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Course: BUS601

Couse Title: Human Resource Management

Section: 05

Training Practices on Bangladesh:

A Study on Eastern Bank Limited

Submitted By
Anika Tahasin (ID- 2135538660)
Ananna Talukder (ID- 2215136660)
Nishat Nailah (ID- 2225322660)
Kushal Chowdhury (ID- 2135452660)
Tasnuba Tabassum (ID- 2125094660)
Sonia Khan (ID- 1935300660)
1. Introduction :

A company's deliberate efforts to help employees develop the skills necessary for their professions
are referred to as training. These competences include the information, abilities, or conduct
necessary for effective work performance. Employee mastery of the knowledge, skills, and
behaviors highlighted in training programs, as well as their application to daily tasks, are the main
objectives of training. The HR department of Eastern Bank Ltd. has set the same objective for its
workers skill development so that they can excel in the banking industry. One of Bangladesh's
most effective banks, Eastern Bank Ltd. has been operating successfully. Being a pioneer in the
industry, the bank is equally successful in its banking operations and in training skilled banking
personnel. In any company, training and development are crucial. We'll examine the function of
training from a variety of stakeholder perspectives, both personally and organizationally. You'll
think about the top priorities and applications for training in the workplace. Additionally, you will
have the chance to familiarize yourself with the theories, models, and resources that support
training and development.

2. Establishment Of Eastern Bank Limited:

EBL, precisely known as Eastern Bank Limited started its journey on 8 th August, 1992 as a public
limited company. Starting its business with only 4 branches which included Principal Branch,
Dhaka; Motijheel Branch, Dhaka; Agrabad Branch, Chittagong and Khulna Branch, currently EBL
has 79 branches in total including one off-shore banking unit. With 194 ATMs open for 24 hours
for customer service, EBL is now serving in the major business areas of different cities across the

With a view to safeguard the interest of the depositors of erstwhile BCCI (Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (Overseas)) under the Reconstruction Scheme, 1992, EBL aimed to carry
all kinds of banking business in and outside Bangladesh and that was their main objective. As
BCCI collapsed internationally in 1991, Bangladesh Bank gave permission to form a bank named
Eastern Bank Limited which would take over all the assets, cash and liabilities of erstwhile BCCI
in Bangladesh.
With a motto to grow as a leader in the banking arena of Bangladesh, EBL strives to offer efficient
counselling and better service to their clients. Divided into 10 million shares of Tk. 100 each and
paid-up capital of Tk. 310 million, EBL resumed its operational activities with an authorized
capital of 1000 million. Consisting of 7 directors from various business and professions, the first
Board of Directors of EBL constituted under govt. supervision. It was under govt. control until the
end of 2000 and therefore.

New professional management from various foreign banks were brought in 2001 to modernize the
bank from every sector. The paid-up Capital in 2004 stood at Tk. 828 million but the authorized
capital remained unchanged at Tk. 1000 million. While institutional investors held the rest 16.58%,
the general public held 83.42% of its shares.

EBL also offers mini branch banking facility like 24 hour ATM facility, customer bill payment,
internet banking etc. They launched it as a term named Kiosk, through which they offer these
facilities to their valuable customers.

EBL also is the only bank to implement the first foreign banking software for their customers and
no other banks before them did it in the past.

3. Objectives :

There are three main goals of training from the perspective of the individual employee:

 Increase the person's awareness level

 Boost one's proficiency in one or more fields of specialization
 Boost a person's drive to do a good job at their work

We are aware that the business environment in the modern organization is unstable, uncertain,
complex, and confusing. In this regard, it is crucial that, if an organization invests in training, the
knowledge and skills gained spur meaningful production, ensuring that the company maintains a
competitive advantage in this cutthroat global market.

Because the cost to the organization is frequently large, high-quality training is quite important.
The price of training includes the course fee, travel costs, and any time missed from work to attend.
The average annual national expenditure per employee for learning and development.
Organizations should prioritize training since it has various advantages for their workforce.
Decrease in the production of subpar goods and services decreased waste (materials in the process
of production), decreased absenteeism, decreased staff turnover, lower consumer complaints and
customer churn, Enhanced employee motivation, commitment, and loyalty. A workforce that is
more adaptable, versatile, and empowered improves corporate image. Only after the
implementation of an extensive training program are these advantages realized.

