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Data Modelling


An organized collection of information

Student Records (object)
Student ID First Name Last Name Age Phone Number YOB Email ld

ST001 Abhishek Singh 19 9573627328 1999 [email protected]

ST-002 Daksh Sharma 23 7734278383 1995 [email protected]
ST-003 Vikas Gupta 21 8374673422 1997 [email protected]
ST-004 Priyanka Jain 20 9694060398 1998 [email protected]
ST-005 Saurabh Sharma 18 7234723892 2000 [email protected]

Relational Database vs Salesforce Database:

Relational Database Salesforce Database

Data is stored in tables Database uses objects to store data

Each table comprises of number of Each object comprises of number of fields

columns of particular data type such as
Data is stored in records of objects
text, number or date
Objects can be related with each other
Info is stored in rows of table
using relationship fields
Table can be related which each other
using concept of primary key and foreign

An app is a collection of items that work together to serve a particular function

Salesforce apps come in two flavors: Classic apps and Lightning apps
Classic apps are created and managed in Salesforce Classic

Lightning apps are created and managed in Lightning Experience

You can customize both types of app to match th.e way your
users work

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. By: Tushar Soni
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846 Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
Classic App:
other functionalities
Container for objects, tabs and
provide app functionality
Group of tabs working together to
end user
of related tabs and obiects which are visible tothe
Contain aset

Consists of - Name, logo, ordered set of tabs

Home tab
Simplest App in Classic would have a logo and a

Types of App:

Standard Apps:
App which comes with every instance of salesforce by default
Marketing, Sales, Service,
Ex - App Launcher, Community, Call Center, Content,
Salesforce Chatter, Site.corn

Cannot change Label, descCiption, logo

Custom Apps:
Build to meet the specific business needs
Logo can be added and modified

Console Apps:

Designed and develop to provide superior UI

For fast paced sales and service environments

Users can use many functions at same time without refreshing whole page
Provides partial refresh

Ex - Live agent(Chat), Softphonc(call), VisualForce pages

Access to frequently used data and features

Users can work on multiple items simultaneously

Represented in form of tables

Entity in a database

By: Tushar Soni

Salesforce IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
objects are independent of Apps
vojects will be available for the user for all the apolication he/she has access to or none of them

Types of Objects:
Standard Objects:
Objects included with the salesforce by default
Can't be deleted, can be customlzed
" Ex - Accounts, Leads, Opportunities

Custom Objects:
New objects created to store info unique to organization
Extends the functionality of standard objects

Deleted custom objects appear in the Deleted Objects list for 15 days
Note: Each object in salesforce has built in features like user interface, security, sharing model, etc.


Used toaccess objects (tables) in the Salesforce App

Appear on top of the screen and are similar to atoolbar

Contains shortcut links to multiple objects

On clicking them records in objects are displaycd

All apps have home tab

Standard tabs can be chosen by clicking '+' in tie tab menu

Ex - Account tab will show you the list of accounts

Types of Tabs:

Standard object Tabs:

Display data related to standard objects

Custom Object Tabs:

Display data related to custom objects

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,By: Tushar Soni
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846 Jaipur-302006
Look and function just like standard

Web Tabs:
applications or web page in a salesforce tab
Display any external web-based

VisualForce Tabs:

Display data from visualforce pages

Tab Visibility:

Default On:

Appear on top bar along with other visible tabs

Default Off:

Will be accessed by clicking on '+' icon at the end of all tabs

Tab Hidden:

Neither visible on top bar nor by clicking on '+' symbol

Note: Users can edit it according to their preferences

Points to Remember - Tabs:

Tabs are independent of an application

You can show acustom tab in custom and standard application
You can show a standard tab in custom and standard application
Tab will be available of user either for al! the application he/she has access to or none of them


Represents what the columns represent in relational database

Stores data values which are required for a particular object in records

Types of Fields:
System Fields:
Created and Updated by Salesforce
7 types:
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Salesforce by default create 18-character unique ID for every record
Records in salesforce are identified uniquely using this id
First 3-character represent object
Ex: 001 - Account, 003 - Contact, 005- Users, 006 - Opportunity, 00Q
Last 4 represent record
18Character ID can also be represented as 15-character id (but it'|l be case
Whenever we delete any record value of this field is set as true
Created ByID:
18 Character id of the user who created the record
LastModified ById:
18 Character id of the user who lastly modified the record
Stores Date and Time when the record was created
LastModified Date:
Stores Date and Time when the record was lastly modified
Stores Date and Time when the record was lastly modified manually or pro
Standard Fields:

