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Residential interior design a guide to planning spaces free pdf

Residential Interior Design Residential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces Maureen Mitton, CiD, nCiDQ Courtney nystuen, aia eMeritus With CaD illustrations by Melissa Brewer, shelley Pecha, and Jamey Bowe Third EdiTion Cover design: Wiley Cover illustrations: shelley Pecha Cover photo: © KraftMaid® Cabinetry this book is printed on
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(paperback)—isBn 978-1-118-98504-5 (pdf)—isBn 978-1-118-98506-9 (epub)— isBn 978-1-118-98503-8 (o-book) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Acknowledgments ix related Codes and Constraints 62 electrical and Mechanical 62 ChApter 1 Lighting 63 Introduction 1 references 65 What this Book Is About 1 An Overview: Quality and Quantity 1 ChApter
4 human Behavior and housing 2 Kitchens 66 An Overview of Chapter topics 5 Introduction 66 Ergonomics and Required Clearances 12 Getting Started 67 Organizational Flow 12 Organizational Flow 70 Related Codes and Constraints 13 Introducing the “Major Preparation Work Area” 71 Electrical and Mechanical 15 Fixtures and Appliances 73
Lighting 16 Sinks 74 Visual thinking and Basic Design Graphics 21 Faucets 77 Orthographic Projections 22 Garbage Disposers 79 references 27 Dishwashers 79 Ranges 80 ChApter 2 Cooktops 82 entrances and Circulation Wall Ovens 83 Spaces 29 Microwave Ovens 84 Introduction 29 Refrigerators 85 Foyer and entry Areas 30 Trash Compactors 87
Vertical Movement 34 ergonomics and required Clearances 87 ergonomics and required Clearances 38 Work Counters and Cabinets 87 Organizational Flow 42 Sinks 92 related Codes and Constraints 46 Dishwashers 94 Ranges and Cooktops 94 electrical and Mechanical 49 Ventilation 95 Lighting 49 Ovens and Microwaves 95 references 50
Refrigerators 98 ChApter 3 Kitchen Storage and Cabinetry 98 Social and Leisure Spaces 51 More on Cabinets and Built-In Storage 101 Introduction 51 the pantry 108 ergonomics and required Clearances 55 related Codes and Constraints 109 Organizational Flow 56 electrical and Mechanical 110 Lighting 111 Mudrooms 189 prototype Kitchen
Illustrations 115 Home Office/Work Spaces 190 Home Gyms and Exercise Equipment 192 references 124 Appliances 193 ChApter 5 ergonomics and required Clearances 194 Bedrooms 126 Organizational Flow 196 Introduction 126 related Codes and Constraints 196 ergonomics and required Clearances 129 electrical and Mechanical 197
Organizational Flow 133 Lighting 198 electrical and Mechanical 143 references 201 Lighting 146 ChApter 8 references 147 Sample project and related Drawings 202 ChApter 6 Bathrooms 148 Sample project Scenario/problem Statement 202 Introduction 148 Sample project Design Drawings 203 Diagrams 203 Fixtures 152 Preliminary Orthographic
Projection Toilets 152 Drawings 203 Urinals 153 references 222 Bidets 153 Sinks (Also Known as Lavatories) 154 ChApter 9 Faucets 158 Basic Light Frame residential Bathtubs 158 Construction 223 Soaking and Whirlpool Tubs 160 Standard residential Building platform types 223 Showers 163 Basic Wood Frame Construction 223 Storage and
Cabinetry 167 plumbing 224 ergonomics and required Clearances 170 Doors and Windows 224 Organizational Flow 176 Doors 224 related Codes and Constraints 179 Windows 229 electrical and Mechanical 184 roof types and Styles 232 Lighting 185 Fireplaces and Stoves 232 references 187 references 237 ChApter 7 Utility and Work Spaces 188
ChApter 10 Notes on remodeling 238 Introduction: types of Utility and Work Spaces 188 Garages, Equipment Rooms, and Hobby Spaces 188 Introduction 238 Laundry Spaces 188 Assessment phase 240 Design phase 241 AppeNDIx D Wheelchair transfer and Clear Floor Selection and Construction 242 Space at toilet Fixtures 254 Budgeting and
return on Investment 242 Organizational Flow, ergonomics, and required AppeNDIx e Clearances 244 Outdoor, Secondary, and Zoning and Building Codes 244 Compact Kitchens 256 references 245 AppeNDIx F AppeNDIx A european Cabinets 258 IGCC, LeeD, and Sustainability/ Green Design Certifying programs, AppeNDIx G Agencies, and
Associations 246 Seated and Standing Work Surfaces and Desks 260 AppeNDIx B ANSI/Fair housing Bathrooms Index 263 and Kitchens 248 AppeNDIx C Seated Wheelchair Dimensions 253 Acknowledgments Having worked in the design portion of the construction From the beginning it was important to me to work on industry for many years, I am
well aware of the collaborative this project with Courtney. He taught this subject matter (and nature of the industry. Throughout the duration of every proj- much more) for years and educated so many design students ect (from conception to occupancy), everyone needs to rely during his academic tenure; I simply had to find a way to keep on the
competence of those whose work precedes one’s own. him connected with students. He has also kept a full range of Short of that, it all starts to fall apart. professional architectural projects going throughout his aca- Another component of a successful project is an owner/ demic career and into his alleged retirement. client who clearly communicates
his or her needs, collaborates Courtney’s ability to consider the information and content on a vision of what could be, and is willing to take some calcu- most useful to students and present it in an approachable man- lated risks. I have had some outstanding clients over the years; ner made this book happen. Working with Courtney has been I will not
