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Noising and Denoising Natural Language:

Diverse Backtranslation for Grammar Correction

Ziang Xie, Guillaume Genthial, Stanley Xie, Andrew Y. Ng, Dan Jurafsky
Computer Science Department, Stanford University
{zxie,genthial,stanxie,ang},[email protected]

Abstract 1. Train noising model

Translation-based methods for grammar cor- Noise

rection that directly map noisy, ungrammat- (Train)
"Louisiana" "louiseana"
ical text to their clean counterparts are able "conference" "conferance"
to correct a broad range of errors; how- 2. Synthesize data
ever, such techniques are bottlenecked by the
need for a large parallel corpus of noisy and Noise
clean sentence pairs. In this paper, we con- "New Orleans" "new Orleens"
"NLP" "nlp"
sider synthesizing parallel data by noising a
3. Train/decode denoising model
clean monolingual corpus. While most pre-
vious approaches introduce perturbations us-
ing features computed from local context win- "new Orleens"
"New Orleans"
dows, we instead develop error generation "nlp"

processes using a neural sequence transduc- Figure 1: Overview of method. We first train a noise
tion model trained to translate clean exam- model on a seed corpus, then apply noise during de-
ples to their noisy counterparts. Given a coding to synthesize data that is in turn used to train
corpus of clean examples, we propose beam the denoising model.
search noising procedures to synthesize ad-
ditional noisy examples that human evalua-
tors were nearly unable to discriminate from late noisy, ungrammatical sentences to clean, cor-
nonsynthesized examples. Surprisingly, when
rected sentences—can flexibly handle a large vari-
trained on additional data synthesized us-
ing our best-performing noising scheme, our
ety of errors; however, such approaches are bottle-
model approaches the same performance as necked by the need for a large dataset of source-
when trained on additional nonsynthesized target sentence pairs.
data. To address this data sparsity problem, we pro-
pose methods for synthesizing noisy sentences
1 Introduction from clean sentences, thus generating an addi-
Correcting noisy, ungrammatical text remains a tional artificial dataset of noisy and clean sentence
challenging task in natural language processing. pairs. A simple approach to noise clean text is to
Ideally, given some piece of writing, an error cor- noise individual tokens or bigrams, for example by
rection system would be able to fix minor typo- replacing each token with a random draw from the
graphical errors, as well as grammatical errors that unigram distribution. This type of approach, how-
involve longer dependencies such as nonidiomatic ever, tends to generate highly unrealistic noise and
phrasing or errors in subject-verb agreement. Ex- fails to capture phrase-level phenomena. Other
isting methods, however, are often only able to rule-based approaches fail to capture a diverse set
correct highly local errors, such as spelling errors of error types.
or errors involving articles or prepositions. We consider a method inspired by the back-
Classifier-based approaches to error correction translation procedure for machine transla-
are limited in their ability to capture a broad tion (Sennrich et al., 2015). Our method combines
range of error types (Ng et al., 2014). Machine a neural sequence transduction trained on a seed
translation-based approaches—that instead trans- corpus of clean→noisy pairs with beam search
noising procedures to produce more diversity in with lexical or part-of-speech features based on a
the decoded outputs. This technique addresses small context window (Brockett et al., 2006; Fe-
two issues with existing synthesis techniques for lice, 2016). While these methods can introduce
grammar correction: many possible edits, they are not as flexible as
our approach inspired by the backtranslation pro-
1. By using a neural model trained end-to-end
cedure for machine translation (Sennrich et al.,
on a large corpus of noisy and clean sen-
2015). This is important as neural language mod-
tences, the model is able to generate rich, di-
els not explicitly trained to track long-range lin-
verse errors that better capture the noise dis-
guistic dependencies can fail to capture even sim-
tribution of real data.
ple noun-verb errors (Linzen et al., 2016). Re-
2. By encouraging diversity through applying cently, in the work perhaps most similar to ours,
noise to hypotheses during decoding, we Rei et al. (2017) propose using statistical machine
avoid what we refer to as the one-to-many translation and backtranslation along with syntac-
problem, where decoding from a model tic patterns for generating errors, albeit for the er-
trained on clean→noisy examples results in ror detection task.
overly clean output, since clean subphrases Neural machine translation Recent end-to-
still form the majority of noisy examples. end neural network-based approaches to machine
We perform experiments using several noising translation have demonstrated strong empirical re-
methods to validate these two claims, yielding sults (Sutskever et al., 2014; Cho et al., 2014).
gains on two benchmarks. Our main empirical re- Building off of these strong results on machine
sult is that, starting with only clean news data and translation, we use neural encoder-decoder models
models trained on a parallel corpus of roughly 1.3 with attention (Bahdanau et al., 2014) for both our
million sentences, we can train models with addi- data synthesis (noising) and grammar correction
tional synthesized data that nearly match the per- (denoising) models. Although many recent works
formance of models trained on 3 million nonsyn- on NMT have focused on improving the neural