4. Literature review:

Training typically consists of instructional or inspirational exercises intended to enhance each

participant's knowledge, abilities, and performance. In its simplest form, training refers to a
deliberate initiative by a business to support employees' acquisition of job-related competencies.
The skills and knowledge that are necessary for successful job performance are included in the

Development is a process wherein individuals acquire the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and other
traits that are necessary for them to function efficiently and effectively within a company. An
effective development process results in appropriate behavior, attitudes, and activity modification
in individuals that is directly tied to organizational goals and quantifiable results.


Global –

Global banking, as the name suggests, provides financial services worldwide to different
organization and institutes [1]. This marketing field is getting more and more competitive with
each passing day. The world is changing as well as the skills needed for global banking. Skills
required for banking sector are now more specific. With technological advancements, many
manual tasks are getting replaced with automation. As a result, job seekers are expected to have
sound technical knowledge and experience in such fields.
These sophisticated skills are helping financial management to reach even higher excellence. For
that reason, incompetent organizations are following in their footsteps. These global organizations
are responsible for setting the standard training approaches for globally competitive financial
organizations. Those who want to succeed in this market need to follow these training steps. Most
importantly, the banking sector will not only be able to gain skilled employees but also prepare
them to perform more efficiently.

Human Resource Management, in many global organizations trains their employees so that they
are well adapted to face the challenges in the real world. These companies also pay attention to
expand their employees' capabilities which will become an asset in achieving excellence in today's
ever-changing marketplace.


Private financial organizations in Bangladesh are slowly adapting to the newest global training
methods. The training will help them to build capable and skilled individuals. This highly skilled
workforce will be able to fulfill the organization's goals and objectives. Unfortunately, the majority
of the public banks, along with some private banks are yet to adapt to modern employee training
approaches. Bangladesh is still lagging in the field of technological advancements. For example,
most official documents and information are written by hand in papers whereas global sectors store
these digitally. Such practices are mostly common in state-owned banks in our country. Papers are
susceptible to wear and tear. Therefore, these types of outdated practices fail them to reach their
full potential and limit their growth.

On the other hand, some renowned private banks, such as Eastern Bank Limited, are coping with
the global markets by adjusting to the modern HRM-based employee training and development
practices. Thus, they are setting the standard for the banking sectors in Bangladesh for employee
training and development.
6. Mission and vision of EBL:

In today’s competitive world only honest work can provide maximum productivity in the cutthroat
business environment of today; employees must also be able to work smarter, which ensures that
the organization will reach its full potential. While it is true that in order to work smarter, one must
have a solid education and the necessary skill training, the process does not stop there. If employees
are to apply their knowledge to increased productivity and higher quality, they require constructive
criticism that is both educational and supportive, followed by feedback and the right reward.
Productivity is a function of the ways in which monetary, technical and human resource are
managed. While monetary and technical resources can be managed by specialties in finance,
accounting and engineering, the management of human resource is responsible for all those who
supervise others. In order to develop human resource with an eye towards maximizing
productivity, it is essential that supervisors periodically assess the performance of each subordinate
because performance appraisals are done with the goal of maintaining or improving performance.

With a vision to become the bank of choice and to be the most valuable financial brand in
Bangladesh, Eastern Bank Ltd. (EBL) began its journey in 1992. Over the years EBL has
established itself as a leading private commercial bank in the country with undisputed leadership
in Corporate Banking and a strong Consumer and SME growth engines. EBL’s ambition is to be
the number one financial services provider, creating lasting value for its clientele, shareholder, and
employees and above all for the community it operates in.

Mission of Eastern Bank Ltd.

 Deliver service excellence to all the customers, both internal and external.
 Ensure to maximize shareholders’ value.
 Constantly challenging systems, procedures and training to maintain a cohesive and
professional team in order to achieve service excellence.
 Create an enabling environment and embrace a team based culture where people will excel
and also ensure to maximize shareholder’s value.
Vision of Eastern Bank Ltd.

To become the bank of choice by transforming the way they do business and developing a truly
unique financial institution that delivers superior growth and financial performance, and are the
most recognizable brand in the financial services in Bangladesh.

