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Submitted by
Rithvik Gundavarapu
Name: G. Rithvik
Division: D
BBA LLB (2021-2026)

In December 2021
Under the guidance of

Ganesh Kumar
Foundation of Ethics Professor

Table Of Contents:

Chapterization PG No.

Abstract 3

Analysis of ethical values 4

Game of Dice

The wisdom of Vidura 5

Ethical Dilemma faced by 6


Conclusion 7

References 7

Ethical analysis of Vidura's Ethical values and role

in Mahabharata


In this essay, The author will give an analysis of Vidura. The author will also elucidate,
analyze and give his opinion on the Ethical Dilemma Vidura in Mahabharat. The author
strictly believes the ethical values written in Vidura Niti are still relevant in modern times.
Maharshi Veda Vyasa declares, "Whatever has been said in this book, the same everywhere
and whatever is not narrated here, is nowhere else". The author understands the reasons
behind the decisions and acts done by Vidura through the understanding of ethics. The author
also firmly believes it is better to revisit and reexamine the nitis in Vidura as it contains many
gems of ethical values.
Keywords: Ethical Dilemma, Vidhur, Vidhura Niti, Ethical values.


Early Life of Vidura

Mahatma Vidura, also famously known as Vidura, is one of the primary characters in the
Mahabharat and one of the prominent figures in the Mahabharat. Vidura was a son of a
maidservant who served the queens of Hastinapura. Vidura was the half-brother of both

Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Vidura was not born with royal blood, so eventually, he was never
considered for the kingdom's throne. Vidura took care of the finance and the needs of the
domain. He is the prime minister of Hastinapur who was responsinble for the kingdom's
administration. Right from birth, Vidura always possessed righteous, compassionate, honest,
truthful, and sincere characteristics in his work and duty. In terms of knowledge of morality
and devotion to virtue, no was equal to Vidura. He was considered intelligent, wise, and an
embodiment of the inner consciousness of the Mahabharata. Vidura was also a great
politician endowed with great wisdom. He was given the name "Mahatma" because of his
exceptional knowledge in the field of Dharma. As being the counsellor to Dhritaraastra, he
always provided good advice to his elder brother and was always on the side of Dharma.

Analysis of Ethical values from Vidura Niti

Vidura developed sympathy for the Pandavas, so he helped and supported them directly or
indirectly. He always knew Pandavas would win the battle and lead a long life, and no one
would kill them. Vidura cautioned Yudhishthira about the danger they were about to
approach in Varnavrata. Vidura and Yudhishthira immediately sensed the danger but acted
with purochona's plot. Vidura helped the Pandavas as he had sent a skilled miner to
Varnavrata, and the miner revealed his identity to Pandavas as a friend of Vidura. The miner
built an underground tunnel for the Pandavas to escape. The Pandavas made it out alive and
lit the palace on fire to make the Kauravas think that the Pandavas were killed in the palace.
Dhritarashtra has acted against Dharma by plotting a plan to destroy the Pandavas. According
to the Vidura Niti, a king would never harm or create danger for the people dependent on
him. Vidura has done the right thing of following ethical values by taking the side of Dharma.
Vidura was conservative with 'Dharma'; he never participated in war because he wanted to be
away from war directly or indirectly.

Game of Dice
Vidura strictly convinced Dhritarashtra to partition between Kauravas and Pandavas.
Dhritarashtra agreed, and so the process happened. Duryodhana was amazed looking at the

wealth of the Pandavas. Duryodhana made an evil plot. He called the Pandavas for a Game of
Dice. Vidura was forced to invite the Pandavas for the gambling game when he had no
intention of bringing the Pandavas. The Pandavas humbly welcomed Vidura. Vidura told
Yudhishthira about the Game of Dice. Yudhistir knew gambling wasn't a good thing as it
caused a rift between the two kingdoms. Vidura means Yudhishthira, that it was just an
invitation and that Yudhishthira has all the right to say no. But Yudhishthira felt it was not
right to refuse his uncle's invitation, so Yudhishthira gladly accepted the invitation. Vidura
told Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra to stop the match in the Game of Dice, but both paid no
heeds. Eventually, the Pandavas lost the game and were forced into exile. Dhritarashtra loses
his tranquillity of mind, becomes worried, and wants the Pandavas to return. Vidura explains
Dharma to Dhritarashtra and tells him to protect himself and the Pandavas. Vidura describes
Dhritarashtra as how the Kauravas snatched everything from the Pandavas. It was totally
against Dharma. Hence, Duryodhana should be arrested and handed over the kingdom to
Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira is born with no hostility and jealousy; he is the right person to be
the King. Dushasana should apologize to Draupadi and Bheema in Court. By doing this, you
will attain peace. Dhritarashtra flared up after hearing this. He said, "You are always partial
to the Pandavas; how can I betray my sons?. Dhritarashtra ordered Vidura to leave.
Anticipating the fall of Kauravas, Dhritarashtra called Vidura back to his kingdom. Vidura
clearly stated to Dhritarashtra as he did not differentiate between the Kauravas and Pandavas.
He saw the Pandavas helpless, and it was Dharma to support them in unfavourable

After defeating the Kauravas, Vidura consoled Dhritarashtra tells him the ones who died in
the battle had reached salvation. Hence it is of no use to mourn for them. It is the result of
ones own actions and deeds. After the coronation of Yudhistir, Dhritarashtra stayed with
Yudhistir, followed by Vidura. They were engaged in religious discussions. In the final act,
Vidura attained salvation.

The wisdom of Vidura

In Vidura Niti, it describes the character of a man and fundamental principles and in-depth
knowledge of politics. It explains the code of conduct and how one must act in various

situations. The book mainly talks about running a government efficiently by following the
Dharma and not resorting to any unfair means. These principles and ethical judgement were
followed and recognized in today's times.

Ethical dilemmas faced by Vidur

Vidur was asked to personally go and invite Dharmaraj/ Yudhistir for a game of dice with
Shakuni. Knowing fully well that there is a conspiracy and a plan to hurt/ insult Pandavas in
that dice game, Vidur reluctantly went to Indraprastha and invited Yudhistir for the game. He
faced the Dilemma of whether to go to the Indraprastha or ignore the King's request but
ultimately chose to honour the dictates of the King.

Again when Draupadi was being dragged into the Court at the orders of Duryodhan, Vidur
strongly protested such behaviour. For this protest, Vidur was severely insulted by
Duryodhan. Vidur had faced the Dilemma of resigning on moral grounds and leaving the
Kings' employment or continuing as Prime Minister. He chose to continue as the Prime
Minister of Dhritharastra, the Kaurava King and father of Duryodhan.

Vidura repeatedly tried to give good counsel to Dhritarashtra. But Dhritarashtra, under the
influence of his son, Duryodhan, would not heed the sane advice of Vidur, and the wicked
Duryodhan was able to manipulate the weak King. The wrong deed would continue to
happen under the very administration of Vidur.

For a virtuous person to see a wrong happening, Vidura could have walked away at any time,
but he did not do so.


From the above paras, It has been known that many ethical values that were present in Vidura
Niti are still relevant even in today's times. Vidura has stated many rules of conduct and
principles which are still followed and applied in modern times. The book mentioned Dharma
and the result of good deeds and evil deeds. Vidura is considered the Mahachohan in the
Theosophical world, which means the chief of social hierarchy. The book gave so much value
to righteousness. It gave both male and female messages to learn, unlearn, and relearn the
core messages.





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