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Physiological and Anthropometric Characteristics of Australian Junior National,

State, and Novice Volleyball Players

Article in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research · August 2007

DOI: 10.1519/R-20616.1 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Tim Gabbett
Gabbett Performance Solutions


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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 902–908
䉷 2007 National Strength & Conditioning Association


Athlete and Coach Support Services, Queensland Academy of Sport, Queensland, Australia.

ABSTRACT. Gabbett, T., and B. Georgieff. Physiological and an- (15) compared physical, physiological, and performance
thropometric characteristics of junior national, state, and novice characteristics of national-level and college-level volley-
volleyball players. J. Strength Cond. Res. 21(3):902–908. 2007.— ball players and found significantly higher block and
The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological spike jumps, 20-m speed, and V̇O2max in the national-
and anthropometric characteristics of junior volleyball players
competing at the elite, semi-elite, and novice levels and to es-
level players, indicating that physiological capacities play
tablish performance standards for these athletes. One hundred an important role in the preparation and selection of elite
and fifty-three junior national (N ⫽ 14 males; N ⫽ 20 females), volleyball players (15). In addition, Thissen-Milder and
state (N ⫽ 16 males; N ⫽ 42 females), and novice (N ⫽ 27 males; Mayhew (18) demonstrated that selected physiological
N ⫽ 34 females) volleyball players participated in this study. and anthropometric characteristics could successfully dis-
Subjects underwent measurements of standard anthropometry criminate among freshman, junior varsity, and varsity
(body mass, height, standing reach height, and sum of 7 skin- volleyball teams and among starting and nonstarting
folds), lower-body muscular power (vertical jump and spike players. Collectively, these findings indicate a relation be-
jump), upper-body muscular power (overhead medicine ball tween physical fitness and the playing level attained.
throw), speed (5-m and 10-m sprint), agility (T-test), and esti-
While several studies have documented the physiolog-
mated maximal aerobic power (multistage fitness test) during
the competitive phase of the season, after obtaining a degree of ical capacities of senior volleyball players, investigations
match fitness. Significant differences (p ⬍ 0.05) were detected of the physiological capacities of junior volleyball players
among junior national, state, and novice volleyball players for are limited (5, 6). Gabbett et al. (6) reported that the
height, standing reach height, skinfold thickness, lower-body physiological capacities of junior novice volleyball players
muscular power, agility, and estimated maximal aerobic power, failed to change in response to skill-based training, de-
with the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of spite significant improvements in spiking, setting, and
players typically improving with increases in playing level. Male passing accuracy and in spiking and passing technique.
players were taller, heavier, leaner, and had greater standing These findings indicate that improvements in playing
reach height, speed, agility, muscular power, and estimated ability may occur without concomitant improvements in
maximal aerobic power than female players. These findings pro-
vide normative data and performance standards for junior vol-
the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of
leyball players competing at the elite, semi-elite, and novice lev- players and that factors other than physical fitness may
els. Given the improvements in lower-body muscular power, determine success in junior volleyball players. However,
agility, and estimated maximal aerobic power with increased while the physiological capacities of junior novice volley-
playing level, and given the importance of these qualities to com- ball players have been documented, no study has char-
petitive performances, conditioning coaches should train these acterized the physiological capacities of junior elite vol-
qualities to improve the playing performances of junior volley- leyball players and developed performance standards for
ball players. these athletes. In addition, no study has compared the
KEY WORDS. Talent Search, fitness, performance standards physiological capacities of junior elite, semi-elite, and
novice volleyball players. It is likely that as a result of
increases in playing intensity with increased playing level
INTRODUCTION that the physiological and anthropometric characteristics
olleyball is an intermittent sport that requires of national volleyball players would be superior to those

