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Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia

Frye v. United States

293 F. 1013
Decided Dec 3, 1923

No. 3968 conscious deception or falsehood, concealment of

facts, or guilt of crime, accompanied by fear of
Submitted November 7, 1923
detection when the person is under examination,
Decided December 3, 1923 raises the systolic blood pressure in a curve, which
corresponds exactly to the struggle going on in the
Appeal from the Supreme Court of the District of
subject's mind, between fear and attempted control
Columbia. James Alphonzo Frye was convicted of
of that fear, as the examination touches the vital
murder, and he appeals. Affirmed.
points in respect of which he is attempting to
Richard V. Mattingly and Foster Wood, both of deceive the examiner.
Washington, D.C., for appellant.
In other words, the theory seems to be that truth is
Peyton Gordon and J. H. Bilbrey, both of spontaneous, and comes without conscious effort,
Washington, D.C., for the United States. while the utterance of a falsehood requires a
conscious effort, which is reflected in the blood
Before SMYTH, Chief Justice, VAN ORSDEL,
pressure. The rise thus produced is easily detected
Associate Justice, and MARTIN, Presiding Judge
and distinguished from the rise produced by mere
of the United States Court of Customs Appeals.
fear of the examination itself. In the former
instance, the pressure rises higher than in the
VAN ORSDEL, Associate Justice. latter, and is more pronounced as the examination
Appellant, defendant below, was convicted of the proceeds, while in the latter case, if the subject is
crime of murder in the second degree, and from telling the truth, the pressure registers highest at
the judgment prosecutes this appeal. the beginning of the examination, and gradually
diminishes as the examination proceeds.
A single assignment of error is presented for our
consideration. In the course of the trial counsel for Prior to the trial defendant was subjected to this
defendant offered an expert witness to testify to deception test, and counsel offered the scientist
the result of a deception test made upon defendant. who conducted the test as an expert to testify to
The test is described as the systolic blood pressure the results obtained. The offer was objected to by
deception test. It is asserted that blood pressure is counsel for the government, and the court
influenced by change in the emotions of the sustained the objection. Counsel for defendant
witness, and that the systolic blood pressure rises then offered to have the proffered witness conduct
are brought about by nervous impulses sent to the a test in the presence of the jury. This also was
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous denied.
system. Scientific experiments, it is claimed, have Counsel for defendant, in their able presentation of
demonstrated that fear, rage, and pain always the novel question involved, correctly state in their
produce a rise of systolic blood pressure, and that brief that no cases directly in point have been

Frye v. United States 293 F. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923)

found. The broad ground, however, upon which Numerous cases are cited in support of this rule.
they plant their case, is succinctly stated in their Just when a scientific principle or discovery
brief as follows: crosses the line between the experimental and
demonstrable stages is difficult to define.
"The rule is that the opinions of experts or
Somewhere in this twilight zone the evidential
skilled witnesses are admissible in
force of the principle must be recognized, and
evidence in those cases in which the matter
while courts will go a long way in admitting
of inquiry is such that inexperienced
expert testimony deduced from a well-recognized
persons are unlikely to prove capable of
scientific principle or discovery, the thing from
forming a correct judgment upon it, for the
which the deduction is made must be sufficiently
reason that the subject-matter so far
established to have gained general acceptance in
partakes of a science, art, or trade as to
the particular field in which it belongs.
require a previous habit or experience or
study in it, in order to acquire a knowledge We think the systolic blood pressure deception test
of it. When the question involved does not has not yet gained such standing and scientific
lie within the range of common experience recognition among physiological and
or common knowledge, but requires psychological authorities as would justify the
special experience or special knowledge, courts in admitting expert testimony deduced from
then the opinions of witnesses skilled in the discovery, development, and experiments thus
that particular science, art, or trade to far made.
which the question relates are admissible
The judgment is affirmed.
in evidence."
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