compromise their privacy by listing names, but those delightful. How he puts up with me will forever remain a mystery. clients all have my ongoing respect and gratitude. Melissa Brewer did excellent, meticulous CAD work on the As this new edition goes to press, I am again reminded of first edition of this book. Shelley Pecha stepped in to do new the
importance of collaboration. As you, the user of this book, CAD and Revit drawing revisions for the second edition as well look ahead to your career, my hope is that you will find and be as for this edition. As always, Shelley’s speedy and organized able to work with good collaborators. response and work are much appreciated! Thanks to Jamey And
there are those rare collaborators who go above Bowe of River Valley Architects for his work on some of the CAD and beyond. When I became disabled in the last few weeks illustrations in Chapter 8. prior to the deadline for the completion of this edition, it Thank you to Seth Schwartz and Melinda Noack at Wiley for was my longtime colleague,
collaborator, and coauthor who their help and patience. stepped and said, in essence, “you concentrate on getting My family, as usual, paid the price on this project.
Thank you well and I’ll finish it up.” We both knew that was going to be all for putting up with my months of work on this project. Finally, no small feat. One does not find that breed of collaborator I have to say thank you to Courtney Nystuen, one of my favorite on every corner. people, for making this book a reality. I only hope that we have Thank
you, Maureen Mitton. moved beyond “nice try” into “almost excellent” territory. Courtney W. Nystuen Maureen MittonDescription:Residential Interior Design: A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industry-standard reference for all aspects of residential space planning, with a practical focus on accessible design, ergonomics, and how building systems
affect each space. This new third edition has been updated with the most recentSee more ☛ Click [ PDF ] Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces, Third Edition ☚ ▶▶ Download Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces, Third Edition Books Download As PDF : Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces,
Third EditionDetail books :Author : Date : 2016-04-25Page : Rating : 4.5Reviews : 11Category : BookReads or Downloads Residential Interior Design: A Guide to Planning Spaces, Third Edition Now1119013976Residential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces ~ Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard
reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a practical focus on accessible design ergonomics and how building systems affect each space This new third edition has been updated with the most recent code information including the 2015 International Residential Code and the International Green Construction Code and new content on
remodelingResidential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces ~ Residential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces Kindle edition by Maureen Mitton Courtney Nystuen Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Residential Interior Design
A Guide to Planning SpacesResidential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces ~ A practical approach to planning residential spaces Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a practical focus on accessible design ergonomics and how building
systems affect each space This new third edition has been updated with the most recent code information including the 2015 Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces ~ Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a practical focus on
accessible design ergonomics and how building systems affect each space This new third edition has been updated with the most recent code information including the 2015 International Residential Code and the International Green Construction Code and new content on remodelingResidential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces ~ A
practical approach to planning residential spaces Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a practical focus on accessible design ergonomics and how building systems affect each spaceResidential Interior Design – A Guide To Planning Spaces ~ A
practical approach to planning residential spaces Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a practical focus on accessible design ergonomics and how building systems affect each spaceResidential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces ~
Residential Interior Design A Guide to Planning Spaces Third Edition by Maureen MittonResidential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces 3rd ~ A practical approach to planning residential spaces Residential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces is the industrystandard reference for all aspects of residential space planning with a
practical focus on accessible design ergonomics and how building systems affect each spaceResidential Interior Design A Guide To Planning Spaces ~ The completely revised roombyroom guide to home interior design Residential Interior Design Second Edition teaches the fundamental skills that are needed to plan interior spaces for all ii 080311 650
AM ~ edition includes updated information on the International Residential Code and sustainability as well as other updates Intended as a reference for use in the design process this book is meant as an aid in teaching and understanding the planning of residential spaces

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