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ALLOY 2205

UNS S 32205 , EN 1.4462 / UNS S 31803

GENERAL PROPERTIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//// Alloy 2205 (UNS designations S32205 / S31803) is a 22 % chromium, 3 % molybdenum,
5-6 % nickel, nitrogen alloyed duplex stainless steel. Duplex stainless steels are neither fully
austenitic like 304 stainless, nor fully ferritic, like 430 stainless. Alloy 2205, when heat treated
properly, has a microstructure that has nearly equal proportions of austenite and ferrite phases.
This provides Alloy 2205 with superior resistance to stress corrosion cracking as well
as improved resistance to crevice corrosion and general corrosion environments as compared
with T304 and T316 Stainless Steels.

//// The duplex structure of Alloy 2205 results in a yield strength that is around twice that of austenitic
stainless steels. This allows engineers to save weight by using lighter gage materials without
compromising structural integrity which in turn, makes the alloy extremely cost effective.

//// Alloy Alloy 2205 is well suited for environments in the -50 °F to +600 °F temperature range.
It is also highly suitable for service in environments containing chlorides and hydrogen sulfide,
such as marine environments and the oil and gas extraction industry, the pulp and paper industry,
the mining industry, oil and gas production, and heat exchangers for use in environments containing
chlorides or brackish water as the cooling medium.

APPLICATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// Pressure vessels, tanks and piping systems for the Chemical Process Industry;

//// Piping, tubing and heat exchangers for the Oil and Gas Industry;

//// Digesters, liquor tanks and bleaching equipment for the Pulp and Paper Industry;

//// Rotors, fans, shafts and rolls in environments requiring high strength and high corrosion resistance;

//// Tanks for ships and trucks;

//// Food processing equipment;

//// Biofuel plants.

STANDARDS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Product form

Plate sheet and Strip 1.4462X2CrNi Z3CrNi

A240 SA240 10028-7 W.Nr 1.4462
MoN22.5.3 22.05AZ
Seamless, Pipe and Tubing 1.4462X2CrNi Z3CrNi
A790 / A928 SA790 10028-7 W.Nr 1.4462
MoN22.5.3 22.05AZ
For internal use only.

Rod, Bar and Wire 1.4462X2CrNi Z3CrNi

A270 / A789 SA789 10028-7 W.Nr 1.4462
MoN22.5.3 22.05AZ
A182 / A276 SA182 / SA276 1.4462X2CrNi Z3CrNi
Forgings and Rings 10028-7 W.Nr 1.4462
A479 SA479 MoN22.5.3 22.05AZ

Chemical composition ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Grade C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo P S N Fe

S31803 0.030 max 2.00 max 1.00 max 21.0023.00 4.506.50 2.503.50 0.030 max 0.020 max 0.080.20 Balance

S32205 0.030 max 2.00 max 1.00 max 21.0023.00 4.506.50 2.503.50 0.030 max 0.020 max 0.140.20 Balance

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////

//// Annealed Material Typical Room Temperature

Yield Strength 0.2% offset Ultimate Tensile Strength Elongation

Grade psi MPa psi MPa % to 2" (51 mm) Hardness

S31803 65 000 450 90 000 620 25.0 31 Rc

(293 HBN) max

S32205 65 000 450 95 000 655 25.0 31 Rc

(293 HBN) max

/ /// The Duplex structure of Alloy 2205 gives it considerably higher strength that T316L stainless steel. This allows
the use of lighter sections of material without any sacrifice in structural performance. The following chart compares
the mechanical properties of Alloy 2205 to other corrosion resistant alloys.

