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QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT
National Technical Regulation on Noise
(This English version is for reference only)

HANOI - 2010
QCVN 03: 2008/BTNMT QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT

QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT was prepared by the Committee of the National
Technical Regulation on Soil Quality, submitted by the National
Environment Administration, Department for Science and Technology, and
Department for Legislation and promulgated in accordance with Circular No.
39/2010/TT-BTNMT dated December 16th, 2010 by the Minister of Natural
Resources and Environment.

QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT

National Technical Regulation on Noise

1.1. Scope
This regulation fixes maximum limit on noise levels at areas where people
live, operate and work.
Noise in this regulation caused by operation of people, not distinguished
type of noise causing source and noise arising place.
This regulation is not applied to assess noise level inside the production,
construction, trading and service plants.
1.2. Subject of application
This regulation is applied to organizations, individuals that cause noise
affected to areas where people live, operate and work in Vietnam territory.
1.3. Explanation of terms
1.3.1. Special area
Areas where are inside fence of health, library, kindergarten, school,
church, village hall, pagoda bases and areas with other special regulations.
1.3.2. Common area
Including: apartment building zone, house for living separately or
continuously, hotel, rest house and administrative agency.

2.1. Sources cause noise by production, construction, trading, service and
activity operation must not be exceeding value fixed in Table 1.
Table 1 - Allowed maximum limit on noise
(according to equivalent sound level), dBA
No. Area From 6h to 21 h From 21h to 6 h
1 Special area 55 45
2 Common area 70 55

QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT

3.1. Noise measurement method is executed according to the following
national standards:
TCVN 7878 Acoustics. Description, measurement and assessment of
environmental noise, including 2 parts:
- TCVN 7878 - 1:2008 (ISO 1996-1:2003) - Part 1: Basic quantities and
assessment procedures;
- TCVN 7878 - 2:2010 (ISO 1996-2:2007) - Part 2: Determination of
environmental noise levels.
3.2. In specific circumstances and requirements, noise measurement method
can be standards or other methods appointed by appropriate authorities.

4.1. This regulation is applied for replacing TCVN 5949:1998 Acoustics -
Noise in public and residental areas - Maximum permited noise level which is
within the List of Vietnamese National Standards on Environment
mandatorily applied together promulgated enclosed to Decision No.
35/2002/QD-BKHCNMT dated June 25, 2002 by Minister of Science,
Technology and Environment.
4.2. Organizations, individuals relating to causing noise at areas where
people live, operate and work must comply with principle in this Regulation.
4.3. The state agency on environment management shall take responsibility
to guide, inspect, supervise the implementation of this Regulation.
4.4. In case of Vietnamese National Standard refered in this Regulation
to be admended, supplemented or replaced, it will be applied according to
new edition.

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