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Nguyen Van Cu Secondary School

Date of preparing: 10/10/2023

Period 35
Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED – At a Vietnamese restaurant

I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:

- use the words related to the topic Food and Drink;
- pronounce the sounds [ɔ] and [ɔ:] correctly;
- use some, a lot of, and lots of to talk about quantity;
- ask and answer about prices;
- read for specific information about a typical traditional food;
- talk about a popular food or drink;
- listen for specific information about eating habits;
- write a paragraph describing eating habits.
1. Knowledge:
- To introduce the topic “ Food and Drink ”. To practice listening and reading.
- An overview about the topic Food and Drink
- Vocabulary to talk about food and drink
+ Vocabulary: Use the words related to the topic Food and Drink:
- roast (v) , fry (v) , shrimp (n) , lemonade (n) , mineral (adj)
- Ask and answer about prices;
+ Grammar: - Use some, a lot of, and lots of to talk about quantity;
2. Competence: Students will be able to practice listening and reading skills .
- Develop communication skills and cultural awareness.
- Be cooperative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Qualities:
- Develop healthy eating habits and awareness of balanced diets.
- Be proud of the homeland
- Develop self-study skills.
- Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....
- Students : Text books, studying equipment….
- Computer connected to the Internet.
- Sach
Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
* WARM – UP: Kim’s Game
- T devides class into two groups. + Students (Ss) work in two groups, watch the
- T asks Ss watch a video, try to remember and name the video and name the food.
food. The group has more correct words will be the winner. + Keys: Korea (bibimbap, bulgogi, kimchi), China
(hot pot, mapo tofu, dumplings), Japan (sushi, natto,
ramen, onigiri), Vietnam (banh mi, spring rolls,
pho), Thailand (Tom Yum goong, pad Thai, Som
Tam), India (curry, naan, tandoori chicken), USA
(hamburger, donut, hotdog), Mexico (burrito,

Lesson plan 7 Teacher: Le Hoang Bao Ghi

Nguyen Van Cu Secondary School

nacho, toco), Italy (pizza, spaghetti), Spain (pealla,

jamon, sangria), France (baguette, cheese, crepe),
UK (fish and chips, Yorkshire pudding).
* Asking questions
- Lead to the new unit.
- Write the unit title Food and Drink on the board. Elicit any
information Ss know about food and drink by asking some
+ Have you ever been to a restaurant?
+ Where and when?
+ What food and drink did you have there?
- After Ss answer, ask them to open their books to page 50
and introduce what they are going to study…. - Open the book and write the tittle of the lesson.


Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
1. Listen and read: (Ex 1, p. 50) 1. Listen and read:
*Teach vocabulary: - T_Ss
+ Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab
(situation, realia, translation.)
+ Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
- providing the pictures
- eliciting the definition of the words
+ Teacher do the “Rub out and remember” checking
+ Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives
- Teacher reveals that these words will appear in the reading
text and asks students to open their textbook to discover *Vocabulary
* Teacher asks Ss to look at the picture (p.50-51) and answer
the questions:
* Set the context for the listening and reading text. Have Ss
look at the picture and answer some questions, e.g. Where is
Mark's family? What are they doing? Who are they to?
- T can also ask Ss to share any recent ex-periences of eating
at a restaurant: Have you ever been to a restaurant? Where
and when? What food and drink did you have there?
- Encourage Ss to answer, but do not confirm whether their
answers are right or wrong. Ask them to talk a bit about
types of food and drink they know.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along.
Have Ss underline the words that are related to the topic of * What is Mark's family doing?
the unit while they are listening and reading. A. Ordering food for dinner.
- T asks them to read and listen to the conversation and B. Preparing for their dinner.
check their answers. C. Talking about their favourite food.

3. PRACTICE ( 15’)
Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
2. What is Mark’s family doing? 2. What is Mark’s family doing?
- First, ask Ss to give the answers without reading the - T_Ss
Lesson plan 7 Teacher: Le Hoang Bao Ghi
Nguyen Van Cu Secondary School

conversation again. - Work individually.

