Application Guide Igp A 2024 Fall

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Application Schedule ・・・・・・・・・・・ 1

1. General Prospectus ・・・・・・・・・・・ 1
2. Program ・・・・・・・・・・・ 2
List of Departments and Programs ・・・・・・・・・・・ 3

3. Eligibility ・・・・・・・・・・・ 5
4. Application Procedures ・・・・・・・・・・・ 7
Find your Academic Supervisor ・・・・・・・・・・・ 8
How to Apply ・・・・・・・・・・・ 9
Application Documents ・・・・・・・・・・・11

- Application documents to be submitted by applicants

- Application for Individual Assessment of Admission
- Application documents for scholarships
- Completion of the online application process

5. Admissions Process ・ ・・・・・・・・・17

6. Enrollment Fee and Tuition ・ ・・・・・・・・・18

7. Scholarships ・ ・・・・・・・・・18
- MEXT ・ ・・・・・・・・・18
- JASSO ・ ・・・・・・・・・19
8. Others ・ ・・・・・・・・・20

9. Inquiries ・ ・・・・・・・・・21

Appendix: List of Faculty

2. Programs

This recruitment prospectus relates to Master’s and Integrated

Doctoral Education Programs scheduled to begin in Fall 2024.

1) Integrated Doctoral Education Program

This is a combined Master’s and Doctoral Program, and is considered to be one
continuous course of study, which cannot be divided into two separate programs.
In the Master’s segment, students who demonstrate outstanding academic
performance may be able to reduce their period of study. Similarly, in the Doctoral
segment, students who demonstrate outstanding academic and research
performance during the program may be able to reduce their period of study.
Such students may be able to complete the entire Master’s and Doctoral Program
in the minimum period of three years.

Conventionally, in a Japanese postgraduate program, students studying for a

master’s degree must take 30 credits or more within a two-year period and for a
doctoral degree must take 24 credits or more within an additional three years of
study follows a master’s program. The Integrated Doctoral Education Program
requires students to enroll in the Tokyo Tech Master’s Program, regardless of
whether or not they have already earned a master’s degree. A maximum of 15
previously earned credits from a graduate school may be transferred to Tokyo
Tech upon approval.

2) Master’s Program
Students enrolled in the Master’s Program are expected to successfully complete
their supervised studies within two years. To attain a master’s degree, students
need to earn the designated number of credits outlined by their department in a
predetermined program of study, complete and receive approval of their research
thesis, and pass a comprehensive final examination. Students who demonstrate
outstanding academic performance during the program may be able to reduce
their period of study.

3. Eligibility
Applicants must satisfy one of the conditions provided below.
Please note that applicants may NOT (i) apply to a different Tokyo Tech
program before receiving admission results or (ii) submit multiple applications to
different master’s programs for the same enrollment period. Applications in
either of the above two cases will be rejected or revoked.

Applicants for scholarships must meet another set of conditions; see "7.
Scholarship" for details.

Master’s Program / Integrated Doctoral Education Program

(1) Persons who have successfully completed 16 years of education outside
Japan or who are expected to do so by the day before the enrollment
(2) Persons who have graduated from a university or college in Japan or
who are expected to do so by the day before the enrollment date.
(3) Persons who have successfully completed 3 years or more of education
at a university or college outside Japan and obtained a degree equivalent
to a bachelor’s degree or who are expected to do so by the day before
the enrollment date.
(4) Persons who have successfully completed 15 years of education and are
individually assessed and recognized by the relevant School at Tokyo
Tech as having an outstanding academic record
(5) Persons whose countries do not require 16 years of education prior to
completing an undergraduate-level education but who satisfy both
conditions noted below and are individually assessed and recognized by
the relevant School at Tokyo Tech as having academic ability equivalent
to or higher than that of graduates of a Japanese university

a. Persons who have spent at least one year as a research student or

research fellow at a university or research institution in or outside Japan
after successfully completing undergraduate-level education
b. Persons who are at least 22 years old by the day before the enrollment

Note: The admission of applicants expecting to obtain a bachelor degree from a university or
college will be revoked should the applicant fail to do so by the day before the enrollment date.

Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility
Applicants who fall under eligibility conditions (3), (4) or (5) must contact the
Admissions Division before proceeding with the online application, and ask
if they need to go through the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility
or submit the relevant documents.

Applicants who submit an application for Individual Assessment of

Admission Eligibility will be informed of the result around mid-January 2024.

Applicants with Japanese nationality

Japanese citizens who satisfy the above conditions and have a visa* that
enables them to stay for a long period in the country where they currently
live, may apply for this program. Applicants who are Japanese citizens
should consult the Admissions Division prior to application.

*Permanent residence, student visa, work visa, etc. (Working holiday visas,
tourist visas, short-term stay visas, etc., are not valid for the purpose of
applying for this program.)

Note: The admission of applicants expecting to graduate from a university or college or

obtain a master’s or professional master’s degree will be revoked should the applicant
fail to do so by the day before the enrollment date.

4. Application Process
Prior to application, applicants are required to contact their intended academic
supervisor at Tokyo Tech directly via email and provide a self-introductory
statement and a letter of intent for their period of study at Tokyo Tech, and obtain
the consent of the desired faculty member to serve in this capacity. Applications
will not be considered without the consent of a Tokyo Tech faculty member who
will act as the applicant’s academic supervisor.

Before proceeding with the online application process, applicants must obtain a
consent email or letter from a Tokyo Tech faculty member, and send a copy of it
to the Admissions Division by November 29 at 23:59 (JST). After verifying the
document, the Admissions Division will provide applicants with a URL for the
online application system and a required password.

Note: Faculty members are affiliated with schools and assigned to teach a graduate
major. Students must select a graduate major from the faculty list. Please ask your
intended academic supervisor which graduate major you should select. Requirements
for the completion of a degree are stipulated for each graduate major.

English Proficiency Test Score Report or Approval email for
exemption from English proficiency test score report submission
Electric or scanned data of English proficiency test score report of the following tests
taken on or after December 7, 2021.

MEXT scholarship applicants are required to submit electric or scanned data of

English proficiency test score report of one of the following tests taken on or after
January 1, 2022.

Applicants do not to request ETS or the British Council to send their English
proficiency score reports to Tokyo Tech.

TOEFL iBT (including TOEFL iBT (Special) Home Edition)

TOEFL ITP Plus for China Solution (taken in Mainland of China)
TOEFL Paper delivered Test
IELTS Academic Module (including computer-delivered test)

5 The Institutional Program of TOEFL (TOEFL-ITP) and TOEIC (TOEIC-IP), TOEIC

S&W, or other proficiency tests not specifically listed above will not be accepted.

(*1) Exemption from Submitting English Proficiency Test Scores

Applicants who wish to obtain exemption must first consult their prospective
academic supervisor. The Admissions Division cannot provide any support if you
send inquires/emails to the Division. If exemption is granted, applicants must
submit electric or scanned data of the email notifying them that exemption was
Applicants who meet any of the following conditions may be exempted from
submitting English proficiency test scores.
(i) Native English speakers
(ii) Individuals who have been awarded an undergraduate and/or graduate
degree* from an institution where all instruction was in English
(iii) Individuals who have been granted this exemption by a department chair at
Tokyo Tech. (This is not applicable to MEXT scholarship applicants.)
*Undergraduate and graduate degrees should be equivalent to the Japanese educational definitions

of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Applicant’s Passport or Residence card

6 Electric or scanned data of the page(s) with the applicant’s name,
nationality, date of birth, and photo

*Japanese applicant must also submit the page(s) of his/her passport that shows
visas obtained in the country where he/she lives.
Payment Verification of Application Fee (Entrance Examination
Fee): JPY 30,000
Applicants must pay the application fee online at E-Shiharai Net, using a credit card
within the application fee payment period. Save a “Payment Verification” page that
appears at the end of the payment process as a PDF file.

Applicant who is a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship student is not required

to pay this fee. In that case, please submit a certificate verifying that you have been
granted the scholarship (受給証明書).

The application fee is non-refundable. However, the application fee may be refunded
in the following cases, with bank remittance or transaction handling fees borne by the
1. Applicants paid the application fee but did not submit the application documents
2. Applications could not be processed due to lacking necessary documents, etc.
3. Applicants will receive the MEXT Scholarship and enroll at Tokyo Tech

Payment Period: September 11, 2023–December 6, 2023

Official Academic Transcripts

1) For applicants to Integrated Doctoral Program and Master's Program: official
academic transcripts for undergraduate programs
2) For MEXT scholarship applicants previously enrolled in a graduate school: official
academic transcripts for graduate programs
3) If the applicant’s grades have not been reflected due to a difference in evaluation
systems at the university in which he/she was enrolled and his/her current
university (including Tokyo Tech) -- such as those involving transfer, exemptions,
etc. -- the transcripts from the original institute(s) that granted the credits should
also be submitted.
Certificate confirming graduation or expected graduation issued
from applicant’s previous or current university
The documentation must verify the applicant’s eligibility for admission, and must
include his/her name, confirm graduation (or expected graduation), and include the
date of graduation.
If the applicant graduated or is graduating early or has skipped a grade or year, an
official document or letter issued by the university indicating as such must be

Certificate confirming degree or expected degree issued from
applicant’s previous or current university
10 The documentation must verify the applicant’s degree (or expected degree), and must
include the recipient’s name, confirm the degree awarded, and include the date issued
and the degree program taken.

Documents 8 & 9 & 10:
Documents written in a language other than English or Japanese must be accompanied by a
certified English or Japanese translation. Translations should be certified by a public institution or
the issuing university.

