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Unit1: Human Rights

Comprehension: Read the following text and do the following activities.

1) Read the text put the lines (a-f) into the spaces (1-5).One line cannot be used.
a) Malala began to walk and talk again
b) In her acceptance speech
c) was a straight–A student
d) Some people did not support Malala
e) Malala became famous for speaking up for girls’ rights
f) Life in Swat Valley changed drastically in 2007

Malala: A Champion for Women’s Rights

Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan on July 12, 1997. Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, opened a
chain of schools in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. Malala attended one of his schools and 1) _____.
2) _____. At this time, the Taliban, an Islamic militant group, banned girls over 10 from going to
school. In 2008, Malala condemned the Taliban in a speech titled, “How dare the Taliban take my
basic right to education?” She continued to go to school, and she shared her experiences in BBC
blog called Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl.
3) _____.On October 9, 2012, a gunman boarded a school bus in Swat Valley and shot Malala
three times in the head. She received medical treatment in Pakistan but her health deteriorated
shortly after. She was placed in a medical coma and transferred to a hospital in England.
After weeks of rehabilitation, 4) _____. People all over the world sent her gifts, cards and
supportive messages. On July 12, 2013, on her 16 th birthday, Malala delivered a speech at the
United Nations headquarters. She spoke about girls’ rights and told the world, “We cannot all
succeed when half of us are held back.”
In 2014, the young activist won the Nobel Peace Prize and became the youngest person to
receive this prize. 5) _____, Malala begged the world’s leaders to guarantee free, quality education
for primary and secondary students around the world.

1 Which statement Best summarizes the text?

a) Many children around the world do not have the opportunity to go to school.
b) The Taliban banned girls over 10 from going to school in the Swat Valley.
c) A teenage girl in Pakistan spoke out for her right to get an education.

2 Are these sentences true or false?

a) Malala attended a state school in Pakistan.
b) She was a brilliant schoolgirl.
c) Malala became famous after condemning the Taliban in a speech

d) She won the International Children's Peace Prize in 2014.

3 What do the following dates refer to?

a) July 12, 2013
b) October 9, 2012
c) 2014
d) 2008
e) July 12, 1997
4 Answer the following questions according to the text.
1. What country is Malala Yousafzai from?
2. Why is she famous?
3. Who are the Taliban?
4. Why did they target Malala?
5. How did people respond to what happened to Malala?

5 Put the following sentences in the order they appear in the text.
_____ a) Malala was sent to a hospital in England.
_____ b) Malala spoke about girls’ rights at the UN headquarters.
_____ c) Malala condemned the Taliban for trying to take away girls’ right to education.
_____ d) Malala began attending one of her father’s schools.
_____ e) Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize
_____ f) The Taliban decided that girls over 10 could not go to school in the Swat Valley.
_____ g) A member of the Taliban shot Malala in the head.

6 Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a) criticized (§1) b) worsened (§3) c) recovery (§4) d) implored(§5)

Many women and young girls around the world are silenced due to a lack of education. By
educating a girl, you can improve the quality of life for her future children and her family.
 Look carefully at the picture on the right.
a) What could the picture represent?
b) Which groups of people/communities do you associate with
this picture?
c) What are some of the dangers/ risks attached to girls being
denied an education?

d) How does this link to Malala’s campaign?

III) Written Expression

Use the following notes to write a composition of about 100 to 120 words about the following topic.
An African proverb says, “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we
educate a family – and a whole nation.” In your opinion, what are the benefits of educating girls?
Educating girls:
- reduces poverty
- improves family welfare
- decreases population explosion
- helps them lead healthier and more productive lives
- allows them to give their children a good education; etc
The Taliban supported Malala to speak out for her right to get an education

______ h) Malala started campaigning for girls' education

1. 2
3 How did people respond to what happened to Malala?

The Taliban warned her to stop speaking out

Did the Taliban warn her to stop speaking out?

The Taliban warned her to stop speaking out
Malala started campaigning for girls' education
During most of her childhood, she was educated by her father.

30% of Americans and 25% of Europeans are fat. Many of them are teenagers. In fact,
there are fat farms even for young people in the United States. In these special camps, people
cannot eat chocolate, hamburgers, pizza, and other junk food. Instead there is a diet of fruit,
vegetables, brown bread, fish, and other healthy food.
Why is junk food bad for us? The answer is simple. It contains a lot of sugar and fat. We
need both of these things, but junk food has too much of them. People in Europe and America eat
20 times more sugar and 5 times more fat today than in 1800. This is one reason why so many
people die of heart disease.
However, even health food isn’t always healthy. Modern farmers and food factories use
more than 3000 chemicals. Some are fertilizers. These help plants to grow. Others are pesticides.
These kill insects. The third group are hormones. These make animals and plants grow bigger and
faster. Finally, there are additives. They make food look better, taste better, and last longer. So
are these chemicals bad for us? If we eat too many of them and not enough fresh, natural food,
World Quest
by Diana Pye & Paul Shipton
Oxford University Press
1 Choose the most suitable tile for the text
a) Growing healthy food
b) Unhealthy eating habits
c) Food and health

2 Are these sentences ‘true’ or ‘false’?

a) Very few fat people are teenagers.
b) In the past, people ate less fat and sugar.
c) In America, people try to put on weight in camps.
d) Eating too many chemicals can harm people’s health.

