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Operating Instructions

Non-Contact Safety Switch

CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-… (Unicode/Multicode) EN
Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

1. About this document.............................................................................................. 4
1.1. Scope.............................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Target group...................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Key to symbols................................................................................................................................4
1.4. Supplementary documents...............................................................................................................4

2. Correct use........................................................................................................... 5

3. Description of the safety function........................................................................... 6

4. Exclusion of liability and warranty.......................................................................... 6

5. General safety precautions.................................................................................... 6

6. Function................................................................................................................ 7
6.1. Door monitoring output....................................................................................................................7
6.2. Diagnostic output............................................................................................................................7
6.3. Limit-range monitoring.....................................................................................................................7
6.4. Switching states..............................................................................................................................7

7. ATEX..................................................................................................................... 8
7.1. Technical data for housing guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528......................................................................9
7.1.1. Dimension drawing of housing guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528....................................................9
7.2. Mounting.........................................................................................................................................9

8. Mounting............................................................................................................. 10

9. Electrical connection........................................................................................... 12
9.1. Notes about ..........................................................................................................................13
9.2. Safety in case of faults...................................................................................................................13
9.3. Fuse protection for power supply....................................................................................................13
9.4. Requirements for connecting cables................................................................................................13
9.5. Maximum cable lengths..................................................................................................................14
9.5.1. Determining cable lengths using the example table..............................................................15
9.6. Connector assignment of safety switch CES‑I‑AR-.-C04......................................................................16
9.7. Terminal assignment of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑.‑C14........................................................................16
9.8. Connector assignment of Y-distributor.............................................................................................17
9.9. Connection of a single AR device....................................................................................................18
9.10. Connection of several devices in a switch chain...............................................................................19
9.11. Information on operation on an AR evaluation unit.............................................................................21
9.12. Notes on operation with safe control systems..................................................................................21

2 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

10. Setup.................................................................................................................. 23
10.1. LED displays.................................................................................................................................23
10.2. Teach-in function for actuator (only for unicode evaluation)................................................................23
10.2.1. Preparing device for the teach-in operation and teaching-in actuator.....................................23
10.2.2. Teach-in function with series connection, replacing and teaching in device.............................24
10.3. Functional check............................................................................................................................24
10.3.1. Electrical function test.......................................................................................................24

11. System status table CES-I-AR-…........................................................................... 25

12. Technical data..................................................................................................... 26

12.1. Technical data for safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C04‑…..............................................................................26
12.1.1. Dimension drawing of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C04-…............................................................27
12.2. Technical data for safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑.‑C14‑…............................................................................28
12.2.1. Dimension drawing of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C14-…............................................................29
12.3. Typical system times......................................................................................................................30
12.4. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-C04/CES-A-BBN-C04-EX-137527............................................31
12.4.1. Dimension drawing............................................................................................................31
12.4.2. Operating distances..........................................................................................................31
12.4.3. Typical actuating range in installation position A..................................................................32
12.5. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BDN-06.......................................................................................33
12.5.1. Dimension drawing............................................................................................................33
12.5.2. Operating distances..........................................................................................................33
12.6. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-161502...............................................................................34
12.6.1. Dimension drawing............................................................................................................34
12.6.2. Operating distances..........................................................................................................34
12.7. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-C14-160441.........................................................................35
12.7.1. Dimension drawing............................................................................................................35
12.7.2. Operating distances..........................................................................................................36
12.7.3. Typical actuating range in installation position A..................................................................37

13. Ordering information and accessories.................................................................. 38

14. Inspection and service......................................................................................... 38

15. Service............................................................................................................... 38

16. Declaration of conformity.................................................................................... 39


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 3

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

1. About this document

1.1. Scope
These operating instructions are valid for all CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-… These operating instructions, the document Safety
information and any enclosed data sheet form the complete user information for your device.

1.2. Target group

Design engineers and installation planners for safety devices on machines, as well as setup and servicing staff possessing
special expertise in handling safety components.

1.3. Key to symbols

Symbol/depiction Meaning

Printed document

www Document is available for download at


Safety precautions
Danger of death or severe injuries
DANGER Warning about possible injuries
WARNING Caution slight injuries possible


Notice about possible device damage

NOTICE Important information
Tip Useful information

1.4. Supplementary documents

The overall documentation for this device consists of the following documents:
Document title
(document number)
Safety information
Basic safety information
Operating instructions
(this document) www

Possibly enclosed data

Item-specific information about deviations or additions

Always read all documents to gain a complete overview of safe installation, setup and use of the
device. The documents can be downloaded from For this purpose enter the doc.
no. in the search box.

4 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

2. Correct use
Safety switches series CES‑I‑AR are interlocking devices without guard locking (type 4). The device meets the requirements
according to EN IEC 60947‑5-3. Devices with unicode evaluation possess a high coding level, devices with multicode eval-
uation possess a low coding level.
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents dangerous machine functions
from occurring while the guard is open. A stop command is triggered if the guard is opened during the dangerous machine
This means:
Ì Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is closed.
Ì Opening the guard triggers a stop command.
Ì Closing a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start command must
be issued. For exceptions, refer to EN ISO 12100 or relevant C-standards.

Before the device is used, a risk assessment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance with the following
Ì EN ISO 13849‑1
Ì EN ISO 12100
Ì IEC 62061

Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following
Ì EN ISO 13849‑1
Ì EN ISO 14119
Ì EN 60204‑1

The safety switch is only allowed to be operated in conjunction with the intended EUCHNER CES actuators and the related
connection components from EUCHNER. On the use of different actuators or other connection components, EUCHNER
provides no warranty for safe function.
Connection of several devices in an AR switch chain is permitted only using devices intended for series connection in an AR
switch chain. Check this in the instructions of the device in question.
A maximum of 20 safety switches are allowed to be operated in a switch chain.

Ì The user is responsible for the proper integration of the device into a safe overall system. For this
purpose, the overall system must be validated, e.g. in accordance with EN ISO 13849‑2.
Ì It is only allowed to use components that are permissible in accordance with the table below.

Table 1: Possible combinations for CES components

Safety switch
CES-A-BBN-C04-115271 CES-A-BDN-06-104730 CES-A-BBN-161502 CES-A-BBN-C14-160441

CES-I-AR-.-C04-… –
CES-I-AR-.-C14-… – –

Key to symbols Combination possible

The devices can be operated on an AR evaluation unit. Refer to the operating instructions for the
relevant AR evaluation unit for more information.