Four Standard fields in every custom object

Created By

Last Modified By


Field created at the time of creation of object (Record Name)

These fields cannot be deleted

Created by salesforce, updated by user

They are always required

Note: Fields in standard objects cannot be deleted

Custom Fields:

Fields added by administrators / developer to meet business

requirements of any

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
May or may not be days
the Deleted field list for 45
Deleted custom fields appear in

Field Types: have different

Fields within a record can
stored in a field.
Data type controls which type of data can be
data types. For example:

If it is a phone number field, you can choose Phone.

If it is a name or atext field, you can choose Text.

If it is a date/ time field, you can choose Date/Time.

can write predefined values in that field and
By chooSing Picklist as data type for afield, vou
create a drop-down.

Data Types Available for Fields:

AutoNumber Phone

Formula Picklist

Checkbox Picklist (Multi-select)

Currency Text

Date Text Area

DateTime Text Area (Long)

Email Text Area (Rich)

Geolocation Text (Encrypted)

Number Time

Percent URL

Text Fields:

You can create a variety of text fields in your data model

Encrypted fields allow characters to be masked and replaced with "x" or "*" The format of the
masking can be configured as well. Standard users will not be able to see encrypted fields without
the "View encrypted data" permission
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
ext field type Max length # display lines Formatted text Images Links
Text 255 1 No No No
Text (Encrypted) 175 1 No No No
Text Area

Text Area (Long)

32,768 |S1 2-50
No No

Text Area (Rich) 32,768 13] 2-50 Yes Yes Yes


Records corresponds to the row in a Database Table

After delete records stays for 15 days in the recycle bin

Picklist Fields:

Picklist - Allows you to select a value from a list you define

Multiselect Picklist - Allows user to select multiple value from a list you define

Global Picklists:
Global Picklists can be used for sharing a single list of values across many custom picklist fields
It is a restricted picklist
The list of values in global picklist gets locked and cannot be edited on custom picklist fields

To change the values, the global picklist should be edited

Field Dependency:
Whenever we want value of a Picklist Field avaiiable based on another Picklist / Checkbox Field
we establish field dependency

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colny, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846


Datatype Controlling
Standard Picklist Y
Custom Picklist
Custom Multi Picklist
Standard check box N

Custom check box Y N

Dependency - Points to Remember:

Dependent Fields can't have default value, whereas Controlling fields can have default values

FLS for controlling and dependent field aie independent

When creating field dependency with existing fields, it does not affect existing values in records
Controlling Picklists can have only 300options

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9829042846
Used to create link/connection between two or more objects

To relate object with one another

We can make relationship between two objects through relationship field

Different types of relationships between objects in Salesforce determine how they handle data
deletion, sharing, and required fields in page layouts

Relationship Types:

Nuts one-to-one Owners

Bolts cne-to-many Pets

Pets many- to-ne Owners Pets many-to-many Owners

Chp Eugn

Types of Relationships in salesforce

LookUp Master Many to Many

Detail Hierarchical External
(Junction) Indirect
Lookup Lookup

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp.
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846 E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,By: Tushar Soni
Relationship Fields:
Defined while choosing the data type of relationship field
Relationship field is always defined in the child object and are referenced to the common field in
parent object
Creating such links will help you to search and querydata easily when the required data is present
in different objects
Before creating a relationship, you must deternine the type of relationship you want to establish

Master Detail Relationship:

Parent-child relationship in which the master object controls the behavior of the dependent object.
It is a 1:nrelationship (only one parent, but many children)
Closely links objects together such that the master record controls certain behaviors of the detail
and sub detail record
Deleting a detail reeord moves it to the Recycle Bin and leaves the master record intact
Undeleting a detail record restores it
Deleting a master record also deletes related detail and sub detail records
Undeleting a master record also undeletes related detail and sub detail records
If youdelete a detailrecord and later,separately, delete its master record, you cannot undelete
the detail record, as it no longer has a master record to relate to
It can be created on only custom objects (on which there are no records)
Master detail relationship fields stores the record id of the related record
An object can be master of any number of objects
On an object we can create two master detajl relationship field,

Youcan have up to three custom detail levels.

