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Cashing Out With Venmo 2022 by CanadianSmoker12

As we all know Venmo is one of those apps that have been getting hit hard for years, And of course with
any known method comes plenty of updates, patches, ways to prevent fraud using their services but
logically with time there will always be a new method, bin, way to bypass security features so even if by
the time this method reaches you and it the current wave the principle (concept) will always remain
the same never let anyone tell you PayPal, Venmo, Cashapp etc. is burnt because they are far from it!

-Fresh CC / Bank Log
-Socks5 or RDP
-Aged Venmo Account (Venmo With Debit card enabled.)
-Bank Drop
-Physical ID (Optional)
-Burner Phone

Method 1
There are a few ways you can hit Venmo the easiest being obviously to make your own account, age it,
then drain it especially because Venmo accounts a solid one can last you up to a year I have multiple
that are over 6 months and still can be used as a drop but eventually some banks / sites will start to
blacklist Account / Routing # s so if your going to do this method which is the most successful I
recommend making at least a minimum of 2 accounts.

The first thing your going to want to do is get yourself a FRESH!!! Credit Card or Bank Log from
CanadianSmoker12 or any other trusted vendor, the reason we want a log as a pose to a regular cc is
because as I mentioned before Venmo has been around for years and have flagged probably 1,000s of
bins its much easier to have FULL access to a bank or credit card log for multiple reasons the first being
you know the balance at all times so you know or at least have an idea of the amount of money you can
pull before raising any red flags, the second reason obviously being that you will have email access to
delete any emails and you will have control of all alerts and also having the ability to also link the
account to Venmo via plaid or using micro deposits. And lastly you can get more info on your victim
which will help us in the next step which I will explain more below.

Before moving onto the next step I suggest linking the bank or cc log to a 3rd party site like mint or
personal finance that way you can see the balance and transactions without having to actually log into
the account this will also benefit us and help us not create any red flags when it comes time to draining
the account. Now what your going to want to do and again this is optional but get yourself a physical ID
from CanadianSmoker12 or any other trusted vendor make sure to use all the info from the victim of the
log including the address.

It will obviously take a week or 2 to get your ID depending on whom you use and where you are etc. But
assuming you have your physical ID your obviously going to want to create your Venmo account. Make
sure to use the number to your burner phone use a VOIP number or a number you can loose
access to because keep in mind we are using this method to keep and age the accounts for as long as
Cashing Out With Venmo 2022 by CanadianSmoker12

Now once your account is created head over to the menu tab and see if your eligible to apply for the
debit card you use to be able to apply for it and have it delivered as soon as you verified the Venmo
account but there is now a waitlist when I created my most recent accounts I only had to wait maybe 2
weeks so it very long and ve now had those accounts for about 3 months now so if you have to
wait be discouraged this will be a strong drop in the long run and will make your cash out almost
certain. You have to use the same email just keep the basic info the same the Name, DOB,
Address, etc. While you are waiting for the card go ahead and link your bank drop so that way by the
time you even have the card shipped your drop is verified on your Venmo.

Once your approved for the debit card and activated it your finally ready to start cashing out obviously
the drop was designed for the log specifically but you will find you can use the drop for multiple banks
and sites, methods, etc. I use to receive 3-4 different PUA payments on each Venmo account I had at
one point same thing with Pop Money. So its not limited to only draining Credit Cards / Carding & Bank
Transfers. Anyways there s 2 ways you can go about draining the log now that you have the debit card
and your account is fully verified. You can do the most obvious method which is attach the credit or
debit card to your account and try to transfer funds this way or you can now proceed to link the bank
account to Venmo using plaid which is the method I recommend you can also use micros but it takes
more time and I find can get flagged easier than if you were to link the account using plaid. Now it
depends on the bank but when using plaid it will either send a code to the email, the phone, or it will ask
a security question or any combination of the 3 so its important to know or at least ask what be asked so
thus way you clip the log after spending this much time with it. I usually only use logs for Venmo
that I know I will be able to link to plaid for example if I have a citizens with all SQ and email I know I will
be able to link it.

Now you will only be able to add up to $1,500 per week but there are many other means of clearing the
rest of the money if there is any left to be cleared but for the sake of this tutorial we will keep it about
Venmo, Some Venmo s do have a feature that will allow users to instantly deposit of up to $500 per
week so if this is an option for you I highly recommend using it as well Now as far as the bank log goes
its up to you what you want to do with it I personally cover up my tracks as best I can then leave the log
alone I obviously have more logs to work with so its not a big deal to me if the victim notices or not
which I would say about 40% of the time I will be able to get at least a second deposit initiation off now
the less ideal way to go about it would be to change the info s to the log and attempt to lock the victim
out of the log but of course if they get a email or text or try to login then they will of course investigate
thus most likely leading to them calling the bank and speeding up the time of the chargeback etc. So my
advice is once you have made the transfer proceed to etheir drain the log using different methods all
within a short period of time 24-48 hours or to use the log for the one transfer wait a week then
attempt it again.

If you are using your burner phone through out this whole process then you need socks5 just use
data and not wifi, but of course if you are on a or limited to only a PC then use socks5 and or RDP to
avoid creating any red flags always keep the activity on the account to a bare minimum meaning even if
your expecting a transfer login everyday have your notifications on. D add your drop the same
day or after creating the transfer small details like these make a huge difference in your cash out. Now
Cashing Out With Venmo 2022 by CanadianSmoker12
the best thing about using this method is say even if the transaction does charge back or your account is
banned you can simply unban, unfreeze the money, un limit the account by submitting a picture of your
fake ID and usually within 24hours the money us ready to move, or the account is back in good standing
ve done this at least 5 different times so I know it works and you can continue to use the account as
normal. The main thing to focus on when using this method is use the fake to your advantage the reason
this method works so well Is because you have the ability to provide additional documents or
verification with the login or ID so its very easy to trick the support team into releasing the funds or
unlocking the account so I highly recommend this method its simple, self-explanatory, and it works! I
also recommend using (Citizens, 53rd, Santander) for the banks Santander being #1 as I find the success
rate to be over 50%.