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Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

3. Description of the safety function

Devices from this series feature the following safety functions:

Monitoring of the guard position

(interlocking device according to EN ISO 14119)

Ì Safety function:
- The safety outputs are switched off when the guard is open (see chapter 6.4. Switching states on page 7).
Ì Safety characteristics: category, Performance Level, PFHD (see chapter 12. Technical data on page 26).

4. Exclusion of liability and warranty

In case of failure to comply with the conditions for correct use stated above, or if the safety regulations are not followed,
or if any servicing is not performed as required, liability will be excluded and the warranty void.

5. General safety precautions

Safety switches fulfill personnel protection functions. Incorrect installation or tampering can lead to fatal injuries to personnel.
Check the safe function of the safeguard particularly
Ì after any setup work
Ì after the replacement of a system component
Ì after an extended period without use
Ì after every fault

Independent of these checks, the safe function of the safeguard should be checked at suitable intervals as part of the
maintenance schedule.

Danger to life due to improper installation or due to bypassing (tampering). Safety components fulfill
a personnel protection function.
Ì Safety components must not be bypassed, turned away, removed or otherwise rendered ineffec-
tive. On this topic pay attention in particular to the measures for reducing the possibility of bypass-
ing according to EN ISO 14119:2013, section 7.
Ì The switching operation must be triggered only by actuators designated for this purpose.
Ì Prevent bypassing by means of replacement actuators (only for multicode evaluation). For this
purpose, restrict access to actuators and to keys for releases, for example.
Ì Mounting, electrical connection and setup only by authorized personnel possessing the following
- specialist knowledge in handling safety components
- knowledge about the applicable EMC regulations
- knowledge about the applicable regulations on operational safety and accident prevention.

Prior to use, read the operating instructions and keep these in a safe place. Ensure the operating
instructions are always available during mounting, setup and servicing. For this reason you should
archive a printed copy of the operating instructions. You can download the operating instructions from

6 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

6. Function
The safety switch monitors the position of movable guards. The safety outputs are switched on/off when the actuator is
moved to/removed from the actuating range.
The system consists of the following components: coded actuator (transponder) and switch.
Whether the device learns the complete actuator code (unicode) or not (multicode) depends on the respective version.
Ì Devices with unicode evaluation: The actuator must be assigned to the safety switch by a teach-in operation so that
it is detected by the system. This unambiguous assignment ensures a particularly high level of protection against tam-
pering. The system thus possesses a high coding level.
Ì Devices with multicode evaluation: Unlike systems with unique code detection, on multicode devices a specific code
is not requested but instead it is only checked whether the actuator is of a type that can be detected by the system
(multicode detection). There is no exact comparison of the actuator code with the taught-in code in the safety switch
(unique code detection). The system possesses a low coding level.
Ì Devices with fixcode evaluation: For devices of the fixcode version, a permanently assigned actuator of series CES-
A-BBN is supplied with the device. The device can be operated only with this one actuator. No additional actuators can
be taught in. This unambiguous assignment ensures a particularly high level of protection against tampering.

When the guard is closed, the actuator is moved towards the safety switch. When the operating distance is reached, power
is supplied to the actuator by the switch and data are transferred.
If a permissible code is detected, the safety outputs are switched on.
The safety outputs are turned off when the guard is opened.
In the event of a fault in the safety switch, the safety outputs are switched off and the DIA LED illuminates red. The occurrence
of faults is detected at the latest on the next demand to close the safety outputs (e.g. on starting).

6.1. Door monitoring output

The door monitoring output is switched on as soon as a valid actuator is detected in the actuating range.

6.2. Diagnostic output

The diagnostic output is switched on in the event of a fault (switch-on condition as for DIA LED).

6.3. Limit-range monitoring

If the safety door with the actuator should settle over time, the actuator can drift out of the read head actuating range. The
device recognizes this situation and indicates that the actuator is in the limit range by flashing the STATE LED. This allows
the safety door to be readjusted in time. Also see chapter 11. System status table CES-I-AR-… on page 25.

6.4. Switching states

The detailed switching states for your switch can be found in the system status table (see chapter 11. System status table
CES-I-AR-… on page 25). All safety outputs, monitoring outputs and display LEDs are described there.
Guard closed Guard open
(actuator in the actuating range and permissible (actuator not in the actuating range)
code detected)


Safety outputs FO1A and FO1B on off

Monitoring output OD on off

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 7

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

Safety switches from series CES-I-AR-.-C04… can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres when equipped with housing
guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528 available as an accessory.
Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following
Ì EN 1127‑1
Ì EN 60079‑0
Ì EN 60079‑11
Ì EN 60079‑14
Ì EN 60079‑7
Ì EN 60079‑31
The safety switch is allowed to be operated only in conjunction with the intended actuator CES-A-BBN-C04-EX-137527 from
EUCHNER and the related connection components from EUCHNER. On the use of different actuators or other connection
components, EUCHNER provides no warranty for safe function.
Safety switches with ATEX rating from EUCHNER are not safety devices as defined by the ATEX Directive.

Ì In order to achieve the explosion protection stated, all the conditions in the operating instructions
must be met. HIGH RISK product.
Ì Devices with ATEX rating may be operated only with actuators that also have an ATEX rating for
the same zone.
Ì Use connection components and connecting cables from EUCHNER.
Ì The connecting cable must be laid such that it is protected against mechanical damage.
Ì In addition, a mechanical barrier is to be provided on the connecting cable as per EN 60079‑14,
section 9.3.9, to prevent flame propagation from the non-potentially explosive atmosphere to the
potentially explosive atmosphere.

ATEX rating
Housing guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528 in combination with safety switch CES-I-AR-.-C04
II3G Ex ec IIB T6 Gc X
II3D Ex tc IIIC T80°C Dc X
X = It is essential to mount the housing guard to protect the housing. All the electrical connections must either be isolated
from the mains supply by a safety transformer according to IEC 61558‑2‑6 with limited output voltage in the event of
a fault, or by other equivalent isolation measures (PELV).