- Then have Ss underline the words / phrases in the - Give the answers
conversation that are related to the topic and check their * Key: A
+ Ask Ss what exactly Jack's family is doing. Now confirm
the correct answer. (They are ordering food for dinner).
- Check the answers as a class.
3. Find the words and phrases about food and drink in 3. Find the words and phrases about food and
the conversation and write them in the correct columns. drink in the conversation and write them in the
- Have Ss quickly write the words they think are about food correct columns.
and drink in the two columns Food and Drink individually - T_ Ss
without looking at the book. Then ask Ss to open their books - Listen to the instructions clearly
- Ss to work individually.
and check their answers with their partners.
* Key:
- Ask some Ss to read out their answers or write them on the
board. With a weaker class, ask for translations of the Food Drink
words / phrases to make sure they understand them.
- Check the answers as a class. rice, pork, fish sauce, juice, lemonade, green
roast chicken, fried tea, mineral water,
vegetables, fried winter melon juice,
tofu, spring rolls,
canh (soup), shrimp,

4. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) T (True) or

4. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) T
F (False). (True) or F (False).
- Have Ss look at the statements in this activity. - T_ Ss. Work individually.
- Ask them how to do it. Give them some strategies to do the
- Ss do the tasks
exercise. (E.g. reading the statements, underlining the key
* Key:
words, reading the text while paying attention to the key
* Suggested keywords in the statements:
words, deciding if each sentence is true or false). 1. Mark's family is at a Vietnamese restaurant.
- Set a time limit for Ss to do the activities. When the time is
2. Mark wants fried tofu and beef for dinner.
up, have Ss share their answers in pairs. 3. They don't order canh.
- Invite some pairs to answer and confirm the correct ones.
4. Mark's mum wants mineral water.
For strong classes, ask Ss to correct the false sentences.
5. His mum doesn't allow her children to drink juice
- Check the answers as a class. during dinner.
- Scan the conversation to locate the underlined key
- Read intensively to tick True or False
* Key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
Answer key:
1. T 2. F (Mark wants some fried tofu and spring
3. F (Mark's dad thinks they will try some canh) 4.
5. F (Mineral water for me, green tea for my
husband, and juice for my children)
Teacher’s Student’s activities Content
5. Work in pairs. Think about your favourite food and 5. Work in pairs. Think about your favourite
Lesson plan 7 Teacher: Le Hoang Bao Ghi
Nguyen Van Cu Secondary School

drink. Then ask your partner about his or her favourite food and drink. Then ask your partner about his
food and drink. or her favourite food and drink.
- Ask each student to think of the questions he / she may use + Listen to the instructions carefully and do the
to ask about his / her partner's favourite food and drink. tasks.
- Demonstrate the activity to the class first. Example:
- Ask a strong student to help you. Then ask Ss to work in
A: What’s your favourite food?
- T goes round to help weaker Ss. B: It’s pho bo – beef noodle soup.
- Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class. A: When do you usually have it?
* Further practice: Taliking about Vietnamese’s B: In the morning
traditional food and drinks. ..........
- Teacher asks Ss what famous dishes or drinks are there in * Further practice: Taliking about Vietnamese’s
Da Nang city? Have you ever eaten or drank those foods? traditional food and drinks.
How does it taste? What are ingredients? Have you or
anyone in your family ever made that food or drink?
- Teacher asks Ss if they know any other traditional
Vietnamese dishes. Which place is that famous dish?
- T shows pictures of some traditional Vietnamese dishes.


- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt. Ask Ss to say aloud some words / phrases they
remember from the lesson. If there is a projector in the classroom, show the conversation, highlight the key words
related to the topic.
- T shows Ss a video: "Banh mi Viet Nam vuon ra the gioi":
- Talk about your favourite food (for a minute)
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson: Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

Lesson plan 7 Teacher: Le Hoang Bao Ghi

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