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Fall 2011
(Class #: 82196)


Instructor : Dr. Ju Sun, Instructor

Office: EC 3254; Phone: 305-348-2067; email: [email protected]
Room: EC 3254; Monday and Wednesday, 2:004:30 pm (other times by
Office Hours :
Tuesday 5:00:40 pm (Lecture), and Thursday 7:50:05 pm (Problem
Class Schedule:
solving), BPC 211.
“Engineering Mechanics: Statics”, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition, Prentice
hall, 2010. ISBN-10: 0-13-607790-0; ISBN-13: 978-0-13-607790-9.
Course Web:
Online Tutorial:


Study of particles and rigid bodies in equilibrium applying a vector approach. Topics include: forces on
particles and two/three dimensional rigid bodies, equilibrium of forces, moments, couples, centroids, section
properties, and load analysis of structures.

1. Understanding the concepts of Engineering Mechanics and Statics.
2. Applying vector analysis to solve problems.
3. Understanding the concept of equilibrium of a particle.
4. Analyzing force system resultants.
5. Understanding the concept of equilibrium of a rigid body.
6. Analyzing trusses in two and three dimensions, frames and machines.
7. Understanding the concept of internal forces in rigid bodies, including Shear, Moments, Distributed
Loads, and Cables.
8. Understanding the general concepts and applications in real world of friction.
9. Understanding the concepts and applications of center of gravity, centroids, and moments of
10. Understanding the concept of virtual work.


(A) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
(E) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(I) Recognition of the need for, and a ability to engage in life-long learning
(K) Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Week Chapter Topics

Course Introduction
1 1 General Principles: Fundamental concepts; Newton’s law, Units of
Force Vectors: Scalars and vectors; Vector operations; Addition of cartesian
2 2
vectors; Position vectors; Dot product
Statics of a Particle: Resultant of two forces; Resultant of several concurrent
3 3 forces; Rectangular components of a force; Equilibrium of a particle; Free-body
diagrams; Rectangular components in space; Equilibrium of a particle in space
Force System Resultant: Vector/scalar products of two vectors; External and
4 4
internal forces; Equivalent force; Principle of moment
Force System Resultant: Moment of force about a specified axis; Moment of a
5 4
couple; Equivalent couples; Simplification of a force and couple system
System of forces: Further simplification of a force and couple system;
6 Equivalent system of forces
14 Exam I (3:30–4:45 PM on 9/29 Thursday)
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body: Free-body diagram; Equilibrium of a two-force
7 5 and a three-force body; Equation of equivalent; Constrains and statical
Structural Analysis: Simple trusses; Zero-forces members; Analysis of trusses
8 6
by the method of joints; Analysis of trusses by the method of sections
Structural Analysis: Analysis of frames and machines
9 6, 7 Internal Forces: Internal forces in structural members; Beam loading and
support; Shear and bending moment in a beam
Structural Analysis:: Cables with concentrated/distributed loads; Parabolic
10 7
cable; Centenary
Friction: Laws of dry friction; Coefficient of friction; Problems involving dry
11 friction
57 Exam II (3:30–4:45 PM on 11/3 Thursday)

12 8 Friction: Wedges; Square-threaded screws; Rolling resistance

Center of Gravity and Centroids: Center of gravity; Center of mass; Centroid
13 9 of a 3-D body; Composite plates, areas, and bodies; Resultant of a general
distributed loading on a beam
Moments of inertia: Moments of inertia of areas; Polar moment of inertia;
14 10
Parallel axis theorem; Radius of gyration of an area
Moments of inertia: Product inertia for an area; Moment of inertia of masses;
15 10 Mass moment of inertia of a thin plate; Mass moment of inertia of composite
16 1-10 Exam III (2:15-4:45 pm on 12/8 Thursday)

Course-Work Evaluation
Quizzes (pop-up) 25%
Exam I 25%
Exam II 25%
Exam III 25%
Homework + Attendance (extra credit) 5%
TOTAL 105%
Grading Scale:
A 90 % & up C+ 70 % & up
A- 86 % & up C 67 % & up
B+ 82 % & up C- 64 % & up
B 78 % & up D 61 % & up
B- 74 % & up F Below 58 %
Course Policies:
Homework: Homework will be assigned and solutions will be posted, all through an online tutorial
system “MasteringEngineering” (See Section G for details). It is very important that you perform
the homework on your own before you utilize the solutions to identify your errors. No late
homework submission will be accepted for any excuse.
Quizzes and Exams: Pop-up quizzes will be given in both regular lecture and problem solving
classes. No make-up quiz will be granted for any excuse. Excusable absence from the scheduled
exams is accepted only if the student informs the professor before the event such as illness and non-
reschedulable prior appointment, or after the event such as last-minute medical or other
emergencies, within a reasonable time frame and with a valid documentary proof shown (e.g.,
medical memo from doctor, letter from employer, etc.). In all cases, academic honesty is expected.
Under this condition, a make-up test will be honored.
Class Attendance: It is required that every student attend both the lecture and the problem solving
sections on a regular basis. Attendance to the problem solving class will be checked and recorded
for extra credits.
No 4-C Policy: No Cell-phone, Computer (unless taking notes or test), Chatting, or Cheating is
allowed in this class.
Learning Strategy: Simply reading the solutions is absolutely the worst strategy for this course.
You need to practice as much as possible.
Calculators allowed in test (by National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying):
Casio: All fx-115 models. Any Casio calculator must contain fx-115 in its model name. Examples of
acceptable Casio fx-115 models include (but are not limited to)
x fx-115 MS
x fx-115 MS Plus
x fx-115 MS SR
x fx-115 ES
Hewlett Packard: The HP 33s and HP 35s models, but no others.
Texas Instruments: All TI-30X and TI-36X models. Any Texas Instruments calculator must contain
either TI-30X or TI-36X in its model name. Examples of acceptable TI-30X and TI-36X
models include (but are not limited to)
x TI-30Xa
x TI-30Xa SE
x TI-30XS Multiview
x TI-30X IIB
x TI-30X IIS
x TI-36X II

Academic Misconduct: Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and

imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, rigorous and respectful exchange of
ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable
opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students
are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for
themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are
deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct,
they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the
Student Handbook.
Other: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will be treated according to the University
policy. The instructor will abide by the University’s policy on religious holidays.

G. INFORMATION REGARDING “MasteringEngineering”

“MasteringEngineering” is an online tutorial and homework system that accompanies the textbook listed
above in Section A. All homework will be assigned and graded through this system for this course. As a
student to register and access this online system, you need to have:
1. A valid e-mail address
Please sign up with a valid email address, by which the instructor can directly contact you.
2. Course ID: MESUN15072
3. A valid online access code (provided by publisher as you purchase the textbook)

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