Actuator CES-A-BBN-C04-EX-137527
II3G Ex ic IIC T6 Gc
II3D Ex ic IIIC T85°C Dc X
Dc X = To prevent electrostatic charging, do not subject the actuator to any processes that generate a large amount of

Permanently and inseparably connect the actuator to the guard using the non-removable screws supplied.
To prevent electrostatic charging:
Ì Do not subject the switch to any processes that generate a large amount of charge.
Ì Clean only with a damp cloth!

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Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

Protection against mechanical effects on the switch:

Ì Fit the switch on a flat surface. Install switch so that the rear of the housing is entirely covered in order to protect it from
mechanical damage through impact.
Ì All connecting cables and plug connectors must be laid such that they are protected against mechanical damage.
Ì The connecting cable must be laid rigidly; it is not permissible to lay the cable so that it can move (e.g. in a drag chain).
No tools (e.g. grinding or cutting devices) in accordance with DIN EN 1127‑1, Annex A, point b) may be used.
If damage or wear is found, the complete switch including housing guard and actuator must be replaced. Replacement of
individual parts or assemblies is not permitted.
The supplied type label must be affixed on the safety switch.
On use in potentially explosive atmospheres, there is a danger of explosion due to electrical sparks.
Ì Never connect or disconnect connector when live.

7.1. Technical data for housing guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material Plastic PA 66-IGF33
Dimensions 75 x 30 x 20 mm
Weight 0.02 kg
Ambient temperature - 25 - + 65 °C
Tightening torque of fixing screw in combination with CES-I-
- - 60 Ncm

7.1.1. Dimension drawing of housing guard AM-C-C04-EX-137528

20 30



7.2. Mounting


1 Affix ATEX type label 2 Place safety switch into the housing guard depending on alignment

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 9

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

8. Mounting
Safety switches must not be bypassed (bridging of contacts), turned away, removed or otherwise
rendered ineffective.
Ì Observe EN ISO 14119:2013, section 7, for information about reducing the possibilities for by-
passing an interlocking device.

Risk of damage to equipment and malfunctions as a result of incorrect installation.
Ì Safety switches and actuators must not be used as an end stop.
Ì Observe EN ISO 14119:2013, sections 5.2 and 5.3, for information about mounting the safety
switch and the actuator.
Ì From the assured release distance Sar, the safety outputs are safely shut down.
Ì When mounting several safety switches, observe the stipulated minimum distance to avoid mutual
CES-I-AR-.-C04-… min. 80 mm

CES-I-AR-.-C14-… min. 80 mm

Ì The operating distances change during the mounting of the actuator as a function of the material
used for the guard.
Ì Observe direction of arrow on the device (see figure below).
Permissible installation positions
CES-I-AR-.-C04-… A B

CES-I-AR-.-C14-… A D

10 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

Note the following points:

Ì Actuator and safety switch must be easily accessible for inspection and replacement.
Ì Actuator and safety switch must be fitted so that
- the front faces are at the minimum operating distance 0.8 x Sao or closer when the guard is closed (see chapter 12.
Technical data, sections Operating distances and Typical actuating range of the respective actuator). To avoid enter-
ing the area of possible side lobes, a minimum distance is to be maintained in case of a side approach direction. See
chapter 12. Technical data, section Typical actuating range for the related actuator.
- when the guard is open up to the distance Sar (assured release distance), a hazard is excluded.
- the actuator is positively mounted on the guard, e.g. by using the safety screws included.
- The safety screws cannot be removed or tampered with using simple means.
Ì Pay attention to the maximum tightening torque for the safety switch and actuator mountings:
- CES-I-AR-.-C04-… / CES-A-BBN-C04-115271 0.8 Nm 1)
- CES-A-BBN-161502 1.0 Nm 1)
- CES-I-AR-.-C14-… / CES-A-BBN-C14-160441 2.0 Nm 1)
Ì In order to avoid damage, the connecting cable must be laid with protection in areas in which high-pressure cleaners are
1) To prevent the threaded connection from loosening, effective screw locking must be provided in addition to the tightening torque.


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 11

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9. Electrical connection
The following connection options are available:
Ì Separate operation
Ì Series connection with Y-distributors or the passive distribution module AC‑DP‑…‑SA‑… from EUCHNER (only with M12
plug connector)
Ì Series connection, e.g. with wiring in the control cabinet
Ì Operation on an AR evaluation unit.

In the event of a fault, loss of the safety function due to incorrect connection.
Ì To ensure safety, both safety outputs must always be evaluated.
Ì Monitoring outputs must not be used as safety outputs.
Ì Lay the connecting cables with protection to prevent the risk of short circuits.

Risk of damage to equipment or malfunctions as a result of incorrect connection.
Ì Do not use a control system with pulsing or switch off the pulsing function in your control system.
The device generates its own test pulses on the safety outputs. A downstream control system
must tolerate these test pulses, which may have a length of up to 1 ms.
The test pulses are also output when the safety outputs are switched off.
Depending on the inertia of the downstream device (control system, relay, etc.), this can lead to
short switching processes.
Ì The inputs on a connected evaluation unit must be positive switching, as the two outputs on the
safety switch deliver a level of +24 V in the switched-on state.
Ì All the electrical connections must either be isolated from the mains supply by a safety transformer
according to IEC 61558‑2‑6 with limited output voltage in the event of a fault, or by other equivalent
isolation measures (PELV).
Ì All electrical outputs must have an adequate protective circuit for inductive loads. The outputs
must be protected with a free-wheeling diode for this purpose. RC interference suppression units
must not be used.
Ì Power devices which are a powerful source of interference must be installed in a separate location
away from the input and output circuits for signal processing. The cable routing for safety circuits
should be as far away as possible from the cables of the power circuits.
Ì To avoid EMC interference, the physical environmental and operating conditions at the in-
stallation site of the device must comply with the requirements according to the standard
EN 60204‑1:2006, section 4.4.2 (EMC).
Ì Pay attention to any interference fields from devices such as frequency converters or induction
heating systems. Observe the EMC instructions in the manuals from the respective manufacturer.

If the device does not appear to function when operating voltage is applied (e.g. green STATE LED
does not flash), the safety switch must be returned unopened to the manufacturer.

