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Class X


Section A

Multiple Choice Question: 20 x 1

1. Which of the following was the result of the Act of Union 1701?

A) Unification of Germany
B) Unification of the Kingdom of Great Britan
C) Unification of Italy
D) Unification of Vietnam

2. Identify the ideology under which people demanded freedom of markets in Early
19th Century Europe.

A) Romanticism
B) Liberalism
C) Socialism
D) Rationalism

3. In which of the following state is Kalpakkam Nuclear Power Plant located?

A) Gujarat
B) Odisha
C) Kerala
D) Tamil Nadu

4. Which one of the following is a major caste group of Srilanka?

A) Christian and Tamil

B) Buddhist and Hindu
C) Sinhali and Tamil
D) Sinhali and Christian

5. Why did the Indian Government restricted foreign Trade after Independence?

A) To protect domestic producers.

B) To increase competition
C) To know the International level of quality.
D) All the above.

6. If a government provides its Citizens a right and means to examine the process of
decision it is ________

A) An accountable Government.
B) A responsible Government.
C) A Transparent Government.
D) A stable Government.
7. Consider the statements given below and choose the correct answer.

Statement I: Western Printing techniques and mechanical press were imported

in the late 19th Century as western powers established their outposts in China.
Statement II: Beiging became the hub of new print culture, catering to western
style schools.


A) Statement (I) is correct and (II) is correct

B) Statement (I) is incorrect and (II) is correct
C) Both (I) & (II) are incorrect.
D) Both (I) & (II) are correct.

8. Choose the correct pair from the following:

List I List II
A. Courier Tertiary Sector
B. Fisherman Secondary sector
C. Carpenter Primary sector
D. Transporter Secondary sector

9. Arrange the following in Chronological order and choose the correct option.
i) Nepoleonic Wars
ii) The Treaty of Vienna
iii) Greek struggle for Independence
iv) Slav Nationalism in Ottoman empire.

A) iii, ii, i and iv B) i, ii, iii and iv

C) iv,iii,ii and i D) iv, ii, iii and i

10. In which of the following years, Buddhist missionaries from china introduced hand-
printing technology?
(A) 758 - 760 AD (B) 772 - 774 AD

(C) 768 – 770 AD (D) 776 – 778 AD

11. Which is the first project for wildlife conservation in India?

A) Project Elephant B) Project Tiger

C) Project Lion D) None of these.

12. Match the following:

Multipurpose projects River
Salal Project Krishna River
Ranapratap Sagar Chenab River
Nagarjuna Sagar Mahanadi River
Hirakud Chambal River
A) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
B) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
C) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
D) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

13. Two statements are given below as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): Srilanka adopted “Tamil” as official language of the state.

Reason (R): The Govt. of Srilanka adopted a series of majoritarian measures.


(A) Both (A) and ( R ) are ture and “R” is the correct explanation of ‘A’

(B) Both (A) and ( R ) are tue and ‘R’ is the not correct Explanation of ‘A’

(C) ‘A’ is True but ‘R’ is false.

(D) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.

14. 60% of sugar mills are concentrated in which of the following States?

(A) Punjab and Haryana

(B) Maharastra and Gujarat
(C) Uttarpradesh and Bihar
(D) West Bengal and Orissa

15. The larger occurrences of minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks are called

(A) Veins
(B) Lodes
(C) Beds
(D) Layers

16. Which type of the Government exists in the World?

(A) Dictatorship (B) Monarchy
(C) Democracy (D) All the options

17. In which year did the government decide to remove barriers on foreign Trade and
Investor in India.
A) 1993 B) 1992 C) 1991 D) 1990

18. The cost of __________has fallen. This has enabled much greater volumes of
goods being transported by __________.
(A) Air transport, airline
(B) Road transport, four wheelers
(C) Rail transport, railways
(D) None of the above.
19. The secondary sector is also called _____

(A) Organised Sector

(B) Service Sector
(C) Industrial Sector
(D) Public Sector

20. Picture Based Question:

Observe the given picture and answer the question given below:

What does the above picture shows?