thesized examples. network architecture, the model architecture is or-
thogonal to the contributions in this work, where
2 Related work we instead focus on data synthesis. In parallel
to our work, work on machine translation without
Noising While for images, there are natural nois- parallel corpora has also explored applying noise
ing primitives such as rotations, small translational to avoid copying when pretraining autoencoders
shifts, and additive Gaussian noise, similar primi- by swapping adjacent words (Lample et al., 2017;
tives are not as well developed for text data. Sim- Artetxe et al., 2017).
ilarly, while denoising autoencoders for images
Diverse decoding Key to the data generation pro-
have been shown to help with representation learn-
cedure we describe is adding noise to the scores
ing (Vincent et al., 2010), similar methods for
of hypotheses during beam search–otherwise, de-
learning representations are not well developed for
coded outputs tend to contain too few errors. This
text. Some recent work has proposed noising—
is inspired by work in dialogue, in which neural
in the form of dropping or replacing individual
network models tend to produce common, overly
tokens—as a regularizer when training sequence
generic responses such as “I don’t know” (Sordoni
models, where it has been demonstrated to have a
et al., 2015; Serban et al., 2015). To mitigate this
smoothing effect on the softmax output distribu-
issue, Li et al. (2015) and others have proposed
tion (Bowman et al., 2015; Xie et al., 2017; Dai
methods to increase the diversity of neural net-
and Le, 2015; Kumar et al., 2015).
work outputs. We adopt a similar approach to Li
Grammar correction Recent work by Chollam- et al. (2015) to generate noisier hypotheses during
patt and Ng (2018) has achieved impressive per- decoding.
formance on the benchmarks we consider using
convolutional encoder-decoder models. Previous 3 Method
work using data synthesis for grammatical error
correction (GEC) has introduced errors by exam- We first briefly describe the neural model we use,
ining the distribution of error types, then apply- then detail the noising schemes we apply when
ing errors according to those distributions together synthesizing examples.
Decode target Kalchbrenner et al. (2016) and Gehring et al.
(2017). Gated convolutions are applied with
masking—to avoid peeking at future inputs when
training using teacher forcing—such that they
form an autoregressive network similar to a recur-
CNN Decoder rent neural network with gated hidden units. This
architecture was selected so that training steps
could be parallelized across the time dimension
through the use of convolutions. However, we em-
phasize that the architecture is not a focus of this
paper, and we would expect that RNN architec-
tures with LSTM cells would achieve similar re-
CNN Encoder
sults. For simplicity and to avoid handling out-
of-vocabulary words, we use character-level tok-
Input source
enization. Figure 2 illustrates the model architec-
Figure 2: Model architecture used for both noising and ture.
denoising networks.
3.2 Noising
3.1 Model The amount of parallel data is often the limiting
In order to generate noisy examples as well as factor in the performance of neural network sys-
to translate ungrammatical examples to their cor- tems. In order to obtain more parallel examples
rected counterparts, we need to choose a sequence for the grammar correction task, we take clean text
transduction model. Based off their strong empir- Y and apply noise, yielding noisy text Ỹ , then
ical performance, we use a neural network-based train a denoising model to map from Ỹ back to Y .
model for this work. The noising process used to generate Ỹ greatly af-
Our method uses two neural encoder-decoder fects final performance. First, we consider noising
models: methods which we use as our baselines, as well as
the drawbacks for each method.
1. The first is the noising model, which, given
a clean sentence, is used to generate a • appending clean examples: We first con-
noised version of that sentence. This model sider simply appending clean examples with
is trained on a seed corpus of parallel no noise applied to both the source and the
clean→noisy sentences. target. The aim is for the decoder to learn a
better language model when trained on addi-
2. The second is the denoising model, which, tional clean text, similar to the motivation de-
given a noisy, ungrammatical sentence, gen- scribed in Dai and Le (2015). However, for
erates the clean, corrected sentence. the models we consider, the attention mecha-
For both models, we use the same convolutional nism allows copying of source to target. Thus
encoder-decoder to model the addition of examples where source and
target are identical data may also cause the
model to become too conservative with edits
p(Y |X) = p(yt |X, y1:t−1 ; θ)
t=1 and thus reduce the recall of the system.
where X = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xTX ) is the source se- • token noising: Here we simply consider a
quence and Y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yTY ) the corre- context window of at most two characters
sponding target sequence, and we minimize the or words and allow word/character deletions
training loss and transpositions.
X First, for every character in each word we
`(θ) = − log p(yt |X, y1:t−1 ; θ) sample deletions, followed by transpositions.
Then we sample deletions and transpositions
thus maximizing log-likelihood. The model ar- for every word in the sentence. Deletion and
chitecture we use is similar to that described by transposition probabilities were selected such
s c or es penal t y