12 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.1. Notes about

Ì This device is intended to be used with a Class 2 power source in accordance with UL1310.
As an alternative an LV/C (Limited Voltage/Current) power source with the following properties can
be used:
- This device shall be used with a suitable isolating source in conjunction with a fuse in accordance
with UL248. The fuse shall be rated max. 3.3 A and be installed in the max. 30 V DC power
supply to the device in order to limit the available current to comply with the requirements.
Please note possibly lower connection ratings for your device (refer to the technical data)
Ì For use and application as per the requirements of 1) a connecting cable listed under the UL
category code CYJV2 or CYJV must be used.

1) Note on the scope of the UL approval: the devices have been tested as per the requirements of UL508 and CSA/ C22.2 no. 14 (protection against electric shock
and fire).

9.2. Safety in case of faults

Ì The operating voltage UB is reverse polarity protected.
Ì The safety outputs are short circuit-proof.
Ì A short circuit between the safety outputs is detected by the switch.
Ì A short circuit in the cable can be excluded by laying the cable with protection.

9.3. Fuse protection for power supply

The power supply must be provided with fuse protection depending on the number of switches and the current required for
the outputs. The following rules apply:

Max. current consumption of an individual switch Imax

Imax = IUB + IOD + IFO1A+FO1B
IUB = Switch operating current (35 mA)
IOD = Load current of monitoring outputs (max. 50 mA)
IFO1A+FO1B = Load current of safety outputs FO1A + FO1B (2 x max. 200 mA)

Max. current consumption of a switch chain Σ Imax

Σ Imax = IFO1A+FO1B + n x (IUB + IOD)
n = Number of connected switches

9.4. Requirements for connecting cables

Risk of damage to equipment or malfunctions as a result of incorrect connecting cables.
Ì Use connection components and connecting cables from EUCHNER.
Ì On the use of other connection components, the requirements in the following table apply.
EUCHNER provides no warranty for safe function in case of failure to comply with these require-
ments. EN
Ì Observe the maximum cable length of 200 m.

Observe the following requirements with respect to the connecting cables:

Parameter Value Unit
Conductor cross-section, min. 0.14 … 0.34 mm²
R max. 150 W/km
C max. 120 nF/km
L max. 0.65 mH/km
Recommended cable type LIYY 8 x 0.34 mm²

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 13

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.5. Maximum cable lengths

Switch chains are permitted up to a maximum overall cable length of 200 m taking into account the voltage drop as a result
of the cable resistance (see table below with example data and case example).

lmax =200 m
l1 l2
umin = 24 V -10% un = 24 V -20%


5 x 0,34 mm2/ 5 x 0,34 mm2 5 x 0,34 mm2

5 x 0,14 mm2

CES-I-AR # n CES-I-AR # n-1 CES-I-AR # 1

n IOD (mA) l1 (m)

Max. number of switches Possible output current per channel FO1A/FO1B Max. cable length from the last switch to the
control system
0.14 mm² 0.34 mm²
10 70 140
25 50 110
5 50 35 80
100 25 50
200 13 25
10 60 120
25 50 90
6 50 35 70
100 20 50
200 13 25
10 35 70
25 30 60
10 50 25 50
100 15 35
200 10 20

14 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.5.1. Determining cable lengths using the example table

Example: 6 switches are to be used in series. Cabling with a length of 40 m is routed from a safety relay in the control
cabinet to the last switch (#6). Cables with a length of 20 m each are connected between the individual safety switches.

lmax = 140 m
l1 = 40 m l2 = 5 x 20 m
ln = 20 m
un = min. 19,2 V

relais iout = min. 75 mA

Safety Relay

CES-I-AR # 6 CES-I-AR # 5 CES-I-AR # 4 CES-I-AR # 3 CES-I-AR # 2 CES-I-AR # 1

Figure 1: Circuit example with six CES‑I‑AR

A safety relay is connected downstream that consumes 75 mA at each of the two safety inputs. This operates over the
whole temperature range with a voltage of 19.2 V (corresponds to 24 V -20%).

All the relevant values can now be determined using the example table:
1. Select the corresponding section in the column n (max. number of switches). In this case: 6 switches.
2. In column IOD (possible output current per channel FO1A/FO1B), find a current greater than or equal to 75 mA. In this
case: 100 mA.
¨ It is then possible to determine the maximum cable length from the last switch (#6) to the control system from column
l1. In this case, a length of 50 m is permitted.

Result: The desired cable length l1 of 40 m is below the permitted value from the table. The overall length of the switch
chain lmax of 140 m is less than the maximum value of 200 m.

¨ The planned application is therefore functional in this form.


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 15

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.6. Connector assignment of safety switch CES‑I‑AR-.-C04

UB 6
2 5
7 7
FI1A 8
FI1B 4
FO1B 3
4 2
OD Coding lug
View of connection side on the safety switch

Figure 2: Connector assignment of safety switch CES‑I‑AR

Pin Designation Description Conductor coloring

1 FI1B Enable input for channel 2 WH
2 UB Power supply, DC 24 V BN
3 FO1A Safety output, channel 1 GN
4 FO1B Safety output, channel 2 YE
5 OD Monitoring output GY
6 FI1A Enable input for channel 1 PK
7 0V Ground, DC 0 V BU
8 RST Reset input RD

9.7. Terminal assignment of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑.‑C14

Terminal assignment Designation Description Conductor coloring

RST RST Reset input RD

+UB UB Power supply, DC 24 V BN
0V 0V Ground, DC 0 V BU
FI1A FI1A Enable input for channel 1 PK
WH FI1B Enable input for channel 2 WH
GN FO1A Safety output, channel 1 GN
FO1B Safety output, channel 2 YE
OD Monitoring output GY

16 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.8. Connector assignment of Y-distributor

Connector assignment of safety
switch CES-I-AR (8-pin plug) and
Y-distributor (8-pin socket)
Pin Function
X1.1 FI1B
X1.2 UB
X1.3 FO1A
X1.4 FO1B
X1.5 OD
X1.6 FI1A
X1.7 0V
X1.8 RST

Y‑distributor with connecting Y-distributor

cable 111696 or 112395 097627
Strapping plug 097645
4-pin, plug Socket
(figure similar) Socket

3 4 5 2 3 1 4 5 8
2 6


( 45
1 8 7

M12x1 M12x1

M 12x1
15 15

max. 45


Order no.
l [mm]
Length l

M 12x1

111696 200 Ø 14,6

M 12x1 112395 1,000

Ø 14,5
3 3
5 2 5

Pin 4
4 2

1 1


Pin Function Pin Function
X2.1 UB X3.1 UB
2 2
3 3
X2.2 FO1A X3.2 FI1A
Pin Socket
4 4 X2.3 0V X3.3 0V
1 1 X2.4 FO1B X3.4 FI1B
X2.5 RST X3.5 RST
Pin Function Pin Function
X2.1 UB X3.1 UB
X2.2 FO1A X3.2 FI1A
X2.3 0V X3.3 0V
X2.4 FO1B X3.4 FI1B
X2.5 RST X3.5 RST

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 17

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.9. Connection of a single AR device

If a single AR device is used, connect the device as shown in Figure 3. Monitoring outputs can be routed to a control system.
The switch can be reset via the RST input. To do this, a voltage of 24 V is applied to the RST input for at least 3 seconds.
The RST input must be connected to 0 V if it is not used.

