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Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)
Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)
The vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 released by the Government of India, directs that children not only learn but more
importantly learn how to learn. Education must move towards less content, and more towards learning about how to think critically and solve
problems, how to be creative and multidisciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and absorb new material in novel and changing fields. Pedagogy
must evolve to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based,
flexible, and, of course, enjoyable. The policy has a clear mandate for competency-based education (CBE) to enhance the acquisition of critical
21st-century skills by the learners. The first determinant for implementing CBE is a curriculum which is aligned with defined learning outcomes
and that clearly states the indicators to be achieved.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has collaborated with Educational Initiatives, to develop the Learning Framework for twelve
subjects of Grades 11 and 12, i.e., English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Accountancy, Business
Studies and Computer Science. The Learning Frameworks comprise explicitly stated knowledge, skills and dispositions that an education system
should try to achieve. These frameworks will help develop a common shared understanding among teachers, students and other stakeholders and
serve as a common benchmark for teaching, learning and assessment across the country.
These frameworks present indicators that are aligned with the CBSE curriculum and the NCERT learning outcomes. They further outline samples
of pedagogical processes and assessment strategies to encourage curiosity, objectivity, and creativity to nurture scientific temper. This framework
would be a key resource for teachers executing the curriculum. They have been developed to ensure that teachers align the learning to meet the
set quality standards and also use it to track the learning levels of students. The effort has been to synchronise focus on quality education with
uniformity in quality of standards across CBSE schools.
We hope, these frameworks not only become a reference point for competency-based education across the country but also facilitate planning and
design of teaching-learning processes and assessment strategies by teachers and other stakeholders.
Please note that the learning frameworks have been drafted based on the 2022-23 curriculum. Certain chapters and topics rationalized in the
2023-24 curriculum are retained in this document. The rationalized sections are referenced under Chapter#3 - Content Domains. Please note that
the unit or content marked with * are partially rationalised whereas those with ** are the ones deleted in full. Feedback regarding the framework
is welcome. Any further feedback and suggestions will be incorporated in subsequent editions.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)

The National Education Policy 2020 has outlined the importance of competency-focused education in classrooms, leading to curricular and
pedagogical reforms in the school systems. The policy emphasises the development of higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking and
problem-solving through classroom instructions and aligned assessments. These skills are essential indicators which will further the
dissemination of pedagogy and learning outcomes across schools and boards.
To propagate indicator-based learning through ‘Learning Frameworks’, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has collaborated with
Educational Initiatives (Ei). Learning frameworks are a comprehensive package which provides learning outcomes, indicators, assessment
frameworks, samples of pedagogical processes, tools and techniques for formative assessment, blueprints, assessment items and rubrics. 12 such
frameworks have been developed for English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Accountancy,
Business Studies and Computer Science in Classes 11 and 12. The frameworks are adopted from the learning outcomes outlined in the NCERT
which are mapped to key concepts of the content. These content domain-specific learning outcomes are broken down into indicators which define
the specific skills a learner needs to attain. A clear understanding of these Learning Outcomes (LOs) will be immensely helpful for teachers and
students to learn better. This document will help teachers to focus on skills of the subject in addition to concepts.
"As per the National Focus Group Position Paper on Teaching of Science, "At the higher secondary stage science should be introduced as separate
disciplines with emphasis on experiments/technology and problem-solving. The content should not be information-laden, and not aim to widely
cover all aspects of the subject. Considering the vast breadth of knowledge in any subject, the exigencies of time and the student’s capacity, some
delimitation, or rather, identification of core areas has to be done. At this stage, core topics of a discipline, considering recent advances, should be
carefully identified and treated with appropriate rigour and depth".
As per NCERT Learning Outcomes for Higher Secondary Stage "Physics is basic to the understanding of almost all the branches of science and
technology. The intricate concepts of Physics must be understood, comprehended and appreciated. Students must learn to ask questions like ‘why’,
‘how’, and ‘how do we know it’. They will find almost always that the question ‘why’ has no answer within the domain of Physics and science in
general. In the learning of Physics, there should be stress upon the learner acquiring inquiry and process science skills. This is necessary since the
inquiry and process skills are more enduring and enable the learner to cope with the ever-changing and expanding field of science and technology.
Inquiry skills should be supported and strengthened by investigative, reasoning and quantitative skills. The theoretical component of higher
secondary Physics should strongly emphasise problem-solving, awareness of conceptual pitfalls, linkages among various concepts and critical
interrogation of different topics. Narratives giving insights into the historical development of key concepts of Physics should be integrated into
the content judiciously. The teaching of the theoretical aspects and the experiments based on them should be closely integrated and dealt with

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)


1. NATURE OF THE SUBJECT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. STAGE SPECIFIC CURRICULAR EXPECTATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. CONTENT DOMAINS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CLASS 11 CONTENT UNITS AND TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CLASS 12 CONTENT UNITS AND TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. SUBJECT SPECIFIC COGNITIVE DOMAINS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
CATEGORIES OF COGNITIVE DOMAINS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
CATEGORIES OF KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
ASSESSMENT TASKS FOR DIFFERENT COGNITIVE DOMAINS......................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUGGESTED SAMPLE TASKS FROM DIFFERENT COGNITIVE DOMAINS SPECIFIC TO A CONTENT UNIT ................................................................... 17
5. LEARNING OUTCOMES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
CLASS 11 LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR PHYSICS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
CLASS 12 LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR PHYSICS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
CLASSES 11-12 COMMON LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR PHYSICS ................................................................................................................................................... 24
6. CONTENT DOMAIN SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES AND INDICATORS .................................................................................................................................. 26
CLASS 11 CONTENT DOMAIN SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES AND INDICATORS ............................................................................................................. 27
CLASS 12 CONTENT DOMAIN SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES AND INDICATORS ............................................................................................................. 67
7. SAMPLE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESSES AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES .................................................................................................................................... 110
8. TEST PAPER DESIGN ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 121
TEST PAPER BLUEPRINTS FOR CLASS 12 FINAL EXAMINATION ............................................................................................................................................... 121

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)

9. ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICAL WORK ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
DESIGN OF THE PRACTICAL EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
SUGGESTED EXPERIMENTS, PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AND INVESTIGATIVE PROJECTS – CLASS 11.......................................................................... 124
SUGGESTED EXPERIMENTS, PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AND INVESTIGATIVE PROJECTS – CLASS 12.......................................................................... 126
10. ESSENTIAL IDEAS WITH SAMPLE QUESTIONS – GRADE 11 ......................................................................................................................................................... 129
11. ESSENTIAL IDEAS WITH SAMPLE QUESTIONS – GRADE 12 ......................................................................................................................................................... 161
12. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 193
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 194

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE)

Physics is said to be the most basic of all sciences, concerning itself with energy, matter, space and time, and their interactions. Its laws and theories
express the general truths of nature. Physicists have asked questions about the deeper structure of matter and the universe, from the level of sub-
atomic particles to galaxies and black holes, and the answers they have found have led to more exciting questions and experiments. One can even
say that discoveries in the last century in the areas of quantum Physics and relativistic Physics have pushed our understanding of nature beyond
human imagination. While clear logical thinking is required in pursuing questions in Physics like any other scientific discipline, there is a lot of
scope for creative imagination and problem-solving for making important breakthroughs which sometimes may even require a complete paradigm
shift. Another key driver for the development of scientific knowledge has been the motivation to improve the welfare of humanity by using the
knowledge to create innovative and useful technologies. Here too the discoveries made in Physics over the last century have given humanity
technologies which even a century back would have been considered more marvelous than any magic. The advances in nuclear and solar energy
technology, satellite communication and GPS technology, semiconductor devices and optical data transfer have all shaped the modern world at an
unimaginable scale and rate.
Students who choose to study Physics at a higher secondary stage in India often do so keeping in mind the requirements of professional courses
which require the application of Physics. There are others too who are interested and curious to know and understand deeply the concepts and
principles. These students may wish to study Physics further in college and beyond. Therefore, the higher secondary curriculum of Physics needs
to cater to both deeper conceptual understanding and problem-solving and applications in real-life and technological contexts. The curriculum
must also consider the steep gradient from the secondary school science curriculum. It therefore needs to help students start from basic concepts
in each domain of Physics. The focus of the Physics curriculum at this stage should be on understanding of core concepts and application of the
same in authentic contexts instead of rote learning and superficial covering of topics. It is also important that through the study of Physics, students
also get to appreciate the nature of science as a dynamic process which is ever-expanding, deepening and if required, revising a vast body of
knowledge which provides us with the best possible model of the reality of the physical and natural world.
Active learning, through which students become active participants in the learning process, is an important means for developing student’s
scientific skills. In the process of active learning, students move from being passive recipients of knowledge to being participants in activities that
encompass analysis, synthesis and evaluation besides developing skills, values and attitudes. Active learning not only emphasises the development
of students’ scientific skills but also their exploration of their own scientific aptitude and values.
The basic elements of active learning are speaking, listening, reading, writing and reflecting. These basic elements involve cognitive activities that
allow students to clarify the question, and consolidate and appropriate the new knowledge. The second factor of active learning is the learning
strategies that incorporate the above basic elements. These are small groups, cooperative work, case studies, simulation, discussion, problem-

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 1

solving and journal writing. The third factor of active learning is teaching resources that the teacher uses to encourage students to interact and
participate actively in the activities.
Active learning techniques and pedagogical approaches enable an effective increase in the attitudes and successes of the students. For the concepts
and subjects about Physics or science that are not understood by students and lead to some confusion, it is possible to make them clear by teaching
these concepts more concretely and through research, observation and experiments. Students should be encouraged to take responsibility and
help them to develop their creativity.
Following are the desirable scientific teaching practices. These practices are often closely associated with student success.
Learner-centered classroom environments -- identifying, confronting, and resolving preconceptions, and beginning instruction with what students
● Knowledge centered -- focus on how something is known as much as what is known, and provide examples of mastery.
● Assessment centered -- make frequent attempts to make students' thinking and learning visible as a guide for further instruction.
● Community-centered -- encourages a culture of questioning, including risk-taking and respect for others
● Regularly employ active learning strategies
● Provide meaningful, engaged learning for all students.
● Provide an active approach to learning that includes a strong emphasis on student interaction with phenomena.
● Clear and explicit linkage between representations and phenomena represented.
● Engage students in challenging, authentic, interdisciplinary tasks.
● Provide opportunities for students to observe, explore, and test hypotheses.
● Encourage the students' imagination, logic, and open-mindedness.
● Incorporate the content and processes of science giving due regard to science teaching standards.
● Link scientific concepts and processes with prior learning in science and other disciplines.
● Depth and breadth of coverage are reasonably balanced.
● Engage all learners in meaningful scientific tasks involving high-order thinking skills.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 2

● Providing and receiving feedback
● Accommodating student learning styles
● Teaching in a way that is consistent with student development
● Including real-world applications in the learning process
● Moving from concrete to abstract
● Requiring practice of learned skills
● Employing learning cycles - observation, generalization, verification, application
● Making use of multiple intelligences
● Eliciting and addressing misconceptions
● Promoting critical thinking
● Creating, sharing, and using scoring rubrics
● Aligning objectives, instruction, and assessment
● Focusing on depth in addition to breadth of coverage
● Placing strong emphasis on interaction with phenomena
● Making clear and explicit linkage of representations to phenomena
● Using multiple representations of physical phenomena

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 3

Learning Outcomes at the Higher Secondary stage developed by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) mention the
following curricular expectations for Physics.
CE1. develop interest to study Physics as a discipline
CE2. strengthen the concepts developed at the secondary stage to acquire firm ground work and foundation for further learning of Physics more
effectively and learning the relationship with real life situations
CE3. apply reasoning to develop conceptual understanding of Physics concepts
CE4. realize and appreciate the interface of Physics with other disciplines
CE5. get exposure to different processes used in Physics-related industrial and technological applications
CE6. develop process-skills and experimental, observational, manipulative, decision-making and investigatory skills
CE7. synthesize various science/Physics concepts to solve problems and thinking critically in the process of learning Physics
CE8. understand the relationship between nature and matter on scientific basis, develop positive scientific attitude, and appreciate the
contribution of Physics towards the improvement of quality of life and human welfare
CE9. comprehend the contemporary knowledge and develop aesthetic sensibilities
CE10. appreciate the role and impact of Physics and technology, and their linkages with overall national development

The focus of the curriculum must therefore be on developing conceptual understanding, and on understanding the relationship of the disciplinary
knowledge with real-life situations, with technology and with other disciplines. The curriculum should also aim at developing both discipline-
specific process skills, e.g. scientific inquiry, observation, etc. and general thinking skills, e.g. problem solving, critical thinking, etc. in the context
of learning Physics.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 4

The content in the CBSE curriculum has been organized around broad content units. Class 11 content covers mechanics, thermodynamics and
wave motion, and this is covered in the first year. Class 12 content covers electromagnetism, optics and atomic Physics, which is covered in the
second year. The content units for the two classes, with the chapters from the NCERT textbooks and the recommended number of 40-minute
teaching periods, are mentioned in the tables below.
Please note that the units or content marked with * are partially rationalised whereas those with ** are the ones deleted in full, as per the academic
year 2023-24 syllabus.

Class 11 Content units and textbook chapters

Content units NCERT textbook chapters Number of teaching periods

I. Physical world and measurement 1. Units and measurements* 10

2. Motion in a straight line

II. Kinematics 3. Motion in a plane* 24

4. Laws of motion

III. Laws of motion* 5. Work, energy and power 14

IV. Work, energy and power 6. System of particles and rotational motion* 12

V. Motion of system of particles and rigid body 7. Gravitation 18

VI. Gravitation 8. Mechanical properties of solids 12

VII. Properties of bulk matter 9. Mechanical properties of fluids 24

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 5

10. Thermal properties of matter

11. Thermodynamics

VIII. Thermodynamics 12. Kinetic theory 12

IX. Behaviour of perfect gases and kinetic theory of gases 13. Oscillations 8

X. Oscillations and waves 14. Waves* 26

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 6

Class 12 Content units and textbook chapters

Number of teaching
Content units NCERT textbook chapters

1. Electric charges and fields*

I. Electrostatics 26
2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance*

II. Current electricity 3. Current electricity* 18

4. Moving charges and magnetism*

III. Magnetic effects of current and magnetism 25
5. Magnetism and matter*

6. Electromagnetic induction*
IV. Electromagnetic induction and alternating
7. Alternating current*

V. Electromagnetic waves 8. Electromagnetic waves* 4

9. Ray optics and optical instruments*

VI. Optics 30
10. Waves optics*

VII. Dual nature of radiation and matter 11. Dual nature of radiation and matter* 8

12. Atoms*
VIII. Atoms and nuclei 15
13. Nuclei*

14. Semiconductor electronics: materials, devices and simple

IX. Electronic devices 10

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 7


“As the Board is progressively allowing more space to 'learning outcome based' assessment in place of textbook driven assessment, question papers of
Board examinations will have more questions based on real-life situations requiring students to apply, analyse, evaluate and synthesize information as
per the stipulated outcomes. The core-indicators to be assessed in all questions, however, will be from the prescribed syllabus and textbooks
recommended therein. This will eliminate predictability and rote learning to a large extent.”
[CBSE Curriculum}

A statement of a learning objective contains a verb (an action) and an object (usually a noun).
● The verb generally refers to the actions associated with the intended cognitive process.
● The object generally describes the knowledge the students are expected to acquire or construct.


Revised Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001) of cognitive process dimension has six categories, each associated with a set of
specific cognitive processes. CBSE curriculum intends to have a balance of these categories of intellectual tasks in the teaching-learning and
assessment of learning of a subject. These six categories as described in the revised Bloom’s taxonomy, with their specific cognitive processes, are
mentioned below.


‘Remember’ involves retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory. Recognising and recalling are the specific cognitive skills associated
with this cognitive domain. Asking students to provide a definition of a concept, e.g. of nuclear binding energy, or to label the schematic diagram
of an instrument or a device are examples of assessment tasks that cover this cognitive domain.


‘Understand’ involves ‘constructing meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written and graphic communication’. Interpreting,
exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining are the specific cognitive skills associated with this cognitive domain.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 8

Asking students to explain a phenomenon in terms of physical concepts/principles, e.g. how a charged object pulls bits of paper, or to compare
two physical situations, e.g. magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet and by a current-carrying solenoid are examples of assessment tasks
covering this cognitive domain.


‘Apply’ involves carrying out or using a procedure in a given situation. Executing and implementing are the specific cognitive skills associated with
this cognitive domain. Assessment tasks wherein students have to use the knowledge and/or procedures to solve a problem or to arrive at a
decision in a given real-life situation cover this cognitive domain. Solving numerical problems based on formulae and mathematical relationships
is a common example of such a task. However, problems demanding an application of qualitative understanding and application of concepts would
also fall in this domain.


‘Analyse’ involves breaking material into constituent parts and determining how parts relate to one another and to an overall structure and
purpose. Differentiating, organising and attributing are the specific cognitive skills associated with this cognitive domain. Asking students to
compare and explain the relationship between two physical quantities from the same content domain, e.g. electric potential and electric potential
energy or asking them to identify relevant factors in a given situation, e.g. identifying factors which would affect the final velocity of an object
thrown from a height are examples of some tasks from this cognitive domain.


‘Evaluate’ involves making judgments based on criteria and standards. Checking and critiquing are the specific cognitive skills associated with this
cognitive domain. Assessment tasks that require a deeper level of understanding wherein students are required to provide justification for their
choice, e.g. explaining if given data support a conclusion, can be used for this cognitive domain.


‘Create’ involves putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; or reorganising elements into a new pattern or structure.
Generating, planning and producing are the specific cognitive skills associated with this cognitive domain. Tasks that require students to produce

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 9

new artefacts based on what they have learnt, e.g. developing a model or writing a response to an open-ended question or coming up with
hypotheses that can explain an observed phenomenon can assess students’ proficiency in this cognitive domain.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 10

The knowledge dimension ranges from concrete (factual) to abstract (metacognitive). Representation of the knowledge dimension as several
discrete steps can be a bit misleading. For example, all procedural knowledge may not be more abstract than all conceptual knowledge. And
metacognitive knowledge is a special case. In this model, “metacognitive knowledge” is knowledge of one’s own cognition and about oneself in
relation to various subject matters.


Factual Knowledge – The basic elements students must know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problems. This dimension refers to
essential facts, terminology, details or elements students must know or be familiar with to understand a discipline or solve a problem in it. For
example, the definition of non-uniform motion before the introduction of what results in an acceleration in a body; the knowledge of Cartesian
sign conventions before using lens and mirror formula; etc


Conceptual Knowledge – The inter-relationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function together. It is
the knowledge of classifications, principles, generalizations, theories, models, or structures pertinent to a particular disciplinary area. For example:
a charged particle moving with velocity perpendicular to a magnetic field, experiences centripetal force that is provided by the magnetic force.


Procedural Knowledge – How to do something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods. It refers to
information or knowledge that helps students to do something specific to a discipline, subject, or area of study. It also refers to methods of inquiry,
very specific or finite skills, algorithms, techniques, and particular methodologies. For example, for resistors in series, the voltage always divides
and the current is the same through each one of them while its vice versa in the case of resistors in parallel. Hence while finding equivalent
resistance of multiple networks, this knowledge becomes the basis of identifying whether the given adjacent resistors in a given network are in
series or parallel.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 11

Metacognitive Knowledge – Knowledge of cognition in general, as well as awareness and knowledge of one’s own cognition. It is the awareness of
one’s own cognition and particular cognitive processes. It is strategic or reflective knowledge about solving problems and cognitive tasks, including
contextual and conditional knowledge and knowledge of self. For example, while taking a turn while driving a car, it is out of self-experience that
the driver slows down the car to take a turn of a small radius of curvature. From the Physics problem-solving point of view, for a given frictional
force between the car tyres and the road, a larger speed ensures a larger radius of the turn and a smaller speed corresponds to a smaller radius of
the turn, to avoid overturning the car.


Some more examples of kinds of assessment tasks that can be associated with the different cognitive domains are given below. The following list
should be taken as an indicative not an exhaustive one.

Cognitive domain Assessment tasks

Remember Identify, state or define facts, relationships, formulae or concepts.

● recognising Identify or describe properties of physical concepts, materials or objects.
● recalling Recognize and correctly use scientific vocabulary, symbols, abbreviations, units, and scales. Identify the appropriate use
for scientific equipment and procedures.

● interpreting Interpret information in the form of texts, graphs or images in terms of physical concepts and their relationships.
● exemplifying Provide examples of physical concepts or physical phenomena related to specific concepts.
● classifying Classify or compare situations, processes or objects using physical concepts or principles.
● summarizing Provide a summary of the development of a physical concept, model or principle.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 12

● inferring Derive a mathematical relationship representing a relationship between different physical quantities.
● comparing Infer relationships between physical concepts from given data or graphs.
● explaining Provide or identify an explanation for an observation or a natural phenomenon using physical concepts or principles.

Use knowledge of physical concepts and their relationships to solve problems set in a variety of situations.
● executing
Use a known procedure to measure a physical quantity or to find the relationship between physical quantities.
● implementing
Relate knowledge of an underlying concept to an observed or inferred property, behaviour or use of objects, or materials.

Analyse Describe relationships between physical concepts or principles from within the same or across different content
● differentiating domains. Differentiate between physical concepts, principles or phenomena within the same content domain.
● organising Use evidence and conceptual understanding to predict the effects of changes in conditions on a physical system.
● attributing Identify or formulate questions that can be answered by a given experiment or scientific investigation.
Identify characteristics of scientific investigations in terms of dependent/independent or controlled/measured variables.

● checking Evaluate alternative explanations for an observed phenomenon.
● critiquing Compare different approaches to a given problem. Evaluate conclusions drawn from a scientific investigation.

● generating Answer questions or make decisions which involve considering a number of different or related concepts and principles.
● planning Plan an experiment with clear steps to investigate a question/problem or to test a hypothesis.
● producing Make a model to illustrate a physical concept or principle.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 13

These are learning objectives – not learning activities. It may be useful to think of preceding each objective with something like, “Students will be
able to…:”

The Knowledge The Knowledge The Knowledge The Knowledge

Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive
The basic elements a The interrelationships How to do something, Knowledge of cognition
student must know to among the basic methods of inquiry, and in general and
be acquainted with a elements within a criteria for using skills, awareness and
discipline or solve larger structure that algorithms, techniques, knowledge of one’s
problems. enable them to function and methods. own cognition

The Cognitive Process Remember + Factual Remember + Remember + Remember +

Dimension Conceptual Procedural Metacognition
List the Cartesian sign
Remember conventions for mirror Recognize the reasons Recall how to connect Identify the strategies
formulae for heating up of an resistors in series or to remember the image
Retrieve relevant
oscillating pendulum in parallel to an external formations in lens and
knowledge from long-
the presence of power source mirrors for different
term memory.
magnetic field positions of the objects

The Cognitive Process Understand + Factual Understand + Understand + Understand +

Dimension Conceptual Procedural Metacognition

Understand Summarise the factors Classify materials as Clarify steps to Predict the
on which magnetic para-, dia- and ferro- assemble resistors to galvanometer
Construct meaning
force on a moving based on their form a Wheatstone or deflection while a
from instructional
charge particle depends magnetic properties bridge magnet is moved
messages, including
upon towards the coil
oral, written and
connected to it, after
noticing the direction of
deflection while the

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 14

magnet moved away
from the coil

The Cognitive Process Apply + Factual Apply + Conceptual Apply + Procedural Apply +
Dimension Metacognition
Respond to recurring Provide suggestion to Carry out tests to
Apply activity of moving an form circuits providing determine terminal Use techniques that
object towards or away maximum illumination velocities of a given match with one’s
Carry out or use a
from the mirror for a given input power object in liquids of strengths.
procedure in a given
source different viscosities
situation. For ex., if a student is
good with mechanics
and force law, the
student may undertake
a task to prove that a
ball thrown through a
tunnel passing through
the center of Earth
undergoes SHM

The Cognitive Process Analyse + Factual Analyse + Conceptual Analyse + Procedural Analyse +
Dimension Select a material that is Differentiate between Integrate the working Metacognition
Analyze most suitable for two mirrors without of cyclotron with the Deconstruct the non-
induction cookware touching them principles of magnetic inertial reference
Break material into
force of accelerating frames and the
foundational parts and
charge presence of pseudo
determine how parts
relate to one another
and the overall
structure or purpose

The Cognitive Process Evaluate + Factual Evaluate + Conceptual Evaluate + Procedural Evaluate +
Dimension Metacognition
Check for illustrations Determine the Judge the efficiency of a
Evaluate that constitute non- relevance of beat heat engine in Reflect on the
inertial reference formation while tuning comparison to a perfect understanding of image
Make judgments based
frames a wired musical Carnot engine formation in lens while
on criteria and

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 15

standards. instrument like a violin reproducing the ray
diagrams in telescope
and microscope

The Cognitive Process Create + Factual Create + Conceptual Create + Procedural Create +
Dimension Metacognition
Generate a list of object Assemble a given set of Design a transformer
Create positions in ray resistors into a suitable that produces a desired Create a flow diagram
diagrams (lens and network that results in voltage output for a that outlines the effect
Put elements together
mirrors) that produce minimum (or given input voltage on charges as they are
to form a coherent
images with positive maximum) equivalent at rest or move with
whole; reorganize into
magnifications resistance varying velocities, with
a new pattern or
or without the presence
of external magnetic or
electric fields in their

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 16

Some specific examples of tasks from different cognitive domains are described below for two content chapters from classes 11 and 12 NCERT
Physics textbooks. A chapter may not always cover all six cognitive domains. The following list of tasks should be taken as an indicative list not a
comprehensive one.


Cognitive domain Suggested sample tasks

● Define electric flux.

● How does the electric field of a dipole vary with respect to the distance from its centre?

● Explain how a charged plastic comb attracts small bits of paper.

● Explain why the magnitude of electric field drops off more rapidly away from an electric dipole as compared to
from a point charge.
● Derive the expression for the electric field at a point on the equatorial plane of an electric dipole.

● The electric field in the atmosphere near the surface of the Earth is about 100 N/C. Estimate the amount of net
electric charge in a cuboid of air of height 2 m and a square base of side 50 cm, standing on the ground on its square
Apply base.
● The diagram below shows three-point charges and three Gaussian surfaces (spherical) – S1, S2 and S3. Compare
the electric flux through S1, S2 and S3.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 17

● A metal sphere S1 suspended from an insulating thread has a total positive charge of +(Q1+q) and a total negative
charge of (Q1).
● What is the net charge on the sphere S1?
● Another metal sphere S2 of the same size and carrying a positive charge of +Q and a negative charge of -Q is brought
in contact with the suspended metal sphere and is then separated from it. What is the total positive charge on the
suspended metal sphere S1 now?
● What is the total negative charge on sphere S2 now?

● Explain the effect of increasing the distance between the two point charges in an electric dipole on the electric field
measured at a point (i) on the axis of the dipole, and (ii) on the equatorial plane of the dipole.
● Explain how the magnitude of the electric field inside and outside a uniformly charged spherical shell will change
if the radius of the shell is increased without changing the net charge on its surface. (Imagine a balloon with a
Analyse conductive coating carrying a net charge on its surface being inflated.)
● Differentiate between ‘charging by contact’ and ‘charging by induction’.
● Use the mathematical form of Coulomb’s law to show that the force applied by two point charges on each other is
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction per Newton’s third law.

● Evaluate the role of the following forces on the oil drops in Millikan’s oil drop experiment and identify the ones that
can be ignored for the experiment. (Description of the experiment with values of physical quantities involved is
Evaluate provided.) electrostatic force, gravitational force, drag force, buoyant force
● Electric field in the vicinity of a continuous charge distribution can be computed using one of the following

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 18

● Compute the electric field due to an infinitesimally small element of the charge distribution, and integrate it over
the whole charge distribution.
● Draw a suitable Gaussian surface and compute the electric field using Gauss’s law.
● Compare the two approaches and illustrate through an example each where you would prefer one approach to

● Draw the electric field lines for the following configuration of point charges.