V players to compete in frequent short bouts of

high-intensity exercise, followed by periods of
low-intensity activity (2, 11, 19). The high-in-
tensity bouts of exercise, coupled with the total
duration of the match (⬃90 minutes), require players to
of state and novice volleyball players. Furthermore, the
development of physical performance standards for junior
volleyball players would allow coaches to identify player
weaknesses and to develop specific training programs to
enhance the playing performance of these athletes. With
have well-developed aerobic and anaerobic alactic energy this in mind, the purposes of this study were to investi-
systems (7, 19). Considerable demands are also placed on gate the physiological and anthropometric characteristics
the neuromuscular system during the various sprints, of male and female junior volleyball players competing at
jumps (blocking and spiking), and high-intensity court national, state, and novice levels and to establish perfor-
movement that occur repeatedly during competition (7). mance standards for these athletes.
As a result, volleyball players require well-developed
speed, agility, upper-body and lower-body muscular pow- METHODS
er, and maximal aerobic power (V̇O2max).
Experimental Approach to the Problem
Several studies have documented the physiological
and anthropometric characteristics of senior volleyball The present study investigated the physiological and an-
players (1, 8, 10, 16), with the fitness of players increas- thropometric characteristics of talent-identified junior
ing as the playing level is increased (15, 18). Smith et al. volleyball players using a cross-sectional research design.

Subjects were participating at national, state, or novice frain from strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours prior
levels in junior volleyball. All subjects performed mea- to the fitness testing session and to consume their normal
surements of standard anthropometry, lower-body mus- pretraining diet prior to the testing session. The testing
cular power, upper-body muscular power, speed, agility, session began with anthropometric measurements. Play-
and maximal aerobic power during the competitive phase ers then underwent measurements of upper-body mus-
of the season, after obtaining a degree of match fitness. cular power (overhead medicine ball throw), lower-body
It was hypothesized that there would be a progressive muscular power (vertical jump and spike jump), speed
improvement in the physiological and anthropometric (5-m and 10-m sprint), and agility (T-test) measurements.
characteristics of junior volleyball players as the playing Subjects performed 2 trials for the speed, agility, and
level increased. muscular power tests, with a recovery of approximately 3
minutes between trials. Players were encouraged to per-
Subjects form low-intensity activities and stretches between trials.
One hundred and fifty-three junior volleyball players (N Upon completion of the respective tests, the field-testing
⫽ 57 males; N ⫽ 96 females; mean ⫾ SE; age: 15.6 ⫾ 0.1 session concluded with players performing the multistage
years) participated in this study. All players were schol- fitness test (estimated maximal aerobic power).
arship holders within the Queensland Academy of Sport
Talent Search volleyball program and were competing at Anthropometry
national (N ⫽ 14 males; N ⫽ 20 females), state (N ⫽ 16 Excess body mass and body fat have been shown to neg-
males; N ⫽ 42 females), or novice (N ⫽ 27 males; N ⫽ 34 atively influence performance (e.g., power:body mass ra-
females) level in beach or indoor volleyball. The Queens- tio, thermoregulation, and aerobic capacity) (12). As an
land Academy of Sport Talent Search volleyball program estimate of adiposity, skinfold thickness was measured at
identifies young athletes deemed to have the necessary 7 sites using a Harpenden skinfold caliper (British Indi-
physiological and anthropometric characteristics (e.g., cators Ltd., West Sussex, UK). Biceps, triceps, subscap-
height, standing reach height, muscular power, speed, ular, supraspinale, abdomen, thigh, and calf on the right
agility, and maximal aerobic power) for volleyball success side comprised the 7 sites selected. The exact positioning
(13) and places those athletes in a high-performance of each skinfold measurement was determined in accor-