In the event of a fault, loss of the safety function due to incorrect connection.
Ì To ensure safety, both safety outputs (FO1A and FO1B) must always be evaluated.

The example shows only an excerpt that is relevant for the connection of the CES system. The example
illustrated here does not show complete system planning. The user is responsible for safe integration
into the overall system. Detailed application examples can be found at Simply enter
the order number of your switch in the search box. You will find all available connection examples for
the device in Downloads.

24 V DC



2 8 6 1
Safety Inputs
Read Head

Monitoring Safety
Output Outputs

7 5 3 4



Figure 3: Connection example for separate operation of a CES‑I‑AR-…

18 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.10. Connection of several devices in a switch chain

Ì An AR switch chain may contain a maximum of 20 safety switches.
Ì The example shows only an excerpt that is relevant for the connection of the CES system.
The example illustrated here does not show complete system planning. The user is responsi-
ble for safe integration into the overall system. Detailed application examples can be found at Simply enter the order number of your switch in the search box. You will find all
available connection examples for the device in Downloads.

The series connection is shown here based on the example of the version with plug connectors M12. The switches are con-
nected one behind the other with the aid of pre-assembled connecting cables and Y-distributors. If a safety door is opened or
if a fault occurs on one of the switches, the system shuts down the machine. A higher-level control system cannot, however,
detect which safety door is open or on which switch a fault has occurred with this connection technology. A special AR eval-
uation unit is required for this purpose (see chapter 9.11. Information on operation on an AR evaluation unit on page 21).
The series connection can also be realized via additional terminals in a control cabinet.
The safety outputs are permanently assigned to the respective safety inputs of the downstream switch. FO1A must be routed
to FI1A and FO1B to FI1B. If the connections are interchanged (e.g. FO1A to FI1B), the device will switch to the fault state.
Always use the RST input in series connections. All switches in a chain can be reset at the same time with this reset input.
To do this, a voltage of 24 V must be applied to the RST input for at least 3 seconds. If input RST is not used in your appli-
cation, it should be connected to 0 V.
Note the following on this aspect:
Ì A common signal must be used for all switches in the chain. This can be a changeover switch or the output of a control
system. A pushbutton is not suitable because the reset must always be connected to GND during operation (see switch
S1 in Figure 4 on page 20).
Ì Reset must always be performed simultaneously for all switches of the chain.


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 19

Figure 4:
Terminating plug Y-distributor

UB 1 UB 1 1 UB
0V 3 3 0V
FI1A 2 FO1A 2 2 FI1A
Operating Instructions

FI1B 4 FO1B 4 4 FI1B

1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4



Y-distributor Y-distributor Y-distributor 12

Terminating plug
11 14


Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…


1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4
Safety Inputs Safety Outputs Safety Inputs Safety Outputs Safety Inputs Safety Outputs

Connection example for series connection with reset and changeover switch
Eval Unit

Read Head
Read Head
Read Head


(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

9.11. Information on operation on an AR evaluation unit

The devices can be operated on an AR evaluation unit. Refer to the operating instructions for the relevant AR evaluation unit
for more information.

9.12. Notes on operation with safe control systems

Please observe the following requirements for connection to safe control systems:
Ì Use a common power supply for the control system and the connected safety switches.
Ì A pulsed power supply must not be used for UB. Tap the supply voltage directly from the power supply unit. If the power
supply is connected to a terminal of a safe control system, this output must provide sufficient electrical current.
Ì Always connect inputs FI1A and FI1B directly to a power supply unit or to outputs FO1A and FO1B of another EUCHNER
AR device (series connection). Pulsed signals must not be present at inputs FI1A and FI1B.
Ì The safety outputs (FO1A and FO1B) can be connected to the safe inputs of a control system. Prerequisite: The input
must be suitable for pulsed safety signals (OSSD signals, e.g. from light grids). The control system must tolerate test
pulses on the input signals. This normally can be set up by parameter assignment in the control system. Observe the
notes of the control system manufacturer. For the pulse duration of your safety switch, refer to chapter 12. Technical
data on page 26.
A detailed example of connecting and setting the parameters of the control system is available for many devices at, in the area Downloads/Applications/CES. The features of the respective device are dealt with there in
greater detail.


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 21

Figure 5:
Operating Instructions

Terminating plug Y-distributor Y-distributor Y-distributor




-X1 -X1
1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 X2:3 X2:4 X2:5 X2:1 2 3
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

Safety Inputs Safety Inputs Safety Inputs Safety Output

Safety Output Safety Output 4 F-DO Output 4/8 F-DI

Supply of
the control

Read Head
Read Head

Connection example for mixed series connection (2 x CES and 1 x CET) to ET200

(Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

10. Setup
10.1. LED displays
You will find a detailed description of the signal functions in chapter 11. System status table CES-I-AR-… on page 25.
LED Color CES-I-AR-.-C04-… LEDs CES-I-AR-.-C14-…
STATE green
DIA red

10.2. Teach-in function for actuator (only for unicode evaluation)

The actuator must be allocated to the safety switch using a teach-in function before the system forms a functional unit.
During a teach-in operation, the safety outputs and the monitoring output OD are switched off, i.e. the system is in the safe

It is recommended to perform the teach-in operation prior to mounting. Mark switches and actuators
that belong together in order to avoid confusion. For devices to be connected in series, we recommend
performing the teach-in operation separately for each device prior to series connection.