On the job training method:

In this kind of training, inexperienced or new employees learn by observing coworkers or superiors
perform their duties and making an effort to imitate their behavior. Due to constant on-the-job
training on the same machinery, experience that is based on pre-established standards, and learning
while earning, these approaches are less expensive and disruptive. Among the most popular are
the following:

a. Coaching: A one-on-one training technique is coaching. It helps in quickly identifying

weak areas so that focus may be placed there. Additionally, it facilitates the application of
theory to practice.
b. Mentoring: In this program, attitude improvement is the main focus. It is intended for those
who hold management roles. The best person to mentor is always a senior insider.
c. Rotation of Jobs: This is the procedure of training individuals by placing them in a series
of related positions. Rotation relieves boredom and enables the growth of relationships
with a variety of people in addition to familiarizing a person with a variety of duties.
d. The JIT (Job Instructional Technique): It is a method for providing structured, step-by-step
on-the-job training where a qualified trainer first gives an overview of the job, its purpose,
and the desired results, before showing the trainee how to do the task or skill in question
and letting the trainee perform the demonstration on their own before offering feedback
and assistance.
e. Apprenticeship: For a new generation of workers, apprenticeship is a system of
professional training. It is a pricey training method. Additionally, there is no assurance that
the trained individual will remain with the same business following training.
f. Understudy: In this strategy, a superior train a subordinate as an assistant to a manager or
director as his understudy. By participating in the day-to-day problems, the subordinate
learns via experience and observation.
Preparing the trainee:

 Putting the trainee at ease and comfort.

 Explaining the reason for him being taught about the job.
 Creating a rapport and determining what the trainee already knows about the job.
 Delineating the whole job & relating it with something the trainee already knows.
 Familiarizing the trainee with organizational equipment, culture and policies.
 Demonstrating the practical job operation:
 Explaining the quality and quantity requirements of the job.
 Showing the job operation at its usual working pace.
 Showing the job operation several times at a slow pace.
 Explaining the most intricate parts of the job and take time to ensure proper understanding.
 Letting the trainee to demonstrate the job operation by himself/herself.

7. Training Approaches at Eastern Bank Limited:

Employee training methods or approaches at the HR department of Eastern Bank Limited is an extremely
rigorous process that requires the department to remain up-to-date with or keep an eye for the modern in-
demand skillsets that may ensure workforce efficiency in the long run. The training practices at Eastern
Bank Limited however perfectly aligns with the theoretical concepts of Human Resource Management,
which indicates the organization’s aspirations and integrity for future development. Training approaches
adopted by the HR department of Eastern Bank Limited consists mainly of three basic functions, ranging
from primary functions of the training process, followed by levels of training needs assessment, all the way
down to actually training and developing employees. The entire procedure of employee training activities
at BRAC Bank Limited can be delineated as follows:
7.1 Primary Function of Training:

The main function of training is to arm employees with the knowledge and abilities necessary to
produce high-quality work that will enable the organization to effectively serve its clients. By
using ongoing learning activities in response to changes and industry practices, training also helps
your organization stay innovative and competitive. Long-term succession planning is aided by
training because it allows for early identification of potential successors and the provision of
leadership development opportunities for candidates.

The Human Resource managers at Eastern Bank Limited consider the strategic approaches to
employee training and development to be of utmost significance, as the overall performance of the
organization is solely dependent upon the individual performance of its employees. In one way or
the other, the HR department directly or indirectly train the employees of the bank to accomplish
its target objectives with celerity and efficacy through conduction of a number of employee
training activities. Furthermore, aside from training the employees of other departments, the HR
department of the bank also tend to enrich their internal HR department employees with knowledge
and expertise so that the trainings are conducted in the efficient manner possible. The primary
functions of the training process involve four core activities that are described in detail below:

