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Sugar dough METHOD: INGREDIENTS QTY Flour 250g • Mix flour, butter and cocoa powder
until the flour reaches a sandy Butter 175g texture (rub-in-method). • Add icing sugar and
eggs and knead until it formed dough. Cocoa powder 25g • Rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
Icing sugar 100g Bake in a tart ring at 170°C for approximately 20 Eggs 50g • minutes.

Flourless chocolate sponge METHOD: INGREDIENTS QTY • Whip egg yolk and 60g of sugar
until thick and fluffy. Egg yolk 150g • Make a meringue with the remaining sugar and egg
whites. Egg white 200g • Fold cocoa powder into yolk mixture. Sugar 240g • Fold in
meringue carefully and bake in a ring. Cocoa powder 75g • Bake at deck oven at 170°C for
approximately 20 • minutes. Raspberry jam

INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Raspberry puree 250gSugar 125g • Boil raspberry puree,

glucose and 125g sugar.Glucose 125g • Mix another 50g of sugar with pectin and pour over
simmeringSugar 50g raspberry mixture.Pectin 2.5g • Continue cooking until 104°C and add
in lemon juice.Lemon juice ½ no. • Quickly transfer to another cold container.

Chocolate chiboust

INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Milk 200g • Dissolve gelatin with cold water.Whipping Cream
100g • Boil milk and cream, pour over premixed yolk and custard powder,Egg yolk 140g and
then mix well.Custard powder 16g • Bring the mixture to boil again (like to make pastry
cream).Gelatin 9g • Add in gelatin into warm pastry cream.Egg white 200g • Make a swiss
meringue with egg white and sugar (Bain-marie eggSugar 200g white and sugar until
65°C).Dark chocolate 67% 325g • Fold meringue into pastry cream • Lastly fold in melted
warm dark chocolate. BASQUE CAFEBasque dough INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD: Butter 375g
Sugar 250g • Cream butter and sugar with paddle. Egg yolk 50g • Add in egg yolk and eggs.
Egg 50g • Add in all of powdered ingredients. • Roll approximately 3mm and cut into
desired shapes. Flour 300g • Finally, bake at 180°C at approximately 12 minutes. Trabbit
12.5g Sea salt 2.5g

Bavarois cafe INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Milk 250gTrabbit 9g • Dissolve gelatin with

water.Egg yolk 90g • Make an Anglaise with milk, sugar and nescafe. • Add 1st and 2nd
mixture together and let it coolSugar 63g • DownGelatin 13g • Fold in whipped cream to the
mixture above.Whipping cream 225g Gourmand glaze METHOD: INGREDIENTS QTYMilk
chocolate 33.6% 200g • Melt the milk chocolate and mix in cocoa butterCocoa butter 200g •
Add in the caramelized almond nibs.Caramelised almond nibs 200g • Dip the frozen Café
bavarois into the cocoa mixture.

Coffee Ganache INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Cream 80gMilk 70g • Warm up the cream, milk
and invert sugar, add in crushed coffee Bean and let infuse for 2 hours.Invert sugar 30g •
Strained the coffee bean out and warm up the cream mixture again,Coffee beans 35g add in
bloomed gelatin and pour over the chocolate.Milk chocolate 33.6% 50g • Cool the mixture
down to 35 ̊C and add in butter, emulsify.Dark chocolate 67% 60g • Pipe into semi sphere
mold and reserve in freezer.Butter 30gGelatin 5g MANGO SABLE BRETONSable Breton
INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Flour 225g • Cream sugar and butter until slightly pale.Sugar
160g • Slowly add in egg yolk.Butter 160g • Lastly, add in baking powder and flour. Bake at
175°CEgg yolk 80g • for approximately 12 min -14minBaking powder 15g

Crème Diplomat INGREDIENTS QTY METHOD:Sugar 75g • Combine sugar, corn flour and egg
yolk.Corn flour 45g • Bring milk to a boil.Egg yolk 8 nos. • Pour 1⁄4 of the milk into egg
mixture and pour backMilk 500g • into the pot.Whipping cream 200g • Bring it to a boil.
Once smooth, place the mixture in a flat metal tray. Cling film and refrigerate to cool.Gelatin
8g • Once cold, fold in with whipped cream. Add melted warm gelatin at last.Fresh Mangoes
2 nos. • Garnish with fresh mangoes CARAMEL NUT TARTTart shell METHOD: INGREDIENTS
QTY Flour 250g • Rub in cold butter & flour till sandy texture. • Add in salt & icing sugar &
mix well Butter 150g • Last add in the milk just to bind together. Salt 2g • Mix till the dough
comes together & keep in the chiller for a minimum of 2 Icing sugar 63g hours. Milk 49g •
When cold roll the dough to 2 mm thickness and line the tart ring. • Blind bake at 160
degrees for 15 mins or golden brown in colorNut filling INGREDIENTS QTYSugar 120g
METHOD:Glucose 42g • Roast the nuts at 180°C for 10 minutes.Honey 10g • Make a caramel
with the sugar, glucose & honey.Vanilla 5g • Deglaze with milk & peanut butter.Peanut
butter 90g • Lastly add in roasted nuts. Mix well.Almond 60g • Pour into baked shell. Let
set.Hazelnut 60gWalnut 60gPistachios 30g www.apcaindia.com

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