● Here is a basic description of an activity that can be done to verify Coulomb’s law:
Two small pith balls with a conducting coating are charged equally.
They are suspended from insulating threads and the separation between them is measured.
The charge on the pith balls is reduced to half of the original and the separation between them is again measured.
Describe in detail the following:

(i) How can the two pith balls be charged equally?

(ii) How can the charge on the pith balls be reduced to half?
(iii) How can the measurements of the separation between the pith balls be used to verify Coulomb’s law?
[Hint: A component of the tension in the suspending threads will balance the repulsive force between the pith balls.]

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 19


“Indicator based Learning focuses on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. Learning
outcomes are statements of abilities that are expected students will gain as a result of learning the activity. Learning outcomes are, thus,
statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning.
Therefore, the focus is on measuring learning through attainment of prescribed learning outcomes, rather than on measuring time.”
[Senior School Curriculum, CBSE]

Following learning outcomes for the senior secondary stage developed by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
state important knowledge, skills and dispositions students need to attain at the end of an academic year in classes 11 and 12 in the context of
learning Physics.


(1) recognises the concepts of Physics related to various natural phenomena; such as, force, momentum, mechanical properties of solids
and fluids, simple harmonic motion, greenhouse effect, variation in speed of sound in different media
(2) differentiates between certain physical quantities; such as, between distance and displacement; speed and velocity; rectilinear and
curvilinear motions; average, relative, and instantaneous velocity and speed; stress and strain; Young’s modulus, shear modulus and bulk
(3) uses International system of units (SI Units), symbols, nomenclature of physical quantities and formulations, conventions; such as,
common SI prefixes and symbols for multiples and sub-multiples; important constants; conversion factors; mathematical formulae; SI
derived units (expressed in SI base units); SI derived units with special names; guidelines for using symbols for physical quantities, chemical
elements and nuclides; guidelines for using symbols for SI units e.g. newton, pascal, joule, watt, hertz, kelvin, dimensional formulae of physical
(4) explains processes, phenomena and laws with the understanding of the relationship between nature and matter on scientific basis;
such as, need of accuracy, precision, errors and uncertainties in measurement; fundamental forces in nature – gravitational, electromagnetic,
strong and weak nuclear forces; and unification of forces; various laws such as laws of motion, friction, lubrication, conservation laws, change
in velocity due to acceleration, acceleration due to gravity of earth, why a seasoned cricketer draws in her/his hands during a catch;
isothermal, isobaric, isochoric and adiabatic processes; formation of beats due to interference of sound waves

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 20

(5) derives formulae and equations, such as, dimensional formulae and dimensional equation; kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated
motion; equation of path of a projectile; equation of motion of an object in a plane with constant acceleration, potential energy of a spring,
proof of work- energy theorem for a variable force, work done by a torque, efficiency of Carnot engine, different harmonics in stretched
strings/pipes; Bernoulli’s equation, Equation for pressure of an ideal gas, equations for velocity, acceleration, energy of a particle executing
(6) analyses and interprets data, graphs, and figures, and draws conclusion; such as, motion in a plane; analysis of the function of time to
identify periodic and non-periodic motion; behavior of a material from its stress-strain curve; isothermal and adiabatic processes from P-V
curves; variation of resonance peak with damping from the graph of amplitude versus angular frequency
(7) handles tools and laboratory apparatus properly; measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus, instruments, and
devices; such as, scales, vernier calipers, screw gauge, spherometer, beam balance, stop clock/watch, inclined plane, sonometer, resonance
tube, an arrangement for determining Young’s modulus of the material of a wire
(8) plans and conducts investigations and experiments to arrive at and verify the facts, principles, phenomena, relationship between
physical quantities, or to seek answers to queries on their own; such as, study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water;
determine terminal velocity of a spherical body; study the effect of changing the mass of bob or length of pendulum, on its time period; study
the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid; find the coefficient of friction between surface of a moving block and that of a horizontal
(9) communicates the findings and conclusions in oral/written/ICT form that shows critical thinking, such of plotting a suitable graph
between load and extension for finding force constant of a helical spring
(10) exhibits creativity and out-of–the-box thinking in solving challenging Physics problems; such as, minimum speed required by a
motorcyclist at the uppermost position to perform a vertical loop in a death well in a circus; a pillar with distributed shape at the end support
more load.
(11) applies concepts of Physics in daily life with reasoning while decision-making and solving problems; such as, maximum possible
speed of a car on a banked road; in which direction to hold the umbrella if rain is falling vertically and wind is blowing in certain direction;
during blood transfusion the height at which the blood container be placed so that blood may just enter the vein through the needle inserted
in vein; a spinning ball deviates from its parabolic trajectory; changing the tension in the wire of sitar for changing frequency of sound emitted
by it takes initiative to learn about the newer researches, discoveries and inventions in Physics; such as, about space programme of
India and other countries; research to increase the strength of a material, increase the efficiency of engines

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 21

(12) recognises different processes used in Physics-related industrial and technological applications; such as, knowledge of strength of
materials used for structural design of columns, beams and supports while designing a building; hydraulic machine for lifting heavy objects;
knowledge about beats for tuning musical instruments
(13) realises and appreciates the interface of Physics with other disciplines; such as, application of Doppler effect in medical science to study
heart beats and blood flow in different parts of body; mechanism of conversion of heat into work for different heat engines; properties of
materials in different branches of engineering
(14) develops positive scientific attitude, and appreciates the role and impact of Physics and technology towards the improvement of
quality of life and human welfare, such as, nuclear radiation techniques for diagnosis and treatment, nuclear power.
(15) exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, respect for life, rational thinking, and freedom from myth and superstitious beliefs while
taking decisions, etc.


(1) recognises the concepts of Physics related to various natural phenomena; such as, electrostatic force; electric and magnetic fields and
flux; electrostatic potential; drift of electrons; electric current; resistance of materials; magnetic properties of materials; electromagnetic
induction; reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction of light; formation of rainbow; nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
(2) differentiates between certain physical quantities; such as, between electric field and electric potential; electrical resistance and
resistivity; potential difference and emf of a cell; interference and diffraction; wave and particle nature of light; e Nuclear fusion and nuclear
fission; conductors and bad conductors or dielectrics
(3) uses International system of units (SI Units), symbols, nomenclature of physical quantities and formulations, conventions; such as,
coulomb (C), farad (F), ampere (A), ohm (Ω), tesla (T), degree (°);
(4) explains processes, phenomena and laws with the understanding of the relationship between nature and matter on scientific basis;
such as, force between charges, electric field and potential due to charges; force on charges in an electric field; forces on moving charges in a
magnetic field, torque on a rectangular current loop in an uniform magnetic field; eddy currents; formation of secondary rainbow;; energy
produced due to fusion, generation of emf by solar radiation.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 22

(5) derives formulae and equations, such as, electrostatic forces and fields due to charge distributions; potential energy of system of charges;
torque on a dipole in uniform electric field; effective capacitance of combination of capacitors in series and in parallel; energy stored in a
capacitor; magnetic field on the axis of a circular current loop; resonant frequency in series LCR circuit; thin lens formula, de Broglie
wavelength; equations for nuclear fission and fusion, mass defect; fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment
(6) analyses and interprets data, graphs, and figures, and draws conclusion; such as, field due to a uniformly charged thin spherical shell is
zero at all points inside the shell; hysteresis loop; direction of induced current in the figure; position of image in ray diagrams; fringe pattern
due to diffraction at single slit; V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode; effect of potential on photoelectric current and effect of frequency
of incident radiation on stopping potential for a given photosensitive material; plot of binding energy per nucleon versus mass number;
(7) handles tools and laboratory apparatus properly; measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus, instruments, and
devices; such as, an electroscope to detect charge on a body; power supplies; voltmeter; ammeter; multimeter; rheostat; galvanometer;
meter bridge;; sonometer; travelling microscope; concave and convex lens, prism, glass slab
(8) plans and conducts investigations and experiments to arrive at and verify the facts, principles, phenomena, relationship between
physical quantities, or to seek answers to queries on their own; such as, verification of Ohm’s law; determining specific resistance of a
material; finding frequency of ac mains; study the image formation by concave and convex lens; determine refractive index of a liquid using
a convex lens and a plane mirror; draw I-V characteristics curves of a p-n junction diode
(9) communicates the findings and conclusions in oral/written/ICT form that shows critical thinking, such as, appropriately conveying the
critical angle in internal reflection by drawing ray diagrams to describe it
(10) exhibits creativity and out-of–the-box thinking in solving challenging Physics problems; such as, calculating the required range of
variable capacitor of LC circuit of a radio for the radio to be able to tune over a given frequency range of broadcast band; assessing the depth
of a pond in clear water using the knowledge of refractive index of water; calculating the energy released in fission or fusion process.
(11) applies concepts of Physics in daily life with reasoning while decision-making and solving problems; such as, if a certain capacitance
is required in a circuit across a certain potential difference then suggesting a possible arrangement using minimum number of capacitors of
given capacity which can withstand a given potential difference; selecting the appropriate wire for doing wiring at home keeping in view all
(12) takes initiative to learn about the newer research, discoveries and inventions in Physics; such as, accelerators, thermistors, electrical
properties of materials, India’s atomic energy programme; research on the possibility of static electricity charging electronic devices;
improving magnetic bottles to keep high energy plasma in fusion under control, newer designs of nuclear reactors

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 23

(13) recognises different processes used in Physics-related industrial and technological applications; such as, using electrostatic shielding
in protecting sensitive instruments from outside electrical influences; use of superconducting magnets for running magnetically levitated
superfast trains; applications of optical fibers for transmission of optical signals; use of controlled chain reaction in nuclear
(14) realises and appreciates the interface of Physics with other disciplines; such as, with Chemistry as various materials give rise to
interesting properties in the presence or absence of electric field, making light sensitive cells using the applications of photoelectric effect;
use of atomic and nuclear Physics in medicine, use of electromagnetic radiations in communication, use of optical phenomenon in
(15) develops positive scientific attitude, and appreciates the role and impact of Physics and technology towards the improvement of
quality of life and human welfare
(16) exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, respect for life, rational thinking, and freedom from myth and superstitious beliefs while
taking decisions, etc.


As can be seen from the two lists of learning outcomes above, the basic LOs are the same for both the classes and the differences lie in the specific
instances that have been taken from the content domain for illustrative purposes. In this document from here onwards, the following list of LOs
will be referred to for both classes. It is important to note that LOs 7, 8 and 9 are specifically relevant to practical work prescribed in the Physics
LO1. Recognizes the concepts of Physics related to various natural phenomena
LO2. Differentiates between certain physical quantities
LO3. Uses International system of units (SI Units), symbols, nomenclature of physical quantities and formulations, conventions
LO4. Explains processes, phenomena and laws with the understanding of the relationship between nature and matter on scientific basis
LO5. Derives formulae and equations
LO6. Analyses and interprets data, graphs, and figures, and draws conclusion
LO7. Handles tools and laboratory apparatus properly; measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus, instruments, and devices

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 24

LO8. Plans and conducts investigations and experiments to arrive at and verify the facts, principles, phenomena, relationship between physical
quantities, or to seek answers to queries on their own
LO9. Communicates the findings and conclusions in oral/written/ICT form that shows critical thinking
LO10. Exhibits creativity and out-of–the-box thinking in solving challenging Physics problems
LO11. Applies concepts of Physics in daily life with reasoning while decision-making and solving problems
LO12. Takes initiative to learn about the newer research, discoveries and inventions in Physics
LO13. Recognises different processes used in Physics-related industrial and technological applications
LO14. Realises and appreciates the interface of Physics with other disciplines
LO15. Develops positive scientific attitude, and appreciates the role and impact of Physics and technology towards the improvement of quality
of life and human welfare
LO16. Exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, respect for life, rational thinking, and freedom from myth and superstitious beliefs while taking
decisions, etc.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 25

The learning outcomes defined by NCERT are generic and broadly defined for the content defined in the curriculum. They articulate the discipline-
specific skills that students need to attain through learning different concepts in the syllabus. A clear understanding of the scope of these learning
outcomes for each concept in the NCERT textbook chapters will be very helpful for both teachers and students in planning teaching and learning
better. The following process has been followed to list out the content domain-specific learning outcomes (CLOs) and indicators for all the content
units and textbook chapters.
Concepts discussed in the textbook chapters were mapped to key concepts under each content domain in the CBSE syllabus.
Relevant NCERT learning outcomes were identified for each key concept in the chapter.
Content domain-specific learning outcomes (CLO) were defined for the NCERT learning outcomes relevant for the chapter. The cognitive process
in the NCERT learning outcome and the CLO are the same.
Each CLO was broken down into specific learning indicators called as 'indicator' which defines the specific skill or knowledge that a student needs
to attain. The cognitive process addressed in indicators may be the same or lower than that addressed in CLO.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 26


NCERT Learning Content domain specific

Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

LO3. Uses
International system C1.Lists and defines
of units (SI Units), international standards of
CLO01.Enumerates the
International symbols, units of measurement used
International system of base
system of units nomenclature of for measurement of 7 base
and supplementary units
physical quantities and 2 supplementary
and formulations, physical quantities

C2. Defines and states the

LO4. Explains rules for writing significant
processes, figures as a result of a
I. Physical world phenomena and laws CLO02.Estimates precise measurement
and measurement with the experimental results using
Significant figures
2. Units and understanding of the significant figures and C3. States the rules for
measurement relationship between rounding off the final results rounding off uncertain digits
nature and matter on of significant figures and for
scientific basis determining uncertainties in
the results of calculations

LO3. Uses C4. Defines dimensions of a

CLO03.Identifies and applies
International system physical quantity in terms of
the concept of dimensions,
of units (SI Units), the exponents of
Dimensions of dimensional formulae and
symbols, fundamental units and
physical dimensional analysis
nomenclature of expresses dimensions of
quantities techniques to write, validate
physical quantities common physical quantities
and derive correct physical
and formulations, used in the mechanics and
conventions heat

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 27

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

C5. Defines dimensional

formulae of a physical
Dimensional quantity in terms of
formulae of fundamental units and
physical explains how to write a
I. Physical world quantities dimensional equation if the
and measurement dimensional formula of a
physical quantity is known
2. Units and
measurement LO4. Explains
CLO04.Identifies and applies C6.Defines principle of
the concept of dimensions, homogeneity for dimensional
phenomena and laws
Applications of dimensional formulae and equations and applies
with the
Dimensional dimensional analysis dimensional analysis
understanding of the
analysis techniques to write, validate technique to check the
relationship between
and derive correct physical correctness of physical
nature and matter on
equations equations
scientific basis

LO4. Explains C7.Defines path length or

processes, distance travelled by a body
phenomena and laws in reference to x- coordinate
with the axis
understanding of the
Kinematics as field relationship between C8. Defines displacement of a
CLO05.Describes position,
II. Kinematics of study of nature and matter on body moving along a straight
distance and displacement of
describing motion scientific basis line
3. Motion in a a body in motion
in Physics
straight line
C9. Plots graph the position
LO6. Analyses and
and time of a body in motion
interprets data,
and infer the nature of
graphs, and figures,
motion of a body from the
and draws
shapes of position time

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 28

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
conclusion graphs

LO4. Explains
processes, C10.Defines average velocity
phenomena and laws of a body and identifies
Position, path
with the CLO06.Explains average and average velocity as a slope of
length and
understanding of the instantaneous velocity a tangent to the position-
relationship between time graph of a body in
nature and matter on motion
scientific basis

LO6. Analyses and C11.Plots and explains

interprets data, position-time graphs for a
II. Kinematics graphs, and figures, moving body depicting
and draws positive, zero and negative
3. Motion in a
conclusion average velocity
straight line
C12.Defines and
LO2. Differentiates differentiates average speed
between certain from average velocity and
Position, path CLO06.Explains average and
physical quantities solves numerical problems
length and instantaneous velocity
based on them
LO4. Explains C13.Defines instantaneous
processes, velocity of a body and
phenomena and laws recognises the slope of the
with the tangent to the position-time
understanding of the graph at any instant of a
relationship between body in motion as
nature and matter on instantaneous velocity
scientific basis
CLO07.Explains the concept C14.Defines average

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 29

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
of acceleration of a body in acceleration in terms of rate
non uniform motion of change in instantaneous

C15.Plots and interprets

LO6. Analyses and
position-time and velocity-
interprets data,
time graphs to determine
graphs, and figures,
displacement, nature of
and draws
acceleration and direction of
motion of a body

C16.Derives kinematic
equations of motion using
II. Kinematics LO5. Derives CLO08.Derives and explains velocity-time graph method
formulae and kinematic equations of and calculus method for a
3. Motion in a
equations linearly accelerated motion body moving along a straight
straight line
line with uniform

C17.Solves numerical
Position, path CLO09.Derives and explains problems involving the
length and kinematic equations of motion of the body along a
displacement linearly accelerated motion straight line in uniform
LO11. Applies
concepts of Physics acceleration
in daily life with
reasoning while C18.Applies equations of
decision-making and CLO10.Appreciates the straight-line motion for a
solving problems application of kinematic freely falling body with
equations of linear motion to appropriate cartesian
freely falling bodies coordinate sign conventions
and solves numerical
problems based on real-life

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 30

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

LO6. Analyses and

C19.Plots position-time;
interprets data,
velocity-time and
graphs, and figures,
acceleration-time graphs for
and draws
a body under free fall

LO4. Explains
processes, C20.Defines relative velocity
phenomena and laws CLO11.Defines and explains of one body with respect to
with the the relative velocity of one the second body with the
understanding of the body with respect to another second body being
relationship between moving along straight lines considered as a reference
nature and matter on point of coordinate axes
II. Kinematics
scientific basis
Average velocity
3. Motion in a
and average speed
straight line C21.Solves numerical
LO11. Applies problems based on relative
concepts of Physics CLO12.Defines and explains velocities to determine the
in daily life with the relative velocity of one time taken to overtake,
reasoning while body with respect to another distance travelled before the
decision-making and moving along straight lines overtake and instant when
solving problems the two oppositely moving
bodies crossover

LO4. Explains
processes, C22.Defines scalar and vector
CLO13.Explains scalar and
Scalars and phenomena and laws physical quantities with
vector quantities and their
vectors with the examples and explains the
mathematical operations
understanding of the various vector operations
relationship between

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 31

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
nature and matter on
scientific basis

C23.Defines and represents

LO6. Analyses and
graphically the position and
interprets data,
displacement vectors for a
graphs, and figures,
given set of position vectors
and draws
at different times of a body
moving in a plane

LO4. Explains
II. Kinematics phenomena and laws C24.States triangle law and
3. Motion in a with the parallelogram law of vector
Vector operations
straight line understanding of the addition for adding two or
relationship between more vectors
nature and matter on
scientific basis

LO4. Explains
phenomena and laws C25.Explains the resolution
Resolution of with the of vectors in a plane and in
vectors understanding of the space in terms of two or
relationship between more unit vectors
nature and matter on
scientific basis

LO4. Explains CLO14.States and derives the C26.Defines average and

II. Kinematics instantaneous velocity of a
Motion in a plane processes, equations of a uniformly
4. Motion in a plane phenomena and laws accelerated motion of a body body in motion in a plane in
with the in a plane using vectoral terms of unit vectors

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 32

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
understanding of the notations C27.Defines average and
relationship between instantaneous acceleration of
nature and matter on the ratio of change in velocity
scientific basis vectors to time where
velocity vectors are
expressed in terms of unit

LO11. Applies C28.Applies differential

concepts of Physics calculus to determine
in daily life with velocity and acceleration
reasoning while vectors from a given position
decision-making and vector expressed as a
solving problems function of time

LO4. Explains
C29.Recognises that a motion
in two dimensions can be
phenomena and laws
Motion in a plane treated as two simultaneous
with the
with uniform one-dimensional motions
understanding of the
acceleration with constant accelerations
relationship between
along perpendicular
nature and matter on
scientific basis

C30.Derives the equations of

CLO15.Describes projectile
LO5. Derives motion for displacement and
motion and derives all
Projectile motion formulae and velocity along horizontal and
equations related to
equations vertical motions of the
projectile motion
projectile motion

II. Kinematics Projectile motion LO5. Derives CLO15.Describes projectile C31.Derives the equations
formulae and motion and derives all for total time of flight,

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 33

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
4. Motion in a plane equations equations related to maximum vertical height and
projectile motion horizontal range of the

C32.Solves problems based

LO11. Applies on real-life projectiles like jet
concepts of Physics of water projecting out of a
in daily life with fire engine pipe, food packets
reasoning while being dropped by a moving
decision-making and airplane, canon firing canon
solving problems ball and a player kicking the

LO4. Explains
C33.Defines and describes
phenomena and laws
uniform circular motion in
with the
terms of angular
understanding of the
displacement and angular
relationship between CLO16.Applies the concepts
velocity of a body
Uniform circular nature and matter on of vectors to explain the
motion scientific basis motion of a body along a
circular path
C34.Derives a formula for
LO5. Derives centripetal acceleration in
formulae and terms of angular velocity,
equations radius and linear speed of a
uniform circular motion

LO4. Explains
III. Laws of motion Newton’s first law CLO17.States Newton's first C35.States Newton's first law
of motion law of motion and identifies of motion
5. Laws of motion phenomena and laws
the role of inertia in common
with the

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 34

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
understanding of the day-to-day experiences
relationship between
nature and matter on
scientific basis

C36.Describes the concept of

inertia in a body and its role
Inertia in getting a body to move and
the factors on which it
depends upon

C37.Defines linear
CLO18.States Newton's first
momentum of a body in
law of motion and identifies
III. Laws of motion Momentum motion and recognises the
the role of inertia in common
LO4. Explains role of force in the change in
5. Laws of motion day-to-day experiences
processes, momentum
phenomena and laws
C38.States Newton's second
with the
law of motion in terms of the
understanding of the
relation between the net
Newton’s second relationship between
external force acting on the
law of motion nature and matter on
body and rate of change in
scientific basis
CLO19.Explains Newton's momentum produced in the
second law of motion; body
discovers its mathematical
C39.Defines inertial and non-
differential formulation
inertial reference frames
Reference frames based on the applicability of
Newton laws of motion in

Impulse C40.Defines impulse in terms

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 35

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
of a large variable force
acting on the system for a
very short time interval and
establishes its relation with
change in momentum using
Newton's second law of

LO4. Explains
C41.Defines Newton's third
phenomena and laws
law of motion and identifies
Newton’s third with the
the forces occurring in pairs
law of motion understanding of the
as action-reaction forces
relationship between
CLO20.States Newton’s third using common examples
III. Laws of motion nature and matter on
law of motion and infers the
scientific basis
5. Laws of motion Law of conservation of
momentum from Newton's
C42.States law of
second and third laws
conservation of linear
Law of LO5. Derives momentum and validates the
conservation of formulae and law of conservation of
linear momentum equations momentum using Newton's
second law of mathematical

LO11. Applies C43.Applies the law of

CLO21.Applies the Law of conservation of linear
Applications of concepts of Physics
conservation of momentum momentum to study the
Law of in daily life with
to the collisions of bodies in forces and transfer of
conservation of reasoning while
1- and 2- dimensional momentum during the
linear momentum decision-making and
motion collisions between two
solving problems
elastic balls moving along a

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 36

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
straight line and when
moving in a plane (2

C44.Defines translational
equilibrium of a body and
applies the rules of
Equilibrium of
resolution of vectors to write
equations of forces acting in
a plane on a body in

LO4. Explains
processes, C45.Identifies forces like
phenomena and laws normal reaction, friction,
III. Laws of motion CLO22.Identifies common
Types of with the buoyant forces and spring
5. Laws of motion mechanical forces that act on
mechanical forces understanding of the force as contact forces that
a body at rest or motion
relationship between act on two bodies in contact
nature and matter on with each other
scientific basis

LO4. Explains
C46.Explains different types
phenomena and laws
CLO22.Identifies common of friction and their
with the
Friction mechanical forces that act on formulations in terms of
understanding of the
a body at rest or motion normal reaction and
relationship between
coefficient of friction
nature and matter on
scientific basis

Dynamics of LO11. Applies CLO23.Describes the C47.Defines centripetal force

Circular motion concepts of Physics dynamics of motion of a car on a body moving in a

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 37

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
in daily life with along a circular track circular path and identifies
reasoning while the importance of friction
decision-making and acting on a body during a
solving problems circular motion

C48.Applies rules of
LO11. Applies
resolution of vectors to
concepts of Physics
III. Laws of motion identify, and resolve forces
in daily life with
Banking of roads acting on a car moving along
5. Laws of motion reasoning while
a level and banked circular
decision-making and
track and constructs the
solving problems
equations using Newton laws

C49.Solves problems
LO11. Applies
involving the body in
concepts of Physics
Free body CLO24.Writes and solves equilibrium or in motion
in daily life with
diagrams and free body equations in under the action of multiple
reasoning while
equations mechanics forces using free body
decision-making and
diagrams and equations
solving problems
using Newton's laws

LO4. Explains
C50.Defines scalar product or
phenomena and laws
CLO25.Explains the dot product between two
IV. Work, energy Scalar product of with the
multiplication of vectors vector physical quantities,
and power vector understanding of the
using scalar product method represents it graphically and
relationship between
6. Work, energy and states its properties
nature and matter on
power scientific basis

Work energy LO5. Derives CLO26.Derives and explains C51.Derives the equation of
theorem for formulae and work- energy theorem work-energy theorem from

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constant force equations the equation of a uniformly
accelerated motion and
applies the theorem of work-
energy to solve numerical

LO4. Explains
processes, C52.Defines kinetic energy in
phenomena and laws terms of scalar product
with the between velocities, states its
Kinetic energy
understanding of the units, and dimensions and
relationship between solves numerical problems
nature and matter on CLO27.Defines kinetic based on it
IV. Work, energy scientific basis energy of a body in motion
and power
C53.States and derives work-
6. Work, energy and
Work energy LO5. Derives energy theorem for variable
theorem for a formulae and force and applies the
variable force equations theorem to solve numerical

LO4. Explains
processes, C54.Explains the meaning of
CLO28.Describes the concept
phenomena and laws conservative forces and
of the potential energy of a
with the recognises that potential
Potential energy body in relation to
understanding of the energy is energy stored in a
conservative forces acting on
relationship between body when the work is done
a body
nature and matter on against a conservative force
scientific basis

LO5. Derives CLO29.Identifies spring force C55.Derives an expression

Potential energy
formulae and as a conservative force and for work done by the

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of a spring equations derives an expression for conservative force of the
potential energy stored in a spring due to its extension or
spring compression

C56.Explains and represents

LO6. Analyses and
graphically the variation of
interprets data,
potential energy and kinetic
graphs, and figures,
energy of the spring-block
and draws
system as it moves back and

C57.Explains various energy

forms like heat, electrical,
IV. Work, energy CLO30.Identifies various chemical and nuclear energy
and power forms of energy and states and states the principle of
Energy forms LO4. Explains
the law of conservation of conservation of energy in
6. Work, energy and processes,
energy systems under the effect of
power phenomena and laws
both conservative and non-
with the
conservative forces
understanding of the
relationship between
C58.Defines instantaneous
nature and matter on
power of a body as a limiting
scientific basis CLO31.Defines
value of average power and
Power instantaneous mechanical
solves numerical problems
power of a body
based on power consumed or
dissipated by a body

CLO32.Explains collisions C59.Applies law of

LO5. Derives conservation of linear
between two bodies moving
Collisions formulae and momentum to a collision
along a straight line or in a
equations process using Newton's
second and third laws and

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derives formulae for final
velocities of the bodies after
IV. Work, energy
an elastic collision between
and power
two bodies moving along a
6. Work, energy and straight line and along a
power plane