a) Stagnan t water being taken from roof through a long pipe
b) Water being taken from the tank through a long pipe
c) Water being taken from a tan ka through a long pipe
d) Water being taken from a neighbour's roof through a long pipe

Section B

Very Short Answer Questions: 4X2=8

21. In what ways Government can increase employment in rural sector?

22. Why did the feeling of alientation increase among the Srilankan Tamils.
23. Analyse the role of Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to unite the regions
of Italy?
24. List any 3 reasons in support of the statement that democratic government is better
than its alternative.?
Section C

Short Answer Based Questions: 5 X 3= 15

25. Provide evidence to support the claim that print culture had a significant impact on
Social lives of women in India?
26. What were the major proposals of the Vienna Congress?

27. How would you differentiate reserved forest and protected forest?

28. Differentiate between Horizontal and vertical division of power

Describe the ethnic composition of Belgium.

29. Explain the objectives of implementing the MGNREGA 2005.

Section D

Long Answer Based Questions: 4 X 5 = 20

30. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective
identity among French People?

Briefly trace the process of German unification.

31. How does democracy produce an accountable responsive and legitimate

Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting
dignity and freedom of individual support the statement.

32. “The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of

manufacturing industries.” Analyse the statement.
Explain the measures to control industrial pollution in India.

33. “Information and communication technology has played a major role in spreading
out products and services across countries”. Support this statement.

Describe the historical changes that have taken place in the sectors of the economy
in the developed countries.

Section E

Case based questions: 3 X 4 =12

34. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Another way of classifying economic activities into sectors could be on the basis of who
owns assets and is responsible for the delivery of services. In the public sector, the
government owns most of the assets and provides all the services. In the private sector
ownership of assets and delivery of services is in the hands of private individuals or
companies. Railways or post office is an example of the Public Sector where as
companies like TISCO and RIL are privately owned. The purpose of the public sector is
not just to earn profits. Government raise money through taxes and other ways to
meet expenses on the services rendered by it. Modern day government spent on a
whole range of activities. There are several things needed by the society as a whole
but which the private sector will not provide at a reasonable cost.

(34.1) The bifurcation in to public and private sector is on what basis?

(34.2) State one reason each as to why railway and post office is counted in
Public sector.

(34.3) State two reasons why public sector is needed in a country like India.

35. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

A dam is barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often
creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. “Dam” refers to the reservoir rather than
the structure. Most dams have a section called a spillway or weir over which or through
which it is intended that water will flow either intermittently or continuously. Dams are
classified according to structure, intended purpose or height. Based on structure and
the materials used, dams are classified as timber dams, embankment dams or masonry
dams, with several subtypes. According to the height dams can be categorized as large
dams and major dams or alternatively as low dams, medium height dams and high

(35.1) What does the word “Dam” actually refer to?

(35.2) Mention any one benefit of a Multi-purpose River Valley Project.

(35.3) How have multi-purpose river valley projects a cause of social

movements? Explain.

36. Red the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Power sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way poitical parties, pressure
groups and movements control or influence those in power. In a democracy, the
citizens must have freedom to choose among various contenders for power. In
contemporary democracies, this takes the form of competition among different
parties. Such competition ensures that power does not remain in one hand. In the
long run, power is shared among different political parties that represent different
ideologies and social groups. Sometimes this kind of sharing can be direct, when
two or more parties from an alliance to contest elections. If their alliance is elected,
they form a coalition government and thus share power. In a democracy, we find
interest groups, such of those traders, businessmen, industrialist, farmers and
industrial workers. They also will have a share in governmental power either
through participation in governmental committees or bringing influence on the
decision-making process.

(36.1) What does competition among different parties ensure?

(36.2) How are interest groups associated with politics?

(36.3) Explain the different forms of power sharing?

37. Map Skill Based Question

a) Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline map of India.
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.

A) The place where Indian Nation Congress session was held in December
B) The place where salt Law was broken by Mahatma Gandhi.

b) On the same outline map of India locate and label any four of the following with
suitable Symbols.

i) Paradwip – Major Sea Port

ii) Noida- Software Technology Park
iii) Salem-Iron and Steel Industry
iv) Kalpakkam-Nucler Power Plat
v) Bhakra Nangal – Dam

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