Ì The teach-in operation may be performed only if the device functions flawlessly. The red DIA LED
must not be illuminated.
Ì The safety switch disables the code of the preceding device if teach-in is carried out for a new
actuator. Teach-in is not possible again immediately for this device if a new teach-in operation is
carried out. The disabled code is released again in the safety switch only after a third code has
been taught-in.
Ì The safety switch can be operated only with the last actuator taught-in.
Ì The number of teach-in operations is unlimited.
Ì After starting, the device remains in teach-in standby state for 3 min. If no new actuator is detect-
ed in this time, the device changes to normal operation. If the switch detects the actuator that was
most recently taught-in when in the teach-in standby state, this state is ended immediately and the
switch changes to normal operation.
Ì If the actuator to be taught-in is within the actuating range for less than 60 s, it will not be activat-
ed and the most recently taught-in actuator will remain saved.
Ì After an unsuccessful teach-in operation, the switch changes to normal operation.

10.2.1. Preparing device for the teach-in operation and teaching-in actuator
1. Apply operating voltage to the safety switch.
¨ The green LED flashes quickly (approx. 5 Hz)
A self-test is performed during this time (approx. 8 s). After this, the LED flashes cyclically three times and signals that
it is in standby state for teach-in. EN
Standby state for teach-in remains active for approx. 3 minutes.
2. Move new actuator to the read head (observe distance < Sao).
¨ Teach-in operation starts, green LED flashes (approx. 1 Hz). During the teach-in operation, the safety switch checks
whether the actuator is a disabled actuator. If this is not the case, the teach-in operation is completed after approx. 60
seconds, the green LED goes out. The new code has been saved, the old code disabled.
3. To activate the new actuator code from the teach-in operation in the safety switch, the operating voltage to the safety
switch must then be switched off for min. 3 seconds.

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 23

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

10.2.2. Teach-in function with series connection, replacing and teaching in device
It is recommended not to teach-in the actuators in the series connection but to teach them in one by one instead. Teach-in
in a series connection works analogously to separate operation in principle. All switches in the chain can be taught in at
the same time. The prerequisite is that the switch chain functions without problems and the following steps are followed.
Further steps might have to be observed for mixed switch chains (e.g. for chains with CES and safety switches with guard
locking). Observe the operating instructions for the other devices in the chain for this purpose.
Work on the wiring (e.g. during device replacement) should generally be performed in a de-energized state. On certain
systems, it is nevertheless necessary to perform this work and subsequent teach-in during ongoing operation.
Input RST must be connected as shown in Figure 4 on page 20 to permit this.
Proceed as follows:
1. Open the guard on which the switch or actuator is to be replaced.
2. Mount the new switch or actuator and prepare it for the teach-in operation (see chapter 10.2.1. Preparing device for the
teach-in operation and teaching-in actuator on page 23).
3. Close all guards in the chain.
4. Actuate the reset for at least 3 s (24 V on RST).
¨ On the safety switch that is positioned at a new actuator, the green LED flashes at approx. 1 Hz and the actuator is
taught-in. This takes approx. 1 min. Do not switch off during this time and do not actuate reset! The teach-in operation
has ended when all LEDs on the device are off.
5. Actuate the reset for at least 3 s (24 V on RST).
¨ The system restarts and then continues to function in normal operation.

10.3. Functional check

Danger of fatal injury as a result of faults in installation and functional check.
Ì Before carrying out the functional check, make sure that there are no persons in the danger zone.
Ì Observe the valid accident prevention regulations.

10.3.1. Electrical function test

After installation and any fault, the safety function must be fully checked. Proceed as follows:
1. Switch on operating voltage.
¨ The machine must not start automatically.
¨ The safety switch carries out a self-test. The green STATE LED flashes for 8 s at 5 Hz. The green STATE LED then flashes
at regular intervals.
2. Close all guards.
¨ The machine must not start automatically.
¨ The green STATE LED illuminates continuously.
3. Enable operation in the control system.
4. Open the guard.
¨ The machine must switch off and it must not be possible to start it as long as the guard is open.
¨ The green STATE LED flashes at regular intervals.
Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each guard.

24 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

11. System status table CES-I-AR-…

LED indicator

Monitoring output OD
Safety outputs FO1A
Actuator/door po-

STATE (green)
Operating mode State

and FO1B

DIA (red)

5 Hz
Self-test X off off Self-test after power-up
(8 s)

Normal operation, door closed, safety outputs on the preceding device in the switch chain
closed on on
switched on

closed on on Normal operation, door closed, actuator in the limit range  Re-adjust door
Normal operation
1 x in- Normal operation, door closed, safety outputs on the preceding device in the switch chain
closed off on
verse switched off

open off off 1x Normal operation, door open, actuator already taught

open off off 2x No actuator taught, teach-in operation not completed successfully

- Door open, device is ready for teach-in for another actuator (only short time after power-up).
open off off 3x - Switches that have not been taught in remain in teach-in standby until the teach-in operation
Teach-in operation
(only unicode)
closed off off 1 Hz Teach-in operation

X off off Positive acknowledgment after completion of teach-in operation

Input fault (e.g. missing test pulses, illogical switch state from preceding device in the switch
X off off 2x

closed off off 3x Defective actuator (e.g. fault in code or code not readable)
Fault display
X off off 4x Output fault (e.g. short circuits, loss of switching ability)

X off off Internal fault (e.g. component faulty, data error)

LED not illuminated

LED illuminated

Key to symbols 5 Hz (8 s) LED flashes for 8 seconds at 5 Hz

3x LED flashes three times, cycle time 7 s

X Any state

After the cause has been remedied, faults can generally be reset by opening and closing the guard. If the fault is still dis-
played afterward, use the reset function or briefly interrupt the power supply. Contact the manufacturer if the fault could
not be reset after restarting.

If you do not find the displayed device status in the system status table, this indicates an internal device
fault. In this case, you should contact the manufacturer.

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 25

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12. Technical data

If a data sheet is included with the product, the information on the data sheet applies.

