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NAME: ___________________ SECTION: ____________ ROLL NO: __________________


I. Fill in the blanks

1. The place value of the underlined digit in 2,44,562 is _____________________.

2. In International system a 7 digit number begins with ____________place.

3. The successor of 28, 63,089 is __________________

4. The place value of the underlined digit in 3,450,968 is _____________________.

5. ________________thousands make a lakh.

6. There are __________zeros in one crore.

7. ____________ ones are there in 9,00,000.
8. The predecessor of 4,45,500 is ________________.
9. _______________is the smallest 7 digit number formed by the digits 6,1,0,9,5,4,2
10. The greatest 8 digit number formed with the digits 2,8,0,9,5,1 (repeat the digits if needed) is
11. Hundred thousands, ten thousands and thousands form ________________ period.
12. 57,289 rounded off to the nearest 1000 is ___________ .
13. In 16,432,504 the digit 5 is in the _________period.
14. 1,03,419 ___________ 1,30,415 (<,> or =)
15. When the largest 3 digit number is rounded off to the nearest 100, we get _________.

II. Write the numerals of the following:

1. Eighty-one lakh thirty thousand seven hundred thirty-one - ____________________
2. Three crore thirteen lakh two thousand five hundred forty - ____________________
3. Five million six hundred forty two thousand one hundred twenty. - ____________________
4. The current estimate population of Chennai city is about is
Six million four hundred seven thousand. - ____________________

III. Write the expanded notation of the following:

1. 7,98,53,864 - ___________________________________________________________

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2. 21,00,239. - ________________________________________________________

3. 3,01,45,001 - __________________________________________________________________

IV. Put commas in appropriate places according to Indian and International System of
numeration and write number names.
1. 1201590 -____________, __________________________________________________
____________, __________________________________________________
2. 540563 -____________, __________________________________________________
____________, __________________________________________________

V. Write in short form: -

1. 20,00,000 + 9,00,000 +40,000 + 100 + 1 = ____________________
2. 4,00,000 +10,000 + 9,000 + 700 + 20 +3 = ______________________
3. 3,00,00,000 + 50,00,000 + 20,000 + 9,000 +600 +10+2 = ______________________


I. Fill in the blanks:

1. _______________ is the inverse of multiplication.

2. When we multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 the product will have at least ____________________ of
zeros as the factors.
3. Half the product of 10 and 1000 is ________________.
4. If we divide a number by _________________, the quotient is 1.
5. If the quotient is 208, the divisor is 25 and the remainder is 9; the dividend will be ___________.
6. 4,020 x ______ = 4,02,000
7. _________ ÷ 10 = 3,090
8. 40 x 500 = __________.
9. Multiplication is the repeated ________________ of the same number.
10. When 8,72,214 is multiplied by the place value of the underlined digit, product =_____________.

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II. Match the following:
a) 280 x 1 x _______ =28000 1,00,000 ( )
b) 2,40,00 ÷ ________= 2,40,00 8,608 ( )
c) 500 x 200 = _________ 100 ( )
d) _______ ÷ 16 = 538 1 ( )

III. Find the product using strategy.

a) 2 x 12 x 50 b) 4 x 9 x 25 c) 8 x 4 x 50 d) 20 x 6 x 5

IV. Find the product

a) 8645 x 28 b) 5678 x 604 c) 408 x 806 d) 6212 x 394

V. Divide and check your answer.

a) 59598 ÷ 23 b) 30045 ÷ 25 c) 19498 ÷ 39 d)49063 ÷ 72
e) 87342÷89

VI. Solve the following. (Write the statements and solve)

a) What will be the product of the greatest three - digit number and greatest two-digit number?
b) 2840 students were to be seated in 20 rows of an auditorium. If equal number of students sat in
each row, how many students were there in each row?

c) 5060 children get into teams of 12. How many teams of 12 can they make? How many children
will not be in a team?


I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The numbers that are multiplied to get a product are called _____________.

2.__________ is the factor of every number. It is also the smallest factor of a number.
3. The factor of a number is _____________than or equal to the number.
4. _______is the lowest odd composite number.

5. Every number other than 1 has at least ________factors, _______ and _____________.

6. The divisibility rule for 9 states that a number is divisible by 9 if the __________of its digits is
divisible by 9.

7. The factors of a number are limited (True/ False)

8. All numbers that are divisible by 5 are also divisible by 10. (True / False)
9. 17 is a __________number because it has only _______factors.

10. 24 is divisible by 2 and 3, so it is also divisible by ______.

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11.____________ is neither prime nor composite.
12. Numbers which have more than 2 factors are called ____________numbers.
13.___________is the only even prime number.
14. The largest number that divides two or more given numbers exactly without having any
remainder is called the ___________________.
15. The greatest prime number between 1 and 50 is ____________.
16. Write the prime numbers between 40 and 60.________________________________________
17. Circle the prime numbers. 71 77 79 82 83 93 97

II. Complete the following table by putting a tick or a cross.

2 3 4 5 6 9 10





III. Do the following:

1) Find all the factors of: a) 26 b) 80 c) 72 d) 99

2) Write the factor pairs of: a) 32 b) 53
3) Find the common factors of: a) 12 and 15 b) 35 and 60 c) 27 and 81 d) 56 and 64

IV.Prime factorise the following under division method

a) 24 b) 56 c) 65 d) 81

V. Find the HCF of the following in long division method

a) 25 and 15 b) 21 and 56 c) 45 and 64 d) 63 and 7

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I) Fill in the blanks:

1) When the selling price is less than the cost price, the business man incurs a _____________.
2) Overhead charges are always added to _______________.
3) The price at which things are bought are called __________.
4) Cost price = selling price + ________.
5) Selling price = Cost price + ________.
6) If C.P is 6543 and loss is 365 then S.P is ________.
7) If S.P = 590 Profit= 183 then the cost price is _______.
8) The seller makes a profit when the __________ is more than the ___________.
9) Profit =___________ – cost price
10) _________ = cost price – selling price.

II) Choose the correct answer:

1) S.P – Profit = ____________
a) Cost price b) Loss c) Overhead charges
2) S.P = Rs. 205, C.P = 250 then find gain or loss
a) Gain Rs. 45 b) Loss Rs 45 c) Gain Rs 55

3) If S.P < C.P then there will be ________.

a) Profit b) Loss c) None of these

4) If S.P > C.P then there will be ________.

a) Gain b) Loss c) None of these

5) If Cost Price is Rs. 85 and Selling Price is 105, then what is the profit?
a) Rs. 15 b) Rs. 20 c) Rs. 25
6) If you know S.P and profit, C.P = ___________
a) C.P- S.P b) S.P - Profit c) S.P + Profit

III) Solve. (Write the statements and solve)

a) Cost price of a motor bike is Rs. 78650, transportation cost per bike is Rs. 1350 and selling
price of the bike is Rs. 95500. What is the profit amount?

b) Deepak bought a car for Rs.2,50,000. He spent Rs.4000 on repairs. He sold the car at a profit
of Rs. 2300. At what price did he sell the car?

c) A washing machine is sold at Rs.25000 at a profit of Rs.1200. What was the Cost Price of the
washing machine?

d) Tom buys a music system of Rs. 54800. He sells it at Rs. 48500. Find his gain or loss.

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IV. Write formula and answer on the correct box and complete the table

Cost Price Selling Price (S.P) Overhead Profit Loss

(C.P) Charges

8, 435 1,500

9,560 3,270

1,834 9,20

16,320 18,100 3,200

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