By: Tushar Soni

Salesforce Hatwara Road, Jaipur-su
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital,
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
If an
object has two parentS on it, it can't be parent to any other object

Is this
relationship possible?

Dy default, records can't be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can,

however, allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to
different parent records by selecting the "Allow reparenting" option in the master-detail
relationship definition
The Owner field on the detail and sub detail records is not available and is automatically set to
the owner of the master record

Custom objects on the "detail" side of a master-detail relationship can't have sharing rules,
manual sharing, or queues, as these require the Owner field
Detail and sub detail records inherit security settings and permissions from the master record.
You can't set permissions on the detail record independently.
The master-detail relationship field (which is the field linking the objects) is required on the
layout of the detail and sub detail records
The master object can be astandard object, such as Account or Opportunity, or a customn
Detail object can't be standard object
As a best practice, don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail relationship.
Each custom object can have up to 40 total relationships,
The Related To entry can't be changed after you save the relationship
Ao You can't delete a custom object if it is on the master side of amaster-detail relationship
If you delete and undelete a custom object that is on the
detail side of a master-detail
relationship, the relationship is converted to a lookup relationship

Many-to-Many (Junction) Relationship:

You can use master-detail relationships to model
many-to-many relationships between any two
A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple records
from another object and vice versa
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I., Hospital,
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846 Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006b
Junction Object has two master detail fields on it
That is, a custom junction object can't
Custom junction objects can't have detail obiects.
Decome the master object in a multilevel master-detail relationsiip
associated master record is deleted and placed
Junction object records are deleted when either
deleted, the junction object recoro Is
in the Recycle Bin. Ifboth associated master records are
deleted permanently and can't be restored
iunction object becomes tne primay
eist master-detail relationship you create on vour
ie second master-detail relationship vou create on vour junction object becomes uie
secondary relationship
1 you delete the primary master-detail relationship or convertít to a lookup relationsniP, tie
secondary master object becomes primary
Look and feel and ownership ís inherited from primary object
Because objects on the detail side of a relationship do not have a visible Owner field, this is only
relevant if you later delete both master-detail relationships on your junction object

Lookup Relationship:

Used when you want to create a link between two objects, but without the dependency on the
parent object
Do not support sharing or roll-up summary fields
The lookup field on the child object is not necessarily required.
The child fields will not inherit the owner, sharing and security settings of its parent
lookup object can be either standard or custom
You can make self-lookup relationships

Options available in Lookup:

Making the lookup field required for saving e record, makes it required on the corresponding
page layout as well
If the lookup field is optional, you can specify one of three behaviors to occur if the lookup
record is deleted:

Clear the value of this field: Clears the value of the lookup relationship field if the
related parent record is deleted
Don't allow deletion of the lookup record that's part of a lookup relationship:
Parent records which has child using lookup can't be deleted

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
pelete this record:
not if it's
contained Available only if a custom object contains the
by a
delete) object (This option has to enabledlookup
salesforce support-cascadestandard relationship,
by contacting

Cascade Delete:
Choose when the
completely delete lookup
It can
related field and its associated record are tightly coupled and
you want to
result in a
Cascade-d elete cascade-delete
when the target bypasses security and sharing settings,
To lookup record is deleted even if they don'twhichhavemeans users can delete records
preevent records from being access to the records
Contact Salesforce to get accidentaly deleted,
the cascade-delete option cascade-delete disabled by default

Cascade-delete and its

hours, community, lead,related options are
enabled for your organization.
not available for lookup relationships to business
price book, product, or user

object with itself (with the
exception of the User
want to link a custom object object).
For example, you might
different bugs are related to the same called "Bug" with itself to show
how two
You can create a problem
relationship from an object to itself, but it must be a
single record can't be linked to lookup relationship, and a
You can't create a
on the junction
many-to-many self-relationship, that is, the two
object can't have the same
master object
master-detail relationships

Hierarchical Relationship:
self-lookup relationship available only for the user
It lets user use a
lookup field to associate ore user with another that does not
indirectly refer to itself directly or
External Lookup Vs Indirect Lookups:
External lookup relationship links a child
external object
standard, custom, or external object to a parent
The standard External Id field on the parent
external objects matched against the value of
child's lookup relationship field the