Document 9 & 10:

Certificates for 9 and 10 above need not be separate documents. A document certifying both
graduation and the degree awarded may be submitted.

If applicant’s university dose not issue a certificate of expected graduation and degree, official
letter, issued by applicant’s current university, indicating applicant’s name, date of birth, expected
date of graduation, expected degree may be accepted as substitute.

Evaluation Sheet with Recommendation (in a single document)

Must be issued by a supervisor or head of department or similar official at
applicant’s previous or current university to verify potential of the applicant

Recommendation Letter
Recommendation Letter from the Dean or equivalent official of the applicant's
home university addressed to the President of Tokyo Institute of Technology (free
12 format) This letter must be issued from the university the applicant attended for full
time study.
Please note that Non-MEXT scholarship applicants are not required to submit
this letter.
★:Designated formats can be downloaded from each IGP program page.

 Application Documents for Individual Assessment of

Admission Eligibility
Applicants who fall under eligibility conditions (3), (4), or (5) must contact the
Admissions Division before proceeding with the online application, and ask if they
need to go through the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility or submit
the relevant documents.

Applicant who is required to go through Individual Assessment of Admission
Eligibility, must submit Application for Individual Assessment of Admission
Eligibility (★) with the following supplementary documents

For applicants of the Master’s / Integrated Doctoral Education Program:

・ Certificate of Enrollment as a research student/fellow after graduation from an undergraduate
course of study at a university

 Application Documents for Scholarships

Scholarship Application Documents

Applicants who wish to apply for the scholarship listed in Section 7, “Scholarship”
are required to prepare the necessary documents(★)and submit those via online
application system. Before applying for the scholarship, applicants are required to
check the application qualifications carefully and refer to the explanation in Section
7, “Scholarship” in this application guide.

★:Designated formats can be downloaded from each IGP program page.

Completion of the online Application Process

The entire online application process must be completed no later than

December 6, 2023 at 23:59 (JST). Applicants must fill out the online
form and submit the application documents via the Tokyo Tech online
submission system no later than this deadline.

(1) Admission may be withdrawn at any time, even after enrollment, if the application
documents are found to be invalid or contain false information.

(2) The information provided in application documents is used only for entrance examinations
and related purposes. The policy regarding the use of personal information is as follows:
a. Personal information obtained through the application process will be used for selection
of applicants. Only in the case of enrolling applicants will it be used for (i) enrollment
procedures, (ii) administrative purposes (student records, academic guidance), (iii) student
support (health management, career support, application for scholarships and tuition
exemption), and (vi) procedures related to the collection of tuition.
b. Entrance examination results may be used in the future to improve applicant selection
c. In performing the tasks described in items a and b, some duties may be delegated to
outside contractors. These contractors may, where necessary, be provided with all or part of
obtained personal information to complete their duties.

(3) Tokyo Tech will not accept or consider any documents received after the stated deadline or
any incomplete applications.

(4) Submitted documents cannot be changed after completing the application.

6. Enrollment Fee and Tuition
Students admitted to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs are required to pay the
following fees.

Enrollment Fee JPY 282,000

Annual Tuition JPY 635,400

(Enrollment and tuition fees are subject to change. The amounts indicated above do not
include bank handling charges.)

Payment of the enrollment fee and tuition for the fall (first) semester can be
postponed, and payment of tuition for the spring (second) and subsequent
semesters can be waived, upon application and approval.

7. Scholarship
Applicants for IGP(A) are able to apply for the following scholarships under
certain conditions.
* Japanese citizens may not apply for the following scholarships.

I. MEXT Scholarship (Integrated Doctoral Education Program Only)

Applicants for Integrated Doctoral Education Programs with outstanding
academic performance records may have a chance to apply for the Japanese
Government (MEXT) Scholarship. The scholarship provides round-trip airfare to
Japan, and a monthly stipend of JPY147,000 for master's students and
JPY148,000 for doctoral students. This stipend is subject to change as specified
by the regulations of the MEXT Scholarship program. Successful MEXT
Scholarship recipients are not required to pay admission or tuition fees.

Those who wish to apply for this scholarship must see a separate online
application guide to check if they are eligible.

The candidates nominated for a MEXT Scholarship will be notified together with
the admission decision in mid-March. The notification of scholarship recipients
will be sent to applicants in early August at the latest.

Integrated Doctoral Education Program participants are required to achieve a
satisfactory level of performance while enrolled into the Master's Program, in
order to continuously receive the MEXT Scholarship benefits in Doctoral Program.

How to apply
Applicants for this scholarship must submit required documents via online
application system together with application documents for IGP(A). Formats for
application documents are available from the program page.

II. JASSO (Overseas Applicants Only)

Overseas applicants who enroll at Tokyo Tech have the chance to apply for the
“Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-
Financed International Students by Pre-arrival Admission” from the Japan
Student Services Organization (“JASSO”).

The monthly amount of this scholarship is JPY48, 000 and is subject to change
as specified by JASSO. This scholarship will be paid from October 2024 to March
2025 (6 months). Applicants must pay the enrollment and tuition fees even if they
are selected for this scholarship. Please note that those who are granted any
other scholarship that doesn’t allow plural grants cannot apply for this scholarship

Upon your application for IGP(A), no other application documents are required
for the JASSO Scholarship.
Students who intend to apply for the JASSO scholarship must check if they fulfil
all the following six criteria and select “JASSO” as your intended scholarship in
the intended scholarship section of the online application system. For those who
selected “JASSO”, the Student Support Division will contact them for further
instruction via email by the beginning of August 2024. The selection will be
conducted during August and the result will be announced via email by the
beginning of September.

Qualification criteria for the JASSO Scholarship
1. Applicant must not be receiving a scholarship that cannot be combined with other scholarships.
2. Applicant must have the status of residence “Student” when entering Japan.
3. Allowance (excluding enrollment fee, tuition fee, etc.) received by the applicant must not exceed
an average of 90,000 yen per month.
4. If the applicant has a financial supporter in Japan, his/her annual income must be less than
5 million yen.
5. Applicant’s Japanese or English ability must be over the following level.
● Japanese JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 1 or 2, EJU Over 200
in Japanese subjects
● English Over B2 level in CEFR
(For example, TOEFL iBT over72, IELTS over 5.5, TOEIC L&R over 785)
6. Applicant must be living overseas (not in Japan) when applying for the International Graduate

8. Others
Prevention of Infectious Diseases
To manage the risk of infectious diseases at the Institute, international students (including
those from other domestic universities, technical colleges, and Japanese language schools)
who have passed the entrance exam, are urged to submit a health certificate signed by a
physician in the last three months before enrollment.

Tokyo Tech will apply on behalf of successful applicants for a Certificate of

Eligibility (COE) after the examination results are released. There may be cases,
however, where the COE application is rejected by the Immigration Services
Agency of Japan. Those without a COE will not be permitted to enter Japan, and
will be withdrawn from Tokyo Tech if they have already completed the enrollment
procedure. Please also note that enrollment and tuition fees once paid will not be
refunded under any circumstances. Tokyo Tech has a system for postponing
payment of those fees.

9. Inquiries
Answers to frequent asked questions about IGP admissions are included on the
FAQ page below.

For other inquiries, please contact the Admissions Division at the following
email addresses.
Inquiries about
designated words in the subject box
Application [email protected]
procedures [Question about application] IGP(A)2024 Fall_Full Name
Consent [email protected]
[Consent Submission] IGP(A)2024 Fall_Full Name
Online application [email protected]
(for applicants) [Question about submission] IGP(A)2024 Fall _Full Name
Upon sending your question by email, please put the designated words in the subject

In circumstances where you need to send Tokyo Tech hard copies of the required
documents by post, please contact [email protected] (see “Application
procedures” of the above table) for advice.

We strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as possible if you

have any questions about application procedures. As the procedures can
take time, be sure to submit the documents early enough before the
deadline. Please note that we cannot provide any support if you send
inquiries/emails at the moment just before the application deadline.


List of Faculty

IGP(A), commencing in
Fall 2024
List of Faculty
Tokyo Institute of Technology International Graduate Program (A)
Commencing in Fall 2024
A-1 International Graduate Program in Science for Innovative and Quantum-expert Leaders (PSIL)
(1) Dept. of Mathematics

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor OCHIAI, Tadashi Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry ・Mathematics

Commutative algebra, Singularity theory, number

Professor SHIMOMOTO, Kazuma ・Mathematics

Professor TAGUCHI, Yuichiro Number Theory ・Mathematics

Professor NAITO, Satoshi Representation Theory ・Mathematics

OYA, Hironori Representation Theory ・Mathematics

SUZUKI, Masatoshi Analytic Number Theory ・Mathematics

MA, Shohei Algebraic Geometry ・Mathematics

YATAGAWA, Yuri Arithmetic Geometry ・Mathematics

Professor ENDO, Hisaaki Topology ・Mathematics

Professor GOMI, Kiyonori Algebraic Topology, Mathematical Physics ・Mathematics

Professor HONDA, Nobuhiro Complex Geometry ・Mathematics

KALMAN, Tamas Topology ・Mathematics

NOSAKA, Takefumi Topology ・Mathematics

Professor KAGEI,Yoshiyuki Partial Differential Equations ・Mathematics

Partial Differential Equations,

Professor TONEGAWA, Yoshihiro ・Mathematics
Geometric Measure Theory

Computational Finance, Mathematical Finance,

Professor NINOMIYA, Syoiti ・Mathematics
Probability Theory

Professor MIURA, Hideyuki Theory of Partial Differential Equations ・Mathematics

ONODERA, Michiaki Partial Differential Equations ・Mathematics

FUJIKAWA, Ege Complex Analysis ・Mathematics

MIURA, Tatsuya Partial Differential Equations ・Mathematics

Professor NISHIBATA, Shinya Theory of Partial Differential Equations ・Mathematics