coaching environment, where they are provided with spe- dance with procedures described by Norton et al. (12).
cialized volleyball coaching. National-level players com- Height was measured using a stadiometer, and body
peted against other international teams and at the time mass was measured using calibrated digital scales (A &
of the study were members of teams that finished eighth D Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan). Standing reach
(males) and ninth (females) in World junior volleyball height was measured using a Yardstick vertical jump de-
championships. State players were members of teams vice (Swift Performance Equipment, New South Wales,
that competed in a national tournament (Australian Ju- Australia). Players were requested to stand with their
nior Volleyball Championships) against other states from feet flat on the ground, extend their arm and hand, and
within Australia. At the time of the study, the Queens- mark the standing reach height. The intraclass correla-
land team had finished in third place or better in the tion coefficient for test-retest reliability and typical error
Australian Junior Volleyball Championships. Novice of measurement for height, standing reach height, body
players competed in a city-based domestic competition. mass, and sum of 7 skinfolds measurements were 0.99,
Subjects had participated in a wide range of sports (e.g., 0.94, 0.99, and 0.99 and 0.2%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 3.0%, re-
swimming, track and field, martial arts, mountain biking, spectively.
tennis, netball, basketball, hockey, touch football, and
rugby union) prior to volleyball. The mean (⫾ SE) sport- Upper-Body Muscular Power
ing experience of all subjects was 7 ⫾ 2 years. The mean The ability to generate high levels of upper-body muscu-
(⫾ SE) sporting experience of national, state, and novice lar power during spiking and serving is an important at-
players was 8 ⫾ 1 years, 8 ⫾ 2 years, and 3 ⫾ 1 years, tribute of volleyball players. Upper-body muscular power
respectively. All subjects had completed the same train- was estimated using an overhead medicine ball throw
ing program for 12 weeks prior to commencing this study. (13). Players stood one step behind a line marked on the
Training sessions were designed to develop passing, set- ground facing the throwing direction, with a 3-kg medi-
ting, serving, spiking, and blocking skills as well as game cine ball held in both hands behind the head. Players
tactics and positioning skills. While no player performed were instructed to plant the front foot with the toe behind
individual strength training programs, all players partic- the line and to throw the medicine ball overhead as far
ipated in agility, speed, and on-court decision-making forward as possible. Each throw was measured from in-
training as part of their program. All subjects received a side the line, to the nearest mark made by the fall of the
clear explanation of the study, including the risks and medicine ball. Throwing distance was measured to the
benefits of participation, and written parental or guard- nearest 1 cm, with the greatest value obtained from 2
ian consent was obtained before players were permitted trials used as the overhead throw score. The intraclass
to participate. The Institutional Review Board for Human correlation coefficient for test-retest reliability and typical
Investigation approved all experimental procedures. error of measurement for the overhead medicine ball
throw test were 0.96 and 5.4%, respectively.
Fitness Testing Battery
Standard anthropometry (height, standing reach height, Lower-Body Muscular Power
body mass, and sum of 7 skinfolds) (12), upper-body mus- Volleyball players require high levels of lower-body mus-
cular power (overhead medicine ball throw) (13), lower- cular power to perform the spiking, blocking, and jumping
body muscular power (vertical jump and spike jump) (13), tasks that are frequently executed during a match. Low-
speed (5-m and 10-m sprint) (13), agility (T-test) (9), and er-body muscular power was estimated by means of the
maximal aerobic power (multistage fitness test) (14) were vertical jump test and the spike jump test (13) using a
the fitness tests selected. Players were instructed to re- Yardstick vertical jump device (Swift Performance Equip-