 Assessment: The process of training begins with the needs assessment stage. The aim of
the assessment stage is to understand whether or not training is required. If the answer is
yes; the next step is determining competency or skills gaps and the appropriate training
intervention required. The training intervention is essentially decided in terms of attitude,
knowledge and skill (ASK), the combination of which is called as competency. The
assessment also called as the ‘training needs analysis’ is undertaken at three levels, the job,
the individual and organizational analysis.
a) The organizational analysis is aimed at short listing the focus areas for training within
the organization and the factors that may affect the same. Organizational mission,
vision, goals, people inventories, processes, performance data are all studied. The study
gives cues about the kind of learning environment required for the training.
b) The job analysis of the needs assessment survey aims at understanding the ‘what’ of
the training development stage. The kind of intervention needed is what is decided upon
in the job analysis. It is an objective assessment of the job wherein both the worker-
oriented approach as well as the task-oriented approach is taken into consideration. The
worker approach identifies key behaviors and ASK for a certain job and the task-
oriented approach identifies the activities to be performed in a certain job. The former
is useful in deciding the intervention and the latter in content development and program
c) The individual analysis is concerned with who in the organization needs the training
and in which particular area. Here performance is taken out from the performance
appraisal data and the same is compared with the expected level or standard of
performance. The individual analysis is also conducted through questionnaires, 360
feedback, personal interviews etc.

 Development: Once the training needs analysis is complete, the next stage is that
of Development. This stage involves the development of content and the training material.
Right from designing the appropriate environment to deciding the various tools, everything
is taken care of in the development stage games, A/V’s, Case Studies, Class room
intervention are various means that may be decided upon apart from the content delivered.
For example, in behavioral training emotional intelligence, teamwork, listening are
examples of competencies that are required to perform superior work. The same may be
transferred into the trainees through any of the above means depending upon various
factors like demographics, job nature etc. which are taken care of in the first stage also care
of trainee pretesting, training method selection, training content planning.

 Delivery: The most important stage and perhaps the least talked upon from the training
process is the delivery. Once the development stage is over it is time to conduct the training.
There are various factors that determine the process of delivery like the participant
demographics, the training intervention, the individual style of the trainer, scheduling the
training, conduct the training, maintain the training etc. This brings in a lot of diversity to
the training programs.
 Evaluation: It is the last stage in the training process and more important from the
perspective of evaluation of the effectiveness of training. Needless to say, it is aimed at
analyzing whether or not the training has been effective in achieving the objective (bridging
the competency gap, changing the attitude, developing new skills, measuring the training
outcome, comparing the outcomes with training objectives etc.)

8. Training and Developing Employees

Eastern Bank Limited stands for top-quality financial service assurance with great pride.
Their effective and consistent workforce are the major reasons for their strong foothold in
the marketplace. To accomplish this employee efficiency, their workforce is routinely
provided with multi-faceted employee training and development initiatives organized by
the company’s HR Training Approaches in Bangladesh.

8.1 Training methods of Eastern Bank Limited:

Orienting Training:

The orientation program has held for five days workshop, first 2 days includes brief ideas
about the whole organization and HR division, Anti money laundering, Negotiable Act and
financial article are discussed in last 3 days. Seven days program provided to the
contractual employees. The training programs commence with an orientation program to
familiarize with the newly recruited employees and acclimatize them with the new
corporate environment. The employee orientation and onboarding at Eastern Bank Limited
aims to accomplish four distinct objectives as follows:
a) To make the newly recruited employees feel welcome and give them recognition as part
of the organizational team so that they can feel at home and comfortable.
b) To ensure that the newly hired candidates have the basic information and access to
organizational aspects, such as – organizational email, RFID card, desk utensils, personal
employment prospectus, etc.
c) To help the newly recruited employees understand the organization in a broader sense,
that is – to describe the history, present, and future of the organization, along with its
mission and vision in the marketplace.
d) To help the newly hired recruits begin socializing with his coworkers, superiors, and
juniors in order to clarify who reports to whom and with what authority.

In-House Training:

In In-house training the training is conducted by their own trainer of Eastern Bank Ltd.
This training program includes both job specific and need based training. Orientation
program is also a part of it. This training program is arranged for new and existing
employees. Here is the list of some In-house training program-
 Attachment with Operations, Post field training
 Attachment with Trade and Remittance
 Attachment of Newly joined Guest Service Executive
 Basics of Banking
 Corporate Business overview and Relationship Management
 Hands on training on Retail Account and personal Loan Processing
 Induction and Orientation Training
 Information Security Awareness
 Post-Field Training
 Pre-Service Training

Job Instructional Training:

It is a structured step-by-step on-the-job training method in which a suitable trainer

provides an overview of the job, its purpose, and the desired results ,then demonstrates the
task or skill to the trainee and allows the trainee to show the demonstration on his or her
own before providing feedback and assistance.
Foreign Training:

 Conducted by hiring external trainer or sending the employee in the external

training house.
 This is for some selected employees
 Tailored the course as per needs of the trainee and organization

Peer Coaching:

 Conducted under the direction of supervisors or fellow colleagues.