External Object field values comes from 'ush

external data source pur

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846 Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,By: Tushar Soni
parent standard or cus
An Indirect lookup relationship links a child external object to a

Relationship Limits:
aci custom object can have up to two master-detail relationships and many lo0Kup
relationships (Toae 40 cuotom elabenáhP)
tach relationship is included in the maximum number of custom fields allowed
Coslim felon saz)
Converting Relationships:(rhactex to Coete looe up
TOu can convert a master-detail relationship to a lookup relationship as long as no roll-up
summary fields exist on the master object
You c£n convert a lookup relationship to a master-detail relationship, but only if the lookup fild
in all records contains avalue ebild objeef Panenf laue

Lookup Filters:

Lookup filters are administrator settings that restrict the valid values and lookup dialog results
for lookup, master-detail, and hierarchical relationship fields
Only values that match the lookup filter criteria appear in the lookup dialog
Also, users can't save invalid values manually typed in the field when editing the record
If auser tries to save an invalid value, Salesforce displays an error message, which
administrators can customize
Values that match the lookup filter criteria appear in the lookup dialog initially
However, users can click the Show all results link in the lookup dialog to remove the
filter and view all search result values for the lookup field
Also, optional lookup filters ailow use s to save values that don't match the lookup filter
criteria, and Salesforce does not dispay an error message if a user tries to save such

Dependent Lookups:

dependent lookup is a relationship field with a lookup filter that references fields on the
sOurce object
When a user changes the value of a referenced field on the source object, Salesforce
immediately verifies that the value in the dependent lookup still meets the lookup filter criteria
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Boacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, VishnuColony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan)Phone: 9828042846
alue doesn't meet the
criteria, an error message is
cord until the value is valid displayed and users can't save tne

Considerations for Lookup Filters:

Lookup filters are
IT you Convert a
required lookup filter with a custom error
deletes the message message to be optional, SalestorCe
IT you Create alookup filter that invalidates an existing value for that
field, the value persIstS.
HOwever, when a user edits the record, Salesforce displays an error
user to change the invalid value message and requires tne
before saving
TOU cantsave changes that cause required lookup filters on
related records to contain invalid
Versions 16.0 and higher of the Salesforce API SUpport lookup filters.
Lookup filters are
enforced when you load data through the API
JIT you configure a lookup filter to show inactive users only, the relationship field has no
options. Inactive users are never valid for relationship fields that point to the User object
If you create afiltered lookup on a field that looks up to another object, both
objects must be
deployed into the organization at the same time
Lookup field filters don't work if the field criteria include a master-detail relationship field.
Salesforce doesn't display an error message if the value of a controlling field invalidates the
value of a dependent master-detail relationship field.
Dependent lookups are supported in Visualforce pages.
In Lightning Experience, a lookup filter doesn't work if a field referenced in the filtered lookup
isn't added to the page layout
Lookup filter criteria cannot reference the following types of fields on the source object:
Auto number Roll-up summaryY
Encrypted Text
Formula Text area
Long text area UR!
Muiti-seiect picklist

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, BhatiHouse, Vishnu Coloiny, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
Reports and Dashboards
Reports and dashboards provides the answers of the questions which are important for an
For example,

How many leads got converted into accounts?

Which sales team has generated maximum leads?
How many employees got bonus more than 20% this year?
Reports & Dashboards which automatically gives answers to these questions by using the data(records)
present in the different objects in org


Report is a list of records that meet a particular criteria which gives answer to aparticular question.
These records are displayed as a table that can be filtered or grouped based on any field
Management uses the reports to track progress towards its various goals, control expenditure and
increase revenue

Help to predict trends and this is advantage of increasing profits

In we can easily generate reports in different style

We can create reports in very short time

We schedule the reports

Salesforce provides a powerful suit of analytic tools to help you organize, view and analyze your data

Report Types:
Report type determines which set of records will be available in a report

Every report is based on a particular péport type

It is the first thing we select wheD we create a report

Every report type has a primary object and one or more related objects
Al ttrese objects must be linked together either directly or indirectly

A report type cannot include more than 4 objects

Standard report types cannot be changed

Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302000
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
type cannot be changes
Once areport is created its report