//// Specified Tensile Properties per ASTM A240

Ultimate Tensile Strength

Alloy Ksi minimum Yield Strength Ksi minimum Hardness maximum

2205 95 65 31 Rc
Al2003 95 65 31 Rc
T316L Stainless Steel 75 30 95 Rb
T317L Stainless Steel 75 30 95 Rb
T317LMN Stainless Steel 80 35 96 Rb
904L 71 31 90 Rb
20 80 35 95 Rb
Al-6Xn 95 45 100 Rb

//// ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1,
Allowable Stress Values, ksi

Alloy 200 °F 300 °F 400 °F 500 °F 600 °F

2205 25.7 24.8 23.9 23.3 23.1
Al2003 26.3 24.8 24.5 24.5 24.5
T316L Stainless Steel 20.0 20.0 19.3 18.0 17.0
T317L Stainless Steel 17.0 15.2 14.0 31.1 12.5
904L 16.7 15.1 13.8 12.7 11.9
20 20.6 19.7 18.9 18.2 17.7
Al-6Xn 26.2 23.8 21.9 20.5 19.4
For internal use only.

//// Elevated Temperature Fatigue Resistance

Temperature Yield Strength 2 % Offset Tensile Strength Elongation

°F °C Ksi Mpa Ksi Mpa in 2"

200 93 30.2 208 75.2 518 39.5

400 204 26.0 179 66.0 455 28.0
600 316 23.1 159 64.2 443 26.0
800 427 21.2 146 62.7 433 25.0
1 000 538 21.0 145 61.3 423 23.0
1 200 649 21.1 146 54.4 375 19.5
1 400 760 21.1 146 37.9 261 23.0
1 600 871 16.2 112 22.5 155 48.0
1 800 982 8.0 55 11.3 78 41.0

Physical properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Density Magnetic Permeability Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion Coefficient

0.283 lb / in3 1.02 212 °F 8.4 Btu / hr-°F 68212 °F 7.2 µ in / in / °F

7.82 g / cm3 100 °C 14.6 W / m-°K 68392 °F 7.5 µ in / in / °F
68572 °F 7.8 µ in / in / °F
Elastic modulus Poisson's Ratio 20100 °C 13.0 µ m / m / °C
72 °F 29.0 106 Psi 0.2 20200 °C 13.5 µ m / m / °C
22 °C 200 GPa - 20300 °C 14.0 µ m / m / °C

corrosion resistance ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// General Corrosion Resistance

Alloy 2205 is resistant to dilute reducing acids and moderate to high concentrations of oxidizing acids.
The alloy is resistant to low concentrations of organic acids, but should be used with caution in higher
concentrations at elevated temperatures.

Corrosion Rate in MPY (mm / a)

Test Solution T316 Stainless Steel Alloy 2205

Boiling Base Metal Welded Sample* Base metal Welded Sample*

20 % Acetic Acid 0.1 (<0.01) 0.1 (<0.01) 0.1 (<0.01) 0.1 (<0.01)
45 % Formic Acid 23.4 (0.60) 20.9 (0.53) 0.5 (0.01) 0.5 (0.01)
1 % Hydrochloric Acid 1.0 (0.02) 63.6 (1.61) 0.8 (0.02) 0.6 (0.02)
65 % Nitric 22.3 (0.56) 18.4 (0.46) 20.6 (0.52) 19.3 (0.49)
10 % Oxalic Acid 48.2 (1.22) 44.5 (1.13) 7.8 (0.20) 5.1 (0.13)
20 % Phosphoric Acid 0.6 (0.20) 1.08 (0.03) 0.8 (0.02) 1.2 (0.03)
10 % Sodium Bisulfate 71.6 (1.82) 56.2 (1.43) 25.4 (0.65) 19.9 (0.51)
50 % Sodium Hydroxide 77.6 (1.97) 88.4 (2.17) 23.9 (0.61) 22.6 (0.57)
10 % Sulfamic Acid 124.0 (3.15) 119.0 (3.03) 22.0 (0.56) 17.4 (0.44)
10 % Sulfuric Acid 635.0 (16.1) 658.0 (16.7) 206.0 (5.23) 200.0 (5.08)
For internal use only.

Ferric Sulfate / 26.0 (0.66) 23.3 (0.59) 19.9 (0.51) 17.6 (0.45)
50 % Sulfuric Acid (A 262 B)

*Autogenous welds, not heat treated

//// Chloride stress corrosion resistance

The duplex nature of Alloy 2205 prodives it with substantially greater resistance to Chlorice Stress
Corrosion Cracking over T304L, T316L and T317L Stainless Steel.