 Process through which two or more professional colleagues work together to
expend, refine and new skills; share ideas; teach one another; conduct research; or
solve problems in the workplace.


E-learning/ Computer Based Training:

 Mandatory six course training

 Training on Human resource division, anti-money laundering, EBL bank overview,
legal regulatory and internal control
 Last two courses are based on the respective department.
 Examinations and results both held and published via internet.


Vestibule Training:

 Procedure and equipment used for the actual jobs are set in a special training area.
 Mainly for IT sector and new employees for better understanding of banking
equipment and software.
 Concentrate only on training and do not fear about the mistakes happening in the
main work place.
 Costly since involves duplicate of equipment, tools etc. of actual work floor.

9. Training Program Evaluation

After providing with training employees move to their job. Then management evaluates their
performance. If management finds employee performance is notably good then training
procedure comes to an end and he or she can continue with their job. If management finds
some lacking in employee’s performance then the employee goes through the training
procedure again.


For evaluating performance of their employees, Eastern Bank Ltd. use different type of
appraisal techniques that minimizes conflict with rates provides relevant feedback to rates and
contributes to the organization goals. Mainly they evaluate employees individually once a year
in the form of ACR (Annual Confidential Report) that is a combination of different individual
performance evaluation techniques. They also use the multiple rater comparative evaluation
method to prepare their ACR.

Immediate Evaluation

Individual performance appraisal techniques vary greatly among organizations. The techniques
used by Eastern Bank Ltd. are the following:

Graphic rating scale

As the oldest and most widely used performance evaluation procedure, the scaling technique
covers the most portion of the annual confidential report. In Eastern Bank Ltd., the branch
manager and division managers choose some criteria that describe job performance qualities
and characteristics those are to be rated. Each quality can be given the value from 1 to 5. The
rating scale are distinguished by

(1) how exactly the categories are defined,

(2) the degree to which the person interpreting the ratings can tell which response was
intended by the rater, and
(3) how carefully the performance dimension is defined for the rater.

This method of performance appraisal suffers from some of the measurement problems such
as the central tendency problem or the halo error. Another weakness is that this graphic rating
scale provides little information that can be used for employee development and performance

Descriptive essay

Eastern Bank Ltd. has recently introduced the descriptive essay method of performance
evaluation. It requires the rater to describe or write essay describing employee behaviors,
specially their strong and weak points. Last year each employee’s division manager described
employees’ behavior that was a portion in ACR written. These essays is generally based on the
rater’s memory or on a diary of critical incidents that the rater keeps during the period covered
by the evaluation. One limitation of the descriptive essay evaluation is that it provides little
opportunity to compare rates on specific performance dimensions.

Management by objectives

Management by objectives (MBO) is one of the main criteria of evaluating employees in

Eastern Bank Ltd. It measures task outcomes rather than behaviors. Eastern Bank Ltd. has a
dynamic MBO system of its own. Each employee of the company has given a specific goal or
target deposit each year. Then the superiors are monitoring them. If they can fulfill that target,
they are given proper feedback in the form of increment in salary.

However, as performance goals differ for each employee, results cannot easily be compared.
In addition, the mechanics of MBO system- the cycle of goal setting, discussion, reporting and
review- demand a considerable amount of team and paperwork for the bank.
Multiple-Rater Comparative Evaluation

Multiple-rater comparative evaluation methods are combination of several evaluation methods.

The annual confidential report that Eastern Bank Ltd. uses for performance appraisal is a
multiple-rater comparative evaluation system. To avoid the problem of central tendency and
halo error, they use more than one rater, generally the branch manager and the division
managers. They also use a comparison to reflect performance difference among employees.