Types of Report Types:

Standard Report Types:
Automatically included in with standard objects
With Custom objects if "Allow Reports" is checked
Can't be Customized
Automaticalily include standard and custom field for each object within the report type
Gets created when an obj is created or when arelationship is created
Custom Report Types:

Reporting templates created to streamline the reporting process

Created by an administrator or Users with "Manager Custom Report Types" permission
Cre¡ted when standard report types cannot specifywhich records will be available on reportS
We can specify objects which will be available in aparticular report
The primary object must have a relationship with other objects present in a report type either
directly or indirectly
Object relationships supported by Custom Report Types can:
Include all records that have children.
Include all records that may or may not have children
Once a report type is saved then its primary object can't be changed
Ifthe primary object on a report type is a custom object, and the custom object is deleted, then
the report type and any reports created from it are automatically deleted
Ifyou remove an object from a report type, allreferences to that object and its associated objects
are automatically removed from reportsand dashboards based on that type

Report Builder:

After selecting the report type we switch to report builder to create a report
Report builder isa visual editor for reports

It lets administrators or users create reports in a very easy way

It contains 3 main components:

1. Fields Pane:

Displays the fields that are available from a particular report type
2. Filters Pane:

Allows to set additional filters which limits the records available in reports
Criteria here includes view, time frame and custom filters
3. Preview Pane:
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
Shows how the report will look like
remove columns, summary fields, formulas,
nis pane allows to add, reorder and
and blocks
format and display a chart based on
hiso, t allows to change the report
Preview pane only shows a limited number of records
Run the report to see all the results

Filters in Report Builder:

Type filters, but
have different standard
default to most objects. Different objects object around common
Standard Standard filters are applied by Field. Show filters the
standard filters Show and Date Created Date or Last
Filter most objects include the accounts"). Date Field filters by a field (such as
accounts or "All
groupings (like "My "All Time" or "Last Month").
Activity) and a date range (such as
other areas of the
application. For each
available for reports, list views, workflow rules, and reports, you can draga field from
Field Field filters are
value. VWith tabular, summmary, and matrix
Filter filter, set the field, operator,
pane to add a report filter.
the Fields pane to the Filters
field filter before
evaluated. Youmust add at least 1
conditions to control how field filters are
Filter Add Boolean
Logic applying filter logic.
by fields
Add subfilters to further filter
the child object using WITH or WITHOUT Conditions. Opportunities, click Add
Filter a report by Accounts with
example, if you have a cross filter of
include those
on the child object. For Subfilter to only
Filter Opportun ity Name equals ACME
Opportunity Filter and create the
and the
then choose afield to sort by
maximum number of rows to display,
For tabular reports, select the dashboard table or chart component, if
report as the source report for a
Limit sort order. You can use a tabular
you limit the number of rows it

Types of Report Formats:

1. Tabular Reports:
Most basic report format
grand total
Just displays the row of records in a table with
charts and also cannot be
While easy to setup they can't be used to create groups of data or
used in Dashboards*

Mainly used to generate a simple list or a list with grand total

2. Summary Reports:
Most commonly used type of report
Allows grouping of rows of data, view subtotals and create charts
3. Matrix Report:
Most complex report format
Summarizes information in grid format
Allows records to be grouped by both columns and rows
Salesforce By: Tushar Soni
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-3020 06
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
generate dashboards
Can be used to report
in this type of
Charts can be added
4. Joined Reports: report types
views of data from multiple
Let's us create
Data is organized in blocks fields, columns, sorting and
sub report with its
Eàch block acts as a different views
data from multiple report types in
Used to show
Bucket Formulas Object
Report Charts Formulas
Supported in Fields
Report Primary Use Case Dashboards Supported

Make a list

Group and summarize


Group and summarize,

by row and column

Joined Show reports side-by

side, in blocks

*Row limit required.