Chloride Stress Corrosion Resistance (Boiling)

Alloy 42 % MgCl2 33 % LiCi 26 % NaCl

Austenitic T304L (8 % Ni) Failed Failed Failed
(20 hours) (96 hours) (850 hours)

Ferritic T439 (0.1 % Ni) Passed Passed Passed

(2 000 hours) (2 000 hours) (2 000 hours)

Duplex Alloy 2205 (5 % Ni) Failed Passed Passed

(89 hours) (1 000 hours) (1 000 hours)

Duplex Alloy 2205 (5 % Ni) Failed Passed Passed

Welded (89 hours) (1 000 hours) (1 000 hours)

*Failed indicates failure by chloride stress corrosion cracking in the time span noted.

//// ONset of crevice corrosion

Crevice Corrosion Data in 10 % Ferric Chloride

Alloy Temperature °F(°C)

T316 Stainless steel 27 (-3)

T317 Stainless steel 35 (2)
Alloy 2205 69 (20)
E-Brite® 75 (24)
AL-6XN® 113 (45)
Alloy 625 113 (45)
AL 29-4C® 125 (52)

//// electrochemical pitting corrosion

Electrochemical Pitting Corrosion Electrochemical Pitting Corrosion
in 1 M Sodium Chloride Solution in 0.1 M Sodium Chloride Solution

Alloy Temperature °F(°C) Alloy Temperature °F(°C)

T316 Stainless steel 64 (18) T304 Stainless steel 77 (25)

E-Brite® 97 (36) T317 Stainless steel 82 (28)
904L 120 (49) Type 444 Stainless steel 61 (16)
Alloy 2205 120 (49) Alloy 2205 144 (62)
T317LXN Stainless steel 132 (56)
AL-6XN® 194 (90)

machinability ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// With standard, high-speed steel tooling, Alloy 2205 can be machined at the same feeds
and speeds as T316L stainless steel. When carbide tooling is used, cutting speeds should be reduced
by approximately 20 % relative to the speeds for T316L stainless steel. Powerful equipment and rigid
mounting of tools and parts are necessary
For internal use only.

heat treatment ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// Alloy 2205 should be annealed at 1 900 °F minimum followed by rapid cooling, preferably
by water quenching. This treatment applies to both solution annealing and stress annealing.
Stress relief treatments at any lower temperatures carry the risk of precipitation of detrimental
intermetallic or nonmetallic phases.

Forming ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// HOt forming

//// Forming Alloy 2205 below 600 °F is recommended whenever possible. When hot forming is
required, the metal should be heated uniformly and worked in the range of 1 750 °F to 2 250 °F.
The metal is very soft at these temperature ranges and is easily formed. Above this range, Alloy 2205
is susceptible to hot tearing. Whenever hot forming is done, it should be followed by a full solution
anneal at 1 900 °F minimum followed by rapid quenching to restore phase balance, toughness,
and corrosion resistance. Stress relieving is not required or recommended, however, if it must
be performed, the material should receive a full solution anneal at 1 900 °F minimum followed
by rapid cooling or water quenching.

//// cold forming

//// Alloy 2205 is easily sheared and cold formed on equipment suitable for working stainless steels.
However, due to the high strength and rapid work hardening of Alloy 2205, forces substantially higher
than those for austenitic stainless steels are required to cold form it. Also, due to the high strength,
a somewhat larger allowance must be made for “spring back”.

welding ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// Alloy 2205 can be readily welded. The desired result of welding Alloy 2205 is that the weld metal
and the heat-affected (HAZ) retain the corrosion resistance, strength and toughness of the base metal.
The actual welding of Alloy 2205 is not difficult but it is necessary to design welding procedures that
lead to a favorable phase balance after welding and one which will avoid precipitation of detrimental
intermetallic or nonmetallic phases.

//// Alloy 2205 can be welded by GTAW (TIG), GMAW (MIG), SMAW (“stick” electrodes), SAW,
FCW and PAW methods. For internal use only.


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