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

SUZUKI, Sakie Knot Theory, Quantum Topology ・Mathematics

Professor Quantum Algebra, Representation Theory ・Mathematics

(2) Dept. of Physics

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor ITO, Katsushi Particle Physics (Theory) ・Physics

Condensed-matter physics, Phase control,

Professor KAGAWA, Fumitaka ・Physics
Nonequilibrium (Experiment)

Professor KUZE, Masahiro Particle Physics (Experiment) ・Physics

Quantum optics, Laser cooling,

Professor KOZUMA, Mikio ・Physics
Bose Einstein condensation

Ultrafast dynamics, optical condensed matter

Professor SATOH, Takuya ・Physics

Professor SASAMOTO, Tomohiro Statistical physics ・Physics

Professor JIDO, Daisuke Nuclear Hadron Physics (Theory) ・Physics

Professor JINNOUCHI, Osamu High Energy Particle Physics (Experiment) ・Physics

Professor SEKIGUCHI, Kimiko Nuclear Physics (Experiment) ・Physics

Professor NAKAMURA, Takashi Nuclear Physics (Experiment) ・Physics

Professor HIRAHARA, Toru Surface Physics, Nano /spin-Science ・Physics

Electron dynamics in semiconductor

Professor FUJISAWA, Toshimasa ・Physics

Laser cooling of atoms, ion traps, quantum

Professor MUKAIYAMA, Takashi sensing, Fermi degenerated gases, ultracold ・Physics

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics,

Professor MURAKAMI, Shuichi ・Physics
spintronics, geometrical phases

Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics for

Professor OHZEKI, Masayuki Information processing (Machine learning and ・Physics
Quantum Computation)

Professor NOTOMI, Masaya Nanophotonics, Photonic crystals, Metamaterials ・Physics

Associate Theoretical condensed matter physics, transport

ISHIZUKA, Hiroaki ・Physics
Professor phenomena, magnetism

IMAMURA, Yosuke Particle Physics (Theory) ・Physics

Associate Topological and correlated materials, Molecular

UCHIDA, Masaki ・Physics
Professor beam epitaxy, Quantum transport phenomena

KOGA, Akihisa Strongly correlated electron systems ・Physics

SUYAMA, Teruaki Cosmology, gravitational waves (Theory) ・Physics
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

SEKIZAWA, Kazuyuki Nuclear Physics (Theory) ・Physics

SOMIYA, Kentaro Gravitational Wave Detector ・Physics

NISHIDA, Yusuke Theoretical Quantum Physics, Ultracold Atoms ・Physics

FUJIOKA, Hiroyuki Nuclear and Hadron Physics (Experiment) ・Physics

Associate Physical properties and devices of 2D materials

PU, Jiang ・Physics
Professor and their heterostructures

MATSUSHITA, Michio Optical spectroscopy of single proteins ・Physics

YATSU, Yoichi Astrophysics (Experiment) ・Physics

DOTANI, Tadayasu X-ray Astronomy (Experiment) JAXA ・Physics

Strongly correlated electron systems,
Appointed HIGEMOTO, Wataru JAEA ・Physics
Muon science

MATSUHARA, Hideo Infrared Astronomy (Experiment) JAXA ・Physics

MIYAKE, Takashi Computational materials science AIST ・Physics

(3) Dept. of Chemistry

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor KAWAGUCHI, Hiroyuki Coordination Chemistry ・Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry, Chemical ・Chemistry

Professor KAWANO, Masaki
Crystallography, Supramolecular Chemistry ・Energy Science and Informatics

Coordination chemistry, Catalytic chemicstry, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor KONDO, Mio
Electrochemistry ・Chemistry

Analytical chemistry, interface chemicstry,

Professor HIBARA, Akihide atmospheric chemistry, ・Chemistry
microfluidic bioanalysis

・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor MAEDA, Kazuhiko Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Photocatalysis

Materials Science, Crystallography, Solid State

・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor YASHIMA, Masatomo Chemistry & Physics, Solid State Ionics, Crystal
Structure Analysis, New Inorganic Materials

Associate Chemical Crystallography, Organic Crystal

UEKUSA, Hidehiro ・Chemistry
Professor Chemistry

FUKUHARA, Gaku Analytical Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry ・Chemistry

Professor ISHIUCHI, Shun-ichi Physical Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy ・Chemistry

Professor TANIGUCHI, Kouji Solid State Chemistry ・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate ・Energy Science and Informatics

OKIMOTO, Yoichi Optical Spectroscopy of Solids
Professor ・Chemistry

KITAJIMA, Masashi Physical Chemistry ・Chemistry

NISHINO, Tomoaki Surface Chemistry ・Chemistry
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Associate Physical Chemistry, Atomic and Molecular

YAMAZAKI, Masakazu ・Chemistry
Professor Physics

Professor OHMORI, Ken Organic Chemistry ・Chemistry

Professor GOTO, Kei Organic Chemistry ・Chemistry

Professor TOYOTA, Shinji Physical Organic Chemistry
・Energy Science and Informatics

ONO, Kosuke Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry ・Chemistry

KUDO, Fumitaka Bioorganic Chemistry ・Chemistry

TAKAYA, Jun Organic Chemistry ・Chemistry

Professor NOGAMI, Kenji Geochemistry, Volcanology ・Chemistry

TERADA, Akihiko Volcanology ・Chemistry

(4) Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor UENO, Yuichiro Geology, Biogeochemistry ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor SATO, Bunei Observational Astronomy, Exoplanets ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor NAKAJIMA, Junichi Seismology, Geophysics ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor NAKAMOTO, Taishi Astrophysics, Planetary Formation ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor YOKOYAMA, Tetsuya Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISHIKAWA, Akira Geology, Solid Earth Geochemistry ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Associate Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, High-Pressure

OHTA, Kenji ・Earth and Planetary Sciences
Professor Mineral Physics

OKUZUMI, Satoshi Astrophysics, Planetary Formation ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Associate Earth System Science, Theory of Earth's

OZAKI, Kazumi ・Earth and Planetary Sciences
Professor Evolution

KEBUKAWA, Yoko Astrochemistry, Prebiotic chemistry ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

GILBERT, ALEXIS Organic Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Institute of Innovative Research,

KANDA, Wataru Physical Volcanology, Geomagnetism Multidisciplinary Resilience ・Earth and Planetary Sciences
Research Center

Earth and Planetary Environment Evolution,

Professor SEKINE, Yasuhito Earth-LifeScience Institute ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor HERNLUND, John Geophysical Modeling Earth-LifeScience Institute ・Earth and Planetary Sciences

Professor GENDA, Hidenori Comparative Planetology, Aqua Planetology Earth-LifeScience Institute ・Earth and Planetary Sciences
A2 Interdisciplinary Program on Cyber-Physical System for SmartSociety (CPSSS)
As of Aug. 30, 2023
(1) Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

[Thermofluid field] Development of thermal design technology for

electrification of machinery, Analysis of transport phenomena
Professor SAITO, Takushi ・Mechanical Engineering
including interface, Development of heat transfer control technology
using nanomaterials

[Thermofluid field] CO2 Geological Storage, Enhanced Oil

Professor SUEKANE, Tetsuya ・Mechanical Engineering
Transport in Porous Media, Numerical Simulation of Multiphase

[Thermofluid field] Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer,

Professor TANAHASHI, Mamoru
Combustion ・Mechanical Engineering

[Thermofluid field] Plasma Chemistry, Reaction Engineering,

Professor NOZAKI, Tomohiro
Thermal Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering

[Thermofluid field] Thermal Engineering (Ultrafast Laser Diagnosis

Professor FUSHINOBU, Kazuyoshi & Processing, Additive Manufacturing, Automotive Electronic ・Mechanical Engineering
Packaging, Digital Printing, Energy Equipment)

[Thermofluid field] CO2 Adsorbent Development, Materials

Professor MURAKAMI, Yoichi Development for Batteries, Thermal Energy Harvesting & Storage,
・Mechanical Engineering
Photon Upconversion

[Thermofluid field] Environmental Turbulent Flows, CFD, Machine

ONISHI, Ryo Learning, Data Assimilation, Micro-Meteorology Forecasting ・Mechanical Engineering

SASABE, Takashi [Thermofluid field] Advanced Energy Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering

Associate [Thermofluid field] Thermal Engineering, Environmental Energy

SUZUKI, Sayaka ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Engineering, Fire, Environmental Impacts of Fire and Combustion

Associate [Thermofluid field] Plasma Science and Engineering, Ion Beam

Professor Science and Engineering, Fusion Energy, Fusion Neutron Source ・Mechanical Engineering

[Thermofluid field] X-ray measurement, machine learning analysis,
KODAMA, Manabu electrochemical simulation, next-generation EV battery, water ・Mechanical Engineering

[Materials and processing fields] Mechanics of materials, Fracture

Professor ARAKI, Wakako mechanics, Solid state ionics, Mechanics and ionics of ion- ・Mechanical Engineering
conducting oxides

Professor HIRATA, Atsushi [Materials and processing fields] Surface Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering

Associate [Materials and processing fields] Functional Surface and Thin Film,
AONO, Yuko ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Laser Processing

Associate [Materials and processing fields] Synthesis and Evaluation of

AKASAKA, Hiroki ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Inorganic Carbon Materials

INABA, Kazuaki [Materials and processing fields] Continuum Mechanics
Professor ・Mechanical Engineering