Evaluation scale & rating:

The Eastern Bank Limited presently follows the rating system as we know from the above
discussion. They try to reward the employees to the basis of their performance. On the half
year and the year end they are being reviewed by their reporting line managers. At the starting
of the year the employees are being asked to setup their performance objectives, the mangers
reviews that and brings some changes is required or else approves the performance objectives.
At the end of the year the managers reviews the performance objectives and tries to see how
far the employee had been able to achieve the objectives setup for him. The mangers have a
face to face interview with the employee and tell his drawbacks and on the other hand motivate
him also on that meeting. The employee is then being rated on a scale of 1 to 5. “1” means that
the employee’s performance was superior to the performance of the other employees, which
on the other hand also means that he is well far ahead on performance comparing with other
employees. “2” means that the performance of the employee is a bit more satisfactory than the
performance of the other employees on his area of work. “3” means that the performance of
the employees of average and he is doing quiet so comparing with his colleagues. “4” interprets
that the performance of the employee is lacking behind that the performance of the other
colleagues in his area of work. “5” means that if he doesn’t improve his performance of work
within a short time he will be “fired”, on the other hand he is not capable to work in this
situation and in that area of work.

The employees are than rewarded on the rewarded on the basis of their rating scale, and the
managers try to bring out the best from the “2” and “1” rated employees by offering them the
changes of training and the other social benefits. In a nut shell managers motivates them more
and gives them the room to perform more and help the other under performer to perform good.
There are two time in a year when the “Promotion” season comes, one is during the time of
March and April; other one is at the time of August and September. During this time of the
year the employees are promoted to the higher posts based on their performance. This basically
happens after the performance appraisal of the Half-year and the Year end.

The March and the April is the favorite month of the employees because within this time the
employees are being rewarded monetarily from the profit that EBL has done through out the
year. The rate “1” employees are given 6 times of their gross salary as a bonus, which on the
other hand comes with a promotion also. The “2” rated are given around 4 times their gross
salary as a performance bonus and it may also come with a promotions. The “3” rated are given
around 2/3 times their gross salary. The “4” rated are given around 1/2 times their gross salary.

The reward system of EBL is some kind like being described above, but at times it varies. The
variation comes at the yearly performance bonus system, other than that the process is still now
constant through out the bank and at every level of the bank.

10. Trainer Evaluation:

In addition to training evaluations, EBL also performs trainer evaluations. They learn how well
trainers are communicating with the participants through this evaluation of the training. There are
multiple trainers in a training program, and the participants in that training program rate the trainers
based on their ability to deliver instruction. These are the standards through which Eastern Bank
evaluates the trainers:

Trainer's punctuality: Through the trainer evaluation, they try to find out whether the trainer is
punctual or not. If any trainer is not punctual in giving instruction, they try to solve this problem
immediately by taking necessary steps. They instruct the trainer to be punctual.

Clear and audible speech from the trainer: It's important for EBL to evaluate whether the trainer
was audible and clear while delivering the speech to the trainee. Because if the trainer is not clear
and audible in his speech, then the mission to train will be fruitless. The trainee won't learn
Trainers’ ability to answer queries: EBL makes sure that the trainer is able to answer queries
during the training session. If not, have to replace that trainer with another.

The instructor was friendly and approachable: EBL makes sure that their instructors are
friendly and approachable to their trainees. If the instructor is friendly and approachable, the
trainees feel free to ask any questions.

Informative presentation: At EBL, they try to evaluate whether the trainer's presentation on
content was informative. If the content is not informative, the trainees won’t understand things
properly. And later, it will impact their firm. It'll cost both time and money.

The instructor managed his session time well: It’s the responsibility of Eastern Bank Limited to
find out if the trainer was able to manage his session time effectively.

11. Benefits of Training in any sector:

Programs for employee training assist in enhancing employees' knowledge and abilities to keep up
with changing business needs. The productivity of employees will grow as a result of these
enhancements, which can boost an organization's profitability and effectiveness. Work ethics,
interpersonal communication, and safety are just a few things that employees may learn through
training. Employers should start training programs for their staff for a variety of reasons, such as

It enhances knowledge and abilities: Employee training programs assist employees enhance
their knowledge and abilities in order to keep up with industry developments. These enhancements
will have a favorable impact on worker productivity, which will raise an organization's revenues
and efficiency.