3 Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Why do so many people die of heart disease?
b) How do farmers make food unhealthy?
c) What are the things that help products look nice?

4 Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) them (§2)= b) Others (§3)=

5 The text is …
a) a web article b) a newspaper article c) an extract from a book

Text exploration 1/2

1 Find in the text words that match the following definitions:
a) The food a person usually eats
b) a substance added to improve or preserve something
2 Complete the following chart.
Verb Noun Adjective
to die

3 Complete sentence ‘b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’.

1 a) Scientists are doing extensive research on the health benefits of organic food.
b) Extensive research……………………………………………………………………………….
2 a) Doctors want people to buy more fruit and vegetables.
b) Doctors wish……………………………………………………………………………….

II) Written Expression

Topic 1: The range and quality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological and
scientific advances. Some people regard this change as an improvement, while others believe that
it is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Benefits of advances in food technology Disadvantages of advances in food technology
● Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger ● Many people distrust foods that have been
and faster. modified or processed.
● Foods can be modified to look perfect ● Farming without fertilizers or pesticides is
and last longer. more environmentally friendly.
● Genetically modified crops may be more resistant ● There may be risks in the genetic engineering
to disease or insects. of foods.
● Faster growing crops will mean more profits ● Genetically modified crops might change
whole ecosystems

In which paragraph is it mentioned that

I. 30% of Americans and 25% of Europeans are fat. Many of them are teenagers. In fact,
there are fat farms even for young people in the United States. In these special camps, people
cannot eat chocolate, hamburgers, pizza, and other junk food. Instead there is a diet of fruit,
vegetables, brown bread, fish, and other healthy food.
II. Why is junk food bad for us? The answer is simple. It contains a lot of sugar and fat. We
need both of these things, but junk food has too much of them. People in Europe and America eat
20 times more sugar and 5 times more fat today than in 1800. This is one reason why so many
people die of heart disease.
III. However, even health food isn’t always healthy. Modern farmers and food factories use
more than 3000 chemicals. Some are fertilizers. These help plants to grow. Others are pesticides.
These kill insects. The third group are hormones. These make animals and plants grow bigger and
faster. Finally, there are additives. They make food look better, taste better, and last longer. So
are these chemicals bad for us? If we eat too many of them and not enough fresh, natural food,
IV. Another important food issue in the world is meat. More and more people think it is wrong
to kill and eat animals. In fact, today, 5% of Europeans and Americans are vegetarians. But rich
countries still eat a lot more meat than poor ones. A person in America eats 110 kilos of meat in
a year. In India, a person eats 1.1 kilos a year.
V. Some rich countries actually produce more meat than they need. Europe, for example,
stores tons of beef. There are tons of butter and sugar, too, as well as milk and wine. Several
countries even pay their farmers not to grow food. And why does this happen? Because rich

countries grow too much food and poor countries grow too little .

Instructions: Mark the best alternative according to the information in Text 2.

1. Which of the following is true according to paragraph I?

a) Very few fat people are teenagers.

b) In the past, people ate more fat and sugar.
c) More Europeans than Americans are fat.
d) In America, people try to lose weight in camps.


2. According to paragraph III, _____ help products look nice.

a) additives b) pesticides c) fertilizers d) hormones

3. Which of the following information is not in paragraph IV?

a) A lot of people don’t like killing animals.

b) Less than10% of Europeans and Americans don’t eat meat.
c) Rich countries eat more meat because they don’t know its dangers.
d) Indians eat less meat than Americans.

4. According to paragraph V, rich countries _____.

a) have similar problems to poor countries

b) sometimes limit the growing of food
c) sometimes give poor countries extra food
d) have more food because they buy it

5. Paragraph _____ gives some information about a health problem.

a) II b) III c) IV d) V

6. Paragraph _____ explains how farmers make food unhealthy.

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

7. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

a) Helping Poor Countries b) Rich Countries and Their Problems

c) Food, Health, and Money d) Chemicals and Their Importance

8. ‘contains’ in paragraph II means _____.

a) picks b) prepares c) serves d) includes

9. ‘stores’ in paragraph V means _____.

a) introduces b) keeps c) catches d) exchanges

10. ‘this’ in paragraph V refers to _____.

a) growing food b) being a rich country

c) paying farmers d) being a poor country

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