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Securing the Border






Smuggling involves illegal transverse of goods and people across the country's borders

via air, water, or land. It undermines the safety of any country, encourages crime, and leads to

issues in migration governance. Migration smuggling is an illegal act under any state law and

also according to international law. Border separates states, nations, or states, and the border

point determines government control over specific areas. The government can establish and

declare laws within its area. Smuggling is a major challenge at the border points of many

countries, and hence there is a need to create suitable strategies that aid in the illegal movement

of people and goods (Sreedevi, 2021). Human smuggling activities involve various forms that

differ by the location of smuggling. For instance, trafficking from Mexico to the United States

involves different types of smuggling, and at most times, it involves friends and family helping

aliens to traverse the border (Mussi, 2018). Also, some local corrupt agents can be used to help

individuals illegally traverse good or themselves. Securing a nation's or state's border from the

illegal movement of people and goods promotes lawful trade and travel, ensuring peace and

national sovereignty and economic prosperity. However, despite all this, border security can be

ensured by adjusting to mere effective strategies such as applying as enacting policies at the

border points, applying modern technology, and educating the public on issues concerning

border security.

Law and policy enforcement strategies involve deterrence and disruption. This requires

the state to ensure that policies govern the border activities and state out clearly the severe

punishments on violation of these policies. These policies include clearing smuggling at the

border points as an explicit crime, improving the intelligence at the border points, increasing

prosecutions and arrests of smugglers, encouraging legal forfeits for alien smuggling, interfering

with the traditional safe houses, and the routes (Mododi Arkhodi, 2021). And they are promoting

the cooperation of both the local law and state enforcement officials and external policy

enforcement officials. More attention has to be directed to the increased implementation of labor

policies and laws, especially to the workers who exploit the illegal migrant labor and control

marriage, escort, and modeling services to ensure that they do not participate in forced

prostitution trafficking (Carling, 2017). For instance, the U.S. has been on the frontline in

pushing forward the implementation of these policies. Federal penalties and punishments for

alien smuggling have been increased. The Violent Crime Control and law enforcement Act states

that individuals who intentionally assist illegal aliens enter the United States have to face ten

years imprisonment or fines per alien (Friedman, 2018). In case of bodily injury or life jeopardy

as a result of smuggling, these penalties have been increased to twenty years per alien. Then the

worst is life imprisonment that may be imposed if, during smuggling, death occurs. The new

federal policy guidelines have led to a relative increase in smuggling prosecutions, discouraging

other interested individuals.

Education and awareness that aims to inform the public on the dangers of smuggling

activities. This should be more focused on individuals at the border points and the agents

working at this place. Making the public aware of the dangers that may involve even

imprisonment also discourages people from participating in smuggling activities (Mododi

Arkhodi, 2021). The education programs should be aimed to ensure interrelationship between the

country agency to control smuggling. Through the education campaigns, people are made aware

of the services of trafficking and the resulting consequences. For instance, the U.S and Mexican

governments have established education programs on the southern border to educate the

Mexicans about the risks of utilizing smugglers to traverse the desert places (Mussi, 2018). Also,

the US-EU information campaign helped decrease the trafficking of women in Poland and

Ukraine (Friedman, 2018). Education campaigns individuals on recognizing their rights and roles

to ensure the state's surety and thus become more responsible at the border points.

Technology is the other additional idea that, when employed at the border point, helps

secure the border. Incorporating technology devices such as tracking and monitoring gadgets

makes the agencies' work at the border points more effective and easier. These devices will

identify scam documents that terrorists used at the border points to blind the agencies. Also,

scanning devices are crucial for detecting illegal goods at the border points (Carling, 2017). They

can monitor items such as guns and illegal drugs that are majorly transverse at the border points.

The application of the ground-based Technologies program includes technologies as imagers,

unattended ground sensors, radars, and power and communication technologies for DHS

elements (Friedman, 2018). Air-based technologies focus on testing, evaluating, and detecting

sensors on rotary or fixed-wing unmanned and manned aircraft. Sensors improve the

classification and detection of illicit activities such as trafficking. Land Technology and Science

establish transition capabilities that strengthen that will strengthen border security.

In conclusion, border security is an essential issue that each country has to focus on for

security. Establishing an international migration policy or regime would help more to control

smuggling at the border points. Combating trafficking smuggling needs a systematic

consideration of the scope and nature of the challenge and implementing the best practice to

control the identified operation. Application of law, technology, and educating the public are

possible solutions that can aid in controlling smuggling and securing the border.


Carling, J. (2017). How should migrant smuggling be confronted?. Migration Research Leaders

Syndicate, 97.

Friedman, S. (2018). Challenges to the Counter-Migrants Smuggling Regime in the

Mediterranean Sea. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Research Paper, 18-23.

Mododi Arkhodi, M. (2021). Identify the factors affecting sustainable security in border villages

in terms of distance from the border. Regional Planning.

Mussi, F. (2018). Countering migrant smuggling in the Mediterranean Sea under the mandate of

the U.N. Security Council: what protection for the fundamental rights of migrants?. The

International Journal of Human Rights, 22(4), 488-502.

Sreedevi, B. (2021). Application Of Permissioned Blockchain For Automated, Efficient, Secure

Cross Border Trade. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education

(TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3762-3766.

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