Associate [Materials and processing fields] Mechanics and Strength of

SAKAGUCHI, Motoki ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Materials
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

[Materials and processing fields] Production engineering,

Associate Manufacturing,
TANAKA, Tomohisa ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Tribology

Associate [Materials and processing fields] Structural Reliability Engineering,

MIZUTANI, Yoshihiro ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Application of Artificial Intteligence

Associate [Materials and processing fields] Materials for Space Use,

YAMAZAKI, Takahisa ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Advanced Joining and Surface Coating

YAMAMOTO, Takatoki [Materials and processing fields] Bionanotechnology, Micro TAS ・Mechanical Engineering

[Mechanical system field] MEMS, Micro Mechatronics, Bio

Professor KIM, Joon-wan ・Mechanical Engineering

[Mechanical system field] Mechanical Systems Using Magnetic

Force, Magnetic MEMS, Ultrasonic Medical Instruments
Professor SHINSHI, Tadahiko ・Mechanical Engineering
Artificial Heart

[Mechanical system field] Bio-MEMS/NEMS, Biosensing,

Professor YANAGIDA, Yasuko Biofunctional Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering

[Mechanical system field] Analysis and Design of Mechanical
Appointed KOBAYASHI, Tsune ・Mechanical Engineering
Elements, Mechanisms for Automobiles

ISHIDA, Tadashi [Mechanical system field] Biomedical MEMS, Nanobiology
Professor ・Mechanical Engineering

Associate [Mechanical system field] Space Structures, Dynamics, Numerical

SAKAMOTO, Hiraku ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Analysis

NAKANO, Yutaka [Mechanical system field] Vibration Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering

[Mechanical system field] Nano/micro Fluid, Emulsion, Micro

NISHISAKO, Takashi Chemistry, ・Mechanical Engineering
Bio chemistry, MEMS

[Mechanical system field] Mechatronics, Medical Device,

HIJIKATA, Wataru Wireless Power Transmission ・Mechanical Engineering

[Mechanical system field] Smart Agricultural and Forestry

TAKAHASHI, Hideharu Engineering, Remote Sensing, Zero-carbon Energy, Environmental ・Mechanical Engineering
Restoration and Utilization of Unused Resources

[Mechanical system field] Analysis and Design of Mechanical
MATSUURA, Daisuke Elements, Robotics, Mechatronics, Visual Measurement, Visual ・Mechanical Engineering
Servo, Non-contact Manipulation, Welfare equipment

[Mechanical system field] Astrodynamics, Trajectory design,
CHUJO, Toshihiro Guidance, Navigation, and Control, Deep space mission design, ・Mechanical Engineering
Spacecraft system, Dynamics simulation

[Mechanical system field] Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanism ・Mechanical Engineering

Professor ENDO, Gen
Design ・Engineering Sciences and Design

Professor OKADA, Masafumi [Intelligent system field] Robotics, Control Engineering ・Mechanical Engineering
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

[Intelligent system field] Cooperative Assist and Control in Human-

Machine Systems, Intelligent Mobility, Behavioral and Physiological
Professor SHINO, Motoki
Information based System Design, Comfort Design, Automated ・Mechanical Engineering
Driving Technology

Professor TAKEDA, Yukio [Intelligent system field] Mechanical Systems Design ・Mechanical Engineering

[Intelligent system field] Living Centric Design, Living Function

Professor NISHIDA, Yoshifumi ・Mechanical Engineering
Support, Artificial Intelligence, IoT

Professor MAEDA, Shingo [Intelligent system field] Soft Materials, Soft Robotics ・Mechanical Engineering

SUGAHARA, Yusuke [Intelligent system field] Mechanical Systems Design ・Mechanical Engineering

Associate [Intelligent system field] Robothics & Mechatronics, Mechanism,

TAKAYAMA, Toshio ・Mechanical Engineering
Professor Soft robot, Medical device, Microfluidic device

[Intelligent system field] Biomimetics, Fluid dynamics of animal flight

TANAKA, Hiroto and swimming, Flapping-wing aerial/underwater robots, Micro ・Mechanical Engineering

Appointed [Intelligent system field] Human Collaborative Robot, Light-weight
ENDO, Mitsuru ・Mechanical Engineering
Associate Actuator, Mechatronics, Industrial Robot

[Intelligent system field] Human-Machine Interface, Brain-Machine
Professor MIURA, Satoshi ・Mechanical Engineering
Interface, Medical Robotics, Welfare Robotics,Surgical Robotics

(2) Dept. of Systems and Control Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Inverse Problems, Computational Mechanics, Electrochemical

Professor AMAYA, Kenji ・Systems and Control Engineering
Analysis, Optical Analysis

Robot Intelligent Control,

Professor IMURA, Jun-ichi ・Systems and Control Engineering
Control Theory Hybrid Systems Theory

Biorobotic systems, Distributed systems,

Professor KURABAYASHI, Daisuke ・Systems and Control Engineering
Motion planning

Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics,

Professor KOSAKA, Hidenori ・Systems and Control Engineering
Internal Combustion Engine

Professor SAMPEI, Mitsuji Control Theory ・Systems and Control Engineering

Soft Robotics, Biomimetics, Fluid Powered Control, Medical

Professor TSUKAGOSHI, Hideyuki ・Systems and Control Engineering

Nonlinear Dynamics, Stochastic Processes, Self-organization

Professor NAKAO, Hiroya ・Systems and Control Engineering

Sports Engineering, Biomechanics, Biorobotics, Musculoskeletal

Professor NAKASHIMA, Motomu ・Systems and Control Engineering
Analysis, Welfare Engineering

Robot Audition, Computational Auditory Scene Analysis, Human-

Professor NAKADAI, Kazuhiro ・Systems and Control Engineering
Machine Interaction

Associate Systems and Control Theory, Power Systems, Distributed Energy

ISHIZAKI, Takayuki ・Systems and Control Engineering
Professor Management System, Optimization

Associate Open world vision, Multimodal recognition, Physics-based vision,

KAWAKAMI, Rei ・Systems and Control Engineering
Professor Vision for AR/VR

Environmental Load Reduction in Transportation System, Control of

SATO, Susumu Advanced Exhaust After-Treatment System, Alternative Fuels for ・Systems and Control Engineering
Internal Combustion Engine

・Engineering Sciences and Design

Professor TANAKA, Masayuki Computational photography, Image processing
・Systems and Control Engineering
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major
Cyber-Physical & Human Systems, Cyber-Physical Campus Energy
HATANAKA, Takeshi Management, Networked Mobility, Distributed Optimization, ・Systems and Control Engineering
Learning and Games

Associate Control Theory, Dynamical Systems Theory, Smart Society, Game

HAYAKAWA, Tomohisa ・Systems and Control Engineering
Professor Theory

Associate Surface profile sensing, measurement information processing /

HARA, Seiichiro ・Systems and Control Engineering
Professor evaluation, machining information sensing, surface texture design

Associate Biomechanics, Injury Preventive Engineering, Digital Human

MIYAZAKI, Yusuke ・Systems and Control Engineering
Professor Modeling

YAMAKITA, Masaki Control Engineering, Robotics ・Systems and Control Engineering

Prof. Okutomi belongs to a

Collaborative Research Cluster
with micware Co.,Ltd and can
accept only doctor course
Appointed OKUTOMI, Masatoshi Computer Vision, Image Processing ・Systems and Control Engineering
students under appropriate
conditions. Please make contact
with the admission chair of the
department in advance.

Associate Prof. Monno belongs

Specially to a Collaborative Research
Appointed Cluster with micware Co.,Ltd.
MONNO, Yusuke Image Processing, Computer Vision, Computational Imaging ・Systems and Control Engineering
Associate Please make contact with the
Professor admission chair of the
department in advance.

(3) Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Associate Low Power CMOS Circuits, Internet of Medical Things, IoT in

ITO, Hiroyuki ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Agriculture

Wireless Circuit Design, 5G/6G, Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz

Professor OKADA, Kenichi ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Communication, IoT, Analog/Digital Circuit Design

Associate Integrated Circuits, Wireless Communication, Wireless Power

SHIRANE, Atsushi ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Transfer, Satellite Communication

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor TOKUDA, Takashi Microdevices and circuits for biomedical and IoT
・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

AOYAGI, Takahiro Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

AMEMIYA, Tomohiro Photonics informatics, Integrated photonics, Photonic nanostructure ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Optical Communications, Optical Signal Processing, Photonic

Professor UENOHARA, Hiroyuki ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Switching, Photonic Integration

Wireless communications, 5G/6G, IoT, mmWave, Wireless power

Professor SAKAGUCHI, Kei ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
transmission, Connected car, Automated driving

Associate Gbps-class wireless backbone network, Radio resource

TRAN, Gia Khanh ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor management using AI, IoT networks employing drones

SHOJI, Yuya Lightwave Circuits, Optical Communication ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Biomedical Engineering Measurement, Agricultural Engineering ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor Measurement, Acoustic Engineering ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Semiconductor laser, Semiconductor vertical microcavity,

Professor NAKAGAWA, Shigeru ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Integrated photonics, Optical transmission

Photonic Electronic Convergence Circuit, Semicondcutor Lasers,

Professor NISHIYAMA, Nobuhiko Ultra high-speed transceiver and Measurement System using ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Photonic Integrated Circuit

Millimeter-wave/Terahertz-wave planar antennas, Electromagnetic

Professor HIROKAWA, Jiro ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
wave analysis

Professor Satellite onboard antenna, wireless communication, large-scale
TOMURA, Takashi ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(Tenure electromagnetic analysis.
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Associate Optical wireless power transmnission, Optical devices and

