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Kisi – Kisi PAS Bahasa Inggris

Kelas 3
1. Chapter 1
My Daily Activities (Aktivitas Sehari-hari)

Hello students, How are you today? I hope you are all fine. Today we will learn
about Daily Activities.
Read the sentences below. It shows how we greet people in English
 Hello/Hi (halo/hai)
 My name’s maher (Namaku maher)
 I will tell you about my daily activities (Aku akan menceritakanmu tentang
aktivitasku sehari-hari)
 I get up at 5 o’clock (Saya bangun pukul 5 pagi)
 Then, I do my morning prayer (Kemudian saya sholat)
 I have breakfast with my family (Saya sarapan dengan keluarga)
 I go to school with my dad at 7.00 (Saya pergi ke sekolah pukul 7)
 Thank you (Terimakasih)

Get up Take a bath Study Have breakfast

(Bangun) (Mandi) (Belajar) (Sarapan pagi)
Go to school Go to bed Go home Take a nap
(Pergi ke sekolah) (Tidur) (Pulang) (Tidur siang)
Watch TV
(Nonton TV)

2. Chapter 2
Helping Mummy (Membantu mama)
Help our mummy at home.

Sweep the floor Iron the clothes Make the bed Feed the pet
(Menyapu lantai) (Menyetrika (Merapikan (Memberi
pakaian) tempat tidur) makan hewan)
Wash the Do the dishes Clean the yard Lay the table
clothes (Membersihkan (Membersihkan (Menyiapkan
(Mencuci alat makan) halaman) meja)
3. Chapter 3
Hobbies (Hobi)

Hello students, How are you today? I hope you are all fine. Today we will learn
about hobbies.
Read the sentences below.
Singing Dancing Painting Playing Football
(Menyanyi) (Menari) (Melukis) (Bermain sepak bola)
Reading Swimming Fishing Gardening
(Membaca) (Berenang) (Memancing) (Berkebun)

4. Chapter 4
Want Some? (Mau beberapa?)
Hello students, How are you today? I hope you are all fine. Today we will learn
about fruits.

Kiwis Grapes Pears Jackfruits

(Beberapa kiwi) (Beberapa (Beberapa (Beberapa
anggur) pir) nangka)
Strawberries Mangosteens Pineapples Melons
(Beberapa (Beberapa (Beberapa (Beberapa
stroberi) manggis) nanas) melon)
Read the conversations below. It shows how we greet people in English
 Do you like grape? (Apakah kamu suka anggur?)
 Yes, I like it (Ya, aku suka) / No, I don’t like it (Tidak, saya tidak suka)
 Would you like some pineapples ? (Apakah kamu mau beberapa nanas?)
 Yes, please (Ya, boleh) / No, thank you (Tidak, terimakasih)
Kisi – Kisi PAS Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 2
1. Chapter 7
There are another animals in English and Indonesian Language you should to
know. (Ada binatang lain dalam dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia yang perlu
kamu tahu)
Tame Animals (Binatang Jinak) Wild Animals (Binatang Liar)
Cat = Kucing Bear = Beruang
Dog = Anjing Crocodile = Buaya
Chicken = Ayam Elephant = Gajah
Cow = Sapi Lion = Singa
Rabbit = Kelinci Tiger = Harimau
Duck = Bebek Wolf = Serigala
Fish = Ikan Snake = Ular
Goat = Kambing Giraffe = Jerapah
Sheep = Domba Fox = Rubah
Camel = Unta Whale = Paus
Horse = Kuda Zebra = Zebra
Turtle = Kura – kura Kangaroo = Kangguru
Hamster = Hamster Gorilla = Gorila
Dove = burung merpati Komodo = Komodo

2. Chapter 8
My House (Rumahku)
Have you ever imagine things inside your house in English? It must be fun, let’s
figure it out!

There are 4 main rooms in the house ;

 Living room = Ruang keluarga
 Kitchen = Dapur
 Bedroom = Kamar tidur
 Bathroom = Kamar mandi
Here are some vocabularies that you have to know about things at home.

Things in the living room Things in the bedroom

Sofa = sofa Bed = Kasur

Television = TV Pillow = Bantal
Vase = Vas bunga Blanket = Selimut
Clock = Jam Bed sheet = Sprei
Picture = Foto Praying mat = Sajadah
Door = Pintu Table = Meja
Carpet = Karpet Chair = Kursi
Newspaper = Koran Cupboard = Lemari

Things in the kitchen Things in the living bathroom

Stove = kompor Towel = Handuk
Frying pan = wajan penggorengan Bath tub = Bak mandi
Rice cooker = penanak nasi Closet = Kloset
Knife = Pisau Shower = Penyiram
Oven = oven Soap = Sabun
Refrigerator = kulkas Shampoo = Sampo
Sink = tempat cuci piring Pail = Ember
Teapot = teko Toothbrush = Sikat gigi
Trash can = tempat cuci piring Tooth paste = Pasta gigi
Broom = sapu

3. Chapter 9
My Classroom (Kelasku)
Have you ever imagine things inside your classroom in English? It must be fun, let’s
figure it out!
 My Classroom = Kelasku
Things in the Classroom ;
 Table = Meja
 Chair = Kursi
 Bag = Tas
 Book = Buku
 Pencil = Pensil
 Ereser = Penghapus
 Whiteboard = Papan tulis
Kisi – Kisi PAS Bahasa Inggris
Kelas 1
1. Chapter 6
My Family
The table below shows the family member in English. Read it carefully. (Tabel
dibawah menunjukkan anggota keluarga dalam bahasa inggris. Baca dengan seksama)
Family = Keluarga Sister = Saudara
Grandfather = Kakek Perempuan (Bisa kakak atau
Grandmother = Nenek adik)
Parents = Orang Tua Brother = Saudara laki-laki
Father = Ayah Uncle = Paman
Mother = Ibu Aunt = Bibi
Children = Anak-anak Cousin = Saudara sepupu

2. Chapter 7

There are another animals in English and Indonesian Language you should to
know. (Ada binatang lain dalam dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia yang perlu
kamu tahu)
Tame Animals (Binatang Jinak) Wild Animals (Binatang Liar)
Cat = Kucing Bear = Beruang
Dog = Anjing Crocodile = Buaya
Chicken = Ayam Elephant = Gajah
Cow = Sapi Lion = Singa
Rabbit = Kelinci Tiger = Harimau
Duck = Bebek Wolf = Serigala
Fish = Ikan Snake = Ular
Goat = Kambing Giraffe = Jerapah
Sheep = Domba Fox = Rubah
Camel = Unta Whale = Paus
Horse = Kuda Zebra = Zebra
Turtle = Kura – kura Kangaroo = Kangguru
Hamster = Hamster Gorilla = Gorila
Dove = burung merpati Komodo = Komodo

3. Chapter 8
My House (Rumahku)
Have you ever imagine things inside your house in English? It must be fun, let’s
figure it out!
There are 4 main rooms in the house ;
 Living room = Ruang keluarga
Things in the living room ;
 Sofa = sofa
 Television = TV
 Vase = Vas bunga
 Clock = Jam
 Picture = Foto
 Door = Pintu
 Kitchen = Dapur
 Bedroom = Kamar tidur
 Bathroom = Kamar mandi

4. Chapter 9
My Classroom (Kelasku)
Have you ever imagine things inside your classroom in English? It must be fun, let’s
figure it out!
 My Classroom = Kelasku
Things in the Classroom ;
 Table = Meja
 Chair = Kursi
 Bag = Tas
 Book = Buku
 Pencil = Pensil
 Ereser = Penghapus
 Whiteboard = Papan tulis

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