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RATING SHEET - AY 2021-2022

CLASSIFICATION: Company, Barangay, Business Establishment

Others: ______________________________________________

TOTAL POINTS(1-100pts)
Title: LIGA ng Barangay sa Nayon’22

Type:  Skill  Knowledge

Performance Objective: Trainee will be able to…
Apply a problem analysis and decision making paradigm to the management of fitness
and sports.
Apply concepts and processes in the organization and administration of evidenced-
based of interventions in fitness, sports performance and wellness.
Promote the advancement of the profession through research, lifelong learning and
adherence to work and professional ethics.
Communicate effectively through oral, written, and technological format with
stakeholders, allied professionals, and various practitioners.
Target Proficiency:
 Awareness  Understanding  Perform w/ Supervision
 Apply Independently  Proficiency, can teach others
Trainer Preparation:
Design a Fitness and Sports Program
Serve as Resource Speaker in a Fitness and Sports Management Webinar/Training
(atleast 1)
Special Requirements:
To working in an environment of sports and fitness center. i.e. fitness gym, national
sports association, Philippine Sports Commission. Educational Institution – for athletes
Prerequisite Modules:
All subjects must be finished before taking up FASM/FASC 195

Not yet 100% face to face

OJT Coordinator, Department Chaiman and Dean of CSPEAR

Approved by:
The Five Step OJT Cycle for Procedural Training

Cycle Step 5 Cycle Step 1

Trainer/Trainee Trainer/Trainee
debrief establish shared
mental model

Cycle Step 4 Trainee Cycle Step
Trainer observes Trainer
Trainee performs
task and gives task as Trainee
feedback observes
Cycle Step 3
Trainer coaches as
Trainee performs
The Five Step OJT Cycle for Declarative Training

Cycle Step 5 Cycle Step 1

Trainer/Trainee Trainer/Trainee
debrief establish shared
mental model

Cycle Step 4 Trainee Cycle Step
Trainer observes Trainee
Trainee perform reviews
task provided as materials
feedback provided
Cycle Step 3
Trainer and Trainee
discuss information
OJT Module Lesson
Title: LIGA ng Barangay sa Nayon’22
Basketball League’22 For a wholesome fitness of mind, body and spirit

At Bgy Mangas , Alfonso Cavite

Thru the OJT students of CSPEAR

Seminar and workshops were given before the

They went thru stretching and proper exercise and
basic training before going play and learn the basic
guidelines, rules and mechanics.

OJT Module Lesson Measurement of Learning



Basketball League’22 Impressions like:

It will be measured by base on the observation of

the bgy officials and councilors during the event
and as well their attitude towards the whole
Also base on performance, time, professionalism,
diligent, and respect.
Trainee OJT Performance Report Form

Trainee’s Name: Ancheta, Ramchel A. Job Title: OJT – Liga Over-all coordinator

Trainer’s Name: Bgy Captain – Joel Andrew Date: April 28, 2021

Task Date(s) of Rating

Trainer’s Comments
(module title) Training Acceptable Unacceptable
Supervision of the whole February’ accepta Very responsible
league March ble

Additional Trainer’s comments:

Good attitude

Trainee’s Comments:
Hindi ganun kadali, pero kinaya namin

Action to be taken if unacceptable:

Trainee Date: April 29, 2021

Trainer Date: April 29, 2021

Supervisor, if different Date: May 4, 2021

Checklist 1- Human Factor Checklist

People – People Interfaces:

1. Does the performance of this task require any of the following types of
coordination or contacts? If so, directly above the affected action step or
sub-step, identify the person to perform that coordination or contact.

Within team
With other teams
With State Office
With others

2. Does the trainee have the authority to make decisions called for in the
training module? Decision making should be consistent with the trainee’s
level of authority so that tasks can be performed with minimum
supervision. If the trainee cannot make the necessary decisions, write in
the module the appropriate person(s) for the trainee to notify for decision

3. If other people, groups, or organizations are mentioned in the training

module, would the trainee know who they are and where/how to locate
them? If not, specify this in the training module.

People – Information Interfaces:

4. Is all written and spoken information easily accessible when you need it,
correct, easy to read and understand, and not likely to be misinterpreted?
If not, change it or consider another approach.

5. Have graphics been used when they would make steps easier to
understand? If not, consider their addition.

6. Is the information consistent with other instructions, graphics, and

instructions? If not, correct the inconsistencies.

7. Does the task require another type of job aid, such as Soil Taxonomy, or
a checklist? If so, make sure it is available or create it and include with
the training module.

8. Are the action steps in column 1 and the corresponding information in

column 2 arranged in logical order? If not, rearrange them.
People – Environment Interfaces:

9. Will there be environmental conditions present during the performance of

the task that might damage equipment or be a hazard for the trainee? If
yes, make sure to include a CAUTION just before the affected step or

People – Equipment Interfaces:

10. Can the trainee readily identify and locate tools and equipment required
for the task? If not, consider adding pictures and providing location(s).

11. Does the trainee know how to operate all tools and equipment required
for the task? If not, add operation to your task list and prepare a job aid,
break it down appropriately into 30-minute segments as needed and write
training modules appropriately. Also consider adding a CAUTION just
before the affected step or sub-step if appropriate.

12. Are the tools and equipment needed always readily available when
needed? If not arrange for availability. Under” trainer preparation” or
“special requirements” on the training module cover sheet, direct the
trainer to make sure the tools and equipment is available.

13. Are the necessary tools and equipment always in working order? If not,
add a note to the module cover sheet to check before training begins or
add a step to the training module to verify that all is in working order
(especially if that is part of the training).

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