t take reactions until the start
of its next turn.
3 You gain the benefits of the Dodge action until the start of your
next turn.
4 The target of your missed attack is knocked prone.
5 You can make a second attack as part of the same Attack action
at a different target within the reach or range of the weapon you
just attacked with. The second target must be within 30 feet of
the original target.
6 You can immediately move up to 15 feet without provoking
opportunity attacks.
7 You have advantage on the next saving throw you make before
the start of your next turn.
8 You gain 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier temporary hit points
(minimum of +1).

Better Luck Next Time

3rd-level Desperado feature

Your absurd luck allows you to react even

when the enemy gets the drop on you.
If you are surprised at the beginning of
combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can
choose to not be surprised.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use
it again until you finish a long rest.

22 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Make Your Own Luck
9th-level Desperado feature

You have learned not to leave everything to chance. When you

suffer a condition on the Made Luck table below, you can use
a reaction just before the condition takes full effect. You are
able to just barely move yourself to a slightly more advanta-
geous position, and instead gain the condition or suffer the
effect listed in the Exchanged Effect column on the table.

Made Luck
Suffered Condition Exchanged Effect

Petrified Paralyzed

Paralyzed Stunned
Stunned Blinded
Blinded Restrained
Restrained Delayed

Delayed Frightened
Frightened Deafened Tactician
As an expert on battlefield tactics and military techniques,
you can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your
Deafened Prone
Dexterity modifier for your initiative rolls. You also gain the
Prone Pushed 5 feet away from
following benefits:
what knocked you prone.
• When initiative is rolled, you can have any two allied
creatures you can see that can hear you swap initiative
You’re in Luck rolls, or you can swap your initiative with an allied
13th-level Desperado feature creature you can see that can hear you.
• You can take the Help action in combat to aid an allied
Your luck begins to rub off on others. When a creature creature you can see that can hear you. The creature also
within 30 feet of you misses with a weapon attack roll, you gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your
can roll on the Fail Forward table and grant it the benefit Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). Once a creature
listed. In addition, whenever you roll on the Fail Forward gains these temporary hit points, it can’t do so again until
table, you can roll the die twice and choose which of the two it finishes a long rest.
benefits you gain. If you roll the same result twice, you can • As a bonus action, you can designate an allied creature
choose any benefit on the table. you can see that can hear you to perform one action. The
creature can choose to use its reaction at the end of your
Some Have All the Luck turn to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dodge,
17th-level Desperado feature or Use an Item action. Once an allied creature uses this
reaction, it can’t do so again until it finishes a long rest.
Your failures are so spectacular that they come full circle. You can use the benefits of this feat a number of times
When making a weapon attack roll with a finesse or ranged total equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all
weapon, you can treat a d20 roll of 1 as a 20, turning the expended uses after finishing a long rest.
miss into a critical hit.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 23

Spell Magic Item
Thalagrantus’ Chronal Audit
3rd-level divination

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 30 feet
Components: S, M (an hourglass or timepiece embedded
with a sapphire, worth at least 150 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
You channel the essence of the Sapphire Elder Dragon of
Time to affect one creature’s timeline within range. The
target must make a Charisma saving throw, taking 4d6
psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. On a failed save, you can also choose to
either unveil or collapse the creature’s timeline. If you choose
to unveil its timeline, you learn what spells, if any, are Tome of Hyperfixation
currently affecting it and the number of magic items, if any, Wondrous item, rare
worn or carried by it. If you choose to collapse its timeline,
the creature becomes delayed until the end of its next turn. This appears to be an ordinary leather-bound book with no
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell with a spell slot title or inscription on its cover. However, upon opening the
of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for book, it seems to have an infinite number of pages, each
each slot level above 3rd. If you cast this spell with a spell filled with different pieces of knowledge.
slot of 5th level or higher, you can choose to cast it as a This tome contains boundless meticulous information on a
bonus action. variety of subjects.
You can choose a skill or tool and spend 10 minutes