12.1. Technical data for safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C04‑…

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material PBT plastic
Dimensions 42 x 25 x 18 mm
Weight (device without connecting cable) 0.08 kg
Ambient temperature at UB = DC 24 V - 25 - + 65
Storage temperature - 40 - + 70
Degree of protection IP67
IP69K (only version with flying lead and version with plug connector M8 and mating connector
with the same degree of protection)
Safety class III
Degree of contamination 3
Installation orientation Any
Mounting method Non-flush
Connection - Plug connector M8, 8-pin or
- Connecting cable PUR, 0.14 mm², with plug connector M12, 8-pin, or
- Connecting cable PUR with flying lead, 8 x 0.14 mm²
Operating voltage UB (regulated, residual ripple < 5%) 24 ± 15% (PELV) V DC
Current consumption 35 mA
External fuse
0.25 - 8 A
(operating voltage)
Safety outputs FO1A/FO1B Semiconductor outputs, p-switching, short circuit-proof
- Output voltage U(FO1A)/U(FO1B) 1)

UB-1.5 - UB
LOW U(FO1A)/U(FO1B) 0 1
Switching current per safety output 1 - 200 mA
Utilization category acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-2 DC-13 24 V 200 mA
Caution: Outputs must be protected by a free-wheeling diode in the case of inductive loads.
Off-state current Ir 2) ≤ 0.25 mA
Monitoring output OD 1) p-switching, short circuit-proof
- Output voltage 0.8 x UB - UB V DC
- Max. load - - 50 mA
Rated insulation voltage Ui - - 300 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp - - 1.5 kV
Conditional short-circuit current 100 A
Resilience to vibration Acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-2
Switching frequency - - 1 Hz
Repeat accuracy R ≤ 10 %
EMC protection requirements Acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-3
Ready delay - 10 - s
Risk time for single device - - 260 ms
Risk time delay per device 5 ms
Turn-on time - - 400 ms
Discrepancy time - - 10 ms
Test-pulse duration 1 3) ms
Test-pulse interval 140 ms
Reliability values acc. to EN ISO 13849‑1
Category 4
Performance Level PL e
PFHD 4.1 x 10 -9
Mission time 20 years
1) Values at a switching current of 50 mA without taking into account the cable length.
2) Maximum current at an output in switched-off state.
3) Applies to a load with C < 30 nF and R < 20 kΩ.

26 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.1.1. Dimension drawing of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C04-…

Connecting cable with M12 plug connector


Connecting cable
with flying lead

M8 plug connector



Active face



8 14,5
25 18
Active face
With rubber support

Rubber support


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 27

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.2. Technical data for safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑.‑C14‑…

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material Two-component epoxy resin
Dimensions 116 x 30 x 23
Weight (device without connecting cable) 0.4 kg
Ambient temperature at UB = DC 24 V 0 - + 65 °C
Storage temperature - 40 - + 70
Degree of protection IP65/IP67/IP69/IP69K
Safety class III
Degree of contamination 3
Installation orientation Any
Mounting method Non-flush
Connection Connecting cable PUR with flying lead, 8 x 0.14 mm²
Operating voltage UB (regulated, residual ripple < 5%) 24 ± 15% (PELV) V DC
Current consumption - - 35 mA
External fuse
0.25 - 8 A
(operating voltage)
Safety outputs FO1A/FO1B Semiconductor outputs, p-switching, short circuit-proof
- Output voltage U(FO1A)/U(FO1B) 1)

UB-1.5 - UB
LOW U(FO1A)/U(FO1B) 0 1
Switching current per safety output 1 - 200 mA
Utilization category acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-2 DC-13 24 V 150 mA
Caution: Outputs must be protected by a free-wheeling diode in the case of inductive loads.
Off-state current Ir 2) ≤ 0.25 mA
Monitoring output DIA 1) p-switching, short circuit-proof
- Output voltage 0.8 x UB - UB V DC
- Max. load - - 50 mA
Rated insulation voltage Ui - - 300 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp - - 1.5 kV
Resilience to vibration Acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-2
Switching frequency - - 1 Hz
Repeat accuracy R
≤ 10 %
Acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-2
EMC protection requirements Acc. to EN IEC 60947-5-3
Ready delay - 10 - s
Risk time for single device - - 260 ms
Risk time delay per device 5 ms
Turn-on time - - 400 ms
Discrepancy time - - 10 ms
Test-pulse duration 1 3) ms
Test-pulse interval 140 ms
Reliability values acc. to EN ISO 13849‑1
Category 4
Performance Level PL e
PFHD 4.1 x 10 -9
Mission time 20 years
1) Values at a switching current of 50 mA without taking into account the cable length.
2) Maximum current at an output in switched-off state.
3) Applies to a load with C < 30 nF and R < 20 kΩ.

28 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.2.1. Dimension drawing of safety switch CES‑I‑AR‑C14-…

Active face


LED status indication Cable end sleeves


Ø8 Ø8
Ø4,6 Ø4,6



Ø8 Ø8

LED status indication



Active face


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 29

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.3. Typical system times

Refer to the technical data for the exact values.

Ready delay: After switch-on, the device carries out a self-test. The system is ready for operation only after this time.

Turn-on time of safety outputs: The max. reaction time ton is the time from the moment when the actuator is in the actu-
ating range to the moment when the safety outputs switch on.

Simultaneity monitoring of safety inputs FI1A/FI1B: If the safety inputs have different switching states over a certain
time, the safety outputs (FO1A and FO1B) will be switched off. The device switches to the fault state.

Risk time according to EN 60947-5-3: If an actuator moves outside the actuating range, the safety outputs (FO1A and
FO1B) are switched off after the risk time at the latest.
If several devices are operated in a series connection, the risk time of the overall device chain will increase with each device
added. Use the following calculation formula:
tr = tr, e + (n x tl)
tr = Total risk time
tr, e = Risk time, single device (see technical data)
tl = Risk time delay per device
n = Number of additional devices (total number -1)

Discrepancy time: The safety outputs (FO1A and FO1B) switch with a slight time offset. They have the same signal state
no later than after the discrepancy time.

Test pulses at the safety outputs: The device generates its own test pulses on the safety outputs (FO1A and FO1B). A
downstream control system must tolerate these test pulses.
This can usually be set up in the control systems by parameter assignment. If parameter assignment is not possible for
your control system or if shorter test pulses are required, contact our support organization.
The test pulses are also output when the safety outputs are switched off.

30 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.4. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-C04/CES-A-BBN-C04-EX-137527

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material PBT plastic
Dimensions 42 x 25 x 18 mm
Weight 0.03 kg
Ambient temperature - 40 - + 65 °C
Degree of protection IP67/IP69K
Installation position Active face opposite read head
Power supply Inductive via read head

12.4.1. Dimension drawing

6 18

Active face

15,5 With rubber support

Rubber support

Ì 2 safety screws M4x20 included.
Ì Rubber support included.