ar e ar e you you you

How + = is + =
is is he he he

is is up up
What + = is + =
ar e ar e you you

Ex pans i on St ep Sel ec t i on St ep

Figure 3: Illustration of random noising with beam width 2. Darker shading indicates less probable expansions.
In this example, greedy decoding would yield “How are you”. Applying noise penalties, however, results in the
hypotheses “How is you/he”. Note that applying a penalty does not always result in an expansion falling off the

that overall character and word-level edit dis- method of Li et al. (2016). At every step
tances roughly matched the edit distances be- of the search procedure, siblings from the
tween clean and noisy examples in our par- same parent are penalized by adding kβrank
allel seed corpus. While this method is fast to their scores, where k is their rank (in de-
to apply, it tends to produce highly unrealis- scending log-likelihood) amongst their sib-
tic errors leading to a mismatch between the lings and βrank is a penalty hyperparameter
synthesized and real parallel data. corresponding to some log-probability.
• reverse noising: For reverse noising, we sim- • top penalty noising Only the top (most-
ply train a reverse model from Y → X us- probable) hypothesis htop of the beam is pe-
ing our parallel noisy-clean corpus and run nalized by adding βtop to its score s(htop ).
standard beam search to generate noisy tar-
gets Ỹ from clean inputs Y . However, we • random noising Every hypothesis is penal-
find vanilla reverse noising tends to be too ized by adding rβrandom to its score, where
conservative. This is due to the one-to-many r is drawn uniformly from the interval [0, 1].
problem where a clean sentence has many For sufficiently large βrandom , this leads to a
possible noisy outputs which mostly consist random shuffling of the ranks of the hypothe-
of clean phrases. The output then contains ses according to their scores.
far fewer errors on average than the original
noisy text. An illustration of the random noising algo-
rithm is shown in Figure 3. Note that although
To address the drawback of the reverse noising
rank penalty noising should encourage hypotheses
scheme, we draw inspiration from ideas for in-
whose parents have similar scores to remain on the
creasing diversity of outputs in dialogue (Li et al.,
beam, it can also tend to leave the hypothesis from
2016). During the beam search procedure, we add
greedy decoding on the beam in the case where
noise to the scores of hypotheses on the beam to
softmax output distributions are highly peaked.
encourage decoding to stray from the greedy out-
This is much more of an issue for tasks that in-
put. Recall that during beam search, we iteratively
volve significant copying of source to target, such
grow a set of hypotheses H = {h1 , h2 , . . .}, only
as grammar correction. Note also that the random
keeping the top hypotheses after each step of de-
noising can yield more diverse outputs than top
coding according to some scoring function s(h).
penalty noising, depending on the probability with
Extending the reverse noising scheme, the beam
which each is applied. All of the beam search nois-
search noising schemes we consider are:
ing methods described are intended to increase the
• rank penalty noising We directly apply the diversity and the amount of noise in the synthe-
Corpus Sent. Pairs on grammar correction benchmarks, we use it in-
stead to compare performance when training on
CoNLL 2014 60K additional synthesized data versus nonsynthesized
Lang-8 1.3M data. For clean text to be noised, we use the LDC
Lang-8 expanded 3.3M New York Times corpus for 2007, which yields
synthesized (NYT 2007) 1.0M roughly 1 million sentences. A summary of the
base (CoNLL + L8) 1.3M data used for training is given in Table 1.
expanded (CoNLL + L8 expanded) 3.3M
We use the CoNLL 2013 evaluation set as our
development set in all cases (Ng et al., 2013). Our
Table 1: Summary of training corpora. test sets are the CoNLL 2014 evaluation set and