MIYAMOTO, Tomoyuki ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor functional modules

OHMI, Shun-ichiro Semiconductor Devices ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

KAKUSHIMA, Kuniyuki Nanoelectronics and MEMS ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Quantum computing technology, Quantum Information devices, ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
KODERA, Tetsuo
Professor Nano quantum electronics ・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate Terahertz Devices, Active Metamaterials, THz Wireless

SUZUKI, Safumi ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Communication, THz Radar System, THz 3D Imaging

Associate Diamond Quantum Sensor, Solid-state Quantum Emitter for ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
IWASAKI, Takayuki
Professor Quantum Communication, Diamond Device ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor WAKABAYASHI, Hitoshi Semiconductor Devices, Nano-electronics, LSI ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

WATANABE, Masahiro Quantum Devices, Hetero-epitaxial Engineering ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Quantum Metrology, Quantum Sensing & Imaging, Quantum

ARAI, Keigo ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Information, Artificial Intelligence

IINO, Hiroaki Organic Electronics, TFT, Imaging Devices ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

SUGAHARA, Satoshi Integrated Devices and Circuits ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

TOMA, Mana Plasmonics and biosensors for mobile health ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Semiconductor/metal spintronics, Ferromagnetic semiconductor,

PHAM, Nam Hai ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Professor Topological insulator

Organic and Polymer Electronics, Organic Devices, Nonlinear

Professor MANAKA, Takaaki ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

TAGUCHI, Dai Dielectric physics, Organic electronics, Nonlinear Optics ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate ・Energy Science and Informatics

MIYAJIMA, Shinsuke Photovoltaic materials and devices
Professor ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Semiconductor Physics, Solar Cells, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor YAMADA, Akira
Compound Thin-Film Solar Cells ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Atmospheric Plasma Engineering, Spectrochemistry, Plasma ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
OKINO, Akitoshi
Professor Medicine ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Professor ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
KAWABE, Kenichi Power system engineering, Renewable energy sources
(Tenure ・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

TAKEUCHI, Nozomi Plasma Engineering, Electrostatics, High Voltage Engineering
Professor ・Energy Science and Informatics

indicates person who will retire ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Professor CHIBA, Akira Electric Machine, Magnetic Suspension
in March, 2026. ・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate ・Energy Science and Informatics

KIYOTA, Kyohei Electric Machines, motor, generator, magnetic suspension
Professor ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Power Electronics, Smart Grid, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor Renewable Energy ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

・Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Professor FUJITA, Hideaki Power Electronics, Electrical Machinery
・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor ・Electrical and Electronic Engineering
SANO, Kenichiro Power Electronics, High voltage dc transmission
(Tenure ・Energy Science and Informatics
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major
(4) Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

System-LSI Design Methodology,

Professor ISSHIKI, Tsuyoshi ・Information and Communications Engineering
Embedded Processor Design

Natural Language Processing, Text Summarization, Text Mining,

Professor OKUMURA, Manabu ・Information and Communications Engineering
Sentiment Analysis

Medical Informatics, Madical Image Processing, Information

Associate ・Information and Communications Engineering
OBI, Takashi Security,
Professor ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Secure System

Visual Information Processing,

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor KANEKO, Hirohiko Human Space Perception,
・Information and Communications Engineering
Eye Movements,Multimodal Sensory Interaction

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor KOIKE, Yasuharu Human Interface, Computational Neuroscience
・Information and Communications Engineering

Associate Computer Architecture, Computer Security, Computer Systems,

SASAKI, Hiroshi ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Internet of Things (IoT), Workload Characterization

Visiting Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Image-Based Modeling and

SATO, Imari Do not accept students this time. ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Rendering, Machine Learning

Associate Speech Understanding, Dialogue System, Reinforcement Learning, ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Machine Learning ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Deep learning, Machine Learning, Computer-aided Diagnosis, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor SUZUKI, Kenji
Biomedical Image Understanding, Artificial Intelligence. ・Information and Communications Engineering

Signal Processing,
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor SLAVAKIS Konstantinos Machine Learning,
・Information and Communications Engineering
Data Analytics

Associate Color Science and Technology、Material Perception Science、 ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
NAGAI, Takehiro
Professor Visual Psychophysics ・Information and Communications Engineering

Associate Human Computer Interaction, Service Design, Communication

NAKATANI, Momoko ・Engineering Sciences and Design
Professor Enhancement, Well-being

Associate Reconfigurable Computing,High-Performance Computing,FPGA,

NAKAHARA, Hiroki ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Machine Learning

Human Interface, Olfactory Display, Odor Sensing System, Sensor

Professor NAKAMOTO, Takamichi Retire in March 2025 ・Information and Communications Engineering
Information Processing

Wireless Networks, Application of Machine Learning, Federated

NISHIO, Takayuki Learnimg, Ambient Sensing, Multi-modal System, Resource ・Information and Communications Engineering

Associate Virtual Reality, Physics Engine, Haptics, Character motion, ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Interaction ・Engineering Sciences and Design

Associate Low-Energy Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT),

HARA, Yuko ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Hardware/Software Co-design, Hardware Security

Wireless Communications, Wireless Communication Networks,

Professor FUKAWA, Kazuhiko Intelligent Signal Processing, ・Information and Communications Engineering
Adaptive Filter Theory

Associate Natural Language Processing, Multimodal Dialogue System,

FUNAKOSHI, Kotaro ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor Human-Machine Interaction

Reconfigurable Hardware, Intelligent Computing, Deep Learning

Professor MOTOMURA, Masato Do not accept students this time. ・Information and Communications Engineering
Processor, Annealing Machine

Optical Imaging and Display, Spectral Imaging, Pathology Image ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor YAMAGUCHI, Masahiro
Analysis, Holography ・Information and Communications Engineering

Associate Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Digital Archiving, Human-

WATANABE, Yoshihiro ・Information and Communications Engineering
Professor computer Interaction

(5) Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Semantic Web, Data

Professor ICHISE, Ryutaro ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Professor INOUE, Kotaro Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Affect and Emotion, Gerontechnology,

Professor UMEMURO, Hiroyuki ・Industrial Engineering and Economics
Human Factors

Professor SHIOURA, Akiyoshi Discrete Optimization, Operations Research, Algorithm Theory ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Professor SENOO, Dai Knowledge Management, Leadership
・Engineering Sciences and Design

Professor NAKATA, Kazuhide Operations Research, Continuous Optimization, Machine Learning ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Optimization Theory, Combinatorics,

Professor MATSUI, Tomomi Operations Research ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Professor YAMATO, Takehiko Microeconomic Theory, Experimental Economics ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Human Factors and Ergonomics,

AOKI, Hirotaka Industrial Engineering ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

UOZUMI, Ryuji Biostatistics, Applied Statistics, Medical Research, Data Science ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

OGASAWARA, Kota Cliometrics, Health Economics ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

KAWASAKI, Ryo Mathematical Economics, Game Theory ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

GU, Xiuzhu Healthcare management, Safety engineering, Human factors ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

SEABORN Katie Human-Computer Interaction, Inclusive Design, Game UX ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

NAGATA, Kyoko Financial Reporting, Company Analysis, Corporate Governance ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

FUKUDA, Emiko Industrial Economics, Game Theory ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

HORI, Takeo Dynamic Macroeconomics, Economic Growth ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

MASUI, Toshihiko Environmental Economic Modeling Supporting supervisor ・Industrial Engineering and Economics

Associate KANAMORI, Yuko Environmental Economic Modeling Supporting supervisor ・Industrial Engineering and Economics
A3 Advanced Human Resource Education Program for Emerging Materials Innovations to Solve Social Issues (eMAT-SOC)

(1) Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor AZUMA, Masaki Solid State Chemistry ・Materials Science and Engineering

Bioceramics, Biosensing, Nanomedicine, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor IKOMA, Toshiyuki
Tissue Engineering ・Materials Science and Engineering

Martensitic Transformation, Kink Deformation, ・Materials Science and Engineering

Professor INAMURA, Tomonari
Geometry of Microstructure ・Energy Science and Informatics

Computational Design of Electronic and

Professor OBA, Fumiyasu ・Materials Science and Engineering
Energy Materials

Catalytic Chemistry, ・Materials Science and Engineering

Professor KAMATA, Keigo
Environment-Friendly Chemical Process ・Energy Science and Informatics

Semiconductors, Optoelectronic Devices,

Professor KAMIYA, Toshio ・Materials Science and Engineering
Computer simulation

Nanoparticles, Magnetic Materials and

Professor KITAMOTO, Yoshitaka ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Devices, Biomedical Devices, Biosensors

Materials Design based on Phase Diagrams

and Microstructure Control, Intermetallics, ・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor KIMURA, Yoshisato
Thermoelectric Materials, Heat Resistant ・Materials Science and Engineering

Biofuels, Catalyst, Materials Informatics,

Waste to Renewable Energy Conversion,
Energy Policy, Educational Technology, ・Materials Science and Engineering
Learning Analytics

Metal Refining and Recycling, Safety

Metallurgy for Nuclear Reactors, Phase ・Nuclear Engineering
Professor KOBAYASHI, Yoshinao
Stability, Degradation of Materials in Reactors, ・Materials Science and Engineering
Waste Management

Metallic Functional Materials, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor SHI, Ji
Nanoheterostructures, Magnetic Thin Films ・Materials Science and Engineering

Metallic Material Design for Medical Device

and the Evaluation Methodology, Hybrid ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor SONE, Masato
Materials for Wearable Device, High Sensitive ・Materials Science and Engineering
Sensor Material

Materials Electrochemistry, Corrosion and

Professor TADA, Eiji Protection, Corrosion Monitoring and ・Materials Science and Engineering
Simulation, Surface Treatment