C60.Defines center of mass of

LO4. Explains
a system of particles
CLO33.Defines and describes distributed in a 2 and 3-
phenomena and laws
center of mass of a rigid dimensional plane and
with the
Center of mass body and derives formula for explains the motion of center
understanding of the
linear momentum of a of mass in relation to change
relationship between
system of particles in position coordinates,
nature and matter on
velocity and acceleration of
scientific basis
center of mass
V. Motion of
system of particles C61.Defines vector product
LO11. Applies
and rigid body between two vector
concepts of Physics
CLO34.Explains vector quantities giving the result as
7. Systems of Vector product of in daily life with
product of two vector a vector and solves problems
particles and two vectors reasoning while
quantities based on vector product
rotational motion decision-making and
between two vectors
solving problems
expressed using unit vectors

LO4. Explains C62.Defines angular

processes, CLO35.Defines the various displacement, angular
Angular variables phenomena and laws angular variables associated velocity, angular acceleration
with the with a rigid body in for a rigid body in rotational
understanding of the rotational motion around a motion about a fixed axis
relationship between fixed axis
Torque and nature and matter on C63.Defines torque as a

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angular scientific basis moment of force acting on
momentum the body and angular
momentum as the moment of
linear momentum of the
particle about a fixed axis
rotating about a fixed point
and establishes the relation
between them

C64.Validates the law of

CLO35.Defines the various conservation of angular
Law of
LO5. Derives angular variables associated momentum using the
conservation of
formulae and with a rigid body in relation between the angular
V. Motion of equations rotational motion around a momentum of a system of
system of particles fixed axis particles and total torque
and rigid body about a fixed point
7. Systems of
C65.Recognises the essential
particles and
conditions of equilibrium of
rotational motion LO1. Recognises the
CLO36.Recognises the rigid body as a constant
Equilibrium of concepts of Physics
conditions of mechanical linear momentum and
rigid bodies related to various
equilibrium in a rigid body angular momentum for
natural phenomena
translational and rotational

LO4. Explains C66.Defines center of gravity

processes, CLO37.Explains centre of of a rigid body and solves
phenomena and laws gravity of a rigid body in problems based on a rigid
Center of gravity with the body in equilibrium
terms of torques due to
understanding of the gravitational forces condition under the effect of
relationship between gravitational forces by
nature and matter on applying the principle of

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scientific basis moments and concept of
center of gravity

C67.Derives an expression
Kinetic energy of a LO5. Derives for the kinetic energy of a
body in rotational formulae and system of particles rotating
V. Motion of motion equations around a fixed axis with a
system of particles CLO38.Defines moment of
constant angular velocity
and rigid body inertia as an analogue of
mass of a rigid body in
7. Systems of LO4. Explains C68.Defines moment of
rotational motion and proves
particles and processes, inertia as a rotational
the two theorems related to
rotational motion phenomena and laws analogy of mass of a body in
moment of inertia of a rigid
with the linear motion and states the
Moment of inertia body about a fixed axis
understanding of the formulae of the moment of
relationship between inertia of some commonly
nature and matter on used rigid bodies about a
scientific basis fixed axis of rotation

C69.Writes the rotational

analogous equations of
Kinematics of motion to linear equations
rotational motion CLO39.States and derives for a body in uniform
V. Motion of kinematic equations of a
of a rigid body rotational motion and
system of particles rigid body and explains
LO5. Derives applies them to solve
and rigid body dynamics of rotational
formulae and problems
7. Systems of motion of a rigid body in
particles and terms of torque, work done C70.Derives formula for the
rotational motion and angular momentum work done in terms of the
Work done in about a fixed axis of rotation net torque causing angular
rotational motion displacement in rigid body
and defines instantaneous
power in terms of net torque

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and angular velocity of the
rotating rigid body

C71.Identifies the two

LO4. Explains
components of angular
processes, CLO40.Describes and
momentum for a particle
Angular phenomena and laws differentiates angular
rotating about a fixed axis:
momentum in with the momentum vector for a
one component parallel and
case of rotation understanding of the symmetric and asymmetric
another component
about a fixed axis relationship between rigid body rotating about a
perpendicular to the fixed
nature and matter on fixed axis
V. Motion of axis for symmetric and
scientific basis
system of particles asymmetric bodies
and rigid body
C72.States the law of
7. Systems of CLO40.Describes and
conservation of angular
particles and Law of differentiates angular
LO5. Derives momentum in terms of
rotational motion conservation of momentum vector for a
formulae and moment of inertia and
angular symmetric and asymmetric
equations angular velocity of the rigid
momentum rigid bodies rotating about a
body moving around a fixed
fixed axis

LO4. Explains
phenomena and laws
CLO41.Defines and explains C73.Defines rolling motion
with the
Rolling motion the rolling motion of a rigid and derives the condition of
understanding of the
body rolling without slipping
relationship between
nature and matter on
scientific basis

VI. Gravitation Kepler’s Laws LO4. Explains CLO42.States and explains C74.Explain Kepler's law of
processes, Kepler's laws of planetary orbits and define foci, semi-

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8. Gravitation phenomena and laws motion major and semi-minor axes
with the for the elliptical planetary
understanding of the orbits around the Sun
relationship between
nature and matter on C75.Explains Kepler's law of
scientific basis areas and recognises that
this law was based on the
observation that the speed of
the planet lowers as it moves
away from the Sun during its
revolution around the Sun

C76.States Kepler's law of

periods and proves that
Kepler's law of periods is a
VI. Gravitation
consequence of the law of
8. Gravitation conservation of angular

C77.States Newton's law of

gravitation writes its vectoral
LO4. Explains notation and solves problems
processes, based on the law of
phenomena and laws gravitation and the
CLO43.States and explains calculation of resultant
Universal law of with the
Newton's Universal law of gravitational force due to a
gravitation understanding of the
gravitation system of mass particles
relationship between
nature and matter on
scientific basis C78.Recognises that
gravitational force due to a
spherical shell on a mass
particle nearby is just as if

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the entire mass of the shell is
concentrated at its centre
and that gravitational force
due to a spherical shell at any
point inside it is zero

C79.Defines acceleration due

LO5. Derives
to gravity and derives its
formulae and
formula using Newton's law
of gravitation
CLO44.Describes and
LO4. Explains
Acceleration due explains acceleration due to
processes, C80.Derives formulae
to gravity gravity and the factors on
phenomena and laws expressing acceleration due
which it depends upon
with the to gravity as a function of
VI. Gravitation
understanding of the height from the surface of the
8. Gravitation relationship between planet and the depth inside
nature and matter on Earth
scientific basis

C81.Derives the formula for

gravitational potential
energy as a work done in
moving a mass particle from
CLO45.Explains gravitational one position to another
LO5. Derives
Gravitational potential energy in relation against gravitational force
formulae and
potential energy to the conservative force of and recognises that its value
gravitation rises to a maximum value of
zero at infinity location from
Earth's surface and is
negative at all points closer
to Earth

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LO11. Applies
C82.Solves problems based
concepts of Physics
on the calculation of
in daily life with
gravitational potential
reasoning while
energy due to a system of
decision-making and
mass particles
VI. Gravitation solving problems

8. Gravitation C83.Defines escape speed of

CLO46.Explains escape a body and derives its
speed and derives it from the formula for escape speed as a
Escape speed
principle of conservation of function of acceleration due
energy to gravity and radius of the
LO5. Derives planet
formulae and
equations C84.Defines the orbital speed
CLO47.Describes the of a satellite and derives
dynamics of the motion of formulae for orbital speed,
Earth's satellites
Earth satellites by applying its time period and its total
Kepler's laws energy by using Kepler's

LO2. Differentiates CLO48.Differentiates C85.Defines and

Elastic and plastic
between certain between rigid, elastic and differentiates between rigid,
VII. Properties of bodies
physical quantities plastic bodies elastic and plastic bodies
bulk matter
9. Mechanical LO4. Explains C86.Defines deforming and
properties of solids processes, restoring forces that occur in
Elastic behaviour phenomena and laws CLO49.Explains elastic an elastic body and describes
of solids with the behaviour in solids the effect of restoring forces
understanding of the on rigid bodies that enable
relationship between the body to regain original

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nature and matter on shape and size
scientific basis
C87. Defines and states
formulae and units for each
of three types of stresses and
Stress and strain
strains produced in a body
under the effect of deforming
CLO50.Describes and
explains different types of
C88. States Hooke's law and
stresses and corresponding
identifies the condition
LO6. Analyses and strains produced in a body
under which it is applicable
VII. Properties of interprets data,
Elastic behaviour and explains the stress vs
bulk matter graphs, and figures,
of solids strain graph in terms of
and draws
9. Mechanical elastic behaviour of the solid
properties of solids under the effect of deforming

LO4. Explains
C89. Defines Young's
CLO51.Describes elastic modulus of elasticity, Shear
phenomena and laws
moduli of various bodies modulus of elasticity and
with the
Elastic moduli with different materials, Bulk modulus of elasticity
understanding of the
elastic behaviours and and states units and
relationship between
shapes dimensions of each of the
nature and matter on
elasticity moduli
scientific basis

LO4. Explains C90. Defines elastic potential

processes, CLO52.Explains and derives energy in terms of work done
Elastic potential
phenomena and laws elastic potential energy against the deforming force
with the stored in a stretched wire in increasing the length of a
understanding of the wire through unit value and

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relationship between derives a formula for elastic
nature and matter on potential energy stored in a
scientific basis stretched wire

C91. Takes the initiative to

understand the reason for
the use of I-shaped pillars in
the construction of bridges;
LO15. Develops
suitable specifications of
positive scientific
rope used in the cranes to lift
attitude, and
heavy loads; designs of the
appreciates the role
Applications of CLO53.Appreciates the cross-sectional shapes of the
and impact of
elastic behaviour applications of Elastic load-bearing beams and
Physics and
VII. Properties of of materials behaviour of materials columns used in the
technology towards
bulk matter constructions of bridges and
the improvement of
9. Mechanical buildings and why the pillars
quality of life and
properties of solids and columns with distributed
human welfare
shapes are better in load
distribution than round
shaped pillars using the
principle of elasticity

LO4. Explains
phenomena and laws C92. Defines average
with the pressure exerted by fluid on
Pressure CLO54.Defines fluids and
understanding of the a surface and states its units
explains pressure
relationship between and dimensions
experienced in fluids
nature and matter on
scientific basis

Pascal's Law LO5. Derives C93. States Pascal's law and

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formulae and proves it qualitatively

C94. Identifies that the

pressure of a liquid column
depends upon the height of
Fluid pressure LO4. Explains
the column, density of fluid
and acceleration due to
phenomena and laws
with the CLO55.Explains the effect of
understanding of the gravity on fluid pressure
C95. Defines gauge pressure
relationship between
at a point inside the liquid
nature and matter on
Atmospheric and atmospheric pressure
scientific basis
VII. Properties of pressure and describes the working of
bulk matter a barometer and
9. Mechanical
properties of solids LO11. Applies
concepts of Physics
CLO56. Describes and C96. Explains the working of
Hydraulic in daily life with
explains hydraulic machines hydraulic lift and brakes by
machines reasoning while
based on Pascal's law applying Pascal's law
decision-making and
solving problems

LO4. Explains
C97. Describes the
phenomena and laws CLO57. Explains the
characteristics of streamlines
with the properties, laws and
Streamlines during a fluid flow and states
understanding of the mathematical equations
the equation of continuity for
relationship between followed during fluid flow
incompressible fluids in flow
nature and matter on
scientific basis

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C98.States Bernoulli's
theorem and derives
LO5. Derives
Bernoulli's Bernoulli's theorem using
formulae and
Theorem work energy theorem for the
VII. Properties of equations
flow of incompressible and
bulk matter steady flow of fluids
9. Mechanical
properties of solids C99.States Torricelli's law to
LO11. Applies
define the speed of efflux of
concepts of Physics
fluid from an open tank and
in daily life with
Torricelli's law derives Torricelli's Law using
reasoning while
Bernoulli's theorem and
decision-making and
describes the applications
solving problems
like venturimeter

LO11. Applies
concepts of Physics CLO57. Explains the
Applications of C100.Solves problems based
in daily life with properties, laws and
Bernoulli's on Bernoulli's theorem and
reasoning while mathematical equations
Theorem its applications
decision-making and followed during fluid flow
VII. Properties of
solving problems
bulk matter
10. Mechanical LO3. Uses
properties of fluids International system C101.Defines coefficient of
of units (SI Units), viscosity as the ratio of shear
CLO58.Explains the viscosity
symbols, stress and strain rate and
Viscosity of fluids in terms of fluid
nomenclature of states the units, formula and
physical quantities dimensions of coefficient of
and formulations, viscosity

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C102.States the viscous force

experienced by a body
moving through a fluid in the
form of Stoke's law and
Stoke's law derives a formula for the
terminal velocity of a
raindrop falling through the
air using Stokes's law and
LO5. Derives
force of gravity
formulae and
C103.Defines surface tension
as the property of liquid in
terms of surface energy per
unit area and surface force
Surface tension
VII. Properties of per unit length and derives
bulk matter its formula based on
10. Mechanical qualitative principles of
properties of fluids Energy conservation

LO4. Explains C104.Defines the angle of

processes, contact between a liquid and
phenomena and laws a solid surface and
with the recognises the dependency of
Angle of contact
understanding of the the angle of contact on the
relationship between surface tension for a given
nature and matter on pair of liquid and solid
scientific basis surfaces in contact

LO5. Derives CLO59.Explains surface C105.Proves mathematically

Surface energy formulae and tension as surface property using the principles of
equations of liquids only surface tension and surface
energy that pressure inside a

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liquid drop and a bubble are
always more than pressure
outside them

C106.Defines capillarity and

derives an expression for the
Capillarity height of rise of a liquid
through a capillary tube due
to surface tension

LO4. Explains
C107.Defines heat and
phenomena and laws
temperature and states the
Temperature and with the
various units for the
heat understanding of the
measurements of
relationship between
CLO60.Explains and temperature
nature and matter on
differentiates between heat
scientific basis
and temperature of a body
VII. Properties of C108.States Boyle's law and
bulk matter LO5. Derives Charles' law for ideal gases
11. Thermal Ideal gas equation formulae and and combines them to derive
properties of matter equations the ideal gas equation for
ideal gases

LO3. Uses C109.Defines linear

International system expansion, superficial
CLO61.Explains thermal
of units (SI Units), expansion and cubical
Thermal expansion in substances and
symbols, expansion as changes in
expansion identifies linear, superficial
nomenclature of corresponding
and cubical expansions
physical quantities configurations of the body
and formulations, due to heat exchanges

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C110.Defines and derives a

mathematical relation
between coefficients of
LO5. Derives
linear, superficial and
formulae and
volume expansion and solves
problems based on the
coefficient of expansivity and
thermal stress

LO3. Uses
International system C111.Defines specific heat
VII. Properties of of units (SI Units), capacity, heat capacity and
bulk matter Specific heat symbols, molar specific heat capacity
capacity nomenclature of of a substance and states
11. Thermal CLO62.Defines heat capacity
physical quantities their units, dimensions and
properties of matter and specific heat capacity of
and formulations, formulae
a substance and states its
importance in the amount of
heat exchanged by a body to
LO11. Applies
change its temperature C112.States the principle of
concepts of Physics
calorimetry and solves
in daily life with
Calorimetry problems based on heat
reasoning while
exchanges and the principle
decision-making and
of calorimetry
solving problems

LO6. Analyses and C113.Describes the process

CLO63.Explains the process
interprets data, of change of state from ice to
of change of state and
Change of state graphs, and figures, water to steam as heat is
describe the heat exchanges
and draws absorbed, using a graph
during the process
conclusion between temperature versus

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time and defines melting,
vaporisation, freezing and

C114.Defines latent heat of

fusion and vaporisation,
states the units, dimensions
Latent heat
and formula of latent heat
and solves problems based
on them

LO4. Explains C115.Describes the three

VII. Properties of processes, modes of heat transfer as
bulk matter Heat transfer
phenomena and laws conduction, convection and
11. Thermal with the radiation
properties of matter understanding of the
relationship between C116.Explains that black
nature and matter on bodies are good absorbers
scientific basis and good radiators of heat
CLO64.Explains the and describes blackbody
Black body mechanisms of heat radiation as a function of the
radiation transfers from one body to wavelength of radiation
another through conduction, emitted at different
convection and radiation temperatures of the
blackbody using a graphical

LO6. Analyses and C117.States and explains the

interprets data, importance of Wien's
Heat radiation graphs, and figures, displacement law, and Stefan
and draws Boltzmann’s law and
conclusion recognises the relation

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between the rate of heat
energy emitted to the
temperature of the body and
Newton's law of cooling

thermodynamics as a branch
of Physics that deals with the
Concept of heat
CLO65.Describes the history concept of heat and
and Thermal
of the concept of heat conversion of heat into other
forms of energy involving
macroscopic variables of
LO4. Explains
processes, C119.States and explains
phenomena and laws Zeroth's law of
VIII. with the thermodynamics and
CLO66.States and explains
Thermodynamics Zeroth law of understanding of the illustrates thermal
Zeroth law of
thermodynamics relationship between equilibrium attained by two
12. thermodynamics
nature and matter on systems separated by an
Thermodynamics scientific basis adiabatic wall or a
diathermic wall

C120.Defines internal energy

as a macroscopic
CLO67.Describes and thermodynamic variable in
explains the three important terms of molecular kinetic
Heat, Internal
thermodynamic variables as and potential energy of the
energy and work
heat, internal energy and system
work done
LO1. Recognises the C121.Identifies pressure,
concepts of Physics volume, internal energy and

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related to various temperature as state
natural phenomena variables of a
thermodynamic system
whereas heat and work done
are not state variables

C122.States first law of

thermodynamics and
LO6. Analyses and explains that while heat
interprets data, CLO68.States and explains exchanges and work done on
First law of
graphs, and figures, the first law of the system is path
and draws thermodynamics dependent, the difference
conclusion between the amount of heat
Thermodynamics exchanged and work done is
12. path independent
LO4. Explains
C123.Defines heat capacity,
specific heat capacity and
phenomena and laws
molar specific heat capacity
with the
of a solid states their units
understanding of the
and dimensions and derives
relationship between
CLO69.Describes and the relation between molar
nature and matter on
Specific heat explains specific heat specific heat capacity and 3R
scientific basis
capacity capacity and molar specific
heat of matter C124.Defines specific heat
capacity at constant volume
LO5. Derives and specific heat capacity at
formulae and constant pressure and
equations derives the expression for
the difference between
specific heat capacity at

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constant pressure and
specific heat capacity at
constant volume as equal to
universal gas constant R

LO4. Explains
phenomena and laws C124.States Kelvin Planck's
CLO70.States and explains
Second law of with the statement and Clausius's
VIII. the second law of
thermodynamics understanding of the statement of the second law
Thermodynamics relationship between of thermodynamics
nature and matter on
scientific basis
LO4. Explains
phenomena and laws
Reversible and CLO71.Explains the working C125.Defines reversible and
with the
irreversible principle of an ideal Carnot irreversible thermodynamic
understanding of the
processes engine processes
relationship between
nature and matter on
scientific basis

LO4. Explains
processes, C126.States the main
CLO72.Explains Dalton's
IX. Behaviour of phenomena and laws features of Dalton's atomic
atomic theory of matter, lists
perfect gases and Molecular nature with the theory of matter, explains
its postulates and describes
kinetic theory of of matter understanding of the Gay Lussac's Law and the
the properties of different
gases relationship between atomic nature of solids,
states of matter
nature and matter on liquids and gases
13. Kinetic theory
scientific basis

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C127.States the ideal gas

equation in terms of
pressure, volume, absolute
temperature and Boltzmann
Behaviour of gases constant and plots the
LO6. Analyses and
graphical representations of
interprets data,
gas equations as a function of
graphs, and figures,
pressure for ideal gases and
and draws
real gases
CLO73.Describes and
C128.States Boyle's law and
explains the behaviour of
IX. Behaviour of Charles's law for ideal gases
Gas Laws gases basis the gas laws
perfect gases and and plots P versus V and V
kinetic theory of versus T for real gases
C129.Derives Dalton's law of
13. Kinetic theory particle pressures for a
LO5. Derives mixture of non-reacting
Gas Laws formulae and gases from ideal gas
equations equations and solves
problems based on gas
equations and gas laws

C130.States the postulates of

the kinetic theory of gases
CLO74.States kinetic theory
and derives an expression for
LO5. Derives of gases and uses the theory
Kinetic theory of pressure exerted by gas
formulae and to explain the pressure
gases enclosed in a container in
equations exerted by gas molecules
terms of number density,
and its temperature
mean squared velocity and
mass of the gas molecules

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C131.Derives the expression

relating pressure, volume
and internal energy of the
gas; kinetic energy of the gas
molecules and Dalton's law
of particle pressures for a
mixture of non-reacting
gases using kinetic theory

C132.Expresses the average

energy of monoatomic and
diatomic gas molecules,
using all the components of
IX. Behaviour of
kinetic energies, one each for
perfect gases and CLO75.States and explains its degrees of freedom
kinetic theory of Law of the law of equipartition of
gases equipartition of LO4. Explains energies for gas molecules C133.States the law of
13. Kinetic theory energy processes, with varying degrees of equipartition of energy for
phenomena and laws freedom ideal gases and recognises
with the that as per the Law of
understanding of the equipartition of energy, each
relationship between energy mode contributes
nature and matter on equal amounts to the average
scientific basis energy of gas molecule

C134.Derives the value of

CLO76.Describes specific
molar specific heat capacity
LO5. Derives heat capacities of gases,
Specific heat at constant volume and
formulae and solids and water and states
capacity pressure and their ratio for
equations their values in terms of
monoatomic, diatomic and
universal gas constant
polyatomic gases

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C135.Uses the law of

equipartition of energies to
CLO76.Describes specific
determine the specific heat
heat capacities of gases,
Specific heat capacities of solids and
IX. Behaviour of solids and water and states
capacity derives the value of the
perfect gases and their values in terms of
specific heat capacity of
kinetic theory of LO5. Derives universal gas constant
water by using the law of
gases formulae and
equipartition of energy
13. Kinetic theory
C136.Defines and derives a
CLO77.Defines mean free formula for the mean free
Mean free path path of gas molecules based path for free gas molecules
on the kinetic theory of gases using the kinetic theory of

C137.Defines periodic and

LO1. Recognises the
oscillatory motion and
concepts of Physics
defines their time periods
related to various
and frequencies and their
natural phenomena
CLO78.Describes periodic relationship
Periodic and and oscillatory motion using
oscillatory common examples and C138.Proves qualitatively
X. Oscillations and motions states suitable equations of that a sum of sine and cosine
waves LO5. Derives motion functions represent a
formulae and periodic motion whereas an
14. Oscillations equations exponential and a log
function represent a non-
periodic motion

Simple harmonic LO4. Explains CLO79.States the equations C139.Defines phase constant,
motion processes, governing the displacement, time period, amplitude and
phenomena and laws velocity and acceleration of a angular frequency for a body

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes
with the body in simple harmonic in simple harmonic motion
understanding of the motion and compares the graphical
relationship between plots of motion of two bodies
nature and matter on in simple harmonic motion
scientific basis with different amplitudes,
phase difference and time

C140.Writes the equations of

Simple harmonic motion for the perpendicular
motion and projection on the diameter of
Uniform circular uniform circular motion and
CLO79.States the equations
motion recognises their motions as
governing the displacement,
X. Oscillations and simple harmonic motion
velocity and acceleration of a
body in simple harmonic
C141.Derives the equations
14. Oscillations motion
Velocity and for displacement, velocity
acceleration in and acceleration of the body
SHM LO5. Derives in SHM and plots their
formulae and graphs with respect to time
C142.Derives the expression
for the restoring force acting
on the body, kinetic energy,
potential energy and total
CLO80.Explains the energy
Force law and energy of the body in SHM
and the force law of the body
Energy in SHM and represents graphically
in SHM
the variation of kinetic and
potential energy of simple
harmonic oscillator as a
function of time and position

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C143.Proves that the motion

Illustrative of two springs attached on
examples of either side of a block and
bodies in SHM fixed supports in a horizontal
plane execute SHM
X. Oscillations and
waves C144.Proves that loaded
spring in a horizontal plane
14. Oscillations CLO81.Identifies a few
Illustrative LO5. Derives and a simple pendulum
examples of bodies in SHM
examples of formulae and oscillate in simple harmonic
and derives their equations
bodies in SHM equations motion and derive
of motion and time periods
expressions for their time

C145.Defines wave motion as

a mode of energy transfer,
LO4. Explains
defines mechanical,
electromagnetic and matter
phenomena and laws
CLO82.Describes the concept waves and explains the
with the
Wave motion of wave motion with propagation of disturbance
understanding of the
examples through a mechanical
relationship between
medium in terms of changes
X. Oscillations and nature and matter on
in densities and pressures in
waves scientific basis
small increments layer by
15. Waves layer

C146.Defines transverse and

CLO83.Explains the longitudinal wave motion
Transverse and LO2. Differentiates
characteristics of transverse and explains the propagation
longitudinal between certain
and longitudinal wave of disturbances through a
waves physical quantities
motions with examples medium as a series of crests
and troughs or compressions

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes
and rarefactions

C147.Defines progressive
LO6. Analyses and wave motion, writes its
Displacement interprets data, CLO84.Writes and explains displacement equation using
equation for graphs, and figures, the displacement equations a sinusoidal function and
progressive waves and draws for progressive waves plots a sinusoidal graph to
conclusion depict the travelling
progressive wave

C148.Identifies and defines

amplitude, phase and wave
number using the
X. Oscillations and Displacement CLO84.Writes and explains progressive wave equation
waves equation for the displacement equations and derives the expressions
progressive waves for progressive waves of the time period and
15. Waves
angular frequency using the
displacement equation of
progressive wave
LO5. Derives
formulae and C149.Derives the expression
equations for the velocity of a
progressive wave and the
formula for the speed of
CLO85.Derives the wave
Velocity of
expressions for velocity of
progressive waves C150.Derives a formula for
travelling progressive waves
the speed of sound through
gases and solid medium in
terms of elasticity modulus

C151.Derives the Newton

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes
formula for the speed of
sound in air and applies
Laplace's correction

C152.States the principle of

superposition of waves and
CLO86.States the principle of
derives a mathematical
Superposition of superposition of mechanical
equation describing the
progressive waves waves and derives the
resultant wave due to the
equations of resultant wave
superposition of two
harmonic progressive waves

C153.Explains why the

amplitude of resultant wave
at the position of rigid
X. Oscillations and
boundary is zero and that
due to reflection from a non-
15. Waves CLO87.Describes the
rigid boundary, the
Reflection of reflection of progressive
LO4. Explains superimposed wave has
waves waves from rigid and non-
processes, double the amplitude at the
rigid boundaries
phenomena and laws position of the boundary and
with the writes the mathematical
understanding of the equations for the reflected
relationship between waves at rigid and non-rigid
nature and matter on boundaries
scientific basis
C154.Defines standing or
CLO88.Defines and explains stationery waves that are
standing waves produced formed due to reflection by
Standing waves
due to the reflection of two boundaries and derive
waves by two boundaries mathematical equations to
represent standing waves

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C155.Derives the formulae of

normal modes for standing
waves produced in stretched
strings and for normal modes
for standing waves produced
X. Oscillations and in air column in a closed pipe
waves LO5. Derives
C156.Defines beats and beat
15. Waves formulae and
frequency and proves
CLO89.Demonstrates and mathematically using the
explains the formation of superposition principle that
Formation of
beats due to superposition of beat frequency is the
sound waves of slightly difference in frequencies of
different frequencies the constituent
superimposing progressive

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Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

LO1. Recognises the C1. Recognises two types of

concepts of Physics charges based on frictional
related to various electrostatic phenomena and
natural phenomena infer the properties of charges