the JFLEG test set (Ng et al., 2014; Napoles et al.,
sized outputs Ỹ . By performing beam search nois- 2017). Because CoNLL 2013 only has a single
ing, we can produce errors such as those shown in set of gold annotations while CoNLL 2014 has
Table 4. two, performance metrics tend to be significantly
higher on CoNLL 2014. We report precision, re-
3.3 Denoising call, and F0.5 score, which is standard for the task,
Once noised data has been generated, denoising as precision is valued over recall. On JFLEG, we
simply involves using a neural sequence transduc- report results with the GLEU metric (similar to
tion model to backtranslate the noised text to the BLEU) developed for the dataset.
original clean text. For denoising, during decod- Training and decoding details All models are
ing we apply length normalization as well as a trained using stochastic gradient descent with an-
coverage penalty to the scoring function s(h) (Wu nealing based on validation perplexity on a small
et al., 2016). The final scoring function also incor- held-out subset of the Lang-8 corpus. We apply
porates a 5-gram language model trained on a sub- both dropout and weight decay regularization. We
set of Common Crawl, estimated with Kneser-Ney observed that performance tended to saturate after
smoothing using KenLM (Heafield, 2011). We in- 30 epochs. Decoding is done with a beam size of
corporate the language model during final rerank- 8; in early experiments, we did not observe sig-
ing by modifying the score for a completed hy- nificant gains with larger beam sizes (Koehn and
pothesis s(h) to be Knowles, 2017).
sLM (h) = s(h) + λ log pLM (h)
4.1 CoNLL
where λ is a hyperparameter and pLM (h) is given Results for the CoNLL 2013 (dev) and 2014 (test)
by the language model. datasets but with and without language model
reranking are given in Table 2. In general, adding
4 Experiments
noised data helps, while simply adding clean data
To determine the effectiveness of the described leads the model to be too conservative. Overall,
noising schemes, we synthesize additional data us- we find that the random noising scheme yields the
ing each and evaluate the performance of models most significant gain of 4.5 F -score. Surprisingly,
trainined using the additional data on two bench- we find that augmenting the base dataset with
marks. synthesized data generated with random noising
Datasets For training our sequence transduction yields nearly the same performance when com-
models, we combine the publicly available En- pared to using only nonsynthesized examples. To
glish Lang-8 dataset, a parallel corpus collected determine whether this might be due to overfitting,
from a language learner forum, with training data we reduced the dropout rate when training on the
from the CoNLL 2014 challenge (Mizumoto et al., “expanded” dataset, but did not observe better re-
2011; Ng et al., 2014). We refer to this as the sults.
“base” dataset. Junczys-Dowmunt and Grund- The random noising scheme achieves the
kiewicz (2016) additionally scraped 3.3M pairs of best performance, while the top noising scheme
sentences from Lang-8. Although this expanded matches the best performance on the development
dataset, which we call the “expanded” dataset, is set but not the test set. We believe this is due to a
not typically used when comparing performance mismatch between the CoNLL 2013 dev and 2014
Method Dev (no LM) Dev Test
P R F0.5 P R F0.5 P R F0.5
none 50.7 10.5 28.7 48.4 17.2 35.5 52.7 27.5 44.5
clean 56.1 9.4 28.1 47.5 16.9 34.8 52.3 27.5 44.3
token 49.7 11.9 30.4 47.7 18.7 36.4 51.4 30.3 45.1
reverse 53.1 13.0 32.8 50.5 19.1 38.0 54.7 29.6 46.8
rank 51.3 12.3 31.4 51.0 18.3 37.6 54.3 29.3 46.4
top 49.1 17.4 36.0 47.7 23.9 39.8 50.9 34.7 46.6
random 50.0 17.9 36.8 48.9 23.0 39.9 54.2 35.4 49.0
expanded 64.4 11.2 33.0 54.9 20.0 40.7 57.2 32.0 49.4
Yuan and Briscoe (2016) — — — — — — — — 39.9
Ji et al. (2017) — — 28.6 — — 33.5 — — 45.2
Junczys-Dowmunt et al. (2016) — — — — — — 61.3 28.0 49.5
Chollampatt and Ng (2018) — — — — — — 65.5 33.1 54.8