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of

Professor NAKADA, Nobuo ・Materials Science and Engineering
Iron and Steels

・Materials Science and Engineering

Professor VACHA, Martin Optical Properties of Organic Materials
・Energy Science and Informatics

Polymer Synthesis, Polymer Thin Films, Self-

Professor HAYAKAWA, Teruaki ・Materials Science and Engineering
Organizing Organic and Polymeric Materials

Physicochemical Properties of Materials, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor HAYASHI, Miyuki
High Temperature Process Control ・Materials Science and Engineering

・Materials Science and Engineering

Professor HARA, Michikazu Catalysis, Surface Science
・Energy Science and Informatics

Semiconductors, Thin film growth,

Professor HIRAMATSU, Hidenori ・Materials Science and Engineering
Optoelectronic properties, Devices

Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials,

Professor FUJII, Toshiyuki Crystallography and Crystal Defects, Electron ・Materials Science and Engineering

Functionla Inorganic Materials , Thin Film

Professor FUNAKUBO, Hiroshi ・Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Design, Shape Memory and

・Materials Science and Engineering
Superelastic Alloys, Intermetallic Compounds,
Professor HOSODA, Hideki ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Smart Materials, Smart Composites,
・Energy Science and Informatics
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major
Single Nanoscale Electronic Materials and
Devices, Resonant Tunneling Transistor,
Professor MAJIMA, Yutaka Nanogap Gas Sensor, DNA Sequencer, ・Materials Science and Engineering
Ferroelectric Memory, Nanostructure Induced
L10-Ferromagnetic Nanowire

Novel Material Processes for Energy and

Professor MATSUSHITA, Nobuhiro Environmental, Biomedical, Electronic ・Materials Science and Engineering

Polymer Physics, Physical Chemistry of

Organic Materials, Polymer Membranes and ・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor MATSUMOTO, Hidetoshi
Thin Films, Energy and Environmental ・Materials Science and Engineering
Materials, Nanofibers and Nanomaterials

Polymer Synthesis, Semiconducting

Professor MICHINOBU, Tsuyoshi ・Materials Science and Engineering
Polymers, Biomass Polymers

Photocatalysis, Artificial Photosynthesis,

Green House Gas Conversion, Hydrogen ・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor MIYAUCHI, Masahiro
Carrier, Chemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles ・Materials Science and Engineering

Polymer Processing, ・Materials Science and Engineering

Professor MORIKAWA, Junko
Thermal Properties of Polymers ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Ion-Dynamics in glass for mechanical and

Professor YANO, Tetsuji electrochemical use, Optical properties for ・Materials Science and Engineering
devices, Glasses for environmental problems

Nonlinear optical microscopy, Local structural

Professor YOKOTA, Hiroko analysis, Evaluation of new functionalities at ・Materials Science and Engineering
topological defects

Environmental Ceramics, Porous ceramics,

Associate Professor ISOBE, Toshihiro ・Materials Science and Engineering
Membrane, Functional ceramics

High Temperature Oxidation of Heat Resistant

・Energy Science and Informatics
Associate Professor UEDA, Mitsutoshi Steels and Alloys
・Materials Science and Engineering
Physical Chemistry at High Temperature

Oxide electronics, Energy materials,

Associate Professor KATASE, Takayoshi ・Materials Science and Engineering
Thin film device

Fuel Cells, Heat-resisting Alloys, Solid State

Associate Professor KAWAMURA, Kenichi Ionics, High Temperature Physical Chemistry, ・Materials Science and Engineering

optical materials, glass materials, optical

Associate Professor KISHI, Tetsuo ・Materials Science and Engineering
devices, laser prrocess, adhesion science

Electron Theory of Magnetic Materials, Heat-

Associate Professor GOHDA, Yoshihiro ・Materials Science and Engineering
Resistant Alloys, and Nano-Interfaces

Non-ferrous Metals (Titanium, Aluminum,

Magnesium, and Copper Alloys), Biomedical
indicates person who will retire in March,
Associate Professor KOBAYASHI, Equo Materials, Composites, Phase Stability, Alloy
2028. ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Designing, Materials Characterization, and
Standardization of Medical Equipmen

Heat resistant steels and alloys for energy and

transportation, Microstructural control and
Associate Professor KOBAYASHI, Satoru design, Intermetallics, Creep, High ・Materials Science and Engineering
temperature hydrogen damage, Additive

Organic Supramolecules, Stimuli-responsive

Associate Professor SAGARA, Yoshimitsu ・Materials Science and Engineering
Luminescent Materials, Mechanophore

・Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor SASAGAWA, Takao Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
・Energy Science and Informatics

Nanophotonics, Plasmonic Materials, Nano ・Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor SANNOMIYA, Takumi Materials, Electron Microscopy, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Cathodoluminescence ・Energy Science and Informatics

Development of Functional Metallic Materials

by Structural Phase Transition, Metallic ・Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Professor TAHARA, Masaki
Materials for Medical and Energy Applications, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Metal 3D Printing

・Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor TSUGE, Takeharu Biodegradable Plastics
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Microstructure Control and Mechanical

Strength of High-Temperature Materials for
Associate Professor TERADA, Yoshihiro Aerospace Applications, Alloy Development ・Materials Science and Engineering
for Advanced Automobile Powertrain
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Associate Professor NAKATSUJI, Kan Surface and Interface Physics ・Materials Science and Engineering

Organic and polymeric materials for catalysis,

・Energy Science and Informatics
Associate Professor NABAE, Yuta electrocatalysts for fuel cells, synthesis of
・Materials Science and Engineering
aromatic polymers

Nanobio science, Biointerface & Biomaterials,

Associate Professor HAYASHI, Tomohiro ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Materials Informatics

・Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor HAYAMIZU, Yuhei Bio-interface, Nano Materials
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials, Phonon

Associate Professor HOSHINA, Takuya ・Materials Science and Engineering

Thermal Energy Conversion, Sensitized

・Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Professor MATSUSHITA, Sachiko Thermal Cell, Renewable Energy
・Energy Science and Informatics
(Electrochemistry, Materials Chemistry)

Nanomaterials for electronic and energy,

Epitaxial thin films and nanostructures, Low- ・Energy Science and Informatics
Associate Professor MATSUDA, Akifumi
temperature nanomaterials synthesis, Highly- ・Materials Science and Engineering
oriented flexible devices

Aluminum Alloys, Microstructure and

Associate Professor MURAISHI, Shinji Mechanical Properties, Upgrade Recycling, ・Materials Science and Engineering
Dislocation Dynamics Simulation

Solid state chemistry, functional inorganic

Associate Professor YAMAMOTO, Takafumi materials (magnetism, superconductivity, ・Materials Science and Engineering
photofunctionality, catalytic property, etc)

Severe environment resistant materials,

Materials for nuclear and fusion applications,
Associate Professor YOSHIDA, Katsumi ・Nuclear Engineering
Ceramic-based composites, High
performance porous ceramics

Computational Materials Science, Function

Associate Professor LEI, Xiao-Wen Design of Nanoscale Systems, Mathematical ・Materials Science and Engineering
Science of Lattice Defect

Functional Organic Materal, Functional

Assistant Professor
Omagari, Shun Nanomaterial, Single-molecule Spectroscopy, ・Materials Science and Engineering
(Tenure Track)
Computational Chemistry

Development of Emerging Functional

Assistant Professor ・Nuclear Engineering
YASUI, Shintaro Materials (Li-ion Battery, Energy Materials,
(Tenure Track) ・Materials Science and Engineering
Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics, Multiferroics)

Assistant Professor electrocatalysts, hydrothermal ・Energy Science and Informatics

(Tenure Track) electrochemistry ・Materials Science and Engineering

(2) Dept. of Chemical Science and Engineering

Academic Supervisior Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor ISHIZONE, Takashi Polymer Synthesis, Living Polymerization ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Polymer Reactions, Smart Polymeric

Professor OTSUKA, Hideyuki ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Materials, Polymer Synthesis

Polymer Synthesis,Precision Polymerization, ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Professor SATOH, Kotaro
Bio-Based Monomer ・Energy Science and Informatics

Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor TANAKA, Katsunori
Chemistry, Chemical Biology ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Asymmetric

Professor TANAKA, Ken ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Synthesis, Organometallic Chemistry

Organometallic Chemistry, Coordination

Professor NAKAJIMA, Yumiko Chemistry, Silicon Chemistry, Catalyst ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Chemistry, Hybrid Materials

Physical Organic Chemistry, Organic

Associate Professor ITO, Shigekazu Synthesis, Main Group Chemistry, Muon ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Polymer Synthesis, Photochemistry,

Associate Professor KONISHI, Gen-ichi Fluorescent Dye, Liquid Crystal, Organic ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Chemical

Associate Professor TANAKA, Hiroshi ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Biology, Natural Product Chemistry

Biochemical Engineering, Peptide

・Chemical Science and Engineering
Professor OKOCHI, Mina Engineering, Biosensing, Biotechnology,
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Medical and Biological Engineering

Inorganic Solid State Chemistry, Thin Film,

Professor OHTOMO, Akira ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Surface and Interface, Device Physics

Biomacromolecular Chemistry, Biomaterials

Professor SERIZAWA, Takeshi Science and Engineering, Molecular ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Analytical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry,

Environmental Science, Organic-inorganic
Professor TSUKAHARA, Takehiko hybrid material, Micro-Nano Chemistry, ・Nuclear Engineering
Radioactive Waste Management, Nuclear
Fuel Cycle