ment). Players were requested to stand with feet flat on audible signals (and, hence, running speed) was progres-
the ground, extend their arm and hand, and mark the sively increased, until subjects reached volitional exhaus-
standing reach height. After assuming a crouch position, tion. Maximal aerobic power (V̇O2max) was estimated us-
each subject was instructed to spring upward and touch ing regression equations described by Ramsbottom et al.
the Yardstick device at the highest possible point. Verti- (14). When compared to treadmill-determined V̇O2max, it
cal jump height was calculated as the distance from the has been demonstrated that the multistage fitness test
highest point reached during standing and the highest provides a valid estimate of maximal aerobic power (17).
point reached during the vertical jump. Vertical jump In addition, in a previous study (5) we completed dupli-
height was measured to the nearest 1 cm, with the high- cate multistage fitness tests, performed 1 week apart, to
est value obtained from 2 trials used as the vertical jump determine test-retest reliability. The intraclass correla-
score. The intraclass correlation coefficient for test-retest tion coefficient for test-retest reliability and typical error
reliability and typical error of measurement for the ver- of measurement for the multi-stage fitness test were 0.90
tical jump test were 0.96 and 2.9%, respectively. and 3.1%, respectively.
The spike jump used similar procedures to the vertical
jump. Players were requested to stand with feet flat on Statistical Analyses
the ground, extend their arm and hand, and mark the Differences in the anthropometric characteristics, upper-
standing reach height. Players were then instructed to body and lower-body muscular power, speed, agility, and
take a run-up or spike approach and leap as high as pos- estimated V̇O2max of players were compared using a 2-
sible off of both legs, displacing as many vanes on the way (playing level and gender) analysis of variance.
Yardstick as possible. Spike jump height was calculated When required, comparisons of group means were per-
as the distance from the highest point reached during formed using a Tukey honestly significantly different
standing and the highest point reached during the spike post-hoc test. Based on an alpha level of 0.05 and a sam-
jump. Spike jump height was measured to the nearest 1 ple size of 26 (average number of athletes in each group),
cm, with the highest value obtained from 2 trials used as the beta level (power) was ⱖ0.80 for detecting effect sizes
the spike jump score. The intraclass correlation coeffi- of 0.2 among gender and playing levels. The Pearson
cient for test-retest reliability and typical error of mea- product moment correlation coefficient was used to deter-
surement for the spike jump test were 0.99 and 2.2%, mine the relationship between physiological and anthro-
respectively. pometric characteristics and playing level. Stepwise mul-
tiple linear regression analysis was performed to deter-
Speed mine which of the physiological and anthropometric var-
Volleyball players require the ability to move quickly in iables could predict selection in the 3 teams. The level of
order to position themselves to receive a pass or block a significance was set at p ⱕ 0.05, and all data are reported
shot from an opponent. The running speed of players was as means ⫾ SE.
evaluated with a 5-m and 10-m sprint effort (13) using
dual-beam electronic timing gates (Swift Performance RESULTS
Equipment). The timing gates were positioned 5 m and Anthropometric Characteristics
10 m from a predetermined starting point. Players were There were no significant differences (p ⬎ 0.05) between
instructed to run as quickly as possible along the 10-m playing levels for body mass. However, national players
distance from a standing start. Speed was measured to had a greater height and standing reach height than
the nearest 0.01 second, with the fastest value obtained state and novice players. In addition, national and state
from 2 trials used as the speed score. The intraclass cor- players had significantly lower skinfold thickness than
relation coefficient for test-retest reliability and typical novice players (Table 1). Male players were significantly
error of measurement for the 5-m and 10-m sprint tests (p ⬍ 0.05) taller, heavier, leaner, and had a greater stand-
were 0.80 and 0.89 and 3.6% and 1.7%, respectively. ing reach height than female players.
Agility Physiological Characteristics
Volleyball players require the ability to rapidly acceler- The lower-body muscular power, upper-body muscular
ate, decelerate, and change direction. The agility of sub- power, 5-m and 10-m speed, agility, and estimated
jects was evaluated using a T-test (9) using dual-beam V̇O2max of junior national, state, and novice volleyball
electronic timing gates. Four cones were placed 5 m apart players are shown in Table 2. The vertical jump height
in the shape of an inverted ‘T.’ Players were instructed to results of national and state players were significantly
run as quickly as possible along the agility run. Agility greater than those of novice players. Spike jump height,
times were measured to the nearest 0.01 second, with the agility, and estimated V̇O2max were greater in national
fastest value obtained from 2 trials used as the agility and state players than in novice players. No significant
score. The intraclass correlation coefficient for test-retest differences were detected among playing levels for upper-
reliability and typical error of measurement for the T-test body muscular power or 5-m or 10-m speed. Male players
were 0.85 and 2.9%, respectively. had significantly greater (p ⬍ 0.05) speed, agility, upper-
body muscular power, lower-body muscular power, and
Maximal Aerobic Power estimated V̇O2max than female players. Individual phys-
Depending on the level of competition, volleyball matches iological and anthropometric data from the highest
may last up to 90 minutes in duration (7, 19). Players ranked junior national male and female players are
also require high levels of aerobic fitness to aid recovery shown in Table 3.
after high-intensity bouts of activity. Maximal aerobic
power was estimated using the multistage fitness test Relationship Between Physiological and
(14). Players were required to run back and forth (i.e., Anthropometric Characteristics and Playing Level
shuttle run) along a 20-m track, keeping in time with a The correlations between playing level and the physiolog-
series of signals on a compact disk. The frequency of the ical and anthropometric variables are shown in Table 4.
TABLE 1. Body mass, height, standing reach height, and sum of 7 skinfolds for junior national, state, and novice volleyball players (data are reported as mean ⫾ SE).
National State Novice
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Height (cm) 195.2 ⫾ 2.4*†‡§ 179.2 ⫾ 1.0 190.0 ⫾ 1.2§ 179.5 ⫾ 0.6 187.3 ⫾ 0.5§ 177.0 ⫾ 0.6
Body mass (kg) 80.2 ⫾ 1.9§ 68.4 ⫾ 1.3 81.8 ⫾ 1.7§ 67.2 ⫾ 1.3 80.9 ⫾ 2.5§ 66.8 ⫾ 1.2
Sum of 7 skinfolds (mm) 57.8 ⫾ 3.0‡ 69.7 ⫾ 1.1†‡ 50.5 ⫾ 1.0‡§ 85.1 ⫾ 2.4‡ 88.4 ⫾ 6.2§ 114.0 ⫾ 3.1
Standing reach height (cm) 256.4 ⫾ 3.4*§ 236.1 ⫾ 1.3 250.0 ⫾ 1.3§ 235.8 ⫾ 1.0 248.2 ⫾ 0.5§ 233.6 ⫾ 1.2
* Significant playing level ⫻ gender interaction (p ⬍ 0.05).
† Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from state players.
‡ Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from novice players.
§ Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from female players. National (N ⫽ 14 males, N ⫽ 20 females); state (N ⫽ 16 males, N ⫽ 42 females); novice (N ⫽ 27 males, N ⫽ 34 females).