Report Scheduling:
parameters of the report get saved
When we save a report only the
(when a report is run)
Data is always evaluated at real time
based on the running
be scheduled to run automatically
Report can be run manually as well as it can

running user's sharing and security settings

Data which is displayed in reports is based on the
running user based on whose security and sharing
But when we schedule a report we have to select a
settings the report is generated

Report Folder:

Every report is saved in a particular folder

Users who have access to the report folders can run the report

Each user, group or role can have its own level of access to a folder

By: Tushar Soni

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
There are 3 types of access levels of
1, Viewer:

Users can see the data in areport

But Cannot make any
Except cloning it into a new report
2. Editor:

Users can view and modify the reports it contains

Can also move them to/from any other folders they have access level as Editor or Manager
3. Manager:
With this access level users can do everything Viewers &Editors can do, plus they can
also control other user's access level to this folder
Users with Manager Access level can delete the report

Note: By default, a person who creates a folder is the Manager of that folder

If a folder does not have Manager Access then it is public and users with "View Reports in Public
folders" can view it

Depending of their object access these users can run the report
Reports present in public folders can be emailed to Salesforce users

If user is not ready to share his/her report then he/she should save it in "My Personal Custom Reports"

Reports can be exported in .xlsSX and .csv format

Report displays up to 2000rows of data

Larger reports can be emailed to Excel

Auser cannot create a report on an object he/she does not have access to


Dashboards are graphical representation of reports

It shows data fromsource reports as visual components

These components provide a snapshot of key metrics and performance indicators of the organization at
a glimpse

Dashboard Components:

Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road,By: Tushar Soni
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846 Jaipur-302006
Used for showing comparisons
Following are the types of charts:
Line Chart
Vertical Bar Chart
Horizontal Bar Chart

Used for showing lists. For example, top five or bottom five opportunities
Used to show progress towards a goal
Used to shows a single number like a grand total from a report with a label specified
Used to showvisualforce component as a dashboard. It is used to pull data from other
data sOurces

Dashboards display data as per last time report was run

Each dashboard can have up to 20 components

Access to dashboards are determined by 2 things:

Running User

Visibility of Dashboards:

Visibility of dashboards is also based on the folders in which they are stored

Only the users have aCcess to folder can run the dashboard

Running User:
security and sharing
The data which will be available on dashboards is based on running user's

Who can be the running user:

Running User can be set to:

By: Tushar Soni
Opp. E.S.I. Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd. 43, Bhati House, Vishnu
(Rajasthan) Phone: 9828042846
Run as specified user:
user's security and sharing
It shows the data on dashboard accordina to the specified
Settings irrespective of the security and sharing settings of user running
All users who have access to the dashb0ard can see the same data
Run as Logged-in user:
sharing settings
on the running user's security and
1t showS data on dashboard based
It makes the dashboard dynamic

Dashboards - Points to Remember:

The dashboard data is based upon the reports data

the drill-down report for a dashboard component, running user's
But when a user views
on the drilldown report
permissions determine what data is displayed
match the associated dashboard
is possible that the data in the drill down report does not
Hence it
and email
Dashboards also support automatic refresh
weekly and monthly basis
It can be scheduled on daily,

By: Tushar Soni

Hospital, Hatwara Road, Jaipur-302006
Bodacious IT Hub Pvt. Ltd, 43, Bhati House, Vishnu Colony, Opp. E.S.I.
(Rajasthan)Phone: 9828042846
Web directory where apps built on the platform are available to
customers to browse, demo, review, and install

Developers can submit their apps for listing on the AppExchange directory if they want to share
them with the community

Options to install are either production or sandbox (test env)

AppExchange marketplace:

Managed {Protected components, can be updated by publishing developer)

Unmanaged {Static, cannot be upgraded by the publishing developer}

Permission needed for AppExchange:

Create AppExchange Packages: This profile permission allows a user to create packages that
can be uploaded to the AppExchange. However, this permission alone, will not allow auser to
upload packages

Upload AppExchange Packages: A user profile cannot have the "Upload" permission without also
having the "Create" permission

Download AppExchange Packages: This permission allows a user to download/install listed

or components from the AppExchange

AppExchange installation best practices:

Check Edition Compatibility

Maximum Custom Object/Custom Tab Requirements

Checking External Services:
If the custom App you wish to download has a reference to an
external service, make
sure yOu have access to that service

For example: An App that has links to Google

Maps for account management. Access to
Google Maps would be required for this service to work
Test Drive: As a read only user

To further test the app beyond the

constraints ofa read only user, it is recommended that you
first install the App into either a Developer
Edition organization, or a Sandbox Edition org

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