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Ladies and gentlemen, let me begin by expressing my gratitude for allowing me to speak on behalf of the
participants in this closing ceremony of our seminar entitled, “Functional Food’s Role in Building a Healthy and
Disease-resilient Philippines.”

To our honorable guest speaker, Dr. Myra O. Villareal, Ma’am, we would like to thank you for your valuable
and clear explanations, and for generously sharing with us your time, experiences, expert knowledge, and insights on
functional food. We are truly grateful to you.

To Dr. Ma. Reina Suzette B. Madamba, the chairperson of the Department of Biological Sciences, we
sincerely appreciate your initiative, Ma’am, most especially in inviting our resource speaker, Dr. Villareal, and for
making this event happen.

I also want to recognize the efforts put forward by the Biological Sciences Graduate Society, spearheaded by
President Bryll P. Bonita, for organizing this event and keeping things both under control and reasonably on time.

More than that, I would like to thank all of the participants for making this seminar a success through your
cooperation and active participation.

As we wrap up this insightful discussion, I would like to emphasize a few key takeaways that we can carry

First and foremost, it is evident that there is a direct link between nutrition and health. The foods we
consume have a significant impact on our well-being, and embracing functional foods, which are enriched with
beneficial compounds, can play a pivotal role in preventing and managing a range of health conditions.

Furthermore, the Philippines, like many countries, faces a growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
Functional foods, with their potential to lower the risk of such ailments, should be an integral part of public health
strategies. This requires concerted efforts from government bodies, healthcare providers, the food industry, and the
public itself. Collaborative action is necessary to raise awareness and ensure the accessibility and affordability of
functional foods to all socioeconomic groups.

Another important aspect of this journey is education. Educating our citizens about the importance of making
informed dietary choices, understanding food labels, and recognizing the benefits of functional foods is essential. The
media, schools, and healthcare professionals all have a role to play in this educational process.

Moreover, promoting research and innovation in the development of functional foods tailored to the specific
health needs of our population is imperative. By encouraging scientific endeavors and industry advancements, we can
ensure that these products are not only effective but also culturally relevant.

In closing, building a healthy and disease-resilient Philippines through functional foods is an ongoing journey
that demands commitment, collaboration, and continuous learning. Let us unite in our efforts to make functional foods
more accessible, affordable, and comprehensible to all. By doing so, we can empower our citizens to take charge of
their health, reduce the burden of disease, and ultimately enhance the overall quality of life.

Thank you for your attention and let us move forward with the shared goal of a healthier, happier, and more
resilient Philippines.

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