TABLE 2. Lower-body muscular power, upper-body muscular power, speed, agility, and estimated maximal aerobic power for junior national, state, and novice volleyball players
(data are reported as mean ⫾ SE).
National State Novice
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Vertical jump (cm) 54.6 ⫾ 2.2*‡§ 45.7 ⫾ 1.6‡ 63.3 ⫾ 3.2‡§ 41.5 ⫾ 0.9‡ 48.5 ⫾ 1.0§ 35.9 ⫾ 1.4

Spike jump (cm) 65.8 ⫾ 3.7*‡§ 51.2 ⫾ 1.8‡ 71.9 ⫾ 2.9‡§ 45.3 ⫾ 1.0‡ 53.6 ⫾ 1.1§ 38.7 ⫾ 1.5
Overhead medicine ball throw (m) 8.8 ⫾ 0.3§ 6.1 ⫾ 0.1 8.3 ⫾ 0.3§ 6.1 ⫾ 0.2 8.1 ⫾ 0.2§ 5.6 ⫾ 0.2
5-m sprint (s) 1.04 ⫾ 0.02 1.04 ⫾ 0.02† 1.01 ⫾ 0.02§ 1.11 ⫾ 0.01 1.03 ⫾ 0.01§ 1.15 ⫾ 0.02
10-m sprint (s) 1.80 ⫾ 0.02§ 1.90 ⫾ 0.01 1.76 ⫾ 0.03§ 1.95 ⫾ 0.02 1.81 ⫾ 0.02§ 2.03 ⫾ 0.03

Agility (s) 9.90 ⫾ 0.17‡§ 10.33 ⫾ 0.13 9.76 ⫾ 0.15‡§ 10.55 ⫾ 0.14 10.47 ⫾ 0.18§ 11.23 ⫾ 0.16
Estimated V̇O2max (ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1) 50.6 ⫾ 1.4*‡§ 41.2 ⫾ 0.9‡ 49.8 ⫾ 1.1‡§ 39.3 ⫾ 0.7 41.2 ⫾ 1.2§ 37.0 ⫾ 0.8
* Significant playing level ⫻ gender interaction (p ⬍ 0.05).
† Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from state players.
‡ Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from novice players.
§ Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from female players. National (N ⫽ 14 males, N ⫽ 20 females); state (N ⫽ 16 males, N ⫽ 42 females); novice (N ⫽ 27 males, N ⫽ 34 females).