LO13. Recognises
different processes
C2 Explains earthing and its
used in Physics-
importance in the household
related industrial
and technological CLO1.explain origin, types
Electric charges applications and properties of electric
C3. Differentiates between
LO2. Differentiates
I. Electrostatics conductors and insulators
between certain
based on the movement of
1. Electric Fields physical quantities

LO1. Recognises the

C4. Elaborates quantization,
concepts of Physics
additivity and conservation of
related to various
natural phenomena

LO1. Recognises the

concepts of Physics CLO2.derive and apply C5. Derives and states
related to various Coulomb’s law to calculate Coulomb’s law in vector form
Coulomb’s Law natural phenomena forces due to one/multiple
LO10. Exhibits C6. Applies Coulomb's law of
creativity and out- electrostatics and Newton's

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of–the-box thinking law of gravitation to compare
in solving the forces acting between a
challenging Physics proton and an electron

LO10. Exhibits
C7. Appreciates superposition
creativity and out- CLO2.derive and apply
principle of electrostatics
of–the-box thinking Coulomb’s law to calculate
Coulomb's Law force and apply Coulomb's law
in solving forces due to one/multiple
to calculate forces due to
challenging Physics charges
multiple charges

C8. Infers the inter-relation

between electric field and
LO5. Derives
electrostatic force and explain
formulae and
electric field as a special case
of force using mathematical
I. Electrostatics formula
CL03.deduce electric field
1. Electric Fields
LO4. Explains using electrostatic force and C9. Draws and explains the
Electric field
processes, explain the properties of field significance of electric field
phenomena and lines lines in terms of intensity and
laws with the direction of electric field
understanding of
the relationship C10.Appreciates the
between nature and properties of electric field
matter on scientific lines in terms of its direction,
basis etc

CLO4. understand electric C11.Explains the formation of

Electric dipole LO5. Derives
dipole and apply Coulombs an electric dipole and derive a
formulae and
law to calculate electric field general vector formula for a

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equations and torque due to electric dipole moment.
C12.Derives the electric field
of a dipole in its equatorial
plane and axial plane at a
distance r from the dipole

C13.Derives the equation for

torque experienced by a
dipole in a uniform electric

C14.Elaborates electric flux

using a surface diagram and
derive the relation between
LO5. Derives CLO5.explain and apply
flux and electric field
Electric flux formulae and electric flux using a simple
equations charge placed inside a surface
C15.Explain Gauss law and
derive a general equation for
I. Electrostatics Gauss law
1. Electric Fields
LO11. Applies
C16.Applies Gauss law to
concepts of Physics
CLO6. apply Gauss law to calculate electric field due to
in daily life with
calculate electric filed when thin infinitely long straight
Gauss law reasoning while
the source distribution has wire, plane sheet and
decision- making
simple symmetry spherical shell of a particular
and solving

I. Electrostatics Electric potential LO4. Explains C17.Describes electric

CL07.Describes the concept of
energy processes, potential energy as a
2. Electrostatic electric potential energy and
phenomena and difference between two points

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potential and laws with the electric potential and as negative of work done
capacitance understanding of by an electric field and
the relationship identifies the path
between nature and independence of the work
matter on scientific done by electrostatic field

C18.Describes the concept of

electric potential as derived
from electric potential energy
LO5. Derives
for a unit positive charge and
formulae and
derives the expression for the
electric potential at a point
due to the electrostatic field of
a point charge
Electric potential
C19.Compares the variation of
electric field and electric
LO2. Differentiates potential due to a point charge
between certain with the distance from the
physical quantities charge and solves problems
related to electric potential
and electric potential energy

C20.Derives the expression for

LO5. Derives
Electric potential the electric potential due to an
I. Electrostatics formulae and CLO8.Derives the expression
due to a dipole electric dipole along axial and
equations for the electric potential due
2. Electrostatic equatorial line
to an electric dipole, system
potential and of charges, charged spherical
capacitance Electric potential LO5. Derives C21.Explains how to derive
shell and a sphere
due to continuous formulae and the electric potential due to a
bodies equations system of discrete point

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charges and a continuous
charge distribution and
derives the expression for the
electric potential within, on
the surface of and outside a
uniformly charged thin
spherical shell and solid

LO4. Explains
phenomena and C22.Describes the concept of
laws with the an equipotential surface and
Equipotentia l CLO9.Describes the concept
understanding of explains the relationship
surface of equipotential surfaces
the relationship between electric field and rate
between nature and of change of electric potential
matter on scientific

C23.Derives the expression for

CLO10.Derives the expression
the electric potential energy of
Electric potential for the electric potential
a system of point charges and
energy energy of a system of point
a dipole in an external electric
LO5. Derives
formulae and C24.Explains and derives for
I. Electrostatics equations an expression of electrostatic
CLO11.Explains electrostatic field and electric potential
2. Electrostatic Electrostatic s of
properties of solid conductors inside a conductor, on its
potential and solid conductors
and a dielectric surface and outside the
charged conductor and
explains the principle behind

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electrostatic shielding

LO4. Explains
C25.Explains how a net dipole
phenomena and
moment is developed due to
laws with the
Electrostatic s of an external electric field in the
understanding of
solid conductors materials made of polar
the relationship
molecules and non-polar
between nature and
matter on scientific

C26.Defines capacitance for a

system of two conductors
charged with equal and
Capacitors and opposite charges and derives
capacitance the expression for the
capacitance of a parallel plate
capacitor with vacuum and a
CLO12.Defines a capacitor dielectric between the plates
LO5. Derives and derives expressions for
formulae and capacitance for parallel plate C27.Derives the expression for
Parallel plate equations capacitor and related terms equivalent capacitance for
capacitor for dielectrics capacitors connected in series
and in parallel

C28.Derives the expression for

energy stored in a capacitor
Potential energy
and energy density for the
in a capacitor
electric field inside a parallel
plate capacitor

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LO4. Explains
phenomena and C29.States Ohm law and gives
laws with the its formula in terms of
understanding of current, resistance, voltage,
the relationship current density and electric
between nature and field
matter on scientific CLO13.States and explains
Ohms Law
basis Ohms law in conductors

C30.Derives formula for drift

velocity, recognises
LO5. Derives
conductivity and mobility of
formulae and
the charge carriers and
II. Current equations
identifies the limitations of
Ohm’s law
3. Current
electricity LO4. Explains
phenomena and C31.Defines resistivity of
laws with the materials, states its formula
CLO14.Defines resistivities of
Resistivity understanding of and identifies its dependence
various materials
the relationship on temperature of the
between nature and material
matter on scientific

LO4. Explains C32.Defines energy dissipated

processes, CLO15.Describes the power
Electrical energy and power consumed through
phenomena and loss in a conductor carrying
and power a conductor of resistance R
laws with the current
and carrying current I
understanding of

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the relationship
between nature and
matter on scientific

C33.Defines electromotive
force across a cell in an open
circuit and differentiates it
CLO16.Defines and from potential difference
Cells, emf and LO5. Derives
differentiates between emf across a cell in a closed circuit
potential formulae and
and potential difference and derives the relation
difference equations
across a cell between them when a current
I is drawn by an external
resistor connected across a

C34.Recognises the cells

connected in series and
LO5. Derives
parallel combination and
formulae and
derives equivalent emf across
multiple cells connected in
series and in parallel
II. Current CLO17.Derives and describes
electricity the equivalent emf across a
Combination of LO4. Explains
combination of cells
3. Current cells processes,
connected in series and
electricity phenomena and C35.Identifies the equivalent
laws with the internal resistances across a
understanding of combination of multiple cells
the relationship connected in series and in
between nature and parallel in an electric circuit
matter on scientific

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LO11. Applies
concepts of Physics C36.States the two Kirchhoff's
in daily life with CLO18.States and explains rules: Junction rule and Loop
Kirchhoff's rules reasoning while Kirchhoff's rules across rule for electric circuits and
decision- making electric circuits applies the rules for solving
and solving electric circuit problems

LO7. Handles tools

and laboratory
apparatus properly; CLO19.Describes the C37.Describes the working
measures physical principle and working of each principle of Wheatstone
Wheatstone' s
quantities using of applications of Kirchhoff's bridge and using Kirchhoff's
appropriate rules, that is, Wheatstone rules derive the balanced
apparatus, bridge condition of the bridge
instruments, and

C38.Defines magnetic Lorentz

force on a charge moving with
III. Magnetic LO4. Explains velocity v in magnetic field B
Magnetic force of
effects of current processes, and identifies its direction
moving charges CLO20.Explains magnetic
and magnetism phenomena and using Fleming's left-hand rule
and current Lorentz force on a charge
laws with the and extrapolates the
4. Moving charges carrying moving in magnetic field
understanding of definition to identify the
and magnetism conductor
the relationship magnetic force on a current-
between nature and carrying element in magnetic
matter on scientific field
Motion in CLO21.Describes the path C39.Explain the nature of the
III. Magnetic
combined electric followed by charged particles path followed by a charged
effects of current
and magnetic projected in the region under particle projected with a

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and magnetism fields the combined effect of electric velocity v in a magnetic field
and magnetic fields and recognise how the shape
4. Moving charges
of the path followed by the
and magnetism
moving charge depends upon
its angle of projection into the
magnetic field

C40.Identifies the two

LO11. Applies applications of motion of
concepts of Physics charged particles under the
in daily life with combined effect of electric and
reasoning while magnetic fields as velocity
decision- making selector and the cyclotron and
and solving describes their working
problems principle and derives the
related equations

LO4. Explains
processes, C41.Identifies the current-
phenomena and CLO22.States Biot Savart's carrying element as a vector
laws with the law and describes the source of magnetic field and
Biot Savart Law understanding of magnetic field produced by states Biot Savart's law to
the relationship current element and a current describe the nature of
between nature and carrying loop magnetic field produced by a
matter on scientific current-carrying element

LO11. Applies C42.Applies Biot Savart's law

concepts of Physics to the current-carrying loop to
Biot Savart Law in daily life with determine the magnetic field
reasoning while produced along its axis and at
decision- making the center of the loop and

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes
and solving identifies the factors on which
problems it depends upon

LO4. Explains
C43.States Ampere's circuital
phenomena and
law and recognises it as an
laws with the
alternative to Biot Savart law
understanding of
to determine magnetic field
the relationship
due to current carrying
between nature and CLO23.States Ampere's
matter on scientific circuital law and applies it to
Ampere's circuital
basis determine the magnetic field
due to an infinitely long
LO11. Applies current-carrying conductor
C44.Applies Ampere's circuital
concepts of Physics
III. Magnetic law to determine magnetic
in daily life with
effects of current field due to infinitely long
reasoning while
and magnetism current carrying wire and lists
decision- making
the various features of this
4. Moving charges and solving
magnetic field
and magnetism problems

C45.Defines a current-
carrying solenoid and applies
Ampere's circuital law to
derive magnetic field along its
CLO24.Describes the current-
LO5. Derives axis, outside it and at its end
The solenoid and carrying solenoid and toroid
formulae and
toroid and derives magnetic fields
equations C46.Defines a current-
produced due to them
carrying toroid and applies
Ampere's circuital law to
derive magnetic field along its
axis and outside it

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LO4. Explains
C47.Explains why forces of
phenomena and CLO25.Explains the forces
Force between interaction exist between a
laws with the exerted by a pair of parallel
two parallel pair of parallel or antiparallel
understanding of current-carrying wires on
current carrying current-carrying wires placed
the relationship each other and defines one
conductors nearby and identify these
between nature and ampere of current
forces as action- reaction pair
matter on scientific

C48.Derives the formula for

forces between a pair of
parallel current-carrying
CLO25.Explains the forces wires and recognises that
Force between
LO5. Derives exerted by a pair of parallel parallel current-carrying
two parallel
formulae and current-carrying wires on wires attract whereas anti-
current carrying
equations each other and defines one parallel current-carrying
ampere of current wires repel each other and use
III. Magnetic this formula to define the
effects of current magnitude of one Ampere of
and magnetism current
4. Moving charges
and magnetism LO4. Explains
C49.Explains why a current-
processes, CLO26.Describes the torque
carrying loop placed in an
phenomena and acting on a current-carrying
external magnetic field
laws with the loop placed in a magnetic
Torque on current experiences a net zero force
understanding of field and identifies it as
carrying loop but a non-zero net torque and
the relationship equivalent to a magnetic
derives the formula for the net
between nature and dipole placed in an external
torque and identifies its
matter on scientific magnetic field

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes

C50.Recognises a current-
carrying loop as a magnetic
dipole, compares its nature
LO1. Recognises the and behaviour with an electric
concepts of Physics dipole (a pair of equal and
related to various opposite charges) and defines
natural phenomena the magnetic dipole moment
of the current-carrying loop as
well as that due to a revolving

LO4. Explains C51.Describes the

processes, construction and working
phenomena and principle of a moving coil
laws with the galvanometer, derives the
The moving coil
understanding of CLO27.Describes the formulae for deflection
the relationship construction and working produced due to the flow of
between nature and principle of moving coil current I through it and states
matter on scientific galvanometer and takes the the current and voltage
basis initiative to convert an MCG sensitivities of the MCG
into a voltmeter and an
LO7.Handles tools ammeter and use it
and laboratory appropriately for the
III. Magnetic C52.Modifies a moving coil
apparatus properly; measurements of voltages
effects of current galvanometer into an
measures physical and currents in an electric
and magnetism The moving coil ammeter and a voltmeter to
quantities using circuit
galvanometer use it for the measurement of
4. Moving charges appropriate
currents and voltages in an
and magnetism apparatus,
electric circuit
instruments, and

III. Magnetic Bar magnet and its LO4. Explains CLO28.Describes a bar C53.Identifies a bar magnet

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effects of current magnetic field processes, magnet and identifies the and describes the nature of
and magnetism phenomena and features of a magnetic field the magnetic field around it in
laws with the due to the bar magnet terms of magnetic field lines
5. Magnetism and
understanding of and lists its various features
the relationship
between nature and
matter on scientific

C54.Compares the nature of

magnetic field line patterns
due to a bar magnet and a
current-carrying solenoid
LO2. Differentiates
with an electric field line
between certain
pattern due to an electric
physical quantities
dipole and draws the points of
similarities and differences
between the patterns and the
field sources

C55.Derives the formula of the

LO5. Derives magnetic field due to a bar
formulae and magnet and identifies pole
equations strength of each of the two
poles of a bar magnet

III. Magnetic C56.Proves that a magnetic

Magnetic dipole CLO29.Defines a magnetic
effects of current LO5. Derives dipole executes a simple
and its interaction dipole and describes its
and magnetism formulae and harmonic motion when placed
with external interaction with the external
equations parallel to an external
5. Magnetism and magnetic field magnetic field when placed
magnetic field and disturbed
matter parallel, anti-parallel or any
slightly and derives the

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other angle formulae for its time period,
angular frequency and
potential energy

C57.Compares magnetic
dipole with an electric dipole
LO2. Differentiates as an electrostatic analogue
between certain and derives the formula for
physical quantities the magnetic field due to
magnetic dipole along its axial
line and equatorial line

C58.States Gauss's law for

magnetism along with its
Magnetism and LO4. Explains CLO30.States and explains formula for magnetic flux
Gauss's law processes, Gauss's law of magnetism through a closed surface and
phenomena and compares with Gauss's law of
laws with the electrostatics
understanding of
the relationship C59.Defines magnetisation,
between nature and magnetic intensity and
matter on scientific magnetisation susceptibility
Magnetisati on, basis CLO31.Defines magnetisation, due to magnetic materials and
magnetic magnetic intensity and states each of the formulae,
intensities and magnetic susceptibility and dimensions and their units
magnetic differentiates different types
properties of of magnetic materials basis C60.Defines and differentiates
materials LO2. Differentiates these properties the three types of magnetic
between certain materials: paramagnetic,
physical quantities ferromagnetic and
diamagnetic basis their
behaviour when placed in an

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Outcomes Learning Outcomes
external magnetic field and
their values of each of
magnetisations, magnetic
intensities and magnetic

C61.Describes the historical

experiments of Faraday and
LO12. Takes
Henry, states Faraday's two
initiative to learn
laws of induction, defines
about the newer
magnetic flux in terms of
magnetic field and area and
discoveries and
states the equation of induced
inventions in
emf in a coil in terms of rate of
Physics CLO32.Takes the initiative to
change in magnetic flux linked
explore the historical
IV. Faraday's laws of with it
experiments of Faraday and
Electromagnetic induction
Henry and states Faraday's
induction and C62.Recognises the
two laws of induction
alternating importance of Lenz's law in
currents LO6. Analyses and identifying the direction of
interprets data, induced emf across a coil due
6. Electromagnetic
graphs, and figures, to the change in magnetic flux
and draws linked with it and appreciates
conclusion Lenz's law as a subsequence
of the law of conservation of

CLO33.Explains the concept C63.Derives an equation for

LO5. Derives of motional emf induced motional emf induced across a
Motional emf formulae and across a conductor moving conductor moving with a
equations through a magnetic field with velocity v by applying the
a velocity and undergoes definition of magnetic flux and

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change in the magnetic flux Faraday's law of induction
linked with it as a function of

C64.Explains that the

induction of motional emf
LO4. Explains through a moving conductor
processes, in the magnetic field is
phenomena and consistent with the law of
laws with the conservation of energy and
understanding of derives the formulae for
the relationship induced current in the
between nature and conductor, the force acting on
matter on scientific the conductor due to magnetic
basis field and power dissipated in
order to produce the motional
induction and Motional emf
currents C65.Apply the concept of
6. Electromagnetic motional emf and Faraday's
LO11. Applies
induction laws to understand the
concepts of Physics
formation of eddy currents in
in daily life with
the metal plates moving
reasoning while
through a magnetic field and
decision- making
identifies advantages,
and solving
disadvantages of eddy
currents and methods to
reduce them

Inductance LO4. Explains CLO34.Explains inductance as C66.Defines inductance as a

processes, property of the coil property of coil that depends

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phenomena and undergoing change in upon its geometry and
laws with the magnetic flux linked with it material properties and states
understanding of its formula, dimensions and
the relationship units
between nature and
matter on scientific

C67.Defines mutual
inductance of one solenoid
with respect to another
solenoid such that change in
flux linked with one changes
LO5. Derives
the flux in another and an emf
formulae and
is induced as per Faraday's
laws of induction and derives
the formula for mutual
inductance and identifies the
factors on which it depends

LO4. Explains C68.Identifies the induction of

processes, self-induced emf due to
IV. phenomena and change in flux linked with the
Electromagnetic CLO34.Explains inductance as
laws with the coil itself and defines self-
induction and property of the coil
Inductance understanding of inductance, its formula and
alternating undergoing change in
the relationship dimensions and explains how
currents magnetic flux linked with it
between nature and the property of self-
6. Electromagnetic matter on scientific inductance of a coil plays the
induction basis role of inertia in electricity

AC generator LO7. Handles tools CLO35.Describes the C69.Describes the

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and laboratory construction and working construction and working
apparatus properly; principle of AC generator principle of AC generator
measures physical using Faraday's laws of
quantities using induction, derives the
appropriate equations of induced motional
apparatus, emf and identifies the induced
instruments, and motional emf as a sinusoidal
devices function of time and angle of
rotation of the coil in the
magnetic field

LO4. Explains
processes, CLO36.Defines alternating
C70.Defines alternating
phenomena and current and voltage and
voltage and current and
laws with the describes the behaviour of
AC Voltage applied expresses them in terms of
understanding of current, voltage and power
to a resistor time varying sinusoidal
the relationship dissipated across a resistor
functions of time and angular
between nature and when an alternating voltage is
matter on scientific applied

LO4. Explains C71.Explains the variation of

processes, current through a circuit with
IV. CLO36.Defines alternating
phenomena and a resistor upon applying the
Electromagnetic current and voltage and
laws with the alternating voltage and writes
induction and describes the behaviour of
AC Voltage applied understanding of the equations of applied AC
alternating current, voltage and power
to a resistor the relationship voltage, time-varying current
currents dissipated across a resistor
between nature and produced, and instantaneous
7. Alternating matter on scientific when an alternating voltage is power dissipated through the
current basis applied AC circuit

LO6. Analyses and C72.Defines rms voltage, rms

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interprets data, current, and peak values of
graphs, and figures, alternating voltages and
and draws currents and represents the
conclusion alternating current and
voltage through an AC circuit
with resistor using phasors

C73.Applies Kirchhoff's loop

LO11. Applies rule to obtain equations of
concepts of Physics varying current and voltage in
in daily life with an AC circuit containing an
reasoning while inductor and writes the
decision- making equations using sinusoidal
and solving functions and identifies the
problems CLO37.Describes the maximum values of current
behaviour of current, voltage and voltage
AC voltage applied
and power dissipated through
to an inductor
an AC circuit containing C74.Defines inductive
inductor only reactance of an inductor,
derives a formula for
LO5. Derives instantaneous power
formulae and dissipated through an
equations inductor and draws the
phasor diagrams using voltage
and current phasors for an AC
circuit containing inductor

LO11. Applies C75.Applies Kirchhoff's loop

IV. CLO38.Describes the
AC voltage applied concepts of Physics rule to obtain equations of
Electromagnetic behaviour of current, voltage
to a capacitor in daily life with varying current and voltage in
induction and and power dissipated through
reasoning while an AC circuit containing a
alternating an AC circuit containing
decision- making capacitor and writes the

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currents and solving capacitor only equations using sinusoidal
problems functions and identifies the
7. Alternating
maximum values of current
and voltage

C76.Defines capacitive
reactance of a capacitor,
derives formula for
instantaneous power
dissipated through a
capacitor, draws the phasor
LO5. Derives
diagrams using voltage and
formulae and
current phasors for an AC
circuit containing capacitor
and describes the charging
and discharging of the
capacitor during one AC cycle
of current flowing through the

C78.Applies Kirchhoff's loop

rule to obtain equations of
varying current and voltage in
LO11. Applies CLO39.Describes the AC
an AC circuit containing an
concepts of Physics circuit containing inductor,
inductor, a capacitor and a
AC voltage applied in daily life with capacitor and resistor in
resistor connected in series
across LCR series reasoning while series and explains the
and derives the equations for
circuit decision- making variation of current, voltage
instantaneous current and its
and solving and power dissipation in the
phase relationship to the
problems series LCR circuit
applied voltage using phasor
diagrams and analytical

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C79.Defines impedance and

LO6. Analyses and
phase angle in a series LCR
interprets data,
circuit and represents the
graphs, and figures,
phasor diagram for LCR series
and draws
circuit using time-varying
current and voltage phasors
CLO39.Describes the AC
C80.Defines natural
circuit containing inductor,
frequency, resonant
AC voltage applied capacitor and resistor in
frequency, the condition for
across LCR series series and explains the
attaining resonance of a series
circuit variation of current, voltage
LO6. Analyses and LCR circuit and describes the
IV. and power dissipation in the
interprets data, resonance graph (current
Electromagnetic series LCR circuit
graphs, and figures, versus angular frequency of
induction and and draws the applied voltage), identifies
alternating conclusion the factor defining the
currents sharpness of the resonance
7. Alternating curve, its bandwidth and the
current quality factor of the series LCR
circuit in resonance

C81.Defines and derives an

expression for the
instantaneous and the average
CLO40.Defines instantaneous power dissipated through a
LO5. Derives
power dissipated in a series series LCR circuit, identifies
The power factor formulae and
LCR circuit and identifies the the power factor in the
power factor expression and recognises the
nature of the AC circuit
depending upon the values of
the power factor

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C82.Describes the
construction of a transformer,
LO12. Takes
identifies its working
initiative to learn CLO41.Describes the
principle based on the mutual
about the newer construction, working
induction, derives the
Transformers research, principle and derives the
equation for transformer ratio
discoveries and related equations of a
and classifies the
inventions in transformer
transformers as two types:
step-up and step-down

LO4. Explains
processes, C83.Defines displacement
phenomena and current as current through a
laws with the space due to the time-varying
understanding of electric fields and compares it
the relationship with the conduction current
between nature and CLO42.Explains the concept which is due to the flow of
Displacement and matter on scientific of displacement current actual charge carriers
conduction basis produced between two
current charged plates and compares
it with conduction current C84.Derives Ampere's
8. Electromagnetic Maxwell law and concludes
waves LO5. Derives upon a symmetrical form of
formulae and electromagnetic induction
equations wherein time-varying
magnetic field and electric
field give rise to each other

Electromagnetic LO12. Takes CLO43.Takes the initiative to C85.Takes the initiative to

waves initiative to learn understand the historical describe the various
about the newer experiments conducted by experiments performed by

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research, Hertz, Maxwell and Bose to Hertz, Maxwell and Bose to
discoveries and produce electromagnetic generate electromagnetic
inventions in waves and describes the waves in the lab and how
Physics nature of the em waves these experiments led
Marconi to generate and
transmit electromagnetic
waves over large distances

LO4. Explains
C86.Identifies and describes
phenomena and
CLO44.Describes the nature the nature of progressive
laws with the
of electromagnetic waves in electromagnetic waves as a
understanding of
terms of time-varying electric stream of continuously
the relationship
and magnetic fields changing electric and
between nature and
magnetic fields
matter on scientific

C87.Derives the formulae

relating the peak values of
electric and magnetic field
CLO44.Describes the nature
LO5. Derives values for a given em wave
Electromagnetic of electromagnetic waves in
V. formulae and and derives the relation
waves terms of time-varying electric
Electromagnetic equations between the speed of the em
and magnetic fields
waves waves and the electric and
magnetic properties of the
8. Electromagnetic
LO6. Analyses and CLO45.Describes the C88.Describes the features of
Electromagnetic interprets data, electromagnetic spectrum, an electromagnetic spectrum,
spectrum graphs, and figures, the different em waves, the the various types of
and draws order of their distribution in electromagnetic waves, their

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conclusion the em spectrum, the frequency ranges, their
frequency ranges and states placement in the spectrum
the applications of each of the and applications of each of the
type of em wave electromagnetic waves

LO4. Explains
processes, C89.Recalls and defines the
phenomena and terms pole, centre of
laws with the curvature, principal axis, focus
understanding of and radius of curvature for
the relationship spherical mirrors and derives
between nature and CLO46.Recalls all the the relationship between focal
VI. Optics matter on scientific technical terms defined for length and radius of curvature
Reflection of light
basis spherical mirrors and
9. Ray optics and by spherical
identifies the correct sign
optical instruments mirrors
LO3. Uses conventions for mirrors and
International lenses
system of units (SI C90.Uses the Cartesian sign
Units), symbols, convention for spherical
nomenclature of mirrors and lenses based on
physical quantities the direction of incident light
and formulations,

C91.Draws the ray diagrams

CLO47.Draws ray diagram to
to determine the position of
Reflection of light LO5. Derives determine the position of the
VI. Optics the image of an object and
by spherical formulae and image of an object and
derives the mirror equation
9. Ray optics and mirrors equations derives all the equations
and the magnification formula
optical instruments related to spherical mirrors
for spherical mirrors

Laws of refraction LO4. Explains CLO48.Knows Snell's laws of C92.Knows Snell's laws of

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of light processes, refraction and obtains the refraction and obtains the
phenomena and relationship among relative relationship between
laws with the refractive indices of different refractive indices of two
understanding of materials materials with respect to each
the relationship other
between nature and
matter on scientific

C93.Derives the formula for

the apparent depth of a
surface due to refraction when
viewed normally from above
LO5. Derives and explains natural
Refractive index formulae and phenomena like differences in
equations actual and real
CLO49.Explains various
sunset/sunrise, oval shape of
phenomena related to
the sun during sunrise/sunset,
refraction and the
etc. due to atmospheric
phenomenon of total internal
C94.Explains the phenomenon
LO1. Recognises the of total internal reflection,
Total internal concepts of Physics derives the expression for a
reflection related to various critical angle for total internal
natural phenomena reflection for any two optical