Polymer Structures and Properties, Liquid

Professor TOKITA, Masatoshi ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Crystals, Polymer Brushes

Polymer Physics, Rubber Industry, Atomic

Professor NAKAJIMA, Ken ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Force Microscopy

Synthetic Inorganic and Organometallic

Professor MURAHASHI, Tetsuro ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry

Structural analysis of polymers, thin film,

Associate Professor ISHIGE, Ryohei synchrotron X-ray, vibrational spectroscopy, ・Chemical Science and Engineering
liquid crystal

Biomacromoleculer Science, Bioorganic

Associate Professor SAWADA, Toshiki Chemisgtry, Biotechnology, Biofunctional ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Actinide Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry,

・Nuclear Engineering
Associate Professor TAKAO, Koichiro Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Fuel Reprocessing,
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Radioactive Wastes, Decontamination

Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic

Associate Professor TAKAO, Toshiro ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Energy Conversion on Chemical Engineering,

・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor IHARA, Manabu Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells, Solar Cells,
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Energy system

Molecular crystal & assembly,

Pharmaceutical・cosmetic formulation, CO2 ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Professor SHIMOYAMA, Yusuke
utlization, Machine-learning, Information & ・Energy Science and Informatics
data technology

Chemical Reaction Engineering, Catalytic

Reaction Engineering, Catalyst & ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Professor TAGO, Teruoki
Environmental Chemical Process, Porous ・Energy Science and Informatics

Origin of life, Earth-life science,

Professor NAKAMURA, Ryuhei
Electrocatalysis ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Specially Appointed Microfluidic Transport Phenomena, CFD

OOKAWARA, Shinichi ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Professor (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Microreactor

Tribology, Lubricating oil and additives, ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Associate Professor AOKI, Saiko
Surface Engineering, Affective Engineering ・Energy Science and Informatics

Carbon Capture & Utilization, Inorganic

・Nuclear Engineering
Associate Professor HARADA, Takuya Materials, Chemical Pprocess Engineering,
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Low-carbon Energy System, Nuclear Energy

Process Systems Engineering, Process

・Chemical Science and Engineering
Associate Professor MATSUMOTO, Hideyuki Intensification, Nitrogen Cycle, Process
・Energy Science and Informatics
Information, Renewable Energy

Materials modeling, machine learning, energy ・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate Professor MANZHOS, Sergei
conversion and storage ・Chemical Science and Engineering

・Chemical Science and Engineering

Associate Professor MORI, Shinsuke Plasma Processing, Heat Transfer
・Energy Science and Informatics

・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor INAGI, Shinsuke Organic Electrochemistry, Polymer Chemistry
・Chemical Science and Engineering

Synthetic Organic Chemistry,

・Energy Science and Informatics
Professor OKAMOTO, Toshihiro Organic/Polymer Materials Chemistry, Organic
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

・Chemical Science and Engineering

Professor TOMITA, Ikuyoshi Polymer Synthetic Chemistry
・Energy Science and Informatics

Organic Functional Materials, Nanomaterials,

Professor FUKUSHIMA, Takanori ・Chemical Science and Engineering
π-Electronic Systems, Molecular Assembly

Supramolecular Chemistry, Synthetic

Professor YOSHIZAWA, Michito Chemistry, Nanospace, Water, Photofunction, ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic

Associate Professor SAWADA, Tomohisa Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Self- ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Assembly, Peptide, Topology

Functional π-Conjugated Molecules and

Associate Professor SHOJI, Yoshiaki Polymers, Highly Reactive Main-Group ・Chemical Science and Engineering

・Energy Science and Informatics

Associate Professor NAKAZONO, Kazuko Polymer synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry
・Chemical Science and Engineering

Polymer Physical Chemistry, Liquid Crystals, ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Professor SHISHIDO, Atsushi
Optical Function, Mechanical Function ・Energy Science and Informatics

Nano-materials Chemistry, Metallochemistry,

Professor YAMAMOTO, Kimihisa ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Macromolecular Science

π-Conjugating Molecular Chemistry, Electron

Associate Professor IMAOKA, Takane ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Transfer Chemistry, Nanomaterial Science

・Chemical Science and Engineering

Associate Professor KUBO, Shoichi Polymer Chemistry, Materials Chemistcy
・Energy Science and Informatics

Biomolecular Chemistry, Protein Engineering,

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor TANAKA, Masayoshi Applied Microbiology, Multi-Omics Science,
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Medical and Biological Engineering

Secondary battery, Metal-air battery, ・Energy Science and Informatics

Professor ARAI, Hajime
Electrochemistry, Operando (In situ) analysis ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Energy Conversion Materials, Inorganic and

・Energy Science and Engineering
Professor HIRAYAMA, Masaaki Solid State Chemistry, Electrochemical
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Interface Design

Water Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Engineering,

・Chemical Science and Engineering
Professor YAMAGUCHI, Takeo Bio-inspired Materials, Membrane Science
・Energy Science and Engineering
and Engineering

Materials and Devices for Energy Conversion,

Associate Professor KUROKI, Hidenori Nanostructured Materials, Electrocatalysts, ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Functionalized Membranes

Solid State Chemistry, Energy Convertion

・Energy Science and Informatics
Associate Professor SUZUKI, Kota Materials, Novel Energy Storage Device, and
・Chemical Science and Engineering
Material Seaerch by Machiene Learning

Environmental Chemistry, Material Cycle ・Chemical Science and Engineering

Associate Professor TOYODA, Sakae
Analysis ・Energy Science and Informatics

・Chemical Science and Engineering

Associate Professor YAMADA, Keita Organic Geochemistry, Isotope Chemistry
・Energy Science and Informatics

Catalytic Chemistry, Nanospace Catalysts,

Associate Professor YOKOI, Toshiyuki ・Chemical Science and Engineering
Zeolite Science, Green Chemistry

・Energy Science and Informatics

Optical Materials, Nanoparticles, Solar cell,
Associate Professor WADA, Hiroyuki ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Optical thin film
・Chemical Science and Engineering
A4 Graduate Program to Foster BioDX Leaders for Global Bio-Industry
As of Aug. 21, 2023
(1) Dept. of Life Science and Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Physical Chemistry, Structural Biology,

Professor ISHII, Yoshitaka ・Life Science and Technology
Alzheimer's Disease

Professor ITOH, Takehiko Bioinformatics ・Life Science and Technology

Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biophysical

Professor UENO, Takafumi ・Life Science and Technology
Chemistry, Biosupramolecular Chemistry

Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Molecular

Professor OSAKABE, Yuriko Physiology, Genetic Engineering, Genome ・Life Science and Technology

Bioinorganic Chemistry, Cellular Imaging of ・Life Science and Technology

Professor KAMACHI, Toshiaki
Oxygen ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor KAMIYA, Mako Chemical Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Bioorganic Chemistry, Photochemistry,

Nucleic Acid Chemistry, Single Molecule
Professor KAWAI, Kiyohiko ・Life Science and Technology
Analysis and Diagnosis (Pathological

Computational Biology, Biophysics,

Professor KITAO, Akio ・Life Science and Technology
Computational Chemistry, Protein Dynamics

Professor KIMURA, Hiroshi Epigenetics and Cell Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Professor KINBARA, Kazushi Bioinspired Synthetic Chemistry ・Life Science and Technology

Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Growth

Professor KOMADA, Masayuki Factor Signaling, Membrane Trafficking, ・Life Science and Technology
Tumor Biology

・Life Science and Technology

Professor SEIO, Kohji Bioorganic Chemistry
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Protein science, Biochemistry, Protein

Professor TAGUCHI, Hideki Folding, Chaperone, Ribosome, ・Life Science and Technology

Professor TANAKA, Mikiko Developmental Biology ・Life Science and Technology

・Life Science and Technology

Professor HAYASHI, Nobuhiro Molecular Biology and Proteomics
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor HIROTA, Junji Molecular Neuroscience ・Life Science and Technology

Genetic Engineering, Metabolic Engineering,

Professor FUKUI, Toshiaki ・Life Science and Technology

Professor HONGOH, Yuichi Molecular Microbial Ecology, Symbiosis ・Life Science and Technology

Professor MASUDA, Shinji Plant Molecular Biology and Photobiology ・Life Science and Technology

Professor MURAKAMI, Satoshi Structural Biology, Protein Crystallography ・Life Science and Technology

Quantum life science, bioanalytical

・Life Science and Technology
Professor YASUI, Takao chemistry, nanospace chemistry,
・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
nanobiodevices, liquid biopsy

Control of Gene Expression, Epigenetics,

Professor YAMAGUCHI, Yuki ・Life Science and Technology
RNA Processing, Drug Discovery
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

AIZAWA, Yasunori Cellular Genomics ・Life Science and Technology

Associate ・Life Science and Technology

OHKUBO, Akihiro Bioorganic Chemistry
Professor ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

KATO, Akira Epithelial Transport, Animal Physiology ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Cell Biology, Cell Editing, Bioimaging, Image

KANO, Fumi ・Life Science and Technology
Professor Analysis

SHIMOJIMA, Mie Plant Molecular Biology and Biochemistry ・Life Science and Technology

SHIRAKI, Nobuaki Stem Cell Biology ・Life Science and Technology

SUZUKI, Takashi Molecular Neurobiology ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Developmental Engineering, Molecular

TAGAWA, Yoh-ichi ・Life Science and Technology
Professor Biology, Artificial Organ, Immunology

TSUTSUMI, Hiroshi Chemical Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Plant, Epigenetics, Molecular Genetics,

Genome Biology, Synthetic Biology (Basic
Associate Biology in Inheritance of Chromatin
TO, Taiko ・Life Science and Technology
Professor modification, Genome Dynamics.
Development of Epigenome Editing