Conditions reading the relevant section of the tome to gain proficiency in

that skill or tool. If you are already proficient in the chosen
skill or tool, you add double your proficiency bonus when
you make an ability check using the chosen skill or tool,
Quickened instead of your normal proficiency bonus. If you already add
A quickened creature gains an additional action on each of double your proficiency bonus when you make an ability
its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack check using the chosen skill or tool, you instead gain advan-
action (one weapon attack only). A creature may take the tage on all ability checks using the chosen skill or tool.
Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action as a bonus Once you have used the tome in this way, it can't be used
action. again until the next dawn.
Cursed. This tome is cursed. An identify spell reveals the
tome's true nature. If you use the tome, you are cursed until
Delayed you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar magic. As
A delayed creature has its speed reduced by 10 feet. On long as you are cursed, you can't use the tome again, and
its turn, it can take either an action or a bonus action, not find yourself completely obsessed with the currently chosen
both. A creature that would be able to make multiple attacks skill or tool. You are reluctant to do anything that doesn't
(such as with the Extra Attack feature, or Multiattack action) involve it, and when you make an ability check that doesn't
makes one less attack during its turn (minimum 1). use the chosen skill or tool, you must roll a d4 and subtract
the result from the ability check. This cursed obsession can
also lead to reckless behavior, a lack of concern for personal
Withered safety, and an insatiable desire for new information about
When a withered creature would regain hit points, it instead the skill or tool. Any benefits gained from the tome are lost
gains temporary hit points equal to the amount of hit points when the curse is broken.
it would have regained. Any effect a withered creature uses
to cause another creature to make a saving throw, has the DC
of that saving throw reduced by 2.

24 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

Aethergarde Bastion
In the vibrant trade city of Locke, nestled at the eastern
mouth of the Uoglu straight, there stands a fortress of great
importance - Aethergarde Bastion. This fortified stronghold
stands not only as a formidable fortress but as a living
testament to the resilience and creativity of its inhabitants. It
has become a sanctuary for refugees who managed to escape
the clutches of the oppressive Iltherian Empire. Founded by
the renik knight Adira of Wolvesget, the bastion's walls are
reinforced with the resilient anti-magic renik steel, providing
a secure haven for those seeking respite from their tumul-
tuous past.

Expression Unhindered
Situated as a distinct walled district within Locke,
Aethergarde Bastion is a striking architectural marvel among
the rest of the city. The bastion's green-tinged stone walls
rise tall and imposing, adorned with watchtowers and defen-
sive structures strategically placed to safeguard its cherished
residents. However, these fortifications do more than protect;
they also bear witness to a unique architectural style that
blends the remnants of former crushing uniformity with the
unrestrained explosion of creativity.
Within Aethergarde's walls, the buildings themselves are
canvases upon which the renik knights' aesthetic preferences
are painted. The once-repressed artistic spirit flourishes,
mingling defensive elements like parapets and reinforced
doors with wild and expressive forms of architectural
artistry, all done without the use of magic. As one traverses
the bastion's cobbled streets, they are met with a visual
tapestry that tells the story of a people breaking free from the
bonds of oppression. Each building is a work of art in itself,
showcasing the diversity of styles, colors, and designs that
reflect the uniqueness of its creator.
Beyond its artistic charm, Aethergarde Bastion thrives with
a deep sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among its
inhabitants. Their collective focus centers on the principles
of freedom and resistance against the oppressive shadow
of the Iltherian Empire. Daily life within Aethergarde is a
fixture of community support, where residents rally together
to help one another rebuild their lives after escaping tyranny.
Vocational training and educational initiatives are common,
The World of Imaria aimed at integrating newcomers into the world outside the
Iltherians. Residents gather in communal spaces adorned
with colorful murals and sculptures, celebrating their
newfound freedom and unity. It's a place where talents are
nurtured, and dreams are given room to flourish.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 25

