Argumentative Essay Part Time Job As Student

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In todays’ fast pace world, it has become more common for high school students to juggle part-time

work with their academic duties for the sake of achieving financial independence at an early age. The
urge to take on part-time jobs to boost your income or gain experience may initially appear
fascinating, but there are possible drawbacks that should also be taken into account. Many have
argued that the idea of students working as part timers seems advantageous as it promotes
independence and valuable work experience, nevertheless, I strongly agree that high students
should not have part time job seeing that it decreases academic performance, causes health problem
and increases stress level.

Tons of people believe that high school students who work as a part timer will gain interpersonal
skills. They might be right to some extent; however, it needs to be highlighted that this benefit comes
with the negative impacts of students experiencing decrease in their academic performance. This is
because students are already hustling with an abundance of workload such as assignments,
homework and examination that is undeniably time-consuming for them. Having said that, adding a
part time job to their routine will obviously leave them with less time to complete their assignments
or homework what is more to study for their exam. For example, unpredictable working shift will
challenge students to balance their approach to be present at school and might lead to absenteeism
problem that will destroy their academic reputation. For this reason, it has been made obvious that
high school students should not have a part time job.

Secondly, some people assume that students will learn about time management with a part time job.
In spite of the fact that their assumption might be valid, the physical and mental demands of part-
time jobs can cause health problems for students. Part time job may result in health problem such as
excessive fatigue and exhaustion. This is because multitasking jobs and schoolwork can lead sleep
deprivation that causes endless periods of insufficient rest. Moreover, prolonged sleep deprivation
can also weaken the immune system, making students more vulnerable to sickness. For example,
when students ignored their sleep schedule, the weakness of their immune system will fail to protect
them against viruses and make them susceptible to illnesses like flu or common cold. This proves the
fact that high school students should not be working as it causes health problem.

Finally, many stated that high school students should own a part time jobs as it eases their parents’
financial management. Although students might help in lessen their parent’s burden, the pressure of
managing both work and school commitments can increase stress level. This is due to the fact that,
as they struggle to meet the expectations of both their employers and the schools they attend,
students may experience overwhelming emotions, anxiety, and burnout. For example, students need
to adapt themselves with work shifts that vary from time to time or else they will get fired alongside
with the need to complete their assignments or else it will exacerbate their grades. This shows that
working should not be added to high school’s students’ life.

In conclusion, while part-time jobs can be beneficial for high schools student, they still
should not be working as a part timer as it contribute to negative impacts such as decreases
academic performance, causes health problem and increases stress level among students. It is
essential for students to prioritize their health and academic though they might be tempting
to pursue a job for the sake of extra money.

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