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Questions for self-control: (Lecture 1)

1. What is the origin of the word ‘Lexicology’?

2. What is Lexicology? Give the definition.
3. What is the basic task of Lexicology?
4. What does the term “vocabulary” denote?
5. What does the term “word” denote?
6. What does the term “word-group” denote?
7. What does Modern English Lexicology investigate?
8. What subjects are included into the Theoretical Course of Modern English?
9. What is General Lexicology?
10. What is Special Lexicology?
11. What two approaches does Special Lexicology employ? What are they?
12. What is Special Descriptive Lexicology?
13. What is Special Historical Lexicology?
14. What is Comparative Lexicology?
15. What is Contrastive Lexicology?
16. What are the applied branches of Lexicology?
17. What is the theoretical value of English Lexicology?
18. What is the practical value of English Lexicology?
19. What are the fundamental issues of General Linguistics?
20. What are word forms?
21. What does the term “word paradigm” denote?
22. What is synchronic approach? Give examples.
23. What is diachronic approach? Give examples.
24. What is lexicology concerned with?
25. Explain how lexicology is closely connected with Phonetics.
26. Explain how lexicology is closely connected with Grammar.
27. Explain how lexicology is closely connected with Stylistics.

Questions for self-control: (Lecture 2)

1. What is the external structure of a word? Give examples.
2. Which section of Lexicology studies the external structure of a word?
3. What is the internal structure of a word?
4. What is semantics?
5. What is the unity of the word? Give examples.
6. What types of words can we distinguish morphologically?
7. What types of words can we distinguish semantically?
8. What types of words can we distinguish syntactically?
9. What types of words can we distinguish etymologically?
10. What types of words can we distinguish stylistically?
11. What are root words? Give examples
12. What are simple words? Give examples
13. What are derived words? Give examples
14. What are compound words? Give examples
15. What are compound-derived words? Give examples
16. What is a morpheme?
17. What are allomorphs? Give examples
18. What are the types and subtypes of morphemes? Describe them.
19. What is a word stem? Give examples.
20. What are monosemantic words?
21. What are polysemantic words?
22. What are categorematic words?
23. What are syncategorematic words?
24. What are notional words? Give examples
25. What are lexical/ content words? Give examples
26. What are form words? Give examples
27. What are neutral words? Give examples.
28. What are elevated (bookish) words? Give examples.
29. What are colloquial words? Give examples.
30. What are native words?
31. What are borrowed words? Give examples.
32. What are hybrids? Give examples.
33. What are international words? Give examples.
34. What are occasional words? Give examples.
35. What are potential words? Give examples.
36. What are register sensitive words? Give examples.

Questions for self-control: (Lecture 3)

1. What is word-formation (word-building)?
2. What are the major types of word-formation?
3. What are the minor types of word-formation?
4. What is affixation? What are the subtypes of affixation?
5. What is composition?
6. What is conversion?
7. What is abbreviation?
8. What is suffixation? Give examples
9. What is the main function of suffixes?
10. What is secondary function of suffixes?
11. What is prefixation? Give examples
12. Speak about part-of-speech classification of suffixes. Give examples.
13. Speak about semantic classification of suffixes. Give examples.
14. Speak about classification of suffixes based on lexico-grammatical character of the stem.
15. Speak about classification of suffixes based on origin of suffixes. Give examples.
16. Speak about classification of suffixes based on productivity. Give examples.
17. What are semi-suffixes?
18. Speak about semantic classification of prefixes. Give examples.
19. Speak about classification of prefixes based on the origin of prefixes. Give examples.
20. What are pseudo-morphemes? Give examples.
21. What is idiomatic compound? Give examples.
22. Speak about the classification of English compounds according to the parts of speech compounds.
23. Classification of English compounds according to the way components are joined together.
24. Speak about the classification of English compounds according to their structure. Give examples.
25. Classification of English compounds according to the relations between the components.
26. Classification of English compounds according to the according to the order of the components.
27. What is partial conversion? Give examples.
28. What is substantivization of adjectives?
29. What are two types of partly substantivized adjectives? Give examples.
30. What are “stone wall” combinations? Give examples.
31. What are the main types of shortenings?
32. What are graphical abbreviations? Give examples.
33. What is the oldest group of graphical abbreviations in English? Give examples.
34. What semantic groups of graphical abbreviations do you know? Give examples.
35. What are initialisms? Give examples.
36. What are the types of lexical abbreviations? Give examples