Controversial Foundation Adira’s Legacy
Aethergarde has not had an easy journey in Krymaris. Renik Adira's journey to founding Aethergarde Bastion is a testa-
knights, due to lingering distrust from the ongoing conflict, ment to her unwavering dedication to the cause of justice.
have had to work diligently to earn the acceptance of the Once a member of the original Iltherian mercenaries known
local populace. Their efforts, however, have not been in vain. simply as "8," she became deeply disturbed by the Empire's
By actively infiltrating the remnants of the Iltherian Empire brutal actions under Emperor Bravensca's rule. Even while
and acting as spies, the renik knights of Aethergarde have serving in the high command, Adira secretly worked to
gained the trust of the Resistance, a group determined to undermine the imperial agenda, contributing to critical
oust the Iltherian oppressors from these lands. successes such as the rescue of Prince Loholt Lynnvander
Locke, a city under the jurisdiction of the powerful during the fall of Vandoria.
Merchant's League, holds a unique position on the continent. After the Empire's collapse and the fragmentation of its
It is not governed by any specific nation but instead operates forces across Krymaris, Adira continued her mission by
as a thriving hub of trade and commerce. This status has infiltrating the disorganized ranks of the renik knights loyal
led to a willingness to offer asylum to the Aethergarde renik to the remaining warlords. It was during this time that Adira
knights in exchange for their role as peacekeepers within the made a pivotal discovery regarding aioessence and the Veil,
trade city. Through this arrangement, the bastion acquires the temporal barrier that envelops Imaria. She found that the
the necessary resources and supplies to sustain itself utilization of aioessence released a discharge that fortified
securely, all while fostering economic ties with the city. the Veil. This revelation fueled Adira's determination to use
The Market Rulers of Locke have established a set of her abilities for the betterment of Imaria. With newfound
agreements that outline rules and protocols governing the purpose, she established Aethergard Bastion and introduced
ethical use of magical powers and spells. These guidelines a fresh set of aioessence ideals to the world. These ideals
emphasize the protection of non-magical beings and prohibit centered on preserving the Veil, seeking harmony between
certain destructive magical practices. The primary objective magic and anti-magic forces, and harnessing aioessence as a
of these agreements is to mitigate the devastating conse- power for positivity.
quences of magical conflict and promote responsible magic
usage within Locke. Enforcing these agreements falls under
the purview of the Aethergarde, a fact that sparks contro-
A New Order
versy among many Krymaris inhabitants. Aethergarde Bastion serves as a crucial training ground for
renik knights who wish to embrace a more balanced and
equitable approach to their powers, free from the oppressive
dogma of Iltheria. This fortress has also inspired similar
outposts in other regions, with the most renowned being
located in the Merchant's League city of Trifalcon, the largest
trading hub in Imaria. From these sanctuaries, new gener-
ations of renik knight adventurers emerge, carrying Adira's
vision of a brighter future for Imaria into the world.

26 Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview

An immense reptilian creature with crests of feathers
interspersed with its hardened granite scales.
The meggmok terrorize the Shikarn Steppes, consuming
anything that gets in their path with impunity. They are
greatly feared and respected by the hobgoblins that live
there, who see hunting the beasts as one of the greatest
challenges a warrior can aspire to. The meggmok are the
product left behind in an incursion by the Lunar Hordes.
Inside their blood, a powerful celestial presence lies dormant,
awaiting its host's demise. A meggmok on the brink of death
will erupt in radiant flame, breaking away its rocky hide to
give way to the glowing angelic beast beneath.

Meggmok Actions
Gargantuan Monstrosity (Titan) (Celestial after Radiant Rebirth), Unaligned Multiattack. The meggmok makes two Claw attacks.

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21
Hit Points 294 (19d20 + 95) (4d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft.; fly 50 ft. (After Radiant Rebirth)
Colossal Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 33 (4d12 + 7) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is
25 (+7) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained,
and the meggmok can't bite another target.

Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +7 Legendary Actions

Skills Perception +7 The meggmok can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Damage Resistances necrotic, radiant (After Radiant Rebirth) below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at
Condition Immunities charmed the end of another creature's turn. The meggmok regains spent legendary
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 actions at the start of its turn.
Languages understands Celestial but can’t speak
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Claw. The meggmok makes one Claw attack.
Proficiency Bonus +5
Rampage (Costs 2 Actions). The meggmok moves up to its speed. Each
Radiant Rebirth (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the time it enters a Huge or smaller creature's space during this move, the
meggmok would be reduced to 0 hit points, its current hit point total creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. A creature takes 16
instead resets to 185 hit points, its creature type becomes Celestial, it (3d10) bludgeoning damage, is pushed 20 feet away from the meggmok
grows massive feathered wings that give it a flying speed of 50 feet, it in a random direction, and falls prone on a failed save, or takes half as
gains resistance to necrotic and radiant damage, and it neutralizes any much damage, is pushed 10 feet away from the meggmok in a random
poison or disease affecting it. Additionally, the meggmok can now use the direction, and is not knocked prone on a successful one. If the meggmok
options in the “Extra Legendary Actions” section for 1 hour. Award a party enters the space of a creature more than once during this action, it is
an additional 11,500 XP (23,000 XP total) for defeating the meggmok after affected only once.
its Radiant Rebirth activates. At the end of the hour, it transforms back into
its previous form with no memory of having its Radiant Rebirth activate. Extra Legendary Actions
Gleaming Maw. The meggmok causes a creature it is grappling to
Magic Resistance. The meggmok has advantage on saving throws take 14 (4d6) radiant damage.
against spells and other magical effects.
Celestial Bellow (Costs 3 Actions). The meggmok roars with magical
Powerful Jaws. While the meggmok is grappling a Huge or larger radiance. Each creature within 90 feet of it must succeed on a DC 20
creature, it can move at regular speed. Constitution saving throw or take 21 (6d6) radiant damage and be
stunned until the end of its next turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the meggmok fails a saving throw, it
can choose to succeed instead.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power Kickstarter Preview 27

Welcome to the
World of Imaria
Unleash your power in a time-woven realm of psionics,
mana, and anti-magic! This book provides the details needed
to participate in a 5e game set in the world of Imaria.

Imaria is a 5e-compatible setting guide infused with unique

gameplay that will revitalize your Fifth Edition gaming. It is set in
a realm based around four Pillars of Power: ethereal chronomancy,
psionics, mana, and the anti-magic known as aioessence. Together,
these powers shape a vibrant and extensive world, cut off from
extraplanar forces by a net of temporal energy known as the Veil.
Here, you'll find a thriving and expansive world infused with
captivating gameplay elements, such as godless realms, magic vs
anti-magic, chronomancy, anthropomorphic peoples, technology like
black powder and airships, and the intense connectivity between
manipulating destiny and the promise of fate.

Imaria: The Pillars of Power has distinctive feats, items, and

monsters, sixteen new spells, an overhauled inspiration system,
vehicle builder, and other augmentations, and over 20 subclasses,
two for each class, designed around the setting's themes. But that's
not all! Imaria introduces three new classes - the anti-magic Renik
Knight, time-altering Sage, and the reality-warping Psionicist.
Whether you want to charge into battle wielding the awe-striking
power of aioessence, bend time in subtle but profound ways, or
project your thoughts across reality, the possibilities are endless!

Envision a winged elven monk, harnessing chronomantic ener-

gies to assume a time-dilation stance, effortlessly sidestepping a
speeding bullet. Simultaneously, a goblin desperado rogue taps into
her 'uncanny luck,' miraculously causing her slinging repeating
flintlocks to find their mark, even after initially missing their target.
Meanwhile, a 'lupine' wolf sorcerer deftly weaves the threads of
karmic chance to masterfully manipulate spells, only to watch in
astonishment as their magic is absorbed by the mana-thirsty sword
of a renik knight. Imagine the scene as an orcish dreadnaught
barbarian slowly approaches a fort's imposing wall, delivering a
thunderous swing that shatters it, clearing the path for her allies.
But just as victory seems assured, a two-tailed fox with the power
of time manipulation touches the rubble, seamlessly restoring the
wall to its former state. All of these fantastical feats and more come
to life within the mesmerizing world of Imaria.

Grab your dice, record initiative (prepare to have it tampered with

by a Bard of the College of Time) and get ready for an adventure
worthy of time itself!

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