Molecular and Cellular Biology, Vascular

Associate Biology, Receptor-mediated signal
NAKAMURA, Nobuhiro ・Life Science and Technology
Professor transduction, Ubiquitination, Intracellular

NIKAIDO, Masato Molecular Evolutionary Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Genome foldings, Transcriptional regulation,

Subnucleosome, Biochemical analysis,
Associate Structural biology, Cryo-EM, The
NOZAWA, Kayo ・Life Science and Technology
Professor development of affinity grid for cryo-EM, In-
vitro reconstitution of high-order genome

Mechanosensing, PIEZO channel, Sensory

Associate neuron, Cerebrospinal fluid, Lymphatic
NONOMURA, Keiko ・Life Science and Technology
Professor vessel, live imaging, Mechanobiology,
Developmental biology

HATA, Takeshi Organic Synthesis, Asymmetric Synthesis ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Applied Microbiology and Metabolic

HIRASAWA, Takashi ・Life Science and Technology
Professor Engineering

Associate Biomaterials, Polymer Science, Tissue ・Life Science and Technology

FUJIE, Toshinori
Professor Engineering, Bioelectronics ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

FUJITA, Naonobu Cell and Developmental Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Bioorganic Chemistry, Biocatalysis, Green

MATSUDA, Tomoko Chemistry ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Protein Engineering, Tissue Engineering, ・Life Science and Technology

MIE, Masayasu
Professor Biosensing ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Extemophile, Extemozyme, Protein

YATSUNAMI, Rie Engineering, Directed Evolution, Metabolic ・Life Science and Technology

YAMADA, Takuji Genome Science and Bioinformatics ・Life Science and Technology
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biological Electron
Professor ASAKURA, Noriyuki ・Life Science and Technology

Biophysics, Microspectroscopy, Quantum

biology, Biophotophysics, Single-protein ・Life Science and Technology
Professor KONDO, Toru
spectroscopy, Photosynthesis, Life-earth ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Microbial Infection, Immune Response, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor KAJIWARA, Susumu
Biotechnology, Genome Editing ・Life Science and Technology

Neuroscience of social behavior, Parental

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor KURODA, Kumi care, Infant development and attachment,
・Life Science and Technology

Tumor biology, Tumor diagnostics, Clinical ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor KOSHIKAWA, Naohiko
proteomics ・Life Science and Technology

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor NAKATOGAWA, Hitoshi Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry
・Life Science and Technology

Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry,

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki Chemical Biology
・Life Science and Technology

・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

Professor NISHIYAMA, Nobuhiro Drug Delivery System, Biomaterials Science
・Life Science and Technology

Mathematical Biology, Mathematical

Associate ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
URIU, Koichiro Developmental Biology, Mathematical
Professor ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Molecular imaging, Chemical biology, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
OKADA, Satoshi
Professor Nanotechnology ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Molecular Biology, Alternative Therapy for ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
OGURA, Shun-ichiro
Professor Tumor, Biometabolic Engineering, Biomarker ・Life Science and Technology

Immunology, Allergic diseases, Infectious

Associate ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
ORIHARA, Kanami diseases, Circadian rhythm, Preventive
Professor ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Drug Discovery Science, Medicinal Protein ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Professor Engineering, Tumor Biology ・Life Science and Technology

Associate ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

KITAGUCHI, Tetsuya Bioimaging, Protein Engineering, Biosensors
Professor ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Polymer synthesis,Drug Delivery System, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
MIURA, Yutaka
Professor Biomaterials Science ・Life Science and Technology

Associate ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering

MORI, Toshiaki Bioorganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry
Professor ・Life Science and Technology

Associate Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
YOSHIDA, Keisuke
Professor Photosynthesis, Environmental Acclimation ・Life Science and Technology

Directed evolution, synthetic biology, cell-

Professor MATSUURA, Tomoaki
free science, biotechnology ・Life Science and Technology

Origins of life, Astrobiology, Synthetic

FUJISHIMA, Kosuke biology, Directed evolution, RNA, peptide,
Professor ・Life Science and Technology
Chemical evolution

Origins of life, Enzyme evolution, prebiotic

McGLYNN, Shawn chemistry, microbial ecology, stable isotope
Professor ・Life Science and Technology
fractionation, geomicrobiology

Artificial cell engineering, Molecular

Professor TAKINOUE, Masahiro computing, DNA nanotechnology, Molecular
・Life Science and Technology
Robotics, Biophysics, Synthetic biology

Bio-MEMS/NEMS, Biosensing,
Professor YANAGIDA, Yasuko
Biofunctional Engineering ・Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
A5 Postgraduate Program for Environmental Designers Contributing to Resilient Cities
(1) Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Professor IKARASHI, Kikuo Steel Structures ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Professor OKUYAMA, Shin-ichi Architectural Design ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Spatial Analysis and Planning, Disaster Mitigation

Professor OSARAGI, Toshihiro ・Architecture and Building Engineering
Planning, Spatial Information Science

Environmental Engineering, Building Servises, Indoor Air

Professor KAGI, Naoki ・Architecture and Building Engineering
Quality, Air Cleaning, Wellness, Smart Building

Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures,

Professor KONO, Susumu ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Architectural Planning
Professor SAIO, Naoko ・Architecture and Building Engineering
Urban and Rural Planning

Professor TAMURA, Shuji Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Architectural Design and Urban Research, Architectural

Professor TSUKAMOTO, Yoshiharu ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Professor HOTTA, Hisato Composite Structures ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Professor YAMAZAKI, Taisuke History of Architecture, Architectural Design ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Professor YOKOYAMA, Yutaka Building Materials ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Associate Architectural planning, Spatiotemporal analysis, Artificial

OKI, Takuya ・Architecture and Building Engineering
Professor Intelligence application

SHIOZAKI, Taishin Architectural Design ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Associate Concrete Structures

NISHIMURA, Koshiro ・Architecture and Building Engineering
Professor Earthquake Engineering

FUKUDA, Shintaro Building Materials ・Architecture and Building Engineering

FUJITA, Yasuhito History of Architecture and Cities ・Architecture and Building Engineering

MURATA, Ryo Architectural Design ・Architecture and Building Engineering

YUASA, Kazuhiro Environmental Engineering, Building Services ・Architecture and Building Engineering

Building Structure, Earthquake Engineering, Structural

Professor ISHIHARA, Tadashi ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Dynamics, Design Load

Base-Isolation and Passive Control Structure, Seismic

Professor KISHIKI, Shoichi Retrofit for Existing Buildings, Post-Earthquake Damage ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Evaluation and Rehabilitation

Professor DOHI, Masato Community Planning and Design ・Urban Design and Built Environment

Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster,

Professor MATSUOKA, Masashi ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Geoinformatics and AI for Disaster Mitigation
Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major
Earthquake Engineering
Professor YAMANAKA, Hiroaki Strong Motion Seismology ・Urban Design and Built Environment

ASAWA, Takashi Urban and Built Environmental Engineering ・Urban Design and Built Environment

Urban enviromental engineering Snow engineering

OKAZE, Tsubasa Disaster resilience for architectural and urban ・Urban Design and Built Environment

Associate City Planning, Community Design, Authenticity, Local

SAKAMURA, Kei ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Professor Resource Management

Associate Structural Engineering,

SATO, Daiki ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Professor Earthquake Engineering and Wind Enginnering

Associate Architectural Design and Theory

NASU, Satoshi ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Professor Dwelling Culture and Environment

Associate Historic Architectural Preservation, History of

HIRAGA, Amana ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Professor Architecture

MANO, Yosuke Urban Planning ・Urban Design and Built Environment

(2) Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Academic Supervisor Research Field Remarks Graduate Major

Infrastructure Management, Marine Structure

Professor IWANAMI, Mitsuyasu ・Civil Engineering

Professor KANAE, Shinjiro Hydrology, Hydrologic Cycle, Water Resources ・Civil Engineering

Professor SASAKI, Ei-ichi Bridge Engineering & Structural Engineering ・Civil Engineering

Professor TAKAHASHI, Akihiro Geotechnical Engineering ・Civil Engineering

Urban and Regional Economics,

Professor TAKAYAMA, Yuki ・Civil Engineering
Regional Science

Water Environmental Engineering, Environmental

Professor YOSHIMURA, Chihiro ・Civil Engineering
Photochemistry, Applied Aquatic Ecology

Associate Hydrometeorology, Climate Change, Satellite Remote

UTSUMI, Nobuyuki ・Civil Engineering
Professor Sensing

Associate Geotechnical Engineering, Unsaturated Soil Mechanics,

SAWADA, Mai ・Civil Engineering
Professor Conservation of Historic Sites

Associate Transportation Research, Traffic Flow Theory, Data

SEO, Toru ・Civil Engineering
Professor Science

Associate Structural Concrete, Multi-Scale Dynamics of Concrete,

CHIJIWA, Nobuhiro ・Civil Engineering
Professor Maintenance of Infrastructure

Associate Water and Environmental Engineering, Sustainable

FUJII, Manabu ・Civil Engineering
Professor Development, Water Chemistry

Associate Applied Mechanics, Computaional Mechanics,

MARUYAMA, Taizo ・Civil Engineering
Professor Nondestructive Evalutaion

Rural Landscape and Rural Development, Value and

Professor SANADA, Junko ・Urban Design and Built Environment
Technology Transfer of Dry Stone Walling

Professor MUROMACHI, Yasunori Transport and the Environment, Travel Behavior ・Urban Design and Built Environment

Professor MORIKAWA, Hitoshi Earthquake Engineering ・Urban Design and Built Environment

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