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Ker Ceeaven oe 2023-04 » (tut IC Repubilc of tho Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT = Sinaive DILG:NAPOLCOM Contor, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon’ ‘eva. aov.oh CIRCULAR JEMORANDI ee TO : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, THE BARMM MINISTER THROUGH THE MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : LOCAL CLIMATE AND DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE et * OCT 12 2028 Pursuant to Section 6 of the Republic Act. No. 9512, otherwise known as the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 and in celebration of Environmental Awareness Month and Climate Change Consciousness Week in the month of November, the Department of Environment and National Resources (DENR) will hold the Local Climate and Disaster Resilience Conference on November 21- 24, 2023, at the Mezzo Hotel, Cebu City. With the theme, “From Plans to Actions: Strategies and Best Practices in Building Local Climate Change and Disaster Resilience”, and conducted in partnership with the Development Center for Future Leaders Inc. and Miriam College~ Environmental Studies Institute, the sald conference aims to place on the same page and level of understanding all Local Government Units nationwide as regards Climate Change; encourage necessary and urgent local environmental and climate actions; expand and deepen the involvement and commitment of LGU officials in environmental and climate actions; and highlight public-private convergence to achieve disaster resilience. Attached Is a copy of the Conference Concept, for your reference. Relative thereto, all Provincial Governors, Vice Govemors, City and Municipal Mayors, and Vice Mayors, and Punong Barangays are hereby encouraged to allow the following: a. Mayors, Vice Mayors and Members of the Sanggunian; b. Chair and Members of the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Ecology of the Sanggunian; ©. Chair and Members of the Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Sanggunian; “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan”” Trunkine No.: 8876-3454 QO 1D C4 snESTOF Ty, orrician” oe, EAR E! d. Chair and Members of the Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure of the Sanggunian; . Chair and Members of the Committee on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Management of the Sanggunlan; Chair and Members of Local Development Councils; . Environment and Natural Resources Officers; . Planning Officers; Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officers; Barangay Officials; and . Other LGU officials and employees authorized by the Local Chief Executives. erese> The officials may participate on official business, provided that the training is within the Capability Development Agenda of the LGU, and provided further that any expense of a participant shall not be charged against the 20% Development Fund or from whatever source which may prejudice poverty reduction efforts. The payment of corresponding traveling expenses, registration fee per participant to cover accommodation, meals and training materials, and other incidental expenses, may be authorized, chargeable to local funds, subject to the availability thereof and the usual accounting and auditing rules. All Regional Directors are hereby directed to cause the widest dissemination of this Memorandum Circular to LGUs within their respective areas of jurisdiction. For more information, kindly contact the Conference Secretariat thru mobile numbers 0927-427-3755 or email addresses at © [email protected] and [email protected] For the information and guidance of all concerned. cen srry unin c. ABALOS, JR. Secrbtary 2023-08-11.020 BLGSIOTTPCMOea Page 2 of 2 eee LOCAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE Department of Environment and Natura Resources Development Center for Future Leaders ine Miriam Colege-Envonmentl Studies Inetute From Plans to Actions: Strategies and Best Practices in Bullding Local Climate Change and Disaster Resilience 20-23 November 2023, Mezzo Hotel, Cebu City REGISTRATION FORM Bank Deposit Slip through [Email this Form a Region/Province Munilptyity [email protected] on or before November 17, (Pease wre gy and required data 12023. io] Name of Partcipanv’s | Positon/Designation rt) x 1 x == USE ADDITONAL SHEETS F NECESSARY: ‘Name and Signature of Coordinator [VERIFICATION | CASHIER ~]_BILLETING LEASIN TEMS e__ QUANTITY Ibs WITH MEAL TICKETS TsHRTs feacs [CONFERENCE MATERIALS [ceRmcaTES + Participants are required to send this form and pay on or before November 17, 2023. + For inquiries, you may call or text 0927-4273755, 0915-7255007 and 0998-2981215, or email ye [email protected]. + The Organizers reserve the right to refuse participants when the slots become ful. LOCAL CLIMATE AND DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE "From Plans to Actions: ‘Strategies and Best Practices in Building Local Climate and Disaster Resilience" 20-23 November 2023, Mezzo Hotel, Cebu City TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES (Subject to invitation and confirmation of speakers) Day 1, 20 November 2023, Monday AM 8:00 Arrival, Registration and Billeting PM 12:00 Luneh 2:30 Opening Ceremony ‘Opening Remarks Keynote Speeches on the Vital Role of Subnational Actions for a Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development . Secretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources ° Secretary, Department of Interior and