12.4.2. Operating distances

Actuating range for center offset m = 0 (in combination with safety switch CES-C04)
Installation position Parameter Value Unit
A B min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 15 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 10 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 - mm
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 40
- in y direction - - 60

1) On approach in z direction

Installation position Parameter Value Unit

C D min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 11 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 6 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 -
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 40
- in y direction - - 60

1) On approach in x direction

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 31

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

Actuating range for center offset m = 0 (in combination with safety switch CES-C14)
Installation position Parameter Value Unit
A B min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 12.5 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 7.5 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 - mm
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 37.5
- in y direction - - 57.5

1) On approach in z direction

Installation position Parameter Value Unit

C D min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 8.5 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 3.5 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 -
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 37.5
- in y direction - - 57.5

1) On approach in x direction

12.4.3. Typical actuating range in installation position A

(only in combination with actuator CES-A-BBN-C04)





-25 15



-5 15




-15 Z





For a side approach direction (y direction) for the actuator and safety
switch, a minimum distance of s = 6 mm must be maintained so that the
actuating range of the side lobes is not entered.

Figure 6: Typical actuating range

32 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.5. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BDN-06

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material Macromelt PA-based plastic
Dimensions 26 x ∅ 6 mm
Weight 0.005 kg
Ambient temperature - 40 - + 70 °C
Degree of protection IP65/IP67
Installation position Active face opposite read head
Power supply Inductive via read head

12.5.1. Dimension drawing

Installation options

Operating distance direction
Ø 30 * min.

6,1 0

26 0
30 * 30 *

* Metal-free zone

Ì Do not mount at temperatures below 0 °C.
Ì The actuator can be damaged during mounting.

12.5.2. Operating distances

Actuating range for center offset m = 0
Installation position Parameter Value Unit
A min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 19 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 14 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) - 2 - mm
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 40
- in y direction - - 60

1) The values apply only to surface installation of the actuator in metal

Installation position Parameter Value Unit

C min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 15 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 10 - -
Switching hysteresis 1)
Assured release distance sar
- 2 - mm
- in x/z direction - - 40
- in y direction - - 60

1) The values apply only to surface installation of the actuator in metal

2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 33

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.6. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-161502

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material PBT plastic
Dimensions 42 x 25 x 12 mm
Weight 0.025 kg
Ambient temperature - 25 - + 70 °C
Degree of protection IP65/IP67
Installation position Active face opposite read head
Power supply Inductive via read head

12.6.1. Dimension drawing

Active face





Ì 2 safety screws M4x14 included

12.6.2. Operating distances

Actuating range for center offset m = 0
Installation position Parameter Value Unit
A B min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 30 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 15 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 - mm
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 69
- in y direction - - 77

1) On approach in z direction

Installation position Parameter Value Unit

C D min. typ. max.
Operating distance - 25 -
Assured operating distance sao 1) 10 - -
Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 -
Assured release distance sar
- in x/z direction - - 63
- in y direction - - 72

1) On approach in x direction

34 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.7. Technical data for actuator CES-A-BBN-C14-160441

Parameter Value Unit
min. typ. max.
Housing material Two-component epoxy resin
Dimensions 72 x 30 x 17 mm
Weight 0.04 kg
Ambient temperature 0 - + 65 °C
Degree of protection IP65/IP67/IP69/IP69K
Installation position Active face opposite read head
Power supply Inductive via read head

12.7.1. Dimension drawing

Ø8 Ø8
Ø4,6 Ø4,6


Ø8 Ø8

Active face

Ì 2 safety screws M4x16 included.


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 35

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.7.2. Operating distances

Actuating range for center offset m = 0
Installation position Parameter Unit
(ALU surroundings/PVC surroundings)
A min. typ. max.

Operating distance - 24/20 -

Assured operating distance sao 1) 10/11 - -


Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 -

Assured release distance sar

- in x/z direction - - 64
- in y direction - - 72

1) On approach in z direction

Installation position Parameter Unit
(ALU surroundings/PVC surroundings)
D min. typ. max.

Operating distance - 17/15 -

Assured operating distance sao 1) 6 / 5 2) - -


Switching hysteresis 1) 1 2 -

Assured release distance sar

- in x/z direction - - 58
- in y direction - - 68

1) On approach in x direction
2) Values apply only to ambient temperatures up to 50 °C

36 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

12.7.3. Typical actuating range in installation position A

(only in combination with actuator CES-A-BBN-C14-160441)

-Z 22
-2 41
-6 82
10 4


18 2

2 6

-14 43
2 0



-22 Z

For a side approach direction (y direction) for the actuator and safety
switch, a minimum distance of s = 10 mm must be maintained so that the
actuating range of the side lobes is not entered.

Figure 7: Typical actuating range


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 37

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

13. Ordering information and accessories

Suitable accessories, e.g. cables or assembly material, can be found at To order,
enter the order number of your item in the search box and open the item view. Accessories that can
be combined with the item are listed in Accessories.

14. Inspection and service

Loss of the safety function because of damage to the device.
Ì In case of damage, the entire device must be replaced.
Ì Only accessories or spare parts that can be ordered from EUCHNER may be replaced.

Regular inspection of the following is necessary to ensure trouble-free long-term operation:

Ì Check the switching function (see chapter 10.3. Functional check on page 24)
Ì Check the secure mounting of the devices and the connections
Ì Check for soiling

No servicing is required. Repairs to the device are only allowed to be made by the manufacturer.

The year of manufacture can be seen in the lower right corner of the rating plate. The current version
number in the format (VX.X.X) can also be found on the device.

15. Service
If servicing is required, please contact:


Kohlhammerstraße 16
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Service telephone:
+49 711 7597-500
[email protected]

38 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

16. Declaration of conformity


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Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

40 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…


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Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…

42 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 2119563-12-03/20

Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-I-AR-.-C04/C14-…


2119563-12-03/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions) 43

Euchner GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstraße 16
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
[email protected]

Operating Instructions Non-Contact Safety Switch
(Translation of the original operating instructions)
© EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG, 03/2020

Subject to technical modifications; no responsibility is accept-

ed for the accuracy of this information.

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