TABLE 3. Individual physiological and anthropometric data tional, state, and novice volleyball players. The results of
from the highest ranked junior national male and female volley- this study demonstrate that significant differences exist
ball players. among junior volleyball players of different playing abil-
National ities for height, standing reach height, skinfold thickness,
lower-body muscular power, agility, and estimated max-
Male Female
imal aerobic power, with the physiological and anthro-
Height (cm) 205.0 185.8 pometric characteristics of players generally improving
Body mass (kg) 91.6 58.1 with increases in playing level. These findings provide
Sum of 7 skinfolds (mm) 67.6 66.3 normative data and performance standards for male and
Standing reach height (cm) 271.0 244.0
female junior volleyball players competing at the elite,
Vertical jump (cm) 68.0 64.0
Spike jump (cm) 90.0 73.0 semi-elite, and novice levels.
Overhead medicine ball throw (m) 10.0 5.9 Previous studies have reported a strong relationship
5-m sprint (s) 0.96 0.97 between physical fitness and the playing level attained,
10-m sprint (s) 1.67 1.75 with the fitness of volleyball players typically increasing
Agility (s) 8.66 9.06 as the playing level is increased (15, 18). Smith et al. (15)
Estimated V̇O2max (ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1) 57.6 48.4 compared physical, physiological, and performance char-
acteristics of national-level and college-level volleyball
players and found significantly higher block and spike
Height was positively associated (p ⬍ 0.05) and skinfold jumps, 20-m speed, and V̇O2max in the national-level
thickness negatively associated (p ⬍ 0.05) with playing players, indicating that physiological capacities play an
level for both male and female players. While standing important role in the preparation and selection of elite
reach height was positively associated (p ⬍ 0.05) with senior volleyball players (15). In addition, Thissen-Milder
playing level in male players, the relationship between and Mayhew (18) demonstrated that selected physiologi-
standing reach height and playing level for female play- cal and anthropometric characteristics could successfully
ers was not significant (p ⬎ 0.05). discriminate among freshman, junior varsity, and varsity
Significant associations (p ⬍ 0.05) were detected be- volleyball teams and starting and nonstarting players.
tween playing level and vertical jump height, spike jump The present findings confirm and extend those of others
height, and estimated V̇O2max for both male and female (15, 18) by demonstrating that successful junior volleyball
players. In addition, greater agility times (i.e., slower performance is determined, at least in part, by the phys-
agility) were negatively associated (p ⬍ 0.05) with playing ical qualities of athletes.
level for both male and female players. While greater The present study found greater height and standing
5-m and 10-m sprint times (i.e., slower 5-m and 10-m reach height and lower skinfold thickness in junior na-
speed) were negatively associated (p ⬍ 0.05) with playing tional volleyball players compared to junior state and
level in female players, the relationship between speed novice volleyball players. The lower body fat component
and playing level for male players was not significant (p of elite junior players may decrease the physiological de-
⬎ 0.05). mands on players required to support this weight during
a match and may increase their ability to dissipate heat
Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
during intense physical activity. Certainly the lower body
Table 5 shows the stepwise linear regression analysis fat component of elite junior players would contribute to
that was performed to determine which of the physiolog- the superior vertical jump, spike jump, and agility in
ical and anthropometric variables could predict selection these players, thereby enhancing their ability to perform
in the 3 playing levels. Agility, 10-m sprint, spike jump, volleyball-specific tasks. Equally, the finding of a higher
and estimated V̇O2max were the variables that contrib- standing reach height in the national volleyball players
uted significantly (p ⬍ 0.05) to the predictive model. emphasizes the importance of this physical quality for the
spiking and blocking tasks that occur during a match.
DISCUSSION The speed and vertical jump of the elite junior volley-
The present study is the first to investigate the physio- ball players in the present study were comparable to
logical and anthropometric characteristics of junior na- those reported for elite senior volleyball players (1, 15).