Table 2: Results on CoNLL 2013 (Dev) and CoNLL 2014 (Test) sets. All results use the “base” parallel corpus of
1.3M sentence pairs along with additional synthesized data (totaling 2.3M sentence pairs) except for “expanded”,
which uses 3.3M nonsynthesized sentence pairs (and no synthesized data).

tets sets. Since the 2013 dev set has only a single report results with the best settings on our CoNLL
annotator, methods are encouraged to target higher 2013 dev set. Results are shown in Table 31 . To-
recall, such that the top noising scheme was opti- ken noising performs surprisingly well; we sus-
mized for precision over recall. To check this, we pect this is because a significant portion of er-
ran decoding on CoNLL 2014 using the best dev rors in the JFLEG dataset are spelling errors, as
settings with no language model, and found that demonstrated from strong gains in performance by
the top noising scheme yielded an F0.5 -score of using a spelling checker reported by Chollampatt
45.2, behind only random (47.1) and ahead of to- and Ng (2018).
ken (42.0) and reverse (43.9) noising. Overall, we
find the data synthesis method we describe to yield 5 Discussion
large gains in recall.
Our experiments illustrate that synthesized paral-
For completeness, we also compare to other lel data can yield large gains on the grammar cor-
state-of-the-art systems, such as the phrase-based rection task. However, what factors make for an
machine translation system by Junczys-Dowmunt effective data synthesis technique? We consider
and Grundkiewicz (2016), who performed param- the properties of the noising scheme and the cor-
eter tuning with sparse and dense features by responding data that lead to better performance.
cross-validation on the CoNLL 2014 training set.
Chollampatt and Ng (2018) achieve even higher 5.1 Realism and Human Evaluation
state-of-the-art results using the neural machine First, we manually compare each of the different
translation model of Gehring et al. (2017) along noising methods to evaluate how “realistic” the
with improvements to the reranking procedure. errors introduced are. This is reminiscent of the
generative adversarial network setting (Goodfel-
4.2 JFLEG low et al., 2014), where the generator seeks to pro-
Recently, Napoles et al. (2017) introduced the JF- duce samples that fool the discriminator. Here the
LEG dataset, intended to evaluate the fluency of discriminator is a human evaluator who, given the
grammar correction systems rather than simply the clean sentence Y , tries to determine which of two
precision and recall of edits. The evaluation metric sentences X and Ỹ is the true noisy sentence, and
proposed is GLEU, a variant of BLEU score. Most which is the synthesized sentence. To be clear,
results for this task were reported with hyperpa- 1
Comparisons taken from
rameter settings from the CoNLL task; hence we keisks/jfleg
Scheme P R F0.5 GLEU 50
none 68.9 44.2 62.0 53.9