Questions for self-control (Lecture 4):

1. What are the minor types of word-formation?
2. What is sound interchange? Give examples
3. Is sound interchange productive or non-productive in Modern English?
4. Was sound interchange productive or non-productive in Old English?
5. Are voiceless or voiced consonants typical for nouns? Give examples.
6. Are voiceless or voiced consonants typical for verbs? Give examples.
7. Name three groups of words formed with the help of sound-interchange? Give examples.
8. What is stress interchange? Give examples
9. Do nouns of Romanic origin have stress on the first syllable or the last syllable?
10. Do verbs of Romanic origin have stress on the first syllable or the last syllable?
11. How can stress interchange be explained?
12. What is sound imitation? Give examples
13. What is blend? Give examples
14. What is blending of addictive type? Give examples
15. What is blending of restrictive type? Give examples
16. What is back formation? Give examples

Questions for self-control: (Lecture 5)

1. What is semasiology?
2. What is the outer aspect of a word?
3. What is the inner aspect of a word?
4. What is the lexical meaning of a word?
5. What is a notion?
6. Can a notion exist without a word expressing it in the language?
7. Are there words which do not express any notion, but have a lexical meaning? Give examples.
8. Are there words which express notions and emotions? Give examples.
9. Does the number of meanings correspond to the number of words? Give examples?
10. Does the number of notions correspond to the number of words? Give examples.
11. What does the word “polysemy” mean?
12. Which words are usually monosemantic? Give examples.
13. What are polysemantic words?
14. What is radiation? Give examples.
15. What is concatenation? Give examples.
16. What is split of polysemy?
Questions for self-control: (Lecture 6)
1. Give the definition of homonyms. Give examples.
2. What can the sources of homonyms be? Give examples.
3. Speak about Walter Skeat’s classification of homonyms. Give examples.
4. Speak about A.I. Smirnitskiy’s classification of homonyms. Give examples.
5. Speak about I.V.Arnold’s classification of homonyms. Give examples.
6. What criteria did A.I. Smirnitskiy add to Walter Skeat’s classification of homonyms?
7. What criteria did I.V.Arnold suggest for classifying perfect homonyms?
8. What are perfect homonyms? Give examples.
9. What are homographs? Give examples.
10. What are homophones? Give examples.
11. What are patterned homonyms? Give examples?
12. Give the definition of synonyms. Give examples.
13. What are absolute synonyms? Give examples.
14. What are semantic synonyms? Give examples.
15. What are stylistic synonyms? Give examples.
16. What are euphemisms? Give examples.
17. What are phraseological synonyms? Give examples.
18. What are the sources of synonyms? Give examples.
19. What are antonyms?
20. What are absolute or root antonyms? Give examples.
21. What are derivational antonyms? Give examples.

Questions for self-control. (Lecture 7)

1. What is lexico-semantic word-building?
2. Give an example of extra-linguistic causes of semantic changes.
3. Give an example of linguistic causes of semantic changes.
1. Speak about Herman Paul’s classification of semantic changes.
2. What is the first way of specialization? Give examples.
3. What is the second way of specialization? Give examples.
4. What is the third way of specialization? Give examples.
5. What is the fourth way of specialization? Give examples.
6. What is generalization? Give examples.
7. What is toponymy?
8. What is a toponym?
9. What is onomastics?
17. What is metaphor?
18. What is a complex similarity? Give examples.
19. What is metonymy?
20. What are the types of metonymy? Give examples.
21. What is elevation? Give examples.
22. What is degradation? Give examples.
23. What is hyperbole? Give examples.
24. What is litote? Give examples.

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