TABLE 4. Relationship between physiological and anthropometric characteristics and playing level in male and female junior
volleyball players.
Playing level
All players Male Female
Height (cm) 0.196* 0.508† 0.235*
Body mass (kg) ⫺0.007 ⫺0.014 0.077
Sum of 7 skinfolds (mm) ⫺0.524† ⫺0.480* ⫺0.701†
Standing reach height (cm) 0.152 0.398† 0.155
Vertical jump (cm) 0.294† 0.327* 0.472†
Spike jump (cm) 0.341† 0.465† 0.510†
Overhead medicine ball throw (m) 0.156 0.159 0.247
5-m sprint (s) ⫺0.166 ⫺0.17 ⫺0.292*
10-m sprint (s) ⫺0.193* ⫺0.057 ⫺0.364†
Agility (s) ⫺0.322† ⫺0.322* ⫺0.377†
Estimated V̇O2max (ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1) 0.350† 0.553† 0.358†
* Significant correlation (p ⬍ 0.05) between variables.
† Significant correlation (p ⬍ 0.01) between variables. Data are Pearson product moment correlation coefficients, r.

TABLE 5. Multiple linear regression analysis to predict playing level.

Model 1
Playing level ⫽ (Estimated V̇O2max ⫻ 0.333) ⫹ 0.214* 0.111
Model 2
Playing level ⫽ (Estimated V̇O2max ⫻ 0.268) ⫹ (Agility ⫻ ⫺0.190) ⫹ 1.066* 0.143
Model 3
Playing level ⫽ (Estimated V̇O2max ⫻ 0.370) ⫹ (Agility ⫻ ⫺0.301) ⫹ (10-m sprint ⫻ 0.255) ⫹ 0.126* 0.177
Model 4
Playing level ⫽ (Estimated V̇O2max ⫻ 0.248) ⫹ (Agility ⫻ ⫺0.262) ⫹ (10-m sprint ⫻ 0.373) ⫹ (Spike jump ⫻ 0.288) ⫺
1.755* 0.205
* Contributed significantly (p ⬍ 0.05) to the predictive model.