% Misclassified
clean 69.2 42.8 61.6 54.1
token 69.2 47.6 63.5 55.9
reverse 69.1 42.1 61.3 53.8 20
rank 68.3 43.3 61.2 54.4 10
14.8 33.0 33.6 48.0 42.8
top 67.3 48.2 62.4 55.5
random 69.1 48.5 63.7 56.6 token reverse rank top random
Noising Method
expanded 72.7 45.9 65.1 56.2
Sakaguchi et al. (2017)† 54.0 Figure 4: Percentage of time human evaluators mis-
classified synthesized noisy sentence Ỹ (vs. X) when
Ji et al. (2017) 53.4
using each noising scheme, along with 95% confidence
Yuan and Briscoe (2016) 52.1 intervals. The best we can expect any scheme to do is
Junczys-Dowmunt et al. (2016) 51.5 50%.
Chollampatt and Ng (2018) 57.5

Edit Distance (Normalized)

Table 3: Results on the JFLEG test set (we use best 0.15
hyperparameter settings from CoNLL dev set). GLEU
is a variant of BLEU developed for this task; higher is 0.10
better (Napoles et al., 2017). † Tuned to JFLEG dev set.

we do not train with a discriminator—the beam 0.00

none clean token reverse rank top random
search noising procedures we proposed alone are Noising Method
intended to yield convincing errors.
For each noising scheme, we took 100 (X, Y ) Figure 5: Mean edit distance between sentence pairs
pairs from the development set (500 randomly in X and Y after augmentation with noised sentences.
none contains no synthesized examples while clean
chosen pairs combined), then generated Ỹ from
refers to the baseline of simply appending clean exam-
Y . We then shuffled the examples and the order of ples (source = target).
X and Ỹ such that the identity of X and Ỹ as well
as the noising scheme used to generate Ỹ were
unknown2 . Given Y , the task for human evalu- to the other methods. Injecting the appropriate
ators is to predict whether X or Ỹ was the syn- amount of noise is important as well, as seen by
thesized example. For every example, we had two improved performance when using beam search
separate evaluators label the sentence they thought noising to increase diversity of outputs, and no
was synthesized. We chose to do this labeling task performance gain when simply adding clean text.
ourselves (blind to system) since we were famil- We observe that token noising, despite match-
iar with the noising schemes used to generate ex- ing the frequency of errors, fails to generate re-
amples, which should reduce the number of mis- alistic errors (Figure 4). On the other hand, re-
classifications. Results are shown in Figure 4, and verse noising yields significantly more convincing
examples of the evaluation task are provided in Ta- errors, but the edit distance between synthesized
ble 4. examples is significantly lower than in real data
(Figure 5). A combination of sufficient amounts
5.2 Noise Frequency and Diversity of noise and rich, diverse errors appears to lead to
Comparing the performance using different nois- better model performance.
ing methods on the CoNLL 2014 dataset to the hu-
man evaluation in the previous section, we see that 5.3 Error Type Distribution Mismatch
generating errors which match the real distribu- Mismatches in the distribution of error types can
tion tends to result in higher performance, as seen often severely impact the performance of data syn-
by the poor performance of token noising relative thesis techniques for grammar correction (Felice,
Hence the human labelers cannot favor a particular 2016). For example, only synthesizing noun num-
scheme unless it can be distinguished from Ỹ . ber articles or preposition errors based on rules
Sentence 1 or 2
clean Day after day , I get up at 8 o‘clock .
1 I got up at 8 o‘clock day after day .
2 Day after day , I get up 8 o‘clock in the week .
clean Thanks Giving Day in Korea is coming soon .
1 In Korea , it ’s coming soon , thanks Giving day .
2 Thanks Giving Day in korea is coming soon .
clean After I practiced , I could play the song perfectly .
1 After the results , I could accomplish without a fault .
2 When I tried that , I could play the song perfectly .
clean Currently , I ’m studying to take the TOEIC exam for my future career .
1 I am studying to take TOEIC exam for career of my future .
2 Currently , I will have take TOEIC exam for future career .
clean There is one child who is 15 years old and a mother who is around 50 .
1 There are one child who is 15 years old and mother is around 50 .
2 It has one child , 15 years old and the mother who is around 50 years old .
clean But at the beginning , I suffered from a horrible pain in my jaw .
1 But at the first time , I suffer from a horrible pain on my jaw .
2 But at the beginning , I suffered from a horrible pain in my jaw joint .

