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Robert’s Rules of Order A Brief Overview

How to Make and Vote on Motions

• Member makes a clearly worded motion to take Why follow Robert’s Rules of Order?
action or a position. • Allows for democratic speech and action
• "I move..." • Preserves order
• Motions recorded in minutes • Rights of the organization supersede the rights of individual members
• Facilitates group decisions
• Motion must be seconded.
• "Second!"
• A second allows discussion to occur; Meeting Agendas
it does not signify approval. 1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
• A motion without a second does not move forward. 2. Reports (from officers, committees, task forces)
3. Unfinished Business
• Facilitator restates the motion. 4. New Business - items brought forward by motion procedure
• "It is moved and seconded that..."
• Provides clarity Meeting Minutes (when using Robert’s Rules of Order)
• Minutes are a legal record of meetings.
• Discussion/debate occurs. • Minutes are a record of what is done at a meeting, not what is said.
• Maker of motion starts discussion.
Minutes should include: Minutes do not include:
• Amendments may be offered - return to step 1 to 1. Name, date and location of meeting • Discussion
amend motion: "I move to amend the motion by..." 2. List of attendees (note presence of a quorum) • Personal opinion
3. Time meeting was called to order • Name of seconder of a motion
• Facilitator closes discussion and states the 4. Conflict of Interest & Antitrust Avoidance is not necessary
.Affirmation • Motions withdrawn
question/asks for a vote. 5. Approval of previous meeting minutes • Entire reports (rather attach
• "The question is on the adoption of the motion that..." 6. Motion text and name of maker to minutes)
• Motion repeated word-for-word 7. Status/results of motions
8. Time meeting was adjourned
• Facilitator provides voting directions:
• e.g. hand vote, secret ballot, straw poll, etc. Motion
• A motion is a formal proposal by a member that the group take
• Facilitator announces the result of the vote: a certain action or position.
• “The ayes have it, and the motion is adopted” or • A main motion is required to begin the decision making process.
• “The noes have it, the motion is lost.” • A motion occurs prior to discussion
• Recorded in minutes

Debate Vote
To Do This Motion You Say This Allowed? Required?

Introduce Business Main “I move that...” Yes Majority

Second a Motion Second “Second!” No No

Change the Wording or “I move to amend the motion by...”

add Clarity of a Motion Amend (adding words; striking out words; substitute words) Yes Majority

Send to Committee Commit

“I move the motion be referred to...” Yes Majority

Postpone Action until “I move the motion be postponed until...”

a Specific Time Postpone (provide specific time on agenda /next meeting date) Yes Majority

Postpone Action until Lay on the

an Unspecified Time Table
“I move to lay the motion on the table.” No Majority

Limit Debate Limit “I move that the debate on this motion be limited to
Debate (one) speech of (two) minutes for each member.” No Two-thirds

End Debate or Previous

Request a Vote Question
“I move the previous question.” No Two-thirds

Take Intermission Recess “I move to recess for (time).” No Majority

Close Meeting Adjourn Adjourn “I move to adjourn.” No Majority


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