Local Goverment High-Level Remarks from Local Chief Executives Photo Session 4:00 Plenary Sessions Setting the Stage: Introduction to the Conference's Objectives and Agenda Session 1: Understar 1g the Latest Climate Science and Projections Proposed Speaker: Manila Observatory, Fr. Jett Villarin, SJ ‘Scope of Presentation: * Key messages of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 6th Assessment Report . Overview of Climate Change Scenarios in the Philippines 5:00 ‘Session 2: Climate Change: Its Impacts and Solutions Proposed Speaker: Former DENR Secretary Bebet Gozun Scope of Presentation: © Examining the Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems ‘© Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies 6:00 Open Forum 6:30 Dinner Day 2, 21 November 2023, Tuesday AM 6:00 Breakfast 8:30 Day 1 Recap 9:00 Plenary Sessions Keynote Presentations on International Agreements and Commitments Related to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Session 1: Localizing Intemational Commitments and National Priorities Ww 10:00 11:00 PM 12:00 2:00 Proposed Speaker: Climate Change Commission, Commissioner Rachel Herrera ‘Scope of Presentation: ‘© Overview of International Commitments on Climate Change * Discussion of National and Sectoral Priorities and Guidelines Integrating Intemational Commitments and National Priorities Into Local Policies and Decision-Making Processes Nationally-Determined Contributions ‘NationaV/Local Climate Change Action Plans Session 2: Localizing International Cooperation and National Prioritie on Disaster Risk Reduction Proposed Speaker: Office of Civil Defense, Undersecretary Ariel Nepomuceno ‘Scope of Presentation: © Overview of Intemational Commitments on DRR ‘* Discussion of National and Sectoral Priorities and Guidelines * Integrating Intemational Commitments and National Priorities into Local Policies and Decision-Making Processes © NationavLocal ORRM Plans Panel Discussion on the Coordination between Different Levels of Government in the Localization and Implementation of Commitments and Priorities Proposed Panelists/Speakers: ‘Commissioner Rachel Herrera, Climate Change Commission Undersecretary Ariel Nepomuceno, Office of Civil Defense Mayor Benjie Magalong, LGU Baguio City Mayor Lucy Torres, LGU Ormoc City ‘Scope of Discussion: © Challenges in Implementing and Updating Local Climate Change Action Plans and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans © Best Practices in the Development and Implementation of Local Climate Change Action Plans and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and ‘Management Plans (Different Classes of Cities/Municipalities can also include Cities/Municipalities in Small islands) Lunch Plenary Sessions Session 3; The Risk Resiliency Program Proposed Speaker: Department of Environment and Natural Resources ‘Scope of Presentation: © The Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR) * Priority Thrusts and Direction on CCAM-ORR: * Convergence Budgeting on Priority CCAM-DRR Investments Va 3:00 Case Studies ‘Successful Engagements of Local Governments and Communities in Climate and DRRM Initiatives Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: Zamboanga City Initiatives for Climate Change Mitigation Local Government Unit of Zamboanga City 2nd Prize, DENR’s Mga Kwentong KLIMA-lkasan Tungo sa Katatatagan: A ate and Disaster Resiliency Recognition Awards 2021 4:00 Sagip-Wekatan Program Local Government Unit of Bayabas, Surigao del Sur 3rd Prize, DENR’s Mga Kwentong KLIMA-likasan Tungo sa Katatatagan: A Climate and Disaster Resiliency Recognition Awards 2021 5:00 IRISE UP (Intelligent, Resilient, and Integrated Systems for the Urban Population) ‘Quezon City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office 1st Place and Special Awards Awardee DENR’s Mga Kwentong KLIMA-lkasan Tungo sa Katatatagan: A Climate and Disaster Resiliency Recognition Awards 2022 6:00 GMA-7 Documentary Video 6:30 Dinner Day 3, 22 November 2023, Wednesday AM 6:00 Breakfast 8:20 Day 2 Recap 9:00 Plenary Sessions Keynote Presentations on Multi-Level Governance in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, and Disaster Risk Reduction Session 1: Multi-Level Climate Governance and the Role of Local Governments Proposed Speaker: Department of Interior and Local Government Assistant Secretary for International Relations Lilian De Leon ‘Scope of Presentation: © Role of Different Levels of Governance (National, Regional, Local) in Coordinating Efforts to Achieve Climate Goals © Strengthening Inter-LGU Cooperation in Implementing Climate- Related Initiatives 10:00 Case Studies Healthy Oceans and Clean Cities Initiative (HOCC!) Partner Organizations ‘The sharing of different city experiences aims to complete the narrative of the whole City Plan of Action - Marine Litter (CPOA-ML) development process, while showcasing the various strengths of each city that contributed to the successful stakeholder mobilization, planning, and implementation of thelr CPOA-MLs. Calapan City Cagayan de Oro Cty Ormoc City Davao City Legazpi City Manila City 11:00 Activity Development of a Climate Pledge/Signature/Manifesto for Local Government } V7 PM 12:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 Lunch Keynote Presentations on Financing Climate Actions Session 1: Available Innovative Climate Financing for LGUs Proposed Speakers: Department of Finance, Director Jenevive Lontok Private Funding Facility ‘Scope of Presentation: Overview of intemational and Local