Table 4: Examples of nonsynthesized and synthesized sentences from validation set. Which example (1 or 2) was
synthesized? Answers: 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1

random yields significant gains. This suggests that at cur-
rent levels of system performance, data sparsity
remains the key data issue, more so than domain

It is also possible that LDC New York Times
Art/Det Wci Nn Prep Wform Mec Vt Trans Vform Rloc- data is better matched to the CoNLL essay data
Error Type
than the Lang-8 forum data, and this in part ac-
counts for the large gains we observe from training
Figure 6: Recall vs. error type for the ten most frequent
error types in our dev set. Noising improves recall uni- on synthesized data.
formly across error types (See Ng et al. (2014) for a
description of error types).
6 Conclusion
may improve the performance for those two er-
ror types, but may hurt overall performance. In In this work, we address one of the key issues
contrast, the approaches we consider, with the ex- for developing translation-based grammar correc-
ception of token noising, are fully data-driven, and tion systems: the need for a large corpus of par-
hence we would expect gains across all different allel data. We propose synthesizing parallel data
error types. We observe this is the case for ran- by noising clean text, where instead of applying
dom noising, as shown in Figure 6. noise based on finite context windows, we instead
train a reverse model and apply noise during the
5.4 Data Sparsity and Domain Adaptation beam search procedure to synthesize noisy exam-
Domain adaptation can yield significant differ- ples that human evaluators were nearly unable to
ences in performance for dissimilar domains (such distinguish from real examples. Our experiments
as those of the datasets used in our experi- suggest that the proposed data synthesis technique
ments) (Daumé III, 2009). The Lang-8, CoNLL, can yields almost as strong results as when train-
and JFLEG datasets contain online forum data and ing with additional nonsynthesized data. Hence,
essay data from English learners. The n-gram lan- we hope that parallel data becomes less of a bot-
guage model is estimated using Common Crawl tleneck, and more emphasis can be placed on de-
data from the web. The clean data which we noise veloping better models that can capture the longer
is collected from a news corpus. Yet each dataset dependencies and structure in the text.
Acknowledgments Kenneth Heafield. 2011. Kenlm: Faster and smaller
language model queries. In Proceedings of the Sixth
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their help- Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Asso-
ful feedback, as well as Steven Tan for comments ciation for Computational Linguistics, pages 187–
on an early draft. 197.
Jianshu Ji, Qinlong Wang, Kristina Toutanova, Yon-
gen Gong, Steven Truong, and Jianfeng Gao.
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