VI. Optics 9. LO5. Derives CLO50.Derives the C95.Derives the relationship

Refraction at relationship between object between object and image
Ray optics and formulae and
spherical surfaces and image distances and distances for the image
optical instruments equations
derives lens maker’s and thin formed of a point object due

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lens formula to refraction between two
optical media

C96.Derives lensmaker's
formula for thin lenses and
thin lens formula (relationship
among focal length, object
distance and image distance)

C97.Defines power of a lens

and derives the expression for
the power of a thin lens
Refraction by thin
lenses C98.Derives the expression for
the focal length and
magnification produced by a
combination of thin lenses

C99.Derives the expression for

CLO51.Derives various the refractive index of a prism
relationships for a light ray in terms of the minimum
through a prism
passing through a prism angle of deviation and factors
on which it depends upon

C100.Explains the formation

of primary and secondary
LO1. Recognises the rainbows in terms of total
CLO52.Explains the formation
concepts of Physics internal reflection and
Dispersion of light of rainbows and colours due
related to various dispersion of light and
to scattering of light
natural phenomena explains natural phenomena
related to scattering of light,
e.g. blue or reddish colours of

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the sky or white colour of

LO4. Explains
C101.Explains the
magnification by a single lens
phenomena and
microscope using appropriate
laws with the
ray diagrams and derives the
understanding of
expression of magnification
the relationship
for a single lens microscope
between nature and
CLO53.Explains the when image is at (a) near
matter on scientific
Microscope magnification by a point and (b) infinity
VI. Optics C102.Derives the expression
9. Ray optics and of magnification for a
optical instruments compound microscope and
explains the magnification by
a compound microscope using
LO5. Derives appropriate ray diagrams
formulae and
equations C103.Derives the expression
for the magnification by a
CLO54.Derives the expression
refracting telescope with two
Telescope for the magnification by a
convex lenses and explains the
magnification using
appropriate ray diagrams

LO4. Explains CLO55.Compares wave C104.Compares the

VI. Optics processes, theory with corpuscular corpuscular theory and wave
Wave theory of
phenomena and theory and explains theory of light with the
10. Waves optics light
laws with the geometrical optics in terms of differences in their
understanding of wave optics predictions about the speed of

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the relationship light and explains geometrical
between nature and optics as approximation of
matter on scientific wave optics when wavelength
basis can be considered to be
negligibly small

LO4. Explains
phenomena and
C105.States Huygens principle
laws with the
and uses the principle to
Huygens principle understanding of
determine new wave front for
the relationship CLO56.States Huygens
a given wave front
between nature and principle, explains Snell's law
matter on scientific of refraction, law of reflection
basis and total internal reflection
using the principle
C106.Derives Snell's law of
refraction and laws of
VI. Optics
Huygens principle reflection and explains total
10. Waves optics internal reflection using
Huygens principle

LO5. Derives C107.States the superposition

formulae and CLO57.States the principle of waves and derives
equations superposition principle of the condition for constructive
waves and derives the and destructive interference
Superposition of at a point away from two
expressions for intensity of
light waves coherent sources of light
light for interference from
coherent and incoherent light
sources C108.Derives the expression
for the intensity of light at a
point of due to interference

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from two coherent or two
incoherent sources of light

LO4. Explains
phenomena and CLO58.Explains the Young's C109.Explains and derives the
Young's double laws with the double slit experiment and expression for points where
slit interference understanding of derives the expression for constructive or destructive
experiment the relationship fringe width in Young's interference takes place in
between nature and experiment Young's experiment
matter on scientific

C110.Derives the expression

CLO58.Explains the Young's
for fringe width, explains the
Young's double LO5. Derives double slit experiment and
shapes of the fringes and
slit interference formulae and derives the expression for
draws the graph to represent
experiment equations fringe width in Young's
intensity variation in the
fringes in Young's experiment

VI. Optics LO4. Explains

10. Waves optics processes, C111.Explain the locations of
phenomena and maxima (intensity) and
CLO59.Explains what is
laws with the minima (intensity) in a single-
diffraction of light waves and
Diffraction of light understanding of slit diffraction pattern and
the pattern observed for
the relationship distinguish them from the
diffraction from a single slit
between nature and intensity patterns observed
matter on scientific for double-slit interference

VII. Dual nature of Electron emission LO7. Handles tools CLO60.Describes the three C112.Takes the initiative to
radiation and and laboratory significant historical understand the experiments

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matter apparatus properly; experiments that lead to the performed by William
measures physical discovery of electrons and Crookes that led to the
11. Dual nature of
quantities using recognises that valence observation of cathode rays,
radiation and
appropriate electrons can be emitted from the experiment to determine
apparatus, the metal surfaces under the specific charge of electron
instruments, and certain conditions by JJ Thomson and Millikan's
devices oil drop experiment to
determine the charge on

C113.Identifies three physical

processes that can result in
LO9. Communicates
emission of electrons from a
the findings and
metal surface : thermionic
emission, field emission and
photoelectric emission

C114.Describes Hertz's
LO7. Handles tools
experiment that lead to the
and laboratory
first-ever observation of
apparatus properly;
emission of electrons by the
measures physical
VII. Dual nature of CLO61.Describes how metallic emitter plate under
quantities using
radiation and photoelectric effect was first the effect of incident
matter Photoelectric observed historically and ultraviolet rays and explain
effect identify the factors that leads the process of how an electron
11. Dual nature of instruments, and
to photoelectric emission in is emitted due to incident
radiation and devices
metals radiations

LO9. Communicates C115.Describes Hallwach’s

the findings and and Lenard's experiment to
conclusions explain the dependency of
photoelectric current on

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collector plate potential,
frequency and intensity of the
incident radiation

LO7. Handles tools

and laboratory
apparatus properly;
CLO62.Describes the C116.Describes the details of
measures physical
experimental set-up used for the experimental set-up of the
quantities using
the study of photoelectric photoelectric effect and its
effect operation
instruments, and
study of
LO4. Explains
effect CLO63.Explains the variation
processes, C117.States that photoelectric
of photoelectric current as a
phenomena and current varies linearly with
function of the intensity of
laws with the the intensity of incident
incident radiation & potential
understanding of radiation and plots the graph
difference and describes the
the relationship between photoelectric current
variation of stopping
between nature and as a function of the intensity
potential with frequency of
matter on scientific of incident radiation
the incident radiation

VII. Dual nature of CLO63.Explains the variation C118.Describes the variation

radiation and LO6. Analyses and of photoelectric current as a of photoelectric current with
matter interprets data, function of the intensity of the increase in the applied
study of
graphs, and figures, incident radiation & potential potential difference between
11. Dual nature of Photoelectric
and draws difference and describes the the two electrode plates and
radiation and effect
conclusion variation of stopping plots the graph between the
matter two
potential with the frequency

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of the incident radiation
LO6. Analyses and C119.Defines stopping
interprets data, potential and plots the graph
graphs, and figures, between photoelectric current
and draws and the potential difference
conclusion applied across the plates

LO4. Explains
C120.Recalls the wave nature
of light as electromagnetic
phenomena and
waves with energy spread in a
laws with the
continuum across the spread
understanding of
of the wave and explains how
the relationship
wave theory fails to explain
between nature and
the important experimental
matter on scientific
results of photoelectric effect

C121.States Einstein's
CLO64.Describes the basic photoelectric equation and
Einstein's theory LO4. Explains
features of Einstein's explains all the observations
of Photoelectri c processes,
explanation for photoelectric of the photoelectric effect
effect phenomena and
effect using Einstein's photoelectric
laws with the
understanding of
the relationship
C122.Defines photons as
between nature and CLO65.Describes the particle
discrete quanta of energy and
Energy quantum matter on scientific nature of light basis the
recognises that each photon
of radiation basis evidence provided by
carries energy and possesses
photoelectric phenomenon

de-Broglie LO4. Explains CLO66.Explains the outcomes C123.States de-Broglie

VII. Dual nature of
hypothesis processes, of de- Broglie's equation and hypothesis of wave nature of
radiation and
phenomena and describes the incorporation of particles and states de-Broglie

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matter laws with the Heisenberg uncertainty equation giving the formula
understanding of principle into matter-wave for the wavelength of the
11. Dual nature of
the relationship picture of particle wave associated with a mass
radiation and
between nature and particle
matter on scientific

C124.Defines matter waves

and derives the mathematical
LO5. Derives
expression for the wavelength
formulae and
of the wave associated with a
mass particle in terms of
applied accelerating potential

C125.States the Heisenberg

LO6. Analyses and uncertainty principle and
interprets data, interprets the principle using
graphs, and figures, the de-Broglie hypothesis and
and draws Born's probability
conclusion interpretation of matter
waves of mass particle

LO12. Takes
C126.Describes JJ Thomson's
initiative to learn
plum pudding model of an
about the newer
CLO67.Takes the initiative to atom and states basic features
VIII. Atoms and research,
understand historical of Rutherford's model of an
nuclei Models of atom discoveries and
experiments related to the atom as proposed by
inventions in
12. Atoms atomic models Rutherford

LO7. Handles tools C127.Studies the alpha

and laboratory particle scattering experiment

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apparatus properly; and plots the graph between
measures physical the number of scattered alpha
quantities using particles versus their
appropriate scattering angles
instruments, and

C128.Recognises the basic

LO12. Takes features of Rutherford
initiative to learn scattering experiment that
about the newer CLO68.Explains the nature of lead to Rutherford's model of
Electron orbits research, electron orbits basis atom and derives the
discoveries and Rutherford model of atom expression for radii of
inventions in electron orbits and total
Physics energy of electrons around the
nucleus of an atom

VIII. Atoms and LO4. Explains

C129.Identifies the conditions
nuclei processes,
under which an atom can get
phenomena and
12. Atoms excited and emit radiations of
laws with the CLO69.Explains the
specific wavelengths and
Atomic spectra understanding of characteristics of atomic
defines emission and
the relationship spectra of hydrogen atom
absorption spectrum of
between nature and
hydrogen atom containing
matter on scientific
single electron

LO4. Explains CLO70.Takes initiative to C130.Defines spectral lines as

Spectral series of processes, study the details of simplest sets of definite wavelengths of
hydrogen atom phenomena and atomic spectra of hydrogen radiations emitted by an
laws with the atom excited atom

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understanding of C131.Defines Balmer series
the relationship for the hydrogen atom and
between nature and identifies specific wavelengths
matter on scientific of the spectral lines that
basis constitute Balmer series and
states their empirical formula

C132.Defines Lyman series,

Lyman formula and
recognises that Lyman series
of the spectrum lies in UV

C133.Defines Pfund series,

LO4. Explains and Pfund formula and
processes, recognises that the Pfund
phenomena and series of the spectrum lies in
CLO70.Takes initiative to
laws with the infrared region
Spectral series of study the details of simplest
understanding of
hydrogen atom atomic spectra of hydrogen
the relationship C134.Defines Brackett series,
between nature and Brackett formula and
VIII. Atoms and
matter on scientific recognises that the Brackett
basis series of the spectrum lies in
12. Atoms infra-red region

LO6. Analyses and C135.Recognises the reason

interprets data, CLO71.States and explains for the failure of Rutherford
graphs, and figures, why Rutherford nuclear model of the atom that was
Bohr model of
and draws model failed and how Bohr based on the classical theory
conclusion model was a better model of of electromagnetism
LO5. Derives C136.States the postulates of

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formulae and Bohr's model of atom and
equations derives the formula for
angular momentum of
electron in an nth orbit, the
radius of orbiting electron and
total energy of an electron in
stable energy states in an
atom basis the Bohr's atomic

LO4. Explains
C137.Defines and derives the
phenomena and
CLO72.Identifies the energy various possible energy states
laws with the
levels of single electron in the of hydrogen atoms as per
Energy levels understanding of
hydrogen atom as per Bohr Bohr model of atom and
the relationship
model defines ionisation energy of
between nature and
hydrogen atom
matter on scientific

C138.Derives the Rydberg

formula for the spectral lines
LO5. Derives CLO73.Explains line spectra
Line spectra of of the hydrogen atom and
formulae and of hydrogen atom basis
Hydrogen atom depicts the spectral series of
equations Bohr's postulates
VIII. Atoms and hydrogen atom using an
nuclei energy level diagram
12. Atoms
LO4. Explains C139.Explains the stability of
De-Broglie CLO74.Takes initiative to
processes, electron in its discrete orbit
Explanation of understand de-Broglie
phenomena and due to the formation of the
quantisation explanation of Bohr postulate
laws with the resonant standing wave of
condition of Bohr of quantisation of angular
understanding of definite frequency and applies

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 103

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
model the relationship momentum the de Broglie equation to
between nature and prove the validity of the
matter on scientific quantisation of angular
basis momentum as proposed by
Bohr's second postulate

C140.Recognises the failure of

LO6. Analyses and the Bohr model to explain the
interprets data, atomic structure of multi-
graphs, and figures, electron atoms like that of
and draws helium and relative intensities
conclusion of various frequencies in the

LO3. Uses
International C141.Defines the atomic mass
system of units (SI unit, and atomic number and
Units), symbols, states the weighted average of
nomenclature of atomic masses of the isotopes
physical quantities of chlorine and hydrogen
CLO75.States the units for
and formulations, atoms
measurements of masses of
VIII. Atoms and conventions
Atomic masses sub atomic particles and
nuclei and Discovery of takes initiative to study the
C142.Takes initiative to
13. Nuclei neutron LO3. Uses historical experimental
understand the historical
International approaches undertaken to
experiment conducted by
system of units (SI identify and discover neutron
Chadwick that led to the
Units), symbols,
discovery of neutrons and
nomenclature of
states the mass of neutron in
physical quantities
terms of atomic mass units
and formulations,
and the formula for the radius
of the nucleus

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 104

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

LO4. Explains
processes, C143.Defines mass defect in
phenomena and terms of difference in masses
laws with the between nucleons and nucleus
understanding of and applies Einstein's mass-
the relationship energy equivalence equation
between nature and to calculate the energy
CLO76.Explains the nature
matter on scientific associated with a nucleus
Mass energy and type of energy that binds
equivalence the nucleons inside the
C144.Defines binding energy
of a nucleus and binding
energy per nucleon and plots
the graph between binding
VIII. Atoms and energy per nucleon as a
nuclei LO6. Analyses and function of mass numbers of
interprets data, various atomic nuclei
13. Nuclei
graphs, and figures,
and draws C145.States the important
conclusion characteristics of nuclear
CLO77.Describes the forces and plots and analyses
Nuclear forces important characteristics of the graph between the
nuclear forces potential energy of a pair of
nucleons versus their distance
of separation

LO4. Explains C146.Defines nuclear fission

processes, CLO78.Describes nuclear reaction with examples of
Nuclear fission phenomena and fission as breaking up of large Uranium-235 nucleus
laws with the nucleus into smaller nuclei triggered by slow-moving
understanding of neutron and derives the Q
the relationship value of nuclear fission

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 105

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
between nature and reaction of U235 as ~200 MeV
matter on scientific per fissioning nucleus

LO7. Handles tools

and laboratory
apparatus properly;
measures physical C147.Describes the
quantities using construction and principle of
appropriate working of nuclear reactor
VIII. Atoms and instruments, and CLO78.Describes nuclear
nuclei Nuclear fission devices fission as breaking up of large
13. Nuclei nucleus into smaller nuclei
C148.Defines nuclear fusion
reaction with examples of
LO4. Explains fusion reactions between
processes, protons, deuterium and
phenomena and tritium and defines
laws with the thermonuclear fusion
understanding of reactions
the relationship
between nature and C149.States the working of
CLO79.Takes initiative to
Vacuum tubes and matter on scientific vacuum tubes and states how
IX. Electronic understand the history of
semiconductor basis solid-state semiconductor
devices development of
devices devices allows the controlled
semiconductor electronics
14. Semiconductor flow of electrons
materials, devices Conductors, LO2. Differentiates C150.Classifies solids as
CLO80.Classifies solids as
and simple circuits semiconductors between certain conductors, semiconductors
conductors, semiconductors
and insulators physical quantities and insulators on the basis of
and insulators on the basis of
the relative values of

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 106

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
resistivities and energy bands resistivity and on the basis of
the energy bands and energy
level diagrams

LO4. Explains C151.Defines and

processes, differentiates between
phenomena and valence and conduction
Conductors, laws with the energy bands of the valence
semiconductors understanding of electrons of the solids and
and insulators the relationship explains the band theory of
between nature and solids using the concept of
matter on scientific energy gap between valence
basis band and conduction band

C152.Recognises the purest

form of semiconductor solids
as intrinsic semiconductors,
CLO81.Explains the lattice defines intrinsic carrier
LO4. Explains structure and behaviour of concentration and recognises
IX. Electronic processes, intrinsic semiconductors the total electric current
devices phenomena and through intrinsic
laws with the semiconductors as the sum of
14. Semiconductor understanding of electron and hole current
electronics: the relationship
materials, devices between nature and C153.Explains how doping of
and simple circuits matter on scientific an intrinsic semiconductor
CLO82.Explains how intrinsic
basis results in an extrinsic
Extrinsic semiconductors can be
semiconductor and identifies
semiconductors converted into extrinsic
two types of extrinsic
semiconductors as n-type and

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 107

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes

C154.Identifies and defines

the new energy levels created
due to doping in
semiconductors as donor
energy levels and acceptor
energy levels and explains the
energy band diagrams of n-
type and p-type
semiconductors using
schematic diagrams

C155.Explains how a pn
junction is produced, states
how a depletion region is
CLO83.Defines and describes formed across the pn junction
pn junction as the basic and explains how a potential
pn junction
building block of barrier is produced across the
semiconductor devices pn junction due to diffusion of
majority carriers and drifting
of minority carriers across the

LO6. Analyses and

C156.Describes the behaviour
interprets data,
IX. Electronic CLO84.Extrapolates the of the pn junction diode under
graphs, and figures,
devices understanding of pn junction the application of an external
Forward and and draws
to create a pn diode and forward bias and reverse bias
14. Semiconductor reverse biased pn conclusion
electronics: describes its behaviour under
materials, devices LO7. Handles tools the effect of forward and C157.Takes the initiative to
and simple circuits and laboratory reverse external bias perform the experiment to
apparatus properly; study and plot the VI
measures physical characteristics of pn junction

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 108

NCERT Learning Content domain specific
Unit and Chapter Key Concept Indicators
Outcomes Learning Outcomes
quantities using diode and defines threshold
appropriate voltage, reverse saturation
apparatus, current and dynamic
instruments, and resistance using VI
devices characteristic graph of pn
junction diode

C158.States the role of the pn

LO6. Analyses and
junction diode in a rectifier,
interprets data,
describes the circuit used and
graphs, and figures,
plots the graphs of input and
and draws
output waveforms of half
wave rectifier
CLO85.Explains the working
LO4. Explains
Rectifiers of the pn junction diode as a
rectifier in electronic circuits
phenomena and C159.Describes the circuit
laws with the used as full wave rectifier and
understanding of plots the graphs of input and
the relationship output waveforms of full wave
between nature and rectifier
matter on scientific

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 109


“The pedagogical practices should be learner centric. It is expected of a teacher to ensure an atmosphere for students to feel free to ask
questions. They would promote active learning among students with a focus on reflections, connecting with the world around them, creating
and constructing knowledge. The role of a teacher should be that of a facilitator who would encourage collaborative learning and development
of multiple skills through the generous use of resources via diverse approaches for transacting the curriculum.”
[CBSE Curriculum for classes 11-12]

NCERT higher secondary stage learning outcomes document provides a common set of pedagogical processes for each subject. Keeping these as
guidelines, specific pedagogical processes and assessment strategies for a topic from one chapter each from classes 11 and 12 have been developed
as suggestions and are shared in this section. These instances of pedagogical processes and assessment strategies should enable teachers to derive
principles for making the alignment between learning outcomes, pedagogical practices and assessment in their classrooms and to use these for
creating their lesson plans. The key principles considered while designing the pedagogical processes and assessment strategies are the following:
1. Keeping learner at the centre
● Since new knowledge is built over existing knowledge, both pedagogy and assessment should focus on students’ pre-requisite knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and beliefs that they bring in a classroom setting.
● Constructivist approaches to learning with the student being at the centre of the learning process as an active constructor of knowledge
must be emphasized.
● Since students effectively learn by doing, classroom processes should involve activities, analysis and discussions. Systematic
experimentation as a tool to discover/verify theoretical principles must be included.
2. Focusing on learning outcomes
● Learning outcomes indicate what a student will be able to do at the end of an instruction unit by precisely breaking down broad goals of
Physics Education (apply reasoning to develop conceptual understanding, develop process skills and experimental, observational,
manipulative, decision-making and investigatory skills, etc.) to more measurable and observable behaviour for each class.
● Students learn better when the method of teaching, learning activities and assessment strategies are all aligned well with the learning
outcomes. Pedagogical processes and assessment strategies should be aligned to both content domains and cognitive skills as mentioned
in this document earlier.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 110

3. Making effective use of assessments
● Assessment should be viewed as an integral part of pedagogy and it should focus on giving timely individualized feedback to students.
Quality formative assessment should be designed as it helps to modulate students’ understanding of their own learning and helps teachers
adapt their pedagogy based on students’ actual learning.
● Multiple modes of assessment including portfolios, project work, presentations, and written and oral assignments should be used to reflect
the individual capacities of a student.
4. Creating a social and inclusive learning environment
● Cooperative and peer-supported teaching-learning activities should be used to empower students to take charge of their own learning.
● Peer assessment involving students assessing the work of their peers against set assessment criteria should be used.
● Specific pedagogical processes should be used in the classroom that would help those students who may face learning difficulties including
language, visual-spatial, or mixed processing problems.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 111

Content unit: 14. Oscillations Chapter: Simple harmonic motion Topic: Kinematics of Simple harmonic motion
Table 7.1 Suggested pedagogical processes and assessment strategies for Class 11

Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies

Graphs like a sine wave or a cosine

C737 Recognizes the wave should be used to illustrate the
condition that classifies periodic nature of the motion of a Given below are two graphs representing a
an oscillatory motion as body. logarithmic and an exponential function.
simple harmonic motion Teacher can conclude that any
Explains the State reasons why neither of these functions
complete and graphs can represent a body moving in
kinematics and functions like a sine, a cosine simple harmonic motion.
dynamics of function, and their linear
simple combinations can be used to
harmonic C738 Identifies the represent a periodic motion.
motion displacement function of
simple harmonic motion The teacher identifies SHM as a
as sinusoidal special case of periodic motion,
where the displacement of the body
in a periodic motion is a continuous
and sinusoidal function of time.

C739 Defines phase With the help of a simple What is the phase difference between two
constant, time period, demonstration of a simple pendulum oscillating bodies in SHM, with object 1
amplitude and angular (a small metal ball tied to a long starting its motion from the mean position
frequency for a body in string) the variations in the versus object 2 starting its motion from the

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 112

Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
simple harmonic motion displacement and velocity of the bob extreme position.
at extreme and mean positions can be
As a classroom activity, let the
students can record the data of
displacement (in terms of the
amplitude) versus time (in terms of
fraction of the time-period, that is at
0, T/4, T/2, 3T/3 and T).
The students can be encouraged to
plot a graph (displacement versus
time) to depict the nature of motion
Explains the
executed by an oscillating pendulum.
kinematics and From the graph, identify and
dynamics of correlate with the various
simple parameters associated with the
harmonic oscillating pendulum, that is, time
motion period, frequency, phase angle and

From the graphs that are plotted by

C740 States the equation
the students, let the students identify Students can be asked to reduce the different
for the displacement of a
the suitable sinusoidal functions in a form that is similar to the
body in simple harmonic
function/equation that can be used to equation of simple harmonic motion and
motion in terms of phase
represent the oscillatory motion of identify the various parameters of SHM.
and angular frequency
the bob.

C741 Plots the position- The teacher can state the most Question:
time graph of body in suitable sinusoidal function to From the given equations below, identify the
simple harmonic motion represent the simple harmonic time period, frequency, phase angle and

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 113

Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
motion of a body. From the equation amplitude of the body in SHM.
of the SHM, identify different 1. x = 4cos(1.33t+π/5)
components, like amplitude, angular
frequency and time period of the 2. x = A sin ωt + B cos ωt
body in SHM.

Students can be encouraged to write

all the possible sinusoidal functions
and their combinations that can be
used to denote the simple harmonic

C742 Compares the In order to understand the

CLO124. graphical plots of motion correlation between the graphical The students can be asked to depict the
Explains the of two bodies in simple representation and the actual SHM of following two SHMs using sinusoidal graphs
complete harmonic motion with an oscillating body, the students can on a common scale, on a single graph.
kinematics and different amplitudes be encouraged to plot multiple
a. Amplitude A, frequency ω, time period T
dynamics of graphs (displacement versus time)
simple on the common scale to represent b. Amplitude 2A, frequency 2ω, time period
C743 Compares the
harmonic different SHMs for the comparison T/2
graphical plots of motion
motion of two bodies in simple sake:
harmonic motion with a
a. SHM 1 with amplitude A. SHM 2
phase difference
with amplitude 2A.

b. SHM 1 with amplitude A. SHM 2

C744 Compares the with amplitude A begins its
graphical plots of motion oscillatory motion after T/4 time
of two bodies in simple interval.
harmonic motion with c. SHM 1 with amplitude A and time
different time periods period T. SHM 2 with amplitude A
and time period 2T (it oscillates

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 114

Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
slower and takes double time to
complete one oscillation).

For each of the above cases, the

CLO124. teacher can do the demonstration of
Explains the the oscillatory motion using the
complete simple pendulum. It is important for
kinematics and the students to be able to associate
dynamics of the actual motion with the graphical
simple representations.
C745 Proves
motion The teacher can take examples like
mathematically that a
the ones given below and using As an assessment strategy, the students can
displacement equation
Trigonometric identities, express be asked to categorize the following functions
with combination of sine
these functions in the standard as Periodic only OR both periodic and simple
and cosine functions
format of simple harmonic function, harmonic OR Non-periodic motion.
represent the simple
that is, Asin(ωt+φ).
harmonic motion

1. sinωt + cos ωt a. sin3ωt

2. sinωt – cosωt b. e(-ωt)
Explains the The students should be encouraged c. cosωt +cos2ωt
complete to estimate the time period,
d. A sin ωt + B cos2ωt
kinematics and amplitude and phase angle in each of
dynamics of the above instances. e. sin2ωt
harmonic The teacher can take another
motion example of a function like:
3. sin2ωt
Using the approach similar as

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 115

Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
previous, the students can be
encouraged to conclude that
functions like the above do represent
motion but NOT a simple harmonic

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 116

Content unit: VI. Optics Chapter: 9. Ray optics and optical instruments Topic: Reflection of light by spherical mirrors

Table 7.2. Suggested pedagogical processes and assessment strategies for Class 12

Learning outcomes Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies

The teacher can ask students to

C133. Recalls and defines mark these terms in a diagram for a
CLO92. Recalls the the terms pole, centre of concave mirror after defining these
technical terms curvature, principal axis, The terms related to the geometry of the for a convex mirror.
defined for spherical and normal for spherical spherical mirrors should be illustrated by
mirrors mirrors Teacher can ask the students to
cutting a hollow ball (plastic/rubber)
deduce from the ball activity
CLO93. Uses the C134. Uses the Cartesian along a plane. This would help the
correct sign sign convention for students visualize the terms like pole,
convention for spherical mirrors and centre and radius of curvature. Will the aperture of a spherical
mirrors and lenses lenses based on the mirror be greater, equal or smaller
direction of incident light than twice the radius of curvature of
the mirror?