Climate Finance Mechanisms and Funding Opportunities for LGUs * Key Principles and Factors to Consider in Accessing Climate Financing Mechanisms . Showcasing Successful Examples of LGUs Accessing Climate Funds and Intemational Support ‘Session 2: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Climate Action Proposed Speaker: Public-Private Partnership Center, Executive Director Cynthia Hernandez ‘Scope of Presentation: © Discussion on How PPPs can Accelerate the Scaling up of Climate Projects and Initiatives © Identifying Priority Areas for PPP Engagement in Climate Action «Key Principles and Factors that Contribute to Successful Climate- Focused PPPs © Showcasing Successful Case Studies of PPP-funded Climate Projects Open Forum Director Jenevive Lontok, Department of Finance Executive Director Cynthia Hernandez, PPP Center Closing Ceremonies Recap and Integration Distribution of Certificates Dinner Day 4, 23 November 2023, Thursday AM 6:00 8:00 PM 12:00 Breakfast Free Time Check-Out LOCAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE t Practices In Bullding for Resilionce 20-23 November 2023, Mezzo Hotel, Cebu City ‘The Conference Is open to the following: Governors, Vice Governors, Mayors and Vice Mayors, and Members of the Sanggunian; Chair and Members of the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Ecology of the Sanggunian; Chair and Members of the Committas on Agriculture and Food of the Sanggunian; Chair and Members of the Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure of the Sanggunian; Chair and Members of the Committee on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of the Sanggunian; ‘Chair and Members of the Local Development Councils; Environment and Natural Resources Officers; Planning Officers; Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers; Barangay Officials; and, Other LGU officials and employees authorized by the Local Chief Executives. s> ALT zO7 m SO ‘Allinterosted participants are required to PRE-REGISTER on or before November 17, 2023. ToPRE-REGISTER, pease follow these simple stops: Send your Registration Form to the Development Center for Future Leaders, Inc. (DCFL) thru email address [email protected]. B. To confirm receipt, the conference secretariat will call the participant or coordinator. Or you may text or call mobile numbers 0927-4273755, 0915-7255007 and 0998-2981215. ©. Pay/Deposit a non-refundable yet transferable registration fee in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Pesos (PhP15,600.00) per participant to the Bank Account Number of the Development Center for Future Leaders, Inc. which will be provided to you as soon as you have submitted your Registration Form. Walk-in participants (those who have not pre-registered on or before November 17, 2023) ‘are subject to the availability of training collaterals and accommodation. Best efforts will be provided by the organizers. The Organizers reserve the right to refuse participants when the slots are full. i Participants are expected to arrive In the moming of November 20, 2023. Upon arrival, proceed to the Registration Area for the verification, payment, distribution of training collaterals, and billeting assignment. 1 payment of participants must be in cash. Payment in check shall be made payable to the Develop Center for Future Leaders, Inc. No personal checks shall be honored. Those who have deposited their payment must present the original copy of the bank deposit slip. Priority accommodation will be provided to participants who have paid gn or before 17 November 2023. Accommodation is on a twin-sharing arrangement. The organizers reserve the right to billet participants in other hotels should the hotel venue becomes full. ‘Those who have not pre-registered on or before the deadline will be accommodated on a FIRST- COME, FIRST-SERVE basis. ‘Accommodation starts on November 20, 2023 at 2:00 PM and ends at 12:00 NN of November 23, 2023. Early accommodation depends on room availability. Charges for advance and extended accommodation shall be for the account of the participants. Meals start during Lunch of November 20, 2023 and end Breakfast of November 23, 2023. Meal tickets will be issued to each participant during the registration. Lost meal tickets will not be replaced. hi § Development Center for Future Leaders Inc. ADVISORY FOR : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS AND VICE GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS AND VICE MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS AND ALL CONCERNED SUBJECT : SLIGHT CHANGE/ADJUSTMENT OF SCHEDULE OF THE LOCAL CLIMATE AND DISASTER RESILIENCE CONFERENCE DATE : October 13, 2023 x x With reference to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2023-147 dated 12 October 2023 regarding the conduct of the Local Climate and Disaster Resilience Conference on November 21-24, 2023 at the Mezzo Hotel, Cebu City, please be informed of the SLIGHT (CHANGE/ADJUSTMENT IN THE SCHEDULE as follows: NOVEMBER 20-23, 2023. ‘The Department of the Interior and Local Government has been properly requested and formally informed of the slight change/adjustment in the schedule. For quoties, other concems and more information, kindly contact the Conference Secretariat thru mobile numbers 0927-4273755, 0915-7255007, 0998-2981215, or email address [email protected]. ‘Thank you for your understanding. Program Managet 10315 725 5007/ 0996 296 121 futuroleaders defi@gmalt cor facebook comvOCFU

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