However, the V̇O2max results were similar to those of ated with playing level in both male and female players.
some (16), but not all (1, 15), studies of elite volleyball However, standing reach height was not significantly re-
players. The in-season V̇O2max of 45.6 ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1 in lated to playing level in female players, whereas signifi-
the elite junior volleyball players of the present study cant relationships were detected between high running
compared favourably to an average V̇O2max of 44.2 speed and playing level in female (but not male) players.
ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1 reported previously in elite senior volley- These findings indicate that the demands of junior vol-
ball players (16). However, the V̇O2max of the elite junior leyball, or the factors that contribute to success and that
players in this study was considerably lower than previ- discriminate among playing levels in junior volleyball,
ously reported (1, 15) for Canadian (56.7 ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1) differ between male and female players. Alternatively,
and United States (48.8 ml·kg⫺1·min⫺1) senior national- the finding of a significant relationship between speed
level volleyball players. The finding of lower V̇ O2max in (but not standing reach height) and playing level may
junior players in comparison to senior players is consis- indicate that the ability to quickly manoeuver around the
tent with findings of studies of other intermittent sports court is more important than standing reach height in
that have found a progressive improvement in physiolog- female players.
ical capacities as the playing level increased (4). The low- Estimated V̇O2max and spike jump, coupled with
er V̇O2max in junior players may be explained by differ- 10-m speed and agility, were the physiological variables
ences in training and playing intensities (3), genetic en- that contributed significantly to the multiple linear re-
dowment (15), or maturational factors. Alternatively, the gression equation to predict playing level. These findings
low V̇O2max, despite similar speed and agility between indicate that a high level of aerobic fitness and muscular
elite junior and senior players, may reflect differences in power, coupled with fast speed and agility, contributes to
coaching philosophies between the present and previous successful performance in junior volleyball players. How-
conditioning programs or an increased emphasis on speed ever, while the relationships between playing level and
and agility (and decreased aerobic fitness emphasis) in these variables were significant, because of the nature of
modern volleyball competition. volleyball, it is extremely rare that players will exhibit
The finding of greater agility, lower-body muscular any of these physical qualities in isolation. For example,
power, and aerobic fitness in junior national volleyball players may be required to dive forward to intercept a
players in comparison to junior novice volleyball players serve and then be required to regain their feet and sprint
is in agreement with previous studies that found greater laterally to receive a pass from another player. While aer-
block and spike jumps, 20-m speed, and V̇O2max in na- obic metabolism is likely to contribute to the replenish-
tional-level volleyball players than in college-level volley- ment of energy stores following these anaerobic efforts,
ball players (15). The finding of greater agility, vertical the common variance between playing level and estimat-
jump, and aerobic fitness in junior elite volleyball players ed V̇O2max was only 12.3%, indicating that the ability to
may reflect the higher training and competition intensity repeatedly perform the various sprints, dives, jumps, and
at the elite level. Indeed, recent evidence has shown that multidirectional court movements that occur during com-
the intensity of junior novice volleyball training sessions petition is dependent on factors in addition to, or other
is low, with the majority (57.4%) of training time spent than, a high V̇O2max. These findings indicate that any
in low-intensity (40–70% maximum heart rate) activities conditioning program or physiological assessment of ju-
(6). In contrast, junior elite volleyball players spend con- nior volleyball players should also incorporate the re-
siderably less time in low-intensity activities (19.3%) and peated-effort demands of competition.
considerably more time (28.3% vs. 7.8%) in high-intensity While the results of the present study clearly dem-
(⬎85% maximum heart rate) activities (unpublished ob- onstrate differences in physical fitness among playing
servations). The low training intensity in novice volley- levels for junior volleyball players, these findings provide
ball players appears insufficient to induce significant car- no information on responsiveness to training. In addition,
diovascular, metabolic, or muscular adaptations to rival while the ability to perform skills successfully is con-
the physical fitness of elite-level competitors. strained by physiological limitations (17), no information
The present study found a significant relationship be- was obtained on the skill levels of players and their abil-
tween playing level and height, standing reach height, ity to play the game. Clearly, the development of a stan-
and skinfold thickness, with elite players generally being dardized skill testing battery for volleyball players is war-
taller and leaner than their less-skilled counterparts. In ranted. A standardized skill assessment that tests the
addition, lower-body muscular power (as estimated from core skills of volleyball (i.e., spiking, setting, serving, and
the vertical jump and spike jump) was positively associ- passing) and allows the identification of specific strengths

and weaknesses and individualization of coaching pro- programs designed to enhance hip, knee, and ankle ex-
grams would provide a useful tool to complement the tensor strength (for spiking skills) and hip abductor and
physical fitness tests commonly used to monitor the de- adductor strength (for stabilizing the pelvis and acceler-
velopment of these athletes. ating and controlling the leg during sprinting and rapid
Although only a select number of field tests were per- changes in direction) should be implemented to enhance
formed, the results of this study clearly demonstrate sig- physical performance and the long-term development of
nificant differences among playing levels for height, junior volleyball players. Game-specific aerobic training
standing reach height, skinfold thickness, lower-body would also facilitate recovery after high-intensity bouts of
muscular power, agility, and maximal aerobic power in activity and assist junior players to compete and concen-
junior volleyball players. However, the measurement of trate for the duration of a match. Finally, given that
additional physiological qualities, such as strength and 10-m speed, agility, muscular power, and aerobic power
repeated-effort ability, may have provided a more com- are physical qualities that are rarely expressed in isola-
prehensive description of the physiological characteristics tion, and given that all of these physical qualities con-
of junior elite, sub-elite, and novice volleyball players. tributed to predicting playing level, conditioning pro-
While further field tests might have provided additional grams incorporating the repeated-effort demands of com-
information on the physiological qualities of junior volley- petition (i.e., the various sprints, dives, jumps, and mul-
ball players, the time and personnel available and the tidirectional court movements) may enhance the playing
coaching philosophies employed in the respective squads performance of junior volleyball players.
limited the number of tests included in the field testing
battery. Clearly, further studies are required to complete- REFERENCES
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