It meets the performance appraisal recommendations: When an organization's employee

performance reviews indicate a need for development in a specific subject or ability, training
programs for staff members can be established to assist meet this need. As a result, training may
focus a specific issue area and work toward a solution.
It demonstrates to employees how much they are valued: Employees will feel more valued if
training programs are implemented in the workplace. Your staff members will improve as a result
of your ongoing efforts to educate them new talents and skills, and they'll also feel more productive
as a whole. This will raise their spirits and enhance their productivity at work.

It prepares employees for greater responsibility: Training programs can also assist in preparing
individuals who are assuming greater responsibility and advancing into higher roles within a
business. These programs will help them acquire the skills needed to do their new jobs
successfully. They might receive training in leadership techniques or in a particular piece of
software for their new position, for instance.

It enhances IT and computer skills: Training programs assist staff members in learning about
specific IT and computer issues, like the use of software systems. Employers can provide staff
members a more thorough understanding of computers to increase productivity by teaching them
how to make graphs and spreadsheets, change data in databases, and comprehend network

Improves morale of employees: Employment stability and employment happiness are made
possible through training. Employee satisfaction and morale go hand in hand, thus the more
successful the firm is, the more the employee will contribute, and the less absence and turnover
there will be.

Promotional chances: During training, employees develop their abilities and efficiency. Their
chances of getting promoted increase. They become an asset for the organization.

Increased productivity: Employees that receive training are more efficient and productive.
Employees with good training perform both in terms of quantity and quality. When personnel are
effectively trained, less time, money, and resources are wasted.

Fewer accidents: Errors are more likely to occur when personnel lack the knowledge and abilities
required to do a specific task. The more trained a person is, the less likely he or she is to have an
accident on the job and the more proficient the individual becomes.
12. Identifying Training Needs of EBL:

Employers in all sectors must provide workplace training to their staff, but the banking industry
may benefit particularly from it.

Banks all over the world are aware that their industry has undergone significant changes recently,
and those change are not expected to slow down any time soon. The necessity of employee training
for Eastern Bank Limited has been discussed below.

1. Keep the staff update with the latest systems: The banking industry is changing quickly,
as was already said, thus employees must be knowledgeable with the most recent systems.
Employees need to be informed of their company's regulations since, for instance, typical
lending programs have changed. Training in banking will help to increase each employee's
grasp of the current banking system, resulting in improved service overall.

2. Enhance performance: Employee performance is improved overall, including in

customer service, thanks to workplace training that not only gives workers the fundamental
information needed for the job. This is mostly due to the fact that staff members who have
received banking training are better prepared to assist clients with their questions and
resolve any difficulties in a timely way.

3. Self-assessment: Employees can self-assess during workplace training, allowing them to

identify aspects of their own work that need to be improved. The opportunity to strengthen
their weak areas will be provided by this form of training for employees. Banking training
will specifically assist staff in highlighting new abilities they have learnt and continuing to
improve on them.

4. Less supervision: Since they are familiar with the job, a well-trained person will work
independently and with little supervision. As a result, the Eastern Bank will waste less time
and effort.
5. Retain Employees: EBL training can also help to boost employee confidence, which can
lead to higher staff retention. Companies that offer workplace training are helping to
develop their staff, which shows the employees are valued.

6. Attract new talent: To attract new talent EBL needs training programs. Workers from
other organizations who aren't provided workplace training may want to switch to a
company that provides. Training in banking not only serves to improve present employees'
abilities. The banking business has seen many changes, and as a result, some people may
feel that they want to work for a company that will support their personal growth.

13. Conclusion:

Eastern Bank Ltd. must modernize their entire training system and policies. A large number of
branches and staff offer them several opportunities. Because of modernization and digitalization,
they may have a high chance of dominating the banking business. In Bangladesh, there are several
local and foreign banks, with Eastern Bank Ltd. being one of the most promising private banks. In
this competitive market, Eastern Bank Ltd. must compete not just with other commercial banks,
but also with other state commercial banks. Eastern Bank Ltd. has a substantially larger workforce.
It will be a top corporation if it invests more money in training and development and uses right
methods to do so. It is apparent that the appropriate thinking of this bank, including developing a
strong network across the country and boosting resources, will be able to play a significant part in
the development portfolio. Commercial success in the banking sector depends on the efficient
conversion of human capital into non-human actual resources.
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