Students should be asked to work in

The discussion based on the
C135. Defines principal small groups and make a cross-section of
observations from the activity with
CLO94. Defines focus focus, focal plane and a spherical mirror by bending an
the curved aluminium sheet can
for spherical mirrors focal length for paraxial aluminium sheet along the cylindrical
start with students answering some
rays for spherical surface. They should use a parallel beam
CLO95. Derives the of the following questions:
mirrors of bright light (obtained using a convex
relationship lens and bright lamp or using sunlight) to Does the parallel beam of light get
between focal length C136. Derives the see how the metal foil focuses the light focused to a point?
and radius of relationship between beam. They should be encouraged to
curvature for focal length and radius of How does the pattern of the
change the radius of curvature of the foil
spherical mirrors curvature for spherical reflected light change on changing
and notice how the pattern of the
mirrors the radius of curvature of the foil?
reflected light changes.
How does the pattern change if the
This would help them understand the

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 117

Learning outcomes Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
need for the approximation of paraxial incident light beam is narrowed?
rays better for defining a focal point for How does the location of the focused
spherical mirrors. light change on changing the radius
The teacher should derive the of curvature of the foil?
relationship between focal length and The students should be asked to
radius of curvature for a convex mirror. derive the relationship between
focal length and radius of curvature
for a concave mirror immediately
after the teacher had shown them
the derivation for the convex mirror.

C137. Explains an optical

CLO96. Explains the image as a point-to-point The students should be asked to use
concept of an image correspondence with the convex and concave lenses to look at After the discussion in the class, the
in ray optics object through reflection objects through them, to try obtaining students can be asked to write a
or refraction images on a wall or a sheet of paper. They note on ‘how we can see virtual
CLO97. Distinguishes should be asked to put down their images even if these are not formed
between real and C138. Distinguishes observations and questions arising out of on a screen’.
virtual images between real and virtual this activity.

The whole group should discuss the

observations and the questions together
with the teacher.
This discussion can be used by the
teacher to clarify the distinction between
real and virtual images, and also to
explain how we see virtual images.

CLO98. Draws ray C139. Draws the The teacher should show how to draw 1. Students should record their
diagram to convenient incident and the ray diagrams for one object position observations from their ray
determine the reflected rays to each for a convex and a concave mirror. diagrams in the following format:

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 118

Learning outcomes Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
position of the image determine the position of Students should then be asked to draw <object position>: beyond C, at C,
of an object the image of an object the images of objects at other positions between C and F, at F, between F and
for both kinds of mirrors. mirror
The students should be asked to verify <distance of the image, relative size
each of their recordings about images of the image and nature of the image
from the ray diagrams using actual for all above object positions>
convex and concave mirrors, and a pencil 2. What happens if you use three
as an object. construction rays to draw the ray
diagram for image formation in a
perfectly spherical concave mirror –
do they meet at a single point?

CLO99. Derives the The derivation of the mirror equation

C140. Derives the mirror should first be attempted by the students The students should be asked to
mirror equation for
equation for spherical in small groups before the teacher verify for themselves (as homework)
spherical mirrors
mirrors explains the whole derivation. This would if the mirror equation for concave
CLO100. Derives the enable students to apply their prior mirrors is the same as that derived
C141. Derives the
magnification understanding of ray diagrams and their by the teacher for the convex
magnification formula
formula for spherical knowledge of high school geometry to mirrors.
for spherical mirrors
mirrors solve a new problem.

The students should be asked to solve

problems set in real-life contexts, e.g. The students should be asked to
checking the variation in apparent speed obtain image distance and image
C142. Uses mirror
CLO101. Solves of an approaching vehicle as seen in the size for 3-4 cases using both (a)
equation and
problems related to rear view mirror of a car, or the mirror equation and magnification
magnification formula to
image formation by magnification obtained by the use of a formula, and (b) scaled ray
solve problems related
spherical mirrors concave mirror by a dentist. In such diagrams. They should compare the
to image formation by
algebraically problems, the values of focal lengths or accuracy of the results from ray
spherical mirrors
distances should be close to as found in diagrams to the ones obtained
authentic situations. Students can even algebraically.
be asked to choose these values in small

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 119

Learning outcomes Indicators Pedagogical processes Assessment strategies
groups for themselves and solve the

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 120



The test papers for the final examination for class 12 should be balanced in terms of their coverage of content domains, cognitive domains and
types of questions. However, the blueprint governing the design of the test papers should not be very rigid and should provide sufficient latitude
to the paper setter so that the focus while setting the paper remains on the quality of questions and the overall balance of the test paper. Keeping
this in mind, the following blueprint tables have provided ranges of numbers instead of absolute numbers for some of the criteria of the test paper

Table 8.1. Distribution of marks across content domains Table 8.2. Distribution of marks across cognitive domains

Marks Marks
Content domain Cognitive domain
distribution distribution

Electrostatics Remember 15-20

Current electricity Understand 20-25

Magnetic effects of current and magnetism Apply 15-20

Electromagnetic induction and alternating 16-20

Analyse, Evaluate and Create 10-15

Electromagnetic waves Total 70


Dual nature of radiation and matter

Atoms and nuclei 16-20

Electronic devices

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 121

Total 70

Table 8.3. Distribution of marks across types of questions

Question type

MCQs with single option or multiple

options as correct answer

Very short answer questions with 1 mark 8-10

Short answer questions with 2 or 3 marks 25-30

Long answer questions (including

structured questions with sub-questions) 20-25
with 4 or 5 marks

Total 70

Other details of the test paper

● Maximum marks: 70
● Duration of the test (writing time): 3 hours
● Time given for reading the test paper: 15 minutes Total word count of the questions: 1600-2200 words

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 122

A key component of the Physics curriculum for classes 11-12 is practical work related to the concepts and principles covered in the content
domains. Along with discovering or verifying results covered in the curriculum, students are also expected to acquire and practice process skills
related to science. The learning outcomes for the curriculum as listed in Chapter 5, include the following 3 learning outcomes which are especially
relevant for practical work in Physics.
LO7. Handles tools and laboratory apparatus properly; measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus, instruments, and devices
LO8. Plans and conducts investigations and experiments to arrive at and verify the facts, principles, phenomena, and relationship between
physical quantities, or to seek answers to queries on their own
LO9. Communicates the findings and conclusions in oral/written/ICT form that shows critical thinking.
Students are expected to conduct experiments, do practical activities and investigative projects throughout the course of 2 years, and are also
required to take a practical examination at the end of each year.

Table 9.1. Distribution of marks for the practical examination

Activity Distribution of marks

Two experiments, one from each section 7+7

Practical record [experiments and activities] 5

One activity from any section 3

Investigatory project 3

Viva on experiments, activities and project 5

Total 30

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 123

The practical record to be submitted by the students at the time of final examination has to include:
● Record of at least 12 experiments [with 6 from each section], to be performed by the student
● Record of at least 6 Activities [with 3 each from section A and section B], to be performed by the student
● Report of the project to be carried out by the student
The lists of suggested experiments, practical activities and investigative projects that students are expected to work on throughout the course
are given below for both classes 11 and 12.


1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body and to measure internal diameter and depth of a given beaker/calorimeter using
Vernier Callipers and hence find its volume
2. To measure diameter of a given wire and thickness of a given sheet using screw gauge
3. To determine volume of an irregular lamina using screw gauge
4. To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a spherometer
5. To determine the mass of two different objects using a beam balance
6. To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of vectors
7. Using a simple pendulum, plot its L-T2 graph and use it to find the effective length of second's pendulum
8. To study variation of time period of a simple pendulum of a given length by taking bobs of same size but different masses and interpret the
9. To study the relationship between force of limiting friction and normal reaction and to find the co- efficient of friction between a block and a
horizontal surface
10. To find the downward force, along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to gravitational pull of the earth and study its relationship with
the angle of inclination θ by plotting graph between force and sin θ

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 124

1. To determine Young's modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire
2. To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension
3. To study the variation in volume with pressure for a sample of air at constant temperature by plotting graphs between P and V, and between
P and 1/V
4. To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method
5. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a given spherical body
6. To study the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a cooling curve
7. To determine specific heat capacity of a given solid by method of mixtures
8. To study the relation between frequency and length of a given wire under constant tension using sonometer
9. To study the relation between the length of a given wire and tension for constant frequency using sonometer
10. To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube by two resonance positions

1. To make a paper scale of given least count, e.g., 0.2 cm, 0.5 cm
2. To determine mass of a given body using a metre scale by principle of moments
3. To plot a graph for a given set of data, with proper choice of scales and error bars
4. To measure the force of limiting friction for rolling of a roller on a horizontal plane
5. To study the variation in range of a projectile with angle of projection
6. To study the conservation of energy of a ball rolling down on an inclined plane (using a double inclined plane)
7. To study dissipation of energy of a simple pendulum by plotting a graph between square of amplitude and time

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 125

1. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax
2. To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip
3. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the observations
4. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water by observing capillary rise
5. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid
6. To study the effect of load on depression of a suitably clamped metre scale loaded at (i) its end (ii) in the middle
7. To observe the decrease in pressure with increase in velocity of a fluid


1. To determine resistivity of two / three wires by plotting a graph for potential difference versus current
2. To find resistance of a given wire / standard resistor using metre bridge
3. To verify the laws of combination (series) of resistances using a metre bridge OR To verify the laws of combination (parallel) of resistances
using a metre bridge
4. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of merit
5. To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same OR To
convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into an ammeter of desired range and to verify the same
6. To find the frequency of AC mains with a sonometer

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 126

1. To find the value of v for different values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find the focal length
2. To find the focal length of a convex mirror, using a convex lens
3. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graphs between u and v or between 1/u and 1/v
4. To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens
5. To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of incidence and angle of deviation
6. To determine refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope
7. To find refractive index of a liquid by using convex lens and plane mirror
8. To draw the I-V characteristic curve for a p-n junction diode in forward bias and reverse bias

1. To measure the resistance and impedance of an inductor with or without iron core
2. To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of a given circuit using multimeter
3. To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches, a fuse and a power source
4. To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit
5. To study the variation in potential drop with length of a wire for a steady current
6. To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components
that are not connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram
1. To identify a diode, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection of such items

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 127

2. Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and check whether a given electronic component (e.g., diode) is
in working order
3. To study effect of intensity of light (by varying distance of the source) on an LDR
4. To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on a glass slab
5. To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit
6. To study the nature and size of the image formed by a (i) convex lens, (ii) concave mirror, on a screen by using a candle and a screen (for
different distances of the candle from the lens/mirror)
7. To obtain a lens combination with the specified focal length by using two lenses from the given set of lenses

1. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends
2. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used
to 'illuminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance) (b) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to 'illuminate'
the LDR
3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive
index) and an adjustable object needle
4. To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii) number of turns in the secondary coil and primary coil of
a self- designed transformer
5. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled one by one, with different
transparent fluids
6. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of
Coulomb's law
7. To study the factor on which the self-inductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coil, when put in series with a resistor/(bulb)
in a circuit fed up by an A.C. source of adjustable frequency

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 128


Chapter name 1.Units and measurement

Marking Rubric

Dimensional analysis can be employed for checking the dimensional consistency of the physical equations and realising that
Essential Idea dimensionally incorrect equation is definitely incorrect whereas on the other hand a dimensionally correct equation may
not be exact or accurate.

Given dimensional formulae of = [M1L3T-2] ; G = [M-1L3T-2] and c = [MoL1T-1], identify the dimensionally correct
Item Stem 4𝜋𝑔𝑜
equations using these constants amongst the following.

LHS, dimensional formula of l = [MoL1To]

1 𝐺𝑒 2 RHS, substituting the dimensional formulae of c, G and , gives [L].
Correct answer l∝ √ 4𝜋𝑔𝑜
𝑐2 4𝜋𝑔𝑜
Dimensionally consistent equation.

On substituting the dimensions on RHS, and solving for the dimensions,

𝐺𝑒 2
Distractor 1 l ∝ 𝑐2√ RHS = [MoL5T-4]
LHS ≠ RHS, so incorrect option

On substituting the dimensions on RHS, and solving for the dimensions,

1 𝐺𝑒 2
Distractor 2 𝑙 ∝ √ RHS = [M1L-2T2]
𝑐 2 4𝜋𝑔𝑜
LHS ≠ RHS, so incorrect option

𝐺 𝑒2 On substituting the dimensions on RHS, and solving for the dimensions,

Distractor 3 𝑙 ∝ √
𝑐 2 4𝜋𝑔𝑜 RHS = [M-1/2L5/2T-1]

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 129

LHS ≠ RHS, so incorrect option

Chapter name 2. Motion in a straight line

Uniform and non-uniformly accelerated motion of a body along a straight line are represented using displacement–time
Essential Idea
and velocity-time graphs. On the other hand, the shapes of the motion graphs are interpreted to deduce the nature of the
motion and thereby know the various kinematic variables associated with the motion.

A to & fro trip made by a tourist bus are recorded in the form of position-time graph as shown here.

Item stem

a. What is the average velocity (magnitude and direction) during each of the segments A, B and C as marked here?
b. Sketch a corresponding velocity-time graph of the tourist bus.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

a. Average velocity along A: (10-40)/1.5 = - 30/1.5 = - 20 km/hr

A possible
The negative sign indicates the Bus is moving opposite to reference direction.
complete 3
answer: Average velocity along B: (20-10)/1 = 10 km/hr. The bus is moving along the reference

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 130

Average velocity along C: (40-20)/0.5 = 20/0.5 = 40 km/hr. The bus is moving along the
reference direction.
b. The corresponding velocity-time graph of the bus:

a. The calculation of the average velocity for each segment using the formula: Average velocity 0.5 mark for each
= total distance travelled/total time taken. calculation along
Significance of + and – sign in the average velocity value. with the mention of
break up
correct direction of
Average velocity along segment A = -20 km/h Average velocity along segment B = 10 km/h
Average velocity along segment C = 40 km/h

0.5 mark for each

b. Sketch of the velocity time graph for three segments of the motion of the bus. segment of velocity
time graph

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 131

Essential Idea Linear equations of motion of a uniformly accelerated body relate the 5 kinematic variables associated with the linear
2 motion of the body, that is., displacement S, time t, initial velocity u, final velocity v and uniform acceleration, a.

Suri begins to ride his car from rest, with velocity increasing linearly with time as v = kt, where k = 2. What is the distance
Item Stem
covered by Suri in metres within the first 5 seconds of his ride?

Correct k here corresponds to acceleration of Suri’s car.

answer So use S = ut + ½ at2

Distractor 1 2 Incorrect comparison of equation v = kt, with v = d/t

Distractor 2 10 Incorrect use of equation v = kt, here v represents velocity and not distance.

Distractor 3 50 Incorrect calculation using the equation v2-u2 = 2aS

Chapter name 4.Motion in a plane

Essential Idea Motion in a plane is considered as a combination of two separate simultaneous one-dimensional motions along two
1 perpendicular directions. Equations of linear accelerated or uniform motion, apply to each of the individual motions.

An airplane in its ascending flight has initial components of speed and accelerations along x- and y- axis as given here:

ux ax uy ay

10 m/s 20 m/s2 8 m/s 10 m/s2

Item stem
Take the directions of upwards and to the right as positive.
a. Determine the final velocities along x- and y- axis after 5 seconds of the flight.
b. What is the magnitude and direction of the final velocity of the airplane after 5 seconds?

Marking Rubric

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 132

Part Description Marks

a. Final velocity along x- axis: vx = ux+ axt

vx = 10 + 20. 5= 110 m/s
Final velocity along y- axis: vy = uy+ ayt
A possible vy = 8 + 10. 5= 58 m/s
complete b. Net final velocity after 5 seconds: 4
𝑣2+ 𝑣2
v=√ = √1102 + 582 ~ 124 𝑚/𝑠
𝑥 𝑦

Direction of final velocity: tanθ = vy/vx = 58/110 = 0.52

θ = tan-1 0.52

a. Calculation of final velocity along x- axis using equation of motion: vx = ux + axt 1
break up

a. Calculation of final velocity along y- axis using equation of motion: vy = uy + ayt 1

b. Calculation of final net velocity:

Magnitude of final velocity: using the formula:
𝑣2+ 𝑣2
𝑥 𝑦

b. Direction of final velocity using the formula: tanθ = vy/vx 1

A projectile is a body that is either dropped from a height or projected with an initial velocity. Thereon the projectile
moves freely under the
Essential Idea
2 effect of gravity. The path followed by the projectile is parabolic and the various quantities like maximum height
attained, horizontal range covered and the time of flight are obtained by considering its flight as a motion in two

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 133

A diver dives from a cliff that is 50 m high. Rocks extend horizontally to about 20 m from the foot of the cliff. What should
Item Stem be the minimum horizontal speed with which the diver should take off the cliff while diving to just miss hitting the rocks
at the bottom? Take g = 10 m/s2

Find the time of flight in the vertical direction. t = θ10 s

20/√10 m/s In the same time, use v = x/t for horizontal motion, where x is 10 m and t is time of flight.
v = 20/√10 m/s

Distractor 1 √10/20 m/s Incorrect transposition of the values while calculating horizontal uniform speed.

Distractor 2 √1000 This is final velocity along the vertical direction.

Distractor 3 10√10 This is the speed obtained if the horizontal motion is considered accelerated under the effect of g.

Chapter name 5. Laws of motion

Newton's second law gives a quantitative expression to the force and its effect on the body. When multiple forces act on
Essential Idea
the body, the net resultant force is the vector sum of these concurrent forces acting on the body. The body moves in the
direction of the net force with an acceleration, governed by the equation, F = ma.

Tim has to pull his injured little brother John on the ice sledge. Considering that there is unavoidable friction between the
sledge and the icy surface, what should we recommend Tim to do for the easy run home:

Item stem

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 134

Should Tim pull the sledge or push the sledge?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

In (a) Tim pushes the sledge with a force F. Resolving the forces, Fcosθ acts to the right. Fsinθ acts
A possible Total force pressing the sledge to the icy surface = Normal reaction on the sledge = W + Fsinθ Friction force
complete f opposing forward force Fcosθ is μ x Normal reaction = μ(W + Fsinθ) 3
The net force that moves the sledge forward is = Fcosθ - μ(W + Fsinθ) …(1)
In (b) Tim pulls the sledge with a force F. Resolving the forces, Fcosθ acts to the right.

Fsinθ acts upwards.

Total force pressing the sledge to the icy surface = Normal reaction on the sledge = W - Fsinθ Friction force f
opposing forward force Fcosθ is μ x Normal reaction = μ(W - Fsinθ)
The net force that moves the sledge forward is = Fcosθ - μ(W - Fsinθ) …(2)
Comparing eqn (1) and (2), we see that for the same force F applied by Tim, it’s the pull that will result in
effective force acting on sledge and hence the make it an easier run home!

In case of the push:

Stepwise Calculation of friction opposing the motion of the sledge and the net force that moves the sledge forward.
break up Friction force = μ(W + Fsinθ)
Net forward force on the sledge = Fcosθ - μ(W + Fsinθ)

In case of the pull:

Calculation of friction opposing the motion of the sledge and the net force that moves the sledge forward.
Friction force = μ(W - Fsinθ)
Net forward force on the sledge = Fcosθ - μ(W - Fsinθ)

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 135

Compare the two net forces and arrive at the final conclusion: Its easier to pull than to push. 1

When net external force acting on a system of bodies is zero, the total momentum of the system is always conserved. In
Essential Idea case of collision, in the absence of external forces, the internal forces that act on the colliding bodies bring about changes
2 in the individual momenta of the colliding bodies, with the net total change in momentum of the colliding bodies being

A and B are two identical balls. Initially, ball A is moving to the right with velocity v and ball B is at rest. Assume all the
collisions that would occur in this illustration are elastic.

Item Stem

Identify the correct statements from the following:

i. A total of three collisions take place
ii. The kinetic energy of the ball A and B gets interchanged after all of the collisions have taken place
iii. The speeds of A and B remain unchanged after all the collisions have taken place
iv. Ball A and B stick and move together after all the collisions have taken place

Ball A collides with B and B collides with wall, rebounds and collides with A again. With each collision
Only i and iii being elastic and the balls being identical, the KE is conserved and speeds are exchanged. So only i and
iii are correct.

Statement iv cannot be true as the sticking together of the balls occurs in a perfectly inelastic collision.
Distractor 1 Only iii and iv
That’s incorrect.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 136

Since the collisions are elastic, KE of ball A is regained as at the start whereas KE of ball B becomes 0,
Distractor 2 Only i and ii
as at the start. So statement ii is incorrect.

Statement iii is true due to the all the collisions being elastic. Statement iv can be true if all the
Distractor 3 Only iii and iv
collisions are perfectly inelastic. Hence statement iv becomes invalid in the given case here.

Chapter name 6. Work energy and power

Essential Idea Work energy theorem states that the total work done by an external force acting on the body is equal to total change
1 produced in the kinetic energy of the body.

A 40 kg skier moving at a speed of 2 m/s begins his 50 m downward slide along an inclined slope. If the friction force of
50 N opposed his motion downwards, determine the speed of the skier at the bottom of the slope. You may take g =

Item stem

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

As per Work energy theorem:

Work done along the slope = Change in KE = Kf – Ki
A possible Ki = ½ mu2 = ½ x 40 x 22 = 80 J
complete 3
answer: W = net force down the slope x displacement along the slope
= (mgsin30 – fr) x 50 = (40 x 10/2 – 50) x 50 = 7500 J Kf = W- Ki = 7500 – 80 = 7420 J
The speed with which the skier will reach the base of the slope: 7420 = ½ mv2

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 137

v2 = 7420 x 2/40 = √371 m/s = 19.2 m/s

Calculation of initial kinetic energy = 80J 0.5
break up

Calculation of total work done on the skier = 7500 J 1

Applying Work energy theorem to determine the final kinetic energy, Kf = 7420 J 0.5

Calculating of the final speed from final kinetic energy, v = √371 m/s 1

Forces like gravitational and electric forces are conservative; forces like friction and air resistance are non-conservative.
Essential Idea
A force is conservative when the work done by it is independent of the path chosen by the moving body and it is zero in
case of a closed path. Non- conservative forces follow the rules to the contrary.

Item Stem Identify a correct statement that illustrates work done by conservative or non-conservative forces.

Gravitational force is a conservative force. Gravitational force acts

Correct Work done by gravitational force on the satellite perpendicular to the motion of the satellite along its circular orbit.
answer moving along a circular path around Earth is zero So, the work done is zero as the angle between force and
displacement is 90. This is a correct statement.

Air resistance always acts opposite to the motion of the body. It is

Work done by air resistance on the body can be
a non-conservative force. Work done by air resistance is always
Distractor 1 positive or negative depending upon whether the
negative irrespective of whether the body is slowing or speeding.
body is slowing or speeding.
This statement is incorrect.

Same work is done by kinetic frictional force on Kinetic frictional force is non-conservative, so work done depends
Distractor 2 the body irrespective of the lengths of the path upon the length of the path chosen. Longer the path the more
chosen between initial and final positions work is done. This statement is incorrect.

Gravitational force is a conservative force and always acts

Gravitational force does negative work on the
vertically downwards. So work done by it is negative if the roller
Distractor 3 roller coaster moving down and positive work on
coaster is moving up and positive if it is moving down. This
the roller coaster when moving up
statement is incorrect.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 138

Chapter name 7. Systems of particles and rotational motion

Angular momentum associated with a particle rotating about a fixed point is defined as moment of linear momentum.
Essential Idea Considering a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis, angular momentum is defined in terms of its angular velocity and
1 moment of inertia about the axis of rotation. In the absence of any external torque acting on the rotating body, the
angular momentum of the rigid body moving about a fixed axis is always conserved.

A disc of radius R and mass M is rotating about the vertical axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane
Item stem with angular velocity ω. A ring of the same dimension but mass 2M is placed very gently on the rotating disc coaxially.
What will be the angular velocity of the system now?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Moment of inertia of disc about an axis as given here: I = ½ MR2

Angular momentum of the disc = Iω = ½ MR2 ω
When the ring is placed on the rotating disc, the total MI of the system becomes:
A possible I’ = ½ MR2 + MR2 = (3/2) MR2
complete 2
answer: Since there is no external torque acting on the system, angular momentum of the system is conserved,
So I’ω’ = Iω
(3/2) MR2 ω’ = ½ MR2ω
So ω’ = ω3

Determine MI and angular momentum of the disc: L = ½ MR2ω 0.5
break up

After the ring is placed on the disc, the MI of the system:

I’ = (3/2) MR2

Applying the law of conservation of angular momentum and finding the final value of angular velocity 1

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The total kinetic energy of the rigid body in rolling motion is attributed to two components: kinetic energy due to linear
motion and kinetic energy due to rotation about its axis.
Essential Idea
2 So the law of conservation of energy in the case when the body is both moving with linear speed and rotating about its
axis includes the sum of the potential energy of the body, kinetic energy due to translational motion and kinetic energy
due to rotational motion.

A body of mass m, starting from rest, slides down the frictionless inclined slope and attains a speed v at the bottom of the
Item Stem slope. Another body of the same mass m, but in the shape of a disc rolls down the same slope. The linear speed of the disc
at the bottom of the slope will be:

Apply conservation of mechanical energy for the sliding body: PE = KE (linear)

h = v2/2g
Apply conservation of mechanical energy for the rolling disc: PE = KE (linear) + KE (rotational)
Correct √2
𝑣 mgh = ½ mv 2 + ½ Iω2
answer 3
Substituting for h, I of disc and v1= rω v1 = v√2

Distractor 1 √3 Incorrect transposition while solving the last equation

Distractor 2 Using incorrect value of MI of the disc

Not considering the rotational kinetic energy of the disc while applying the conservation of mechanical
Distractor 3 v
energy for disc

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 140

Chapter name 8. Gravitation

Taking Earth’s surface as a reference point of gravitational potential energy, when a body is thrown from the surface of
Earth, the law of conservation of energy implies that its kinetic energy keeps getting converted to potential energy as it
Essential Idea
rises up. If the height to which the body rises above the surface of Earth is comparable to the radius (h ~ R) of Earth, then
variation of g with height must be considered. The value of g no longer stays constant over such great heights (h >> R)
from the surface of the Earth.

If a body of mass m is projected vertically upwards from the surface of Earth with a speed v = 0.5ve, where ve is the
Item stem escape velocity of Earth, show that the maximum height to which the body may rise from the surface of Earth is R/3. Here
R is radius of Earth.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Conservation of energy:
A possible ½ mv2 = ℎ , here g has been taken as a function of h
complete 2
answer: Here v = 0.5ve and ve = √2𝑔𝑅 Substituting and transposing
h = R/3

Applying conservation of energy to the body thrown from the surface and considering the variation of g with
Stepwise height
break up 𝑚𝑔ℎ
½ mv2 =

Substituting for the value of escape speed in terms of R and calculating the height h
h = R/3

Essential Idea Kepler’s law of periods states that square the time period of planet revolving around the Sun is directly proportional to
2 cube of average radius of its orbit. This relationship is derived from the fact that the gravitational force of attraction
between any two bodies follows inverse square law and provides the required centripetal force for the planet to revolve

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 141

around the sun.

A planet revolves around an imaginary star under the effect of gravitational force proportional to r-5/2 instead of the usual
Item Stem inverse square law. Suppose the planet follows a circular orbit of radius r and its time period of revolution around the
star is T. How does Kepler’s law of periods modify, if it does, for such an imaginary planet-star system?

Gravitational force provides for centripetal force,

𝑚𝑣 2 𝐾
= 5/2
𝑟 𝑟
Correct 𝑉 2 = 3/2
T2 ∝ r7/2 𝑟
As Time period 𝑇 = ,

substituting for v,
T2 ∝ r7/2

Kepler’s law of period is independent of gravitational force being an inverse square law. This is an
Distractor 1 T 2 ∝ r3
incorrect statement.

As per Kepler’s law of periods, the nature of the dependence of gravitational force is the same as that of
Distractor 2 T2 ∝ r-5/2
T2. This is an incorrect statement.

