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Ft. Rouge Ladies Curling Club (2019)

1. M.C.A. general curling rules will govern all club competition, including
the 5 rock rule.

2. Games to commence at 1:00 sharp. Teams MUST be ready to go on the

ice at 12:50 pm to allow for pre-game routine, coin toss, hand shake, etc.

3. Late offenders shall forfeit 1 point for every 10 minutes not played up to
30 minutes after which time the non-offending team will be declared the

4. All games shall be 8 ends, with the warning bell rung at 2:40 pm.
According to the CCA rulebook: “An end is considered complete and the
next end is considered in progress when the final stone of the end has
reached the throwing end tee line.” In this scenario the teams can play
two more ends. If you have not completed a full end, finish the one
you’re on and play one more.

5. Thirds post the game results on the win and loss sheet. The winning
team should be circled for that draw. In the event of a tie, mark a “T” on
the sheet.

6. All games shall be played as scheduled. If they are postponed by both

teams, the game must be played within a week of the last game or
defaulted. If a team is playing in a recognized curling event (Golden Gals
or Masters) that conflicts with a regular club game, they would be
permitted to play their club game at another time (in a timely manner).

7. All wins and losses shall be decided “on the ice”. No games decided by
the toss of a coin. If neither team can play the scheduled game, both post
a loss.

8. League play format: The Tuesday draw will be considered separate

from the Thursday draw. For each day, all rounds will be played in a
round-robin format. The first round will include all teams in the round-
robin. At the end of the first round for each day, the teams will be
ranked according to total points and split into an “A” group and a “B”
group. After the second round, teams will again be ranked according to
total points and placed in either “A” group or “B” group. The division
into “A” and “B” groups will be at the discretion of the ice and draw
committee. If there are eight or less teams in a draw on a particular day,
Ice and Draw will not divide the teams into A Group and B Group but
will continue each round as a complete round robin involving all teams.

9. Point allocation – 2 points for a win; 1 point for a tie; 0 points for a loss.

10. Champions and Group winners - At the end of the last round, the “A”
group and “B” group winners for each day will be determined based on
total points. In the case of a tie, the winner will be determined by
considering the win-loss record between the tied teams.

FINAL STANDINGS – winners for each day.

Tuesday Thursday

Champion (most points) Champion (most points)

A Group A Group
B Group B Group

11. WCCA Daytime Curling Championship Representative – if both the

Tuesday Champion and the Thursday Champion are interested in
representing the league, a play-off game will be required to determine
the representative. When the entry must be submitted prior to the end
of the season before champions are determined, the Policy regarding
the selection of a representative to the WCCA Daytime
Championships must be adhered to.

12.A team must consist of two regular personnel and one or two spares. A
spare shall play the lead position, if two spares are required, they will
play lead and second.
13.Spares – A spare list will be maintained and distributed to all skips at
the beginning of the season. Skips will arrange for their own spares by
contacting players on this list, players who are “5ths” from teams that
have a bye or from outside the club.

14.If only 2 team members arrive to play their scheduled game, they must
forfeit that game. They may “borrow” a member of the opposing team
to play a “fun” game.

15.If a team member must leave the ice due to injury (or other unforeseen
happening) during a game where only 3 team members are present
leaving only 2 players on the ice, the game is forfeited. If there is a club
member in the building and she is willing to play, the opposing skip
must be in agreement.

Revised October 13, 2019

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