Method 2

Bins: 441104
Lowkey Banks

Now obviously as mentioned in method 1 Venmo, much like Cashapp, PayPal, Western Union, Etc. Will
always be cardable but when it comes to BINs they can literally be flagged and burnt within 24 hours I
have had it happen plenty of times especially for btc sites or sites with heavy security. But anyways trial
and error is what makes us grow as carders if your able to find your own methods, bins, cardable sites
you can find methods much more successful methods than carding Venmo which again .. Has been
around forever now but none the less is still cardable and in some ways still very reliable I more so use
Venmo as a drop than something to card but for those of whom would like to still card Venmo I will give
you the best method with the highest success rate.

Step 1 is going to be to find yourself a 100% Valid CC from CanadianSmoker12 or any other trusted
source Venmo is ran by PayPal so of course it has its kinks like PayPal sometimes you may have a valid cc
and the right bin and for no reason at all it wont let the transaction go through there s nothing you can
do about it its just part of carding an app that s so well known. So the most important thing is getting a
valid cc preferably from a lowkey bank like 53rd or Santander just one lesser known than the
Chase, Wells etc. it have to be one of the bins listed above these are just bins I have had success
with in the past the 44110 bin (chase) is a very very good bin for multiple sites I recommend all my
clients keep and use it for their own trial and error for their own sites and methods. But the main thing
to look for when purchasing your cc is to obviously make sure the bin is non vbv but also make sure it is
from the same state or as close as the location as possible to your Venmo Account.

After you get yourself a valid cc with a good bin, good balance you can go about it 2-3 different ways you
can make and verify your own Venmo account as described in method one you would only need a
Cashing Out With Venmo 2022 by CanadianSmoker12
physical ID then to click the Verify Account option and wait for the account to be approved (which is less
likely to result in a successful cash-out due to the age of the account). You can buy a Venmo account
which can be hit or miss it may or may not be verified, it may or not be aged or have transactions etc. Or
lastly you can use a site like to get your own Venmo log which if your not going to make
your own Account this is what I would suggest being as you can get way more than just the venmo login
and for practically the same price theres logs on genesis as cheap as $1 so if your going to be serious
about carding then I suggest learning and using genesis to your advantage.

Assuming you found yourself a Venmo account its important you connect to the same location as the
Victim who s Venmo account it is this is important because you want to create any red flags on the
Venmo if we cant use the Venmo we cant card it so worry about the location of the Venmo victim first.

Once you have successfully logged in this is where it gets a bit tricky, depending on how you got the
account or what you got with it you are going to preferably want to get yourself a RDP the reason being
that now that you are in the Venmo account you now have to figure out a way to change your location
without creating any red flags for the cc company. This is why you want to try to get a cc from the same
state as your victim but of course thus always going to be the case so if you cant find one from the
same state your going to need to create cookies for the account and use them to login from the RDP the
RDP you want to obviously be connected to the same zip / location of the cc holder. Once you have
successfully imported the cookies and logged into the account your going to want to let it sit for a day or
2 to avoid any red flags again with Venmo because of the logging in from 2 different locations. You now
want to link your bank drop either by using plaid or by using micro deposits but once it has been
successfully linked and you feel enough time has passed you can attempt to card the account for the
limit I suggest doing it in increments no larger than $2-300 at a time.

Method 3

In this method I will be briefly explaining how to cash-out with Venmo using (ingo) which is cheques. For
this method you will need both a physical cheque and a physical ID. And also the Venmo account will
have to be self-created and verified.

The first thing your going to want to do is proceed as if you where going to deposit a check so it will
prompt you to create an Ingo account which is just a 3rd party service for depositing and cashing cheques
which many other pre paid banks use. But once you have created and verified your Venmo and Ingo
account your going to want to get you some grub (bank account info for cheques) either purchased from
a reliable vendor or created yourself if you know how.

Its important to make sure that all the info, dimensions, numbers, names, etc. are all correct on the ID,
Cheque, And Account as they will most likely put a hold on the cheque to verify it has the funds. The
easiest way to do this method is to get the bank account first you need online access if you can
trust the vendor and trust the account is valid with the stated balance. Once you have that with all the
required info for the check its as simple as cooking it or having it sent to you and you can proceed to
scan the check and wait for it to clear once cleared you want to move the funds immediately as cheques
Cashing Out With Venmo 2022 by CanadianSmoker12
are likely to bounce or chargeback after a short period of time depending on the account and victim of
course. The limit for Venmo is $5,000 but I recommend not going above half of that unless the account
is aged and has transactions which is unlikely.

This reason I go too much into depth with this method is because
1) its rather self-explanatory as long as you understand how cheques work
2) Its not as successful as the methods mentioned above (cc / bank logs)
3) its almost certain to fry the drop

as long as you can verify the ingo account with the same name and infos as the Venmo account and
obtain a legit looking cheque it will drop but its 50/50 on the account getting locked or funds getting
frozen, etc. Because of the hold time.

positive feedback is always appreciated and rewarded with a bonus if you have any questions feel
free to reach out and good luck scamily.

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