An error while transposing the power across the equations of centripetal and gravitational force. This is
Distractor 3 T2 ∝ r3/2
an incorrect statement.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 142

Chapter name 9. Mechanical properties of solids

The relation between stress and strain for a given material can be studied experimentally and represented graphically.
Essential Idea
The nature of this graph is of great advantage in understanding the mechanical properties of the material like its strength,
stiffness and hardness.

Stress-strain graphs of two materials 1 and 2 is given below.

Item stem

a. If the 2 materials I and II with the same length and cross-section are subjected to change the dimensions in equal
measure, which one will require greater force? Give reason.
b. Identify the part of graph I wherein the proportionality of stress to strain is lost, the property of elasticity isn’t, and
on the removal of load, the metal will still return to its original dimensions.
c. Identify the point on the graph I such that from this point on, it doesn’t matter if you release the tensile force or apply
a force in the opposite direction, the material will not return to its original dimensions.
d. Ultimate tensile strength is the maximum stress on a material’s stress-strain curve. Identify the Ultimate tensile
strength points in the two materials I and II from the graphs.
e. Toughness of a material is its ability to absorb energy before it is fractured and energy absorbed is given by the area
enclosed by the part CB (Or

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 143

C’B’) and the strain axis. Identify the material that will absorb more energy before failing.
Which one of the two materials is brittle and ductile? Give one example each.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

a. Material I had a greater modulus of elasticity. Hence it will require greater force to bring about the
change in dimensions of the same measure as in II.
b. PE part of the graph: Between the proportionality limit and elastic limit
A possible
complete c. Elastic limit of yield point E 5
answer: d. C and C’
e. Material I
Material I is ductile. Example. Steel wire (any metal) Material II is brittle. Example: Ceramic

a. Material I had a greater modulus of elasticity. Hence it will require greater force to bring about the
change in dimensions of the same measure as in II.

b. PE part of the graph: Between the proportionality limit and elastic limit 0.5
Stepwise c. The elastic limit of yield point E 0.5
break up
d. C and C’ 0.5

e. Material I 0.5 mark

Material I is ductile. Example. Steel wire (any metal) Material II is brittle. Example: Ceramic each point

As per Hooke’s law, stress is directly proportional to strain, considering small deformations. The constant of
Essential Idea
proportionality in this ratio is defined as the elastic modulus of the material that is subjected to the deforming stress. The
three types of elastic moduli: Young modulus, bulk

modulus and shear modulus. The definition of elastic modulus depends upon the nature of the applied deforming force

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 144

and the type of strain it produces in the body.

A rectangular block of rose jelly of dimensions as shown is acted upon by a tangential force of 0.5 N producing a relative
shift of the top layer through 0.005 m with respect to the bottom layer.

Item Stem

The shear modulus of rigidity of the rose jelly is

400 N/m2 Shear modulus = 0.5 x 0.01/[0.05 x 0.05 x 0.005] = 400 N/m2

Incorrect substitution of perpendicular distance between top and bottom layers

Distractor 1 100 N/m2
and shear shift. This is an incorrect answer

Distractor 2 25 x 10-2 m2/N Incorrect definition of shear modulus as strain/stress. This is an incorrect answer

Since shear modulus of fluids is taken as zero, considering jelly as almost a fluid.
Distractor 3 0
This is incorrect answer

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 145

10. Mechanical properties of fluids

Bernoulli’s equation states that in a steady flow of a non-viscous and incompressible fluid of density , the pressure P, the
fluid speed v and the elevation y at two points are related by
Essential 1 𝜌𝑣 2 1 𝜌𝑣 2
Idea 1 𝑃1 + + 𝜌𝑔𝑦1 = 𝑃2 + + 𝜌𝑔𝑦2
2 1 2 2
Points 1 and 2 are selected randomly, so as per the equation, it’s the sum, P + ½ ⍴v2 + ⍴gy, that stays constant at all the
points of the fluid flow.

Tarpaulin covers the cargo that is pulled by the truck. In a stationary truck, the tarpaulin stays flat whereas it bulges out
when the truck is in motion. This is primarily due to the pressure difference between the inside and outside the tarpaulin.

Item stem

If the truck is travelling at a speed of 30 m/s and the density of air is 1.3 kg/m3, how much is the pressure difference
between the inside and outside of the tarpaulin?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Applying Bernoulli’s equation,

P1 + ½ ⍴1v 2 = P2 + ½2 ⍴v 2
A possible
Here P1 and P2 is the pressure inside and outside the tarpaulin respectively and v1 and v2 is the speed of the
complete 2
air inside and outside the tarpaulin respectively
v1 = 0
P1 - P2 = ½ ⍴v 2 = ½2 x 1.3 x 302 = 585 Pa

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 146

For correct equation statement:
Applying Bernoulli’s equation,
P1 + ½ ⍴1v 2 = P2 + ½2 ⍴v 2 1
break up
Here P1 and P2 is the pressure inside and outside the tarpaulin respectively and v1 and v2 is the speed of the
air inside and outside the tarpaulin respectively

For correct calculations and final result: v1 = 0

P1 - P2 = ½ ⍴2v 2 = ½ x 1.3 x 302 = 585 Pa2

Capillarity is a phenomenon of liquids due to which if a tube of the narrow bore is immersed in it, the liquid either ascends
or descends relative to surrounding liquid due to the property of surface tension. The height to which the liquid rises or
Idea 2
falls in the capillary tube is such that force due to surface tension is balanced by the pressure difference.

A liquid rises to a height of 16 cm in a capillary tube of length 20 cm. If a tube of height 12 cm is placed in the same liquid
Item Stem
as above, which one of the following will occur?

Liquid rise to the maximum height possible so as to keep the

Correct Liquid will stay at a height of 12 cm in the capillary product hr = Lr’ = 2T/⍴g, where L is insufficient length of the
answer tube capillary tube, r and r’ is the radius of the meniscus to which
the liquid gets adjusted to at the top.

This is not possible. This will defy the conservation of energy

Distractor 1 Liquid will emerge out as a fountain

This is not possible. Flowing down the sides will increase the
Distractor 2 Liquid will flow down the sides of the capillary tube
exposed surface area of the liquid.

Liquid rises to a height in a capillary tube such that the surface

tension force is balanced by the force due to pressure
difference. Hence for a given radius of the capillary tube, the
Distractor 3 Liquid will rise to a height of 8 cm only liquid will rise to a definite height as given by
h = 2T/⍴gr.
Due to the insufficient length of the capillary tube, the meniscus

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 147

at the edge adjusts its radius such that
hr = Lr’ = 2T/⍴g.

Chapter name 11. Thermal properties of gases

A perfect heat radiator, radiates heat at a rate as given by Stefan’s law:

Essential Idea
H = eAσT4 where e is the emissivity and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
Emissivity is equal to 1 for a perfect black body radiator. For the rest all bodies, the value of e is less than 1.

a. Two copper spheres of radii R1 and R2 are at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively such that R1 = 4R2 and 2T1 = T2 .
Show that heat radiated per second by sphere 1 is the same as that by sphere 2.
Item stem b. Consider two copper spheres at the same temperatures such that sphere 1 is solid and sphere 2 is hollow with inner
radius r and outer radius same as that of a solid sphere. When placed in a similar environment, one of the two spheres is
observed to cool faster. Identify the sphere that cools faster.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

a. From Stefan’s law, heat radiated per second by a body,

𝑅2 𝑇 4
𝐻1 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎𝑇 4 = 𝑒𝜋 𝜎
1 1
𝑅 𝑇4
A possible 𝐻2 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎𝑇 = 𝑒𝜋 𝜎
2 2
complete 2 4 4
answer: 𝑅 𝑇 1 2
𝐻1 = 𝜎 =1
1 16 1
𝑅2 𝑇 4 1 24
𝐻2 = 𝜎 =1
2 16 1
H = H2

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 148

Hence heat radiated per second by sphere 1 is same as that by sphere

b. From Stefan’s law for rate of loss of heat per second

𝐻1 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇04 )
= 𝑒𝐴𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇04 )
∆𝑡 𝑒𝐴𝜎 4
= (𝑇 − 𝑇04 )
∆𝑡 𝑚𝑐
∆𝑇 2
∆𝑇(𝑠) 𝑚ℎ
∆𝑇 𝑚𝑠
For same outer radius and same material of the spheres,
mh < ms
so ∆𝑇⁄∆𝑡 (𝑠) < ∆𝑇⁄∆𝑡 (ℎ)

So the hollow sphere will cool faster.

a. For correct formulae and the ratio: 1

From Stefan’s law, heat radiated per second by a body,
𝐻1 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎𝑇 4 = 𝑒𝜋 𝑅12 𝜎 𝑇14
𝐻2 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎𝑇 4 = 𝑒𝜋 𝑅22 𝜎 𝑇24

Stepwise For correct calculations and final result:

break up 𝐻1 𝑅12 𝑇14 1 24
= 2 4= . =1
𝐻2 𝑅2 𝑇2 16 1
H = H2
Hence heat radiated per second by sphere 1 is same as that by sphere

b. For correct modification of the Stefan formula by including the heat exchanges due to specific heat 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 149

From Stefan’s law for rate of loss of heat per second,
𝐻1 = 𝑒𝐴𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇04 )
= 𝑒𝐴𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇04 )
∆𝑡 𝑒𝐴𝜎 4 1
= (𝑇 − 𝑇04 )
∆𝑡 𝑚𝑐
∆𝑇(𝑠) 𝑚ℎ
∆𝑇 𝑚𝑠
For substituting and final result:

For same outer radius and same material of the spheres, mh < ms
so ∆𝑇⁄∆𝑡 (𝑠) < ∆𝑇⁄∆𝑡 (ℎ)
So, the hollow sphere will cool faster.

Heat is exchanged when two substances at different temperatures are mixed. Calorimetry is the study of heat exchanges
Essential Idea between any two substances in contact with each other. The principle of calorimetry states that heat lost by a body at a
2 higher temperature is equal to the heat gained by the body at a lower temperature. Heat exchanged by a body is directly
proportional to the mass of the body, its specific heat capacity and the temperature difference.

Three liquids of equal masses, L1, L2 and L3 are at temperatures 10 oC, 20oC and 50oC. When L1 and L2 are mixed, the
Item Stem final temperature is 16oC and when L2 and L3 are mixed, the final temperature is 35 oC.
What will be the final temperature when L1 and L3 are mixed?

Equate heat exchanged by L1 to heat exchanged by L2 S1(16-10) = S2(20-16)

Correct Equate heat exchanged by L2 to heat exchanged by L3 S2(35-20) = S3(50-35)
34 °C
answer Equate heat exchanged by L1 to heat exchanged by L3 S1(θ-10) = S3(50-θ)
Solving, we get

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 150

θ = 34 oC

Distractor 1 30 °C Average of temperatures of L1 and L3. This is incorrect concept.

Distractor 2 21.4 °C Incorrect substitution of temperature differences for each heat exchange. This is incorrect answer.

Incorrect relation between specific heat capacities across the liquids while transposing the equations.
Distractor 3 25 °C
This is incorrect answer.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 151

12. Thermodynamics

First law of thermodynamics states that heat exchanged by a system is used for two purposes: change the internal energy
of the system and to perform work.
Essential Idea
1 It is stated as,
∆𝑄 = ∆𝑈 + 𝑊

For a lab experiment, a gas mixture needs to be heated to as high a temperature as possible. Is it advisable to heat the gas
Item stem
under constant pressure or constant volume? Give reason for your answer.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Gas should be heated under constant volume.

A possible As per the first law of thermodynamics:
complete ∆𝑈 = ∆𝑄 − 𝑊 2
If W = 0, whatever heat ∆𝑄 is used to heat the gas, it is absorbed by the gas to raise its internal energy ∆𝑈.
More is the rise in internal energy of the body, higher is the rise in its temperature.

Since W= p∆𝑉, at constant volume, ∆𝑉 = 0, so W=0.

Stepwise Statement of the first law of thermodynamics and the reason why W=0 so that heat absorbed by the gas is
break up used completely for the rise in internal energy.

Conclusion statement, that the gas should be heated under constant volume. 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 152

13. Kinetic theory of gases

A gas that satisfies the equation, PV = nRT, is identified as an ideal gas. Real gases almost follow the ideal gas equation at
Essential Idea low pressures and
1 high temperatures. Ideal gas equation is used to arrive at Boyle’s law and Charles law by fixing temperatures and volumes

An ideal gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a movable piston as shown. The gas occupies a volume of 9 x 10-4 m3 at a
Item stem
temperature of 300 K and pressure of 5 x 105 Pa. (Take R = 8.314 J/mol-K)

a. How many moles of the gas are contained in the cylinder?

b. Under what pressure can the gas be compressed isothermally to a volume of 2 x 10-4 m3 ?
c. Thereon the gas is heated to a temperature of 400 K at a constant volume. What will be the pressure on the gas?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

a. The number of moles of the gas contained in the cylinder:

A possible
complete PV = nRT 3
answer: n = PV/RT = 5 x 105 x 9 x 10-4 / (8.314 x 300) = 0.1804 moles

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 153

b. The pressure to which the gas is compressed isothermally to a volume of 2 x 10-4 m3 :

At constant temperature,

P1 V1 = P2 V2

5 x 105 x 9 x 10-4 = P2 x 2 x 10-4

P2 = 22.5 x 105 m3

c. Thereon the gas is heated to a temperature of 400 K at a constant volume, such that the pressure on the gas

At a constant volume,

P2/T2 = P3/T3

22.5 x 105 / 300 = P3/400

P3 = 30 x 105 Pa

a. Use of ideal gas equation. Correct equation and the final result. PV = nRT 0.5
break up

n = PV/RT = 5 x 105 x 9 x 10-4 / (8.314 x 300) = 0.1804 moles 0.5

b. Boyle’s law to be applied. Correct equations and the final result.

At constant temperature P1 V1 = P2 V2 0.5

5 x 105 x 9 x 10-4 = P2 x 2 x 10-4

P2 = 22.5 x 105 m3

c. Chares law to be applied. Correct equation and the final result.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 154

At a constant volume, P2/T2 = P3/T3 0.5

22.5 x 105 / 300 = P3/400 0.5

P3 = 30 x 105 Pa

Essential Idea The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. E =
2 3kT/2 = ½ m𝑣̅2

The mean square speed of the molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.
This equation relates the macroscopic variable, the temperature of the gas with the microscopic variable, the mean
square speed of the molecules.

By what factor does the Kelvin temperature of the ideal gas change if the translational speed of each molecule of the gas
Item Stem
becomes 4 times?

Average KE per molecule of a gas E = ½ m𝑣̅2 = 3kT/2

16 Here if v becomes 4 times, upon transposing we see that T becomes 16 times. It’s the mean
square of the speed of the molecules that is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the gas.

The speed of the molecules is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the gas. This is an incorrect
Distractor 1 4

It’s the mean square of the speed of the molecules and not 2 times the average speed that is
Distractor 2 8
directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the gas. This is an incorrect answer.

Distractor 3 1 The average speed of the molecules has no dependence on the kelvin temperature. This is an incorrect statement.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 155

Chapter name 14. Oscillations

A loaded spring in vertical direction undergoes simple harmonic motion with angular frequency,
Essential Idea
1 𝑘
𝜔 = √ , where ω= 2πf

An electronic equipment is placed on a platform supported by 4 identical vertical springs each of spring constant 1000
N/m as shown.

Item stem

If the platform weighs 3 kg and the equipment weighs 5 kg, what is the frequency of vibration of the system of the

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Mass supported by each spring = (3+5)/4 = 2 kg

Frequency of vibration of each spring:
A possible
complete 1 𝑘 1 1000 2
answer: 𝑓= √ = √
2𝜋 𝑚 2𝜋 2
f = 5√5/π Hz

Stepwise The weight gets divided equally across the 4 identical springs. Mass supported by each spring = (3+5)/4 = 2
break up kg

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 156

Correct formula and final result. 1

1 𝑘 1 1000
𝑓= √ = √
2𝜋 𝑚 2𝜋 2

f = 5√5/π Hz

The displacement of the object in simple harmonic motion is given as y = A sin (ωt+φ), where y is the displacement of the
Essential Idea
particle at time t, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency of the particle in SHM. The augment (ωt+φ) represents
the phase angle of a particle in SHM with respect to the mean position.

Given two objects in SHM along the same straight line with the same amplitude A and angular frequency ω. What is the
Item Stem phase difference between these two objects if they cross each other every time their displacement is half the amplitudes
while moving in opposite directions?

y = A sin (ωt+φ)
= A/2
120 (ωt+φ) = sin-1 ½
(ωt+φ) is the phase angle is either 30 or 150
So if one object has a phase angle of 30, the second object has a phase angle of 150. The phase difference
between the two objects is 120

This is the phase angle of the first object. The phase difference is the difference in the phase angle of the two
Distractor 1 30
objects in motion. This is incorrect.

This is the phase angle of the second object. The phase difference is the difference in the phase angle of the two
Distractor 2 150
objects in motion. This is incorrect.

Since they cross each other, they are at the same angular displacement with respect to mean position. This is
Distractor 3 0

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 157

Chapter name 15. Waves

Standing waves are produced in closed pipes due to the reflection and superposition of the waves. Only odd harmonics or
Essential Idea frequencies are possible in the case of closed pipes,
1 𝑣
𝑓=𝑛 , with n = 1, 3, 5,…

A tuning fork of frequency 170 Hz is vibrated just above a closed cylindrical tube of length 200 cm. Water is slowly
poured into the tube. What is the minimum height of the water column in the tube at which the resonance is heard in the
Item stem tube?
Take v = 340 m/s at room temperature.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

For resonance with closed pipe,

𝑓=𝑛 , with n = 1, 3, 5,…
𝐿=𝑛 L = 50n cm
A possible So the possible lengths of the air column for resonance = 50 cm, 150 cm, 250 cm, etc Length of the air column
complete = Length of the tube – Height of the water column 3
For the height of the water column to be minimum, the maximum possible length of the air column possible
within the closed tube, that is 150 cm.
So 150 = 200 – h
h = 200 – 150 = 50 cm

Correct formula and calculation of the possible length of the air column at which resonance is produced.
Stepwise For resonance with closed pipe, 1
break up 𝑣
𝑓=𝑛 , with n = 1, 3, 5,…

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 158

𝐿=𝑛 = 50n cm

So possible lengths of the air columns for resonance = 50 cm, 150 cm, 250 cm, etc

State the relation between Tube length, air column and the water column. Identify the correct minimum
condition. Length of the air column = Length of tube – Height of the water column 0.5
For the height of the water column to be minimum, the maximum possible length of the air column possible 0.5
within the closed tube, that is 150 cm.

Final result,
So 150 = 200 – h 1
h = 200 – 150 = 50 cm

A general wave equation for a progressive wave along a stretched string is given as:
𝑡 𝑥
y = A sin 2π [ − ]
𝑇 λ
Essential Idea
2 where A is the amplitude of the wave
T is the time period of the wave
λ is the wavelength of the wave along the stretched string.

A vibrating stretched string is denoted by wave equation,

𝑡 𝑥
y = 2 sin 2π [ − ],
Item Stem 0.01 100

here y and x are in cm and t in seconds.

Identify the incorrect statement.

This is an incorrect statement. Since there is a minus sign between t and x term, the wave
Correct Wave is propagating is progressing along + x- axis.
answer along the negative x-axis
This is the correct option.

Distractor 1 The time period of the Comparing with the equation of general wave motion, y = A sin 2 [𝑡 − 𝑥]

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 159

wave is 1/100 s 𝑡 𝑥
y = A sin 2π [ − ]
𝑇 λ

T = 0.01 s = 1/100 s
So this is the correct statement.
This is an incorrect option.

Comparing with the equation of general wave motion,

𝑡 𝑥
y = A sin 2π [ − ]
𝑇 λ
Wavelength of the wave is
Distractor 2 λ = 100 cm = 1 m
So this is the correct statement.
This is an incorrect option.

Velocity of the wave,

Velocity of the wave is
Distractor 3 v = νλ = λ/T = 1/0.01 = 100 m/s So this is the correct statement.
100 m/s
This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 160

Essential ideas and Sample questions

Chapter name 1. Electric charges and fields

Gauss’ law states that electric flux through a closed surface is 1/ o times the charge enclosed by that surface. This law is
Essential Idea
useful in determining the electric field due to symmetric and continuous charge distributions like an infinite line of
charge or charged spherical shell, etc..

A long charged wire of radius a and linear charge density is placed coaxially inside a hollow cylinder of radius b and
length L.

Item stem

What is an electric field in the space around the wire within the cylinder?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Applying Gauss’ Law to a cylindrical surface of radius r, such that

a < r < b, the line of charge lying along its axis,
A possible ∮ 𝐸. ∆𝑆 =
complete λL 2
answer: E. 2πrL =

which is the same as that due to a wire and is independent of the presence of the cylinder around the wire.

Stepwise Identifying Gaussian surface and applying Gauss law: 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 161

break up ∮ 𝐸. ∆𝑆 =

Substituting and getting the final result..

E. 2πrL =

which is the same as that due to a wire and is independent of the cylinder present around the wire.

The mutual electrostatic force between a pair of charges is directly proportional to the product of charges and inversely
Essential Idea proportional to the square of the distance between them. This is Coulomb’s law. If multiple Coloumb’s forces due to
2 multiple charges present around it act upon a charge, then the net force on the charge is the vector sum of the individual
forces. This is as per the Superposition principle of electrostatic forces.

Five corners of a regular hexagon of each side a has a static charge q. There is no charge located at the 6th corner of the
Item Stem
hexagon. The net force on a single charge –q placed at the geometric centre of the hexagon is

Since only 5 corners of the hexagon have charges, 4 of these diametrically opposite placed charges
balance their forces, The charge –q at the centre experiences a net force due to only one charge placed at
the 5th corner.
. .
Correct 1 𝑞2 1 𝑞2
answer 4π ∈o 𝐿2 4π ∈o 𝐿2
[Note that in a regular hexagon, the side of each side is also the same as the distance between the center
and corner/edge.]

Forces get cancelled out due to the 5 charges placed along the 5 corners of the hexagon.
This is incorrect, as not all 5 charges are diametrically opposite to each other. Force due to one charge
Distractor 1 Zero
remains non-cancelled.
This is the incorrect option.
1 𝑞2
Distractor 2 5𝑥 Force on charge at the center is 5 times the force due to each charge.
4π∈o 𝐿2

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 162

This is incorrect as due to the superposition principle on the Coulomb’s forces, the vector addition
results in only one non-cancelled force. This is the incorrect option.
The distance between the center of the hexagon and the corner is taken as L/2. This is incorrect as the
1 𝑞2
Distractor 3 distance is L.
4π ∈o 𝐿 2
( ) This is the incorrect option.

Chapter name 2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance

The capacitors when connected in parallel have the same potential difference and the charge on each gets distributed in
Essential Idea
inverse proportion to their capacitances. The introduction of a dielectric of dielectric constant K into a capacitor
increases its capacitance K times.

Fig (A) represents two capacitors C and 2C connected in parallel when connected to an external battery V.
Fig (B) represents two capacitors C and 2C after they are disconnected from the external battery and a dielectric of
dielectric constant K introduced in capacitor C.

Item stem

What is the potential difference V’ across the capacitors C and 2C in fig (B)?

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

A possible When connected to V,

complete 3
answer: Total charge on capacitors connected in parallel, q = q1 + q2 = CV + 2CV = 3CV

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 163

When disconnected from V and a dielectric introduced in C,
Total charge q’ = q
Total capacitance of the two capacitors in parallel,
C’ = KC + 2C = (K+2)C
Final potential across the combination
𝑞′ 3𝐶𝑉 3𝑉
𝑉′ = = =
𝐶′ (𝐾 + 2)𝐶 (𝐾 + 2)

Stepwise Find the total charge in combination when connected to external battery.
break up Total charge on capacitors in parallel, q = q1 + q2 = CV + 2CV = 3CV

Find the total charge and capacitance in combination when connected to an external battery and with a
dielectric in C. 0.5
Total charge q’ = q 0.5
Total capacitance C’ = KC + 2C = (K+2)C

Find the final potential difference across the new combination:

𝑞′ 3𝐶𝑉 3𝑉 1
𝑉′ = = =
𝐶′ (𝐾 + 2)𝐶 (𝐾 + 2)

Electric potential, V(r) at a point is the work done in order to bring a point charge from infinity to that point in the
presence of an electric field. Electrostatic potential at infinity with respect to a source charge is taken as zero. The
potential at a point with position vector r from the source charge Q is
Essential Idea V(r) =
1 𝑞
4π∈o 𝑟 2
The variation of V(r) with respect to position r depends upon whether the source charge is a point charge, a dipole, a
charged conducting solid
sphere, a charged insulated solid sphere, etc.

Item Stem Each of the graphs below represents the variation of electrostatic potential with distance in the region around a source

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 164

charge, that is, either a point charge or a continuous charge distribution.
Identify the most relevant V(r) vs. r graph due to a uniform charged insulated sphere.

This is V(r) vs. r graph due to a charged insulated sphere of radius R.

Correct For points r < R, V(r) depends inversely on the radius of the sphere and also on charge
answer distribution across the radial distance of the sphere.
V(r) falls as 1/r for points beyond r > R. This is the correct option.

This is V(r) vs r graph due to a charged conducting sphere of radius R. V(r) is constant
Distractor 1 inside a conducting sphere (till r= R) and beyond r > R, the potential V(r) falls as 1/r.
This is an incorrect option.

This graph represents V(r) falls as 1/I. That is true for a point charge. This is the
Distractor 2
incorrect option.

This is V(r) graph for an electric dipole, where r is the perpendicular distance from the
Distractor 3 center of the dipole.
This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 165

Chapter name 3. Current Electricity

Essential Idea Kirchhoff’s rules help analyse electric circuits. The junction rule is based on the fact that charge cannot accumulate at any
1 point along the circuit or a junction.

The voltage loop rule is based on the fact that electric potential depends upon the location in the circuit. So in a closed
loop, if the start and the end of the loop is the same, the total change in potential through the loop is zero.

The voltmeter and the ammeter connected in the given circuit are ideal. What will be their readings in this circuit?

Item stem

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

A possible
complete The current flow through the circuit: 3

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 166

Ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance. The ideal ammeter has zero resistance.
Applying Kirchhoff’s rule to loop ABCHGA: 6+4-3I1 = 0
I1 = 10/3 A
This is the ammeter reading.
Applying Kirchhoff’s rule to loop FEHGF:
-2 + V – 3I1 = 0
V = 12 volt.
This is a voltmeter reading.

Stepwise Representing correct directions of currents and taking correct resistances and voltage across an ideal
break up voltmeter and an ideal ammeter.

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage rule to the loop and finding current through the ammeter. 1

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage rule to the loop and finding voltage across the voltmeter. 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 167

Power dissipated by a battery source V through an external resistor R is given as V2/R. The power dissipated through a
Essential Idea
resistor depends upon how much current is drawn from the power source. If a current I flows through a resistor, the
power dissipated is also given as I2R.

Power Ps is dissipated through a series combination and power Pp is dissipated through the parallel combination of 3
Item Stem
equal resistors. The ratio of Pp to Ps is

Equivalent Rs = 3r
Power dissipated by the battery of Voltage V in series combination is Ps = V2/3r
9 Equivalent Rp = r/3
Power dissipated by the battery of Voltage V in parallel combination is Pp = V2/(r/3) Pp/Ps = 9
This is the correct option.

If the Power in each combination is taken as I2Req , the ratio of Pp/Ps = 1/9.
Distractor 1 1/9 This is incorrect as the current through the combination is different. Hence cannot use P = I2Req
This is an incorrect option.

Power dissipation does not depend upon the nature of the combination of resistors.
Distractor 2 1
This is an incorrect option.

Distractor 3 6 Calculation mistake while transposing or taking the ratio. This is an incorrect option.

Chapter name 4. Moving charges and magnetism

Current flowing through a pair of parallel wires exert magnetic forces on each other. If the currents are in the same
direction, the two wires attract each other. If the currents are in opposite directions, the two wires repel each other.
Essential Idea
1 The force per unit length of the wire is given as:
𝜇0 𝐼 2
𝐹= ,where d is the perpendicular distance of separation between the two current-carrying wires.
2𝜋 𝑑

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 168

Two long wires 1 & 2, each of linear mass density of λ, carry the same current I in opposite directions. They lie in the
same horizontal plane and each wire is suspended from a parallel support by means of a pair of non-stretchable strings
of equal lengths l as shown.

Item stem

Due to the magnetic force of repulsion between the two current-carrying wires, they are oriented at a small angle θ of
separation with respect to each other as shown in the figure.
Find the angle θ

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

A possible Consider the length of each wire l and the distance of separation as d when the angular separation is θ. T is
complete the tension along each string. 3
answer: We can draw the free body diagram of the two wires as:

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 169

Balancing the forces on each wire in vertical and horizontal directions,
2Tcosθ = mg = λlg
𝜇o 𝑙 2 𝑙
2Tsinθ = Fm =
2𝜋 𝑑
μo 𝑙2 μo 𝑙2
tanθ= =
2𝜋 λdg 2𝜋 λg.2lsinθ

since θ is small, tanθ ~ sinθ ~ θ

μo 𝑙 2
so θ2 =
4𝜋 λlg

μo 𝑙 2 μo
θ=√ = 𝑙√
4𝜋 λlg 4𝜋λlg

Stepwise break Breaking up the problem into a free body problem, drawing the free body diagram and representing the
up forces and angles.

Writing the balancing force equations in horizontal and vertical directions:

2Tcosθ = mg = λlg 1
μo I2 𝑙
2Tsinθ = 𝐹𝑚=
2π d

Assuming small angle and simplifying to get the final equation in terms of l, λ and I. 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 170

A particle of mass m carrying a charge q when enters a magnetic field B with speed v, executes a circular motion under
Essential Idea the effect of magnetic force that acts perpendicular to its velocity. The magnetic force provides for the necessary
2 centripetal force and hence its trajectory is circular in nature.
The radius of this path is given as r = mv/qB.

Two charged particles each carrying the same charge q, but of different masses mp and mq enter the magnetic field B
Item Stem
with speed vp and vq respectively.

For the trajectories followed by P and Q as shown, which of the following conditions is true?

Radius of the trajectory followed by a moving charged particle in a magnetic field is

r = mv/qB, that is, the radius of the path followed is directly proportional to the momentum
Correct answer mpvp > mqvq (mv) of the charged particle.
So more the momentum of the charged particle, the greater is the radius of the path followed.
This is the correct option.

Distractor 1 mpvp < mqvq Greater momentum implies a shorter radius of curvature. This is an incorrect option.

The radius of the path followed is independent of the momentum of the moving charged
Distractor 2 mpvp = mqvq
particle. This is an incorrect option.

Identically charged particles moving with the same speeds, follow different trajectories
Distractor 3 mp = mq and vp = vq depending upon their points of entry into the magnetic fields.
This is incorrect.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 171

Chapter name 5. Magnetism and matter

The strength of the magnetic field along the equatorial line due to a magnetic dipole at a distance of the point that is much
Essential Idea larger than the length of the dipole is twice the strength of the magnetic field at an axial point at the same distance.
A magnetic field at a point due to multiple sources is added vectorially using the parallelogram law of vector addition.

Two identical magnetic dipoles each of magnetic dipole moment 2 Am2 are placed with their axes perpendicular to each
other with a distance of separation being r = 2 m between them.

Item stem

Find the magnetic field at the point that is midway along the distance of separation between the two dipoles.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Magnetic field due to magnetic dipole 1 at point O (midway along r) (along the equatorial line) =
μo 𝑚
𝐵1 =
A possible 4𝜋 (𝑟/2)2
complete Magnetic field due to magnetic dipole 2 at point O (midway along r) (along the axial line) = 3
answer: μo 𝑚
𝐵2 =
4𝜋 (𝑟/2)2
Net magnetic field at the point: (B1 and B2 are perpendicular to each other)

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 172

𝐵 = √𝐵12 + 𝐵22 = 𝑚 √5 = 2√5 𝑥 10−7 𝑇

Writing correct formula for magnetic field due to dipole along equatorial line and substituting the correct
break up Writing correct formula for magnetic field due to dipole along axial line and substituting the correct values 1

Finding the resultant magnetic field at a point by applying vector addition rule 1

Chapter name 6. Electromagnetic induction

In case of a translatory motion of a conductor causing the cutting through steady magnetic field lines, results in an
Essential Idea induced emf across the ends of the conductor. This emf generated due to the motion of the conductor in a steady field is
1 known as motional emf,
e = Blv

A conductor of length l moves with a constant velocity v through Earth’s magnetic field. In each of the following cases,
identify the
Item stem component of Earth’s magnetic field (BH or BV) that it will cut through and determine the induced emf generated across
the conductor.
a. Conductor ends point along east-west and it moves vertically downwards

b. Conductor ends point along north-south and it moves vertically downwards

c. Conductor moves in a horizontal plane in any direction

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

A possible a. Conductor pointing along east-west cuts through the horizontal component of Earth’s magnetic field. 3

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 173

answer: Flux linked with the conductor as it moves through a vertical distance y,
φH = BHly
Induced emf
𝑒= = 𝐵𝐻 𝑙𝑣

b. Conductor pointing along north-south will be parallel to both BH and BV, hence it will not cut through
any flux lines.
Flux linked with conductor as it moves through a vertical distance y,
Induced emf

𝑒= =0

c. Conductor moving in horizontal direction and moving along any direction will cut through BV only.
Flux linked with conductor as it moves through a vertical distance y,
φ V = Bvly
Induced emf
𝑒= = 𝐵𝑣 𝑙𝑣

Stepwise 0.5
Correct identification of the component of Earth’s field that the conductor cuts through in each case.
break up each

Calculation and the final expression for induced emf in each case.

The changing current in coil 2 induces an emf in coil 1 that is nearby, such that the mutual inductance between this pair
Essential Idea of coils is defined as: e = M12 dI/dt
2 The mutual inductance is the function of the dimensions and other physical parameters of the pair of coils and the rate at
which the current changes in one of the them.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 174

The coefficient of mutual inductance between a pair of coils is equal to the induced emf produced in one coil. This is
Item Stem
possible in case,

As e = M12 dI/dt
Correct the rate of change in current in the If dI/dt = 1 A/s in the second coil, the mutual inductance between the two coils is
answer second coil is 1 A/s equal to induced emf in the first coil.
This is the correct option

the current in the second coil is 1 A steady current cannot induce emf in the neighbouring coil. This is an incorrect
Distractor 1
A option.

the current in the second coil The rate of change in current in the coil 2 = 1A/60 s = 1/60 The induced emf in
Distractor 2 changes from 1 A to 2 A in 1 coil 1 is not equal to M12.
minute This is an incorrect option

The current in one of the coils has to change, Or else there will be no induced
Distractor 3 the current in both the coils is 1 A
emf. This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 175

Chapter name 7. Alternating current

Essential Idea For an AC circuit with a resistor and a capacitor, the total reactance offered to the current is given by 𝑍 = √𝑅2 + (𝐶ω)2
where 1/Cω is the capacitive reactance Xc offered by the capacitor. The current in the circuit leads the voltage by π/2.

A 100W, 100V bulb is to be connected to AC mains supply of 200 V, 50 Hz. Suggest a suitable capacitor that should be
Item stem
connected in series with the bulb so that the bulb lights up without burning out.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

For the bulb of the given rating,

Resistance R of the bulb = V2/P = 100 x 100 / 100 = 100 ohm
Maximum current that can flow through this bulb, I = P/V = 100/100 = 1 A
A possible
complete In the RC series circuit, 3
Total reactance offered by the RC circuit to 1 A of the current is Z = V/I = 200 / 1 = 200 ohm
Also 𝑍 = √𝑅2 + (𝐶ω)2

Substituting for Z and R and ω = 50, solving for C, we get, C = 100/π F

0.5 mark
Solving for the resistance and maximum current that can flow through the bulb.

Stepwise Finding the total impedance in the RC circuit, Z = 200 ohm 0.5 mark
break up
Substituting for Z and finding C using the formula,
0.5 mark
𝑍 = √𝑅2 + (𝐶ω)2
. 1 mark

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 176

Calculating and finding the final result

In the LC circuit, at resonance, the net impedance is zero and the current is infinite. In LCR series circuit connected to AC
Essential Idea supply, the impedance
2 at resonance is minimum and equal to resistance of the circuit and the current in the circuit is maximum and is equal to

In case of series LCR circuit connected to AC supply, under the resonance condition at frequency = o, the inductive
reactance equals capacitive reactance thereby resulting in the minimum of the net impedance and the maximum of the
Item Stem
current in the circuit. Identify the correct pair of graphs of impedance and current as a function of frequency in the LCR
series AC circuit.

The impedance of the circuit is minimum at resonance condition and is

equal to resistance in the circuit. The current in the circuit is maximum as
the impedance is minimum.
answer Current Io = Vo/Z = Vo/R = Maximum.
So the second graph for current is correct.
This option is correct.

The impedance graph is correct.

Distractor 1 The current graph is incorrect as it depicts the current through the LCR
circuit to be infinite to resonance. That’s not possible in LCR series AC
circuit. This is an incorrect option.

The impedance graph shows the value of Z = 0 at resonance in series LCR

Distractor 2 circuit. That’s incorrect.
The current graph is correct. This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 177

Both the impedance and current graphs are incorrect.
Distractor 3 At resonance, Z = 0 and the current is infinite. These values are incorrect.
This option is incorrect.

8. Electromagnetic waves

The equation of each of the time varying electric and magnetic fields in a progressive electromagnetic wave are given by the

𝐸 = 𝐸𝑂 cos [ (𝑥 − 𝑐𝑡)]
Essential λ
Idea 1 2π
𝐵 = 𝐸𝐵𝑂 cos [ (𝑥 − 𝑐𝑡)]
If the em wave is travelling along x-axis, and electric field vector is along y-axis, and the magnetic field vector is aligned
perpendicular to both x axis and y axis.

A certain electromagnetic wave travels through an empty space at a frequency of 1 GHz. The oscillating electric field attains
peak value Eo = 50 V/m at a certain point O.
a. What is the wavelength of the wave?
Item stem b. What is Bo at point O?
c. Write the equations for the electric and magnetic fields as a function of x and t near point O. Considering the direction of
the wave along x- axis and the electric field vector is along y axis, include the directions in the respective wave equations of E
and B.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 178

a. Wavelength,
λ = c/ν = 3 x 108/ 109 = 0.3 m
b. Peak value of magnetic field
Bo = Eo/c = 50/ 3 x 108 = 16.6 x 10-8 T
A possible
c. The wave equations for E and B:
complete 3
answer: 𝐸 = 𝐸𝑂 cos [

(𝑥 − 𝑐𝑡)]

𝐸⃗ = 50 cos [ (𝑥 − 3 𝑥 108 𝑡) ] ĵ

⃗ = 16.6 × 108 cos [ 2π (𝑥 − 3 𝑥 108 𝑡) ] k̂


a. Calculation of wavelength using = c/ν 0.5

Stepwise b. Calculation of the peak value of magnetic field 0.5

break up
c. Writing the wave equation of E with the correct unit vector 1
Writing the wave equation of B with correct unit vector 1

Electromagnetic waves transport both energy U and momentum p. Electric and magnetic fields carry equal amounts of energy
Essential in an em wave. When em waves strike a surface they exert pressure on it, thereby transferring momentum to the surface
Idea 2 upon which the em waves strike.
Momentum transferred to the surface is given as, p = U/c.

A 70 kg astronaut stranded in space chooses to use his flashlight to move himself. If his flashlight can flash a 12 W light beam
Item Stem in space in a fixed direction so that he acquires momentum in the opposite direction, how much time do you think will he take
to attain a speed of 2 m/s ?

Energy radiated by flashlight in 1 second = 12 joule

Correct Momentum generated, p = U/c = 12/3 x 108 = 4 x 10-8 kgm/s
3.5 x 109 s
answer Force exerted on his body every one second = p/t = 4 x 10-8 /1 = 4 x 10-8 N
Using F = m(v-0)/t

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 179

t = 70 x 2 / 4 x 10-8 = 35 x 108 s
t = 3.5 x 109 s
This is the correct option

Distractor Equating, gain in KE to Power x time

11.6 s
1 This is incorrect concept for relativistic speeds. This is incorrect option

Distractor Taking incorrect equation: p = Uc

3.8 x 10-8 s
2 This is incorrect option

Distractor Considering the low power of flashlight, the astronaut will take infinite time to gain the speed of 2m/s
3 This is incorrect option

Chapter name 9. Ray optics and optical instruments

Critical angle θc is the angle of incidence in the denser medium for which the angle of refraction in the rarer medium is
Essential Idea
90o. For the angle of incidence greater than θc , the light ray is total internally reflected back into the denser medium. This
is the principle that is used by reflecting prisms.

Red, yellow and blue lights travel together as a beam and fall on the right-angled prism. Given the refractive indices of
these colours with respect to the glass of the prism as 1.41, 1.72, 2.12 respectively.
Which of the colours pass through the prism and which ones get reflected back?

Item stem

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 180

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

If the incident ray is normal to side AB, then the angle of incidence on the emergent side BC as per geometry
is 30o.

A possible
complete The side BC will not transmit the ray if angle i > critical angle 3
i > θc
sin i > sin θc
sin 30 > 1/μ
0.5 > 1/μ
The red light has μ = 1.41 < 2, So it will pass through BC surface.
The yellow light has μ = 1.72 < 2, So it will pass through BC surface.
The blue light has μ = 2.12 > 2, So it will get total internally reflected back from the surface BC.

Identify the condition of total internal reflection for the given prism 0.5
Stepwise Find the limiting value of refractive index of colour of light that will get total internally reflected 1
break up
Compare the limiting value of refractive index with each of refractive indices of the three colours and

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 181

identify the colour that will pass and the colour of light that will get total internally reflected each

Any pair of lens when placed together makes a lens combination. The reciprocal of focal length of such a combination is
given as sum of reciprocals of respective focal lengths.
1 1 1
Essential Idea = +
𝐹 𝑓1 𝑓2
Lens maker formula is applied to each component lens independently.
1 1 1
= (μ − 1) [ − ]
𝑓 𝑅1 𝑅2

A plano-convex lens of refractive index μc = 1.7 and a plano-concave lens of refractive index μd = 1.5, are combined as
Item Stem
shown so as to construct a plane glass plate.

If the radius of curvature of the curved side of both the lenses is the same, which of the following system will the glass
plate function as?

Lens maker formula to each lens:

1 1 1 μ𝑐 − 1
Convergent system = (μ𝑐 − 1) [ − ]=
Correct 𝑓𝑐 ∞ −𝑅 𝑅
with positive focal
answer 1 1 1 −(μ𝑐 − 1
length = (μ𝑑 − 1) [ − ]=
𝑓𝑑 −R ∞ 𝑅
For a lens combination

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 182

1 1 1
= +
𝐹 𝑓𝑐 𝑓𝑑
μ𝑐 − μ𝑑
Since μc > μd, F is positive. So the system behaves convergent.
This is the correct option.

Since the plano-concave lens comes as the second lens, the refracting rays out of the system
Divergent system with diverge, hence the system behaves as divergent with negative focal length.
Distractor 1
negative focal length
This is an incorrect option.

Plane glass slab with Plano-convex and a plano-concave lens combine to form a plane glass slab with zero focal
Distractor 2
zero focal length length. This is an incorrect option.

Plano-convex and a plano-concave lens combine to form a plane glass slab with infinite focal
Plane glass slab with length.
Distractor 3
infinite focal length
This is an incorrect option.

Chapter name 10. Wave optics

Fringe width of each of the fringes produced in Young’s double slit experiment is written as
Essential Idea 𝛽=
1 𝑑
Fringe width is directly proportional to the distance D between the slits and the screen and inversely proportional to the
distance d between the slits.

In Young’s double slit experiment, if the screen is moved towards the slits through 2 x 10-2 m the fringes become
Item stem narrower by 2 x 10-5 m. If the distance between the slits is
10-3 m, find the wavelength of the light used in this experiment.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 183

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

As fringe width is given as

A possible The changes in fringe width and distance between slits and screen can be written as:
complete 2
answer: ∆𝐷𝜆
∆𝛽 =
2 x 10-5 = 2 x 10-2 x λ/10-3
λ = 10-6 m = 10000 𝐴̇

Formula of fringe width and its correct form in terms of changes in D and β 1
break up
Substitution and calculation of final result 1

In a single slit diffraction, the direction of central maxima is given by

D sinθ = nλ
Essential Idea
2 For the single slit diffraction, a central maxima followed by alternate dark and bright bands of equal widths on its either
side on the screen, and the most suitable condition are

In which of the following cases will the diffraction due to a single slit of width d due to light of wavelength , result in a
Item Stem general illumination of the screen and no distinction between dark and bright fringes are observed on the screen?
(i) λ << d (ii) λ < d (iii) λ = d

When λ = d, the central maxima extends from -π/2 to π/2. So neither dark or bright bands are
Correct seen. Instead, a general illumination of the screen is observed.
In (iii) only
This is the correct option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 184

For λ << d, there is no diffraction as sinθ →θ → 0, a bright image of a slit is seen on the screen.
For λ < d, a diffraction pattern of central maxima with alternate dark and bright bands is seen on
Distractor 1 In both (i) and (ii)
the screen.
This is incorrect option.

For λ < d, a diffraction pattern of central maxima with alternate dark and bright bands is seen on
Distractor 2 In (ii) only the screen.
This is an incorrect option.

For λ < d, a diffraction pattern of central maxima with alternate dark and bright bands is seen on
the screen.
Distractor 3 In both (ii) and (iii)
For λ = d, a general illumination of the screen is seen.
This is an incorrect option.

Chapter name 11. Dual nature of radiation and matter

Work function of the metal surface is the minimum energy required for the electron to escape the surface. If the electron
absorbs energy greater than the minimum quantum required to escape, it means that the incident photon carries energy
greater than the work function of the metal and, the excess energy is retained by the emitted photoelectron as its kinetic
Essential Idea
1 This relation is expressed as Einstein's photoelectric equation:
𝐾𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ℎ𝑣 − 𝜑𝑜
ℎ𝑐 1
= ∅𝑜 + 𝑚𝑣 2
λ 2
Lights of wavelengths 3000 𝐴̇ and 6000 𝐴̇ fall on a metallic surface and release photoelectrons with maximum speeds
Item stem that are in ratio 3: 1 respectively.
What is the work function of the metal surface? Take h = 6.6 x 10-34 J.s

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 185

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

From Einstein’s photoelectric equation,

ℎ𝑐 1
= ∅𝑜 + 𝑚𝑣 2
A possible λ 2
complete ℎ𝑐 1 9 2
𝐹𝑜𝑟 λ1 = 3000Ȧ, = ∅𝑜 + 𝑚(3𝑣)2 = ∅𝑜 + 𝑚𝑣 2 … (1)
answer: λ1 2 2
ℎ𝑐 1
𝐹𝑜𝑟 λ2 = 6000Ȧ, = ∅𝑜 + 𝑚𝑣 2 … (2)
λ2 2

Simplifying and transposing the two equations,

φo = 2.8 x 10-19 J

Writing the Einstein equation and substituting the values of 1 and 2 1

break up
Simplifying and solving the two equations to find the value of the work function 1

Matter waves are associated with all mass particles, both microscopic and macroscopic. The wavelength associated with
the matter particles was given by
de Broglie as
Essential Idea
2 ℎ
𝜆 = ,
The de Broglie wavelength associated with matter particles is inversely proportional to the mass and the speed of the

Matter has a dual nature, that is, it has both particle and wave properties. The wave properties of macroscopic objects
Item Stem
are not generally observed. This is because

Correct The speeds are As de Broglie wavelength is associated with a particle,

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 186

answer too small ℎ
𝜆 = ,
For small speeds and large masses, the value of wavelength associated with macroscopic objects
is very small. Hence, it is not observable.
This is the correct option.

The dual nature Matter waves are associated with all mass particles in motion, both at the microscopic and
Distractor 1 applies only at the macroscopic level.
atomic scale This is an incorrect option.

The de Broglie wavelengths associated with macroscopic objects are extremely small and almost
The wavelengths non-measurable.
Distractor 2
are too large
This is incorrect option.

The momentum associated with macroscopic objects is actually large compared to microscopic
The momenta are sub-atomic particles due to their large masses. So as the de Broglie wavelength ∝ 1/p , it is very
Distractor 3 small and non-measurable.
too small
So this option is incorrect.

Chapter name 12. Atoms

As per Bohr model of the atom, the radius and speed of the electron revolving around the electron orbits depend upon
the principal quantum numbers. Considering the Bohr electron orbits to be almost circular, the time period of
Essential Idea 1 revolution of electrons in the electron orbits can be written as T = 2πr/v = 4h3εo2 n3 /me4.o
This relation implies that the time period of revolution of an electron in the electron orbits is directly proportional to

Considering the Bohr model of the atom to be valid, if the time period of revolution of an electron in the state n1 is 8
Item stem times the time period of revolution of the electron in the state n2 to which it is transitioned, find the possible values of
n1 and n2. Here n1 and n2 are the principal quantum numbers as per the Bohr model of the atom.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 187

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Speed of the electron revolving in an orbit is ∝ 1/𝑛

Radius of the orbit ∝ n2
Time period of the revolving electron in any orbit of Bohr model of atom = T = 2πr/v
This implies that T ∝ n3
A possible
complete So Tn1/Tn2 = = 8 (as given) 3
So n1/n2 = 2
n1 = 2 n2
The possible values of n1 and n2 are:
n2 = 1, n1 = 2 ; n2 = 2, n1 = 4; n2 = 3, n1 = 6 and so on.

Finding the relation for time period of revolution of the electron in electron orbits as a function of
principal quantum number
Stepwise break
up Substituting and finding the relation between n1 and n2 1

Suggesting the suitable values of n1 and n2 1

De Broglie hypothesised that electrons revolving in Bohr orbits are associated with circular standing waves of
λ = h/mv
Essential Idea 2
De Broglie hypothesis was extended to all particles in motion. Matter waves are associated with all particles that are in
the state of motion and the wavelength of the se matter waves is inversely proportional to the mass and speed of the

Item Stem Read the following statements carefully.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 188

a. only charged particles at rest are accompanied by matter waves
b. any particle in motion, whether charged or uncharged, is accompanied by matter waves
c. the associated wavelength with proton is shorter than that of an electron, both moving with same speed
d. de Broglie wavelength associated with the matter wave of a charged particle is directly proportional to the potential
difference through which it is accelerated

Identify the correct statements.

Matter waves are associated with any mass particle in motion. Hence statement b is correct. The
wavelength of the matter wave is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle.
Correct answer b and c only
Since mp > me,
So λp < λe . Hence statement c is correct. This is the correct option.

Not just the charged particle, but any particle that has mass and is in motion is associated with
Distractor 1 a and b only matter waves. So statement a is incorrect.
This option is incorrect.

de Broglie wavelength associated with a charged particle is inversely proportional to the square
root of the potential difference through which it is accelerated.
a, b and d
Distractor 2
only So statement d is incorrect. Statement a is also incorrect.
This is an incorrect option.

Statement c is also correct as the wavelength of the matter wave is inversely proportional to the
mass of the particle.
only b is Since mp > me,
Distractor 3
So λp < λe
This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 189

Chapter name 13. Nuclei

In a nuclear fusion reaction, two lighter nuclei of mass number A 10 combine to form heavier nuclei. The binding
energy per nucleon of each of the fusing nuclei is lesser than the binding energy per nucleon of the product nucleus
Essential Idea formed.
1 More binding energy per nucleon greater the stability of the nucleus, the products formed in the nuclear fusion reactions
are more stable than the reactants. The energy is released in nuclear fusion reactions and hence they are exothermic

In the nuclear fusion reaction, two deuteron nuclei combine to form one alpha particle.
1𝐻 + 21𝐻 ⟶ 42𝐻𝑒
Item stem
If the binding energy of deuteron is 1.15 MeV per nucleon and binding energy of the alpha particle is 7.1 MeV per
nucleon, determine the energy released in the above reaction.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Total binding energy of each deuteron nuclei = 1.15 x 2 = 2.3 MeV

A possible
Total binding energy of the two fusing deuteron nuclei = 2.3 x 2 = 4.6 MeV Total binding energy of the
complete 2
product Helium nuclei formed = 7.1 x 4 = 28.4 MeV
The energy released in this fusion reaction: 28.4 – 4.6 = 23.8 MeV

Calculation of the total binding energy of fusing nuclei and product nuclei 1
break up

Calculation of energy released in the reaction: BE of the product – BE of reactants 1

The radius of the atomic nucleus is a function of the mass number A of the nucleus as
Essential Idea R = RoA1/3
2 Ro is a constant and A is a mass number
This implies that volume of the nucleus is proportional to R3, where R is a function of A. This also implies that the density

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 190

of the nucleus is independent of the mass number and is constant for all the nuclei of any size.

Given two atomic nuclei 27

13𝐴𝑙 and 52𝑇𝑒 and the mass of proton Mp = 1.007u and mass of neutron Mn = 1.008u.
Item Stem
What is the ratio of the radii of the nuclei 27
13𝐴𝑙 to that of 52𝑇𝑒 ?

Radius of any atomic nucleus,

R ∝ 𝐴̇1/3
0.6 So RAl : RTe = 271/3⁄1251/3
RAl : RTe = 3/5 = 6/10 = 0.6
This is the correct option

Radius of nucleus Sum of mass of nucleons

Distractor 1 0.215 RAl : RTe = [13 x 1.007 + 14 x 1.008]/[52 x 1.007 + 73 x 1.008] = 0.215
This is incorrect concept. This is an incorrect option.

Incorrect calculation of the ratio RAl : RTe using the formula R ∝ 𝐴̇1/3
Distractor 2 1.66
This is incorrect option

If R ∝ A,
RAl : RTe = 27/125 = 0.216
Distractor 3 0.216
This is incorrect concept.
This is an incorrect option.

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 191

Chapter name 14. Semiconductor electronics: Materials, devices and simple circuits

A pn junction connected under forward bias condition has a total forward current as a sum of hole current and the
Essential Idea conventional current due to electron carriers. The forward bias current is almost negligible for initial forward bias till it
1 reaches a threshold value. Forward bias current rises steeply as soon as the forward bias exceeds the applied threshold

A forward-biased PN junction has a potential drop of 0.4 V across it, which is independent of the current. It can
Item stem withstand a maximum current of 8 mA, beyond which it will burn out. If this diode is in series with 150 ohm of
resistance, find the maximum battery voltage that should be applied when in forward bias.

Marking Rubric

Part Description Marks

Resistance offered by the diode:

R = 0.4 / 8 x 10-3 = 50 ohm
A possible
complete So total resistance in the circuit = 50 + 150 = 200 ohm 2
The maximum battery voltage allowed:
V = 8 x 10-3 x 200 = 1.6 volt

Stepwise break
Calculation of the resistance of the diode in forward bias 0.5

Calculation of total resistance in circuit 0.5

Finding the maximum battery voltage that can be applied across a forward-biased diode 1

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 192


1. NCERT Draft LO document
2. NCERT Curriculum document
3. NCERT textbooks
4. IB Past papers
5. HKDSE Past papers

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 193


● Smt. Nidhi Chhibber, IAS, Chairperson, CBSE


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Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 194

● Ms. Udita Kothari, Lead Educational Specialist, Ei

● Ms. Sudha, Consultant, Ei

● Ms. Yashu Chhabra, Sr. PGT, Head-Academics, Kulachi Hansraj School, New Delhi

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 195

Learning Framework for Classes 11-12 Physics (CBSE) 196

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